We are MOVING!

Hi to everyone who has followed over the years.

We have a new address, and have exported the majority of the site over. You will see some changes, but all the old stuff should still be available there, but after today there probably won’t be any more posts here before we close it permanently.

The new Address is located at: https://americanpatriotrealitycheck.substack.com/

Due to some previous “Censorship” on the part of WordPress, removing Patriot blogs, removing Conservatives, and squelching our voices, we will no longer support them. In fact, we ask anyone who is a Conservative, a Patriot and a Real American to leave WordPress.

We have other venues available, even though they want to shut us down

There is Gab, Truth Social, USA.Life, there is Telegram and others. You can find us on most of those places.

Pick one. Move there. Get away from the Censors. Stop giving them life.

See you on the other side friends!

@RealAmericanPatriot (Gab, TS) aka @Pirate_Fletcher (TG)

Freedom Fighters of the World, UNITE!

American Patriot Reality Check – this Blog was created originally as a Survival blog, having it’s origins in the 1990s.

The Third Millenium Survival Website came into being in the early 1990s, after having existed as an “Email List” where we sent emails to one another in a group setting, which started in the 1980s. Yes, there was no Internet as we know it today, and Social Media wasn’t even a phrase yet to be coined.

Since the 1970s I have personally been involved with Survival, and Prepping. In 1982 I set up my first dial up BBS – using an Apple ][+ computer and a 300 baud modem. And ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, 40 CHARACTERS ACROSS THE SCREEN AND 26 LINES.

(Imagine everything else being capitals on a tiny screen from now on out!)

In any case, my background is military, and I grew up learning trapping, farming and how to get along on the streets in a bit city for part of my life. Eventually, I went into electronics, communications, and computers.

My upbringing by my parents (as the eldest child of five) was important to my outlookin on life. While Dad and Mom were both Democrats, they were John F. Kennedy type Democrats. We believed in things like the Bill of Rights. As time went on and the 80s approached, I saw a lot of changes happening. The 1960s were pivotal for America – and the “Free Love” people, the Hippies, the hate for the Vietnam War, and even hate against the US Military. In HS while wearing a US Army Junior ROTC uniform I was attacked by hippies on my way to school one day in the “Large city” aforementioned. I had paint and piss thrown on me…. I reported to class in a destroyed uniform, and immediately the police were called about the assault. The hippies were sent packing at that point…..

That day was a turning point in my life. Military personnel, members of my own family, went to that war. Friends’ dads and uncles died in that war. Men came home and were treated horribly.

I joined the military in 1975 and retired in 2002.

Over the years, my politics changed from Democrat because the Democrats were different. Like Reagan, I didn’t leave my party, my party left me. I became a Republican. Long story short, eventually, I left the Republican party as well and am registered as an “American Constitutionalist”.

This brings me back to the blog, the telegram channel, my Gab channels and my basic premise for the whole shebang.


America is NOT a democracy, we are a Constitutional and Representative Republic, based solely on a Judaeu-Christian perspective, with Capitalism as our economic system. We elect people and send them to do our bidding. We do not “elect Leaders”. We do not hire them to be our bosses, tell us how to act, force us into mandates or become tyrannical assholes. Today, most of them are Tyrannical Assholes. And they must be removed. Period.

Today, America is rife with those “hippies” of the 60s, but now many of them are IN CHARGE. They are wealthy, politicians and even in high up positions. It is those people who are the Tyrannical Assholes I mentioned before. And the majority are Communists. Some call themselves Progressives. We call them Regressives. Some call themselves “Liberal”, but they are not.

The focus of my blog, channels and my voice is to Fight Communism in any form. That includes Progressivism-regressivism, Communism, Socialism, Social-Democracy, Marxism, Liberalism, dumbassism or any other -Ism that is not Constitutional.

Clearly stated is the mission: “Bringing you Truth, Justice and the American Way”

I don’t believe in “your truth” or “my truth”. I believe in Facts. JUST FACTS. The truth is a story told by facts. Facts are not made up things that give one said a truth and the other side a different truth. Everything IS black and white, you can break it down, you can delve into the depths of hell and pull out the evil that lives there, and show it as a “fact”. Evil exists. Good exists. It is RARE that there is a fact that is good or evil. Facts “just are”. The culmination of how those facts came into being are dripping of evil or good. People aren’t murdered “because guns exist”. They are murdered because bad people exist, and they may use guns, knives, or even hammers or SUVs to commit the evil. Those same tools can be used for GOOD as well.

The Media today is your enemy. The politicians who do NOT stand for your rights, are your enemy. The “Government” isn’t your enemy, because the Government is controlled and create by the Constitution. It’s important to understand the differences here. Government is a TOOL. People (some of whom are also tools, like Biden and Harris) are the impetus for the evil with in the “government” and they are what makes the tool a danger.

As Americans, indeed as Free People in whatever country you happen to reside, these things remain constant. Germany, UK, US, Australia, China, it’s irrelevant. The Government is full of Evil people intent on some means of controlling their respective populations. They are using Social Media, and the Main Stream Media to convince you they are “correct” and you are wrong, misled or confused. They are using the police to enforce those “suggestions” and “mandates” on you, your family, your bodies and your well being. Indeed, all the governments are in communication and trying to force us all into some kind of obeyance.

If they win – Freedom loses. Not just in Australia, UK or US. Everywhere, for everyone.

I’m asking for all Freedom Fighters to stand up now, today, and join forces with your neighbors, friends, family, and even to some extent those you might view as enemies but who have similar values as you. Just because your neighbor votes one way, and you vote another if you both believe in Freedom, then it is FREEDOM FOR WHICH YOU ARE FIGHTING.

I am asking the world to come together, now, and fight for your freedoms. Put down the Communists, and all the other alphabet names, the Labour/Labor, Liberals, Progressives, Green Party – all of whom are pushing towards a Marxist or Communist world. We must fight, we must win and we must, once and for all time, put down this attack on Civilization, and depopulation of the planet.

If you have a Senator, a Representative or Governor, or other so called “Elected Official” who has beenin office more than two terms, it is time to eliminate them. Remove them from office. Legally if possible, by force if you must.

We are in a fight not only for Freedom, but for the lives of ourselves, our children, grand children, great-grand children and the rest of the human race itself. The Vaccinations aren’t vaccinations. They are a LIE. They are killing people right and left. They are “modifying the human genome”, killing babies now, and causing elderly to die from heart disease induced by the shots. They are causing clots, and heart, kidney and microclotting on a scale never before seen.

This is an existential threat to the human race, all for Communism to be able to “control those whom are left”.

We Implore you, all of you, every red-blooded human being to stand down from being controlled. We outnumber them. We out gun then, or in some cases “outtool them”. Sticks, stones, votes, dollars, yen, euros… money, all tools. USE THEM.

Remove the murderers now!

World War III

Albert Einstien famously is quoted as saying: “I am not sure with which weapons the third world war will be fought, but in the fourth world war they will fight with sticks and stones.”

Growing up during times of the “Iron Curtain”, and the Cold War between the West and the Soviet Union, this writer was convinced that World War III would be fought with nuclear weapons. That may still come true given the saber rattling between the Russian and Ukraine governments, with the US, UK and others thrown into the mix; and let’s not forget China eyeing Taiwan with greedy intent.

However, in January 2020, as fate would have it, a virus was leaked; accidently, or deliberately, we can only surmise, but now it is certain it was deliberate. Another thing in play was this whole “Deep State” in the US Government, and other governments, including the UK, Australia, Germany, and many other Western allied countries. The fact that such a “Deep State” exists can no longer be denied. The Senior Executive Service with in the US Government consists of men and women who’ve moved up the Civil Service Ranks and become immovable objects to which ever Presidential Administration might hold office.

These people are stuck there, and unless or until they die, retire or are physically removed, they are the inner working impetus to internal government agencies’ inner workings. THEY are the motor and energy on which Agencies, like the FBI, CIA, HHS and other function and run. These people, and their political aspirations shape and mold the very people inside those companies.

If you want to keep your job as a low level person, you follow internal policy. If you want to be removed, ignore it at your own peril.

Today we have seen the grinding grit between Presidental Mandates and the US District courts stopping mask mandates and now even the mandates to vaccinate employees.

We are at a cross roads. Now, allow me to connect World War IV, III and Citizens and SES all at once.

The internal ogranization of breaucrats is largely Communist run.

The American Population is largely NON-Communist and believes strongly in America.

Judges follow the LAW, and must or the system has failed.

Covid was released to usher in a new way to reduce the world population.

The Cross Road is simple. THIS is World War III and YOU are fighting it now. Every, single individual that took one of those shots is at risk now. The lies of the media, social media and the Communists like Fauci, Harris, and the head of the various organizations pushing vaccines, for NO REASON NOW, have shown us the underlying reasoning for this. Kill the old, force a reduction of population by having a “vaccine” attack the body’s of people, cause miscarriage and death in many. Reducing the world population by a large number has ALWAYS been the Left’s goal. Now, they are succeeding in doing this. Do you think you know the truth? There is no “truth”. There are only facts, and they are being hidden from you.

The “Truth” is something a lot of people think they know. Many people think their truth is what they believe. Sometimes they have a good reason for believing it, sometimes, they don’t. Today, the vast majority of people who have fallen prey to Main Stream Media, think they know the “Truth”.

However, when you are lied to continually, and those lies are couched in “science” like the so-called vaccines have been, mask mandates and even the corona virus and actual FACTS have been denied and hidden by Social Media, the public has been led to believe the lies. The Main Stream Media, Social Media, and world Leaders themselves have been continually lying to us all.

The truth, my friends is that you’re being lied too.


There is no other truth any more. Facts are what make up reality.

Reality is being slowly, and surely molded to change before your eyes. I am not only speaking to Americans, but to every, free person in the world today. This is not about nations, it is about being Free People. Sure, keep your borders (important to maintain your own culture) but, also know that the American Constitution is not just about Americans. It is about Freedom. Sure, America has it to ensure our rights, but there is nothing stopping the rest of the world from adopting a similar method, reasoning and fighting spirit. Now, finish reading…. the last part is most important.

Now here is another FACT for you: The Vaccine is an Existential Threat to humanity. And so are the World Leaders who are attempting to force it on you.

This is your last chance stand up, to say no and to make the “powers that be” know you will not give in any more. And when they try to force you, you must fight back. Fight for your lives, fight for your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. If you do not, there will be no “human race” in 20 more years. There will be Elites and Slaves. Your children will be the slaves. Guess where YOU will be.

Exposing the Vaccination Lies

We have been lied too since DAY ONE. We now believe Trump was lied too by the so-called “cabinet” and others around him. He pushed to make this vaccine without full disclosure.

Stew Peters just interviewed Karen Kingston, andwhat she has to say is absolutely terrifying.


We IMPLORE you to watch this. And understand, this is not a joke. This is not a “conspiracy theory”. This is and has ALWAYS BEEN about CONTROLLING the HUMAN POPULATION.

Ask yourselves some questions:

WHY are governments PUSHING this vaccine so HARD?

Why has the medical community NOT come forward?

WHO runs the CDC and WHO?

Who is Anthony Fauci?

WHEN did YOU give up your RIGHT to YOUR body?

Here’s a article which also has a link to the above video: https://thetruedefender.com/patent-proves-the-vaccine-is-and-obedience-training-platform/

If this isn’t bad enough, Artificial Intelligence is about to push through the envelop. Robotic dogs are working with Police now. They can be equipped with guns.

If there was ever a science fiction book, you’re not living in it.

Transhumanism is next.

I’m sorry to inform you, but if we don’t fight this, now, today, tomorrow will no longer belong to us, or our children.

Escaping Big Tech

For decades we’ve used and enjoyed the safety and security of Linux Operating Systems. For nearly as long as we’ve used the various distributions of Linux, we have tried to get others to migrate away from Windows, and/or Apple. There’s always been an excuse though; “It’s too difficult”. “You need to be a programmer or computer guru”. “I like the simplicity of Windows.”

What all those excuses fail to take into account is that every computer using Apple or Windows is LOCKED into a specific environment, forced on you by those companies, in an effort to prevent you from wanting to work a little for your security and safety.

Windows and Apple both – along with Google – use proprietary software to prevent you from understanding how they use you, and make you into the commodity. While you’re browsing, they are collecting your information, your names, emails, your linked accounts, the car you drive, the soap you use, the kind of man, or woman you like, or would like to be. It’s all found in data bases you have no access to, and can’t delete.

A few weeks ago, a Patriot named Jeffrey Peterson stepped forward and found a team of people who’ve been tirelessly volunteering to help Patriots to escape Big Tech.

You too, can join this movement and escape the Big Tech.

Currently, the teams are using Telegram channels to help teach and train people. There is a school being set up, forums on which to post. The community went in days from a couple of hundred to almost 45,000 people and is growing daily.

If you are also seeking escape from Facebook, Twitter, Google, Apple, Microsoft and wish to get away from the tracking and shadow banning, the hatred of the Left, and the evils of Government, away from their prying eyes, then stand up, step forward and join the Movement.

https://jeff.pro/forums/ – Forums web page
https://t.me/jptchat – telegram technology Chat group
https://t.me/jeffrey_peterson (The big group) Jeff Peterson is owner
support@jeff.pro (For issues site/class related)

Join our Telegram Group at: https://t.me/AmericanPatriotRealityCheck

And Join me on Gab: https://gab.com/RealAmericanPatriot

The Battle for Liberty

All around the world, a pitched battle for Liberty is being fought. From the United States, to England, to France, to Belgium, to Brazil, Australia, Germany, Denmark, and Sweden men and women are fighting back against the “Covid” restrictions, the mask mandates and above all, the forced vaccination of humans by governments who are NOT medical professionals, and do NOT have the training to understand what is being put into the human body.

At NO TIME in HISTORY have so many people begun to come together for a common cause, the reduction of Government oversight on their daily lives, the forced mandates which literally hold NO LEGAL BASIS in nearly ANY country, nor in Common Law.

And yet, the US Government with the aid of impotent, ignorant, alleged Doctors (like Fauci) and made up, fake medical organizations like the “Center for Disease Control” and “World Health Organization” continue to order citizens around. Not just in the US, but around the world.

The Center for Disease Control, should be called “Center for Disease Distribution”. Fauci needs to be strung up for his part in all of this. Thousands have died because of these various “vaccinations” which are being proven to be filled with various things that are NOT good for our bodies, but above all, are causing all kinds of reactions in people, including damaging heart muscles, and causing types of Palsy in some.

NORMAL MEDICAL CONTROLS would have called for the immediate withdrawal of these vaccines and NORMAL government would have called for an immediate investigation of the drugs,but neither of these things has occurred.

We MUST ASK….”WHY is a government pushing so hard to inject as many people as possible to ‘protect’ them from a COLD virus?” and WHY is the government still pushing masks on people, when they now KNOW without a DOUBT this virus has the ability to latch onto your LUNG TISSUES with less oxygen (which is what masks do for you).

Is this a DELIBERATE attempt to kill off as many of the elderly, the infirm, the sick and those with pre-existing medical conditions?

We believe that the LEFTIST and PROGRESSIVE government officials KNOW this to be the case. It’s so much easier to kill of the older people than the younger, to better control the younger, already-brainwashed commies being raised by the school systems around the world.

The older people who’ve been around, remember history. They KNOW what happens, so it’s best to remove them. And better to inject them with something that kills them next week, than to shoot them or put them in a gas chamber!

Well – we have news. The people of this world are rising up against this tyranny, and our patience is gone.

It’s time you start lining us up and shooting us…..because, you know, the next step is to shoot back.

We’re ready, we’re willing, and as God is our witness, we and Freedom will prevail over Tyranny and Communism.

Hang on, the ride is about to get rougher.

Stand up, Fight Back, Resist

Stand up, Fight Back, Resist

I’m going to let everyone who has been paying attention, onto a little secret.

There’s no “Leader” or “Hero” who is gonna step forward.

There’s no “storm” coming.

There’s no “count down”.

No one is coming to save you or America.

An election was stolen.

A fake vaccine was created and then a “disease” was thrust into our countries, to FORCE to take this fake vaccine. It’s not even a vaccine if you’re listening to the doctors. NO, not the CDC, or WHO, I’m talking about the man who INVENTED it. I’m talking about the hundreds of virologists, and experts, MDs and PHDs who’ve been coming forward on a daily basis to tell the truth.

Thosands have been injured or even killed by this “vaccine”. Normal testing was never performed. No clinical trials. (Ask yourselves why not….)

The claim that 650,000 American’s died from Covid is as much a hoax as the virus itself. Sure, people are getting a severe cold or flu (golly CORONA VIRUSES make up about half of all the cold viruses out there) and sure, they’ve been dying from complications. BUT THE MAJORITY ARE NOT DYING. The old, the infirm, those with other medical issues….

Ask why they are now TRYING TO FORCE A “vaccine” on everyone, EVERYONE. WHO is doing that? WHY are they doing it? What gives them the RIGHT to do it? (Nothing gives them the right). The Chinese and Australia are literally holding people down and injecting them with something. WHY!

We are in a war for our very lives in this country, for our freedoms, for our Liberty, for our Constitution, for our Way of Life and for the future of this country long after we’re gone.

The Communists embedded in our government aren’t going away, aren’t getting arrested, aren’t being tried for treason, and certainly aren’t being sent to GITMO. Anon and Q appears to have been a psychological operation created by CIA, or the CCP, or the Leftists, or someone who worked this out ahead of time and used gullibility of the “Believing American People”, their Hope and Caring to keep them at bay, while the Commies worked their magic to steal an election, to get good Americans arrested, and Bad People they could control, put in public offices.

Americans must start now, rise up. Fight back, demand accountability of any elected official, all of them, not a few, but ALL of them. We the People control this country.

The country is not controlled by “politicians” and it’s high time to put a hard stop to their belief they are our leaders. They are NOT our leaders. They are our servants.

Starting on 11 September 2021, we will all need to be stepping up to the plate. No more “big business” support, no amazon, no facebook, no twitter. Use signal, telegram and small social media to get in touch. Use your TELEPHONE to call, but, best, talk to people IN PERSON. Continue to support LOCAL businesses who refuse to give in to masks, shots, the hype and Leftists. Stock up on food, gas and other important items.

If you have Mayors and Governors who are Leftists/Commies, START PROTESTING in front of their offices, their homes, follow them around. School boards are being removed slowly, keep that up. SCARE THEM OFF.

No violence. Not unless someone else is violent with you, then PUT THEM DOWN. Fight back if you must, but don’t start it. Take the high ground.

Heinlien postulated that “An Armed Society, is a polite Society.” If there are Vets out there willing to, once again, pick up weapons and guard the backs of Real Americans, it’s high time we do it. Walk the bleeding edge of what is necessary to keep Antifa and the Criminal Left out of our people’s faces, backs and flanks.

Never use your weapon unless it becomes necessary and the other side becomes a threat to Life, Limb and Property. Follow the states’ laws to the Letter. Don’t give a stacked court another victim, you.

Remember I said no “Leader” or “Hero” is gonna step forward? Well, I lied.

That Leader or Hero is right there with you, RIGHT NOW, reading this. It is YOU.

The American People, the American Public, the America we all know and love lives right there inside your heart and head.

YOU who fly that flag.

You, who stand up to Tyranny.

YOU are that Leader in your own community. Each of us has skills, abilities and a love for this country that goes back to the very beginning of our genetics, to the foundation of this country, and to the Republic’s very tiny roots.

America was FOUNDED by PEOPLE LIKE YOU. By your fore-fathers and fore-mothers who were curious, brave, and emboldened to step away from regimes of Monarchs and form a free country. These are your roots. This country has stood for FREEDOM for 245 years, we have fought pirates, Monarchies, Communists, Socialists and Muslims. Anyone who would take the freedoms of others. And now, we’re allowing these scum into our governments, into our schools and into our lives simply because we were afraid be called names, or embarrassed on Social Media?

Stand up, America. Stand up Americans!

Be again, what you were before, a BEACON of HOPE for those who wish to be Free. Stop cowering because you’re afraid.

You are the Leader. You are the Hero.

YOU are the one to stop this onslaught against the American People and our Way of Life.


Organize and attend peaceful rallies throughout your state. Let your voices be heard and your presence felt.

Let the so-called “leaders” know your demands and your determination.

Thousands of small rallies will collectively be more powerful than one large rally.

STOP doing business with the enemy. Show the enemy who really holds the power of the purse strings. Don’t cross the virtual picket line. Cut off the enemy’s monetary supply lines.

Organize your community for communication and support services locally. (

Here’s SOME of the companies who don’t believe in America: https://www.cancelthiscompany.com/index.html)

If you have local companies that are refusing entry over masks, vaccine “papers”, make sure you call the Nazis out for it, publicly. NO ONE has a right to demand your papers. Especially if they can’t ask for ID for voting.

Dear Illegitimate President Biden

The following article was written by Daily Wire, and quotes the Office of Naval Intelligence. I wasn’t in the Navy, I was in the United States Air Force. I’ve served with every service out there, including the US Secret Service, US Coast Guard, Navy, Army, and fought next to Marines in the past, nearly a life time away now. Forty-four years of service I gave to America and was proud to call my job, my Duty and my Honor.


I am completely disgusted at the current Administration for their lack of caring about the people of this country, or even those innocents in foreign countries we chose to defend in the name of Freedom and Liberty.

I will say this loud and clear for this Administration, and especially this person sitting illegitimately in the Office of the President, to Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi and any other Leftist Leaning asshole serving in a public office they were allegedly elected too. You do NOT control the people of this country.

You are NOT our Leaders. You are not our Kings and Queens. You are not our Monarchs. You are not “the Elite”.

You are OUR SERVANTS and you ANSWER to us, the People of this Land.

The ONI will NOT bother one Retiree from the Navy or any other retired service member while we live. We earned our pensions, we earned our retirements, we EARNED our medals, our wounds, and our privacy, and we, above all never gave up our right to speak out against Tyrants and Authoritarian regimes. We did NOT give up Citizenship, and regardless of what some BS piece of paper says about “retirees” (and I suggest you read it again, because you’re attempting to misinterpret it to SCARE Vets into silence) understand clearly; if you fuck with our Liberties any further, we will not be very pleased, nor will any of the thousands and thousands of military Veterans out here sit on our asses and allow you to do it.

We Americans are SICK of the attempts to muzzle us, invade our bodies against our wills, shut us up, tell us to sit down, hide in our homes, avoid contact with family, relatives, friends or go out and have a bloody drink at the Pub.

Totalitarianism comes in several shapes and sizes and right now, I will name Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, and a handful of states’ governors including Newsome, Cooper, Polis, along with a few mayors who are too numerous to bother with at the moment (but the people know who they are) as some of the worst offenders of today.

America is armed. America is a DANGEROUS place, especially for politicians to take it upon themselves to begin forcing Socialism – sorry COMMUNISM down our throats. The people of this country are done with being forced to do things we don’t want to do, isn’t good for us, and against our religion, or other moral reasons.

Make no mistake, there’s a line in the sand which we have been watching carefully and the encroachment upon that line is getting exceedingly close. America’s Vets are finished with the nonsense, and the incompetence we’re seeing in Washington from illegitimate people in PUBLIC offices, acting like our Rulers.

You Are Not Our Rulers.

A second rising of America is about to begin and you Politicians have triggered it.


American Patriots and Veterans of America

Vaccine Scam and China

Not being a conspiracy theorist sometimes has it’s difficulities. For instance, this author can’t go and find random crap, connect it to a “kernel of truth” and make it sound mysterious and evil, like the Mason haters, and the “Anti-Bush” people, the “Reptilian Hunters” and the “There was no Holocaust” dumb asses. This thing, however, is easy.

As an ancient Cold Warrior – that’s a guy who knew the Soviets were trying to kill us any way they could, as were the Chinese – I KNEW there were always nefarious schemes out there. ANYONE who has ever READ any of the unclassified history of the Central Intelligence Agency or the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), or the Codebreakers (a large book on encryption, ciphers, and the history of such things) KNOWS that there is a dark and dangerous past in this country and it goes all the way back to ancient Greece, Rome and even back to Egypt. Spies are spies and they do what they do for their countries, and some switch for money.

We also know Communism has killed more people than anything else in history, including most all of the combined “pandemics” in recorded history. Ok, perhaps that’s a slight exaggeration. About 100 million in 100 years by the commies. Pretty good record. Couple of hundred million over the ages though, by plagues like bubonic plague, small pox and so on.

However, we’re here to talk about both Covid and Communism. When this disease was “discovered” in Wuhan, China (capitol of Hubui Provence, China) rumors were that it was an animal-to-human transfer. People eating live bats from a “wet market” were the “original cause”. Over time, this was poo-poohed by everyone from China to the US Government. Then videos “leaked” from China showing people dropping dead from this virus (supposedly), bleeding from their heads, eyes, falling out at trains and off benches.

This terrified everyone. As was the purpose o such leaked videos. The Chinese have a strangle hold on social media, controlling every aspect of life there in China with an iron fist. This author has visited there, and know this to be truth. Also, we know from previous visits they film every individual visiting them constantly, following them with specialized tails and video gear. They even plant devices in your rooms, microphones in the walls and places you would not think to look.

So, it is a foregone conclusion that no one is leaking anything without approval. Especially not videos showing men welding doors shut on apartment complexes, and buildings to prevent people from leaving, or dead and dying in the streets. Not, especially if one has ACTUALLY ACCIDENTALLY RELEASED by the Chinese. Why would that happen?

Because they wanted to terrify the Western Civilization.

Communist China has a long term goal of ruling the entire Pacific Rim, and eventually the world itself through the use of Communist tactics. They aren’t going to ALLOW someone to release a video of dead and dying if they created a virus “by accident” or even on purpose.

But, what IS China doing? Follow along a moment if you will, down the rabbit hole.

China has managed to place hundreds if not thousands of agents around the world in governments, including the United States, because we do NOT do the checks we used to do about communist backgrounds. We don’t check that. We check if someone is belonging to a group “advocating the overthrow” of the government, but never ask “Are you a Communist” or “Are you a Socialist”. Those questions are verboten.

China has bought and paid for governors, medical people, doctors, lawyers, politicians and petty men and women throughout the USA involved in politics. Offering money to them in large amounts and giving them, or threatening them, to prevent them from speaking is one way they are doing this. They are using our OWN money by purchasing things and leveraging large amounts of land, natural resources and people.

Now, add in that there are people like doctors involved in some of the big pharmaceutical corporations also involved.

Fast forward to Trump saying “We will make a vaccine!”

Just precisely what those companies in the pockets of China needed. Creation of a depopulation vaccine.

It’s not actually a vaccine. It’s a dangerous shot intended to ruin out ability to reproduce. More on that in a moment. Watch this video and copy down the numbers.


Now… consider this. Some doctors have been going public saying this vaccination and the material moves to the ovaries and testicles in men and women.

The Chinese have a LONG TERM goal of ruling the world. So what if it takes a decade or ten more? As long as they control things eventually.

What IF these companies have produced this drug and convinced governments like Australia and UK to FORCE children to take this “for their safety”?

And what IF this drug sterilizes everyone over time? You, your children, eventually your grand kids who will simply take the vaccination as a matter of course?

What IF all the countries forcing this start to depopulate, albeit, slowly, and then in ten or twenty years, Communism is inculcated (which is actually being done NOW) into all of Western Society? And finally, what if China simply takes over by this method?

I submit China didn’t create a virus, they created an ENVIRONMENT through which panic driven politicians (probably MOSTLY in the dark about this) force this virus upon an innocent population and force Western Society to go against ALL human rights precepts to accept this “vaccination” – to cause a voluntary depopulation of the this planet?

China doesn’t care how long this will take, and they will sit and laugh at the stupid westerners for their mistakes, their hype, their belief in something untrue and the lies told them by politicians.

If you are young and you take this vaccine right now, until it is proven safe (and just because the FDA is being said to have approved one of them does not make it so), then you are helping to DOOM the West forever.


Video above is saying that this vaccine that the FDA supposedly approved, IS NOT ACTUALLY APPROVED. Media lying.

An Ode To America

~An Ode to America ~

Why are Americans so united? They would not resemble one another even if you painted them all one color! They speak all the languages of the world and form an astonishing mixture of civilizations and religious beliefs.

On 9/ll, the American tragedy turned three hundred million people into a hand put on the heart. Nobody rushed to accuse the White House, the Army, or the Secret Service that they are only a bunch of losers. Nobody rushed to empty their bank accounts. Nobody rushed out onto the streets nearby to gape about.

Instead the Americans volunteered to donate blood and to give a helping hand.

After the first moments of panic, they raised their flag over the smoking ruins, putting on T-shirts, caps and ties in the colors of the national flag. They placed flags on buildings and cars as if in every place and on every car a government official or the president was passing. On every occasion, they started singing: ‘God Bless America !’

I watched the live broadcast and rerun after rerun for hours listening to the story of the guy who went down one hundred floors with a woman in a wheelchair without knowing who she was, or of the Californian hockey player, who gave his life fighting with the terrorists and prevented the plane from hitting a target that could have killed other hundreds or thousands of people.

How on earth were they able to respond united as one human being? Imperceptibly, with every word and musical note, the memory of some turned into a modern myth of tragic heroes. And with every phone call, millions and millions of dollars were put into collection aimed at rewarding not a man or a family, but a spirit, which no money can buy. What on earth unites the Americans in such a way? Their land? Their history? Their economic Power? Money? I tried for hours to find an answer, humming songs and murmuring phrases with the risk of sounding commonplace, I thought things over, I reached but only one conclusion… Only freedom can work such miracles.

Cornel Nistorescu

(This deserves to be passed around the Internet forever.)

It took a person on the outside – looking in – to see what we take for granted !GOD BLESS AMERICA !!!

Choose Freedom above Safety

From: Tiffany Wilder 19h ·

I have worked in the public indoctrination (school) system since 2011. Yesterday, I took a stand for humanity and our beautiful children. These kids are being coerced into a future where they have no rights, brainwashed into not questioning authority, using their intuition or critical thinking skills. They are being muzzled and separated from their friends and taught to define and judge others based on the color of their skin. I refuse to be a part of any of this abhorrent agenda. I walked in on the first day sans mask. I take my job as a positive role model to children seriously and I will not be an example of a sheep. Miss Tiffany doesn’t muzzle her face and neither should you! I was asked to exit my classroom and put on leave without pay. I implore everyone follow suit! We are so powerful as a collective and we can shift this evil paradigm into the beautiful manifestation that we know is possible! Stand strong in your truth and integrity. God has beautiful plans for us on the other side of fear. 🥰🙏🏼✨

I saw the above posted on Facebook. From a teacher.

The comment under it is as follows:

Glenn Miller: Maybe you can study some science while you are on leave

((https://www.facebook.com/glemiller/ ))

What I find interesting about this smart ass crack from Miller is his own inability to do the same thing. Irony I suppose?
She is a teacher. She has probably studied sciences. She has a degree in teaching most likely. And most likely since she is teaching elementary children, has a good grasp of basic science.

I have seen this kind of bull shit comment come out of the mouths of so many of these idiots it amazes me.
Have they NOT read the DOZENS of papers on masks and how ineffective they ACTUALLY are? Do they not realize the size of a virus is so small they easily pass in tiny aerosol droplets through masks? Even though Smoke particles are MUCH larger than viruses, the SAME CDC warns NOT to wear the same masks in smoky areas of the country?
Can people not understand what words like “asymptomatic” mean?

Well, if you’re going to berate someone for “not understanding science”, perhaps you should understand it yourself?

asymptomatic (ā′sĭmp-tə-măt′ĭk)adj.Neither causing nor exhibiting symptoms of disease.

a′symp·to·mat′i·cal·ly adv.


Covid-19 might exist, but did not exist in nature before it was “discovered”. It was created. By the Chinese. And it was created for a purpose many of us believe to be to control Hong Kong’s unrest or even to overthrow Taiwan. But, it escaped into the “wild” either purposefully, or by accident, giving away it’s exact location right away to the media and governments. We KNOW it came from Wuhan.

The US Government has a POLICY about this concerning the use of biological weapons, and nuclear weapons in response (don’t believe me, look it up)..

Viruses mutate. As soon as they infect a host, they attempt to deny the host’s ability to fight them, by modifying their structure, The human hosts develop antibodies which fight these viruses. The viruses move on, become something different, and in general certainly less deadly.

Eventually, a mutated virus will come back as nothing more than a common cold. MOST common colds, if not all of them, started as a coronavirus, a rhinovirus or a third type.

In ALL cases, the viruses mutated and became different to continue to survive themselves, but not kill human hosts. While they might be more easily “caught” in humans, they are not as deadly.

Asymptomatic means you are NOT SHEDDING A VIRUS IF YOU HAVE IT. IF you aren’t shedding, you’re not sharing. A mask won’t stop it, either on the “host” or on the alleged “victim”.

Forcing ANYONE to wear a mask has NOTHING whatsoever to do with safety at this point, it has to do with forcing CONTROL over people, turning them into compliant animals.

America will no longer stand for this behavior from our POLITICIANS and POLITICAL PARTIES, nor from agencies like the CDC who have been lobbied into selling unwanted, unnecessary and even DANGEROUS drugs to the public.

I CHOOSE MY RIGHTS OVER GOVERNMENT and let me state clearly, we will fight if you try to force us into “green zones”, take away our livelihoods, businesses or children!

How long are going to sit here?

I’m going to just let that question hang in the air a bit. Now, please, go read it again and consider this link below. Go read it, and understand what is happening here. I’ll wait for you to come back.

Are you back? Did you read that horseshit? Do you really, really, really understand this? BAN UNVACCINATED PEOPLE??

When are you going to let them make you sew on the Star or picture of Trump to your new uniform?

Do you all TRULY REALIZE what is about to happen here??

You will be denied a job, you will be denied travel, denied your pension, your social security, your Medicare/Medicade, denied access to grocery stores, restaurants, banks, your own ACCOUNTS in your banks, your money, your children, your LIFE.

Folks…. it is no longer time for us to sit here and “wait on a messiah” or a “leader”.


Stand up, start the fight. We start with civil unrest. We start with protests. We pull the same shit the Left has been doing for decades.

We loot, we burn, we do whatever it takes to really upset the applecart. We take down businesses that ‘comply’. That means if they force masks, they tell you you have to show a vaccine card, you do whatever it is you can to SHUT THEM DOWN. You don’t JUST support other places, you PROTEST SO MUCH NO ONE WILL GO TO THE FORCED MASK PLACES.

You create cells. Small ones. 3-5 people. 5-10 at most. You create problems for everyone in the community in which you live who is a Communist, a Mask/Vax supporter. You, if you must, break a window or two.

If they get in your face, you MACE them.

You break up into teams with the black umbrellas to protect the rest of your team. You carry your protest signs with sticks and use those sticks on people’s faces when you need to.

If you have to, you break bones.

When they shoot, you have your back up team, carrying legally, defend you.

It’s on. It’s time.

No more.


Biological Warfare Against You

Covid is probably a real thing, though I have my doubts now. But, what IS real is this attempt to continue to lock American down, hide our faces, dehumanize us, threaten businesses that “don’t go along to get along” and forcing those same businesses to pretend to be the Health Police, making us wear a mask “on their property”.

It’s high time to fight back. I strongly urge you all to go to the link I will provide and read everything on the site.


Civil War II – Free Speech is gone

I’m not going to belabor this, but if you have paid ANY attention, and I don’t care if you’re on the Right or Left of the spectrum, you can clearly see a move to squelch Conservative Voices.

Twitter blocked the President. Facebook removed 10s of thousands of people yesterday from the “Walk Away” campaign. Patriots have been removed, blocked, had accounts suspended on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube as of yesterday. Pelosi has called for the impeachment of Trump (again) with just a few days left in his Presidency.

AOC called for people to identify Conservatives, so they might punish them. Last night Parler was removed from Google, and Apple store gave Parler 24 hours to remove Patriot voices or suffer the same consequences in the Apple store.

Dan Bongino has been blocked on Twitter, as have Powell, Rudy, Flynn, the @POTUS account and others.


When they remove your speech, you have no voice:

When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving that he’s a liar – you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say. — George R.R. Martin

We, the Conservatives, and everyone else in the United States are experiencing what the Russians went through as the Soviets took over. Make no mistake, they will come for your guns now.

The truth is, they’ve already introduced a bill to force taxation of ammo, guns, registration and the rest. That would be Jackson-Lee. No, I’m not going to prove it. It’s true.

I’m going to ask you what YOU will do?

Everyone is standing back waiting for Trump to do something. The so-called riot and attaack on the Capitol on the 6th was neither. A few bad actors attempted to do worse, and MAGA people stopped them. The people that “invaded” the Capitoal building did so by WALKING BETWEEN THE VELVET ROPES PEACEFULLY.

Stop believing the liars in Politics. Stop listening to Twitter, and the “facebook gods”.

Your freedoms belong to you, not to Big Tech, and not to a rogue Congress. It is TIME TO TAKE THEM BACK.

The first thing you need it communications. Connect with friends immediately. NOW, not tonight, not tomorrow. Text them, call them, write their names down in your notebook. Get their location and find out how best to contact them.

Create an account on the following platforms:

USA.Life, Mewe.com – Facebook like places. (Use a BROWSER to get to them.)

Parler.com, Gab.com – Twitter like places. Again, use a browser.

Stop using Google. Use DuckDuckGo.

Stop using Chrome, IE and Safari. Download Firefox, Brave, Chromium (different from Chrome).

Download Signal, Line apps before they are removed from the stores as well. These are open source apps allowing encrypted text, voice, video to be sent over the phone. Use it to make contact via telephone numbers.

Get a VPN set up if you can.

Your NUMBER ONE GOAL TODAY, RIGHT NOW is to ESTABLISH A DIFFERENT SET OF ACCOUNTS and COMMUNICATIONS in other platforms away from the control of Big Tech.

After you do that, get armed, get organized. Even ten people can make a difference.

No, we are not advocating violence, but if you don’t have weapons now, you won’t be getting them in the future. Ammo is getting difficult to obtain already.

Folks, this is NOT A DRILL. This is REAL. This is War and you’re in the midst of it. Be WARY of military movements in the next few days, and stay out of their way if you see them. But, do NOT rely on ANY INFORMATION FROM THE MAIN STREAM MEDIA NOW. They are simply the New State Misinformation Arm.

This is TYRANNY. This is what it looks like.

This is a move to Communism. It MUST NOT STAND.

American Dreams of Freedom

Every so so often in human history, we hit something I like to called a “node”. Being a SF reader and writer, I look at it from a “Time Traveler’s Perspective”. If you were a time traveler, you would study up on history before visiting it, so you have an idea of what happened, and since most Time Travelers would be “historians” studying history, then visiting the chosen time period for verification, they would recognize these “nodes” immediately.

A Node is, in my opinion, a time in history where events occur leaving one with “no way out”. Lincoln and the Civil War is one such node. World War II, the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor and Roosevelt’s response, bringing America out of isolation, and winning the War with a devastating attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki with nuclear weapons.

There are many of these “nodes” where something must happen, and there’s little to no choice to maintain freedom, or to fight some evil.

This past year, 2020, will rise in history and be shown that something had to happen. The end of a Presidential Term where the sitting incumbent receives more votes in history than any other candidate in history is one of those, and suddenly, his competitor “comes from behind” to actually “get more votes” than the incumbent.

But, it gets better. The number of people who came forward having seen actual cheating going on, and knowing full well it happened, the statistics and even the computer data from each state in question was run through various computer programs and showed the impossibility of this feat.

Trump won this election. There is NO DOUBT in the minds of ANYONE on this planet. Not even the people who helped Biden “Cheat to Win”. The Marxists know Trump won, which is why they conspired to cheat, to add fake votes to Dominion and other systems in the Swing States. It’s why some people in Wayne County were seen pulling “special ballots” from under a table and running them over and over again through the machines (ALL after the poll workers announced everyone should go home, and ushered all out but a handful, who continued to ‘count’.)

Now, we stand on a precipice – Americans all having stood and watched an election being rigged, then stolen from the rightful winner. Not a few of us watched this either. Nearly seventy-five million voted for Trump. Biden got less than 50 million votes and had “cheaters” in only specific areas push the numbers up to appear like Biden came from behind. All at once. All the states “closed” the counting at about 11 pm. By 4:00 AM the next morning, “Biden had won”.

And the media was not without effect, calling the election for Biden early in several places, as “IF THEY KNEW” something was up.

In the back ground, Covid-19, the Wuhan Flu was playing it’s part. Allowing people to wear masks to help hide their faces (imagine that), and giving Counters the power to throw others out. Who were the people counting or watching who were thrown out? Republicans!

Why is this a Historical Node?

Because, we have been in a Civil War now for months. Now, it will become a shooting civil war.

Enough evidence has been collected, and seen by the public now to know that this election was a fraud, and much of this is going to court. The courts will have to choose to throw out the election or ignore it. If judges ignore it, they do so at their own peril. If Legislators in the swing states ignore it, they too, do so at their own peril.

It Biden is “installed” this country allows this at it’s own peril.

If Trump is found to be the new President by Congress (because that is where this is leading, to the Constitutional Crisis route) then the Marxists will begin burning cities. And they will do so, at their own peril.

Trump appears to have considered and perhaps withdrawn from using the executive order put into play in 2018, perhaps out of sheer consideration of American People. Calling for Martial Law is, in this aged military man’s opinion, a bad idea. On the other hand, the US Military HAS gone in and kept elections honest in other countries. Why not here? Obviously, it’s nearly impossible at this point to “start over” given the Constitution’s rules.

But, is it?

On 6 January 2021, the ballots will come into the chambers in the House. The boxes and envelopes will be opened and counted. In those ballots from the swing states, are ballots for both Trump and for Biden. Pence can choose which he may vote on, based on the outcome of several court cases standing right now.

Senators and Representatives can challenge the election results, and if at least one Senator does so, along with House members, then, it will come down to a debate in both houses.

Given the amount of apparent cheating that went on, this old guy no longer thinks the American people are going to “hold back” if Biden is “installed”.

America will fall to the Marxists if these people get to be in charge again. They won’t stop with simply holding the Presidency. They will rewrite rules, ensuring there will never be another honest election again. They will use the power of the government to tax American’s into poverty. They will use agencies intended to protect this country from outside, foreign interference against their own people. They will not be stopped in Congress, because so many on both sides are caught up in the lies, the blackmail, the Chinese interference and the corruption.

They will simply ignore you as they have done through the Covid “plandemic” and call you names, and force you to become a nameless, sexless, faceless drone for the New Marxist government of the United States.

You will certainly no longer be free. If you think freedom is fleeting now, just wait until January 22nd, 2021 and see how deep that “rabbit hole” goes.

Simply put, American Dreams for a rich and expansive future are slowly dying in made up “pandemics”, carefully crafted “news”, lies told to the American people who have been convinced of the veracity of the media, and a powerful belief in our own Constitution. We have believed that people put into office to represent us are all on the up-and-up, because people like myself were sworn to protect the Constitution and America, and we believed (rightly so) that those appointed above us, too, were sworn (and would) cover our backs.

Those Dreams of Freedom that so many break laws to enjoy are drying up because those same “oath takers” can’t keep their oaths because of the corruption driving those in Congress, Governor’s offices and Mayors even in smaller towns.

If you, as an American, do not want to see your country devoured by the Evil that is Marxism, then you’d better do something about now. Not tomorrow.

Merry Christmas.

We will pray for a Happy New Year, but this Patriot sees nothing of the sort coming our way.

NTD news tv and Epoch Times

I strongly recommend you go check them out on Bitchute, Youtube, and Rumble. If you don’t know what Bitchute and Rumble are, they are Youtube-like.

I’m going to give you a link, and I highly advise you to go watch this program. It’s a documentary, and it goes directly against what Youtube is now allowing. It goes against Google’s new plans to remove Right Wing voices. It goes against Twitter and Facebook’s new TOS.

Go there to learn the truth.


American Patriot Reality Check

Welcome to today’s installment of APRC: Delivering Truth, Justice and the American Way to each American Patriot who chooses to listen.

Currently, the Big Tech companies are working diligently to remove ANY Right Wing voices. (We expect this blog to be removed soon so are looking at a new platform as well).

Democrat governors (and some republicans) are working diligently to STOP meetings of people in Churches, Pubs and local, small businesses.

Why is this happening? Because they believe us to be “Ring Wing Nut Case Conspiracy Theorists”?


Where do Revolutions begin?

Pubs, Bars, Restaurants and local, small businesses where you meet your friends, your neighbors and you DISCUSS things, and you figure out what is going wrong with the world. The American Revolution began, and was planned in pubs. Why? Because it’s where men met and discussed the problems with the King, Taxation without Representation. It’s where the Forefathers put together plans to resist.

Why do you think they want those CLOSED? And not Walmart any big box stores? BECAUSE WE KNOW OUR NEIGHBORS

Patriots, What I am about to say is very important.

Covid has NEVER been about a virus. In the beginning, we saw “mass casualties” “in China”. That has proven to be false. There have never been mass causalities in the US on the streets, falling down at bus stops and dying in trains. Instead this has been about CONTROLLING the population specifically the Patriots.

If you go back over all the things closed and the reasoning, there was never any logical reasoning. I’ve been saying all along Governors don’t have the authority to do so. I was right. Cooper in North Carolina went on the air yesterday I believe and basically begged local “authorities to pass laws to back him up for enforcement”. THIS MEANS HE HAS NO ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITY. PERIOD. Police need to chose the people (they are sworn to protect) over a governor who has ties to China.

FURTHER MORE, the VIRUS ITSELF is completely survivable for almost all of us, and in fact has a LOWER mortality rate than even flu and some other things. Now the most important part…. WHY are the closures so irregular?

Closures of small businesses that serve local communities and limiting people was necessary. Bars, pubs, and certain type of restaurants, AND CHURCHES were closed. WHY? Because THESE PLACES ARE WHERE REVOLUTIONS ARE FORMED, PLANNED AND BEGUN. Democrat governors KNOW this (its in the commie play books folks) so they are STRIVING TO CONTROL US. Facebook, Twitter, Google and Youtube are trying to control your “outside voice” while Marxists try to prevent you from using your INSIDE VOICES.

IT IS TIME to stop being a SHEEP. Take back your places of businesses. Band TOGETHER AND DEFY these Criminals in political positions. Take BACK your RIGHTS NOW, TODAY. Refuse to close. Refuse curfew. Refuse to play their game any longer. Are you willing to wear that damned mask for good? How about a Star of David sewn to your uniform as you board the train for the “reeducation camp”??? START FIGHTING BACK.

Each small business is an entity unto itself. Each of these individuals, alone are easily raked over the coals by illegal behavior of governors and mayors. Together hundreds of you forming a co-op or a “Business Group” can stave off the illegal activities. They may “close a city down” but they can’t close down the hearts and minds of Americans. YOU PERSONALLY are the leader we need. Step up, contact the other businesses. Five or six people, then each of you become a leader, contacting five or six more. Form that private, even secret organization, to post signs, organize reopening of your stores.


Why Trump Wins

Rather than blather on and on about what we already know, like how there was cheating, fraud from multiple fronts and the hatred the Left has for Trump, we’re simply going to give you some links to read today.

We will admonish you to STOP believing anything the Legacy Media has to say for now, because they are in the Tank for a Leftist regime. They do not care about the Constitution, as long as they are wealthy, and talk the “Party line”, they will be fine and be paid.

The rest of you “sheep” can just shut up and go along, or eventually, they will re-educate you or simply kill you.

Please go to the following links and read them, one at a time.

You will NOTE that one of the links isn’t a link. You, American Patriots, will have to work for this one. WordPress, Facebook, Twitter and Google are blocking this link. So, it’s in CODE. Just remove the + signs and reconnect the CODE. (remove spaces, remove the +)

You will NOTE that the link below isn’t a link. You, American Patriots, will have to work for this one. WordPress, Facebook, Twitter and Google are blocking this link. So, it’s in CODE. To DECODE it just remove the + signs and reconnect the CODE. (remove spaces if any, remove the +)


On a separate note about Censorship – This author has grown tired of the attempts to silence us. It is time to stop it.

We are moving from Facebook to Mewe. It’s as close to the FB platform as you can get for now. Mewe isn’t as “mature” a platform, but they are working on it.

Parler and Gab are the closest to Twitter-like environments. Our personal preference being Gab, but it seems like the Conservative Celebs like Dan Bongino, (who is a large stakeholder in Parler) are going to Parler. Thus, we have created accounts on all of them.

You can follow this author at @RealAmericanPatriot on Parler and Gab.

The American Patriot Reality Check Group on Facebook and Mewe are run by Rick Donaldson – who may be found at Mewe under https://mewe.com/i/rickdonaldson1

This Patriot will appear in various locations, sites and forums from time to time to be determined.

https://www.usasupre.me/catisout.html (Original article)

Posting like this so I can repost on Facebook, which is blocking this stuff. Text below.

The Cat is Out of the Bag: The CDC, The WHO, and All the So-called “Experts” Have Lied to You!”THE CAT IS OUT OF THE BAG… THE CDC, THE WHO, AND ALL THE SO-CALLED EXPERTS LIED TO YOU! HERE’S THE LIST:


🔺”CDC admitted they screwed up COVID19 infection counts and intentionally misled the public and have apologized, clarifying that the amount of people truly infected is much lower than what was originally reported — an error so egregious it made the director of the Harvard Global Health Institute say “how could the CDC make this mistake? This is a mess.”

🔺The American Coronavirus Task Force also admitted to fudging the National COVID19 death count when Dr. Birx said the deaths are people who died “with” COVID19 not “from” COVID19, thus making the real death count much lower than what is currently being reported.

🔺Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted masks won’t help against the virus and mask manufacturers are now including warnings that their products do not deter COVID19.
🔺Fauci also said that continuing to close the country could cause irreparable damage.

🔺CDC backtracked their initial claim that led governors to shutdown their states & clarified that COVID19 does not spread easily on surfaces.

🔺Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo confirmed a recent health study showing that 70% of new infections actually originate at home, thus making stay at home orders one of the most dangerous mandates currently in place.

🔺Trump stopped funding the WHO and threatened to cut off money permanently until they can prove they are no longer corruptly influenced by communist China after they lied to our country about human to human transmission of COVID19 in January.

🔺The curve is flattened, the CDC, WHO, Dr. Fauci, our governors, and many more were completely wrong about the potential threat of this virus.

🔺Even California is opening up sooner than anyone expected because the evidence contradicts the long standing and inaccurate narrative still upheld by the extremely dishonest & corrupt media.

🔺If you are still living in fear, Don’t be. The media, global organizations, the government, and its agencies “mislead” the public.

🔺People called those of us who knew this all along conspiracy theorists, but it turns out we were just following the facts!

🔺Open up your businesses, churches, and homes. Don’t fall for the lies any longer. If you fell for the lies this time, wake up and join the army of truth seekers fighting on the front lines.

🔺 WHO have just admitted that transmission of the virus from an asymptomatic carriers – the whole reason for the lockdown, is rare!! ie you could not spread it before showing any symptoms!!

⚠️ The CDC just confirmed a .4 to .26% death-rate for Covid 19. The death rate for the flu shot is .6. Twice as high as Covid!For that, we have: • Added nearly 6 trillion to national debt

• Laid-off or furloughed 50 million workers
• Placed 60 million on food stamps
• Gone from 3.5%to 14.7% unemployment
• Crippled the petroleum industry
• Ruined the tourism industry
• Bankrupted the service industry
• Caused an impending meat and protein crisis
• Threatened, fined, and arrested church leaders
• Exacerbated mental health problems
• Shut down schools and colleges
• Given unbridled power to unelected officials
• Increased suicides higher than COVID deaths
• Delayed surgeries and treatments for profound illnesses
• Infringed upon countless important civil liberties
• Placed 300 million Americans on house arrest

Bill Gates has placed himself in such a position of influence by heavily funding all corners to make this lie happen. We need to start treating it as the lie it is.

Seriously our whole way of life is at stake, and they have plans to make it much worse now introducing it as “the grand reset”, “the beginning of the 4th revolution” (ie; a surveillence state of control, where everyone lives in what is essentially a strict open air prison where you are tracked, nothing is private, and everything is decided for you, and you have no rights whatsoever, and there can be no resistance.

Welcome to their “new world order”.

Don’t forget, we can imagine and bring about our own future. So lets together make it much different from their plan for us and get these people involved, jailed for fraud and terrorism and inducing sheer boredom!!
Let’s share the riches of this beautiful world to make it a beautiful place where everyone can live together in abundance, peace, harmony and celebration!!
Marcus Littrell

Election 2020 – Rise of the Patriot

As an author and writer, and sometime-journalist, this author took a standby on writing about the election prior to the actually election. The reasons were many, however, it is imperitive that media persons do NOT direct the outcome of any elections.

For an election to be fair and honest, one needs to recall that one should not use a position of power to influence an election. Not that this writer has any sort of ‘influence’ among We the People. Like me, however, I think the People of this country can think and act for themselves. They are smart.

But, the media believes, without a doubt, that people are stupid. They need to be directed. Cajoled. Ordered about. Told what is good for them.

And in the end, 75-80 MILLION people voted for Donald J. Trump.

And went to bed knowing he was winning. I predicted a sweep, I predicted NC, AZ, MI, PA, GA and FL going for Trump. When I went to bed, those states were overwhelmingly for Trump.

The next morning, I was appalled to see what had happened, and it wasn’t that I was appalled to see Biden was winning, but rather, the number of over night gains he’d made. Red flags went up.

The rest of the last couple of weeks has been a whirlwind of frenetic activity on the part of lawyers, media and the people.

The Media is attempting to FORCE us BELIEVE Trump Lost and Biden Won.

There are questions from some. Lawyers, Trump, The People of this country.

There is hatred for Trump exuding from the Left, but in the end, we are going to win.

I’ll explain why…

  1. Sidney Powell is a fantastic lawyer, and she is pursuing CRIMINAL charges, and has evidence now to back up her charges. Dominion voting systems, Eric Coomer and literally THOUSANDS of people were in on the “fix”. Coomer even bragged on a phone call with Antifa people (that was infiltrated by a Patriot) that it was fixed.
  2. It’s come out that votes in many places were weighted. For every vote Trump got in those areas, he received only .75 of a vote. While Biden received 1.25 of a vote. (Yes, indeed, Computers can do this)
  3. Ballots were manually filled out, input and resigned, or created on the spot in Michigan (Wayne County and Detroit specifically).
  4. The same happened in Pennsylvania.
  5. Georgia created or threw away votes.

There’s a lot more to this than we have the space for, or people won’t pay attention to it, so I’ll end that list here, and say this…. There is evidence in the hands of the lawyers now. This isn’t going away. Biden, and all those involved will be caught, prosecuted, and in the end, America wins.

Let’s look at one more very important thing that happened.

Dominion servers were seized. First we thought it was Special Forces. Then we were told, nope, it didn’t happen by Facebook, and media… THEN we heard, and it was confirmed it DID happen, and indeed US military forces captured these servers.

Then we go back in time a few days and weeks and discover that Trump had given the Sec. of Defense position to a man who is loyal to Trump, and he ASSIGNED all of US SPECIAL OPERATIONS UNITS in ALL military groups to answer to him and only to him. Not to an Army or Air Force General, but directly to and only too this man. (Remember this for a moment, I’ll get back to it.)

Way back in Kennedy’s time, there was an order for “paramilitary operations” to allow the US Military to do a job that the CIA was unequiped to do.

I believe this is what is happening. The CIA is involved or has been involved in these machines in the past. There is, without a doubt a “Deep State”, people so entrenched and hard to remove, that had control or things they should not. People like Obama, who recently suggested “we can send in the Navy Seals to take Trump out”….

If this is all true (and it is) then A) The SecDef ordered the seizure of these servers, B) Under Trumps orders, C) Dominion’s dominoes will fall soon, and D) So will all of the people who had a hand in this.

Don’t believe me though. In fact, I insist that you take the time to understand this for yourselves. This isn’t hype, this isn’t fake news, it’s not false, it’s not made up, and I’m not a conspiracy theorist.

Below I will provide some information. You should take the time to read, listen and view the videos and links; IF you’re not a coward, and IF you want to show, beyond a doubt you’re informed.

Stop listening the Legacy Media. They are through.

Trump isn’t going to concede, this will go to the Supreme Court, and two things will happen. First, they will push this right back into the laps of the Congress (The House specifically) and second, the Dominion stuff will make it there as well, and the SCOTUS will find, eventually, that this was NOT a fair and free election, it was rigged, and they will put that too, onto the backs of Congress, the Department of Justice and the perps will be found.

I predict a change in the way balloting is done, and it won’t be by mail ever again.

I also predict that if I am wrong, Americans will rise up and fight against these oppressive Governors of the states doing lock downs. This whole Covid thing is to CONTROL THE POPULATION, not to control a virus.

In conclusion, Trump will NOT concede, he will be proven to have won ALL the states by a margin of more than 2 to 3 percentage points in the end. Biden and the Deep State, and Communists will be removed from power, the Deep State will be stopped (and the swamp drained), American will retain it’s position as the clearest and strongest Republic in the world, Antifa will go back home to their safe mommies’ basements and hide for the next forty years, and if NOT, then we American Patriots WILL take up Arms against the Communists in our own country.

We will be left with no other choice.



Fascists at Facebook

In case anyone is UNAWARE, three nights ago, Facebook obliterated almost 1000 groups, and deleted anyone’s accounts in those groups.

The groups were labeled “Dangerous militia groups”

Facebook HAS NOT DELETED Antifa, BLM or any of their groups or posts.

The groups deleted were NOT VIOLENT. They were not even true militia groups. Many of the groups and the people deleted were like my wife. A grandma/great-grandma who doesn’t do anything “violent”.

This was a BLATANT ATTACK on First Amendment Rights, and our rights to chose with whom we associate.

I don’t want to hear from you people who are defending Facebook as a “private company” either. They are a SOCIAL MEDIA company, and as such have a TOS that states they will protect your data and you, and yet, they allow ALL this “hate Speech” from the Left, hate towards the President, but block things that goes “against their community standards”.

I am part of that community and I want Antifa blocked. I want BLM removed. I want the KKK removed. I want the NBP removed.

Where’s that part of the standard??????

No – this was a direct attack on Conservatives. NOT on “violent groups”.

It was cover bullshit for Fascism.

You have been warned.

Facebook is attempting to sway the election.

The Violence is from the Left.

Pay attention, or get swept under the sand by the winds of time


By Tommy Gunn


So I woke up this morning to this splattered all over my page!

Image may contain: text that says 'f … Thomas, You Shared a Post With False Information About COVID-19 That information was removed because it had harmful false information. The World Health Organization (WHO) has a webpage with common rumors that you can share with friends so everyone can stay safe. Share Link Go to who.int'
I guess I have been deemed as persona non grata by WHO.

Their excuse says “Studies show hydroxychloroquine does not have clinical benefits in treating COVID-19 “.

Yet thousands upon thousands of people have been exposed and then treated successfully. Hydroxychloroquine is an immunomodulatory drug that has been used for 60 years to treat malaria and autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus and inflammatory arthritis, and potential new uses and benefits continue to emerge.

But again, Facebook the masters of medical technology and treatment (lol) says that’s “harmful information”.

Once again same bullshit show.

Hey! Par for the course right?

What did I expect?

However, American Doctors and Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine have Cut the “Death Rate” Significantly in COVID-19 Patients.

Henry Ford Health System Study Shows this clearly it does along with a multinational registry analysis.|

But the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION that ran the narrative on the coronavirus plandemic is still at it.
And if you look this morning they all have been splatterd and painted with “forced” retractions and stamped by …. drum roll please…. The WHO.

Intelligence sources have revealed how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and globalists have corrupted the World Health Organization (WHO), under the leadership of Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

The WHO pursued politics over public health by helping Beijing spread disinformation about the outbreak it’s possible treatments excluding Taiwan and its wealth of knowledge about the disease…. non of this is theory… it’s fact !

I guess Zuckerburg and his security outfit of leftist contractors, backed by the Socialists who run around the platform are making sure you don’t know a damn thing, are making sure the conversation ends along with your first amendment speech to openly say anything that goes against the plandemic narratives and mass vaccination programs.

Yesterday’s interview with Bill gates clearly confirms he thinks tec giants should overrule any conversation.


With over 2.6 billion monthly active users as of the first quarter of 2020, they hold a massive amount of power to “shut down” any national conversation wether pro or con or with “any subject” that they see fit in an instant.

That bother you? It should!

Want to know why the tech giants were called to Capitol Hill?

Why their Global monopolies can control any conversation?

The 5 Characteristics of Dystopian Society is …

  1. Government control
  2. Environmental destruction
  3. Technological control
  4. Survival
  5. Loss of individualism

You might want to think about that because it not coming, it’s here.

Communism in America; Beware

The fight for America is on. There’s a Shooting War going on, but most people are really too blind to see it happening.

The Riots, the BLM, the Antifa, NFAC – NONE of that is about “Black Lives”. It’s all about distraction, it’s all about trying to create an extremely toxic atmosphere of hatred towards white people.

The Left has been in Control of things long enough now to have separated our children from their parents, even our adult children have suffered and now the youngest generation is confused. They don’t know if they are male or female, have been told they are “whatever gender they want to be”.

The Left has sown lie after lie after lie to the last three generations of children. Now, the reaping has begun. The confusion is real. The “belief” in the Left and the Media has become a religion.

The hatred for Donald Trump is palpable, and Trump Derangement Syndrome a REAL mental disorder now. The BELIEF that MY opinion isn’t worth someone else’s because I don’t believe like they do has reached an all time high and the Bullshit meters are being pegged on Leftist Lies.

Covid-19 isn’t a Novel virus, it’s SARs. It isn’t going to kill us all because we have no immunity. Instead the lies are going strong and Social Media “giants” are attempting to even squelch the truth about drugs that can STOP it in it’s tracks.

This battle is being waged for your brain, for your heart, and for your money.

IF you want to believe in bad science, that’s your issue. If you want to wear a mask because you BELIEVE it will protect YOU, that’s great, do it. Don’t tell others what to do. Masks on well people are NOT protecting anyone. They are hurting people.

This is a Civil War, and the Enemy is the Left; they are the ones who are playing the narrative Game with the Marxists. The Marxists are pushing for the destruction of the United States and Capitalism.

We will not submit.

If you’re a “Progressive”, you’re a COMMUNIST, even if you believe you’re not. If you’re a Liberal following the BLM movement, you too, are being deceived. If you’re a Communist and openly admit it, or hide in the closet, you are NOT going to win this one.

America is coming for you.

Stand down, or stand alone.

Independence Day – 2020

Two days from now is Independence Day.  July 4th.  The day we celebrate the birth of our country, and the removal of a tyrannical government.

In two days, we will see just how free a people we are.  Many states (Dem controlled) have canceled any celebrations – due to a virus.

Antifa/BLM/RevComs are planning something for that day.  We’ve all been forced to “mask up in public” in many places.  It becomes clear that everyone is being forced to do this, because the rioters and anarchists are doing it.

Why?  Because “Now you can’t tell normal people from the bad people”.  Think about that awhile.

But, we digress…. on the 4th of July, there are special units created within the Department of Homeland Security.  They have been placed around the country to defend our statues and monuments.  Trump signed an EO to put attackers in jail for ten years. (Personally, we have issues with EOs dictating law, but we’ll see how that goes).

Today, he sent out a video, which we encourage you to watch.


We feel he has essentially called up on the American People, indeed the Militia to act on this, and to stand by for defense of our monuments, and indeed, our way of life.  He’s very careful to not say the words “militia” but the “Vast Silent Majority”; the people.  Americans.

Why do we believe this?  Because, friends, YOU are the militia. We, the PEOPLE.  In the words of those who founded this country in the first place, you will find the reasoning.  In the second place, if you allow the defunding of police, then you, yourself become the police.

George Mason: “I ask you sir, who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people.” (Elliott, Debates, 425-426)

Tenche Coxe: “Who are the militia? Are they not ourselves? Is it feared, then, that we shall turn our arms each man against his own bosom. Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birthright of an American… The unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state governments, but, where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people.” – Tenche Coxe, The Pennsylvania Gazette, Feb. 20, 1788.

Joseph Story: “The militia is the natural defense of a free country against sudden foreign invasions, domestic insurrections, and domestic usurpations of power by rulers. It is against sound policy for a free people to keep up large military establishments and standing armies in time of peace, both from the enormous expenses, with which they are attended, and the facile means, which they afford to ambitious and unprincipled rulers, to subvert the government, or trample upon the rights of the people.” – Joseph Story. Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States. 3 vols. Boston, 1833.

George Washington: “A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.”

We are on the verge of war.  It’s not what you think.  It’s not “us against the government”, it was never going to be like that, regardless of you folks who thought so.  It’s going to be Us, the People, against the Marxist forces marshaling against us now.



We are all against “fascism”, but these guys are communist agents, and they intend harm to America, to you, your family, and the government of the USA.

Don’t be deceived.  We are not fascists, we are AMERICANS.  Be prepared.


Edit: Intel: For all you in the PNW, this is the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club. The guy at the left front is featured in most of their social media pics.

We Organize Against Fascism.

We work to counter the rise of fascist and far-right groups and entities in the Puget Sound (Salish Sea) region.

That includes disrupting fascists and their structures to keep them from effectively organizing, and especially resisting fascists holding public events and maintaining a public presence.


IMPORTANT NOTE: Back in the 18th century, a “regular” army meant an army that had standard military equipment. So a “well regulated” army was simply one that was “well equipped” and organized. It does not refer to a professional army. The 17th century folks used the term “standing army” or “regulars” to describe a professional army. Therefore, “a well regulated militia” only means a well equipped militia that was organized and maintained internal discipline. It does not imply the modern meaning of “regulated,” which means controlled or administered by some superior entity. Federal control over the militia comes from other parts of the Constitution, but not from the Second Amendment.

Black and White

You all think this is all black and white…. pun intended.

You’re all, both sides being misled.

It’s no longer going to require police to stop the damage and destruction. It will require men who will stand up, take a stand and take violence to the threat.

We are AT WAR.  This is not a joke. This is not fear mongering.  It’s a simple fact.

They are using George Floyd and BLM for their own purposes and Americans are standing by stupidly arguing with each other.

Make NO MISTAKE NOW, these people are not normal people who are simply upset over racism. The handlers of BLM, Antifa, and some of the other splinter hate groups, including some of the supposed “white supremacists” (Who are also as fake as many of the BLM people) are NOT regular “Americans”.

They are trained organizers, and hateful Marxists bent on the destruction of the United States of America, a capitalist society, and anything “Western”.

They seek nothing less than American capitulation and destruction.  They are the driving force behind the BLM movement.  They are the driving force behind Antifa (mostly white in case you’ve not noted this).

It’s past time to fight back and it’s going to get bloody.

It’s certainly NOT all “black and white” any more.

Stop believing the media and stand with other Americans against this outrageous nonsense.


BLM Confirms Marxist Cause


Marxists in America are the Enemy

America is under attack.

Antifa, BLM, Arachists.

It’s time the Governors stood up to this nonsense and shut them down.

Let me be very clear here.  I’m not a racist.  I’m ANTI-MARXIST.

BLM and their movement, while in theory was a good idea, has been usurped by Marxists.

They speak openly of their association with Marxism. 

Thus… regardless of your color, or your country of origin, regardless of your religion, regardless of where you live… if you are a Marxist, you are the ENEMY of American people.

America knows this now.

If you want a war… you’ll have it.  We won’t back down and we don’t want your brand of hatred here in America.

Dangers of the BLM movement


Western Rifle Shooters, WordPress and Facebook: Attacking Free Speech

As you might have noted, this is a WordPress.com blog.  It’s “free”, otherwise, we have to buy a domain name, pay for it, and pay for a server, and software etc.

To be truly free, perhaps we need to do so.

A few days ago, it was reported (as I also did) that Western Rifle Shooters blog went down.  I posted a screen shot.

Today, on Facebook someone asked me about it.

I attempted to send them the link.

Lo and Behold!

Facebook does not allow the link EITHER.

Screenshot from 2020-06-12 14-59-22

(Link: https://westernrifleshooters.wordpress.com/)

Screenshot from 2020-06-12 15-03-33

If you do NOT THINK or BELIEVE there is a direct attack on Conservative Speech, then you’re a idiot.  And if you support it, you’re worse, you’re  a criminal and a Communist.


About APRC

This is the “ABOUT” page of this site, and it needs to be repeated.  The following is the text on the “About”, if you click it.

I am an American. I am a Patriot. I believe in the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and I have read and understand the history of this country.  I have read the Federalist Papers. I have studied the Revolutionary War and it’s reasons.  I took an oath, not once, but six separate times when enlisting and re-enlisting in the US military to “uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

I take that oath seriously.  I’m not going to stand still while the Congress or Executive Branches make unconstitutional laws aimed at disarming me, my family, friends or Americans, nor while they try to slam the door on Freedom of Speech for the people of this country, the Press (which includes bloggers).  There is no inherent right to any one group to be able to “have their say” above all others.

There are NO “common sense laws” when it comes to guns. There are no laws on the books now or that can be created that would have stopped Aurora, Sandy Hook, or even the Fireman killer in New York.  There were already laws on the books against what they did.  The law didn’t stop them.  Taking guns from innocent and law abiding Americans merely makes them susceptible to criminals and worse to Tyranny of the Government.

I will further state clearly and for the record. I’m not a “terrorist”.  I’m an American born and raised in the country.  I own guns and know how to use them. Unlike others I probably don’t have enough “guns, money and lawyers” to fight back, and as another blogger famously once said “You can squish me like a bug”. But like him, I won’t squish myself.

If I’m ever “gone after” my entire family knows I’m not someone to threaten. I never threaten. But if I am threatened, I will stop that threat cold.  Don’t threaten me.  You may not like me, you might want me to shut up, but you’re better off walking away without starting a fight.

I am not a Racist. I’m not associated with any “White Supremacist Groups” and I abhor them as much as I do “Black Supremacist Groups” – that includes the KKK and the New Black Panthers. Both are wrong.

I’m not a “homophobe”.  I don’t care who you marry, who you date or what you do in your bedroom.  Don’t expect me to “affirm” it.  Don’t expect me to much care one way or the other.  Do what you like, but leave me alone and out of it.  Got it?

I’m not an “Islamaphobe”.  I don’t like what is going on in the Middle East.  I’ve been there.  There is plenty of history there, but all of it eventually leads to violence over Islam.  Islam advocates the murder of innocents, the stoning of women, the murder of children, the beheading of “infidels”.  Anyone, ANYONE who isn’t Muslim and doesn’t follow Islam is considered an infidel.  Not much room for tolerance is there?  I refuse to tolerate Islam in my face any more than I will allow any other religion being forced on me.  If you are Muslim and decide you don’t like me, guess what? This is America, I don’t care.  Move along, leave me alone and I won’t bother you.  Hurt Americans, my family or friends and you will pay.

Government: You work for me, not the other way around.  I’m not a slave, I’m not a peasant and I’ve worked hard all my life.  I have worked in and for the US Government for a very long time.  I’m tired of the politics, the bureaucracy and the egotistical way the so-called “leaders” in this age think they can do whatever they wish with no consequences.  The time of these “Life Long Bureaucrats” is coming to an end, and it will come sooner than you think.

All I want is for Americans to be LEFT ALONE by the Government.  All I want is for America to remain Free.   No more government “oversight” on the public.  It is time for public oversight on the Government.

I am not “anti-government” (I’m anti-BIG-government, I’ve got no problem with the government, I do however take issue with those running it with their own agendas).

I’m not a leader in a militia or any other “group”. In fact, I do belong to the NRA and GOA, at least for now. I DO believe in my second Amendment rights and will defend them by whatever means I have and for as long as I’m alive – regardless of whether I support the NRA and GOA.

I am not “into Conspiracies” and have actively for the better part of 20 years attempted to debunk or prove them wrong, Right Wing, or Left Wing.  I will continue with the blog to question conspiracy theories.

The Bill of Rights is not the Bill of Needs. I don’t ask for anything from anyone, and I’ve served this country for 37 years.  It’s time this country stood down from illegal surveillance, illegally over taxing citizens, illegally stopping one side of the political spectrum so the other side can gain power.  It is time for this to go back to Common Sense and lose the “Progressive Mindset”.  Progressiveness is not “Progress”.  It is Communism, plain and simple and we Americans DEMAND it be removed from our government, from our halls of Justice, from the Military, from Congress, and from the White House.

I’m one of millions and one in a million. I won’t “shut up”, I won’t “shut down” and if you shut down my blog I’ll start another one, and another one.

Americans, unite against Tyranny.  Unite against the Anti-Constitutionalists who are trying to remove our right to self defense (and the right to defend ourselves against Tyranny).

It is past time to awaken American Patriots!

Let Anarchy Reign?

On my wife’s Facebook memories this morning she re-posted some dialog between Frodo Baggins and Sam Gamgee, regarding some things in our lives. Her cancer, my heart issues – she’s shared it several times. Each time she has shared this the world as we know it has been changed for us… by her cancer. By my previous heart issues. Our hearts being broken by a family member who has refused contact from us, because, of all things, politics.

In 1937 John Ronald Reuel “J.R.R.” Tolkien published the Hobbit. The Lord of the Rings series completed between 1954 and 1955. Before that time, in June 1916, newly commissioned lieutenant Tolkien kissed his newly married wife goodbye. He boarded the transport to Calais, France. On July 1st, one of the bloodiest battles in human history took place near the Somme River. That day, his closest friend was killed and Tolkien himself, forever changed.

Tolkien, like Bilbo Baggins and later his nephew Frodo, were changed by their experiences. We know this because Tolkien himself even said so.

“An author cannot, of course, remain wholly unaffected by his experience.” – JRR Tolkien.


Today, my wife once again shared the scene of Frodo and Sam, because yet again, our world has gone dark, gloomy and is becoming dangerous again.

I want you to read this scene from The Lord of the Rings, please. It’s very important.

Consider this:

FRODO: I can’t do this, Sam.

SAM: I know. It’s all wrong. By rights we shouldn’t even be here. But we are. It’s like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn’t want to know the end.

Because how could the end be happy. How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened.

But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why.

But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn’t. Because they were holding on to something.

FRODO: What are we holding on to, Sam?

SAM: That there’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it’s worth fighting for.

This my friends, is what we all must consider.

America is a shining star. We’re not a Third World Country. We are the greatest Nation it ever rise from meager beginnings. We are greater than Rome in our military power, we don’t seek to build and Empire as the Romans once did, we seek to FREE people of this world, not enslave them.

Indeed, America IS a free country, though many will argue against this and cite things like having to have fishing licenses, drivers licenses, and that police are akin to a military. Those things are true, but they do not define a country. They define a “government”.

The United States is not a “Government”. We are a Republic, run by the people of this Great Country. The government is US. The People. Not some “leader” we elect. They are our servants. Not our leaders.

We allow those who sit in public offices to make decisions that we ourselves believe we are incapable of doing, or we are simply lazy and don’t want to do this job. We’ve allowed Congress, Governors, Mayors and City Councils to become “all powerful” in their abilities and appointments. The old idiom, “Give them an inch, and they’ll take a mile” comes to mind.

We have given up, become lazy or we simply don’t care enough, to become involved any more. We gave the so-called leaders that inch. They’ve proceeded to take a mile, or three, and have removed themselves from making the difficult decisions they were put in office to do.

Now we have a group of rioters who ran the police out of Downtown Seattle. The Mayor who refuses to send the police back in, to take back the city. A Governor claiming “it was news to him” that this even happened. And a President who has threatened to fix it, if the Mayor will not.

This should never have to rise to the level of a President. It’s in the hands of the people, not the President, not the Governor, not the Mayor, and apparently now, not even the police.

Our country didn’t become a country without some hard work, and eventual blood shed. The United States has not stayed a country without blood shed. We have Anarchists, and Marxists trying to destroy our country from within.

It’s time the Anarchists are stopped. This is not France, this is not going to be a Civil War over rights, but it will be over American Values. You can either stand with the Anarchists or stand with the Americans. You have that choice now and in the future, you will not if the Anarchists win.

We either need to stand up and polish off that star, stand firm against Anarchy, and those who would disable the Police, Military, and our Rights, or we’re doomed to fall to the Orc Army of Sauron. Evil stands and dares us all. And that evil has taken over the minds of many, bringing them in with offers of free money, less work, and yes, even, “Civil Rights”. Promises of things they can not deliver, and we all already have…. work, civil rights, freedoms.

Even though we all have Civil Rights, we have a Constitution which guarantees us all the same rights, people argue how bad it is. Even though we can defend ourselves, legally, there are those who believe guns are evil. Because we want a wall to protect the country, it’s called bad. It’s ‘racist’ to show ID to vote. And yet those same people in Seattle have built a wall, are carrying weapons, threatening those living in the area, demanding identification.

Do we sit on our collective asses, and allow the Underprivileged Collectivists to force upon the rest of us their Radical collectivism, or do we stand up and say “ENOUGH!”

It is up to each and every one of us to take a stand.

If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.

Riots, America, and the destruction of the USA. ALERT AMERICANS FIGHT BACK

Comrades. Green New Deal. Antifa. Commies. Revolution. Minneapolis riots. Radicalization. Youth Climate Strike. Leftists. George Floyd Riots. Young People Indoctrination. Setting buildings on fire is legitimate….

Folks. Listen to this Video.

Blame yourselves if America Fails.

Defend the Constitution Now

The “Narrative” Falters, and the Investigations will begin.
Folks, Freedom has never been free.  It costs blood, money and lives.  Today we stand on the edge of an abyss, where the sheep are destined to die, not as a free people, but as sheep led to the slaughter.  Fear, and shame have forced you into your homes.  Lies from the media, padded numbers, lack of information and data in the beginning have wrought a huge and undeniable political mess.
We have allowed the Left, the Leftist Governors, and the wannabe petty tyrants in every level of government get out of control, and to control you!  All over a virus.  All over the words “It’s for your safety.”
For weeks I have stated, regardless of a virus of whatever “virility” it has, the Constitution, our Rights as Americans have been and are being violated consistently.
I have around me people who state over and over “it’s not illegal for a governor” to do what they have done.
Or “Wear a mask!” or “we all need to stay home or DIE!”
But, what every, last one of these people misunderstand is the Oath of office I took several times, beginning more than forty-five years ago to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and that oath never ran out. It didn’t mean “Fighting just commies” or enemies of America.
That oath has nothing to do with a virus, or my health.
Governors FORCING people by edict into their homes against their will, telling them “you will die” is not only illegal, it’s against the Constitution of the United States, and nearly every Constitution of every state.
Businesses have been shut down. People are going hungry. Stores are out of food, supplies, and no one can go outside.
All because a few people felt power because of this virus. And others are made to feel powerless over the virus. Whether this virus is deadly or not isn’t relevant. What IS relevant are the people who can’t work because of ILLEGAL orders (Executive orders) from Governors.
I’ve explained this over and over, but executive orders are meant to manage agencies under the Executive (President, governor, mayor etc). Mayors haven’t the authority to close cities. Governors haven’t the authority to close their states. The President hasn’t the authority to place the entire US on House Arrest either (and God Forbid if he put out such an EO right now – the Left would all die as their heads exploded saying it was illegal, think about that a minute).
Legislatures make laws. NOT Governors, and certainly not by executive order. Especially not to control Citizens’ behaviors.
Now these illegal orders by Governors and by various “smaller bureaucrats” like the one in this letter from the State of Colorado, (and this one to the North Carolina governor), are about to find out just how illegal their actions were.
I’m by no means a lawyer – but I can certainly understand High School Civics, and don’t try to “interpret the law”; I read it for what it is, and I study the various cases associated with such things.
America was founded on the Declaration of Independence, and it was based on the same nonsense happening here; petty overloads pretending to be governors sent by some “King” as his voice abused the people of their country, the Colonists.
The same thing is happening now. The faces and names have changed, the system of government is no longer a Monarchy, but, there are those that WANT it to be.
A virus might kill everyone, but by God it’s our right to be a Free People; not under house arrest for months.
It is HIGH TIME to open the states, the businesses and let people get back to being NORMAL.
All over this country, Americans are revolting against these illegal orders, reopening their businesses, police and sheriffs refusing to cite citizens for not wearing masks, or reopening their shops. People are sick and tired of the tyranny of a few Governors.
It doesn’t take a genius to see which Governors are the culprits either. It’s about to bite a certain political party directly in the ass too; and every, single governor who wanted to play “King”.
So I say to all Americans, if you’re scared of the virus, YOU stay home. If you’re terrified you might die if you contract it, then YOU wear a mask. If you’re worried about it so much, that you have to tell others “what to do” then YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.
If, however, you believe in America as I do, then stand up, be counted now, contact those governors and tell them you’re done playing this game. Time’s up. We’re going back to normal in SPITE of them.
The Governors all these states need to stand down, and do it tonight, or there’s going to be hell to pay sooner than later.
DO NOT be SURPRISED in November at what is going to happen to those who kept their states closed, or to people like Pelosi and the rest of that group.
Your time is up.
Attached are copies of the letters:ncletterCoLetter

Gate Keepers of “Truth”

Today I discovered something I already knew in my gut.


Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, WordPress and other such places are removing ANY information or data contrary to what they want you to know.

No, I didn’t really just “discover it” I suppose. I have know it. But today, I got actual, hard evidence.

Seeing a movie on Facebook about “Plandemic” – this covid virus – and how it was a PLANNED thing, rather than an accident, Youtube removed the movie.  I went hunting for further information.

I found WordPress has removed several sites talking about it.

So, if MY site suddenly vanishes, you will know why, it’s NOT because *I* took it down.

Here is the video:  https://www.bitchute.com/video/NPYdyZpSZCEA/

Go there, read the links and download and pass this video along.

You are being conditioned to believe that those who stand up for their rights are selfish, extreme, irresponsible, irrational, hateful and lawless.

YOU ARE BEING CONDITIONED. YOU ARE BEING BRAINWASHED.  You are listening to the propaganda, and you are FALLING FOR THE LIES.

We are a thinking people.  We are a reasoning people.  We are capable of making our own decisions.  We do NOT need a government to “baby sit” us.  We do not WANT a government to tell us how to act, behave, where to go, when to go, how to go, what to do or how to do it.

We the People of the United States of America control these so-called law makers in Congress and in the state Legislatures.  It’s time to remove them.

Well past time.


Real or Fake News?

Friday, 1 May 2020, the CDC updated their numbers.

I pulled the screen shot below from Facebook.

Image may contain: possible text that says 'Updated CDC website May 1: drops total US COVID-19 death rate from 64,283 to 37,308. 28,295 died of something else. THERE IS NO PANDEMIC.'

As of May 1, the CDC saying there were 64,283 deaths.

Image may contain: text
(From CDC – https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-updates/cases-in-us.html)

In REALITY, the death tolls being reported by the CDC on their main page are MISLEADING at best, lies at worst.

The following is ALSO a screen shot, directly from the CDC.

No photo description available.

Where are they getting these? (CDC)  Read their data to find out – but to summarize, they are pulling it from death certificates across the country.  They also put out a letter stating that if someone dies, and they have been tested and have the Covid virus, the reporting officials are supposed to put “Covid” on the death certificate.

(See:  https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvss/coronavirus/Alert-2-New-ICD-code-introduced-for-COVID-19-deaths.pdf)

Should “COVID-19” be reported on the death certificate only with a confirmed test?

COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death. Certifiers should include as much detail as possible based on their knowledge of the case, medical records, laboratory testing, etc. If the decedent had other chronic conditions such as COPD or asthma that may have also contributed, these conditions can be reported in Part II. (See attached Guidance for Certifying COVID-19 Deaths)

This is called “padding the numbers”.  Because they want it reported as COVID-19, if a patient had COPD, the other parts are “reported on part II” of their forms, thereby allowing data entry to only show “Covid”.

So a patient that dies from pneumonia caused by covid, flu, or any other cause is being reported as “Covid-19”.

What we are seeing is a deliberate, and politically motivated attempt to show many more deaths in the USA related to this Chinese Virus, than actually caused by the virus.

Do we believe there is no virus?  Not at all. We are sure there is a virus.  We are not sure it was ever a virus that we should have made a bigger issue of, than H1N1 or SARS,  or MERS, however.  (This virus IS a SARS like virus though, so we DO understand that it MIGHT have been a very dangerous virus, and understand the original precautions.  At this point though, should be continue those precautions and shut down the entire US Economy over a “maybe”?)

Do we think it is dangerous?  Probably at least as dangerous as the worst flu you can imagine, and that means that many of people who are elderly, already is poor health or affected by other diseases like COPD, asthma, or other respiratory illnesses could be placed in danger by this virus.  Likely it is not as dangerous to many people as some other virus might be, but more dangerous than some.  H1N1 and various strains of this swine flu have been around for more than 100 years, and every time it rears it’s ugly head, people die.  The Spanish Flu (which was actually a CHINESE ORIGINATED flu) was also H1N1.  Masks and quarantines did little to stop that flu as well.

Do we believe the media about this virus?  No, emphatically not now.  In the beginning we were ALL willing to do what it takes to prevent the spread.  We stayed home. We wore masks.  Some people attempted to corner the market on hand sanitizer and for some unknown reason, toilet paper.  But, we stayed home, willingly closed our businesses, stayed away from others.  As for 17 March in most places, several states closed down, many more followed suit.

It has been very close to seven weeks for many states, cities and townships.  The Hot Spots like New York are still seeing spikes, because, for whatever reason the virus was already spread.  Places that have closed perhaps mitigated the spread.  But, perhaps not.  We just don’t know.

What we HAVE accomplished is to scare people who are otherwise quite reasonable people, who understand that to be immune to something you generally have to be exposed to it, and develop antibodies.  The other thing we have accomplished is social isolation – for a species of reasoning creatures whose very existence is dependent up on contact with others, the human race.

The other thing we’ve accomplished with isolation is to prevent people from being exposed to this virus, thereby giving them a higher chance of catching it worse than if they had been exposed on a normal basis.

Herd immunity, or Community Immunity is something that happens.  Here’s a excerpt from a medical site explaining it:

Herd Immunity

Herd immunity, or community immunity, is when a large part of the population of an area is immune to a specific disease. If enough people are resistant to the cause of a disease, such as a virus or bacteria, it has nowhere to go.

While not every single individual may be immune, the group as a whole has protection. This is because there are fewer high-risk people overall. The infection rates drop, and the disease peters out.

Herd immunity protects at-risk populations. These include babies and those whose immune systems are weak and can’t get resistance on their own.

For those interested in how your body behaves during a cold virus, as well as the information on the type of viruses that can cause a cold, see this link.

By the way, one of the viruses that causes “colds” is… none other than the Corona Virus.

Finally, check out this link, to see how you can improve your own immune system.

Basically, our conclusion is that this virus was mostly hyperbole, and worse for some, while not affecting others at all, or they had very light symptoms and didn’t even know they were exposed.  It’s appearing more and more like the greatest and worse aspect of this entire virus was a “Gun and Right grabbing” group of people who are currently attempting to take advantage of the “national emergency” by  declaring a local or state emergency, in an effort to extend and push an agenda of “Removal of Rights by Fiat”.

By making some sort of legal-sounding order and convincing millions of people to follow that order for some period of time (in general a few months for a reasonable-person-standard) you apply a rule that isn’t law and make it “law” by fiat.  (Please go understand how “reasonable person standard” is used in law!)

A Mayor, or Governor has NO RIGHT to close legitimate businesses, cancel far-in-advance July 4th parades or prevent people from enjoying the parks (we paid for) and beaches which exist along the entire coast, based solely on their own perception, belief or interpretation.  However, we Americans are REASONABLE people and in general will listen to our “elected officials” because most folks want “leadership” and expect leadership to show in these people.

We also want and need to be helpful to our friends, neighbors and our Country in general.  At some point though, when that help is expected, assumed or even forced, it goes against our very grain as Americans.  Asking us nicely is one thing.  Putting us under orders to do something based on a Government Entity telling us to do so, is not nice and we simply don’t like it.

For an American population to stand back and allow these suggestions from the CDC and the Federal government, for a time, for the good of everyone is fine.  WE complied.  But now, to continue to arbitrarily (and against the original intent) to extend the conditions of “imposed isolation” and “private incarceration” by Mayors and Governors through obviously over-reaching “Rules” in direct contradiction to the actual data from the CDC, the President, and the Task Force is placing YOURSELVES, YOUR POPULATION at RISK of something much, much greater than “fear” or disease.

If the population continues to follow illegal orders, they risk this becoming the normal for society, the ARBITRARY “6 foot” separation rule becoming a “norm” and allowing the local governments to close your businesses permanently if they don’t “consider you essential”.

In the end, when it comes down to law suits (and it WILL come down to Civil Rights violations law suits) the government(s) can point to a reasonable person standard and say “A reasonable person would have demanded the removal of these regulations in a reasonable period of time”, and probably win the case against the parties bringing the suit.

It is time to stand up, be heard and stop allowing your local governments, particularly in the case of areas that have NOT been affected at all, to continue to extend the ban against businesses, parks, recreation, boating, biking, bars, eating establishments, barbers, salons and the rest of the “Essential Businesses” out there!

See also:

“Emphatically, NO!”

From a microbiologist

A Tale of Two Maps

Dr. Dan Erickson

It’s for your safety!

Dr. Buttar speaks

Number of US deaths per day averages around 7100 per day.

Protests In California

Image may contain: one or more people and meme, possible text that says 'WE ARE NOT PROTESTING A LOCK DOWN Gum 5.com ns.com WE ARE PROTECTING OUR RIGHTS FROM TYRANTS toatin.com'


Multiple protests were going on yesterday is California, across the state.

North Carolina has an on-going, Tuesday, “Rally at Raleigh”

Colorado has gridlocked Denver at least once, and promising to do it again.

The media is reticent in telling us about these events.

The government is ignoring them.

The media is also speaking negatively about the “social distancing rules” when people are refusing to wear masks (against their constitutional right to do so).

Folks, we need to kick this crap up a notch.

We need to reopen our states, our businesses and get people back together again.

California has extended the Stay home order until 31 May.

Local areas in North Carolina have extended it another two weeks.

No rhyme or reason why, certain not science related.


North Carolina, Today

Today’s Rally in Raleigh was peaceful, and mostly uneventful.

As of this moment, one arrested that we’re aware about came into being.

Ashley Smith, one of the leaders of the group was arrested for “Civil Disobedience”.

This Patriot doesn’t yet have the details, but will fill them in as they are given.

If you’re in North Carolina, and you believe in Freedom, then you need to join the group.



Dr. Buttar speaks

Here’s a video.  It takes an hour to watch.  I think 90% of what he says is accurate.  I don’t believe everything he says.

I am an RF expert.  He’s not. 5G isn’t the demon everyone seems to want it to be.

Vaccines?  I’m not against them, BUT, I am against using them in a manner that is not right.

Gates?  Fauci? You decide.  Watch the video.  Comment on it.  Demand we get the rest of the missing videos back.

It’s for your safety!

On 11 March 2020, Rhode Island announced a door-to-door campaign to determine if people were there visiting from New York, the local “Hot Spot” to go catch the Chinese Virus or KungFlu (also known as Covid-19, SARS-CoV-2).  If they are/were visiting they were going to immediately, without any due process, to remained locked in the place they were staying for 14 days, in quarantine, disallowed from going out side under threat of arrest and fines.

That very same day, police were stopping cars with out of state plates, informing the people in the cars of the “14 day quarantine”; presumably placing the people in the car as well as officers at risk themselves of coming into contact with someone already infected.

In a little town in North Carolina, called Oak Island, rumors were rampant of police giving tickets to people from out of state.  On the 17th of March, Oak Island closed the bars, pubs, and all small “non-essential businesses”.  These included cleaning businesses, bike paths, jogging trails (there are few of those), local parks and boat ramps.

The State of North Carolina made a point of leaving the State run ABC stores OPEN (which are still open).  The majority of DMV offices, however, were closed.  Doctors offices began cancelling all appointments.  Routine “cancer screenings” were stopped, as were other, important check ups for the elderly, because, “Well, you’re stable, you don’t need to come in….”

Outer Banks shut down their bridges, stopping and turning around cars coming from “outside”, even if they owned property, they were disallowed from going into their homes on the islands of the Outer Banks.

Cruising boats (boats that have full time crews, owners and people traveling from port to port, state to state, along the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW), to the Bahamas, Florida and so forth) were physically stopped and turned around along the ICW.  Fortunately, some Americans called the US Coast Guard on the local police, and they were ordered to cease and desist in preventing sailors from passing through.  This did NOT stop some of the “local self-appointed sheriffs” from stopping others from dropping an anchor in safe harbors (even though they had no intention of going ashore, but were simply seeking safety for the evening along their intended course).

The 14th Amendment states:

Amendment XIV

Section 1.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

From this alone, we can see that Rhode Island (and the Outer Banks, Oak Island) has well over stepped any bounds, and placed themselves in jeopardy of being sued for Civil Rights Violations.

Futhermore, Governors in several states, specifically Colorado, North Carolina, Michigan and New York (Many others have done the same thing).

Some of these states are issuing “Executive orders” and stating “This makes it law”  (Colorado is a specific example of this).

We all understand there’s a danger in catching a terrible, life-threatening virus.  Many of us, especially older people, already are “smart enough” to wash our hands, and ensure we’re not exposed to people who are obviously ill.  And we hear you “Nannies” telling us we don’t KNOW who is sick!

But, there’s a fine line in being a nanny and a ninny.

There’s also a fine line between “legal” and “illegal”.

In the United States, Executive Orders are issued by an Executive, like the President or the Governor of a state. Those Orders do NOT have “force of law” where individuals are concerned.  Executive Orders are used to manage, or control an entity or agency under the President or Governor.

Executive Orders are NOT to control people, population, or to interfere with businesses.

It isn’t LEGAL for a “Governor” to sign an “edict” to tell the people where to go, how to act, or to control their movements. Controlling someone’s movements through out, into and out of ANY STATE is AGAINST Federal Law.

Our Constitution LIMITS the government, not the people.

ALL “Rights” specifically not delegated to the USA by the Constitution are reserved to the states, or to the People.

Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

This doesn’t allow the states to unilaterally deny access to jobs, beaches, parks, trails, or any businesses. (In reality, this disallows Feds, State and local governments from even exercising their ‘rights’ over revenue income, like alcohol, tobacco, firearms, marijuana, etc but for some reason these are ignored by everyone and even accepted).

The Constitution’s 10th Amendment specifically disallows the Federal Government from placing mandates on states and people, like telling them “to stay home”.

Using one state as an example, Colorado, let’s look at something specific to understand the issue more clearly.

Colorado issues an executive order to “Stay home“.   This is being treated as “Law”, but the state of Colorado has a State Legislature, who creates the laws, which are then signed INTO law by the Governor (Polis).  The State Legislature took no such action.  The EO as shown in the link above orders people to stay home.

In contradiction to this, the state Covid stay-at-home-explanation states, CLEARLY;

Will I be fined or jailed if I don’t follow the stay-at-home order?

This Executive Order Ordering Coloradans to Stay at Home makes this the law, therefore breaking the order is breaking the law. Success depends on all of us doing our part to slow the spread of the virus and ultimately, save lives. We are calling for voluntary compliance by all affected; however, local law enforcement agencies have the authority to enforce this law. Local law enforcement enforces public health orders. State law enforcement will assist and support in any way requested, but our hope is that involvement by law enforcement is reserved only for the most aggravated circumstances.  We are calling on people to individually do their part. Your employer may be fined if they are not following the rules outlined in this order.

Public “health” orders.

It’s for YOUR safety, Citizen!  Go home. Stay home.  Don’t visit.  No contact with others.

Law Enforcement has no authority to “enforce public health orders” – and declaring an “emergency” or “disaster” gives a government/governor over reaching “authority” to do as he or she sees fit.

Against YOUR WILL.  Against the Will of the People.  Against businesses.  All Businesses, regardless of their product or service are essential to someone, otherwise they would not be in business. (Read this link about essential businesses)

In a Police State, the government can do anything it likes, to you, about you, to your business, to your family.  Right now, we are in a Police State.  Each state claiming to be doing this under the auspices of “For your Own Safety” are doing so “Against the Law” and “against The People”, and “against Capitalism”.

Businesses are shutting down, permanently.  Every day this continues, more and more are closing their doors forever.  They can’t make their bills, which, didn’t stop.  They can’t pay employees, whom they are letting go.  Employees are making more money staying home than going to work in some areas of the country – thus the gas station people, dollar store people are making their 7 bucks an hour minimum wage, while the “Stay at home, non-essentials” are making 400-800 dollars a week in unemployment monies.

Suicide rates are up, but there is little information at this point to show this to be true, we know it is happening.  We also know that most deaths are being attributed to the virus itself.

Human beings, by and large, are social creatures.  We love to see our friends, family, meet with people, do things together.  While some of us are more “stay at home types”, the majority go out at least once a month, while many are out every chance we get.  Some of us live a different life than most, out of doors most of the time, inside for only sleeping, rest or hiding from the heat or cold of the day.

Being “sentenced” to an imprisonment indoors for having committed no crime, for an indeterminate period of time, without the ability to even go to a beach, park, or ride your bike, or visit your favorite watering hole is criminal.

Even Criminals have due process, Civil Rights, right to a speedy trial.  And look at the number of “criminals” who’ve been released from prison to “prevent them from catching Covid-19″…  Common sense among some of these so-called leaders walked out the door and never looked back upon them.

To plant the final seed, remember these people aren’t our “leaders”.  They are elected officials.  They have NO/ZERO/NONE Authority to control, or tell an adult, human, FREE Population what to do, nor how to do it without your CONSENT.

Remove their Consent.  Do it today.  Stop these illegal activities and understand that We the PEOPLE run this country, and will no longer allow tyrants to do so.  Also understand we have the Right to decide our OWN fates, to mingle or not as WE choose, not how some Nazi/Leftist Government wants us to do….

Vote them out, recall them, order them to stand down, protest this over stepping of Constitutional Boundaries and remove them come November, from any chance of every controlling you again.



“Emphatically, NO!”

EDIT:  Facebook removed the original video.  Here’s a copy of it: https://www.bitchute.com/video/BTLii-e_UtY/

Edit 2:https://www.aier.org/article/open-up-society-now-say-dr-dan-erickson-and-dr-artin-massihi/

Dr. Dan Erickson of Bakersfield, CA just dropped multiple bombshells that completely eviscerate the official government narrative. Main points made by the doctor:

1. The answer as to whether or not we need to continue to stay at home and keep businesses closed is an emphatic “NO”.

2. Covid-19 is in fact no more dangerous than seasonal flu.

3. Quarantining is a health hazard in and of itself.

4. ER doctors are being pressured to add Covid-19 to death reports.

5. Not about science. Not about Covid-19. When they use the word “safe” – that’s about controlling you.

Time to get back to work America.

A free people doesn’t ask for permission to live.

Remember, you have an inalienable right to resume your life.

Essential Businesses

I wrote this yesterday, and got a lot of “Likes” on Facebook, along with dozens of comments in various groups I frequent.  Here’s what I think.

Facebook asks “What’s on your mind, Rick?”

Well, here you go.

“Essential Businesses”

Why are some people getting letters to “be out on the street” and others are not? Because they are “essential employees”. Like fast food, or restaurants. Or grocery stores. Gas stations. Liquor stores. Weed stores (in Colorado, we’re not just talking about medical either….)

What about barbers? Hair stylists? What about the local auto parts place, auto repair, what about a tire shop? What about any other businesses?


This is America. The United States of America. This is not Venezuela. This ain’t Cuba. This is NOT some Socialist country. This is a Capitalist country, contrary to what most want you to think. (Yeah, I keep hearing the bull crap about “Oh, that Social Security is Socialism!” – no, it is an involuntary removal of my hard earned monies as a type of a tax, which they never intended to give back to me, in the hopes I’d be dead “waiting to get the maximum amount at 75 years old….)

Folks, this country RUNS on the backs of blue collar workers, truckers, farmers, factories. It doesn’t run on Progressive Professor’s backs, or Marxists students working at McDonald’s.

With that said, I say, All businesses are essential.

They are essential to the economy, they are essential to those running the businesses as a form of income, they are essential to the workers in the place for their pay check, they are essential to the government because they pay taxes and provide revenue, they are essential to anyone associated with the business whether they are on the “work side” or the “consumer side” for peace of mind, health and body for people to have the ability to feel “needed” and “wanted”.

Regardless of the TYPE of business, each of them has a clientele, each has consumers, each has customers, each has the ability to fill a need, want or service for SOMEONE somewhere.

NO BUSINESS is “non-essential”.

The arbitrary closing of many businesses is a TRICK of various state governments to make you THINK you’re non-essential, and to bring up the “fast food worker’s ability to now earn $15 or more per hour” (yes, we’ve seen those memes.

I give you the “pub” as an example. People working there get paid, and many have families, and children. They provide a service (beer, drinks, snacks, and a place to go to hang out and relax) and the patrons feel “wanted” by someone. The wait staff make small amounts of money and big tips. The bar tenders lend an ear, and make good drinks or pull your favorite kind of beer. But, the gist of it is, EVERY PERSON THERE IS EARNING MONEY.

Now, they are not. The businesses are closed, and as in the case here where I am located it’s been a month now (short of three days as of this writing) and MOST of those workers I mention are out of jobs. They are earning nothing. The BUSINESSES are earning… nothing. The mortgages are due. The bills likely going unpaid. The supplies ruined and thrown out for the most part.

So – how is a pub “essential”? The people are going broke. Oh, sure, there’s that “$1200 check” the “government” is gonna send you right? As pointed out today by a friend, “read the fine print”. That’s a kind of tax kick back. Next year, you’re gonna pay for that. It’ll be taxed. Yup, taxed.

The Pubs are essential to pay the people working in them. And so are nail salons, hair salons, barbers, tire places, and most any other business with employees.

Playing this “non-essential game” is just that, a GAME.

This is getting out of hand, and it’s going to bite us all in the ass soon.

Get this damned state, and all the others back up and running, the sooner, the better. Maintain your “Social Distancing” (no matter how ignorant that sounds, and wash your hands. Stop being idiots about this, and get this country back to business).

IF YOU PERSONALLY are SCARED TO GO OUT, then stay the hell home, but don’t tell ME to stay in doors. I’m not going to do it anymore.

I will not live in a Police State with a bunch of tattle tale sissies and wussies. You wanna stay home, then do it. But stop telling ME what to do.


From a Microbiologist

This is a re-share from Facebook.

Caveats:  Don’t know this person personally, it’s on Facebook, Did check profile and seems to be what he says he is.  This is informational only, not the final word on anything.

Re-shared WITHOUT permission at this time, I will attempt to get permission, but in general if someone has shared it to facebook publicly, it’s generally ok to share informational topics to the general public.

From Pat Fidopiastis on Facebook:

As anxiety levels rise due to COVID19 I just wanted to provide some essential context for some of the more alarming information being put out by officials. I have a Ph.D. in microbiology; I teach advanced courses in virus replication and pathogenesis, so if any of my opinions or facts offend you, spare me your Google Searches, you’re not telling me anything I don’t know. We’re in this together now and we must all see it through. But, we don’t need to endure it with any more added stress from the news headlines than is necessary to achieve the end goal. The situation is fluid, so some data and opinions might change going forward.

“COVID19 is 10X deadlier than the flu”.
There is nowhere near enough data to make this claim. Thus, reported case fatality rates are basically just a guess. Patients that have been tested for COVID19 are disproportionately the sickest patients because so far our limited testing capacity is reserved for them. Also, the COVID19 dataset is much smaller than the influenza dataset; bias is far greater in the much smaller COVID19 data set, especially when the calculations are swayed by numbers taken from groups of disproportionally older people stuck on cruise ships. Thus, I’ll bet my Ph.D. that fatality rates will drop dramatically as the overwhelming majority of mild cases are added to the COVID19 data set. Furthermore, COVID19 and flu viruses both have RNA genomes, however COVID19’s genome is non-segmented, while flu viruses have segmented genomes. The advantage of a segmented genome is that if multiple different flu viruses infect the same cell, they can swap genome pieces and create progeny with incredible variation. This is why our seasonal flu vaccines are usually not a good match to the types of flu viruses that are circulating, and why we are dogged by resistance to our flu drugs. It is also why my colleagues and I live in constant fear that a new variant of the flu will emerge that’s even deadlier than the 1918 strain. In contrast, COVID19 has remained relatively genetically stable and therefore should be an excellent vaccine and drug target, and it will be unlikely to surprise us with huge changes in its infection patterns.

“COVID19 spreads more easily than the flu”
There is not enough data to make this claim. The R0 (i.e. number of people each infected person will infect) reported for COVID19 ranges from 1.4 to 3.9 depending on which of the several published papers on the subject you rely on. Meanwhile the R0 for the 2009 H1N1 flu is about 1.5 and seasonal flu varies from 0.9 to 2.1. So, there is enough overlap in published R0 values to wonder which virus actually spreads easier. COVID19 appears to have entered our population back in mid-January when a traveler from Wuhan flew to Washington. As COVID19 spread freely during that time (prior to quarantines), it would have disproportionally struck down the most vulnerable first. Subsequently, human behaviors and fewer susceptible hosts would slow the spread. The dire models simply assume a constant rate of virus encountering highly susceptible hosts, which is never the case. The rate of COVID19 spread in Italy is truly staggering, but for context, there were well over 400,000 new cases of flu in Italy in a single week in January 2020. As of this writing, even though COVID19 was freely circulating for two months without any response, the United States has just about 28,000 identified COVID19 cases and about 400 deaths. There will no doubt be more cases and deaths. However, by comparison, in just the US alone, there were about 300,000 new flu cases per day, and 200 flu-related deaths per day, since October 2019. Not surprisingly, the need to stockpile ventilators for severe flu cases is an annual problem in the US; it’s not just an issue associated with COVID19. The fear of medical rationing during this COVID19 outbreak was the motivation for the “flatten the curve” mantra, in which doctors hoped to spread out patient loads to conserve resources. This fear continues to motivate the increasingly difficult restrictions we are facing.

“This situation is unprecedented.”
Our reaction to COVID19 is unprecedented for sure. However, the outbreak scenario is not unprecedented. Despite President Obama and the CDC’s efforts, the 2009 H1N1 swine flu infected roughly 60 million US citizens, resulting in about 274,000 serious hospitalizations (the high-end estimate is over 400,000 in the US), hundreds of pediatric deaths in the US, and at least 13,000 total US deaths (the high-end CDC estimate is over 18,000 deaths in the US). As that pandemic burned through the world, does anyone remember the level of fear and anxiety that we’re experiencing now? Clearly, we did not learn anything about pandemic preparedness because there have been between 140,000-800,000 hospitalizations and between 20,000 to 80,000 flu deaths each year in the US since 2009. Based on this year’s flu data, the US had roughly 300,000 new infections per day, and around 200 deaths per day since October 2019. The number of COVID19 deaths in Italy is frightening, but for context, a published paper on flu-related deaths in Italy revealed that between 2013 and 2017 there were a total of 68,000 deaths, with an average of 17,000 flu-related deaths per year in that time frame. We have a flu vaccine and oseltamivir, yet the WHO estimates there are about 500,000 flu deaths world-wide each year. Apparently, we’ve just decided to accept those numbers year after year. Amazingly, the staggering toll that the flu takes on us each year isn’t enough to motivate us to significantly increase funding for vaccine research, purchase more ventilators, or add more hospital beds; it took something “novel” to instill the level of fear that might motivate these improvements going forward.

COVID19 is “novel”
This is true. It’s clear from the COVID19 genome sequence that this is indeed a virus that only recently made the jump from an animal host to humans. However, related “mild” coronaviruses infect millions world-wide every year, with significant death rates among the elderly, and comprise a significant proportion (up to 11%) of lower respiratory hospitalizations in the US each year. So, while COVID19 is novel, as a group, coronaviruses are not novel.

“COVID19 remains viable in aerosols and surfaces for hours to days”
There is now published data to support specific claims about how long COVID19 remains viable on surfaces. However, there is a difference between “viability” and ability to cause disease in humans. First, it is important to note that details of the environment matter. To simply say that “COVID19 is viable on surfaces for days” oversimplifies the data. For example, small increases in temperature and humidity seem to dramatically interfere with COVID19 viability on surfaces. In order to conduct these experiments, researchers spray huge numbers of viruses onto a surface under defined environmental conditions, remove samples at regular intervals, and then attempt to resuscitate the viruses under ideal conditions in lab culture. In an actual outbreak scenario, in order for a virus sneezed onto a surface to infect a person, it would not only have to endure the environmental stress, but the potentially weakened (albeit viable) virus would then have to endure the various human immune system defenses in order to cause infection. COVID19 has a flimsy outer coating that is highly vulnerable to damage due to environmental stress. This means that just because a virus on a surface can be resuscitated under ideal conditions in a lab does not mean it is able to cause disease in humans. As with death rates, and other information being disseminated by officials, you’re getting worst case scenarios in order to encourage everyone to stick to the plan. However, even knowing that this is a worst-case scenario, properly wiping down surfaces with a disinfectant and practicing good hygiene should be something we do all the time, not just when we’re frightened during a pandemic.

“COVID19 can spread while you are asymptomatic”
This appears to be true and can complicate efforts to control the spread of COVID19. However, asymptomatic spread is true of many pathogens, which is why we should always be mindful of basic levels of hygiene, not just during a pandemic. For example, my students and I sampled college students for a highly communicable pathogen with a death rate of about 20%, responsible for at least 15,000 deaths annually and billions of dollars in added healthcare costs in the US. We detected asymptomatic carriage in 24% of the healthy population, and the strains were resistant to some of the strongest antibiotics we have. How many of us showing the worst side of humanity by overrunning grocery stores and hoarding food and supplies because of a theoretical COVID19 infection knows whether you’re an asymptomatic carrier of the killer we detected in so many healthy young people? Again, basic hygiene at all times and not just during pandemics is our best weapon.

“Nearly 40% of hospitalized COVID19 patients are aged 20-54”
This statistic is based on a cohort of 508 hospitalized patients, in which 38% (about 200) fell into the 20-54 age range. The vast majority (or likely all) of these individuals will recover but because they require resources, this is still a significant statistic. This information is being emphasized probably in response to images of college-aged Spring Breakers openly flouting the latest quarantine orders. The point is that there is still risk, even if you are younger. However, for context, nearly 500 children died of the flu during the 2018-19 flu season, and there were about 2,500 deaths in the 18-49 age range.

“The virus spreads by aerosols, hand to mouth contact with contaminated saliva, and hand to mouth contact with fecal material”
The virus targets ACE2 receptors, which can be found in the mouth, nose, gut, and lungs, so it has the potential for multiple entry points. Thus, each of these suggested transmission routes is supported. This is a strong reason to rely, first and foremost, on hygiene to inactivate and/or remove viruses on skin and inanimate surfaces to minimize the chances of transmission. Aerosol transmission might be mitigated by practicing “distancing” whenever possible, but this approach is simply not a good long-term solution. Notably, certain human behaviors, such as smoking or vaping, can damage the immune response in the lungs and increase the chance of a more serious COVID19 infection. Thus, countries like China with risk factors such as an aging population, cities with unhealthy air quality, and enormous numbers of smokers, are far more likely to have worse outcomes in this COVID19 pandemic.

“The pandemic will last 18 months or longer”
This is possible, but I doubt it. The dire mathematical models that are driving our response to the virus are based on extreme worst-case scenarios in order to force compliance and hopefully end this pandemic as quickly as possible. Still, rather than fret over worst-case models, it is more useful from a “sanity” perspective to look at outcomes in countries that are more like the United States. The first COVID19 case was confirmed in S. Korea on Jan 20, and as of this writing, the number of new cases slowed from nearly 1000 at its peak to about 70. Importantly, according to a recent news report,“S. Korea is experiencing these dramatic drops without locking down entire cities or taking some of the other authoritarian measures used by China to bring down its number of cases.” Apparently, the key to S. Korea’s positive outcome has been expanded testing to quickly identify new cases. To counter balance the dire predictions about the disease, there are equally dire predictions about the long-term effects of quarantines. Here’s a sample of some of the recent headlines: “Domestic violence calls increase as people shelter in place during COVID-19 outbreak”. “Job losses could quickly soar into the millions as coronavirus craters U.S. economy.” “Gun sales surge as coronavirus pandemic spreads.” “Covid-19 positive patient jumps to death in Delhi”. “The threat of quarantine looming over sick workers and school closures threatening food access and child-care shortfalls”, “The lack of paid sick leave for tens of millions of workers could be catastrophic for low-income families“, “The Economic Impact Of COVID-19 Will Hit Minorities The Hardest”. Another thing that fear will do is drive more people to go to the hospital with even the slightest symptoms, which the vast majority would not do during a normal flu season. This not only increases the spread of the virus, it will overrun hospitals, just as it drove people to selfishly wipe out supplies at stores.

The question that we have to ask ourselves is how did we get to a place where epidemic preparedness is an after-thought, yet there’s always money for massive increases in military spending? Why is it that public health officials are contacting me and my colleagues for molecular biology supplies to conduct COVID19 testing, and asking us to step in as volunteers in the event that case-loads get overwhelming? It is a constant struggle to get average citizens to stay focused on outbreak preparedness beyond each sensational news cycle. Who even thinks about Zika virus anymore? What do all of us need to do every day, not just during a pandemic, to limit the frequency of severity of disease spread? Why was it so hard for the wealthiest country in the world to rapidly mobilize our resources to develop test kits to quickly identify and quarantine people infected with the disease? I taught my 9 and 12-year old children to conduct PCR-based COVID19 testing, so it’s not an issue of technical difficulties, it’s just a matter of properly funding the problem in order to scale up resources. Decision makers in our government deemed this preparedness approach too expensive; they are all quickly learning that the costs of our current unsustainable response will be devastating. In the end, our lack of preparedness has resulted in decision-making based on limited data, painting a picture of extreme worst-case scenarios. In turn, once we move past COVID19, we’ll no doubt end up dealing with the fallout from decisions that were just as bad as the problem we were trying to solve.

National Emergency or Breaking the Constitution

In the US Constitution resides a clause basically making it illegal for the government of the US or any State to deny access to any citizens to any other state.  This is called the “Privileges and Immunities Clause” (aka “Comity Clause”).  The Constitution also contains the 14th Amendment, which will get to a bit later.

The clause states: No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities…

The Privileges and Immunities Clause as set forth in Article 4, Section 2 dictates that states may not prevent citizens from their basic rights according to that which is exhibited by civil rights statutes. In such a way, any discriminatory practices whatsoever are not tolerated. In order to be more specific, it states that citizens of all locales will be made eligible for the attainment of such outlined “privileges and immunities” set forth for all citizens.

Essentially, the Privileges and Immunities Clause prevents a state from treating citizens of other states in a discriminatory manner. Additionally, a right of interstate travel may plausibly be inferred from the clause (this is not limited to ‘interstate highways’ either, but may involve any mode of transportation, including bicycle, car, boat, airplane, bus, etc). The Privileges or Immunities Clause is Amendment XIV, Section 1, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution. Along with the rest of the Fourteenth Amendment, this clause became part of the Constitution on July 9, 1868. Text of the clause.

The Fourteenth Amendment to the U. S. Constitution reads:

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

The point here is clear, the states have no legal right to deny access to their state for any reason.

Except….. States DO have police power functions to protect the health, safety, and welfare of persons within their borders. To control the spread of disease within their borders, states have laws to enforce the use of isolation and quarantine. (Quarantine Laws)

What they can not do, is deny entry to a state based on claims of “stopping communicable diseases” based on “license plates on cars” such as Florida has attempted to do. (Florida I-95 shut down)

Of course, they can certainly (and they did) stop traffic entering the state at Georgia, and “take everyone’s temperature”.  Which accomplished blocking up traffic for miles and miles.  People trying to get home to Florida, or to their other residence (remember, a lot of people have more than one place to live and stay).

Gov. Ron DeSantis said the purpose of the new checkpoint on I-95 south is to check for people coming from the New York City area — where there were more than 33,700 confirmed cases of COVID-19, as of Sunday — and help slow the spread of the deadly virus in Florida.

“Initially I was concerned about doing this because I don’t want there to be a backup,” DeSantis said during a news conference Saturday. “But they’re doing it in a great way where the trucks are going through. We’re not worried about that. We’re just worried about the people fleeing some of those areas.”

We get it.  They want to slow the passage of this disease.  They don’t want to STOP it, but slow it.  There’s almost no way to stop it now, based on the fact we didn’t close the airlines immediately.  So, it’s going to be passed along.

We get it. We don’t want to over run medical abilities to mitigate this, or the number of beds, respirators needed and so forth.

But, common sense…. right?

Wrong. North Carolina’s Dare County, the Outer Banks, the place so many people love to go to see the beaches and ocean, is shut.  It shut down in the middle of March. They blocked road accesses, and cruisers on boats (people who travel from place to place via boat) stated the “police were stopping boaters and turning them around” at first.  It turns out they no authority to stop traffic in the Intracoastal Waterway (a Federal jurisdiction).  Sailors/Cruisers, in general, when traveling are not exposed to diseases as easily as those who are coming in contact with their co-workers constantly, for instance. They tend to remain on their boats for days and weeks at a time. (Dare County)

More common sense? No.

On Oak Island, North Carolina, the Mayor, Ken Thomas has “decreed”  a ban on the sale and possession of “dangerous weapons”, and that police will ticket people who “are non-residents” for going on the beach.  “Some for me, none for thee” mentality?  Yes.  (Here is the ACTUAL statute, that the little island community MUST, but is not, following: (nc Enacted Legislation Chapter_166A/GS_166A-19.31.html)

The following links to the article int he Port City Daily news, a local paper in the area.


Local areas are, we understand, just simply attempting to protect human life.  We get that.  But, such restrictions on who can and can not “go to the beach” and “congregate” are discriminatory in the least, and against all manner of Constitutional right in the most.  And the state law is SPECIFIC in what local governments can and can’t do.  Oak Island and Dare County are BOTH going against those laws.  (see the enacted legislation link above).

A fairly large number of people who live in the area of Southport, NC, Oak Island and St. James are people from New York, New Jersey and the New England states.  The complaint on their local gossip site on Facebook have begun, complaining about the “New York Plates” and “Stay home” and similar remarks.

One man suggested “Blowing the bridges” (up) and blocking access.  Others are taking pictures of license plates and posting them on the Internet.

So – what has this declared pandemic wrought?  The kindergarten mentality of “tell on your neighbor”, “Big Brother” and “Let’s punish those we think are breaking a law”.

Classic Societal Breakdown has begun.

On the face of it, people want to protect themselves.  They want to protect their families. We get it.  We do too, but not at the risk of losing our society, our way of life, and our freedoms.

The access to those beaches and coastal areas are already limited by developers, and by ‘powerful people’ who want their ‘views un-compromised’ by anchored vessels near the waterway.  Or by people parking to walk on the beach for an hour.

We have to question how someone walking on a beach is going to spread a virus in the sun shine and salt air.  No, this is bigger, this is the mentality of “we don’t want to just protect our families, we want to deny access to anyone who isn’t from around here.”

This is precisely what these small towns along the coast are doing, too. Both Outer Banks and Oak Island love the tourists, they have a lot of rental properties for the “Spring Breakers” and others who come down every summer to spend time here.  They enjoy the money, and complain about the tourists.  How is that a good thing?

It’s not. But until the Federal Government steps in and says “You can’t do that!” they will continue.

At this end of all this, lies a light at the end of the tunnel.  A return to normalcy, but how far that track runs and whether that light is the other side, or an on-coming freight train, we have yet to find out.

President Trump has extended the “Social Distancing” guidelines until the end of April, another, FULL month.  For most, it has been about two weeks and the mental break down of some of these people has begun.

Those of us who have always advocating “prepping” (and many years ago, we were called “Survivalists”) understand “social distancing”, we always have.  We also prepared for things like this, but even so, many will have to, in a month, or soon after, go out for food, supplies, or something like… toilet paper.  (Not all preppers keep a year’s supply either….)

Watching this ‘apocalypse’ unfold before our eyes is both ‘enlightening’ as well as ‘terrifying’.  The thing we expected is coming true, but it’s not a natural disaster as most of us envision.  It’s not a world war, as many believed.  It’s not nuclear annihilation, as may thought.

No, it’s a virus, something you can’t see but makes you sick.  And no one knows who has it, because there’s a two week incubation period and you are likely contagious before you show symptoms.  That in and of itself is enough to stress out the calmest prepper, let alone people who have no idea what “prepping” is about.

Our advice is simple; stay home.  If you’ve not shown any signs of being ill for the two week period, then there’s no reason to stay in any longer.  If you have not isolated for two weeks, then, do it.  If you are sick, do NOT go out at all.   This applies to everyone.

The second piece of advice, is mind your own business.  Stay out of your neighbors face, business, stop taking pictures of their license plates and complaining on the Internet.  Don’t act like a “Kindergartner”.  Doing so is bad for your mental health and it’s bad for everyone else’s mental health – and eventually it will lead to bad health for everyone in the long run–when you create bad feelings, bad neighbors and create a bad name for yourself.

Side note and article.  When did this virus begin, and why is it important…. Read more at the link below.


A tale of two maps

At first, I wanted to think I was wrong. But now, it’s easy to compare. The Governor of North Carolina just announced that we have a “Stay at home” order starting on Monday.  Well, I’m an American, I’m a Veteran, I’m an old guy who is intent on staying alive, and staying in shape.

I refuse to “stay at home”.  Now, I think anyone sick should stay home. I think anyone with this virus or flu, ought to stay home (anyway).  I think if you are immune compromised, you ought to stay home.  I think if you’re over 60 and in poor health, stay the hell home.

The first map is the states currently CLOSED, with stay at home orders. The yellow means businesses are closed….  North Carolina is in Yellow at the moment, they close all the pubs, bars, restaurants over a week ago (Tuesday, 17 March 2020)

Map One – 27 Mar 2020


The Second map is showing in blue, all of the DEMOCRAT GOVERNORS. The RED is Republican.

Map Two – Dem vs Rep Governors

For the most part, the only states with “you’re confined to your house” are, in my words,  CommieCrats.

They are TESTING the WATERS friends.  If this were across the board, and the Republicans were doing it too, I might be less concerned.  But, at this point…. if they can get away with this, and force you to stay home, then they can force you to do anything they want. This is a test.

You’re going to fail.

You’re going to fail because most of the states have almost no cases, and if they do they are at home, or in the hospital, and it’s been two weeks of this…..

I do NOT plan to “stay home” or “inside”.  I’m NOT sick. I’ve been “quarantined already” for two weeks now.  Tuesday will be the 15 days.  I’ve had NO close contacts with anyone since the 17th other than my wife.  We’ve not been in physical contact with anyone.  I’ve been careful, washing hands, cleaning up after me, and her, and others, using hand sanitizer.  If I get this virus now… then it was not because I was not careful.

Just because I am OUT and ABOUT does not mean I’m going to get sick.

It does NOT mean I am going to catch something from some random person.

We have less than 700 people in this state (North Carolina) (allegedly) confirmed to have this virus. We’ve had 7 deaths so far.

We have a .45% mortality rate at this time.

Yes, I KNOW it could get worse.  I KNOW people can die from it.  But, they can die from getting hit by a bus.  They can die if they starve to death because “No job, no work, no money”….

Stop letting these States push you AROUND.

2A or not 2A – Sorry, Bill Shakespeare

The Covid-19, a corona virus unknown until present, has taken up all the news of late.  As well it should.

The human race and our survival is suddenly at stake.  Our rights are suppressed.  Our freedoms, suppressed.  Some states are attempting to introduce more laws against guns, gun makers, ammo, restrictions on guns and on people owning those things.

Several groups, including the III% United Patriots – or 3UP, have been clamoring for “action” against the government apparently.  Some of those people have threatened force “if all the boxes are checked”, including quarantine, etc.

This Patriot believes that, while we certainly need to maintain our rights, and stand up for them, and make it CLEAR to any local and state government that attempting to restrict our Freedoms is a no-go, also believes that at least we should also use common sense, and our God Given Talents at understanding what is really happening.

A) This virus is highly suspected to have been manufactured right there in Wuhan, China, where there is certainly a bioweapons lab.  SUSPECTED is a strong word.  It means we have intelligence on this from somewhere.  We have arrested several in connection with stealing information, lying about it, and attempting to smuggle vials out of the country.  All of them are connected to the Chinese government, one is a spy/military agent, a second a smuggler, and a third, American biomedical professor from Harvard, who, spent time in China and was being paid by the Chinese and lied about it.

B) The virus was already “floating around” in places and it hit Italy around the same time, but with more virility than it did in Wuhan.  Wuhan, and China put the kabosh on it quickly, locking people up, dragging them out and into the street, putting them in sealed, metal boxes and taking them to God Knows Where.  China, rapidly got the virus under control – because they are communists, and they will just kill anyone who doesn’t comply.

C) Italy isn’t so lucky.  They are number one on the infected/dead lists.  Italy also has a huge tourism industry, and more Chinese visit Italy than any other country.  Thus, it is not surprising, Italy caught the brunt of the disease, and they waited too long to take extreme measures.

D) Some of us believe the Chinese hid the details of this virus for up to thirty days before releasing information to the world, and it was an attempt to spread, rather than confine this disease.

E) Novel Corona Virus is actually called “2019 nCoV”,  Scientists gave the strain an interim name of 2019-nCoV, accounting for the year of discovery, its status as a “novel” virus, and its family name (CoV).  The new designation, while different, represents the same information.  I’ll just call it “The Chinese Virus” because it pisses off the Left, and everyone is claiming it is “Racist”.  In the past, diseases, foods, and many other things have been named for regions from which they originated.  I’ll stick to the “Old Ways”.

F) I believe this “Chinese Virus” was in fact a bioweapon designed specifically to attack humans, remain undetected for several days while carriers (the people infected) passed it on to many more people.  No other virus does this.  You get an infection, you start getting symptoms and are contagious.  This one is different, thus, man made.  It was designed to be passed rapidly and on a 1:2 or 1:5 basis.  Flu and cold virus have a near 1:1. You get it it, you pass it to one other.  When you pass it on a 1:2 factor, then they do the same, the mathematics tell you we’re in trouble.

G) Simple math.  I have the virus, and pass it to two, so we have 2 people, who pass to two more.  That is 2^2 (or 2 to the second power, four).  If this happens each day for 30 days, each of the persons passing to two more people, the total number of infected becomes: 1073741824 in just 30 days.  In two months, or 60 days that number jumps to 1.152921505×10¹⁸ or 115,292,150,500,000,000 – more people than live on Planet Earth.

H) We assume that only two are infected from each person.  We assume it goes unchecked for 60 days.  We assume everyone can catch it.  We assume no one is doing anything to stop it.  Obviously, we are, as are the people in other countries.  The problem arises though, that some are being completely overwhelmed, like Italy.  There are only so many hospital beds.

I) Given the fact this disease causes pneumonia-like respiratory problems and many (but not all) of the patients require at the peak of the disease, artificial breathing assistance from respirators (requiring intubation-the process of putting a tube over ones trachea tube and machine-breathing for them) we will see a time when hospital beds run out, there will be not enough respirators, and not enough medical professionals to assist the ill.  People will simply die from lack of care.  The death toll will increase dramatically.

Americans are used to freedoms, they are used to coming and going as they wish, and it’s a good freedom, it should NEVER be willingly given up.

HOWEVER, this is the entire human race we’re talking about here, and the whole “social distacing” thing they’ve come up with is a way to prevent us all from coming in to direct contact with others and thereby spreading the disease.

This isn’t about over reaching governments stopping people from having meetings.

This is about the survival of the entire human race at this point.

So… it’s not about 2A or not 2A;  it is about “To Be, or Not to Be…”

Stay home.  Don’t spread this disease.  Don’t come in contact with others.  Give it a few days.

The economy IS going to suffer for a time.  We’re going to go without certain things, for a time.  Life is GOING to be tough for a time – at least for the non-Preppers out there.

We do not have the ability to clone humans yet.  Pray we don’t have to do that, or, we become extinct because of lack of common sense on this planet.  Go home, stay there, watch television or better yet, turn it off and spend time with your loved ones.

Tomorrow is not promised, friends.

Survival is imperative, not socially drinking with your friends tonight.


A Different Kind of Climate Change

As a long time prepper – of decades, I’ve always been a firm believer in keeping necessary food supplies to last a small (or in our case, large) family able to survive without having to leave the house for months at a time.

When our kids were all young, my wife and I put together a large pantry in the basement of our home in Colorado.  We kept large packing tubs lined with food-safe plastic, full of beans, rice, flour, sugar, pastas, and shelves of canned food.

We didn’t go out and clear shelves in the supermarket.  We bought a little extra each time.  My wife was very good about doing it.  We rotated the food stocks, and everything she bought, we used and ate.  We didn’t buy things that we could never use, like “a ten year’s supply of freeze dried survival foods” from one of the guys who keep pushing that crap on people (because, they make MONEY off you if you buy it).

The climate has changed lately.  No, not “Climate Change” but a change in the world.  A pall of ignorance has fallen over society.  You would think that with the ability to see the news 24/7/365, collect and read so much data off the Internet, and study things for yourselves, people would be smarter, kinder, less prone to flights of fancy and even, one would hope, have more common sense.

But, no.  The advent of the Internet has dumbed down the human race to the point of drooling grass eaters.  Collective IQs have dropped, common sense has become so rare in any given group of people that you can rarely find anyone who can hold a political conversation without screaming and crying.   Along comes CoVid19….

When the Novel Corona Virus 19 was first announced in the news, it didn’t make a huge splash, not at first.  Then videos started coming out allegedly from Wuhan, China, of people “dropping dead” on the streets.  Plenty of sensationalism.  But, none of the videos were ever really “confirmed” to be real, and not “made up”.

In the past month now it has “spread like wildfire” (according to the news).

In truth, what has actually spread like wildfire was the stupidity of people, ignorance and misinformation.


Instead of taking an attitude that “something could happen” and being prepared, people take the laisser-faire attitude of “The stores have what I need, why bother to get extra stuff? I’ll just pick it up when we run out!”

Well, now you’re out.  The stores are out. The Just-in-Time chain has failed.  Trucks aren’t coming in.  This is the crap we’ve been predicting will happen, for decades.  You had been warned.  Now, fools and morons have broken the whole system.  Not everyone, but a FEW people did this.  Not everyone ran out and bought all the toilet paper and hand sanitizer.

Now, the looting will start in a few days.

Maybe.  I hope it doesn’t but, imagine this.  Power goes out a few days.  The grid nationwide goes down.  You can’t get gas, you can’t get anywhere, food is all gone.  You’re stuck at home and everyone is running out of food because the stores have been looted.  Where are the looters going after they get hungry?  Door-to-door, that’s where.  Every house and home in any neighborhood will be victimized.

Store shelves are empty, food is almost gone, and nothing seems to be coming in.  This is happening now, and these are actual images from a Walmart Store in Colorado Springs, on the south east side of the city.

Now, imagine that this virus IS actually dangerous, even deadly and these roving bands of vandals are carrying it, spreading it everywhere.

Where do we wind up with this lesson?


  1. do NOT get out of the market if you’re in it.  If not, BUY!
  2. Don’t panic.  The virus is not as BAD as the media wants you to believe.
  3. It never WAS that bad.
  4. The virus isn’t spreading like they claimed it was in China (yet) but the US has taken steps.
  5. People ARE washing their hands.
  6. People are stealing toilet paper – seriously?
  7. Some enterprising idiots are trying to sell Purell for hundreds of dollars for a small bottle on Ebay.
  8. Don’t feed the feeding frenzy.  If you’re scared, stay the hell home.
  9. Don’t let this ever happen to you again, always prepare. Start small, and work your way into Prepping.

And for God’s Sake, wash your DAMNED HANDS.

The Time has Come….

… to speak on this subject.
Having been a member of the US military, worked in the White House and have done “jobs” for some Three Letter Agencies in the past, and having ALSO been a member of, and formed, several small Constitutionally protected militia groups – and watched many of them disassemble themselves in fits of pique, miscommunication, and diverse ideological arguments, I have become somewhat jaded on “militia” groups and the like.
So many are enamored with “titles” like “Commander” or “Head of Operations” and haven’t really a clue how to do operations of any sort, or command themselves to go to the bathroom.  Instead, each group starts with enthusiastic clamoring for attempt to stand up against “the Government”, then fall apart because their goals are murky at best, and some people are simply a danger to themselves and others.
Militia groups exist and are constitutionally protected.  But, the MEDIA and certain elements with the US Government would have you believe otherwise.  IF you study history you would understand that we had militias from the beginning of this country, and they are, INDEED a product of the English and French common law to protect their own smaller enclaves in former times.
America didn’t even have a standing Army well after the foundation of the country.  The Continental Army was formed to fight the British in 1775.  However, that group disbanded, and  at least twice more a standing army was eventually created to protect the young nation.  Militias STILL existed then to protect local areas against invasion.
Militias are still constitutionally protected even today:

10 U.S. Code § 246.Militia: composition and classes

(a)The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.

(b)The classes of the militia are—

(1)the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and
(2)the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.

(Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, 70A Stat. 14, § 311; Pub. L. 85–861, § 1(7), Sept. 2, 1958, 72 Stat. 1439; Pub. L. 103–160, div. A, title V, § 524(a), Nov. 30, 1993, 107 Stat. 1656; renumbered § 246, Pub. L. 114–328, div. A, title XII, § 1241(a)(2), Dec. 23, 2016, 130 Stat. 2497.)


Note there are multiple links associated with the above, explaining how the President can call in “militias” of other states, and federal forces against “insurrection” by states.

In truth, the Government is US, we the People.  We the People are in control.  We ARE the government.  We elect those Reps who go there and ignore our laws, and ignore our Constitution.  It’s time to begin holding them accountable to us.
The problem is, the government has become rife with those people mentioned in the last paragraph, who have not one iota of caring about the US Constitution.  They are mostly Left Leaning government workers and people in charge of various departments, and view the Constitution as a “living document to be changed how they wish”.  This is simply not the case.
The Constitution was never meant to be ‘changed easily’.  It’s very difficult at best, to introduce a new Amendment, or get it ratified in the end.  It’s nearly impossible to remove the Bill of Rights.  In fact, if there IS ever an attempt, this should be viewed as an outright act of War against our Way of Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness.
We, the People are both Constitutionally required to keep an eye on our government, and the attempts to undermine our freedoms, as well as to fight back against such attempts.
When you were a child, you heard “America is a melting pot” – of peoples from everywhere. This is true, but it was also the beginning of attempts to undermine our way of life by the Marxists living in this country.  They have used our own laws against us, and loud, shrill voices pointing fingers at us have caused people to back down, shut up for fear of being identified as “someone who might be a racist” or other things.  These tactics have worked and the Real, True American Idealism has been nearly eradicated.
Marxism, indeed “Democratic Socialists” have undermined the very fabric of this country, have put themselves in every Agency and department in the US Government, embedded judges, law enforcement personnel and lawyers in the Justice system.
Democratic Socialists are Communists. Marxism’s ultimate goal is to put control in the hands of a communist government. Progressivism is nothing more than a form of “Close Communism”.
The tactics of calling you names, making you feel guilty and forcing you to be quiet has worked to the point, we’ve allowed this infiltration of our government by these Marxist types.  (Note: We lump them ALL into the same bag now, as they do with us.  Marxism, Communism, Progressivism, most Liberalism and certainly any other of the so-called “party affiliations” that lean Left out there are nearly all seeking the same goal, and that is the utter destruction of America, Capitalism, and any sense of Patriotism or any sort of “nationalism” in this country.)
American Way of Life is NOT meant to be controlled by any single party, or any particular Ideology, other than that put in place by our Founding Fathers; the Constitutional Republic.  We are a “democracy” in that the “majority do not rule the minority”.
We are a Representative government.  We deliberately elect people to go in and stand up for our Rights, and to vote as we small groups want, as long as those votes by the Representative comply wholly with the idea of the Constitution, including our Bill of Rights.
Currently, in Congress, in both houses, we have people on both the Democrat and Republican sides of the aisle who choose to ignore Constitutional requirements, and were voted in by people who, apparently could not care less. While this is “certainly representative of the constituents”of those particular areas, it is also most definitely, against the Constitution.
It is time, in my humble opinion, to stop the Leftist infiltration of America any further.  We have a strong President at the moment.  But, that is not going to last forever.  American’s will become complacent again soon enough.  Three or four years hence, they will forget, as they always do the damage the Obama Administration did to this country in the name of “Progress” and “Compromise”.
Compromise to us means everyone gives a little and gets something in return.  To the Left, Compromise means, “You back off, you give us what we ask for, or we’ll call you names and make you look bad in public.”
Every person that reads this needs to think. Think about this:
We have a proposal to give to America.  To every, single red-blooded American in both birth and name, legal immigrants, and those who have had their rights pushed aside, ignored, and voted out… to the Second Amendment in particular, and the usurping of other Rights in the Bill of Rights.  A new, leaderless “Militia”.
Such a militia will include all Americans based on the current laws of this country and the Constitution.  It would include by default any existing “militia groups” that will adhere to the bylaws, and follow the same goals.
We propose a group with very clear, resolute goals, built from the bottom up, rather than the top down.  The rules, goals, mission statement and so forth will be presented and you- The People- will each begin your own local creation and representation within your OWN local regions.  City enclaves, counties, states, and on and on.
The size and shape of your organization will be up to your local control.  The only thing coming from “National” will be the set of rules, not orders, not direction (other than what the rules state) and each group would be local.  “National” will provide a way to contact each other, give directions on connecting up and help groups form by giving information.
What the people of United States need are multiple, small, decentralized covert operations cells of Men and Women who actually understand the Constitution. People who can, and will take the time to resist these Marxist moves on our government.
So, turn off your televisions for a time, and stop listening to the main stream media now, grab a good friend, or a good neighbor and start researching Clandestine Cell Systems.
We’re putting together an organization which will help. It will take good people, some time, and a good understanding of the goals. This isn’t a joke. This isn’t pie-in-the-sky.
This is a start for all the people feeling lost, feeling like there is nothing left to do but give up and let whatever happens, happen.
Americans do NOT give up, we don’t quit, and we don’t let evil win.
Are you going to let Evil win because it’s just easier to sit down and do nothing at all, or will you take up your flag, fly it high and stand up, be heard and make it clear we’re not going to go down to Communism without a fight?
The Choice is Yours.
More to come in the next few weeks. Please, stay tuned.
Here’s a brief list of links for those of you wishing to think more on your own. Read the various links below. Get informed. Start thinking about people for your local cell/group. Start with close friends with the same ideas as yours. Your husband, wife, close friends are best to start with. Make sure before you start working this out (and we’ll provide some instructions soon) that they believe the same things you believe about the Constitution. There can be no equivocation here.