The Arrogance of the Left

The arrogance of the these Left wing kooks never ceases to amaze and astound me.

At the bottom of this editorial is a link.  I urge you to read it.  But. pease, do not feed the trolls.  Read it, understand what this fool is saying, and then comment here or on the American Patriot Reality Check Facebook Page.  (

Here’s a guy who out and out says exactly what we’ve been saying all along. That the “State” will “come take out guns” through the use of “militarized police”.

He goes on to state how he coolly handles those of us who say “You can have my guns when you pry them from my cold, dead fingers”. He says, “Oh, they will, and you’ll be dead in a pool of your own blood”.

Where his arrogance ends however is that we aren’t in this to play dead, or get dead, or to be the first to fire the “next shot heard ’round the world”.

We are in this for our Rights. Yes, that “Second Amendment” Right, and his blithering idiot “First Amendment” right. And all of the other of the first ten in the Bill of Rights.

The government, and it’s minions have NO rights to come take the guns “For the common good”. This is not a “Commonwealth”. America is neither a Monarchy where we are all “subjects” to a king, nor a Socialist State (Although so many of them like to THINK we are).

America is a Representative Constitutional Republic. We are not ruled by theocrats, autocrats, kings, emperors or the people we send to Washington, to the Capitols or the County Seats. We rule OURSELVES through those we place in office.

If, at this point the Left, Politicians and political appointees wish to test this theory, then Thomas Jefferson, one of America’s first “Bad Asses” said it first and I’ll repeat it for emphasis…. and I quote, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

Please, JIM KARGER, please understand that you too will be one of the masses lying there in a pool of your own blood, shot dead by the other side because you chose the wrong side to stand. And truthfully, you may fall victim to your beloved “State” because the second that most-hated “Second Amendment” goes away, you have nothing left to protect your “First Amendment” from the “State” masters.

Be the American Public so misguided, so ill-informed and so uneducated that they believe only that which is fed them by the media, the so-called Fourth Estate? The Media, the Press, the people who stood toe-to-toe with corrupt politicians in the past now stand behind them and take whatever they are fed, and then in turn feed that to a populous of sheep?

Another thing Mr. Jefferson said was, “I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.”

Right he was. Until the future came upon men and women mindlessly caught up in the Battle of the Stars, Television and all sorts of other distraction.

I leave you with these thoughts my friends… be you a wise man, or poor, rich or idiot, none can do better for their country than to stand by it in tough times. That you stand by your country does NOT mean you follow all the laws, corrupt as they may be, or orders from on high, placed upon you as if you were a subject to a King. None of us are by birth slaves. No one in this country living today is a slave and none of shall be slaves again. But if, like Mr. Karger, one chooses such a path then Sam Adams said it best.

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
― Samuel Adams

When They Come For Your Guns, You Will Turn Them Over

San Bernardino California Shootings – 2 December 2015

Edit: Just reported: One of the San Bernardino shooters is Farooq Saeed per police radio chatter.

I have been warning in this forum and others for Americans to ARM themselves.

We now have a mass casualty event in California, the number one anti-gun, gun-free zone in the United States.

Details are very sketchy, but we know this:

At 11:00 AM California time, at least three men, possibly dressed in black clothing and carrying “long guns” and “tactical stuff” walked into a building in San Bernardino, CA and began shooting people.  The even lasted approximately three minutes and these apparently well-trained terrorists vacated the premises, jumped into a dark SUV of some sort.

The faces of the men were covered by masks.

Fourteen people are dead, dozens more are injured.

Phones were shut down for some reason. (This was just reported as I am listening to the news, information coming from witnesses).

A week ago, or just less I warned people to carry weapons.  Apparently Americans aren’t listening.  Why are you not listening?

This event was a planned event.  It was either:


B) Al Qaeda

C) Obama planned or Hillary Clinton Planned to bring out the big guns against Guns.

These were military trained people.  This was a barbaric act.  These men are most LIKELY ISIS.

They walked in and murdered a lot of people and left without being seen by authorities.  They planned this well, and they got away with it.

If this is an Obama-Thing, it is an evil thing.  The men, I promise you were not 40-something-White-Christian, Right-Wing, Gun-Owning Males.  I PROMISE you they were not.

These were hired men who did this mission to call out the Congress to attack guns in America, or they were ISIS terrorists.

My money is on the latter, and my hopes and prayers is that these were NOT people working for the current political establishment.

If, however, tomorrow suddenly Congress is meeting to address this issue and putting out various bills to ban guns, then you can bet your ASS Obama and the Presidency is involved.  (He did say he was planning to take care of the “gun problem” in America before he left office…).

If that’s the case, my friends, America is in very, very deep shit and we’re about to go to war internally.  There will be a Civil War over disarming American Citizens.  Hillary wants it. Obama wants it.  Various others want it. Some in Congress, and every Liberal and Progressive out there wants guns banned.

Americans… ARM YOURSELVES.  Liberals, either you’re with the Constitution or against it.  Progressives… don’t go there.  Military personnel, watch your orders.  Cops, watch your orders.  Constitutional Means Constitutional.  Oath Keepers, keep them straight.

Christmas is coming and so is ISIS.

Now, for those who do NOT believe this country was based on Christianity…. look around you, look at Islam and what they want to do to this country.  Look at terrorism as a whole, not breaking it down or comparing it to the very, very few “White Christians” who’ve done insane things.  Look at the MILLIONS killed by Islam.

Look at yourself and know… Civilization is going to fall if we Americans do NOT stop this.


Paris – Friday the 13th Terror attack

Well, my “retirement” lasted a few hours at best.

On Friday the 13th 2015, Paris suffered multiple, coordinated attacks killing one hundred-thirty people, murdered by Islamic kooks. Nearly five hundred were injured as multiple gun shots went off, grenades and vest bombs were detonated. For anyone that has either followed me or folks like me, the warnings have been there for America for several years, since 9-11.

The warnings included exact scenarios such as this one.  The warnings have also stated that they will come to America, Canada, Germany, the UK and any other place they feel they can get in a few good licks.  These people are fanatics, and will bide their time preparing for their one, and ultimate attack because they know they won’t get a second one.

Americans across the United States have had enough of the crap coming from the White House, the lack of ANYTHING coming from Congress and have decided collectively that this is war.  The President won’t declare it.  Congress is impotent to do anything, but Americans have decided they will NOT take what happened in Paris laying down or with their heads in the sand.

At this point in time, thousands and thousands of Americans have armed themselves waiting for that one, stinking Muslim to pull a trigger in a grade school, a mall, a movie theater, the local coffee shop or on some random street.  If it happens woe unto those so-called “moderate Muslims” who sat on their asses, imagining they were helping by pretending to be indignant over ISIS (or radical Islam).

Most of us have given up asking, or telling these people they need to cull out the bad people themselves.  They have not done so, so most of us have come to the conclusion there is no such thing as a Moderate Muslim.  In fact, in my own visitations to some of the ME, I can assure you that in the 1970s there were “moderates”, but if they existed then, they are long gone now.  They were the ones culled from their society long ago.  Now, America faces a new dilemma.

America faces our OWN President bringing these alleged “refugees” from Syria.  Paris’ own attackers included at least one of those “refugees”.  The attackers also included a “French Citizen”, a Muslim.  Interesting, no?

Stand firm America.  Stand and prepare, because our time is coming.

Somewhere in the United States, Britain, Canada or Australia there will come an attack soon on a scale similar if not dwarfing, the one that occurred in Paris a few days ago.

And yes, it will make you sick.  If you think that the murderer who killed little children in Sandy Hook was bad, wait until the agents of Islam step into the arena.

Our children are at risk.

Our malls are at risk.

Movie theaters, sports stadiums, playgrounds, busy cities, intersections and any other location that “looks soft” are at risk.

We’ve listened for too long to the President and members of Congress attempting to disarm us.  We’ve had far too many Left Leaning kooks whining about “gun control” and too many cities that have gone for too long as “gun free zones” having dozens murdered each weekend (can anyone say “Chicago” for instance).  We have had Pelosi, Reid and Feinstein trying to ban our guns.  We’ve had President Obama trying.

And Obama believes that “Climate Change” (another name for “Global Warming”) is more dangerous than terrorism.

And Obama calling gun owners, NRA members and “the rich” dangerous.

And the FBI placing regular people on “watch lists” because they disagree with the President (Wonder how that happens? In a place that declares our ability to disagree with our government sacrosanct?)

I’m not “fear mongering”.  I’m telling the God’s honest truth here.  We are going to be attacked somewhere in this country.  Soon.  Like Paris.

But, know this, this country is so large and so spread out and is larger than all of Europe put together so it will be difficult for a terrorist group like ISIS to do anything other than small, localized attacks.  Unless they spread such attacks across the US and coordinate them all.

That will be difficult at best, but not impossible.  Obviously, it’s not impossible, as Paris proves.

However, expect any attacks in the USA to be focused on one city, probably New York, or some other large metro area worth hitting to kill as many as possible with guns, bombs and fire.

If they terrorists are smart, they will spread what teams they have across the country, coordinate the attacks in several cities at once.  Malls would be good, around Christmas.  39 days until Christmas.  Black Friday at the malls.

Is this GOING to happen?  Probably not tomorrow. But it will.  The second we let our guard down.

Am I suggesting we stay home and hide? No.

I AM suggesting that we prepare.  If you can do so legally, carry a weapon.  On your person, in your car, around you somewhere.  If you can’t legally – I won’t make suggestions for you. You can figure things out for yourselves.

But if ONE school is attacked by these heathens and someone in your community has prevented you from being able to help by denying your basic, human rights to keep and bear arms then you should take immediate steps to stop the attackers, and then remove whomever that was from holding office any longer (or in the future if possible).

I am warning everyone in this country now; in particular Leftists, Marxists, Progressives, the sissy Liberals and whiny Victims, it’s time to put up or shut up.  You are either Americans, or you Ain’t.

By that I mean, this is a Capitalist, Christian-based, Constitution-founded Republic.  Love it, or Leave it.  Stop trying to CHANGE IT.

Muslims:  Be warned.  If you’re brethren try anything here, there will be no stopping pissed off Americans from running you all out of this country once and for all, back to your bombed out, stone-aged countries.  Or outright running you into the ocean.  If you’re truly one of those alleged “Moderates” you’d better stand up, be counted and point out the fanatics before you find yourselves standing next to them in a jail cell or dead because you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time.

France; While you have at times been the brunt of our jokes about being “cowards” we all know that this was not meant for the people of your country, but for your leaders who have shown themselves in the past to be just that.  The people of the United States of America stand with you against the enemies of the West.

Western Civilization is being threatened at its very core right now by Islam.  This has happened in the past.

Each time Muslims have invaded Europe, France, Britain, Italy and Spain, the world has answered with a war.  Each time the war was called “The Crusade” for good reason, to shove the animals back to where they belonged.

This time, in modern times, if it comes to that, there will be no stopping the West this time.  Islam will cease to exist.  Korans will not only be burned, but those preaching them, issuing fatwas and attacking others’ religions will be as well.  This is my prediction.

I do not wish to see the world immersed again in fire, but the fires will be the fires of hell and nuclear damnation this time.  There will not be shiny armor and swords, spears and men on horses.  There will be fire from the sky, lead from the weapons of determined and rough agents of God.  There will be no “Rules of Engagement” other than the timely words of a Knights Marshal overseeing such a battle as between two knights of the Round Table of “LAY ON”.

There will be no prisoners.

The world be warned.

Armageddon approaches.

Putin Builds Naval and Army Base on Wrangel Island – Owned By the US

Putin Builds Naval and Army Base on Wrangel Island – Owned By the US

January 26, 2015

In 2014 Russia unloaded block-modules on Wrangel Island and Cape Schmidt for the construction of military camps. The complex is being erected in the form of a star. (Moscow Times)

In May 1881 US explorers approached Jeannette Island, Wrangel Island and Henrietta Island in the Arctic Ocean and claimed them for the United States.

But according to the Obama Department of State no claim exists today over these US islands. In fact the State Department is conspiring with Russian President Putin to give away Wrangel Island to Russians. Wrangel and its 200 mile exclusive economic zone (EEZ) has billions of barrels of oil/gas reserves and hundreds of millions of pounds of fisheries. It also has a strategic military location for tracking Russian moves in Arctic.

The Coast Guard is a component of the Department of Homeland Security.
It unequivocally states:

“On 12 August 1881, he [William Reynolds] was at the head of the party that landed on what would be later named Wrangel Island and took
possession of the island in the name of the United States.”

The State Department keeps on pumping out false and misleading statements in a supposed “Fact Sheet”. The actual facts are presented at

Now, Vladimir Putin has begun construction of a naval base and army base on Wrangel without so much as a peep from the State Department or President Obama. Something is tragically wrong here.

Background facts here and here.

The State Department has undertaken the giveaway with Putin in the guise of a maritime boundary agreement between Alaska and Siberia. But as an executive agreement, it could be reversed with the stroke of a pen by President Obama or Secretary Kerry.

The agreement was negotiated in total secrecy. The state of Alaska was not allowed to participate in the negotiations, Congress was not notified, nor was the public given any opportunity for comment. The Alaska Legislature has passed resolutions of opposition, and so has California’s legislature.

President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry could stop the giveaway with the stroke of a pen. But they won’t.

Doomsday Clock

Doomsday clock inches forward to three minutes from catastrophic Midnight

The end of civilisation is nigh, according to ‘doomsayers’. Picture: Thinkstock. Source: News Limited

DOOMSAYERS, prepare your bunkers. The ‘Doomsday Clock’ is ticking.

The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, a group founded by the creators of the atomic bomb, say the world is now three minutes from a catastrophic midnight and the closest it has been in 30 years.

The clock moved forward two minutes, citing global warming and the proliferation of nuclear weaponry as the world’s greatest threats.

Atomic testing in the 1950s saw the Doomsday Clock move closer to midnight than it has ever been. Picture shows testing in the Australian outback. Source: News Corp Australia

“This is about Doomsday; this is about the end of civilisation as we know it,” Bulletin executive director Kennette Benedict said.

“The probability of global catastrophe is very high, and the actions needed to reduce the risks of disaster must be taken very soon.”

The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists was created in 1945 and the clock first appeared two years later on the Bulletin’s magazine cover. The minute hand has moved as far from midnight as 17 minutes (1991) but was once just two minutes away (1953).

Climate scientist Richard Somerville said a ‘major climatic disruption’ could be imminent. Picture: Cliff Owen / AP Source: AP

The last time the clock was at three minutes to midnight was in 1983 during the Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union.

Richard Somerville, a member of the 20-member board of scientists at the Bulletin, said the burning of fossil fuels will lead to a “major climatic disruption globally”.

‘The urgency has nothing to do with politics or ideology,” Dr Somerville said.

“It arises from the laws of physics and biology and chemistry”.


See the book on “Basic Survival and Communications Skills in the Aftermath”.  Kindle digital format.



A Doomsday Plane Reminder: Nuclear Weapons Haven’t Gone Away

Here’s a news item you may have missed over the holidays. The “doomsday planes” are being upgraded. Four E-4B flying command posts that would be used by U.S. leaders to manage military operations in a nuclear war will receive communications upgrades to enhance their “connectivity” during a conflict that could spell the end of civilization as we know it.

The reason you may have missed the story is that almost nobody besides reported it. National media were too busy covering more weighty matters like the efforts of North Korean agents to suppress a Sony film farce that insults the Dear Leader, and the attack on a French satirical magazine by a motley crew of extremists. How could nuclear Armageddon compete with that?

In fairness, the proposed upgrades to the “national airborne operations center” are just part of a routine reprogramming request that the Pentagon has submitted to Congress. But how often does any facet of the nation’s nuclear complex see the light of day in national media? Other than cheating scandals and an occasional misplaced weapon, the media have ceased paying attention to the most likely way in which America might one day disappear forever.

America’s military hasn’t. One of the four doomsday planes is kept on continuous alert and manned at all times. The planes are designed to stay airborne as long as a week with aerial refueling. All of the on-board equipment is hardened against nuclear effects, including the cockpit windows which are covered with mesh similar to that on your microwave oven. If called into service because of a nuclear crisis, the heavily modified Boeing 747s could each carry a crew of over a hundred specialists for managing the conflict, with communications transmitted through satellite uplinks and a wire antenna trailing five miles behind the plane. If the president and defense secretary have been killed, there are plans in place for devolving command to the most senior official still available.

U.S. military planners take this threat so seriously that when the president goes overseas, one of the doomsday planes always follows. It needs to be nearby at all times, as does the military aide within a few yards of the president carrying nuclear launch codes and communications gear. Similar provisions have been made in Russia, which maintains most of its intercontinental ballistic missiles on a high state of alert for fear of losing them in an American first strike.

The Russians are improving the survivability of their long-range missiles by deploying more of them on mobile launchers that can’t be targeted as easily as fixed silos. But you probably haven’t heard about that either, so let me tell you a bit about them. Most of the missiles will likely be equipped with four warheads that can be independently targeted. We don’t know what the explosive force of each warhead is, however a typical yield for the Russian strategic force is around 500 kilotons — equivalent to half a million tons of conventional high explosives.

There’s nothing conventional about nuclear weapons, though. When a conventional munition is exploded, it heats the immediate vicinity by a few thousand degrees. The heat of a nuclear blast at its center is more akin to tens of millions of degrees. So if one of those 500-kiloton warheads is exploded a mile above Boston or Dallas, everything within a one-mile radius is destroyed, heavy damage extends to three miles, and fires will be widespread out to five miles. Not that it will matter to most of the people near ground zero — they will be killed immediately by blast effects or a wind-spread firestorm that expands faster than they can escape (initial wind speed: 700 miles per hour). People further away will linger longer before succumbing to the effects of prompt and delayed radiation. Electronic devices will be shut down for a hundred miles in every direction due to the electromagnetic pulse generated by the blast.

And that’s just the effects from one nuclear warhead. Russia has over 2,000 nuclear warheads capable of reaching America, a fact that will not change materially if pending arms-control agreements are implemented. That’s actually a big improvement from where things stood at the end of the Cold War, when Russia had over 40,000 strategic and tactical nuclear weapons in its arsenal; the number has shrunk by 90% today if you don’t count the weapons awaiting disassembly.

However, there things are likely to sit for the foreseeable future, because as you undoubtedly have heard, Washington and Moscow aren’t getting along these days. In fact, the relationship is going so poorly that many in the Russian capital fear an attack from the West, which is one reason why strategic rocket forces are kept on a high state of alert. The likelihood of new arms agreements in such circumstances is not high. Besides, U.S. arms-control strategy is grounded in a series of assumptions about how to stabilize the strategic balance that requires giving Russia an “assured destruction” capability against America, so arms agreements aren’t going to eliminate the specter of nuclear war. U.S. military experts figure that if the arsenals on each side fall much below a thousand “deliverable” warheads, cheating would be encouraged by the prospect of achieving military advantage in a future nuclear exchange.

Thus the main protection Americans have against Russian nuclear aggression today is Moscow’s awareness that the U.S. force could ride out a surprise attack and then retaliate by laying waste to the Motherland. That strategy appears likely to work well as long as Russian leaders are rational and don’t make miscalculations in a crisis. If they are crazy, or prone to mistakes, or lose control of their arsenal during a period of instability — well, then all bets are off. You see, a corollary assumption of the way the U.S. currently practices nuclear deterrence is that America’s own homeland can’t be well-defended. That might make Russians worry about the credibility of their deterrent, leading to a destabilizing arms race.

So here we are, apparently doomed to live with the possibility of nuclear war indefinitely. Just ten of the warheads in the Russian arsenal, optimally targeted, could collapse the U.S. electric grid. Fifty would be sufficient to render uninhabitable every U.S. city with a population of over half a million souls. Two hundred would effectively wipe out the U.S. economy, destroying all major transportation, communications, medical and financial networks. There is no guarantee that the nation could ever recover from such a catastrophe (maybe China could pick up the pieces).

Why doesn’t this story get more attention, since it’s the only manmade threat that really could wipe out our civilization? One possible reason is that people think nuclear war is very improbable – a failure of imagination, as Thomas Friedman put it after the 9-11 attacks. Another reason, perhaps, is that they’ve simply gotten used to the danger, and prefer not to think about the unthinkable. But a third possibility, which would be worth testing, is that a majority of Americans believe they are defended against nuclear attack, even though in the common-sense definition of that term they are not.

Somehow, Americans have arrived at a time in their history when they spend hundreds of billions of dollars shoring up the security of countries on the other side of the world, but have almost no protection against the one danger that could obliterate everything they cherish. This isn’t just a catastrophe waiting to happen, it is a political cause waiting to be embraced.

Martin Mawyer: U.S. Islamic Terrorist Groups Protected By The Constitution

Law enforcement has documented 35 Islamic compounds in U.S.

The founder and president of the Christian Action Network, Martin Mawyer, was a guest on Fox News Channel’s Hannity where he said there are 35 terrorist training compounds scattered throughout the United States under the lead of Sheikh Gilani and governed by Muslims of America. Mayer explained that these groups are protected by the U.S. Constitution.

“We spent two-and-a-half years investigating this group and during that time we interviewed law enforcement about why these groups, why these facilities were allowed to exist in the United States. We got a host of reasons, but the number one reason is they are protected by the U.S. Constitution and they are protected by state constitutions in the United States. Really, law enforcement’s hands are tied in trying to shut these groups down.”

Mawyer said he believes these groups are planning another attack on Americans.


Terror Camps in the US

This is for awareness for everyone.

Original Link.  Normally I won’t copy an entire article, but in this case, it needs to get out and not everyone reads WND.  I posted another article just before this one that mentions a book, and this very same thing.  The author has personally visited some of the sites and filmed there.


Free Book Tomorrow

#survival #teotwawki #aftermath #Hamradio #communications #prepper

Wednesday Only.  Free Kindle Book.

Get your FREE copy on Wednesday.  I highly recommend this book.  Put it on your kindle.  If you do NOT have a kindle you can read it with a kindle app on your computer, but it’s a great addition to your survival books.

The author covers things like ham radio and various other radio services, scanners and even some basic survival skills.  The book is for all ages, all levels of preparedness and whether you’re an expert or novice you should find this book helpful.  The author covers the material in a sometimes humorous manner, but hits the important points.

Mr. Donaldson emphasizes the use of the personal computer in all cases, YOUR BRAIN, which will not be taken out by an EMP, or blizzard.  Survival is not about tools and collections of stuff, but using your mind.  But he does say that a good gun in your bug out bag will probably come in handy. (Personally, I think a good gun on my hip is better than one in my bug out bag, but that’s me).


Basic Survival and Communications Skills in the Aftermath

As a ham radio operator, I highly recommend this book!
Check out this book in the Amazon store. If you’re any sort of Prepper, whether you’re new at it or an old hand, you might want to read this and keep a copy of it on your kindle or eReader.  This is only available right now in the Kindle Store and in digital format.  The author tells me he is planning to come out in other reader formats later (after his contract with Kindle expires).
The book covers radio systems and communications, and discusses various “End of the World” scenarios.  Even the author doesn’t believe most of them will occur (Alien invasion was one he mentions) but certainly it gets you thinking about what might be!

Spread of Ebola

The Spread: Here’s Where People Are Being Tested for Ebola (with Results)

The Daily Sheeple
October 3rd, 2014Ebola-Hospital-Preparatio-494963

Over 114 people have now been or are currently being tested for Ebola in the U.S. With all of the myriad rumors and potential cases of Ebola out there, it’s important to remember that not every single person tested is going to be positive. This article was started in an attempt to list new potential cases, and our staff will update it with results as soon as they come in.



Ashoka Mukpo, the cameraman who contacted Ebola in Liberia while on shoot for NBC News last week, is currently headed for treatment at Nebraska Medical Center’s specialized isolation unit. (source)


A Spanish nurse who treated a priest in Madrid who died of Ebola is suspected to be the first case of the disease contracted outside West Africa, media in Spain reported on Monday, citing sources within the country’s health authorities.

Spanish newspaper El Pais and radio Cadena Ser were among those who said the nurse had tested positive for Ebola in initial tests and officials were awaiting final results. (source)


Florida: is reporting that a teenager from West Africa was taken to Jackson Memorial Hospital on Sunday after exhibiting signs of Ebola, but the city of Miami Beach said preliminary results are negative. The test specimen is being sent to the CDC for a confirmation test.


Fox News is reporting that a patient with Ebola-like symptoms is being treated at a hospital in Delaware.


KCTV 5 News is reporting that officials at the Kansas City Health Department are currently monitoring a patient for “a contagious virus,” but it is “extremely unlikely that this person has Ebola because of their travel history and lack of symptoms. It is unknown at this time what the patient is suffering from or if anyone else is sick.”  (source)


Two Yale University graduate students who have been over in Liberia working to develop an Ebola tracking system for the government will be voluntarily isolating themselves when they return to the U.S. this weekend. (source)


A patient with a history of travel from West Africa is currently being evaluated under isolation at UMass Memorial Medical Center on Saturday night. Although hospital officials say it is likely not Ebola, they are isolating until tests can confirm this. (source)


The Dallas Fire-Rescue ambulance crew who transported the man infected with Ebola to the hospital have tested negative for the Ebola virus, according to the City of Dallas.

The City of Dallas said Tuesday that the crew took all safety precautions and was isolated and tested following the discovery.

The three members of the ambulance crew are restricted to their homes while their conditions are observed and while the virus’ incubation period passes. (source)


Health officials are investigating a possible case of Ebola at Primary Children’s Hospital in Utah, it has been confirmed.

The patient, who has not been identified, had recently traveled to a country in Africa where transmission of the Ebola virus has not yet been reported, chief of pediatric infectious diseases Dr Andrew Pavia told a press conference.

He said the patient was admitted on Wednesday and insists it is unlikely they have the deadly virus.

Tests taken today have been sent to the CDC’s headquarters for evaluation as part of the hospital’s test. (source)


News has been circulating via a comment on YouTube from a supposed Iowa hospital worker that a child under observation at a nearby hospital had been tested for Ebola, results forthcoming. The worker was reportedly told along with staff to expect a positive result and react accordingly.

No word on the child, but a story was published on KCCI 8 News out of Des Moines that went out yesterday began with this:

People continue to email and call KCCI on Thursday saying they’ve head of Ebola patients in a Des Moines hospital.

The rumors are false, health officials said.

“IDPH confirms there are no cases of #Ebola in Iowa. Social media reports of Ebola in Iowa are untrue,” wrote Iowa Department of Public Health on Twitter. (source)

Interesting because the YouTube comment did not mention confirmed Ebola patients. It only mentioned that a child suspected of possibly having Ebola had been tested for it…


Two patients in Virginia were tested for Ebola after displaying possible symptoms, however state health officials believe they do not have the virus.

The two Virginians met the travel criteria identified by the Centers for Disease Control, NBC12 has learned.

According to the Virginia Department of Health, one patient is from northwest Virginia. The other patient tested is from eastern Virginia. The tests as of late Friday have not indicated the Ebola virus in either patients. The Department of Health said Friday there are no confirmed cases of the deadly virus in the Commonwealth.

Both patients were isolated from the general population, but were not ordered to be quarantined. The patients had traveled to an area impacted by the Ebola virus and displayed symptoms which are similar to those infected, according to health officials. The patients were isolated and tested. Preliminary results indicated they do not have Ebola. (source)


A man in Sarasota is in the hospital this morning, getting treatment for Ebola-like symptoms.

Sarasota Memorial Hospital says the patient recently traveled here from West Africa and showed up to the emergency room in Sarasota. The patient was kept in isolation and evaluated by emergency medicine and infectious disease specialists. Hospital officials say the it is “highly unlikely” that the man has the Ebola virus.

They say he did not actually visit any high-risk Ebola countries, and he didn’t meet the CDC criteria for Ebola testing. The hospital reported the case to the Florida Department of Health, and it’s not clear if any further testing will be done. (source)



A patient at a Toronto hospital is being tested for Ebola as well as other possible illnesses.

Toronto’s University Health Network (UHN) confirmed a patient who had recently traveled to West Africa was admitted to one of its four hospitals with a fever, but wouldn’t say which hospital or what West African country.

The person is in isolation and staff are using protective equipment until the test results are in – likely within the next 24 hours. (source)

UPDATE: The Toronto patient has tested negative for the Ebola virus, the University Health Network confirmed early Saturday.

Washington, D.C.

A patient with Ebola-like symptoms is being treated at Howard University Hospital in Washington, D.C., a hospital spokesperson confirmed late Friday morning.The patient had traveled to Nigeria recently.

That person has been admitted to the hospital in stable condition, and is being isolated and tested. The medical team is working with the CDC to determine whether the patient has Ebola. (source)

UPDATES: The D.C. Department of Health and the CDC have announced that the D.C. patient under observation for potential Ebola infection has tested negative.

The second patient thought to possibly have Ebola in the D.C. area at Shady Grove Adventist Hospital in Rockville also tested negative. It was actually not Ebola, but malaria.


A possible Ebola virus case has surfaced in Hawaii, where a patient is in isolation and undergoing tests, the Hawaii Health Department said.

“We are early in the investigation of a patient, very, very early, who we’re investigating that might have Ebola. It’s very possible that they do and they have Ebola. I think it’s also more likely that they have another condition that presents with similar symptoms,” said Dr. Melissa Viray, deputy state epidemiologist told KHON-TV, Honolulu. She added the public need not be concerned, reinforcing that the situation remains only a possible case of the Ebola virus. (source)

UPDATE: The Hawaii State Department of Health said Thursday it had ruled out the possibility that a patient isolated at a Honolulu hospital has the Ebola virus.

The patient, an unidentified man, was admitted to the Queen’s Medical Center on Wednesday after experiencing what hospital officials called “possible symptoms that may be consistent with Ebola.”

Early Thursday morning, the United States Centers for Disease Control & Prevention said the isolated patient was not tested for Ebola because his symptoms did not match those typically associated with the virus. The State Department of Health followed that sentiment several hours later, when it confirmed that the individual was “no longer under evaluation for possible Ebola infection.” (source)


The Cobb County Jail is no longer accepting inmates after an inmate developed a fever. The man told jail officials that he recently traveled to Africa.

Jail officials confirm to Channel 2′s Ross Cavitt that the inmate is being tested for Ebola.

The man was arrested overnight for DUI. (source)

UPDATE: Initial test results for an inmate at the Cobb County Jail for the Ebola virus have come back negative, according to the Cobb County Sheriff’s Department.


Shady Grove Adventist Hospital in Montgomery County, Maryland has confirmed they are treating a patient “that presented with flu-like symptoms and a travel history that matches criteria for possible Ebola.”

They claim to have implemented CDC safety measures. No confirmed diagnosis as of 4:35 PM CST 09/03/2014. (source)

UPDATE: Officials at one of the hospitals, Shady Grove Adventist Hospital in Rockville, determined late Friday that their patient had malaria, not Ebola, hospital officials said in a statement late Friday.


New Jersey

A United Airlines flight from Brussels was met by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officials at Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey after a passenger on board believed to be from Liberia exhibited possible signs of Ebola.

The passenger, who was vomiting on the plane, was traveling with his daughter. Both were escorted off the plane by by CDC members in Hazmat gear.

UPDATE: Fresh reports out now state this patient does not have Ebola but an unrelated illness.


Delivered by The Daily Sheeple

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Evidence from 2012 Ebola CAN be transmitted in the air


Growing concerns over ‘in the air’ transmission of Ebola

Ebola virus
The infection is thought to get into humans through close contact with bodily fluids

Canadian scientists have shown that the deadliest form of the ebola virus could be transmitted by air between species.

In experiments, they demonstrated that the virus was transmitted from pigs to monkeys without any direct contact between them.

The researchers say they believe that limited airborne transmission might be contributing to the spread of the disease in some parts of Africa.

They are concerned that pigs might be a natural host for the lethal infection.

“Start Quote

What we suspect is happening is large droplets – they can stay in the air, but not long, they don’t go far. But they can be absorbed in the airway”

Dr Gary Kobinger Public Health Agency of Canada

Ebola viruses cause fatal haemorrhagic fevers in humans and many other species of non human primates.

Details of the research were published in the journal Scientific Reports.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the infection gets into humans through close contact with the blood, secretions, organs and other bodily fluids from a number of species including chimpanzees, gorillas and forest antelope.

The fruit bat has long been considered the natural reservoir of the infection. But a growing body of experimental evidence suggests that pigs, both wild and domestic, could be a hidden source of Ebola Zaire – the most deadly form of the virus.

Now, researchers from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and the country’s Public Health Agency have shown that pigs infected with this form of Ebola can pass the disease on to macaques without any direct contact between the species.

In their experiments, the pigs carrying the virus were housed in pens with the monkeys in close proximity but separated by a wire barrier. After eight days, some of the macaques were showing clinical signs typical of ebola and were euthanised.

One possibility is that the monkeys became infected by inhaling large aerosol droplets produced from the respiratory tracts of the pigs.

pigs could be a natural host
Pigs could act as a host and amplify the Ebola virus

One of the scientists involved is Dr Gary Kobinger from the National Microbiology Laboratory at the Public Health Agency of Canada. He told BBC News this was the most likely route of the infection.

“What we suspect is happening is large droplets – they can stay in the air, but not long, they don’t go far,” he explained.

“But they can be absorbed in the airway and this is how the infection starts, and this is what we think, because we saw a lot of evidence in the lungs of the non-human primates that the virus got in that way.”

The scientists say that their findings could explain why some pig farmers in the Philippines had antibodies in their system for the presence of a different version of the infection called Ebola Reston. The farmers had not been involved in slaughtering the pigs and had no known contact with contaminated tissues.

Dr Kobinger stresses that the transmission in the air is not similar to influenza or other infections. He points to the experience of most human outbreaks in Africa.

“The reality is that they are contained and they remain local, if it was really an airborne virus like influenza is it would spread all over the place, and that’s not happening.”

Hidden hostThe authors believe that more work needs to be done to clarify the role of wild and domestic pigs in spreading the virus. There have been anecdotal accounts of pigs dying at the start of human outbreaks. Dr Kobinger believes that if pigs do play a part, it could help contain the virus.

“If they do play a role in human outbreaks it would be a very easy point to intervene” he said. “It would be easier to vaccinate pigs against Ebola than humans.”

Ebola Uganda
Workers prepare to disinfect during a recent Ebola outbreak in Uganda

Other experts in the field were concerned about the idea that Ebola was susceptible to being transmitted by air even if the distance the virus could travel was limited. Dr Larry Zeitlin is the president of Mapp Biopharmaceuticals.

“It’s an impressive study that not only raises questions about the reservoir of Ebola in the wild, but more importantly elevates concerns about ebola as a public health threat,” he told BBC News. “The thought of airborne transmission is pretty frightening.”

At present, an outbreak of ebola in Uganda has killed at least two people near the capital Kampala. Last month, Uganda declared itself Ebola-free after an earlier outbreak of the disease killed at least sixteen people in the west of the country.

The Government KNEW Ebola was coming – and did nothing to prevent it

Ah HA!  The government DID see this coming.  Our government is SO concerned with internal conditions and the control of the American population that they can’t actually take the time to consider incoming problems, like too many illegal immigrants (one is too many, they are ILLEGAL!), the spread of diseases from said immigrants (children suffering from debilitating entroviruses that are now causing paralysis and even death) and the stopping of air travel in and out of Ebola-stricken countries.  Instead, it’s the damned Right Wing Nutjobs with guns, Bibles and the Constitution that irks them the most.

If a few Americans are exposed to Ebola, then – well, in the words of Rahm Emanuel:

“You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”

Things like, say, Martial Law?  Things like “banning guns”?  Things like “Control Americans”

Read Carefully:

Ebola’s U.S. arrival comes with concerns for Michigan

Michigan health care professionals are informed and ready to deal with the threat of the Ebola virus that is now on American shores. But there is no need to worry about it spreading rapidly, as it has done in some West African countries where it has killed thousands of people.

That’s the message from several health care professionals and infectious disease specialists in Michigan.

“What the public should know is that the public health system across the state has been preparing for the possibility of a person being diagnosed here for several weeks now,” said Dr. Matthew Davis, chief medical executive at the Michigan Department of Community Health.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed earlier this week that the first case of Ebola in the United States had been diagnosed, involving a person who had traveled to Dallas from West Africa. The man developed symptoms about five days after arriving in the United States and sought medical care. He was isolated and local health care officials have started identifying people who might have come into contact with him for further monitoring.

Davis said there have been numerous conversations between local, state and federal healthcare officials to ensure that health care workers know what to do if they encounter someone suspected of having the Ebola virus.

Symptoms include a fever of more than 105 degrees, severe headaches, muscle pain, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and bleeding.

“There also has to be a situation where a person has been in contact in the past 21 days with a person known or suspected to have Ebola,” Davis said.

The virus is spread through direct contact with the blood and body fluids of an infected person with Ebola or with objects — such as needles — that have been contaminated with the virus.

Dr. Katherine Reyes, an infectious diseases physician at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, said the United States’ health care system is better prepared to stop the spread of the virus than many other nations.

“There is a big difference between health care and infectious disease control in the United States and in parts of West Africa where Ebola is spreading,” Reyes said.

The doctors said anyone suspected of having Ebola would be isolated from other patients immediately and treated by health care workers wearing protective clothing. State and federal public health officials also would be notified.

Davis said people visiting his practice in Ann Arbor Wednesday wanted to know how real the threat of Ebola is for them and their children.

“My response is our hospitals and health systems are all alert and vigilant and prepared for the possibility of Ebola, but the risk of it spreading in the United States is very, very low,” Davis said. “I encourage families and individuals to focus more on immediate health risks here like the influenza virus which has caused hundreds of thousands of people to be sick and hospitalized each year and caused thousands of deaths. And fortunately, we have an effective vaccine for it and I encourage the public to get vaccinated.”

Detroit Metro Airport is one area where officials regularly prepare for the possibility of someone carrying an infectious disease.

The CDC operates a quarantine center in the federal inspection area at the McNamara Terminal, and the airport’s firefighters drill for such situations, according to airport spokesman Michael Conway.

He directed specific questions about the quarantine center to the CDC, where a message was left seeking comment.

Conway said the drills help maintain good relationships with area hospitals and medical professionals, and he said authorities “are vigilant and prepared to respond” if needed.

“Our firefighters are all trained paramedics with the proper training and protective equipment to assist and transport a patient to the hospital,” Conway said.

Airport officials are notified when there’s a report of a sick airline passenger, Conway said, noting that there have been no such situations today at Metro and he is unaware of any cases where a passenger was considered contagious.

The reports that a person has the Ebola virus in the United States ”certainly has gotten everybody’s attention, but the protocol for alerting the local authorities of a sick passenger on a plane has existed for years and years,” Conway said.

Detroit Metro currently has no direct flights from West Africa, although it does have flights to major international hubs that do.

And then there’s this….

Ex-CIA Officer: ‘There Are ISIS Sleeper Cells In This Country’

Thursday, 21 Aug 2014 08:23 PM
By Cathy Burke

A former CIA officer said Thursday he has no doubt Islamic State (ISIS) sleeper cells are already planted on U.S. soil.

An unnamed U.S. intelligence official told CNN there’s already an indication of ISIS sleeper cells in Europe that could target U.S. embassies and other American interests.
But former CIA officer Bob Baer told the network ISIS is already on this side of the Atlantic.

“I have been told with no uncertainty there are ISIS sleeper cells in this country,” he said.

Though CNN said two U.S. officials had refuted the claim, they’re worried ISIS militants with passports might travel to the United States to launch attacks on American soil, CNN reported.

One ISIS fighter already has hinted as much.

In several telephone conversations with a Reuters reporter over the past few months, Islamic State fighters suggest their leader, Iraqi Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is planning something for the West – and that attacks could take place through sleeper cells in both Europe and the United States.

“The West are idiots and fools,” one fighter taunted, according to Reuters. “They think we are waiting for them to give us visas to go and attack them or that we will attack with our beards or even Islamic outfits.

“They think they can distinguish us these days – they are fools and more than that they don’t know we can play their game in intelligence. They infiltrated us with those who pretend to be Muslims and we have also penetrated them with those who look like them.”

About 100 Americans are being tracked by the FBI because of their travels to Syria, some to join ISIS, analysts say. And ISIS is actively recruiting Westerners and European Muslims who could easily enter the US.

“Clearly ISIS, if you’re interested in that ideology, that’s the most exciting thing to go and join right now,” CNN analyst Peter Bergen told CNN.

But Haras Rafiq of the Quilliam Foundation told CNN al-Baghdadi is “a narcissistic psychopath” on a barbaric mission.

“He wants to be bigger than Osama bin Laden, and one of the ways he will measure that is how effective and how big the terrorist activities he can carry out in the West are compared to what bin Laden was able to do,” he said.

Harry Reid Labels Supporters of Rancher Cliven Bundy ‘Domestic Terrorists’

Speaking at a Las Vegas Review-Journal event, Harry Reid was clear: “They’re nothing more than domestic terrorists. I repeat: what happened there was domestic terrorism.”


As Harry Reid stated last week – “This isn’t over”.  It appears now that those of you who went there, those of us who blog about it and support Cliven Bundy, those of us against Government Overreach – well, the fear mongering about all of us being labeled as “terrorists” was not “fear mongering”, it was fact.

You’re all terrorists now.

Harry Reid Labels Supporters of Rancher Cliven Bundy ‘Domestic Terrorists’, Reveals Federal Task Force Being Assembled

Apr. 17, 2014 6:38pm Jason Howerton

Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) claimed on Thursday that armed supporters of rancher Cliven Bundy are “domestic terrorists” and reckless individuals who put their families in danger.
Speaking at a Las Vegas Review-Journal event, Reid was clear: “They’re nothing more than domestic terrorists. I repeat: what happened there was domestic terrorism.”

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nev. talks about the gender pay gap as the Senate begins debate on wage equity, Tuesday, April 8, 2014, during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

The rhetoric certainly will do nothing to ease already-high tensions after the Bureau of Land Management prematurely shut down its operation to round up Bundy’s “trespass cattle” on Saturday. The federal agency cited fears of public safety after having run-ins with armed militia members who traveled to Bunkerville, Nev., to support the rancher.
Bundy reportedly owes the federal government roughly $1 million in grazing fees, an amount he accumulated after he “fired” the Bureau of Land Management in 1993 over its decision to turn public land into a protective habitat for the state’s desert tortoise.
There are two court orders that permit BLM to execute a roundup of 500 to 900 of Bundy’s “trespass cattle,” Reid reportedly said.
Reid, who recently said the situation is “not over,” revealed on Thursday there is a federal task force being assembled to handle to the tense situation.

Click here to view the original image of 620x362px.
Cliven Bundy, right, sits in the back of a vehicle near Bunkerville, Nev., Friday, April 11, 2014. The area has become the center of a protest against the Bureau of Land Management’s roundup of cattle owned by Bundy. Bundy claims ancestral rights to graze his cattle on lands his Mormon family settled in the 19th century. (AP Photo/Las Vegas Review-Journal, John Locher)

“Clive Bundy does not recognize the United States,” Reid said. “The United States, he says, is a foreign government. He doesn’t pay his taxes. He doesn’t pay his fees. And he doesn’t follow the law. He continues to thumb his nose at authority.”

“It is an issue we cannot let go, just walk away from,” he added.

Ret US Navy Chief: Militia Mobilization Across The Nation Under Way

January 14, 2014

(Fred Brownbill) Be advised that I am in the process of notifying and contacting all legal and constitutionally created militia groups across the United States to mobilize on Washington DC for “Operation American Spring” currently scheduled for May 16th, 2014 and commanded by my friend Colonel Harry Riley US Army Intelligence (Retired) Silver star.

1.8 million people have already responded in kind and are mobilizing and or supporting this effort. We need 10 million.

The Senate and the Congress feel it is in the best interest of this nation to fund illegal immigrants and keep them sustained with free health care, tax breaks, free education in our schools, EBT cards, public housing and the like.

They wish to keep sending tax payer money to foreign countries that hate us. They wish to fund bogus global warming projects in the billions and they refuse to take a pay cut themselves.

Yet they will now deny the wounded veteran his pension COLA increases which he or she earned and depends on while struggling to survive day to day, some are in wheel chairs and without arms and legs. Mr. Politician you are now going to be held accountable.

This vote, to first deny and then block the able bodied and disabled veterans their earned pension COLA raises is unacceptable and an act of treason against the Republic from the Marxists in the government. They must want a war against 25 million veterans. Mr. Communist, Mr. RINO, Mr.. Democrat, Mr. Republican. So be it. You got it.

I called the Marxist Senator (comrade) Harry Reid this morning at 0430 hours and left him a message notifying him that we are now mobilizing and coming to see him soon in Washington. We are not leaving the grounds surrounding our White House or the Congress until Mr. Barry Soetoro, the Muslim imposter, has been removed from office for treason and/or impeached for crimes against the constitution.

Speaker Boehner you may want to start reconsidering his decision not to investigate the inaction by our government in regards to Benghazi too. We are coming to town. Your on the visitation list too.

We will NEVER forget Benghazi.

If you would like to call Senate Leader Comrade Harry Reid and relay your own message his number is 202-224-3542. Do not threaten, we come in peace, but we are not leaving Washington DC until Mr. Barry Soetoro, the illegal immigrant from Kenya, who studied as an Indonesian foreign student in this nation, who flew to Pakistan in 1981 on a foreign passport, has been removed from office.

We have the resources, the money the training and the Constitutional protections to take this country back. And we will. You have pushed us too far Mr. Marxist, now you will see who runs this country. It is we the people.
We live in a Constitutional Republic not a Marxist dictatorship. It’s time.

33 million Egyptians took back their country from the terrorist group, the Muslim Brotherhood, a terrorist organization supported by and propped up by Barry Soetoro and the former Secretary of State (born again Communist) Hillary Clinton. This is also treason against the United States for aiding and abetting the enemy.

Impeachment charges have been drawn up in the past and presented to the Congress against Mr. Barry Soetoro with NO ACTION, no response. They are spineless gutless cowards with as much intestinal fortitude as a rotting possum run over by a semi.

I want all Tea Party groups – Militia groups and like minded individuals who have the courage (and understand and know) that God and the constitution are on their side, to start to prepare NOW to mobilize for “Operation American Spring” May 16th 2014. location Washington DC.

Pass this around.

Senior Chief Geoff Ross
United States Navy Retired
Surface Warfare / Air warfare / Airborne
Navarre FL
Santa Rosa County Militia

AKs Not Protected By 2nd Amendment Says CA Court

Not that this really matters, because it appears to me that the “4th District Court” of California is a California court.  They have no say over Constitutional laws…. so there.

Go here for the full article:

By on October 22, 2013

On Monday the California 4th District Court Of Appeals ruled that 2nd Amendment does not apply to semi-automatic “AK” type rifles. They opined, “that the right secured by the Second Amendment is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose, but is instead the right to possess and carry weapons typically possessed by law-abiding citizens for lawful purposes such as hunting or self-defense.”

The court based its decision largely on the precedent set in the case of US v. Miller which allowed the banning of sawed-off shotguns on the grounds they had no military or civilian purpose. The court stated, “the ban on AK series rifles does not impinge on rights protected by the Second Amendment because assault weapons are at least as dangerous and unusual as the short-barreled shotgun.”

The case stems from the ultra-confusing Assault Weapons Control Act of 1989, which banned “AR” and “AK” series weapons. Subsequent court rulings said that the state couldn’t ban a type of weapon and must name the forbidden guns specifically by make and model. CA then adopted a list of weapons that were unwelcomed, but the manufactures simply renamed their rifles to get around the list. Finally in 2000 the state banned features like detachable magazines and pistol grips to keep these “assault weapons” illegal.

The defendant, William Zondorak, was busted with an AK-type weapon that appeared on the list of banned guns. Even though his rifle is identical to ones that are sold legally in California, because it was on the list, he’s in deep dog-doo. Any AK or AR receiver that is on the list, even if the gun has been reconfigured to meet CA standards, is still banned.

As if the California Assault Weapons Ban wasn’t stupid enough, this court ruling brings the state’s level of intelligence to an all-time low. First, they are saying that an AK has no lawful purpose such as hunting or self-defense. I don’t remember the part of the 2nd Amendment that restricts firearms ownership to these two usages. In any case an AK variant would be a great varmint gun and adequate for medium-sized game. It would have no problem ventilating someone stupid enough to enter a house without a back-stage pass. It has legitimate purposes.

Nuclear Weapon EMP Effects

A high-altitude nuclear detonation produces an immediate flux of gamma rays from the nuclear reactions within the device. These photons in turn produce high energy free electrons by Compton scattering at altitudes between (roughly) 20 and 40 km. These electrons are then trapped in the Earth’s magnetic field, giving rise to an oscillating electric current. This current is asymmetric in general and gives rise to a rapidly rising radiated electromagnetic field called an electromagnetic pulse (EMP). Because the electrons are trapped essentially simultaneously, a very large electromagnetic source radiates coherently.

The pulse can easily span continent-sized areas, and this radiation can affect systems on land, sea, and air. The first recorded EMP incident accompanied a high-altitude nuclear test over the South Pacific and resulted in power system failures as far away as Hawaii. A large device detonated at 400-500 km over Kansas would affect all of CONUS. The signal from such an event extends to the visual horizon as seen from the burst point.

The EMP produced by the Compton electrons typically lasts for about 1 microsecond, and this signal is called HEMP. In addition to the prompt EMP, scattered gammas and inelastic gammas produced by weapon neutrons produce an intermediate timesignal from about 1 microsecond to 1 second. The energetic debris entering the ionosphere produces ionization and heating of the E-region. In turn, this causes the geomagnetic field to heave,producing a late-time magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) EMP generally called a heave signal.

Initially, the plasma from the weapon is slightly conducting; the geomagnetic field cannot penetrate this volume and is displaced as a result. This impulsive distortion of the geomagnetic field was observed worldwide in the case of the STARFISH test. To be sure, the size of the signal from this process is not large, but systems connected to long lines (e.g., power lines, telephone wires, and tracking wire antennas) are at risk because of the large size of the induced current. The additive effects of the MHD-EMP can cause damage to unprotected civilian and military systems that depend on or use long-line cables. Small, isolated, systems tend to be unaffected.

Military systems must survive all aspects of the EMP, from the rapid spike of the early time events to the longer duration heave signal. One of the principal problems in assuring such survival is the lack of test data from actual high-altitude nuclear explosions. Only a few such experiments were carried out before the LTBT took effect, and at that time the theoretical understanding of the phenomenon of HEMP was relatively poor. No high-altitude tests have been conducted by the United States since 1963. In addition to the more familiar high-yield tests mentioned above, three small devices were exploded in the Van Allen belts as part of Project Argus. That experiment was intended to explore the methods by which electrons were trapped and traveled along magnetic field lines.

The acid test of the response of modern military systems to EMP is their performance in simulators, particularly where a large number of components are involved. So many cables, pins, connectors, and devices are to be found in real hardware that computation of the progress of the EMP signal cannot be predicted, even conceptually, after the field enters a real system. System failures or upsets will depend upon the most intricate details of current paths and interior electrical connections, and one cannot analyze these beforehand. Threat-level field illumination from simulators combined with pulsed-current injection are used to evaluate the survivability of a real system against an HEMP threat.

The technology to build simulators with risetimes on the order of 10 ns is well known. This risetime is, however, longer than that of a real HEMP signal. Since 1986 the United States has used a new EMP standard which requires waveforms at threat levels having risetimes under a few nanoseconds. Threat-level simulators provide the best technique for establishing the hardness of systems against early-time HEMP. They are, however, limited to finite volumes (aircraft, tanks, communications nodes) and cannot encompass an extended system. For these systems current injection must be used.

HEMP can pose a serious threat to military systems when even a single high-altitude nuclear explosion occurs. In principle, even a new nuclear proliferator could execute such a strike. In practice, however, it seems unlikely that such a state would use one of its scarce warheads to inflict damage which must be considered secondary to the primary effects of blast, shock, and thermal pulse. Furthermore, a HEMP attack must use a relatively large warhead to be effective (perhaps on the order of one mega-ton), and new proliferators are unlikely to be able to construct such a device, much less make it small enough to be lofted to high altitude by a ballistic missile or space launcher. Finally, in a tactical situation such as was encountered in the Gulf War, an attack by Iraq against Coalition forces would have also been an attack by Iraq against its own communications, radar, missile, and power systems. EMP cannot be confined to only one side of the burst.

Source Region Electro-magnetic Pulse [SREMP] is produced by low-altitude nuclear bursts. An effective net vertical electron current is formed by the asymmetric deposition of electrons in the atmosphere and the ground, and the formation and decay of this current emits a pulse of electromagnetic radiation in directions perpendicular to the current. The asymmetry from a low-altitude explosion occurs because some electrons emitted downward are trapped in the upper millimeter of the Earth’s surface while others, moving upward and outward, can travel long distances in the atmosphere, producing ionization and charge separation. A weaker asymmetry can exist for higher altitude explosions due to the density gradient of the atmosphere.

Within the source region, peak electric fields greater than 10 5 V/m and peak magnetic fields greater than 4,000 A/m can exist. These are much larger than those from HEMP and pose a considerable threat to military or civilian systems in the affected region. The ground is also a conductor of electricity and provides a return path for electrons at the outer part of the deposition region toward the burst point. Positive ions, which travel shorter distances than electrons and at lower velocities, remain behind and recombine with the electrons returning through the ground. Thus, strong magnetic fields are produced in the region of ground zero. When the nuclear detonation occurs near to the ground, the SREMP target may not be located in the electromagnetic far field but may instead lie within the electro-magnetic induction region. In this regime the electric and magnetic fields of the radiation are no longer perpendicular to one another, and many of the analytic tools with which we understand EM coupling in the simple plane-wave case no longer apply. The radiated EM field falls off rapidly with increasing distance from the deposition region (near to the currents the EMP does not appear to come from a point source).

As a result, the region where the greatest damage can be produced is from about 3 to 8 km from ground zero. In this same region structures housing electrical equipment are also likely to be severely damaged by blast and shock. According to the third edition of The Effects of Nuclear Weapons, by S. Glasstone and P. Dolan, the threat to electrical and electronic systems from a surface-burst EMP may extend as far as the distance at which the peak overpressure from a 1-megaton burst is 2 pounds per square inch.

One of the unique features of SREMP is the high late-time voltage which can be produced on long lines in the first 0.1 second. This stress can produce large late-time currents on the exterior shields of systems, and shielding against the stress is very difficult. Components sensitive to magnetic fields may have to be specially hardened. SREMP effects are uniquely nuclear weapons effects.

During the Cold War, SREMP was conceived primarily as a threat to the electronic and electrical systems within hardened targets such as missile launch facilities. Clearly, SREMP effects are only important if the targeted systems are expected to survive the primary damage-causing mechanisms of blast, shock, and thermal pulse. Because SREMP is uniquely associated with nuclear strikes, technology associated with SREMP generation has no commercial applications. However, technologies associated with SREMP measurement and mitigation are commercially interesting for lightning protection and electromagnetic compatibility applications. Basic physics models of SREMP generation and coupling to generic systems, as well as numerical calculation, use unclassified and generic weapon and target parameters. However, codes and coupling models which reveal the response and vulnerability of current or future military systems are militarily critical.

Sources and Methods

Hillary Clinton weighs in on Syria: Weapons handover ‘important step’ –

Hillary Clinton weighs in on Syria: Weapons handover ‘important step’ –

“Secretary Clinton supports the president’s effort to enlist the Congress in pursuing a strong and targeted response to the Assad regime’s horrific use of chemical weapons,” the aide said.

Clinton is scheduled to appear Monday afternoon at a forum on wildlife trafficking.

She will likely repeat her White House comments during her speech Tuesday night at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, the source added.

In addition to pushing for diplomatic efforts to remove al-Assad from power, Clinton backed a proposal last year to provide weapons to Syrian rebels when she served as secretary of state.

Clinton also issued warnings in January shortly before leaving office about Iran’s involvement in Syria, saying the country was providing al-Assad’s regime with military supplies. She urged Iran, as well as Russia, to reconsider their aid to the war-torn country.

On the Verge of World War III

The article at the bottom of my comments is a couple of days old, it’s from Debka – so it’s not the best source but is probably accurate. Basically we’re looking at the following states being involved in this as things heat up:

Syria, Iran, Hezbollah, Russia, China

Australia, Canada, France, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States of America

France is “waiting” for more information from the UN.
UK is really “just waiting”.

Russia has moved about 8 ships total toward the Med. The US has moved a few subs, some destroyers into the Med and the Nimitz Carrier group to the Gulf.

Obama is preparing the country for an attack, “limited in scope and duration”, promising “no boots on the ground”. Anyone who has been in the military KNOWS this isn’t true, isn’t going to be true and can’t possibly work. Anyone with even a limited sense of tactics understands you don’t telegraph your moves to the “enemy”. Anyone with even a rudimentary grasp of strategy knows you don’t put all your eggs in one basket when planning any sort of an attack. And anyone with a clue about life understands you don’t go to war for no good reason and you certainly don’t do it if you can’t PROVE you have a good reason. Obama has not proved anything.

The Senate committee just delivered the Resolution to go into Syria to the full Senate. Congress, both houses will debate and vote likely next week on this.

We’re standing on the verge of World War III – without a “draft”, without American support, without support of the majority of Congress – and we’re less than a week away from September 11. Rumors are rampant on the Internet that there’s more than meets the eye here, and the country is “confused” according to our so-called “leader” Obama.

First he sets a “Red Line” then when the bad guys cross it a month ago, it takes time to verify this, and now he’s ready to go into a limited in scope and duration “war” against the Assad regime, to apparently punish the regime, but to give a leg up to verified enemies of America – Hezbollah, Muslim Brotherhood and other Muslim lunatics. Iran is saying how they will “bring it” to the US. Russia is backing Syria. Syria is claiming their own allies now. The Chinese are going to back the Russians. Obama has castrated our military in recent months through the shut down of units, bases, equipment, and firing of men smarter than himself.

The United States is being set up for failure big time by this man. Americans, whom for the most part are opposed to this “action” in Syria are caught in the middle of all of the forces massing on the horizon.

America is, from intelligence, full of leaderless Islamic cells – from Iranian Revolutionary Guard to Hezbollah, to Al Qaeda. Americans are being disarmed in some states including my own, in an attemp(?) to make us more vulnerable to outside forces.

It is time to stand up and be heard. It’s time to remove this asshat from the White House. It’s time for his Impeachment to begin. Get on the phone and start making the case with your members of Congress. We have to stop this guy from bringing the nukes down on our heads for his own ego.

« Breaking News »

Syria’s Muqdad threatens World War III for US strike
DEBKAfile September 4, 2013, 5:22 PM (GMT+02:00)

Syria’s deputy foreign minister Faisal Muqdad said Wednesday his regime would not give in to threats of a US-led military strike, even if a third world war erupts. In an interview with AFP, Faisal Muqdad said his government had taken “every measure” to counter a potential intervention aimed at punishing the regime of Bashar al-Assad over a suspected deadly poison gas strike, was mobilizing its allies and would take every measure “to retaliate against… aggression.”

DEBKAfile: This is the first time a regime official has intimated that Damascus has invoked the mutual defense pacts existing between Syria, Iran and Hizballah.

To go to Syria or Not

Up until today I’ve considered this whole Syria thing total folly.

But my American Military Mind started really thinking this through.

Today several Travel Warnings were issued by State.  It occurs to me that the US Government isn’t telling the Public everything.  So, I’m going to lay this out as if I were standing there listening in to the briefings we can’t usually hear.

Pretend for a moment you’re standing in a Congressional Classified Briefing and they bring up the number of “rebel groups” (There are about 1200 different groups).  They bring up that the most powerful among those Rebels are Hezbollah related.  Hearing more information about this and the fact that there are actually chemical weapons available in that country you realize suddenly that if the Rebels WIN this civil war, they get their hands on those WMD.

Now, who do you think will not OWN those items?


To use that stuff on Americans. On US Embassies.  On Israelis.  On Christians.  On innocents.  On cities.  On subways, trains, airports, malls….

After considering this, perhaps the whole reason the President wants to go in there (other than regime change which I think is his real reason for this) is to stop the terrorists.  Nope.  Obomber doesn’t want to do that, those are his people.  He wants to clear out Assad and allow the Muslim Brotherhood to take over.

The Pentagon, the US military, Congress and most of the American people are smarter than the President gives us credit for being.  The MILITARY will go in there and secure or destroy the WMD to prevent it from falling into the hands of terrorists.

Remember them calling Bush a liar about Iraqi WMD?  Remember most of us saying “It was moved to Syria”?  Remember that Obama doesn’t want Bush to get any credit and is blaming him for everything?

No folks what this is truly about is allowing Obama to appear like a winner, Bush like a loser, hiding the fact that the WMD in Syria belonged to Saddam (and this will vindicate Bush if we can get a-hold of that stuff and prove it) and it will put Obama OUT of Office.

Honestly, this is a lot more complex than just letting Muslims to kill Muslims, or bombing some random camels and tents like Clinton did.  No, no, no, my fellow Patriots.

This is Obama trying to get us nuked.

This is Obama trying to hide the fact the WMD belonged to Saddam.

This is Obama trying to look good.

This is the Pentagon trying to stop terrorists from getting their hands on these weapons.

My final thinking on this is… we probably should go in there.  But do it right.  Everything we’ve got.  Take down BOTH sides of this conflict, destroy the chemical weapons and vindicate Bush, and if we get the chance, kick Russia in the nuts and take them down as well.

America has been made out to be a pansy-assed country by our OWN President.  It’s time to remove this guy from office and do the right thing.  But we have to DO IT RIGHT!


Wag the Dog?

Is this entire Syrian issue with Chemical Weapons a cover up?

Seriously, Obama, almost a year ago stated what “the red line” was.

A year later – well in August it turns out that chemical weapons were used.  And they were used BEFORE that apparently and we did nothing.  Now we MUST do something?

What happened to the 27 or 30 scandals?  Oh, yeah, they aren’t in the news suddenly are they?

Benghazi is being ignored by the media. Deaths of Navy Seals, ignored.  The IRS scandal, ignored.  The NSA spying, ignored.  Project Gun walker and Fast and Furious, completely forgotten now… Obama has lied time and again to the American public.  Kerry has lied, over and over.  Hillary Clinton lied.  The IRS Director lied.  Eric Holder lied.

Or is this something worse, a method by which the asshole-in-chief manages to bring us to the brink of a nuclear war with Russia just so he and Putin can make nice-nice on the sidelines and “fix” the whole world, bring “peace in our time” or make himself appear to be larger than life?

What if this is all a giant hoax perpetrated by Obama and his puppet masters?

What if…..

John Kerry was asked about Russia

In regards to this Syria crisis, one of the Senators on the Foreign Relations committee (I didn’t catch who) mentioned Russia, asking specific and pointed questions of Kerry, after pointing out that the Russians had been providing money, aid, military defense equipment.

Kerry sputtered about an answer, and then stepped around the answer to basically ignore the Russian question.

Essentially, they (Kerry) doesn’t want the American Public to be confused or concerned about the Russians. Only chemical weapons.

We’re doomed to go to war.


US Assets in Place for Strike

No U.S. president has ever been turned down by Congress when asking to use military force. Ever…. this is why Obama took the time to ASK for a vote.  His chances are good he will get a “yes” from Congress thereby preventing himself from being held personally responsible.

Impeach Obama!

That’s all…  Just impeach the bastard.  Over Benghazi. Over IRS.  Over NSA.  Over all the scandals.  Over all the lies.  Impeach the man.

America needs to be repaired.

UN Planning World Wide confiscation of Weapons




Apparently the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs has released a new letter.

If anyone in America THINKS they are going to take our weapons, they have another THINK coming.  In the form of hot lead.  Do NOT let the Leftists in the United States kid you one little bit.  They want your complete and utter subjugation and will stop at nothing to get it.

We ARE at war over this.  The first shots were fired in Sandy Hook, lest anyone forget this.  There are plenty of reasons to believe that was a set up.  To date, no one has proved beyond a shadow of doubt that the shooter was Lanza.  No one. 

Related articles

Why do you need a gun like the AR15?


Because, Liberal, fuck you, that’s why!

Americans: Stand up and Resist!

I’m an American.  I was born in the USA.  Before me, my father, grandfather, great-grandfather, great-great-grandfather, great-great-great-grandfather and several generations prior were also born here.

One of them came over on a ship from Ireland, another from Scotland.  Men before me have fought for this country from the Indian Wars to the Revolutionary War to the most recent wars in the Middle East.  My sons are Americans and Patriots.

The lie that “We are all immigrants” has been told so often that it’s now being believed.  Yes, my distant forefather DID come to America as an immigrant. A LEGAL Immigrant, albeit, forced to come here to find freedom from Oppression of the British Empire.

Today – illegal immigrants stream across the border in an effort to abuse our freedoms, to steal our tax monies and to commit crimes (illegal immigration, IS A CRIME).  There is no checks and balances any more.  Congress and the President do not want them.

Congress and the President don’t want us to defend ourselves.

The President has allowed agencies to spy on us, the DOJ to lie to us, to kill our own men by giving away guns to criminals, to kill our own military men, Navy Seals, to allow criminals and terrorists to kill our Ambassador and American heroes without investigation.

The current administration has worked to destroy the America my father, I and my children grew up in.

It is time to put a stop to the abuses of the American system, abuses to the American Taxpayer.  It is TIME to FIRE the current government and replace it non-Marxists, non-Socialists and non-Progressives.

A war has been declared on Patriots in America.  We’re now being labeled as terrorists and troublemakers, being called names like “Teabagger” (look that up) and worse.

Fight back.  Resist “Hope and Change”.  Resist Socialism, and Progressivism or suffer the long term consequences to this Great Nation.

Already the time is nearly past, and this country is nearly done.

Stand up and be heard!

Counter Revolution

I’m sure many of you realize, understand and even “grok” that today in America we’re undergoing “change”.  Change that many of us don’t want.  In fact the Left has embarked on a journey to “fundamentally change” America.  A fundamental change is defined basically as; of or relating to essential structure, function, or facts : radical <fundamental change>; also : of or dealing with general principles rather than practical application <fundamental science>.

America is undergoing this “change” at her very roots.  Most Americans hearing Obama use those words for the first time sincerely had not a clue what he meant.  Many of us did and understood he intended to completely change America’s very basic precepts, fundamental to our heritage in this country, the belief that this country is something better than those that have gone before, that we, as Americans are somehow “not worthy” and religion, freedoms and liberty are Government Granted commodities.

Somehow the notion that Americans are all “equal” has taken a perverted change from what this means.  “Equal” doesn’t mean equal in the sense that “What I have is yours to take”, it means “We each work our asses off to get somewhere in life.  We spend our time learning, competing and gaining ground economically, educationally and we DO IT ON OUR OWN.”

We are in the midst of a Revolution.  The Revolutionaries are the Leftists, Communists, Socialists, Marxists and un-American “leaders” (and I use the word leader here, loosely).

The rest of us, you and I, who stand more to the Right and more conservative than those on the Left, those who believe in America as it was founded, the Patriotic who still salute the flag, say the Pledge of Alligence and believe we are and should remain the strongest country in the world, are considered to be an anachronism, a throw back to civil war times.  The Left sees us as carrying the Rebel Flag and fighting for slavery.

The truth is, my friends, each and every hand gun and rifle owner in America, whether they want to believe this or not, are believers in the Constitution…. that paper which is immutable, may not be thrown out or suspended without a fight, we are the Counter-Revolutionaries.

We are the people from whom the real change will come.

If we all stand up and do something about what is happening.

Otherwise, we simply stand and watch ourselves become history….

Obama, Gone Too Far. Honor a thug. Ban a gun.

Honor Martin – Ban Guns!

Posted on July 15, 2013 by

Our gun grabber in chief spoke this weekend about the Zimmerman acquittal. Just as he used the Sandy Hook tragedy to immediately call for the destruction of our Constitution, he’s now calling for more gun control in the wake of the Zimmerman trial.  As surreal as it may seem, I’m not making this up.  Here’s what Obama said the day after Zimmerman was found not guilty.

We should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence that claims too many lives across this country on a daily basis. We should ask ourselves, as individuals and as a society, how we can prevent future tragedies like this [Zimmerman case]. As citizens, that’s a job for all of us. That’s the way to honor Trayvon Martin.

The ink isn’t even dry on the verdict and Obama is already using a tragedy to once again attempt a power grab by the federal government.  Last time he stood on the still warm bodies of the Sandy Hook victims to push his anti-gun agenda forward.  He is completely shameless and it’s disgusting to witness.

Apparently the President thinks that Zimmerman is guilty of murder and walked free due to some failing of the justice system.  He’s now grouping a legal self defense shooting into the same category as criminal uses of firearms and using it as justification to push his anti-gun agenda forward.  That means those of us who carry firearms for personal protection are part of the problem, according to Obama, and we must be stopped for the greater good of the community. In the President’s eyes I’m just as bad as a gangbanger because I have a CCW.

Geolocate Dangerous Guns Answer to the Application

About the Gun Geo Marker

The Walkingtools Gun Geo Marker
The general guideline is that you should mark any location about which you have a gun related concern, while trying to provide enough extra information for others to make their own determination about safety.
An important secondary warning is that the Walkingtools Gun Geo Marker is not intended as a reporting mechanism for active threats. If you are concerned for anyone’s immediate safety, call 911 immediately.

Now…. far be it for me to make a suggestion as to how to deal with this particular application, or even to suggest that my suggestion might work.  But… I’ll give it a go.

All gun owners should download this App.  Immediately.

You can tag locations in it.

So, why not tag it with the following:

1) Anti-gun Libtards

2) Businesses that hate guns

3) Hollywood Actors and Actresses who speak out against guns.

4) Local politician’s homes who are anti-gun

5) Local Media personalities who are anti-gun.


The point to this is to make THOSE locations as “gun owners” and overwhelm the database with Garbage In, which in turn produces Garbage Out.

So, do your part today and help this Application “fill up some white space”.


America on the Abyss

On July 4th, tomorrow, America celebrates it’s Independence from Britain but we stand on the verge of destruction of this very country we all love.  From within.  From our own, overbearing, overreaching government.

There is not a Patriotic American within the sound of my voice, or with in reach of my writing who will not agree that this country is the Greatest Country that has ever existed, and almost every, single one of them, myself included would or have been willing to stand up to keep this country great.  Every one of us will fight to protect our country if it were invaded.  Every one of us has an opinion about how it should be run.  Almost none of us stand together on one, simple act – defiance of what is happening to us right now in this country.  Some shrug their shoulders and move on, some ignore the problem completely, some of us loudly, vocally proclaim the wrongs done but can’t fix it alone.

Unfortunately for Americans we are in the midst of what I called “The Throes of Progressive Tyranny”.  A few years ago I created a forum on our TAA web site to track the progress of Progressiveness and the Progressive Tyranny that is haunting this country, from the most basic precepts of “Political Correctness” to Nationalization of the Health Care system and everything in between.

On 20 January 2009, Barack Hussein Obama was innagurated as the 44th President, running on a platform of “Hope and Change”, talking about “Fundemental Change” in America.  Most of us saw this man then for what we now know he is.

On 14 December 2012, Adam Lanza is believed to have walked into a school (without any assistance) to shoot and kill twenty small children, babies really, and six adults.  Before that he killed his mother in cold blood while she was sleeping, took guys, put on military style armor and went to the school.  Immediately there were calls to ban guns.   Most of us saw this coming the moment we were learning children had died.

Obamacare, the so-called “Affordable Health Care Act” was “passed before we get to see what’s in it”…. Congress created, then opened Pandora’s Box.  (For the uneducated, who don’t know the story of Pandora, I’ll leave it to you to look it up….).  Everyone in the United States, no matter how naive they pretend to be grasped the ramifications of Nationalization of the Medical Care in America.

Then the media started breaking scandal after scandal.  Everything from “Project Gun Walker” to the NSA leaker Snowden letting the world know Americans were being spied upon by their own government.  The Justice Department investigating journalists as “terrorists”, spying on them, and entire news organizations, to lying through their teeth to cover their asses.

There is so much more that has gone against our very way of life, to coin a phrase, truth, justice and the American Way.  So much for Superman, huh?

Americans are just DAMNED sick and tired of being lied to.  They are damned tired of the Government getting into their business.  One could certainly compare 1775 and events leading up the American Revolutionary War with today.  In fact, one COULD sit and start writing down all of the abuses by this government against the people, starting with the very idea the government seems to have forgotten their place; that is that they work for us, we don’t belong to them.  Most of us are simply too lazy though to do ANYTHING about it.

Indeed this country stands on an abyss.  Tomorrow we celebrate, but who knows what happens next Monday?  I don’t.  Perhaps nothing will change, just status quo.  Sheep getting up and going to work, working their lives away to pay our debt to our great grandchildren.

Obama and his administration have certainly accomplished their “fundamental change” haven’t they?  Americas are about to be shepherded by the IRS to ensure they pay for their own health care.  We’ve had states ban our guns.  We’ve had police forces become military-strong.  We’ve been told where to go, when to go, how to go and by the way, don’t use Gas, Oil, Coal or any of that nasty carbon-producing-stuff that kills things.  Oh and if you don’t mind, just die you human because you eat, and excrete and make it bad for “Mother Gaia”.

The Abyss is… step up and stop the crimes against this country, or stand down and be a sheep.  Sheep eventually are sheared, and many are just led to slaughter.

Which will you stand up and be, sheep or Patriot?


Is America in a Pre-Revolutionary State this July 4th?

July 2nd, 2013 – 12:23 am


As we approach July 4, 2013, is America in a pre-revolutionary state? Are we headed for a Tahrir Square of our own with the attendant mammoth social turmoil, possibly even violence.

 Could it happen here?

We are two-thirds of the way into the most incompetent presidency in our history. People everywhere are fed up. Even many of the so-called liberals who propelled Barack Obama into office have stopped defending him in the face of an unprecedented number of scandals coming at us one after the other like hideous monsters in some non-stop computer game.

And now looming is the monster of monsters, ObamaCare, the healthcare reform almost no one wanted and fewer understood.

It will be administered by the Internal Revenue Service, an organization that has been revealed to be a kind of post-modern American Gestapo, asking not just to examine our accounting books but the books we read. What could be more totalitarian than that?

Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal warns the costs of ObamaCare are close to tripling what were promised, and the number of doctors in our country is rapidly diminishing. No more “My son, the doctor!” It doesn’t pay.

And young people most of all will not be able to afford escalating health insurance costs and will end up paying the fine to the IRS, simultaneously bankrupting the health system and enhancing the brutal power of the IRS — all this while unemployment numbers remain near historical highs.

Read the rest:

A Safer, Freer America

Do you feel “safe” today?

Do you believe that the government is protecting you by vacuuming up every piece of data on you they can?

Do you honestly believe that stopping a terrorist attack requires we give up all our privacy?


Are you an American, like most of us, who’ve never broken a law unless perhaps it was a traffic ticket, you have no intention of robbing a bank, blowing up a bomb in a crowded marathon, mall or airport, and you’ve never contemplated walking into your world place or movie theater with the “infamous” Bushmaster AR15 with body armor, gas mask and shoot up the place and random people?

When it comes right down to it, the laws of this country simply DO NOT trump the Constitution.  Period.  End of statement.

And yet our Congress, the last few Presidents (Obama, Bush, Clinton) have demonstrated they don’t really care about that old piece of paper.  Of course the Leftists in this country will tell you that it’s a “Living Document”, subject to change.

The 4th Amendment is clear as crystal:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

We are the people.  We have the right to be secure in our persons (and carrying a cellphone on our person), and houses (and our computers in our houses) and papers (and the data which isn’t written down but exists as fleeting bits and bytes in a data stream, hard drive, thumb drive, cloud or zipping along fibers) and unreasonable search and seizure (meaning we have committed no crime, thus it is UNREASONABLE to probe our data, search it, collect it aka seize it).

No warrants have been issues.  And according to the fourth amendment they SHALL NOT issues but upon probable cause.

If you’re not a criminal or suspected to be a criminal you should not be subjected to any of the above without a warrant.

Let me say this again…. IF you are NOT a criminal or SUSPECTED to be a criminal you should not be subjected to any of the above without a warrant.

Americans, essentially ALL of us, have 1) been subjected to the above CRIMES by the Government, 2) without a swore Warrant, 3) Our data searched (examined), seized (collected) and stored without our permission so that JUST IN CASE, you know in the future perhaps-maybe that data can be gone through again later and in more detail, just in case, you know, you think you might want to do something.

The collection of metadata means “Data about data”, that’s the way we network security people, system administrators and security engineers view it.  It means that pointers to other data are collected.  Those pointers of course are phone numbers you are using, calling and times you’re online talking to that other number.  It means a list of links you visit, your geolocation information, your likes and dislikes all associated with you.

A good detective doesn’t need to know WHAT you said on the telephone if he knows to whom you spoke for thirty minutes this morning on the way to work.  A great detective can make inferences with great accuracy about your conversation.  In a court of law this is called “Circumstantial evidence”.

A government agency like the National Security Agency (NSA) has tools and young computer gurus (not unlike myself many years ago) who can examine data, put a few pieces together and determine a lot about a person.

They didn’t stop Sandy Hook, they didn’t stop 9-11, they didn’t stop Boston, they didn’t stop numerous other small terrorists attacks in this country (which they won’t even CALL terrorism).  They’ve stopped only what they wanted to stop.  (Never let a crisis go to waste you know!)

If every person in the United States isn’t upset about this you might fit the first three questions originally asked and might be comfortable with the government literally spying on everything you do online, on the phone or even clicking on the buttons of your microwave.  You might think you’re safe from terrorists.  You might believe that you’re safe and the government is “protecting” you.

What if this is all benign and no one has any intention of using the data collected against you today or tomorrow.  But what about after the next election?  What about next Thursday?  What IF some “government official” somewhere with access to this stuff decides to start using this data to root out enemies of the State?

Once, when I was still a child we all knew that our society existed to raise children to be considerate of others, to know that each thing we did to improve ourselves in turn, improved society.  Today Society seems to exist only to further the goals of a collective hive mind, to think alike, to act alike, to dress alike, to live in a Socialist Utopia.  That indeed seems to be the ultimate goal of not only “Society” as a whole (with a few individual exceptions, usually those reading these blogs) but to force all of us to act alike (including us “individuals”).

Targeting and auditing”Tea Party” and “Conservative” groups into oblivion, if that isn’t tyranny I don’t know what is.  Trying to limit, take and ban our guns, that’s tyranny.  Spying on us, that’s tyranny.  Going after journalists (against the 1st amendment), that’s tyranny.  Lying to us time and again about Benghazi, about everything they can lie about, that, my friends is tyranny.  Forcing religion on us (Islam), that’s TYRANNY.  Forcing Political Correctness on us, that’s tyranny.  Attacking us for having our say, that’s tyranny.  Passing state laws in the face of a majority of people who don’t want the law, that is absolute tyranny.  Telling Americans “its for your own good” – that’s tyranny.

At what cost do we continue this charade?

I’ll tell you the cost.  The cost is  ultimately our Freedoms and the fall of the United States as a Great Republic.

If we continue on the path which wends through Society today and into the future, in less than One Hundred Years the one great America will be nothing more than a memory for our great-great Grand Children.  In less than another decade we will have lost and we will be erased from the face of the world.  Our

We must stop this drive to defeat America from within.

If you want a Safer, Freer America then it is time to wake up, get off your asses and accept personal responsibilty for yourselves, your families and your GOVERNMENT.  We must insist, demand that the current elected Representatives stop the madness and get back to the bottom line of running this country.  That doesn’t mean making NEW laws, it means throwing out the old, bad laws, enforcing the correct laws and stopping snooping on our own people.  It means SHUTTING the border TONIGHT.  We don’t need “immigration reform”, we need “Government Reform”.

There is nothing wrong with immigration laws as they are, they simply need to be enforced.  We need to secure the border.  We need to let people take the normal path to citizenship.  We have no issue with immigration, we have a problem WITH ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.

We can’t let the government continue to grow in size, power and money sucking abilities.

We can’t allow the IRS to continue to abuse us.

We must NOT allow the IRS to become our overlords on medical care.  Government death boards are an absolute (see the young lady with the lung transplant problem).

We can’t allow the Department of Justice to continue to abuse us.  By letting them get away with “Fast and Furious” we’ve allowed the death of a young agent to go without justice.  The murderer might have been caught, but why haven’t those who passed those guns out ILLEGALLY I might add been brought to justice?  Arrest them, all the up to Eric Holder if necessary.

We can no longer allow our Department of State to let ambassadors just “die” in foreign service.  Where were the Marines and why was the military stood down?

If you want a Safer, Freer America then you, yes YOU, need to stand up and do something about it.  Run for office, pester the holy hell out of Congressmen and women.  Call the President.  Make your voice heard.  Organize protests (yes, PROTESTS).  Become visible.  Don’t hide in the shadows any longer.

We are AMERICANS. We do not give up.  We do not tolerate losing.  We do not tolerate losers.  Kick those losers out of office and put yourselves IN.

The time has come.

Don’t let up until we win.

And we will, we’re Americans!

Putting Some Teeth in the Tribe: What Do We Need To Be Able To Do?

Putting Some Teeth in the Tribe: What Do We Need To Be Able To Do?


Read and think, then do….

Gold Crash?

It appears that gold has taken a tumble since Friday. As of about an hour ago, gold prices have fallen by more than $90 USD.

Apparently there’s a bit of a panic

Investors are bailing out…

here’s a chart to check out…

Now, I don’t collect, buy, sell or save gold.  I put my money in the mattress (and a few low interest bearing accounts).  I’m not trying to make massive amounts of money, I ain’t “rich” and don’t give a shit how the market goes usually.  But I have a lot of friends who have started buying gold – against MY better advice (remember, buy LOW, sell HIGH) and gold has been steadily increasing in cost for the past few years (which is great for those who got in on the ground floor).

For those who just started in the last few months or couple of years… well, sorry, you’re about to see a “correction” methinks.

Personally, my “precious metals” are brass, copper and lead, and investments in minerals like sulfur, charcoal and potassium nitrates…. I’d urge you all to invest in those things and stop worrying so much about gold, silver and the stock market.

Breaking: Drudge Report, Nuclear War Unavoidable

Drudge Report 4-12-13

Drudge Report 4-12-13

Well, I guess No Dong Kommie Kim the Klown is still bluffing……

However, the North has declared it is “confident of final victory” against its enemies.

“The enemies should know that it is the era of the great Marshal Kim Jong Un, leader of the most powerful country and invincible great Paektusan nation,” KCNA stated.

“The DPRK has won victories in confrontation with the U.S. in spirit and is waging an all-out action with it, with confidence in final victory.”

The torrent of war cries is seen outside Pyongyang as an effort to raise fears and pressure Seoul and Washington into changing their North Korea policies, and to show the North Korean people that their young leader is strong enough to stand up to powerful foes.

South Korea fears Pyongyang could launch now launch multiple missiles after weeks of threats, according to local reports.

Observers believe a launch is most likely in the build-up to Monday’s anniversary of the birth of late founder Kim Il-Sung, for which celebrations are already well under way in Pyongyang.

The Korean Peninsula has “been reduced to the biggest nuclear hotspot in the world”, the North said in more fiery rhetoric today, “making the outbreak of a nuclear war on this land unavoidable.”

The reclusive state is dedicated to “defending the sovereignty and dignity of the country with its own strike mode and means,” it said.

“No force on earth can block the just cause of the army and people of the DPRK,” the chilling message concluded.

Yellow ALERT! US raises nuclear alert to DEFCON 3

I’ll take this with a grain of salt for now until I can verify it myself.  I do know that alerts have been raised though in the last few hours.  Not sure why yet…


EDIT: Ok, the “Watchcon” system is at Level 2 right now.

South Korean and US force have heightened their alert status in the belief that North Korea intends to initiate a missile launch in the very near future. The US-South Korean Combined Forces Command (CFC) raised their Watch Condition, commonly known as “Watchcon,” from Level 3 to Level 2 indicating that a vital threat exists. The lowest alert status used by CFC is Watchcon 4 in effect in normal peacetime situations, Watchcon 3 is ordered when an important threat exists, and Watchcon 1 is reserved for wartime conditions. The Watchcon system deals only with surveillance preparedness and is separate from the Defense Condition (Defcon) alert system.

Latest intelligence indicates that the North Korean People’s Army (KPA) has completed preparations for multiple missile launches that might include short-range Scuds, medium-range Rodong-1s, and the new intermediate-range BM25 Musudan missiles. No evidence has been uncovered to indicate the Taepodong-2 intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) have been readied for launching.

We are “not at war” but in a readiness state indicating that war is imminent.   And I also have this:

South Korean and US forces have raised their alert status to “vital threat” ahead of an expected North Korean missile test.

The North last week told foreign diplomats in Pyongyang they had until April 10 to consider evacuation, fuelling speculation of a launch between Wednesday and April 15 birthday celebrations for late founder Kim Il-Sung.

It could also coincide with high-profile visits by US Secretary of State John Kerry and NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who will both be in Seoul on Friday.

South Korean Foreign Minister Yun Byung-Se told parliament the launch could take place “anytime” and warned Pyongyang it risked triggering a fresh round of UN sanctions.

South Korean intelligence says the North has prepared two mid-range missiles for imminent launch from its east coast, despite warnings from ally China to avoid provocative moves at a time of soaring military tensions.

On Tuesday the North reiterated a warning that the peninsula was headed for “thermonuclear” war and advised foreigners to consider leaving South Korea.

The South Korea-US Combined Forces Command raised its “Watchcon” status from 3 to 2 to reflect indications of a “vital threat”, Yonhap news agency said, citing a senior military official.

US raises nuclear alert to DEFCON 3. China mobilizes, masses troops on North Korean border

DEBKAfile Special Report April 12, 2013, 8:59 AM (GMT+02:00)

US nuclear alert DEFCON 3
US nuclear alert DEFCON 3

Friday, April 12, the US raised its nuclear alert status to DEFCON 3, Condition Yellow (out of 5 levels), stating “There are currently no imminent nuclear threats against the United States at this time, however the situation is considered fluid and can change rapidly.” Many believe that North Korea will launch their test missile on or about April 15. Japan has instructed its armed forces to shoot down any North Korean missile that heads toward its territory.


The five DEFCONs, their exercise terms, and their general descriptions are shown below.[2][3][5]

Defense condition Exercise term Description Readiness Color
DEFCON 1 COCKED PISTOL[3] Nuclear war is imminent Maximum readiness      White
DEFCON 2 FAST PACE[3] Next step to nuclear war Armed Forces ready to deploy and engage in less than 6 hours      Red
DEFCON 3 ROUND HOUSE[3] Increase in force readiness above that required for normal readiness Air Force ready to mobilize in 15 minutes      Yellow
DEFCON 4 DOUBLE TAKE[3] Increased intelligence watch and strengthened security measures Above normal readiness      Green
DEFCON 5 FADE OUT[3] Lowest state of readiness Normal readiness      Blue

Movies and popular culture often misuse the DEFCON system by “going to DEFCON 5” during a state of emergency.[6] In fact, DEFCON 5 is the lowest state of readiness. The highest state, DEFCON 1, has never been called for.

Live tracking North Korean Satellite

EDIT:  Satellite about to pass over central US.  If they haven’t launched the two missiles off their coast yet, then things are going to be normal the rest of today.
The next pass puts the satellite over Alberta Canada and Washington State, then out to the Pacific….

Things about to go hot…..

This is the tracking of the Korean Satellite.

It is coming over Greenland right now and will travel over the DC area, NYC etc shortly

Next pass in about 90 minutes or so will put it over the center of the USA, Minn, then Nebraska and Kansas.

Optimum location for an EMP strike.

By the way, I am told by several news sources that the two missiles DPRK is choosing to launch are now standing in an upright position and ready for launch….

Wiki entry on the satellite:

Web site for live tracking specific to the KWM3-2:

Is the world getting ready for a nuclear conflict?

The other day I posted a conspiracy-minded message…. because frankly I pay a LOT of attention to other countries like Russia, China, North Korea and the rest of the Trans-Asian Axis and there is more going on than most people ever pay attention to in the world.

In the past week the Chinese moved large numbers of troops along the northern border of North Korea.

North Korea has been stirring the pot, constantly for weeks, threatening nuclear war, posting images of Washington burning (we could only be so lucky) and in general keeping tensions high on the Korean Peninsula.

The Russians, in addition to claiming the US is causing provocation, they have been loudly proclaiming they will protect North Korea, Putin made a comment yesterday that an “incident” in Korea would “make Chernobyl look like a fairy tale”.   In the last 24 hours, the Soviets… er… I mean “The Russians” have been running ICBM drills. A couple of days ago they were flying Backfire bombers around Guam, doing practice runs on US Missile Defense assets.

A couple of days ago the US canceled a missile test,  so, you know, we won’t provoke anyone…

Today I read we grounded more US military aircraft due to the so-called budget cuts (which we know there are no cuts, in fact the newest “budget” contains a trillion in spending…).

In all seriousness here, tensions are high over Korea.  The Russians and Chinese are pushing the envelop to the very limit, and North Korea is rattling its saber for a reason.  No Dong Un – I mean Kim Jong-Un can’t win a war with the United States, and probably couldn’t win one against South Korea or Japan.  He’s constantly (if not him, previously it was his father) blackmailing the United States with these impotent threats.  The Korean Klown is merely shaking the hornet’s nest to piss off the bees.  Eventually, he will get stung.

Since he isn’t, I don’t think all that stupid regardless of his age, he is doing this at the behest of someone else.  He knows that if he launches a missile and it goes errant, or flies over Japane or South Korea, or flies in the direction of Guam that it will ultimately be shot down.  Then he will sink another ship.  And escalate this to the point of no return.

He absolutely is counting on China’s protection and Russia’s backing when his ass gets burned he’ll run to Mother Russia or Father China asking for his wounds to be kissed; and for revenge.  And he will get it from those countries too.

All this is leading up to something… something will snap eventually.

Do you anti-gun people honestly want Americans to be disarmed?  Really?




Invasion America?

Too much conspiracy theory?  Those who know me personally and over the internet know I’m not anywhere NEAR what you might call a conspiracy theorist. In fact, I spent many years tearing them apart.  But today something occurred to me, and sure, this is all supposition, but really – North Korea, Russia, China?  Anti-gun commies in America?  Ammo is being snapped up?  The AP is claiming it’s all a rumor the government is hoarding ammo (when it’s absolutely TRUE, I’ve read the bloody contracts for several agencies MYSELF).  Something is up besides trying to disarm Americans.  Something bigger than all of us.  What is it?  Why now?  Comments welcome….

Here’s the deal.

1) Ammo is FLYING off the shelves now. Not just flying, vaporizing. In the last three or four days I’ve had a dozen calls asking me (me??? I’m not an expert, just a usually-quiet prepper) where to get ammo (friends calling). They can’t find it. I’ve found several tiny articles today like one from the AP which is claiming the 1.6 billion bullets is a rumor generated by ammo companies (or someone) to get this to happen.

2) It’s TRUE that the government bought all those bullets. 1.6 billion rounds counted out on various contracts with different agencies.

3) Russia is running sorties against missile defense in Asia.

4) China is moving massive numbers of troops (more than being reported by the news).

5) North Korea is posturing,  causing a problem. Pushing us and others to the very brink of using nukes.

6) American politicians – specifically people like Obama, Bloomberg and some states are attempting to BAN guns, magazines, bullets, whatever they can in an effort to disarm us.

7) The stock market is climbing and poised for a massive fall….

What IF as we’ve all been thinking I’m sure, this is all part of a very large plan? Americans are being “disarmed” by the very fact we can’t get bullets.

WHAT IF next week North Korea does something stupid, sets off a nuke. What IF we respond? What IF Russia responds to our response? What IF China also responds to our response? What IF this is the way John Titor (ok pulled that right out of ass) is Right? Cities get nuked. We get invaded.

Americans arm up as best they can and fight as best they can.

The REAL Red Dawn coming?



EDIT: John Titor, an alleged “Time Traveler” who appeared on a site I ran in 1999 and vanished into thin air in late 2000 or so after getting everyone in an uproar about “how things are in his time line” including having been “nuked” around 2014, “lots of little Wacos”, “gun control” and other similar things.  I personally had contact with the guy through email and chat rooms, but never believed anything he said.  But… now I am wondering. haha.

Thoughts on Bad Cop Dorner

I have a long history with the military. I’m not an “operator” or anything.  I was a communications guy, but I’ve had considerable training.  I saw some action once in a land far away. I’ve spent time in deserts, jungles, urban areas and have an interesting background in woodsmanship as a youngster.  I’ve got a lot of “on the side” training including anti-terrorism training, CBRN, escape and evasion, rifle, pistol marksman, and I’ve gone through “peace officer” training here in my state. I’ve been a “survivalist” pretty much all my life.


I’m not great at most of those things but have training, and I could probably spend some time hiding out, escaping, evading, and surviving in the woods and if someone were after me, I could give them a run for their money, even at my age.

This Dorner guy is a cop, and has most of the same training, and probably a LOT more than I have.  He’s had a long time to think over this whole thing, and to plan, to decide what to do, how to do it, and get assets in place.  If I had four or more years to plan to “get revenge” I probably wouldn’t have gone to the trouble of posting/publishing a “manifesto” to keep them off my trail long enough for me to complete the mission.

Now… just looking at this map I saw today tells me the guy has been “spotted” in a dozen locations from LA to San Diego, back up to the Big Bear Lake area and south again.  I’m starting to think he has some assistance out there, moving things for him, making sure he appears to be “everywhere”.

Is he that smart? Probably. He HAS had a lot of time to plan and move assets.  He is well armed.  He’s pissed off, has nothing to lose and plans on accomplishing a good portion of his mission before they take him out.  And he is not afraid of being killed.

Some of his background as shown on Fox News a few moments ago begs the question, “Why did he let a line get caught in the prop?”  He’s a Naval Lt., and presumably knows SOMETHING about casting off dock lines and making sure the dinghy painter isn’t dragging behind his yacht.  He’s got underwater operations training and even some aviation training.

This is a serious situation and it begs watching from our point of view.  There will be lessons in this; even if the guy’s real agenda and “background” was kept hidden at first by the main stream media.  After all, he is a hard core Lefty who hates guns, became a cop and is now a rogue.

And… what’s on that DVD anyway?


Life just got very chaotic for the Leftists in America, especially those who believe “Only police and military should have guns….”

Jimmy Lee Dykes: The Media’s New Poster Child for Those Crazy Preppers

Jimmy Lee Dykes: The Media’s New Poster Child for Those Crazy Preppers

Daisy Luther, Contributor
Activist Post

I’m genuinely curious about something.

Why is it socially unacceptable to generalize about certain groups of people, while it’s open season on others?

Why are some beliefs, religions and lifestyles protected by media watchdogs and special interest groups, while others are considered threatening and are openly vilified?

It’s estimated that there are over 3 million preppers (and growing) in the United States. Some are God-fearing Christians, some are political Libertarians, and others are peace-loving small farmers. We teach our children to think critically, we believe in preparing for events that could be detrimental to our survival and for the most part, we just want to be left alone to seek our happiness. We are resistant, by and large, to governmental intrusion and to the restriction of our natural rights – those rights bestowed upon all humanity that are not contingent upon the legal laws, customs, or beliefs of any culture or government – the rights that are universal and inalienable..


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