Stand up, Fight Back, Resist

Stand up, Fight Back, Resist

I’m going to let everyone who has been paying attention, onto a little secret.

There’s no “Leader” or “Hero” who is gonna step forward.

There’s no “storm” coming.

There’s no “count down”.

No one is coming to save you or America.

An election was stolen.

A fake vaccine was created and then a “disease” was thrust into our countries, to FORCE to take this fake vaccine. It’s not even a vaccine if you’re listening to the doctors. NO, not the CDC, or WHO, I’m talking about the man who INVENTED it. I’m talking about the hundreds of virologists, and experts, MDs and PHDs who’ve been coming forward on a daily basis to tell the truth.

Thosands have been injured or even killed by this “vaccine”. Normal testing was never performed. No clinical trials. (Ask yourselves why not….)

The claim that 650,000 American’s died from Covid is as much a hoax as the virus itself. Sure, people are getting a severe cold or flu (golly CORONA VIRUSES make up about half of all the cold viruses out there) and sure, they’ve been dying from complications. BUT THE MAJORITY ARE NOT DYING. The old, the infirm, those with other medical issues….

Ask why they are now TRYING TO FORCE A “vaccine” on everyone, EVERYONE. WHO is doing that? WHY are they doing it? What gives them the RIGHT to do it? (Nothing gives them the right). The Chinese and Australia are literally holding people down and injecting them with something. WHY!

We are in a war for our very lives in this country, for our freedoms, for our Liberty, for our Constitution, for our Way of Life and for the future of this country long after we’re gone.

The Communists embedded in our government aren’t going away, aren’t getting arrested, aren’t being tried for treason, and certainly aren’t being sent to GITMO. Anon and Q appears to have been a psychological operation created by CIA, or the CCP, or the Leftists, or someone who worked this out ahead of time and used gullibility of the “Believing American People”, their Hope and Caring to keep them at bay, while the Commies worked their magic to steal an election, to get good Americans arrested, and Bad People they could control, put in public offices.

Americans must start now, rise up. Fight back, demand accountability of any elected official, all of them, not a few, but ALL of them. We the People control this country.

The country is not controlled by “politicians” and it’s high time to put a hard stop to their belief they are our leaders. They are NOT our leaders. They are our servants.

Starting on 11 September 2021, we will all need to be stepping up to the plate. No more “big business” support, no amazon, no facebook, no twitter. Use signal, telegram and small social media to get in touch. Use your TELEPHONE to call, but, best, talk to people IN PERSON. Continue to support LOCAL businesses who refuse to give in to masks, shots, the hype and Leftists. Stock up on food, gas and other important items.

If you have Mayors and Governors who are Leftists/Commies, START PROTESTING in front of their offices, their homes, follow them around. School boards are being removed slowly, keep that up. SCARE THEM OFF.

No violence. Not unless someone else is violent with you, then PUT THEM DOWN. Fight back if you must, but don’t start it. Take the high ground.

Heinlien postulated that “An Armed Society, is a polite Society.” If there are Vets out there willing to, once again, pick up weapons and guard the backs of Real Americans, it’s high time we do it. Walk the bleeding edge of what is necessary to keep Antifa and the Criminal Left out of our people’s faces, backs and flanks.

Never use your weapon unless it becomes necessary and the other side becomes a threat to Life, Limb and Property. Follow the states’ laws to the Letter. Don’t give a stacked court another victim, you.

Remember I said no “Leader” or “Hero” is gonna step forward? Well, I lied.

That Leader or Hero is right there with you, RIGHT NOW, reading this. It is YOU.

The American People, the American Public, the America we all know and love lives right there inside your heart and head.

YOU who fly that flag.

You, who stand up to Tyranny.

YOU are that Leader in your own community. Each of us has skills, abilities and a love for this country that goes back to the very beginning of our genetics, to the foundation of this country, and to the Republic’s very tiny roots.

America was FOUNDED by PEOPLE LIKE YOU. By your fore-fathers and fore-mothers who were curious, brave, and emboldened to step away from regimes of Monarchs and form a free country. These are your roots. This country has stood for FREEDOM for 245 years, we have fought pirates, Monarchies, Communists, Socialists and Muslims. Anyone who would take the freedoms of others. And now, we’re allowing these scum into our governments, into our schools and into our lives simply because we were afraid be called names, or embarrassed on Social Media?

Stand up, America. Stand up Americans!

Be again, what you were before, a BEACON of HOPE for those who wish to be Free. Stop cowering because you’re afraid.

You are the Leader. You are the Hero.

YOU are the one to stop this onslaught against the American People and our Way of Life.


Organize and attend peaceful rallies throughout your state. Let your voices be heard and your presence felt.

Let the so-called “leaders” know your demands and your determination.

Thousands of small rallies will collectively be more powerful than one large rally.

STOP doing business with the enemy. Show the enemy who really holds the power of the purse strings. Don’t cross the virtual picket line. Cut off the enemy’s monetary supply lines.

Organize your community for communication and support services locally. (

Here’s SOME of the companies who don’t believe in America:

If you have local companies that are refusing entry over masks, vaccine “papers”, make sure you call the Nazis out for it, publicly. NO ONE has a right to demand your papers. Especially if they can’t ask for ID for voting.

Vaccine Scam and China

Not being a conspiracy theorist sometimes has it’s difficulities. For instance, this author can’t go and find random crap, connect it to a “kernel of truth” and make it sound mysterious and evil, like the Mason haters, and the “Anti-Bush” people, the “Reptilian Hunters” and the “There was no Holocaust” dumb asses. This thing, however, is easy.

As an ancient Cold Warrior – that’s a guy who knew the Soviets were trying to kill us any way they could, as were the Chinese – I KNEW there were always nefarious schemes out there. ANYONE who has ever READ any of the unclassified history of the Central Intelligence Agency or the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), or the Codebreakers (a large book on encryption, ciphers, and the history of such things) KNOWS that there is a dark and dangerous past in this country and it goes all the way back to ancient Greece, Rome and even back to Egypt. Spies are spies and they do what they do for their countries, and some switch for money.

We also know Communism has killed more people than anything else in history, including most all of the combined “pandemics” in recorded history. Ok, perhaps that’s a slight exaggeration. About 100 million in 100 years by the commies. Pretty good record. Couple of hundred million over the ages though, by plagues like bubonic plague, small pox and so on.

However, we’re here to talk about both Covid and Communism. When this disease was “discovered” in Wuhan, China (capitol of Hubui Provence, China) rumors were that it was an animal-to-human transfer. People eating live bats from a “wet market” were the “original cause”. Over time, this was poo-poohed by everyone from China to the US Government. Then videos “leaked” from China showing people dropping dead from this virus (supposedly), bleeding from their heads, eyes, falling out at trains and off benches.

This terrified everyone. As was the purpose o such leaked videos. The Chinese have a strangle hold on social media, controlling every aspect of life there in China with an iron fist. This author has visited there, and know this to be truth. Also, we know from previous visits they film every individual visiting them constantly, following them with specialized tails and video gear. They even plant devices in your rooms, microphones in the walls and places you would not think to look.

So, it is a foregone conclusion that no one is leaking anything without approval. Especially not videos showing men welding doors shut on apartment complexes, and buildings to prevent people from leaving, or dead and dying in the streets. Not, especially if one has ACTUALLY ACCIDENTALLY RELEASED by the Chinese. Why would that happen?

Because they wanted to terrify the Western Civilization.

Communist China has a long term goal of ruling the entire Pacific Rim, and eventually the world itself through the use of Communist tactics. They aren’t going to ALLOW someone to release a video of dead and dying if they created a virus “by accident” or even on purpose.

But, what IS China doing? Follow along a moment if you will, down the rabbit hole.

China has managed to place hundreds if not thousands of agents around the world in governments, including the United States, because we do NOT do the checks we used to do about communist backgrounds. We don’t check that. We check if someone is belonging to a group “advocating the overthrow” of the government, but never ask “Are you a Communist” or “Are you a Socialist”. Those questions are verboten.

China has bought and paid for governors, medical people, doctors, lawyers, politicians and petty men and women throughout the USA involved in politics. Offering money to them in large amounts and giving them, or threatening them, to prevent them from speaking is one way they are doing this. They are using our OWN money by purchasing things and leveraging large amounts of land, natural resources and people.

Now, add in that there are people like doctors involved in some of the big pharmaceutical corporations also involved.

Fast forward to Trump saying “We will make a vaccine!”

Just precisely what those companies in the pockets of China needed. Creation of a depopulation vaccine.

It’s not actually a vaccine. It’s a dangerous shot intended to ruin out ability to reproduce. More on that in a moment. Watch this video and copy down the numbers.

Now… consider this. Some doctors have been going public saying this vaccination and the material moves to the ovaries and testicles in men and women.

The Chinese have a LONG TERM goal of ruling the world. So what if it takes a decade or ten more? As long as they control things eventually.

What IF these companies have produced this drug and convinced governments like Australia and UK to FORCE children to take this “for their safety”?

And what IF this drug sterilizes everyone over time? You, your children, eventually your grand kids who will simply take the vaccination as a matter of course?

What IF all the countries forcing this start to depopulate, albeit, slowly, and then in ten or twenty years, Communism is inculcated (which is actually being done NOW) into all of Western Society? And finally, what if China simply takes over by this method?

I submit China didn’t create a virus, they created an ENVIRONMENT through which panic driven politicians (probably MOSTLY in the dark about this) force this virus upon an innocent population and force Western Society to go against ALL human rights precepts to accept this “vaccination” – to cause a voluntary depopulation of the this planet?

China doesn’t care how long this will take, and they will sit and laugh at the stupid westerners for their mistakes, their hype, their belief in something untrue and the lies told them by politicians.

If you are young and you take this vaccine right now, until it is proven safe (and just because the FDA is being said to have approved one of them does not make it so), then you are helping to DOOM the West forever.

Video above is saying that this vaccine that the FDA supposedly approved, IS NOT ACTUALLY APPROVED. Media lying.

Evidence against Clinton, Soros and Biden


This is prima facie evidence that Clinton, Soros, and Biden conspired in election collusion with the Ukrainian government.

Copy it and upload elsewhere too.



Remembering 9-11-01

On September 11th, 2001 this author had walked into his desk rather early at work in Colorado at the Missile Defense Agency.  I didn’t have television in my area, a restricted access room where we maintained the physical security of the building.  My responsibilities were to install, maintain and repair the Electronic Security Systems in place at the time.

My co-workers weren’t quite there yet, and it was early, before 0700.  I was reading through some logs when one of the Security supervisors badged into the room and came to get me.

“We need you in the Security Operations Center.  Now,” he said.  I asked what happened.

“A plane hit a building in New York.  Hurry,” he turn and ran out.

I sat there for a moment considering that it was a very, very bad pilot.  A few months before I had predicted this attack and talked about it on various blogs and with friends.  Most thought I was nuts.  Government officials said, “They want money, they don’t actually want to kill people,” I would be told.

Moments later, I was standing in the room watching CNN on the television in the conference room.  It was 0703 local time in Colorado when we watched, live as the second plane hit the World Trade Center.  My immediate, gut reaction was anger.  I knew instantly this was a planned, deliberate attack.  The Security Director asked me, “What next?”

I had spent many years working in Presidential Communications, not that it gave me any true insights, but I certainly have seen and heard a lot of things.  The Director never asked me for advice.

“They just tried to take out the symbol of the Western Financial World.  They will now hit the Pentagon, the White House and the Capitol building if they can.  If they took two planes, this was no fluke and a well thought out plan.  They will have other planes,” I said.

Everyone stared at me.  Someone called the Pentagon.  Someone called the Director of the MDA.  I don’t know exactly who called whom, or what was said, but 40 minutes later, the Pentagon was hit.  I was suddenly in the hot seat, everyone wanting to know how I “knew”.

How did I KNOW? Because you can NOT trust Muslims.  You can not believe anything Islamists tell you.  They lie to further their causes.  How did I KNOW?  It was right in front of all our faces, constantly in the news, constantly since I was a child.  Arabs this, fighting that, killing the Jews, attacking people, blowing themselves up, killing others, hijacking planes in the 1970s almost on a daily basis.  The Iranian Revolution – which removed the Shah and installed an Islamic Cult, holding our Americans hostage for 444 days.  We dealt with that problem in the 1979-1981.  I was on the ground support site for the Iranian Rescue Mission.  I don’t for a moment believe these people would then or even in our current future stop being what they are.  Dangerous, evil, murderers.

Today, we face an onslaught of attacks, not from Islam directly, but Apologists for them.  From the Left specifically.  From Facebook, from Twitter, from Google, from Youtube and other large social media outlets.  Why?  I am not certain, but the censorship of Americans who speak out about Islam is rampant.


This author is currently suspended from Facebook for commenting on things the Left has done.  Others, friends, have been banned for speaking about Islam, for pointing out the TRUTH.

The Truth, friends, is under attack.  It must stop.

What other countries do is their problem, but Google, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube are ALL AMERICAN COUNTRIES.  They are built under Capitalism.  They must no long silence the truth.  They allow all sorts of ridiculous conspiracy theories, they allow people to routinely attack the President, or Right Wingers, they even encourage words of violence aimed at people who wear “Make America Great Again” hats.

How childish do you have to be to continue this behavior?

And how ignorant do WE have to be to allow it?

I do not see Donald Trump losing the next election, but I DO see the Left coming back violently.  Just as I saw the Muslims using aircraft as missiles.

If you aren’t ready for the coming War on the West, you’d BETTER get your ass in gear because it IS coming.  Soon.


The Second Amendment

The Second Amendment

by Rick Donaldson

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

A simple, yet profound sentence, one which has meant and still means the most to the United States and Freedom from Tyranny throughout two hundred plus years as a Country.

The Second Amendment was ratified on December 17, 1791, along with the other nine amendments that make up the Bill of Rights. The Second Amendment protects that entire Constitution, and all the other Rights.

The phrasing seems to upset those who hate guns because they can not fathom things in any terms other than the “here and now”, or understand times of old, equating everything they read with current technology. But, “guns” are not what that Amendment was written about anyway. Read on.

There have been debates for at least two decades on the meaning of the word militia. The phrase has been bandied about by Right, Left, Center, Libertarians, Progressives, Democrats, Republicans and many others. All of them have tried to convince others what the word “militia” means, or that the phrasing precludes or includes things it does or doesn’t.

People have made comments about this or that “clause” and how the words work together, or don’t work. Or work differently than we are led to believe.

What ALL have failed to do is understand the time period, the history and the men and women of that time period.

In the 18th Century, England and other countries, while many had standing armies, also all had militias. The United States’ Colonists had “militias”. They did not have a “standing Army”. In fact, there was NO ARMY when the Revolutionary War began. There were militia groups and some more organized groups ended up becoming the Army we know today. The US Army, as we know it today didn’t come into being until 1796. Five YEARS after the Constitution was ratified. There was no “National Guard”. There were only militias. Militias are explained later.

In those times, and today, codified into US Code, a militia is defined as all able-bodied males between the ages of 16 and 45 years of age. And no, we’re not forgetting the ladies either, (US Code states 17 – 45):

10 U.S.C. § 311 – U.S. Code – Unannotated Title 10. Armed Forces § 311. Militia: composition and classes

(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32 , under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.

(b) The classes of the militia are–

(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and

(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.


In 1776, there was no standing Army. The states didn’t want a standing Army. George Washington was against a Standing Army as were many other of the Founding Fathers.

Even so, the MILITIA consisted of well-regulated young and older men.

Each town or jurisdiction, usually counties, had their own militia, made up of able-bodied men and boys who showed up on a regular schedule to the “Town Square” or some other handy location to practice shooting and some limited tactics. These groups were everywhere and they answered to some person, in general a male, who was their “local commander”. He might be a blacksmith, or a tailor, or even the mayor of the town.

The phrase “well-regulated” simply meant “Trained”. It didn’t mean “governed by the government”.

So the phrasing of the Second Amendment is actually quite simple, not complex, and it’s not hard to understand. No “interpretation” is required.

The PEOPLE made up the militia, so, “A well trained militia is necessary and being made up of the PEOPLE, their right to keep and bear arms WILL NEVER be infringed.”

The militia was then, and is now, the people. The people are the militia, and the government is constrained from touching rights to keep and bear arms. Period.

National Guard

The National Guard did not come into being officially until 1933. So, it was NOT the “National Guard” of which they spoke. It was NOT a standing Army, which they did not want.


Fire arms were muskets. But other weapons were not. Swords are weapons, and while there were no AR15s, no technological requirements for or against any sorts of weapons are found in the Amendment.

Instead we find the word ARMS. Not FIREARMS. Not Swords. Not guns. Not cannons. Just the word “Arms”.

Arms are ANY and ALL weapons that are known to mankind able to be picked up and used as offensive or defensive weapons. These are not limited to handguns, or rifles.

The Second Amendment doesn’t mention sports rifles, doesn’t mention hand guns. Thus arms are not LIMITED by this definition. Even if you want it to be. It’s simply not.

Weapons of war, weapons of any sort, including pitch forks, shovels, hammers, knives, swords, ballistas, catapults, bows and arrows, slingshots, firearms and “you name it” are included in this definition.


Infringed – means “changed, removed, taken away, watered down” and you SHALL NOT INFRINGE. Shall and Shall not are special words. Shall is an IMPERATIVE word. Meaning MUST. When placed with NOT, it changes the imperative to the opposite. If you SHALL do something, you MUST do it. It you SHALL NOT do something, you must NEVER do it.

Thus, another way to say this is, “A well trained militia is necessary since militias are made up of the PEOPLE, their right to keep and bear arms WILL NEVER be infringed.”


This is so simple, even a literate child in the 1700s could understand it. Perhaps that is because they were literate and those who wish to limit or ban, or infringe up on the right to keep and bear arms work themselves through many gyrations to do so. Or perhaps they are simply illiterate?

Today, everyone wants to change the meaning, adding in complications to the phrasing, instead of boiling it down completely. English majors, writers and professors have all weighed into the Second Amendment, and nearly all of them trained in Liberal Arts colleges will attempt to change the meaning of the Second Amendment to meet their personal opinions.

It just doesn’t work this way.

Simply put, the Right of the People of the United States SHALL NOT have their Right to Keep and Bear Arms infringed. The US Government, and the STATES may NOT touch that right. Ever.

Read it now, knowing what has been explained, and see for yourself just how simple this phrase is, and know that it’s meaning was to convey to us 243 years later, the exact, same meaning it conveyed in 1776 through 2019.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Men and women of the United States, Citizens, and those who have stated their intent to become citizens make up the militia, organized, unorganized and in some cases, the “disorganized militias” and you have an absolute right to keep and bear any Arm you wish, be it a rifle, a handgun, a musket or a cannon.

This writer will proudly bear both his rifles and swords, in addition to his Pen, of which is sometimes been stated to be “mightier than the sword”.

US Pro-Gun Rallies in all Capitols

It’s time.

April 14th, 2018

All State Capitols and DC.

Be there.  Widest dissemination requested.


The second amendment isn’t just about guns. It’s about supporting the natural rights of self-defense, resistance to oppression and the civic duty to act in defense of our families and our communities. From the enactment of the Bill of Rights through most of the 20th Century, the Second Amendment seems to have been understood to guarantee to every law-abiding responsible adult the right to possess arms.

The purpose of these events are to express the numerous and protean ways in which the concept of self-protection and expression related to the Constitution in the minds of its authors. For self-defense is indeed at the core of the Second Amendment and an element in the Founders’ political thought generally.

At the same time it is important to realize that the Founding Fathers’ view of self protection was not only more favorable but also more inclusive than the concept as disfavored by many modern thinkers. To the Founders and their intellectual progenitors, being prepared for self-defense was a moral imperative as well as a pragmatic necessity; moreover, its pragmatic value lay less in repelling usurpation than in deterring it before it occurred.

Modern thinkers feel the need to strip away our natural born right to self-protection by limiting the available weapons that are at our disposal. They blame mental illness without documentation. They blame everything except the sole responsible party, the person involved in the action.

With the support of thousands of American Patriots across this great country, we will assemble at every state capitol at 1pm CDT on Saturday April 14, 2018 to show our support for our 2nd Amendment rights and to support our Constitution as a whole. Please help support us to defend and educate about our founding documents and honor our Forefathers who sacrificed and dedicated so much for us to have the freedoms we do today!

Government Corruption Runs Deep

Ladies and Gentlemen, I admit, I wasn’t really “keeping up” with the news the last few months as this “memo” thing began, nor did I pay much attention to the “Russian Collusion” story based solely on the fact I have no television and rarely see much news.

I read things on FB or the Internet and get interested and start digging. It’s how I get all my news. By getting interested in a story and then reading all side of the coin, not just one news agency, ALL OF THEM. Right, Left, Middle, Russian, German, French, makes no difference to me. I READ IT ALL.

After poring over that memo release and all the various news sources associated with it, I have come to a rather scary conclusion. Following are my thoughts only:

1) The memo details a lot of corruption. But, it’s only the surface. There is more to come, a LOT more. Names will get named, and connections will be made.

2) The corruption went all the way up the chain of command back to Obama himself, Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, James Comey and many others.

3) This makes Watergate look like a “speeding ticket”.

4) The Democratic Party is in absolute MELTDOWN right now and you can judge that for yourselves by simply reading the screeching going on just on Facebook. They are self-destructing, and the lies keep coming, in droves.

5) I predict – and I rarely do this because I’m usually wrong – that there will be major protests in the next few weeks over this as more details are revealed. They will turn violent, to the point of destruction, turning over cars, “Antifa” will suddenly reappear, as will the “New Black Panthers” and other “Democrat support groups”… and the violence will get very, very large in major cities.

6) The Civil War is ON. This is no joke any more. It has been on-going now since before the elections (See a previous article I posted about How Civil War Happens) and understand that the violence will be directed at the cities at first, then at Right Wingers, Conservatives, White men and women, and children because they wil use Alinsky tactics to “pick a target, freeze it and attack it”. Mark my works on this.

7) The violence will get worse as the Spring and Summer drag on.

Be prepared. Keep your powder dry. Stock up on food and water and be ready for anything – or nothing at all. But always be Prepared for the worst. If you are a conceal carry license hold (and I don’t care if you are) don’t go OUT without your weapons any more and be trained and prepared to defend yourself. No one else is going to do it for you.

Before long, I’m afraid, we’re going to have to remove the Communists from America and take it back from them.  They’ve had a grip for too long.  It’s time to clean house.

Your American Identity

Over the past few decades, the Left has worked diligently to steal your identity from you. Not your name, or credit card numbers, but the absolutism of who “You” are.  If you’re white, a male, around 40 or older, working for a living and taking care of your family, or your older now, like myself and “white, retired, and OLD” by their standards, the Left labels you as a danger to society.

If you are Black you’re being oppressed – by “White people”.

If you’re an illegal alien, you’re an – “Undocumented immigrant”.

If you’re Muslim – you’re being racially discriminated against by “white people”.

If you own a gun – you’re evil.

If you support the 2nd Amendment – you MUST be part of the NRA. (No, I’m not.)

If you’re “white” – then you are probably a KKK member, a White Supremacist, or some other such thing. (even if you’re not)

And on and on.

A box. You’ve been placed into a box by the Left.  You are routinely called “Racist” or “Homophobe” or perhaps you’re called “Privileged” or some other names. This is to disconnect you from reality, who you are, and that for which you stand and believe.

The Left has this ability to put a label on someone to disconnect them from reality, and then use it collectively in a disproportionate manner, thereby disconnecting people from their own, true selves.

The Left dehumanize people to attack them, and make the attacks easier by the collective mob mentality they use. A new name (yes, they call you a name), to target you, then the others of their kind glom onto the name and they use it too.  That’s how the left functions.

The Left have sharpened this “weapon” of their’s over the years since the 60s. NOW, they use it to divide Americans.

You can see it in Facebook, Twitter and Gab. The folks who are “Nazi” and KKK types are all over the place… and the rest of us normal people are caught in the middle trying to redefine ourselves as “NOT being THEM”.

Just because you’re white does not make you a racist.  But the Left uses this tactic to make you think you are, and make others assume you are..  The Left is teaching this to your children and attempting to shame them and be ashamed of themselves because, well, you know, “White Privilege”.

Redefining a generation of Children to believe things differently from the way their parents believed is a stock trademark of the Left, and of Communism and Marxism.

Marxist tell you they aren’t Communists.  Communists hate Marxists. Supposedly.

The Left claims not to be Marxist, and yet look at the dumb asses walking about with Che Guverra Tee Shits on their bodies.  He’s a hero to these morons.

This author believes that 90% of everyone, right, left, middle, black, white – doesn’t matter – of Americans (Real Americans who understand what being American means) are none of these things above.  We don’t fit in boxes, pigeon holes, cupboards or waste bins.

We are Individuals.  We want SMALLER Government, less money taken from us, efficiency, Freedom to do as we like as long as what we are doing isn’t hurting others.  We believe in Individual Freedom and do NOT want Socialized medicine, shopping or funding such programs.  We want others to to be happy, and free as well.

We think criminals should be locked up, and dangerous people who’ve committed crimes like Murder locked up for good, or executed.  We do not believe that the Government should be able to deprive you of Life, Liberty and Happiness on a whim, in other words, LaVoy Finicum was murdered and his family deprived of a good man by a corrupt government.  (FBI, DOJ, Clinton Foundation, Uranium)

Chris Stevens was also deprived of his life, by corruption in our government, and no one has been held accountable yet. (Clinton)

The IRS targeted Christians and Right Winger through the use of “taxes” and let other groups go by default.  No one has been held accountable for that either. (Lois Lerner)

Those are a few small things the Obama Administration wrought.

The Left STRIVES to keep your minds off those things and mis-identification of your self is how they do it.  So, the time to stop letting them change your life, your name, your identity is now.  Focus on the real causes of Cancer in our Society.  Focus on the Left and fight back.

While I know most of you want to be “above it all” and “won’t lower yourselves to their tactics” (and this is very noble) we’re in a war here.  A war for our Identity in America.  You must start fighting back using their own tactics and stratagems.  No longer can you sit on your ass and let them win over your children’s minds.  Do not let them have the upper hand any longer.

Trump gave up a life of leisure, and his power to become President, to Represent YOU.

Don’t let him fail, and don’t fail to stop the Left at every turn.

America At War

The Las Vegas shooter has not yet been identified – at least not in a “political sense”.

The authorities haven’t put out any motives, and certainly haven’t assigned his attacks as “terrorism”.  I suppose this is because they can’t, or don’t want to do so.

This author will point out that he has connections with the Philippines and by association, the Muslim world.  Indonesia has the largest group of Muslims on the planet.

We are sincerely at war.  We are war with Islam, and have been for a long time, truthfully since the 1700s.  Even Thomas Jefferson recognized we were at war with them.  That war has never stopped and there has never been a truce.

Deeper than the war with Islam however, is a war against rational thought, against thinking, against the beliefs of Conservatism.  Against the American Way of Life.

The Left has become an incoherent mass of victims, blaming everyone but themselves for everything happening in America.  They tear down what is right, and destroy the ideals of truth.  Facebook has tried to suppress any news out of  Las Vegas.  Ok, perhaps not “any” but some.  By redirecting people to, of all places, Politifact.  Interesting.  When we tried to post some alternative news (which, by the way has turned out to be TRUE) a popup box showed, attempting to redirect readers somewhere else.  But don’t believe this article, here are the actual screen shots I took myself.

I’m sorry but I will not be directed.  Not by Facebook, Twitter, a Government Agency.  None. No one. Americans can find themselves in dangerous situations like Las Vegas.  Truth. Carry your gun. Carry it everywhere, regardless of rules.  Ignore the laws.  They are there to get you killed.

No a hand gun would not have likely helped in Las Vegas.  A rifle might, but most of us couldn’t have stopped him at that distance.  But there are other incidents where we could have.

We are now in a war.  I will tell you now why I believe this.  Even without evidence to support what I am about to say the Left declared war on traditional values long ago.  We all know they did. We all know that the Left denigrates anything good on the Right.  They teach the young that we’re evil.  We’re “Nazis”.  We’re “racists”.  And they scream and yell if we point to them and place them in a “generalized box” of “Liberals”.  Funny how that works.

It’s ok for the Left to place the Right, Conservatives, Christians and others into one box, but not for us to do the same thing.  They fight for control of our minds by indoctrinating the children, calling us names, and making us all appear to be evil.

And they blame the tools, not the men who use them for the damages caused.

Progressive Tyranny is the word.  This is what they do.  This is how they control.  It’s not about “Gun Control”, it’s about “Control”.  Whether it is gun control, mind control, school control, or Control of the White Right Wing… it’s about control.

We will leave you with an important message from Gabe Suarez:

I would urge you read his material.

I would also urge you to carry concealed.  All the time now.  Do not become a victim.  Do not become a statistic.

— apologies for this being a bit distracted, but take each sentence and read them as 160 character text messages.  Perhaps then it will make more sense to the “computer indoctrinated” world.


Yellowstone – revisited

For about a decade, actually probably a bit more, I’ve watched Yellowstone.  We visited there many years ago with the children and saw the wonders of the park, the activity because of the deep caldera under the earth.

In the past 5-7 years there has been an upswing in the activity there.  Earthquake swarms.  As of June 19th 2017 there have been 296 small quakes there.  This indicates a massive amount of magma movement underground.  As of June 29th the number was well over 800.

Over the last decade, the surface has been rising up.  This means the caldera is filling with magma.  The quakes are the movement of the magma rumbling through, and slight shifting in the ground around the area.

In the image above, you can see how the rising magma is pushing upward, slowly melting the area, causing the ground above to shift and rise as well.  Obviously this is a very simplified drawing, but gives you an idea of what is happening.

Old Faithful is a geyser which, has been “faithfully” erupting every day about on average every 90 minutes or so (35-120 minutes).  The geyser consists of a large void underground which fills with ground water, which becomes hot, builds up pressure and then eventually flows out an exit in the ground, shooting water and steam into the air.  It goes in a cycle when starts all over again as soon as the pressure is released.

The whole of the caldera operates the same way.  But the cycle is MUCH longer, on the order of thousands of years instead of minutes.  At some point Yellowstone will release it’s pressure, and it will go BOOM in a BIG way.

Yellowstone is long over due.

There is normally a rise in seismic activity before a volcano erupts. And scientists currently believe there’s a 10% chance that a “supervolcanic Category 7 eruption” could take place this century, as pointed out by theoretical physicist Michio Kaku.

An eruption, Kaku said, is long overdue: The last one occurred 640,000 years ago.

 Scientists currently believe that there’s a 10% chance that a “supervolcanic Category 7 eruption” could take place this century, as pointed out by theoretical physicist Michio Kaku who appeared on a segment for Fox News.

The grey haired physicist told Shepard Smith that the “danger” we are now facing with the caldera is that it’s long overdue for an eruption which Kaku said could “rip the guts out of the USA.”

Kaku stated that a “pocket of lava” located under the park has turned out to be twice as big as scientists originally thought.  (

This might all be thought of as ‘fiction’ or “doom porn” as I saw one reader commented on an article, but it’s all true.

Here’s a little known fact….

So how would a supervolcanic eruption at Yellowstone impact the regional ecosystem, and the US more broadly? Well, as Liberty Blog’s Michael Snyder points out, it would be nothing short of catastrophic.

Hundreds of cubic miles of ash, rock and lava would be blasted into the atmosphere, and this would likely plunge much of the northern hemisphere into several days of complete darkness. Virtually everything within 100 miles of Yellowstone would be immediately killed, but a much more cruel fate would befall those living in major cities outside of the immediate blast zone such as Salt Lake City and Denver.

Hot volcanic ash, rock and dust would rain down on those cities literally for weeks. In the end, it would be extremely difficult for anyone living in those communities to survive. In fact, it has been estimated that 90 percent of all people living within 600 miles of Yellowstone would be killed.

Experts project that such an eruption would dump a layer of volcanic ash that is at least 10 feet deep up to 1,000 miles away, and approximately two-thirds of the United States would suddenly become uninhabitable. The volcanic ash would severely contaminate most of our water supplies, and growing food in the middle of the country would become next to impossible.

In other words, it would be the end of our country as we know it today.

The rest of the planet, and this would especially be true for the northern hemisphere, would experience what is known as a “nuclear winter”. An extreme period of “global cooling” would take place, and temperatures around the world would fall by up to 20 degrees. Crops would fail all over the planet, and severe famine would sweep the globe.

In the end, billions could die.

So yes, this is a threat that we should take seriously.

There you have it.  Not trying to scare people, but, seriously, the area within about 600 miles is deadly.  Over the course of weeks, ash will rain down around the world, perhaps blocking the sun for weeks, and lowering the Earth’s temperature, perhaps a kind of “nuclear winter” will happen.  Who knows?  I don’t but I DO know, I am glad I live on a boat now on the East Coast and can make my escape as I wish.


The Arrogance of the Left

The arrogance of the these Left wing kooks never ceases to amaze and astound me.

At the bottom of this editorial is a link.  I urge you to read it.  But. pease, do not feed the trolls.  Read it, understand what this fool is saying, and then comment here or on the American Patriot Reality Check Facebook Page.  (

Here’s a guy who out and out says exactly what we’ve been saying all along. That the “State” will “come take out guns” through the use of “militarized police”.

He goes on to state how he coolly handles those of us who say “You can have my guns when you pry them from my cold, dead fingers”. He says, “Oh, they will, and you’ll be dead in a pool of your own blood”.

Where his arrogance ends however is that we aren’t in this to play dead, or get dead, or to be the first to fire the “next shot heard ’round the world”.

We are in this for our Rights. Yes, that “Second Amendment” Right, and his blithering idiot “First Amendment” right. And all of the other of the first ten in the Bill of Rights.

The government, and it’s minions have NO rights to come take the guns “For the common good”. This is not a “Commonwealth”. America is neither a Monarchy where we are all “subjects” to a king, nor a Socialist State (Although so many of them like to THINK we are).

America is a Representative Constitutional Republic. We are not ruled by theocrats, autocrats, kings, emperors or the people we send to Washington, to the Capitols or the County Seats. We rule OURSELVES through those we place in office.

If, at this point the Left, Politicians and political appointees wish to test this theory, then Thomas Jefferson, one of America’s first “Bad Asses” said it first and I’ll repeat it for emphasis…. and I quote, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

Please, JIM KARGER, please understand that you too will be one of the masses lying there in a pool of your own blood, shot dead by the other side because you chose the wrong side to stand. And truthfully, you may fall victim to your beloved “State” because the second that most-hated “Second Amendment” goes away, you have nothing left to protect your “First Amendment” from the “State” masters.

Be the American Public so misguided, so ill-informed and so uneducated that they believe only that which is fed them by the media, the so-called Fourth Estate? The Media, the Press, the people who stood toe-to-toe with corrupt politicians in the past now stand behind them and take whatever they are fed, and then in turn feed that to a populous of sheep?

Another thing Mr. Jefferson said was, “I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.”

Right he was. Until the future came upon men and women mindlessly caught up in the Battle of the Stars, Television and all sorts of other distraction.

I leave you with these thoughts my friends… be you a wise man, or poor, rich or idiot, none can do better for their country than to stand by it in tough times. That you stand by your country does NOT mean you follow all the laws, corrupt as they may be, or orders from on high, placed upon you as if you were a subject to a King. None of us are by birth slaves. No one in this country living today is a slave and none of shall be slaves again. But if, like Mr. Karger, one chooses such a path then Sam Adams said it best.

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
― Samuel Adams

When They Come For Your Guns, You Will Turn Them Over

72 DHS Employees on Terrorist Watch List

Well, I have a question.  Actually, several questions.

Why are they on the watch list?

If they are on the watch list, why?

If they are on the watch list, why are they working for the DHS?

If they are on the watch list, do they have clearances?  If so, why?

If they are terrorists, connected to terrorism, are Muslim then why haven’t they 1) been fired, 2) had clearances revoked, 3) Named, 4) deported?

If they are Americans, what form of due process was used to place them on a no-fly list?

If they are actually adjudicated then why can they buy guns?

You see, it takes a few questions to get to the meat of the matter but apparently no one is asking questions, are they?  Especially not this President.

Jeh Johnson / AP

BY: Adam Kredo
December 6, 2015 4:12 pm

At least 72 employees at the Department of Homeland Security are listed on the U.S. terrorist watch list, according to a Democratic lawmaker.

Rep. Stephen Lynch (D., Mass.) disclosed that a congressional investigation recently found that at least 72 people working at DHS also “were on the terrorist watch list.”

“Back in August, we did an investigation—the inspector general did—of the Department of Homeland Security, and they had 72 individuals that were on the terrorist watch list that were actually working at the Department of Homeland Security,” Lynch told Boston Public Radio.

“The [former DHS] director had to resign because of that,” he said.

DHS continues to fail inspections aimed at determining the efficiency of its internal safety mechanisms, as well as its efforts to protect the nation.

Lynch referred to a recent report that found the Transportation Security Administration, which is overseen by DHS, failed to stop 95 percent of those who attempted to bring restricted items past airport security.

“We had staffers go into eight different airports to test the department of homeland security screening process at major airports. They had a 95 percent failure rate,” Lynch said. “We had folks—this was a testing exercise, so we had folks going in there with guns on their ankles, and other weapons on their persons, and there was a 95 percent failure rate.”

Lynch said he has “very low confidence” in DHS based on its many failures over the years. For this reason, he voted in favor of recent legislation that will tighten the vetting process for any Syrian refugees applying for asylum in the United States.

“I have very low confidence based on empirical data that we’ve got on the Department of Homeland Security. I think we desperately need another set of eyeballs looking at the vetting process,” he said. “That’s vetting that’s being done at major airports where we have a stationary person coming through a facility, and we’re failing 95 percent of the time.”

“I have even lower confidence that they can conduct the vetting process in places like Jordan, or Belize or on the Syrian border, or in Cairo, or Beirut in any better fashion, especially given the huge volume of applicants we’ve had seeking refugee status,” Lynch said.


Texas Secession Passes State Republican Party Resolutions Committee Vote


A resolution that would put Texas secession on the ballot for Republican primary voters has cleared its first hurdle by passing the Republican Party of Texas’ Resolution Committee. The committee met during a regular meeting of the State Republican Executive Committee (SREC).

The resolution was submitted to a vote by the resolutions committee after language was agreed upon.

Six people spoke for the resolution and no one spoke against it. The resolution passed by a vote of 7 to 4.

As passed, the wording of the resolution is as follows:

If the federal government continues to disregard the Constitution and the sovereignty of the State of Texas, the State of Texas and its people should reassert its prior status as an independent nation.

Those members of the committee voting in favor of the resolution include: Bonnie Lugo, SD13; Terri DuBose, SD19; Karl Voigtsberger, SD8; John W. Beckmeyer, SD28; Naomi Narvaiz, SD21; Henry Childs, SD19; and Marvin Clede, SD17.

Opposed to the resolution were: Committee Chairman Mark Ramsey, SD7; Davita Stike, SD14; Sam Dalton, SD20; and David Halvorson, SD12.

The resolution will now be submitted on Saturday to the full body (62 members) of the SREC.

The committeewoman who presented the resolution, Tanya Robertson, SD11, said Texas independence should be put before the voters because Texans are dissatisfied with Washington D.C. representatives and excessive federal government spending.

Robertson told Breitbart Texas, “We made it through the Resolution Committee and will take it up on the floor tomorrow at the regular SREC meeting. Thanks to the seven members of the SREC Resolutions Committee who voted to move the Texas Independence initiative to the floor for a fair debate. They listened to the conservative grassroots of Texas today and it is very much appreciated!”

The SREC committeewoman who represents parts of Harris, Galveston, and Brazoria counties added, “The committee veered from the agenda today and accepted testimony from the Texans who were observing today. All of the testimony was passionately in-favor of allowing Texans to voice their opinion on this issue. Our prayer is that the body of the State Republican Executive Committee will adhere to the will of the conservative people of Texas.”

Texas Nationalist Movement President Daniel Miller told Breitbart Texas, “We’re obviously excited and hopeful. This was not the first step or the last step. It was another step. We know that Texans want a vote on independence and we’ll continue to work to ensure that Texans get it.” “It’s interesting to note that our proposition received more committee votes than nearly every hot button issue. People want to be heard on this issue.”

As reported by Breitbart Texas, Texas Republican State Party Chairman Tom Mechler has predicted that he did not believe there was support within the State Republican Executive Committee to approve the resolution.

Dwayne Stovall, who ran against Senator

Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX)


during the last election and is currently running against Representative

Rep. Brian Babin (R-TX)


, told Breitbart Texas, “Listening to committee members discuss a resolution on independence was a great example of how little understanding most of us have about the federal system of government on which the U.S. Constitution is based.” Stovall supports the right of Texans to vote on the issue of Texas independence.If the resolution passes the SREC and is submitted to primary voters, it would be a non-binding resolution.

Lana Shadwick is a contributing writer and legal analyst for Breitbart Texas. She has served as an associate judge and prosecutor. Follow her on Twitter @LanaShadwick2.

Editor’s Note: This article has been updated with additional information.

Why there is a problem with gun laws

Why do you need to own an ugly black rifle capable of shooting 2-4 rounds per second with the mere pull of a trigger?

Why do you need to be able to buy a thousand rounds?

Why do you NEED high capacity magazines?

I have a better question.  Why do you ask?

Seriously though, when I am asked these questions, sometimes it is difficult getting through to the people who ask.  They are asking the questions rhetorically and do not require, nor even WISH you give an answer.  In fact, they want you to splutter and hem and haw, and feel threatened and guilty.

Why are there gun control laws to begin with?  Why are there people on a no-fly list who can purchase guns?  Why are there people who should be in mental institutions who can purchase weapons?

These are the better questions.

The BEST question though is. if  criminal commits a crime using a gun, say, murder, why isn’t he adjudicated as a murderer and executed? Why aren’t people who are mentally defective put in mental institutions?

So many questions, so few answers, right?


Let’s look at the last questions first.

Because people believe that folks who are mentally deranged shouldn’t be placed in institutions.  Do-gooders for the past hundred years have fought to remove people from mental institutions and indeed, shut down such places.  The same people fought to have “privacy” added to medical records.

Now they wish to reverse this trend.  They would love to know if everyone out there is considered “sane” or not… but it’s not their business any more.

Then, they would like to ask you questions at the doctors office (and I have experienced this personally, so this isn’t some vacuous statement) about your ownership of guns; or whether you have “recently felt like harming yourself or others”.

Let me address the title; no-fly lists.  How does one even get ON a no-fly list?  And why are they on it?  Because they might blow up a plane with a 4 ounce bottle of shampoo?  Or because you spoke out against the US government because you’re dissatisfied with their work ethic?

Both, actually.  If you are a terrorist, you might wish to blow up a plane and perhaps you’ve made it clear, because, for instance you MIGHT belong to Islam.  Islam has made it abundantly clear they wish to kill Americans (and Jews, and Europeans, and Whites, Blacks, Asians, whomever, and wish to do so with impunity… because you’re an INFIDEL).  And you might have made a statement against the US government for their over-reaching, heavy-handed nonsense and you’re questioning their ability to be useful any more.

And with good reason.  You’re an American Citizen questioning the government, because YOU are a watchdog.  YOU are supposed to question the country’s leaders as a dutiful citizen.  Making sure they are doing their job, and doing it for the benefit of the people, and not themselves.

If you’re a terrorist you should BE on a no-fly list, in particular to prevent further training as a terrorist, and secondarily to that to prevent you from blowing up the damned plane.  You should NOT be able to purchase a gun.

If you’re a citizen questioning your government, you should NOT be a no-fly list, no matter which politician, party or group is running the White House this week.  In fact, you should not be on that list, you should NOT be questioned about your questioning, and you SHOULD be allowed to purchase a gun.

Or ten of them.  Or a hundred.

You should not be considered a threat, mentally defective, you should not be considered a person of interest and should be left the hell alone.

In the United States you have a right to your opinion, to express it, Freedom of Speech, Assembly, and to cross state lines and come and go as you please.  No one should be bothering you.

The second you actually commit a crime of course, that all goes out the window.

Now – I’m not going to answer all the above questions.  But I’m going to explain this, carefully for the slow readers out there….

If you are not a criminal (and that includes people who have committed non-capital offenses in the past and have served their time) should not be denied their rights.  They should not be placed on watch lists.  They should not be denied guns, freedom of speech, travel or assembly.

The Progressives in this country (Read: Liberals/Marxists/Communists/Libtards/Democrats and morons) are using words to push their agenda.  They want to be able to place ANYONE on a no-fly, watch list and thereby prevent them from buying, holding, using, storing or otherwise have rights to guns.

In other words, the idea of background checks is to see if someone doesn’t meet a certain criteria;  that criteria will be decided by whome EVER is in charge of the current government, be it GOP, Democrats, Obama, Leftist, Rightist, Libertarian, Marixist, Commie, Pinko or whatever….

Therein lies the problem.

Everyone wants to TRUST the government and it’s time to distrust them with all your hearts.

Our government is supposed to be by the people and for the people; not for themselves, not for profit, not to control us, not to have power.

Do not trust a politician who says they will “ban guns”.  Or implement regulations to “check backgrounds” because quite honestly, who is going to watch the watchers?????

You see, we already have several thousand gun laws on the books, federal, state, local, wish lists and made up stuff that some local “authority” can invoke at their whim.  Those rules, laws, city regulations, county statutes are all there for one thing.  To prevent you and me from having a normal, healthy, happy life pursuing whatever business we like, go where we wish and drink the beer we like.

You see my friends gun control isn’t about guns.

It’s about control.

No-fly lists are great if you’re preventing terrorists.  Not so good if you’re preventing granny or grandpa from boarding a plane to go home for Christmas.  Or stopping Joe Blow because he happens to have expressed dissatisfaction with a government policy of allowing in random illegal immigrants (who didn’t go through normal regulations and procedures to get into the country).

Our country is under siege.  Siege from illegals, from terrorists, from people who want to “change” our country to something it is not, and was never intended to be.

We are here to prevent the latter, more than anything.  And we will do so.

No more gun laws will be enacted.

No more “refugees” will be let in, or they will be run out.

NO more Obamas in office.  No more Clintons in office.  They had their day. And have ruined our country.

If you don’t like guns, by God move someplace where guns are already illegal.  If you don’t like the idea this is a Capitalist country, move to a Communist country.  I was here first, and my country was the way it was before you tried to screw it up.  If you don’t like the fact you can’t get some rich guys money split up amongst all your homies… then homie, move the fuck out of my country and leave the guys alone that have the money.

Those guys create jobs.  Or maybe you should just get a job?

The greatest problem with gun control is that anyone can be placed on a list, adjudicated as mentally defective and prevented from exercising their rights.

Terrorism – plain and simple

Arsenal of explosives, ammunition found at home of San Bernardino attackers as FBI seeks motive

December 3 at 7:05 PM   
Play Video3:21

San Bernardino police chief: 12 pipe bombs found in attackers’ home

Police in San Bernardino, Calif., held a news conference about the ongoing investigation into the mass shooting that occurred at a county holiday party on Wednesday. An investigation into the shooters’ home uncovered 12 pipe bombs in the building. (Reuters)

SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. — Authorities said Thursday they are looking for a motive behind the deadliest U.S. mass shooting in nearly three years, even as they revealed that the attackers had amassed a stockpile of explosives and ammunition.

The rampage by two shooters Wednesday killed 14 people and wounded 21. Four hours later, 23 law enforcement officers from seven different agencies engaged in a frenzied shootout that left the two suspects — a husband and wife — dead on a residential street.

The FBI has taken over the investigation, with authorities scrutinizing three crime scenes: The Inland Regional Center, the site of the mass shooting; the street in San Bernardino where the police and the suspects had their gun battle; and the rented home in Redlands where authorities said the suspects had an arsenal of pipe bombs and thousands of rounds of ammunition.

Police said Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, a county health worker born in Chicago, and Tashfeen Malik, 27, his Pakistani wife in the U.S. on a visa, were both dressed in tactical gear and armed with rifles, handguns and multiple ammunition magazines when they strode into a holiday party for county workers Wednesday morning. They opened fire, spraying 65 to 75 rounds and leaving behind an unexploded pipe bomb before fleeing in a rented black Ford Expedition.

Authorities on Thursday afternoon identified the victims of the shooting, listing their names, ages and cities: Shannon Johnson, 45, Los Angeles; Bennetta Bet-Badal, 46, Rialto; Aurora Godoy, 26, San Jacinto; Isaac Amanios, 60, Fontana; Larry Kaufman, 42, Rialto; Harry Bowman, 46, Upland; Yvette Velasco, 27, Fontana; Sierra Clayborn, 27, Moreno Valley; Robert Adams, 40, Yucaipa; Nicholas Thalasinos, 52, Colton; Tin Nguyen, 31, Santa Ana; Juan Espinoza, 50, Highland; Damian Meins, 58, Riverside; and Michael Wetzel, 37, Lake Arrowhead.

Farook had been with his colleagues at the party earlier in the morning, police said. Authorities could not say conclusively whether there had been a dispute that led to Farook leaving the party. But police said a survivor of the shooting told them that Farook slipped away prior to the massacre. When police checked the name, they saw that Farook had rented an SUV that matched the description of the suspected getaway car.

That led authorities to stake out the couple’s home in Redlands. When the SUV rolled by, and then sped away, police chased it until the SUV stopped on San Bernardino Avenue, a few miles from the massacre. Police said the suspects fired 76 rifle rounds; police fired 380. The SUV, so riddled with bullets that it looked like it had been hit with a bomb, was due back at the rental agency that day, police said.

No one saw this attack coming. Farook’s supervisor, Amanda Adair, who went to college with Farook, told The Post, “He got along with everybody, but he kept his distance. I can’t imagine it was about work.”

She said she had no inkling that he might be plotting a mass shooting.

“Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. He didn’t seem like he was going to kill everybody. He just seemed quiet,” she said.

“We do not yet know the motive,” David Bow­dich, assistant director in charge of the FBI’s Los Angeles office, said at a news conference. “It would be irresponsible and premature for me to call this terrorism.”

“At this stage, we do not yet know why this terrible event occurred,” President Obama said at the White House. “It is possible this was terrorist-related, but we don’t know. It is also possible this was workplace related.”

Officials were looking at social media contacts between one of the suspected attackers and people with ties to terrorism. So far the connections appear insignificant. A senior U.S. law enforcement official said Farook was in contact with persons of interest with possible ties to terrorism. Some of the contacts, which were years old, were made through social media.

“These were not substantial contacts,” the official said. “Those contacts would not have put him on our radar. We certainly saw that contact but it was insignificant. You’re allowed to like someone’s Facebook page.”

The official said the FBI has yet to find definitive evidence that the couple had been radicalized or were looking at jihadist websites or reading terrorist literature such as Inspire magazine.

“It’s very odd,” the official said. “It appears they were a happy couple of the Muslim faith.” ​

Police said after the shooting spree and a bloody gun battle in the streets here, they found 12 “pipe bomb-type devices” at the home in Redlands, along with thousands of rounds of ammunition. Another set of three pipe bombs combined into one — and designed to be triggered by remote control from a car, although the device apparently malfunctioned — was also found at the scene of the mass shooting, authorities said.

Officials said the two attackers were killed after nearly two dozen police officers engaged in a firefight with them. Police also found more than 1,600 rounds of ammunition on the attackers, suggesting they were prepared for a long siege.

“The FBI is chasing down any contacts these two may have had and whether those contacts are indicative of radicalization or external plotting or are purely incidental,” said Rep. Adam Schiff (Calif.), the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee.

Schiff, citing a briefing Thursday on the attack, said that “on the basis of what I heard and where the [FBI] was I wouldn’t conclude that there was radicalization here.”

Still, Schiff said it did not appear to be “an act of spontaneous workplace violence,” but he added that it could have been the culmination of a longer-term grievance with the attacker’s employer.

Authorities said at the news conference that they had gathered a number of items they were using to probe the digital trail of the suspects, including thumb drives, computers and cellphones that were being analyzed.

“There appears to be a degree of planning that went into this,” San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan said. “Nobody just gets upset at a party, goes home and puts together that kind of elaborate scheme or plan.”

Play Video1:50

What we know about the San Bernardino attackers

After the mass shooting in San Bernardino, Calif., on Wednesday that left 14 people dead, details are starting to emerge about the two shooters. Here’s what we know about Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik. (The Washington Post)

“They came prepared to do what they did, as if they were on a mission,” Burguan said during an earlier news conference.

Authorities said Thursday morning that the injury toll had risen to 21 people, an increase from the 17 people they previously said were wounded. Two law enforcement officials were also injured during the shootout with the suspects, but the wounds are not life-threatening, police said.

About 300 local, county, state and federal law enforcement officers responded to the scene, a massive response to the country’s deadliest mass shooting since the Sandy Hook massacre in 2012.

Police say they had recovered four weapons: Two assault rifles and two 9mm pistols, all of which were legally purchased, according to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Two of these weapons were traced back to one of the assailants, said Dannette Seward, a spokeswoman for the ATF, while the other two were traced to another person. That is still being investigated, she said.

The attack came just five days after police say a gunman in Colorado Springs killed three people and injured nine others, the latest in a recent run of mass shootings that terrorized a community college in Roseburg, Ore., a church in Charleston, S.C., and a movie theater in Lafayette, La.

Anxiety also lingers from the recent terrorist attacks in Paris that killed 130 people. The Islamic State, a violent militant group that controls parts of Syria and Iraq, claimed responsibility for that attack that triggered a crackdown on migrants in Europe and calls for heightened security in the United States.

Even as evidence was being collected and analyzed, with some flown to an FBI lab in Washington, police outlined a massive stockpile of ammunition and weapons, suggesting that further bloodshed may have been possible. In addition to the 12 pipe bombs and extra rounds, police say they found materials that could have been used to produce additional bombs.

“Clearly, they were equipped and could have continued to do another attack,” Burguan said.

The police chief said they did not appear to have a specific target in the morning attack.

“They sprayed the room with bullets,” Burguan said. “I don’t know that there was any one person that they ultimately targeted.”

Before the attack, they dropped off their 6-month-old daughter with Farook’s mother, saying they had a doctor’s appointment, said Hussam Ayloush, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Los Angeles.

Farook was at the gathering for a time before leaving, but it was unclear why, Burguan said. He said that some indications were that Farook was angry, but another witness said Farook seemed to just disappear.

Burguan repeatedly said it did not appear likely that a dispute at the party could have been the sole cause of the massacre.

“I don’t think they grabbed the guns and tactical gear on a spur-of-the-moment thing,” Burguan said.

The Islamic Society of Corona-Norco, a mosque that Farook’s brother-in-law Farhan Khan has attended, was quiet Thursday. Perched on a scenic road in Corona, about 30 minutes from San Bernardino, the center is undergoing a major construction project; scaffolding surrounds a new prayer building now being built.

Jess Abed, a longtime active member of the mosque community who said he did not know Farook, said Muslims in the area were on “on edge” after Wednesday’s events.

“When you hear a Muslim name” associated with one of the suspects, there is concern about conclusions that people may draw, said Abed, who is originally from Jordan.

Ray Abboud, who has also attended the mosque for years, said Muslims in the community were horrified by the shooting. He said he shares the concerns that the public will paint Muslims with one brush.

“It breaks our hearts to see 14 people die,” he said. “We feel sorry everything that happened but we can’t blame ourselves for being Muslim.”

He said people in the community were keeping a close watch on their children “to make sure they don’t fall into any crazy stuff.”

Muslim community leader Ayloush described Malik as a Pakistani-born immigrant who lived in Saudi Arabia before marrying Farook. Two FBI officials told The Washington Post that Farook was not under FBI investigation. It’s not clear whether he had links to any other people under FBI investigation.

A third person seen fleeing the shootout was also taken into custody, but it remained unclear whether there was any link to the couple.

“Right now, as we continue to drill down our information, it looks like we have two shooters,” Burguan said. “We are comfortable that the two shooters that went into the building are the two shooters that are deceased.”

“I have no idea why he would do something like this,” Farhan Khan, who is married to Farook’s sister, said at a news conference. “I cannot express how sad I am today.”

The two left behind little in the way of a paper trail — no apparent criminal record, no Facebook page or Twitter account. Speaking to the Los Angeles Times, co-workers who knew Farook described him as a quiet and polite man who held no obvious grudges against people in the office. They said he recently traveled to Saudi Arabia and returned with a woman he met online.

The office had recently held a shower for the couple’s new baby, and the two seemed to be “living the American dream,” said Patrick Baccari, a fellow inspector who shared a cubicle with Farook.

Berman and Achenbach reported from Washington. Freelance writers Martha Grove and William Dauber in San Bernardino and staff writers Greg Miller, Brian Murphy, Adam Goldman, Lindsey Bever, Niraj Chokshi, Ann Gerhart, Sari Horwitz, Elahe Izadi, Wesley Lowery, Eli Saslow, Kevin Sullivan, Julie Tate, Justin Wm. Moyer, Yanan Wang, Sarah Kaplan and Alice Crites in Washington contributed to this report.

[This story has been updated. First published: 11:30 a.m.]

Obama Planning Executive Order for Gun Control

You’ve been warned time and time again.

Americans on both sides of this particular strategic fence.

Americans with guns have been warned the Left is going to go all out to ban guns before Obama leaves office.

Americans on the Left, the gun-banners have been warned NOT to go for broke.

Now it is coming down to the wire, Obama is on his way out (because he IS leaving office whether he wants to or not, and regardless of Leftist conspiracy theories about G W Bush trying to remain in office, it’s NOT going to happen with Obama).

Another shooting happened yesterday, implemented by a Muslim extremist.  Which is to say “A Muslim, or man of Islam”.  Interesting how they keep saying it was “Domestic Terrorism” because he’s an American Citizen.

Interesting how they keep going after the guns, isn’t it?

Interesting how they want to go after cops and disarm them as well, isn’t it?

Isn’t it interesting how the Second Amendment is now “stupid” to some of the media darlings like Whorealdo Rivera….

Friends;  Americans, Arm yourselves.  ISIS had their hands in the middle of this attack, and I wouldn’t be surprised now if Obama himself didn’t have his hands in it somehow.

It is, however coming.  Obama is planning an executive order to control who can get a gun.  And we ALL know it will be applied impartially and fairly don’t we?  Right…. and chickenshit won’t make you sick if you eat it.

I personally believe that government is a requirement for civilization.  I DO NOT believe a BIG Government is necessary.  I DO believe that the Constitution is the highest law of our country and the President is there to support and defend that Constitution and the current idiot in the White House is neither defending it, nor supporting it and is in fact negating it, usurping power for himself and for the government and is culpable in the deaths of those people yesterday.

Obama is a Traitor to America and it’s high time the Congress took him out of the position he is in before he causes even more danger for this country.

His “Change” has become undeniably evil, Marxist and he has placed this country in danger of an internal civil war over guns, race, illegal immigration and has enabled foreign powers to undercut us in military strength, has over-reached spending and government to a point never before seen in the history of the world.

The danger to this country comes at a time when Russia is threatening the US on a daily basis as well as NATO in general.  Islam is NOT what it is touted to be, and Obama is as responsible for this as any other Muslim.

He is no longer President in my view.  He is a Liar, a thief, Traitor and a Muslim — all on a grand scale.

He must go.  If Congress does not remove him forthwith, there will be a severe danger to this country, the infrastructure and we will become vulnerable to war from the outside.  China, North Korea, Cuba, Russia and the entire Muslim population of the planet awaits the weakening of this country to the point that will allow them all to attack us with impunity.

At some point there will be an “incident” which will be precipitated by Islam’s fanatics, which in turn will put thousands in danger of even going outside.  Martial law may be declared at that point making it difficult to travel or move around across state lines.

When that happens…. expect the absolute worst.  On the bright side of all of this will be police, firemen, military and civilian leaders who will do all they can to put a stop to it.  There are too many people still in the government who will NOT stand for allowing it to happen.  Someone in there will do something, and they will all be purged.

Watch and see.


President Obama Planning Executive Order to Expand Background Checks for Gun Purchases

December 3, 2015 4:55 pm

Rather than tackle the root of the issue causing the overwhelming majority of terrorist attacks in America — radical Islam — Obama continues to be a good little prog and push forward the agenda to shred our Second Amendment rights to bits.

In light of the San Bernardino mass shooting — which by the way, was composed of a freshly married Muslim couple — is looking to create yet another executive order to make it more difficult to buy firearms at a gun show.

Because background checks have done such a stellar job of stopping crazy people from doing bad things so far, right?

From LA Times:

White House officials are seeking a way to use executive authority to close the so-called gun show loophole that allows thousands of people to buy guns each year without a background check, but complicated legal issues have slowed the process.

Almost three years ago, President Obama asked Congress to change the law to require background checks for weapons sold at gun shows, but a bill to do so died in the Senate – dashing administration hopes for legislative action to address the loophole.

Efforts to use Obama’s executive powers to address the issue took on added urgency in October, when a shooter at a community college in Oregon killed nine people, then shot himself.

Requiring background checks for weapons sold at gun shows might not have had any effect on Wednesday’s shooting in San Bernardino, in which 14 people were killed. So far, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms has determined that two of the weapons used in the assault were legally purchased at a gun shop in Corona.

But White House officials and their allies continue to see expanding the background check system as the most promising avenue to reduce at least some of the deaths caused by guns.

“We all have a part to play,” Obama said, including “legislators” in the list of those who must work to make it more difficult for violent people to get access to weapons.

“Right now, it’s just too easy.”

Notice how this said background checks likely wouldn’t have prevented the shooting — or any of the others — yet the utter lack of success with said method of “gun control” isn’t going to deter them from implementing more.

They’re essentially trying the same solution to the problem, despite knowing this particular solution will fail, but because it helps push their agenda, they’ll do it anyway.

That, my friends, is the definition of insanity.

I’ve said it before, but what the heck, I’ll say it again:

We don’t need gun control. We need terrorist control.

And we just so happen to have millions of certified terrorist control experts at our disposal if only we’d send them out and let them do their jobs.

Unfortunately for us, that goes against the liberal playbook so it won’t likely happen with this president in office.

San Bernardino California Shootings – 2 December 2015

Edit: Just reported: One of the San Bernardino shooters is Farooq Saeed per police radio chatter.

I have been warning in this forum and others for Americans to ARM themselves.

We now have a mass casualty event in California, the number one anti-gun, gun-free zone in the United States.

Details are very sketchy, but we know this:

At 11:00 AM California time, at least three men, possibly dressed in black clothing and carrying “long guns” and “tactical stuff” walked into a building in San Bernardino, CA and began shooting people.  The even lasted approximately three minutes and these apparently well-trained terrorists vacated the premises, jumped into a dark SUV of some sort.

The faces of the men were covered by masks.

Fourteen people are dead, dozens more are injured.

Phones were shut down for some reason. (This was just reported as I am listening to the news, information coming from witnesses).

A week ago, or just less I warned people to carry weapons.  Apparently Americans aren’t listening.  Why are you not listening?

This event was a planned event.  It was either:


B) Al Qaeda

C) Obama planned or Hillary Clinton Planned to bring out the big guns against Guns.

These were military trained people.  This was a barbaric act.  These men are most LIKELY ISIS.

They walked in and murdered a lot of people and left without being seen by authorities.  They planned this well, and they got away with it.

If this is an Obama-Thing, it is an evil thing.  The men, I promise you were not 40-something-White-Christian, Right-Wing, Gun-Owning Males.  I PROMISE you they were not.

These were hired men who did this mission to call out the Congress to attack guns in America, or they were ISIS terrorists.

My money is on the latter, and my hopes and prayers is that these were NOT people working for the current political establishment.

If, however, tomorrow suddenly Congress is meeting to address this issue and putting out various bills to ban guns, then you can bet your ASS Obama and the Presidency is involved.  (He did say he was planning to take care of the “gun problem” in America before he left office…).

If that’s the case, my friends, America is in very, very deep shit and we’re about to go to war internally.  There will be a Civil War over disarming American Citizens.  Hillary wants it. Obama wants it.  Various others want it. Some in Congress, and every Liberal and Progressive out there wants guns banned.

Americans… ARM YOURSELVES.  Liberals, either you’re with the Constitution or against it.  Progressives… don’t go there.  Military personnel, watch your orders.  Cops, watch your orders.  Constitutional Means Constitutional.  Oath Keepers, keep them straight.

Christmas is coming and so is ISIS.

Now, for those who do NOT believe this country was based on Christianity…. look around you, look at Islam and what they want to do to this country.  Look at terrorism as a whole, not breaking it down or comparing it to the very, very few “White Christians” who’ve done insane things.  Look at the MILLIONS killed by Islam.

Look at yourself and know… Civilization is going to fall if we Americans do NOT stop this.


Obama, Hillary Toying With ‘Civil War’ Over Gun Confiscation


by AWR Hawkins2 Nov 20158,245

On November 2, The Daily Beast pointed to recent statements from President Obama and Hillary Clinton regarding the implementation of Australian-style gun confiscation and suggested “civil war could erupt on American soil” if any administration actually tried to confiscate privately owned firearms.

The Daily Beast theoretically agreed that “confiscation on a massive scale” may be “the only way to solve American gun violence,” but they pointed out that it was not realistic and suggested Hillary risks causing irreparable divisions by talking about confiscation then mocking gun owners as conspiracy theorists waiting for “black helicopters” to come take their guns away.

According to The Daily Beast, confiscation was workable in Australia because there was no Second Amendment and the government only had to take 650,000 guns. That is a far cry from the “350 million” believed to be in Americans’ hands.

Yes, “350 million.”

But even more important than the number of guns is the depth of American “devotion” to them. And The Daily Beast observes that it is this devotion–this dedication to the philosophy and tradition underlying the right to keep and bear arms–that turns the mere mention of confiscation into something that could literally rip the country apart.

The Daily Beast put it thus, “The prospect of confiscation—as much as it might, theoretically, reduce drastically or even eliminate gun crime altogether—is simply impossible in the United States.” They pointed to statements by Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson, who stressed that Jews could have curtailed the Holocaust had they retained their guns. The Daily Beast suggests Carson hit on something “Second Amendment enthusiasts are fond of arguing,” namely, “that gun rights are enshrined in the Constitution not only for the sake of hunters or people who want to protect their homes and businesses from criminals, but also to allow the population to resist an overreaching government.”

Breitbart News previously reported that Founding Father James Madison used Federalist 46 to make that very point–that armed citizens could band together and resist their government, should it tend toward tyranny. And he pointed out that this demonstrated American exceptionalism inasmuch as citizens of other nations, lacking arms, also lacked the ability to resist.

The Daily Beast addressed the way Hillary mentioned confiscation only later to mock gun owners for fearing the government might come after their guns:

Clinton can joke all she likes about Americans fearing “black helicopters” taking their guns away, but it is no exaggeration to suggest that civil war could erupt on American soil were the U.S. government to attempt anything remotely resembling what was done in Australia.

The column in The Daily Beast is aptly titled, “Yes, They Want to Take Your Guns Away.”

Follow AWR Hawkins on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at…-confiscation/

Paris – Friday the 13th Terror attack

Well, my “retirement” lasted a few hours at best.

On Friday the 13th 2015, Paris suffered multiple, coordinated attacks killing one hundred-thirty people, murdered by Islamic kooks. Nearly five hundred were injured as multiple gun shots went off, grenades and vest bombs were detonated. For anyone that has either followed me or folks like me, the warnings have been there for America for several years, since 9-11.

The warnings included exact scenarios such as this one.  The warnings have also stated that they will come to America, Canada, Germany, the UK and any other place they feel they can get in a few good licks.  These people are fanatics, and will bide their time preparing for their one, and ultimate attack because they know they won’t get a second one.

Americans across the United States have had enough of the crap coming from the White House, the lack of ANYTHING coming from Congress and have decided collectively that this is war.  The President won’t declare it.  Congress is impotent to do anything, but Americans have decided they will NOT take what happened in Paris laying down or with their heads in the sand.

At this point in time, thousands and thousands of Americans have armed themselves waiting for that one, stinking Muslim to pull a trigger in a grade school, a mall, a movie theater, the local coffee shop or on some random street.  If it happens woe unto those so-called “moderate Muslims” who sat on their asses, imagining they were helping by pretending to be indignant over ISIS (or radical Islam).

Most of us have given up asking, or telling these people they need to cull out the bad people themselves.  They have not done so, so most of us have come to the conclusion there is no such thing as a Moderate Muslim.  In fact, in my own visitations to some of the ME, I can assure you that in the 1970s there were “moderates”, but if they existed then, they are long gone now.  They were the ones culled from their society long ago.  Now, America faces a new dilemma.

America faces our OWN President bringing these alleged “refugees” from Syria.  Paris’ own attackers included at least one of those “refugees”.  The attackers also included a “French Citizen”, a Muslim.  Interesting, no?

Stand firm America.  Stand and prepare, because our time is coming.

Somewhere in the United States, Britain, Canada or Australia there will come an attack soon on a scale similar if not dwarfing, the one that occurred in Paris a few days ago.

And yes, it will make you sick.  If you think that the murderer who killed little children in Sandy Hook was bad, wait until the agents of Islam step into the arena.

Our children are at risk.

Our malls are at risk.

Movie theaters, sports stadiums, playgrounds, busy cities, intersections and any other location that “looks soft” are at risk.

We’ve listened for too long to the President and members of Congress attempting to disarm us.  We’ve had far too many Left Leaning kooks whining about “gun control” and too many cities that have gone for too long as “gun free zones” having dozens murdered each weekend (can anyone say “Chicago” for instance).  We have had Pelosi, Reid and Feinstein trying to ban our guns.  We’ve had President Obama trying.

And Obama believes that “Climate Change” (another name for “Global Warming”) is more dangerous than terrorism.

And Obama calling gun owners, NRA members and “the rich” dangerous.

And the FBI placing regular people on “watch lists” because they disagree with the President (Wonder how that happens? In a place that declares our ability to disagree with our government sacrosanct?)

I’m not “fear mongering”.  I’m telling the God’s honest truth here.  We are going to be attacked somewhere in this country.  Soon.  Like Paris.

But, know this, this country is so large and so spread out and is larger than all of Europe put together so it will be difficult for a terrorist group like ISIS to do anything other than small, localized attacks.  Unless they spread such attacks across the US and coordinate them all.

That will be difficult at best, but not impossible.  Obviously, it’s not impossible, as Paris proves.

However, expect any attacks in the USA to be focused on one city, probably New York, or some other large metro area worth hitting to kill as many as possible with guns, bombs and fire.

If they terrorists are smart, they will spread what teams they have across the country, coordinate the attacks in several cities at once.  Malls would be good, around Christmas.  39 days until Christmas.  Black Friday at the malls.

Is this GOING to happen?  Probably not tomorrow. But it will.  The second we let our guard down.

Am I suggesting we stay home and hide? No.

I AM suggesting that we prepare.  If you can do so legally, carry a weapon.  On your person, in your car, around you somewhere.  If you can’t legally – I won’t make suggestions for you. You can figure things out for yourselves.

But if ONE school is attacked by these heathens and someone in your community has prevented you from being able to help by denying your basic, human rights to keep and bear arms then you should take immediate steps to stop the attackers, and then remove whomever that was from holding office any longer (or in the future if possible).

I am warning everyone in this country now; in particular Leftists, Marxists, Progressives, the sissy Liberals and whiny Victims, it’s time to put up or shut up.  You are either Americans, or you Ain’t.

By that I mean, this is a Capitalist, Christian-based, Constitution-founded Republic.  Love it, or Leave it.  Stop trying to CHANGE IT.

Muslims:  Be warned.  If you’re brethren try anything here, there will be no stopping pissed off Americans from running you all out of this country once and for all, back to your bombed out, stone-aged countries.  Or outright running you into the ocean.  If you’re truly one of those alleged “Moderates” you’d better stand up, be counted and point out the fanatics before you find yourselves standing next to them in a jail cell or dead because you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time.

France; While you have at times been the brunt of our jokes about being “cowards” we all know that this was not meant for the people of your country, but for your leaders who have shown themselves in the past to be just that.  The people of the United States of America stand with you against the enemies of the West.

Western Civilization is being threatened at its very core right now by Islam.  This has happened in the past.

Each time Muslims have invaded Europe, France, Britain, Italy and Spain, the world has answered with a war.  Each time the war was called “The Crusade” for good reason, to shove the animals back to where they belonged.

This time, in modern times, if it comes to that, there will be no stopping the West this time.  Islam will cease to exist.  Korans will not only be burned, but those preaching them, issuing fatwas and attacking others’ religions will be as well.  This is my prediction.

I do not wish to see the world immersed again in fire, but the fires will be the fires of hell and nuclear damnation this time.  There will not be shiny armor and swords, spears and men on horses.  There will be fire from the sky, lead from the weapons of determined and rough agents of God.  There will be no “Rules of Engagement” other than the timely words of a Knights Marshal overseeing such a battle as between two knights of the Round Table of “LAY ON”.

There will be no prisoners.

The world be warned.

Armageddon approaches.

Putin Builds Naval and Army Base on Wrangel Island – Owned By the US

Putin Builds Naval and Army Base on Wrangel Island – Owned By the US

January 26, 2015

In 2014 Russia unloaded block-modules on Wrangel Island and Cape Schmidt for the construction of military camps. The complex is being erected in the form of a star. (Moscow Times)

In May 1881 US explorers approached Jeannette Island, Wrangel Island and Henrietta Island in the Arctic Ocean and claimed them for the United States.

But according to the Obama Department of State no claim exists today over these US islands. In fact the State Department is conspiring with Russian President Putin to give away Wrangel Island to Russians. Wrangel and its 200 mile exclusive economic zone (EEZ) has billions of barrels of oil/gas reserves and hundreds of millions of pounds of fisheries. It also has a strategic military location for tracking Russian moves in Arctic.

The Coast Guard is a component of the Department of Homeland Security.
It unequivocally states:

“On 12 August 1881, he [William Reynolds] was at the head of the party that landed on what would be later named Wrangel Island and took
possession of the island in the name of the United States.”

The State Department keeps on pumping out false and misleading statements in a supposed “Fact Sheet”. The actual facts are presented at

Now, Vladimir Putin has begun construction of a naval base and army base on Wrangel without so much as a peep from the State Department or President Obama. Something is tragically wrong here.

Background facts here and here.

The State Department has undertaken the giveaway with Putin in the guise of a maritime boundary agreement between Alaska and Siberia. But as an executive agreement, it could be reversed with the stroke of a pen by President Obama or Secretary Kerry.

The agreement was negotiated in total secrecy. The state of Alaska was not allowed to participate in the negotiations, Congress was not notified, nor was the public given any opportunity for comment. The Alaska Legislature has passed resolutions of opposition, and so has California’s legislature.

President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry could stop the giveaway with the stroke of a pen. But they won’t.

A Doomsday Plane Reminder: Nuclear Weapons Haven’t Gone Away

Here’s a news item you may have missed over the holidays. The “doomsday planes” are being upgraded. Four E-4B flying command posts that would be used by U.S. leaders to manage military operations in a nuclear war will receive communications upgrades to enhance their “connectivity” during a conflict that could spell the end of civilization as we know it.

The reason you may have missed the story is that almost nobody besides reported it. National media were too busy covering more weighty matters like the efforts of North Korean agents to suppress a Sony film farce that insults the Dear Leader, and the attack on a French satirical magazine by a motley crew of extremists. How could nuclear Armageddon compete with that?

In fairness, the proposed upgrades to the “national airborne operations center” are just part of a routine reprogramming request that the Pentagon has submitted to Congress. But how often does any facet of the nation’s nuclear complex see the light of day in national media? Other than cheating scandals and an occasional misplaced weapon, the media have ceased paying attention to the most likely way in which America might one day disappear forever.

America’s military hasn’t. One of the four doomsday planes is kept on continuous alert and manned at all times. The planes are designed to stay airborne as long as a week with aerial refueling. All of the on-board equipment is hardened against nuclear effects, including the cockpit windows which are covered with mesh similar to that on your microwave oven. If called into service because of a nuclear crisis, the heavily modified Boeing 747s could each carry a crew of over a hundred specialists for managing the conflict, with communications transmitted through satellite uplinks and a wire antenna trailing five miles behind the plane. If the president and defense secretary have been killed, there are plans in place for devolving command to the most senior official still available.

U.S. military planners take this threat so seriously that when the president goes overseas, one of the doomsday planes always follows. It needs to be nearby at all times, as does the military aide within a few yards of the president carrying nuclear launch codes and communications gear. Similar provisions have been made in Russia, which maintains most of its intercontinental ballistic missiles on a high state of alert for fear of losing them in an American first strike.

The Russians are improving the survivability of their long-range missiles by deploying more of them on mobile launchers that can’t be targeted as easily as fixed silos. But you probably haven’t heard about that either, so let me tell you a bit about them. Most of the missiles will likely be equipped with four warheads that can be independently targeted. We don’t know what the explosive force of each warhead is, however a typical yield for the Russian strategic force is around 500 kilotons — equivalent to half a million tons of conventional high explosives.

There’s nothing conventional about nuclear weapons, though. When a conventional munition is exploded, it heats the immediate vicinity by a few thousand degrees. The heat of a nuclear blast at its center is more akin to tens of millions of degrees. So if one of those 500-kiloton warheads is exploded a mile above Boston or Dallas, everything within a one-mile radius is destroyed, heavy damage extends to three miles, and fires will be widespread out to five miles. Not that it will matter to most of the people near ground zero — they will be killed immediately by blast effects or a wind-spread firestorm that expands faster than they can escape (initial wind speed: 700 miles per hour). People further away will linger longer before succumbing to the effects of prompt and delayed radiation. Electronic devices will be shut down for a hundred miles in every direction due to the electromagnetic pulse generated by the blast.

And that’s just the effects from one nuclear warhead. Russia has over 2,000 nuclear warheads capable of reaching America, a fact that will not change materially if pending arms-control agreements are implemented. That’s actually a big improvement from where things stood at the end of the Cold War, when Russia had over 40,000 strategic and tactical nuclear weapons in its arsenal; the number has shrunk by 90% today if you don’t count the weapons awaiting disassembly.

However, there things are likely to sit for the foreseeable future, because as you undoubtedly have heard, Washington and Moscow aren’t getting along these days. In fact, the relationship is going so poorly that many in the Russian capital fear an attack from the West, which is one reason why strategic rocket forces are kept on a high state of alert. The likelihood of new arms agreements in such circumstances is not high. Besides, U.S. arms-control strategy is grounded in a series of assumptions about how to stabilize the strategic balance that requires giving Russia an “assured destruction” capability against America, so arms agreements aren’t going to eliminate the specter of nuclear war. U.S. military experts figure that if the arsenals on each side fall much below a thousand “deliverable” warheads, cheating would be encouraged by the prospect of achieving military advantage in a future nuclear exchange.

Thus the main protection Americans have against Russian nuclear aggression today is Moscow’s awareness that the U.S. force could ride out a surprise attack and then retaliate by laying waste to the Motherland. That strategy appears likely to work well as long as Russian leaders are rational and don’t make miscalculations in a crisis. If they are crazy, or prone to mistakes, or lose control of their arsenal during a period of instability — well, then all bets are off. You see, a corollary assumption of the way the U.S. currently practices nuclear deterrence is that America’s own homeland can’t be well-defended. That might make Russians worry about the credibility of their deterrent, leading to a destabilizing arms race.

So here we are, apparently doomed to live with the possibility of nuclear war indefinitely. Just ten of the warheads in the Russian arsenal, optimally targeted, could collapse the U.S. electric grid. Fifty would be sufficient to render uninhabitable every U.S. city with a population of over half a million souls. Two hundred would effectively wipe out the U.S. economy, destroying all major transportation, communications, medical and financial networks. There is no guarantee that the nation could ever recover from such a catastrophe (maybe China could pick up the pieces).

Why doesn’t this story get more attention, since it’s the only manmade threat that really could wipe out our civilization? One possible reason is that people think nuclear war is very improbable – a failure of imagination, as Thomas Friedman put it after the 9-11 attacks. Another reason, perhaps, is that they’ve simply gotten used to the danger, and prefer not to think about the unthinkable. But a third possibility, which would be worth testing, is that a majority of Americans believe they are defended against nuclear attack, even though in the common-sense definition of that term they are not.

Somehow, Americans have arrived at a time in their history when they spend hundreds of billions of dollars shoring up the security of countries on the other side of the world, but have almost no protection against the one danger that could obliterate everything they cherish. This isn’t just a catastrophe waiting to happen, it is a political cause waiting to be embraced.

Martin Mawyer: U.S. Islamic Terrorist Groups Protected By The Constitution

Law enforcement has documented 35 Islamic compounds in U.S.

The founder and president of the Christian Action Network, Martin Mawyer, was a guest on Fox News Channel’s Hannity where he said there are 35 terrorist training compounds scattered throughout the United States under the lead of Sheikh Gilani and governed by Muslims of America. Mayer explained that these groups are protected by the U.S. Constitution.

“We spent two-and-a-half years investigating this group and during that time we interviewed law enforcement about why these groups, why these facilities were allowed to exist in the United States. We got a host of reasons, but the number one reason is they are protected by the U.S. Constitution and they are protected by state constitutions in the United States. Really, law enforcement’s hands are tied in trying to shut these groups down.”

Mawyer said he believes these groups are planning another attack on Americans.


Terror Camps in the US

This is for awareness for everyone.

Original Link.  Normally I won’t copy an entire article, but in this case, it needs to get out and not everyone reads WND.  I posted another article just before this one that mentions a book, and this very same thing.  The author has personally visited some of the sites and filmed there.


Basic Survival and Communications Skills in the Aftermath

As a ham radio operator, I highly recommend this book!
Check out this book in the Amazon store. If you’re any sort of Prepper, whether you’re new at it or an old hand, you might want to read this and keep a copy of it on your kindle or eReader.  This is only available right now in the Kindle Store and in digital format.  The author tells me he is planning to come out in other reader formats later (after his contract with Kindle expires).
The book covers radio systems and communications, and discusses various “End of the World” scenarios.  Even the author doesn’t believe most of them will occur (Alien invasion was one he mentions) but certainly it gets you thinking about what might be!

21st Century Plague: Ebola

The 2014 Ebola epidemic is the largest in history, affecting multiple countries in West Africa. A small number of cases in Lagos and Port Harcourt, Nigeria, have been associated with a man from Liberia who traveled to Lagos and died from Ebola, but the virus does not appear to have been widely spread in Nigeria. The case in Senegal is related to a man who traveled there from Guinea.

On 9/30/2014, CDC confirmed, the first travel-associated case of Ebola to be diagnosed in the United States. CDC and partners are taking precautions to prevent the spread of Ebola within the United States. CDC is working with other U.S. government agencies, the World Health Organization (WHO), and other domestic and international partners and has activated its Emergency Operations Center to help coordinate technical assistance and control activities with partners. CDC has also deployed teams of public health experts to West Africa and will continue to send experts to the affected countries.


October 5, 2014: Ebola Contact Tracing, Dallas, Texas
October 5, 2014: What You Need To Know About Ebola
October 4, 2014: Update: Sick airline passenger, Newark

Outbreak Update

    On 9/30/2014, CDC confirmed, the first travel-associated case of Ebola to be diagnosed in the United States.

    New cases have been reported from Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. Nigeria and Senegal have not reported any new cases since September 5, 2014, and August 29, 2014, respectively. In Senegal, all contacts have now completed their 21-day follow up, with no further cases of Ebola reported.
    On August 29, 2014, Senegal’s Ministry of Public Health and Social Affairs announced a case of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in Senegal. The case is in a man from Guinea who traveled to Senegal.

    The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has reported cases of Ebola. These cases are not related to the ongoing outbreak of Ebola in West Africa. For information on the outbreak in DRC, see the 2014 Ebola Outbreak in DRC page.

    HHS has contracted with Mapp Biopharmaceutical Inc. to develop and manufacture ZMapp. Mapp Biopharmaceutical will manufacture a small amount of the drug for early stage clinical safety studies and nonclinical studies.

    NIH will begin initial human testing of an investigational vaccine to prevent EVD in early September and is working with a company to develop an antiviral drug to treat Ebola.

    U.S. Department of Defense has funded two companies that are developing drug therapies for Ebola and is working with another company to develop an Ebola vaccine.

    CDC returned a staff member from West Africa by charter flight after the employee had low-risk contact with an international health worker who recently tested positive for Ebola. The CDC staff member was not sick with Ebola, did not show symptoms of the disease, and therefore posed no risk to friends, family, co-workers, or the public.

The above has several excerpts from the CDC.

Basically we have thousands infected in Africa at the moment.

Disease modelers project a rapidly rising toll from Ebola

If spread continues at the current rate, a model by Alessandro Vespignani and colleagues projects close to 10,000 Ebola infections by 24 September. (The shaded area provides the projection's variability range.)


A. Vespignani

If spread continues at the current rate, a model by Alessandro Vespignani and colleagues projects close to 10,000 Ebola infections by 24 September. (The shaded area provides the projection’s variability range.)

Vespignani is not the only one trying to predict how the unprecedented outbreak will progress. Last week, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that the number of cases could ultimately exceed 20,000. And scientists across the world are scrambling to create computer models that accurately describe the spread of the deadly virus. Not all of them look quite as bleak as Vespignani’s. But the modelers all agree that current efforts to control the epidemic are not enough to stop the deadly pathogen in its tracks.

The World Health Organization – a United Nations group – sees it pretty badly as well.

World Health Organization researchers issued a dire new forecast for the Ebola epidemic Tuesday, one that sees 20,000 cases by November, much sooner than previous estimates. And 70 percent of patients are dying.

That’s a big increase over the previous estimates of a 50 percent fatality rate.

“These data indicate that without drastic improvements in control measures, the numbers of cases of and deaths from Ebola virus disease are expected to continue increasing from hundreds to thousands per week in the coming months,” the WHO Ebola Response Team, led by Dr. Christopher Dye, wrote in a report rushed into print by the New England Journal of Medicine.

This morning (or late last night) a nurse in Spain was diagnosed with Ebola.  She was a caregiver to two priests whom had contracted the disease, and subsequently died from the infection.  As of an hour ago, her husband has been placed in isolation by the Spanish government, along with at least two other individuals believed to have been working with the nurse at some point.  It is unclear whether they are medical workers or other people that were just in contact with her.

In recent days, a person in Hawaii was placed into isolation and tested for Ebola.  That turned out to be negative.

Yesterday a cameraman was brought to Omaha Nebraska for treatment.

At least 100 people are said to have been in direct contact with Mr. Duncan, the traveler from Liberia who showed up in Dallas the other day with Ebola.  He has taken a turn for the worse and is in critical condition as of today.  His “family” – a girlfriend (apparently) and her children we believe have been moved to a nice, new home and placed in isolation (under government orders), complete with armed guards.  The apartment was cleaned yesterday.  The cleaning company owner stated he didn’t “know what would happen with the contaminated materials” and that was up to the “government”.

Obama has consistently refused to deny entry to the United States by people traveling from Ebola-stricken countries.  Congress has yet to be heard from.

Various Department of Homeland Security Agencies are acting up, acting out, or simply asleep at the wheel.

Epidemics spread because people don’t wash their hands or take other precautions.  Ebola allegedly spreads by “close contact” with individuals who are infected, because of bodily fluids.

It’s funny how the government, in trying to prevent a panic has not stopped lying about passing viruses.  First it was “not air borne” and then it was “You have to have contact with bodily fluids:.  Then we see where Mr. Duncan vomited all over a street outside the apartment complex, inside the complex, in his bed, the bathroom, on the floor.  And then inside an ambulance.  And the EMT personnel had NO IDEA IT WAS EBOLA.  They are in isolation.  The people who rode around in the ambulance (a homeless man for instance) walked away without knowing. (He has been found and apparently he too is in isolation).

Now, if you have a cold, the cold VIRUS eventually destroys the cells it takes over and you spew out virus inside of droplets you cough or sneeze out.

One of the symptoms of ebola is a “cough” (look it up for yourself, don’t believe me).  Ebola is a virus.  Ebola takes over cells in your body to replicate itself.  Ebola then destorys the cell.  How do you think that ebola is passed from person to person?

Through “bodily fluids”. Most LIKELY from droplets coughed/sneezed out of the body.  Viruses, like all other forms of life are difficult to kill off.  Usually viruses will remain viable for years because they are wrapped in a shell that protects them from the environment, until they can get inside a receptive host.

Ebola… is, pardon the pun, nothing to sneeze about.  This could be the final plague of the planet.

And no, I am not attempting to scaremonger.  The information in this article is factual, all check-able, and not opinion (except my statement about the “Final Plague” of course.  In truth, a plague, like the Black Plague (Bubonic Plague) passed through the population due to poor hygienic conditions, fleas and dirty people.

Colds routinely pass rapidly through a population in America, and people carry viruses aboard aircraft from coast to coast daily.

 Influenza (flu) also passed through the population in the US rather quickly.

Along with Ebola, America has a serious threat already here, already spreading and affecting dozens of children.  Enterovirus D-68.  This virus has already killed one child and affected many others.  According to other news articles at least five people have actually died, while the media makes a huge point of saying “one”.  So… more lies? (

There are more than 100 known varieties of non-polio enteroviruses in the world, and they cause 10 to 15 million infections every year, ranging from the common cold (rhinovirus), to hand, foot, and mouth disease (coxsackie), to meningitis and gastrointestinal illness. Enteroviruses are harbored in the GI tract, but they can cause symptoms all over the body depending on strain. (

Poliovirus (aka Polio) is also an enterovirus.

 On Fox News, right now as this is being written, a doctor is telling us that indeed viruses, including ebola can live for SEVERAL hours allowing others to contact it, and perhaps contract the disease.

As a point of reference refer back to Mr. Duncan, the Liberian, who came here deliberately with the disease knowing full well he had contracted it and lied to authorities in an effort to ensure his survival, vomiting all over the apartment, the bedding, the outside street, the inside of the ambulance and quite probably the inside of the hospital.

Potentially thousands have been exposed to Ebola.  All it will take is ONE PERSON to remain undiagnosed out on the streets, in contact with others.  One person.

While a cold or the flu can kill, usually it doesn’t.  Flu can kill people in weakened condition, the young, the elderly.

Ebola kills 90% of the people it infects, in horrible ways.  Young, Old, middle aged, everyone.  90%.

Ebola isn’t called “Hemorrhagic Fever” for nothing.

Never mind “The Stand”, this stuff is Stephen King’s Nightmare.


Evidence from 2012 Ebola CAN be transmitted in the air


Growing concerns over ‘in the air’ transmission of Ebola

Ebola virus
The infection is thought to get into humans through close contact with bodily fluids

Canadian scientists have shown that the deadliest form of the ebola virus could be transmitted by air between species.

In experiments, they demonstrated that the virus was transmitted from pigs to monkeys without any direct contact between them.

The researchers say they believe that limited airborne transmission might be contributing to the spread of the disease in some parts of Africa.

They are concerned that pigs might be a natural host for the lethal infection.

“Start Quote

What we suspect is happening is large droplets – they can stay in the air, but not long, they don’t go far. But they can be absorbed in the airway”

Dr Gary Kobinger Public Health Agency of Canada

Ebola viruses cause fatal haemorrhagic fevers in humans and many other species of non human primates.

Details of the research were published in the journal Scientific Reports.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the infection gets into humans through close contact with the blood, secretions, organs and other bodily fluids from a number of species including chimpanzees, gorillas and forest antelope.

The fruit bat has long been considered the natural reservoir of the infection. But a growing body of experimental evidence suggests that pigs, both wild and domestic, could be a hidden source of Ebola Zaire – the most deadly form of the virus.

Now, researchers from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and the country’s Public Health Agency have shown that pigs infected with this form of Ebola can pass the disease on to macaques without any direct contact between the species.

In their experiments, the pigs carrying the virus were housed in pens with the monkeys in close proximity but separated by a wire barrier. After eight days, some of the macaques were showing clinical signs typical of ebola and were euthanised.

One possibility is that the monkeys became infected by inhaling large aerosol droplets produced from the respiratory tracts of the pigs.

pigs could be a natural host
Pigs could act as a host and amplify the Ebola virus

One of the scientists involved is Dr Gary Kobinger from the National Microbiology Laboratory at the Public Health Agency of Canada. He told BBC News this was the most likely route of the infection.

“What we suspect is happening is large droplets – they can stay in the air, but not long, they don’t go far,” he explained.

“But they can be absorbed in the airway and this is how the infection starts, and this is what we think, because we saw a lot of evidence in the lungs of the non-human primates that the virus got in that way.”

The scientists say that their findings could explain why some pig farmers in the Philippines had antibodies in their system for the presence of a different version of the infection called Ebola Reston. The farmers had not been involved in slaughtering the pigs and had no known contact with contaminated tissues.

Dr Kobinger stresses that the transmission in the air is not similar to influenza or other infections. He points to the experience of most human outbreaks in Africa.

“The reality is that they are contained and they remain local, if it was really an airborne virus like influenza is it would spread all over the place, and that’s not happening.”

Hidden hostThe authors believe that more work needs to be done to clarify the role of wild and domestic pigs in spreading the virus. There have been anecdotal accounts of pigs dying at the start of human outbreaks. Dr Kobinger believes that if pigs do play a part, it could help contain the virus.

“If they do play a role in human outbreaks it would be a very easy point to intervene” he said. “It would be easier to vaccinate pigs against Ebola than humans.”

Ebola Uganda
Workers prepare to disinfect during a recent Ebola outbreak in Uganda

Other experts in the field were concerned about the idea that Ebola was susceptible to being transmitted by air even if the distance the virus could travel was limited. Dr Larry Zeitlin is the president of Mapp Biopharmaceuticals.

“It’s an impressive study that not only raises questions about the reservoir of Ebola in the wild, but more importantly elevates concerns about ebola as a public health threat,” he told BBC News. “The thought of airborne transmission is pretty frightening.”

At present, an outbreak of ebola in Uganda has killed at least two people near the capital Kampala. Last month, Uganda declared itself Ebola-free after an earlier outbreak of the disease killed at least sixteen people in the west of the country.

The Government KNEW Ebola was coming – and did nothing to prevent it

Ah HA!  The government DID see this coming.  Our government is SO concerned with internal conditions and the control of the American population that they can’t actually take the time to consider incoming problems, like too many illegal immigrants (one is too many, they are ILLEGAL!), the spread of diseases from said immigrants (children suffering from debilitating entroviruses that are now causing paralysis and even death) and the stopping of air travel in and out of Ebola-stricken countries.  Instead, it’s the damned Right Wing Nutjobs with guns, Bibles and the Constitution that irks them the most.

If a few Americans are exposed to Ebola, then – well, in the words of Rahm Emanuel:

“You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”

Things like, say, Martial Law?  Things like “banning guns”?  Things like “Control Americans”

Read Carefully:

Ebola’s U.S. arrival comes with concerns for Michigan

Michigan health care professionals are informed and ready to deal with the threat of the Ebola virus that is now on American shores. But there is no need to worry about it spreading rapidly, as it has done in some West African countries where it has killed thousands of people.

That’s the message from several health care professionals and infectious disease specialists in Michigan.

“What the public should know is that the public health system across the state has been preparing for the possibility of a person being diagnosed here for several weeks now,” said Dr. Matthew Davis, chief medical executive at the Michigan Department of Community Health.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed earlier this week that the first case of Ebola in the United States had been diagnosed, involving a person who had traveled to Dallas from West Africa. The man developed symptoms about five days after arriving in the United States and sought medical care. He was isolated and local health care officials have started identifying people who might have come into contact with him for further monitoring.

Davis said there have been numerous conversations between local, state and federal healthcare officials to ensure that health care workers know what to do if they encounter someone suspected of having the Ebola virus.

Symptoms include a fever of more than 105 degrees, severe headaches, muscle pain, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and bleeding.

“There also has to be a situation where a person has been in contact in the past 21 days with a person known or suspected to have Ebola,” Davis said.

The virus is spread through direct contact with the blood and body fluids of an infected person with Ebola or with objects — such as needles — that have been contaminated with the virus.

Dr. Katherine Reyes, an infectious diseases physician at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, said the United States’ health care system is better prepared to stop the spread of the virus than many other nations.

“There is a big difference between health care and infectious disease control in the United States and in parts of West Africa where Ebola is spreading,” Reyes said.

The doctors said anyone suspected of having Ebola would be isolated from other patients immediately and treated by health care workers wearing protective clothing. State and federal public health officials also would be notified.

Davis said people visiting his practice in Ann Arbor Wednesday wanted to know how real the threat of Ebola is for them and their children.

“My response is our hospitals and health systems are all alert and vigilant and prepared for the possibility of Ebola, but the risk of it spreading in the United States is very, very low,” Davis said. “I encourage families and individuals to focus more on immediate health risks here like the influenza virus which has caused hundreds of thousands of people to be sick and hospitalized each year and caused thousands of deaths. And fortunately, we have an effective vaccine for it and I encourage the public to get vaccinated.”

Detroit Metro Airport is one area where officials regularly prepare for the possibility of someone carrying an infectious disease.

The CDC operates a quarantine center in the federal inspection area at the McNamara Terminal, and the airport’s firefighters drill for such situations, according to airport spokesman Michael Conway.

He directed specific questions about the quarantine center to the CDC, where a message was left seeking comment.

Conway said the drills help maintain good relationships with area hospitals and medical professionals, and he said authorities “are vigilant and prepared to respond” if needed.

“Our firefighters are all trained paramedics with the proper training and protective equipment to assist and transport a patient to the hospital,” Conway said.

Airport officials are notified when there’s a report of a sick airline passenger, Conway said, noting that there have been no such situations today at Metro and he is unaware of any cases where a passenger was considered contagious.

The reports that a person has the Ebola virus in the United States ”certainly has gotten everybody’s attention, but the protocol for alerting the local authorities of a sick passenger on a plane has existed for years and years,” Conway said.

Detroit Metro currently has no direct flights from West Africa, although it does have flights to major international hubs that do.

Important EBOLA Information; It CAN be transmitted through the air

This has been posted several places on the internet.  But I grabbed the entire article and am posting it here.  The fact is that you’re being told this is “not an airborne disease” and that fact is a lie.  This information comes from doctors, not from conspiracy theorists.

Read it and understand that as soon as the virus is in your system and gets to your lungs, and you cough, you will project droplets into the air that can be breathed by others – thus possibly infecting them.

Also, note that Mr. Duncan is severely ill, LIED on his medical form coming back saying he had NOT been in contact with anyone with Ebola.  In FACT the media is reporting not only DID he have contact he helped carrying a woman into a home in Liberia who died a few hours later from Ebola.

It is this Bloggers belief this man is a terrorism TEST case.  He was sent here by others after being exposed to try to infect whomever he could – and passing through FOUR airports at least three separate aircraft, numerous terminals, taxis, trams, trains or walking through terminals has placed him into contact with POTENTIALLY THOUSANDS of people, and even as many as several hundred thousand – by secondary contact.

From Pigs to Monkeys, Ebola Goes Airborne

Nov 21, 2012 | Jane Huston | Research & Policy

When news broke that the Ebola virus had resurfaced in Uganda, investigators in Canada were making headlines of their own with research indicating the deadly virus may spread between species, through the air.

The team, comprised of researchers from the National Centre for Foreign Animal Disease, the University of Manitoba, and the Public Health Agency of Canada, observed transmission of Ebola from pigs to monkeys. They first inoculated a number of piglets with the Zaire strain of the Ebola virus. Ebola-Zaire is the deadliest strain, with mortality rates up to 90 percent. The piglets were then placed in a room with four cynomolgus macaques, a species of monkey commonly used in laboratories. The animals were separated by wire cages to prevent direct contact between the species.

Within a few days, the inoculated piglets showed clinical signs of infection indicative of Ebola infection. In pigs, Ebola generally causes respiratory illness and increased temperature. Nine days after infection, all piglets appeared to have recovered from the disease.

Within eight days of exposure, two of the four monkeys showed signs of Ebola infection. Four days later, the remaining two monkeys were sick too. It is possible that the first two monkeys infected the other two, but transmission between non-human primates has never before been observed in a lab setting.

While the study provided evidence that transmission of Ebola between species is possible, researchers still cannot say for certain how that transmission actually occurred. There are three likely candidates for the route of transmission: airborne, droplet, or fomites.

Airborne and droplet transmission both technically travel through the air to infect others; the difference lies in the size of the infective particles. Smaller droplets persist in the air longer and are able to travel farther- these droplets are truly “airborne.” Larger droplets can neither travel as far nor persist for very long. Fomites are inanimate objects that can transmit disease if they are contaminated with infectious agents. In this study, a monkey’s cage could have been contaminated when workers were cleaning a nearby pig cage. If the monkey touched the contaminated cage surface and then its mouth or eyes, it could have been infected.

Author Dr. Gary Kobinger suspects that the virus is transmitted through droplets, not fomites, because evidence of infection in the lungs of the monkeys indicated that the virus was inhaled.

What do these findings mean? First and foremost, Ebola is not suddenly an airborne disease. As expert commentators at ProMED stated, the experiments “demonstrate the susceptibility of pigs to Zaire Ebolavirus and that the virus from infected pigs can be transmitted to macaques under experimental conditions… they fall short of establishing that this is a normal route of transmission in the natural environment.” Furthermore, because human Ebola outbreaks have historically been locally contained, it is unlikely that Ebola can spread between humans via airborne transmission.

However, the study does raise the possibility that pigs are a host for Ebola. If this proves to be true in the wild, there are direct ramifications for prevention and control measures. It is still unclear what role pigs play in the chain of transmission. To continue work on answering this question, the team plans to take samples from pigs in areas known to have recently experienced Ebola outbreaks.

The Disease Daily has previously reported on Dr. Kobinger’s work on the Ebola vaccine.

– See more at:

CDC Emergency Response Team Deployed

Federal team deploys to Dallas to track anyone who had close contact with Ebola patient

October 01, 2014 – 11:56 am EDT

DALLAS — A nine-member team of federal health officials is tracking anyone who had close contact with a man being treated for Ebola in a Dallas hospital, the director of the nation’s top disease-fighting agency said Wednesday.

The team from the Centers for Disease Control is in Dallas to work with local and state health agencies to ensure that those people are watched every day for 21 days.

“If anyone develops fever, we’ll immediately isolate them to stop the chain of transmission,” CDC Director Tom Frieden said in an interview with The Associated Press.

The Dallas patient on Tuesday became the first case of Ebola diagnosed in the U.S. The unidentified man has been in isolation at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital since Sunday. Health authorities have not revealed his nationality or age. He was listed in serious condition Wednesday.

Three members of the ambulance crew that transported the man to the hospital have tested negative for the virus and are restricted to their homes while their conditions are observed.

The man was vomiting when the ambulance got to the hospital, Dallas city spokeswoman Sana Syed said.

The ambulance crew is among 12 to 18 people being monitored after exposure to the man. Some are members of his family, but not all, Syed said.

Ebola symptoms can include fever, muscle pain, vomiting and bleeding, and can appear as long as 21 days after exposure to the virus. The disease is not contagious until symptoms begin, and it takes close contact with bodily fluids to spread.

Officials said there are no other suspected cases in Texas, but the diagnosis sent chills through the area’s West African community, whose leaders urged caution to prevent spreading the virus.

The man left Liberia on Sept. 19, arrived the next day to visit relatives and started feeling ill four or five days later, Frieden said.

Stanley Gaye, president of the Liberian Community Association of Dallas-Fort Worth, said the 10,000-strong Liberian population in North Texas is skeptical of the CDC’s assurances because Ebola has ravaged their country.

“We’ve been telling people to try to stay away from social gatherings,” Gaye said Tuesday at a community meeting.

The CDC has not advised that people avoid large gatherings in this country.

The association’s vice president warned against alarm in the community.

“We don’t want to get a panic going,” said vice president Roseline Sayon. “We embrace those people who are coming forward. Don’t let the stigma keep you from getting tested.”

PHOTO: A man walks up the stairway leading to the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas, Tuesday, Sept. 30, 2014.  A patient in the hospital is showing signs of the Ebola virus and is being kept in strict isolation with test results pending, hospital officials said Monday. (AP Photo/LM Otero)

A man walks up the stairway leading to the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas, Tuesday, Sept. 30, 2014. A patient in the hospital is showing signs of the Ebola virus and is being kept in strict isolation with test results pending, hospital officials said Monday. (AP Photo/LM Otero)

Frieden said he didn’t believe anyone on the same flights as the patient was at risk.

“Ebola doesn’t spread before someone gets sick, and he didn’t get sick until four days after he got off the airplane,” Frieden said.

Four American aid workers who became infected in West Africa have been flown back to the U.S. for treatment after they became sick. They were treated in special isolation facilities at hospitals in Atlanta and Nebraska. Three have recovered.

A U.S. doctor exposed to the virus in Sierra Leone is under observation in a similar facility at the National Institutes of Health.

The U.S. has only four such isolation units, but Frieden said there was no need to move the latest patient because virtually any hospital can provide the proper care and infection control.

The man, who arrived in the U.S. on Sept. 20, began to develop symptoms last Wednesday and sought care two days later. But he was released.

At the time, hospital officials didn’t know he had been in West Africa. He returned later as his condition worsened.

Blood tests by Texas health officials and the CDC separately confirmed his Ebola diagnosis Tuesday. State health officials described the patient as seriously ill.

Dr. Edward Goodman, an epidemiologist at the hospital, said the patient was able to communicate and was hungry.

The hospital is discussing if experimental treatments would be appropriate, Frieden said.

Passengers leaving Liberia pass through rigorous screening, the country’s airport authority said Wednesday. But those checks are no guarantee that an infected person won’t get through and airport officials would be unlikely to stop someone not showing symptoms, according to Binyah Kesselly, chairman of the Liberia Airport Authority’s board of directors.

CDC officials are helping staff at Monrovia’s airport, where passengers are screened for signs of infection, including fever, and asked about their travel history. Plastic buckets filled with chlorinated water for hand-washing are present throughout the airport.

Liberia is one of the three hardest-hit countries in the epidemic, along with Sierra Leone and Guinea.

Ebola is believed to have sickened more than 6,500 people in West Africa, and more than 3,000 deaths have been linked to the disease, according to the World Health Organization. But even those tolls are probably underestimates, partially because there are not enough labs to test people for Ebola.

Benghazi Documents Lead Straight to White House

Fox News Channel is breaking this story this very moment.


Edit – Addition:  Fox News:


GOP senators demand explanation for Benghazi talking points

Kelly Ayotte.jpg

From right to left, Sen. Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H., and Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Three leading Republican senators are calling on the Obama administration to identify who briefed former U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice in advance of her Sunday show appearances where she blamed a video for the Benghazi attack.

Sens. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H., and John McCain, R-Ariz., wrote to leaders on the House and Senate Foreign Relations committees asking them to compel the administration to explain the “taking points.”

In the letter first obtained by Fox News, the senators cite the recent testimony of former CIA acting and deputy director Michael Morell before the House Intelligence Committee, where he said it was Rice, not the CIA, who connected the obscure Internet video to the deadly Sept. 11, 2012 attack.

“How could former Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice, during the five Sunday talk shows on Sept. 16, 2012, claim that the attacks on our compounds were caused by a hateful video when Mr. Morell testified that the CIA never mentioned the video as a casual factor and made no reference to the video in any of the multiple versions of the talking points?” the senators wrote.

Given the CIA was not the source of the video explanation, according to Morell, lawmakers want to know whether State Department or White House personnel were involved in the Rice briefings in advance of the 2012 talk shows.

Rice is now the president’s national security adviser. Some lawmakers believe it would be difficult for Rice to now assert executive privilege because her previous job as U.N. ambassador required Senate confirmation.

In the letter, the lawmakers also questioned Rice’s statements about security at the Benghazi compound that were “clearly misrepresentations of the facts.”

“Ambassador Rice also falsely asserted that Al Qaeda was decimated. Who briefed her about Al Qaeda’s activities in Libya?” the lawmakers wrote.

“If we are to avoid future terrorist attacks like the one in Benghazi, we must answer these and many other unanswered questions,” the senators added.

US senators remove requirement for disclosure over drone strike victims

US senators remove requirement for disclosure over drone strike victims

• Bill had called for disclosure of ‘noncombatant civilians’ killed
• Director of national intelligence gives assurances to Senate

• Read James Clapper’s letter to the key senators


US Senate intelligence committee chairwoman Dianne Feinstein shakes hands with director of national intelligence James Clapper. Photograph: Jason Reed/Reuters

At the behest of the director of national intelligence, US senators have removed a provision from a major intelligence bill that would require the president to publicly disclose information about drone strikes and their victims.

The bill authorizing intelligence operations in fiscal 2014 passed out of the Senate intelligence committee in November, and it originally required the president to issue an annual public report clarifying the total number of “combatants” and “noncombatant civilians” killed or injured by drone strikes in the previous year. It did not require the White House to disclose the total number of strikes worldwide.

But the Guardian has confirmed that Senate leaders have removed the language as they prepare to bring the bill to the floor for a vote, after the director of national intelligence, James Clapper, assured them in a recent letter that the Obama administration was looking for its own ways to disclose more about its highly controversial drone strikes.

“The executive branch is currently exploring ways in which it can provide the American people more information about the United States’ use of force outside areas of active hostilities,” Clapper wrote to the leaders of the Senate committee, Democrat Dianne Feinstein of California and Republican Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, on 18 April.

“To be meaningful to the public, any report including the information described above would require context and be drafted carefully so as to protect against the disclosure of intelligence sources and methods or other classified information. … We are confident we can find a reporting structure that provides the American people additional information to inform their understanding of important government operations to protect our nation, while preserving the ability to continue those operations,” Clapper continued.

Another provision, which would require alternative intelligence analysis, as well as commensurate congressional notification should an intelligence agency consider legal action against a US citizen, has been moved to a classified annex of the bill.

Lawmakers were said to remove the provision in hopes of passing the full bill in the coming weeks.

The removal of the drone transparency requirement is the latest in a pattern by legislators to preserve the status quo surrounding the strikes.

In January, the Senate obstructed an effort by the Obama administration that would have removed the CIA from drone operations and given responsibility for them to the Defense Department, which conducts parallel and occasionally complementary drone strikes.

Feinstein, the chairwoman of the Senate intelligence committee, has recently been locked in a different sort of declassification battle: an effort to compel the Obama administration to declassify aspects of a major report into the CIA’s post-9/11 torture of terrorism detainees, completed by her committee.

Senate intelligence committee chair Senator Dianne Feinstein. Photograph: Molly Riley/AP

But Feinstein has long been a defender of the CIA’s drone strikes. During a February 2013 confirmation hearing for CIA Director John Brennan, Feinstein stated that the CIA’s targeting procedures kills only “single digits” of civilians annually, an assertion that cannot be independently confirmed because of the official secrecy surrounding the strikes.

The sharing of even basic information about drone strikes has run into a wall of official secrecy. Several independent groups attempt to track the numbers of people killed in the strikes, but no official US confirmation has been possible. Word of the strikes usually arises from news accounts in their places of occurrence, such as Yemen or Pakistan.

Independent observers, including the United Nations special rapporteur on counterterrorism, have repeatedly called on Washington to increase transparency around the lethal operations. An April paper by Larry Lewis of the CNA Corporation, who has close ties with the US military, urged the administration to conduct and appropriately disclose assessments of civilian casualties from drone strikes, to help “ensure that official US statements reflect operational realities, helping to guard the credibility and reputation of the US”.

Thus far those efforts have largely floundered. In May 2013, Obama announced that he wanted to restrict but not eliminate drone strikes, whose use he defended as a necessary component of counterterrorism. Obama confirmed that civilians have died from drone strikes, an effect that he said “will haunt us as long as we live”, but he did not disclose how many cases of errant missile or mistaken targeting strikes have occurred.

In public testimony, leaders of the intelligence agencies have not rejected the transparency provisions. During a February House hearing, Brennan called a proposal from congressman Adam Schiff, a California Democrat, to disclose the annual numbers of fighters and civilians killed by drones “certainly a worthwhile recommendation”.

Schiff and a North Carolina Republican, Walter Jones, introduced a bill this month to compel the drone casualty totals and combatant breakdowns, which Schiff termed a “modest, but important, measure of transparency and oversight regarding the use of drones”.

The previous February, Senator Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican and member of the armed services committee, was quoted tallying the deaths caused by drone strikes over the past decade at 4,700 people. Graham did not disclose either the basis for his estimate or a breakdown of how many civilians the total includes.

US drones strikes are declining worldwide, according to statistics gathered and analyzed by the Council on Foreign Relations. In 2013, there were approximately 55 strikes in Yemen, Pakistan and Somalia, killing as many as 271 people, down from the 92 strikes that killed up to 532 people in 2012. While drone strikes in Pakistan are sharply down in 2014, a recent offensive aimed at Yemen’s al-Qaida affiliate and including US drone strikes left about 55 people dead last week.

Human rights activists reacted with disappointment to the removal of the transparency requirement.

“How many people have to die for Congress to take even a small step toward transparency? It’s stunning that after all these years we still don’t know how many people the Obama administration has killed with drones,” said Zeke Johnson, the director of Amnesty International’s security and human rights program.

Harry Reid Labels Supporters of Rancher Cliven Bundy ‘Domestic Terrorists’

Speaking at a Las Vegas Review-Journal event, Harry Reid was clear: “They’re nothing more than domestic terrorists. I repeat: what happened there was domestic terrorism.”


As Harry Reid stated last week – “This isn’t over”.  It appears now that those of you who went there, those of us who blog about it and support Cliven Bundy, those of us against Government Overreach – well, the fear mongering about all of us being labeled as “terrorists” was not “fear mongering”, it was fact.

You’re all terrorists now.

Harry Reid Labels Supporters of Rancher Cliven Bundy ‘Domestic Terrorists’, Reveals Federal Task Force Being Assembled

Apr. 17, 2014 6:38pm Jason Howerton

Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) claimed on Thursday that armed supporters of rancher Cliven Bundy are “domestic terrorists” and reckless individuals who put their families in danger.
Speaking at a Las Vegas Review-Journal event, Reid was clear: “They’re nothing more than domestic terrorists. I repeat: what happened there was domestic terrorism.”

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nev. talks about the gender pay gap as the Senate begins debate on wage equity, Tuesday, April 8, 2014, during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

The rhetoric certainly will do nothing to ease already-high tensions after the Bureau of Land Management prematurely shut down its operation to round up Bundy’s “trespass cattle” on Saturday. The federal agency cited fears of public safety after having run-ins with armed militia members who traveled to Bunkerville, Nev., to support the rancher.
Bundy reportedly owes the federal government roughly $1 million in grazing fees, an amount he accumulated after he “fired” the Bureau of Land Management in 1993 over its decision to turn public land into a protective habitat for the state’s desert tortoise.
There are two court orders that permit BLM to execute a roundup of 500 to 900 of Bundy’s “trespass cattle,” Reid reportedly said.
Reid, who recently said the situation is “not over,” revealed on Thursday there is a federal task force being assembled to handle to the tense situation.

Click here to view the original image of 620x362px.
Cliven Bundy, right, sits in the back of a vehicle near Bunkerville, Nev., Friday, April 11, 2014. The area has become the center of a protest against the Bureau of Land Management’s roundup of cattle owned by Bundy. Bundy claims ancestral rights to graze his cattle on lands his Mormon family settled in the 19th century. (AP Photo/Las Vegas Review-Journal, John Locher)

“Clive Bundy does not recognize the United States,” Reid said. “The United States, he says, is a foreign government. He doesn’t pay his taxes. He doesn’t pay his fees. And he doesn’t follow the law. He continues to thumb his nose at authority.”

“It is an issue we cannot let go, just walk away from,” he added.

Oath Keepers Founder Calling All Members to Bunkerville

I just found this folks, just giving the heads up!


Oath Keepers Founder Calling All Members to Bunkerville

Stewart Rhodes: “Oath Keepers, this is your time…”
Oath Keepers founder, Stewart Rhodes, contacted me late Tuesday evening with a message for ALL Oath Keepers. Stewart, along with a contingent of patriots from as far away as New Hampshire, are still standing vigil over the Bundy family ranch in Bunkerville, Nevada.  Scores of patriots have already made the trip, including legislators from neighboring western states, but more are needed to relieve those already in place.  I have linked to the audio update below.


Glenn Beck and Tucker Carlson warn conservatives about Bundy ranch dispute

A note here…. I found this lurking around the Internet, trying to put another face on the Bundy situation.
I personally don’t care about the cows.  I care about the fact that the US Government has agencies and bureaucracies that are over reaching, over arming themselves and setting rules that shouldn’t be set in the first place.  Whether Bundy or the Government is wrong here isn’t the point – the point is the government has been duking it out with this rancher now for years and years.
Even in a Home Owners Association with HOA rules that don’t get enforced “in a reasonable period of time” in all fifty states (fifty-seven if you’re Obama of course) can NOT be enforced.
Basically a reasonable period of time might be a year or two, not decades.  The situation is untenable as far as I am personally concerned.  The government is wrong (in my opinion) regardless of the background of this case.   They need to stand down and get out of this fight, and in fact, the RIGHT things to do would be to disarm agencies that shouldn’t be armed.  The Department of Education needs guns and ammo WHY again?  The BLM?  The EPA?  Come on people.  This isn’t about Bundy and some “illegal activities” – this is like gun control.  It’s not about the guns, it’s about the CONTROL the government can hold over each and every individual in America.
Read on:
George Frey/Getty Images
George Frey/Getty Images
Glenn Beck is warning conservatives not to get too caught up in the controversy over Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, who has been illegally grazing his cattle on federal land for more than 15 years. (Read more about the case here.) Yes, the federal government controls too much land out west — and yes, federal rangers went too far with their heavy-handed tactics — but Beck cautions that extremists are using this incident as an excuse to fan the flames of violence.

“We did some research online with PsyID today,” Beck said on his show, “and found that there’s about 10 or 15 percent of the people who are talking about this online that are truly frightening.”

There are many “decent, small-government proponents from groups like the Tea Party” supporting Bundy, Beck continued, and they should be aware this controversy has drawn “violent, anti-government groups” who constitute “the right’s version of Occupy Wall Street.”

Tucker Carlson (my boss at the Daily Caller) made a related point on Fox News’ Special Report Monday night:

I have a lot of sympathy for the Bundys. I think they were completely mistreated by the federal government. But I still think it’s important to point out that this land does not belong to them and that’s not a minor distinction, it’s the essence of private property.

It’s good to see conservatives are finally learning to eschew the knee-jerk impulse that assumes the enemy of my enemy is always my friend.


Ron Paul warns that Bundy ranch standoff isn’t over just yet

Published time: April 15, 2014 15:48

Ron Paul (AFP Photo / Brendan Smialowski)

Ron Paul (AFP Photo / Brendan Smialowski)

A heated land dispute between the federal government and a Nevada cattle rancher subsided over the weekend, but longtime lawmaker and former presidential hopeful Ron Paul says tensions might soon worsen once again.

An armed standoff between Cliven Bundy and the United States Bureau of Land Management ended on Saturday with the federal agency agreeing to release around 400 head of cattle it had seized from the Clark County, Nevada rancher. The bureau said Bundy owed roughly $1 million to the government because for the last two decades he failed to pay a fee for letting his cattle graze on federal land, but the rancher insisted that he owed the agency nothing. Supporters soon took up arms and flocked to the Bunch ranch to stand by in support as feds began to seize nearly 1,000 head of cattle, but over the weekend the BLM aborted their attempt to confiscate the animals in order avoid any violent showdown that might have emerged.

People mill around the outside of rancher Cliven Bundy ranch house (George Frey / Getty Images / AFP Photo)

People mill around the outside of rancher Cliven Bundy ranch house (George Frey / Getty Images / AFP Photo)

Paul — the former Republican congressman for Texas and a three-time contender for the office of US president — said on Monday that things aren’t necessarily over on the Bundy ranch, even though the feds have for now relinquished their war with the rancher.

“They may come back with a lot more force like they did at Waco with the Davidians,” Paul told Fox News host Neil Cavuto on Friday, adding that he wished for a non-violent resolution.

Only days earlier, the rancher’s wife told the Huffington Post that the mobilization of heavily armed federal agents around her land was all too similar to the 1993 raid on the Branch Davidians’ Waco, Texas compound that ended with the deaths of 87 civilians.

“If you saw the artillery and their presence — the intimidation they are trying to put on us — it could turn into that,” Carol Bundy said she feared.

Speaking to Paul, Cavuto claimed that the potential for violence to erupt at the Bundy ranch on par with what occurred 20 years ago in Texas was on a “very slight trigger,” to which the former congressman responded, “That’s the great fear….especially if the financial crisis gets much worse which I anticipate.”

According to Paul, the entire incident in Clark County could have emerged differently if the government reconsidered the way it claimed land rights. Bundy said that the disputed property had been in his family for nearly 150 years, but the BLM insisted that his animals were trespassing on federal land since he stopped paying the government a grazing fee back in the early 1990s.

“I don’t believe I owe one penny to the United States government,” Bundy told Nevada’s Desert News last week. “I don’t have a contract with the United States government.”

On Friday, Paul told Cavuto that the Bundy family “had virtual ownership of that land because they had been using it,” yet the law is “not clean enough.

“I think land should be in the states and I think the states should sell it to the people,” he continued, adding that “it’s worked out quite well in big states.”


Rancher Cliven Bundy (George Frey / Getty Images / AFP Photo)

Rancher Cliven Bundy (George Frey / Getty Images / AFP Photo)

“You need the government out of it and I think that’s the important point, if you don’t look at that you can expect more of these problems, especially when our economy gets into more trouble,” the former congressman said.

In the meantime, tensions have lessened to a degree in Clark County, where hundreds of seized cattle were handed back to the Bundy family on Saturday, as RT reported earlier. Nevertheless, BLM spokesman Craig Leff told the AP that his agency will work to resolve the matter “administratively and judicially.” Neither the BLM nor the US Department of Justice responded on Monday to requests for comment made by the newswire, but Cliven Bundy himself said he was going to have to inspect his returned cattle to assess their post-confiscation condition.

“It’s going to take a lot to revive the calves that were nearly dead when they were returned to the Bundy Ranch because they had been separated from their mothers during the roundup, and a few most likely won’t make it,” Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore (R-Las Vegas) told the AP. “It’s time for Nevada to stand up to the federal government and demand the return of the BLM lands to the people of Nevada.”

For his part, Bundy said at a news conference on Monday that “Every sheriff across the United States of America, take away the guns from the United States bureaucrats,” according to the AP.

“Understand it is because of each and every one of you standing here and each and every one of our Americans watching us and protecting us with our firearms why this did not turn into Waco massacre or a Ruby Ridge,” added Fiore.

Bringing back the Guillotine?????

Bring Back the Guillotine

Lethal injection is the wrong way to do capital punishment. Severing the head is the better way to go.

Nov. 1 2013 11:28 AM

By John Kruzel

Click here to view the original image of 627x400px.

File Photo

– The use of guillotines for “governmental purposes” was lobbied for and passed in the U.S. Congress

– The information we received is that 15,000 are currently stored in Georgia and 15,000 in Montana

– Are the beheadings by muslims today meant to desensitize us against U.S. Government beheadings in the future?

A nationwide shortage of a key ingredient used in lethal injections has led some states to experiment with new, untested drug cocktails for executing death row inmates. The practice has raised moral and constitutional questions, and unleashed a wave of litigation. At this point, as a society, we should be asking whether we can stand by and watch as this barbaric practice continues. Are these iffy drug combinations really any better than the guillotine?

Bringing back the guillotine may sound crazy, but it’s certainly better than the current alternative. It’s better for prisoners because quickly severing the head is believed to be one of the quickest, least painful ways to die. And it’s better for organ recipients because the bodies of guillotined prisoners could be more quickly harvested for viable parts, unlike organs that may become unusable after lethal injection due to hypoxemia.

To be clear, I find capital punishment abhorrent in theory and practice. Even if you believe the death penalty is morally acceptable, evidence of wrongful executions and the large number of inmates having been condemned to death before being exonerated shows its undeniable failings. But until the Supreme Court overturns precedents saying that state-sanctioned executions are not cruel and unusual punishment, shouldn’t we strive to make executions the most humane that they can possibly be? Lethal injection—the current method of execution of the federal government and the 32 states with the death penalty—and the guillotine are both evils, but the guillotine is the lesser evil of the two.

In the 2008 Baze v. Rees decision, a divided Supreme Court said lethal injection in particular does not violate the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment. But writing for the dissent, Justices Ginsburg and Souter expressed grave concerns that the three-drug cocktail administered in Kentucky “would cause a conscious inmate to suffer excruciating pain.”

Dr. Jay Chapman, the creator of the three-drug cocktail, supports ditching his 1977 invention due to its reputation for causing slow, painful deaths. “The simplest thing I know of is the guillotine,” he told CNN in 2007. “And I’m not at all opposed to bringing it back. The person’s head is cut off and that’s the end of it.” Other doctors have stuck their necks out by protesting lethal injection on the grounds that administering it requires medical professionals to violate the Hippocratic Oath. The American Medical Association officially discourages physicians from participating in lethal injections.

The guillotine sidesteps any Hippocratic hypocrisy. The layman can operate a guillotine just as well as a doctor. As Hanni Hindi wrote in Slate some years ago, “The prisoner facing the guillotine was placed facedown on a large wooden plank, their head secured in a brace and steadied by an executioner’s assistant known as ‘the Photographer,’ who held onto their hair (or, in the case of bald prisoners, their ears). When everything was in place, a 120-pound blade was dropped from 7 feet in the air, immediately severing the prisoner’s head.” It never misses its mark.

The movement to bring back the guillotine has gained some limited traction in modern politics. In 1996, Georgia state legislator Doug Teper introduced a bill before the Georgia House of Representatives that would have amended the state’s death penalty code to provide for death by guillotine instead of the electric chair. “The General Assembly finds that while prisoners condemned to death may wish to donate one or more of their organs for transplant, any such desire is thwarted by the fact that electrocution makes all such organs unsuitable for transplant.” Teper’s bill died in the House. But given the swirling controversy over questionable lethal injection ingredients, perhaps the issue is now ready to be placed in the court of public opinion.

One familiar position put forth by advocates of lethal injection is that the three-drug cocktail is far less offensive than the guillotine—to witnesses. Some state laws grant victims’ families the right to view executions. Would bringing back the guillotine fail to consider the feelings of those who would have to watch someone get his head severed?

In short, no. As Michael Lawrence Goodwin argues, there are two main reasons why victims’ families watch executions: out of a desire to represent a murdered family member at what they consider the ultimate stage of criminal justice, and because of a need for closure. A guillotine execution would not devalue someone’s symbolic presence, and it may actually better facilitate closure for certain witnesses.

Goodwin’s analysis shows that for some families, the notion of closure may create a sense of false hope, and watching an execution may actually “revictimize” them. On the other hand, some families who have witnessed an execution have subsequently complained that the executed died too easily—that they “got off light.” In the former cases, no execution method would satisfy the witness. But the guillotine may provide succor in the latter cases. Even if it’s quick and painless in fact, it’d be hard to imagine the guillotine failing to instill a sense of justified wrath.

Those who would be up for watching a state-sanctioned beheading should heed the warning of Albert Camus. The author and philosopher once told a biographer the story of his father’s experience witnessing the guillotine in action: “He got up in the dark to go to the place of execution at the other end of town amid a great crowd of people. What he saw that morning he never told anyone. My mother relates merely that he came rushing home, his face distorted, refused to talk, lay down for a moment on the bed, and suddenly began to vomit.”

As Camus made clear, capital punishment is always a barbaric practice. If we’re going to continue to allow it in the United States, maybe it makes sense to be confronted by how gruesome it really is.

Obama backstabbing Israel

This man is screwing Israel behind their backs, and Americans in front of their faces.  WHY is this MAN still in the office of the President?????

(Netanya, Israel) — I landed in Israel on Friday afternoon amidst a rapidly intensifying crisis in U.S.-Israeli relations.

The Obama administration is preparing to cut a disastrously bad nuclear bargain with Iran that relieves enormous economic pressure on Tehran without requiring the mullahs to dismantle a single centrifuge. The Israelis are stunned. Top officials feel betrayed by the White House, including by reports that the White House has secretly been easing sanctions for months.

There have long been tensions between President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu. There have been times I have feared a “train wreck” between the two. Hopefully, the dynamic will change for the better, and quickly. But at the moment things are going from bad to worse in a hurry here.

Please pray that the terrible deal with Iran would be derailed for a real deal that ends Iran’s nuclear weapons program. Please pray that the White House changes direction and that the Lord changes the heart of the President. Pray that the leaders of Israel would be like the sons of Issachar, “men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do.” (I Chronicles 12:32) Please pray that the leaders of all nations involved would turn to Bible and read the Scriptures for wisdom. And please pray for the peace of Jerusalem at this critical hour.

“Netanyahu is in a state of shocked disbelief” at the deal and feels “misled” by the U.S. over specifics of the deal, reports Israel TV 10.

“If there were a synoptic map for diplomatic storms, the National Weather Service would be putting out a hurricane warning right now,” noted a leading Israeli commentator in Haaretz. “The winds are blowing cold, tensions are on the rise and tempers are beginning to flare in the Bermuda triangle of relations between Israel, the US and the American Jewish community.

And given that the turbulence is being caused by an issue long deemed to be critical to Israel’s very existence, we may actually be facing a rare Category 5 flare up, a ‘superstorm’ of US-Israeli relations.”

Another Israeli newspaper called the White House approach to Iran “shameless appeasement.”

What will Netanyahu and his government do now? This remains to be seen. But consider the Prime Minister’s blunt language.

“Israel utterly rejects [the deal] and what I am saying is shared by many in the region, whether or not they express that publicly. Israel is not obliged by this agreement and Israel will do everything it needs to do to defend itself and the security of its people.”

“These critical days in November will be remembered for years to come,” said Naftali Bennett, a top Israeli Cabinet official.

“The Free World stands before a fork in the road with a clear choice: Either stand strong and insist Iran dismantles its nuclear-weapons program, or surrender, cave in and allow Iran to retain its 18,500 centrifuges. Years from now, when an Islamic terrorist blows up a suitcase in New York, or when Iran launches a nuclear missile at Rome or Tel Aviv, it will have happened only because a Bad Deal was made during these defining moments. Like in a boxing match, Iran’s regime is currently on the floor. The count is just seconds away from 10. Now is the time to step up the pressure and force Iran to dismantle its nuclear program. Not to let it up. It would be dangerous to lift the sanctions and accept a deal which allows Iran to retain its entire uranium-production line. It would be dangerous because Iran would, a year, two or three from now, just turn everything back on and obtain a nuclear weapon before the world can do anything to stop it. It is not enough to shut off the centrifuges. They need to be completely dismantled. We call upon the West to avoid signing a Bad Deal. Israel’s responsibility is to ensure the security of its citizens and that is exactly what we will do. We will never outsource our security.

Notes Mideast expert Daniel Pipes: “I wrote before the last presidential election that ‘Israel’s troubles will really begin’ should Obama win second term. At Obama’s second inauguration, I predicted that he, ‘freed from re-election constraints, can finally express his early anti-Zionist views after a decade of political positioning. Watch for a markedly worse tone from the second Obama administration toward the third Netanyahu government.’ That moment is now upon us.”

Netanyahu, the reports on Israel’s Channel 10 and Channel 2 news said, had “an unprecedented confrontation” with US Secretary of State John Kerry in Tel Aviv on Friday morning over the possible deal, which he publicly described as “a very, very bad deal” and which he implored Kerry “not to rush to sign” and to “reconsider.”

  • The Netanyahu government is “in a crisis of faith” with the Obama administration over the possible deal, Israel’s Channel 1 News further reported, in part because it apparently differs in content from the terms that Kerry had previously described to Netanyahu. Other Israeli reports said Netanyahu felt he had been “misled” by the US over the terms of the deal.
  • “Netanyahu is in a state of shocked disbelief” at the imminent deal, Channel 10 news reported. It said the prime minister had not believed that a significant easing of sanctions was on the table in Geneva, but now was horrified to see that the emerging deal provided for a dramatic easing of sanctions against a mere Iranian promise to restrict uranium enrichment to 3.5%. In his public comments Friday, a clearly agitated Netanyahu said that, under the deal, “Iran gets everything it wanted at this stage and pays nothing.” Netanyahu — who in a clear sign of the Israel-US crisis, delivered the remarks alone, rather than at a traditional joint appearance with the visiting Kerry — added: “I urge Secretary Kerry not to rush to sign, to wait, to reconsider.”


The Israelis are learning the hard way Obama is a treacherous back-stabber who can’t be trusted under any circumstances.

Via Weekly Standard:

So the Obama administration is, after all, capable of tough, bull-necked diplomacy. These guys go for the jugular—for them diplomacy is a blood sport where anything is licit so long as victory is the endgame. Too bad the White House deploys those skills not against U.S. adversaries but against allies like Israel and France.

Haaretz reports that the administration misled Israel regarding the terms of the proposed interim agreement with Iran over its nuclear weapons program. One senior Israeli official explained that on Wednesday Israel had seen an outline that the Israelis “didn’t love but could live with.” Thursday morning French and British officials, and not the White House, told the Israelis that the terms had changed and were much more favorable than what they’d been shown previously. “Suddenly it changed to something much worse that included a much more significant lifting of sanctions,” said the Israeli official. “The feeling was that the Americans are much more eager to reach an agreement than the Iranians.”

When Kerry landed in Geneva Friday, only a few small details were left to sort out before striking an agreement. But the problem wasn’t the Iranian side, rather it was France that wouldn’t sign off on the “bracketed text” in the draft document. In other words, after misleading the Israelis, the administration had hoped to present the deal as a fait accompli. In scuttling the agreement, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius saved the day—for the time being.

Iran general: No doubt Israel and America will be attacked

Even before the nuclear negotiations between Iran and the 5+1 world powers ended in Geneva early Sunday with no deal, an Iranian general lashed out at America Saturday and warned both the U.S. and Israel that they will be attacked.

According to Fars News Agency, the regime’s outlet run by the Revolutionary Guards, Gen. Massoud Jazayeri, deputy chief of staff of Iran’s armed forces, said “America’s interests and all of Israel are within the range of the Islamic Republic and there is not the slightest doubt among Iran’s armed forces to confront the American government and the Zionists (Israel).”

Jazayeri said Israel is pulling the strings of Washington and “the American government is one of the most hated and evil governments in the world.”

The general mocked President Obama’s position that the military option remains on the table over Iran’s nuclear development. “If America had the ability and the will for war, it would allow no doubt in attacking Syria. America will soon find out that Iran’s power cannot be ignored.”

The Geneva negotiations ended early Sunday with no deal after three days of high-level talks when France questioned the initial draft and if it went far enough in curbing Iran’s illicit nuclear program. Iran and the 5+1 world powers are to meet again on November 20.

President Narcissist

Yep, he really, really is.  The man is so totally “into himself” he can’t see what he has done to America.  Worse, he probably KNOWS what he has done, and doesn’t care about REAL Americans, those of us actually born here, who care about our country, who were brought up to believe in American exceptionalism, patriotism, and the strength that comes through believing in ourselves and our way of life.

Obama: ‘I’ve Been Burned’ by Healthcare Website

Image: Obama: 'I've Been Burned' by Healthcare Website

Friday, 08 Nov 2013 11:36 AM

By Lisa Barron

President Barack Obama’s apology to Americans losing their health coverage under Obamacare may have actually caused him more to regret.

During an interview with MSNBC host Chuck Todd Thursday, the president said, “I’ve been burned already with — a website,” before realizing how that sounded and correcting himself.

“The American people have been burned by — a website that has been dysfunctional,” he quickly added.

Editor’s Note: ObamaCare Is About to Strike Are You Prepared?

The administration has promised to have the website fixed by the end of the month, and when Todd asked about the consequences of that not happening, Obama responded, “Well, that — let me just say generally — and I don’t think I’m saying anything that people don’t know and I haven’t said before. I am deeply frustrated about — how this website has not worked over the first couple of weeks.”

More Obama Lies: Jobs Numbers

Edit: Boston.Com:  I KNEW they would do this today.  Absolute NONSENSE!


The “jobs” “added” were the “Government workers” who were placed on furlough.  Now the administration is attempting to COUNT those as JOBS ADDED this month.  DO NOT FALL FOR THIS LIE!

US added surprisingly strong 204,000 jobs in Oct.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. economy added 204,000 jobs in October, an unexpected burst of hiring in a month when the government was partly shut down for 16 days, and far more jobs in August and September than previously thought.

The Labor Department said Friday that the unemployment rate rose to 7.3 percent from 7.2 percent in September. But that was likely because furloughed federal workers were temporarily counted as unemployed.

The surprising job growth shows the economy was stronger in October than many assumed it would be. Activity at service companies also accelerated last month, an earlier report showed. The figures suggest that many companies shrugged off the shutdown, an encouraging sign for the economy.

The job figures are a major factor for the Federal Reserve in deciding when to reduce its economic stimulus. The Fed has been buying bonds each month to keep long-term interest rates low to encourage borrowing and spending.

Dow index futures initially fell after the report was released at 8:30 a.m. Eastern time, and the yield on the 10-year Treasury note surged to 2.73 percent from 2.60 percent late Thursday. That suggested that some investors worried that the healthier job growth might soon prompt the Fed to pull back on its bond buying.

But stock futures rose ahead of the market’s opening.


Go to the link below for the video.
28 Oct 2012
Lt. Col. Tony Schafer told Fox News that sources were telling him that the President was watching the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya in real-time. Schafer told Fox that “only the President” could have ordered backup for the Americans who were under siege by terrorists so the President was most certainly informed of the situation as it was unfolding. “I hate to say this,” Schafer said, “according to my sources, yes, [the President] was one of those in the White House situation room in real-time watching this. And the question becomes, ‘What did the President do or not do in the moments he saw this unveiling?’ He — only he — could issue a directive to Secretary of Defense Panetta to do something.”

Dearborn Michigan Implements Sharia Law

City in Michigan First to Fully Implement Sharia Law

Posted about 21 hours ago


<NationalReport>In a surprise weekend vote, the city council of Dearborn, Michigan voted 4-3 to became the first US city to officially implement all aspects of Sharia Law.  The tough new law, slated to go into affect January 1st, addresses secular law including crime, politics and economics as well as personal matters such as sexual intercourse, fasting, prayer, diet and hygiene.

The new law could see citizens stoned for adultery or having a limb amputated for theft. Lesser offenses, such as drinking alcohol or abortion, could result in flogging and/or caning. In addition, the law imposes harsh laws with regards to women and allows for child marriage.

Some in town seem to welcome the new legislation while others have denounced the move as “abhorrent”, a threat to freedom and incompatible with the Constitution.  When asked by National Report about the need for such a law, local resident Jeremy Ahmed stated:

“It is because of our need that Allah the Almighty, in all his generosity, has created laws for us, so that we can utilize them to obtain justice. We hope to see other cities taking this action in the face of the governments inaction of passing such legislation”.

Other local residents have taken to social media sites with comments ranging from “praise be to Allah” and “long live Islam” to “RIP Dearborn” and “Only in Obama’s America would an American city consider Sharia Law”.

The city of Dearborn is a well known safe haven for Muslims and Muslim sympathizers. With a population of around 98 thousand people, roughly 30% of its residence are Muslims making them the largest concentration of Muslims in the United States.

The dangers of Sharia Law in America were first outlined in a 2010 study produced by the Center for Security Policy (CSP) titled “Sharia: The Threat to America“, a 352-page book based on authoritative sources of Islamic law. While sharia includes strict rules for prayer and fasting, it is also an all-encompassing legal and political code that covers all aspects of life including those that have nothing to do with religion.

– See more at:

Welcome to “Amerika” folks.  You sat on your ass and the Third World came to you.

Time to Start the Movement

Might be a little early to find us a good Presidential Candidate and draft him to run – but I think it’s time we started thinking it through.

It is, however, TIME to Unite America Against Obama.  You’ve had FIVE years to view this man’s policies – most of which were put in place by his Marxist/Terrorist Cabinet.

Ladies and Gentlemen, THIS IS AMERICA.  We do NOT TAKE KINDLY to TYRANNY!  It’s time to stop it.

I think the conservatives, tea party and libertarians ought to – for once band together and get on the same sheet of music and propel someone into office. We’ve got to get someone that can

1) Reverse what Obama has done
2) CLOSE the EPA, the Dept of Education, get RID of the Homeland security department and break up the scams, scandals and corruption.
3) WEAKEN the government back down to a “by the people” condition.
4) Strength the US military – and refocus them on defending this country.
5) Remove the parap-military abilities the police have against American Citizens
6) bring back the strength of America, the belief in and respect of the American Citizen and not “government officials”.

Government officials have no more respect for us citizens than we do for cockroaches. And they are just as pervasive as roaches.

Seriously. We have blogs  with people from multiple states all with similar beliefs.  If we can get one person or group in each state to start working on this – such as the Tea Party, Libertarians, and Conservatives and start working to convince people of the advantages of getting someone in office we can get to do the things above, we might have a chance in hell of reversing some of this bullshit in our life times.

Obviously not everyone in these groups have exactly the same beliefs – we know and understand this.  However, we have beliefs CLOSE ENOUGH to one another (and some Libertarians, and even some Liberals belong to the Tea Party!) that we should be able to come together.  I’m not concerned about “building a new party”.  Screw the “party” system.  We need a LEADER who can reverse Obama’s destruction.  And while I may disagree with many things Libertarians say (specifically things like legalization of drugs – that’s a state matter anyway) – they need to step up to the plate too.

Our country is BROKEN. We have three more years of this idiot, the Man of Kenya who believes in Marxism.  We MUST find a leader who can stop the damage and reverse it.  Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and their ilk will simply continue the complete and utter destruction of this country, bringing it down to the level of African Politics (where every leader is a crazy man, and everyone wants to kill him to get their own crazy man in office).  This madness MUST STOP.

Obama is working under the assumption that someone like Hillary will take over when he leaves and force the rest down our throats. And he’s got three more years to screw up America. The worse he can make it, the more difficult it will be.

For every year this man has been in office now, it’s likely to take three or four years more to fix things. If he gets 8 years, it will take us a full generation to repair the damages – assuming we CAN fix the damages now.

Folks, it’s time to get out of the clock and stop the pendulum….


noun: insurrection; plural noun: insurrections
a violent uprising against an authority or government.
“the insurrection was savagely put down”
synonyms: rebellion, revolt, uprising, mutiny, revolution, insurgence, riot, sedition, subversion;

civil disorder, unrest, anarchy;
coup (d’état)
“the suspects all escaped after a prison insurrection”

Insurrection Act
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The Insurrection Act of 1807 is the set of laws that govern the ability of the President of the United States to deploy troops within the United States to put down lawlessness, insurrection and rebellion. The laws are chiefly contained in 10 U.S.C. § 331 – 10 U.S.C. § 335. The general aim is to limit Presidential power as much as possible, relying on state and local governments for initial response in the event of insurrection. Coupled with the Posse Comitatus Act, Presidential powers for law enforcement are limited and delayed.

Relation to Posse Comitatus

The entire text of the Posse Comitatus Act, as amended in 1956, is as follows:

18 U.S.C. § 1385 – Use of Army and Air Force as posse comitatus

“Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both”.

Accordingly, actions taken under the Insurrection Act, as an “Act of Congress”, have always been exempt from the Posse Comitatus Act.[1][2]

Nuclear Weapon EMP Effects

A high-altitude nuclear detonation produces an immediate flux of gamma rays from the nuclear reactions within the device. These photons in turn produce high energy free electrons by Compton scattering at altitudes between (roughly) 20 and 40 km. These electrons are then trapped in the Earth’s magnetic field, giving rise to an oscillating electric current. This current is asymmetric in general and gives rise to a rapidly rising radiated electromagnetic field called an electromagnetic pulse (EMP). Because the electrons are trapped essentially simultaneously, a very large electromagnetic source radiates coherently.

The pulse can easily span continent-sized areas, and this radiation can affect systems on land, sea, and air. The first recorded EMP incident accompanied a high-altitude nuclear test over the South Pacific and resulted in power system failures as far away as Hawaii. A large device detonated at 400-500 km over Kansas would affect all of CONUS. The signal from such an event extends to the visual horizon as seen from the burst point.

The EMP produced by the Compton electrons typically lasts for about 1 microsecond, and this signal is called HEMP. In addition to the prompt EMP, scattered gammas and inelastic gammas produced by weapon neutrons produce an intermediate timesignal from about 1 microsecond to 1 second. The energetic debris entering the ionosphere produces ionization and heating of the E-region. In turn, this causes the geomagnetic field to heave,producing a late-time magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) EMP generally called a heave signal.

Initially, the plasma from the weapon is slightly conducting; the geomagnetic field cannot penetrate this volume and is displaced as a result. This impulsive distortion of the geomagnetic field was observed worldwide in the case of the STARFISH test. To be sure, the size of the signal from this process is not large, but systems connected to long lines (e.g., power lines, telephone wires, and tracking wire antennas) are at risk because of the large size of the induced current. The additive effects of the MHD-EMP can cause damage to unprotected civilian and military systems that depend on or use long-line cables. Small, isolated, systems tend to be unaffected.

Military systems must survive all aspects of the EMP, from the rapid spike of the early time events to the longer duration heave signal. One of the principal problems in assuring such survival is the lack of test data from actual high-altitude nuclear explosions. Only a few such experiments were carried out before the LTBT took effect, and at that time the theoretical understanding of the phenomenon of HEMP was relatively poor. No high-altitude tests have been conducted by the United States since 1963. In addition to the more familiar high-yield tests mentioned above, three small devices were exploded in the Van Allen belts as part of Project Argus. That experiment was intended to explore the methods by which electrons were trapped and traveled along magnetic field lines.

The acid test of the response of modern military systems to EMP is their performance in simulators, particularly where a large number of components are involved. So many cables, pins, connectors, and devices are to be found in real hardware that computation of the progress of the EMP signal cannot be predicted, even conceptually, after the field enters a real system. System failures or upsets will depend upon the most intricate details of current paths and interior electrical connections, and one cannot analyze these beforehand. Threat-level field illumination from simulators combined with pulsed-current injection are used to evaluate the survivability of a real system against an HEMP threat.

The technology to build simulators with risetimes on the order of 10 ns is well known. This risetime is, however, longer than that of a real HEMP signal. Since 1986 the United States has used a new EMP standard which requires waveforms at threat levels having risetimes under a few nanoseconds. Threat-level simulators provide the best technique for establishing the hardness of systems against early-time HEMP. They are, however, limited to finite volumes (aircraft, tanks, communications nodes) and cannot encompass an extended system. For these systems current injection must be used.

HEMP can pose a serious threat to military systems when even a single high-altitude nuclear explosion occurs. In principle, even a new nuclear proliferator could execute such a strike. In practice, however, it seems unlikely that such a state would use one of its scarce warheads to inflict damage which must be considered secondary to the primary effects of blast, shock, and thermal pulse. Furthermore, a HEMP attack must use a relatively large warhead to be effective (perhaps on the order of one mega-ton), and new proliferators are unlikely to be able to construct such a device, much less make it small enough to be lofted to high altitude by a ballistic missile or space launcher. Finally, in a tactical situation such as was encountered in the Gulf War, an attack by Iraq against Coalition forces would have also been an attack by Iraq against its own communications, radar, missile, and power systems. EMP cannot be confined to only one side of the burst.

Source Region Electro-magnetic Pulse [SREMP] is produced by low-altitude nuclear bursts. An effective net vertical electron current is formed by the asymmetric deposition of electrons in the atmosphere and the ground, and the formation and decay of this current emits a pulse of electromagnetic radiation in directions perpendicular to the current. The asymmetry from a low-altitude explosion occurs because some electrons emitted downward are trapped in the upper millimeter of the Earth’s surface while others, moving upward and outward, can travel long distances in the atmosphere, producing ionization and charge separation. A weaker asymmetry can exist for higher altitude explosions due to the density gradient of the atmosphere.

Within the source region, peak electric fields greater than 10 5 V/m and peak magnetic fields greater than 4,000 A/m can exist. These are much larger than those from HEMP and pose a considerable threat to military or civilian systems in the affected region. The ground is also a conductor of electricity and provides a return path for electrons at the outer part of the deposition region toward the burst point. Positive ions, which travel shorter distances than electrons and at lower velocities, remain behind and recombine with the electrons returning through the ground. Thus, strong magnetic fields are produced in the region of ground zero. When the nuclear detonation occurs near to the ground, the SREMP target may not be located in the electromagnetic far field but may instead lie within the electro-magnetic induction region. In this regime the electric and magnetic fields of the radiation are no longer perpendicular to one another, and many of the analytic tools with which we understand EM coupling in the simple plane-wave case no longer apply. The radiated EM field falls off rapidly with increasing distance from the deposition region (near to the currents the EMP does not appear to come from a point source).

As a result, the region where the greatest damage can be produced is from about 3 to 8 km from ground zero. In this same region structures housing electrical equipment are also likely to be severely damaged by blast and shock. According to the third edition of The Effects of Nuclear Weapons, by S. Glasstone and P. Dolan, the threat to electrical and electronic systems from a surface-burst EMP may extend as far as the distance at which the peak overpressure from a 1-megaton burst is 2 pounds per square inch.

One of the unique features of SREMP is the high late-time voltage which can be produced on long lines in the first 0.1 second. This stress can produce large late-time currents on the exterior shields of systems, and shielding against the stress is very difficult. Components sensitive to magnetic fields may have to be specially hardened. SREMP effects are uniquely nuclear weapons effects.

During the Cold War, SREMP was conceived primarily as a threat to the electronic and electrical systems within hardened targets such as missile launch facilities. Clearly, SREMP effects are only important if the targeted systems are expected to survive the primary damage-causing mechanisms of blast, shock, and thermal pulse. Because SREMP is uniquely associated with nuclear strikes, technology associated with SREMP generation has no commercial applications. However, technologies associated with SREMP measurement and mitigation are commercially interesting for lightning protection and electromagnetic compatibility applications. Basic physics models of SREMP generation and coupling to generic systems, as well as numerical calculation, use unclassified and generic weapon and target parameters. However, codes and coupling models which reveal the response and vulnerability of current or future military systems are militarily critical.

Sources and Methods

EBT To Shut Down Nationwide Starting November

Full on  Zombie Apocalypse will start in November… just in case you wanted to know.



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Message from the President

Sent over DoD communications systems:






















Bracken: Will Obama Stop the Music This November?

From Matt Bracken:


Bracken sends; spread it far and wide:

Will Obama Stop the Music This November?

The current “shutdown” of 17% of the federal government has primed America for chaos with constant left-wing rhetoric and news media reports couched in apocalyptic terms such as crisis, brink, catastrophe, hostage, arsonist and terrorist. But a catastrophe is useful to a would-be tyrant only as long as it can be blamed on a hated enemy. In 1933 Hitler’s agents burned the Reichstag, not just to sow fear and confusion, but primarily in order to charge his Communist enemies with treason as an excuse to obliterate them. The German “mainstream media” dutifully parroted the Nazi Party line, without investigating the true source of the arson.

A similar pattern of scapegoating has been followed in the United States throughout the term of President Obama. For example, leading Democrats and their shills in the mainstream media have long been salivating at the prospect of a “Tea Party” conservative going on a violent rampage. We saw this in Tucson immediately after the Gabby Giffords shooting, after the Aurora, Colorado, theater attack, and after the recent Washington Navy Yard shooting, when Democrats and their media allies rushed to blame “Tea Party terrorists” in early reports based upon zero evidence. As far as we know, all of these attacks were carried out by deranged individuals following the orders of inner demons, but still the left hopes for a violent response by right-wing “bitter clingers,” so named by President Obama himself during a private fund raiser.

The current “government shutdown” seems to be designed to provoke a violent right-wing reaction. War memorials have been barricaded, even iconic national parks such as those at Valley Forge, Yellowstone, and Mount Rushmore have been closed to the American public that purportedly owns them and undoubtedly funds them. At Yellowstone, senior citizens and foreign tourists have been rousted from paid private hotel rooms by armed federal agents and forcibly bused out of the park. Around the closed Mount Rushmore National Park, cones have been set along public highways to prevent tourists even from stopping to take photographs. Meanwhile, a demonstration on the otherwise “closed” National Mall by illegal aliens demanding amnesty was welcomed by the Obama administration with open arms.

In my opinion, the intention of these selected park closures is not only to inflict psychological pain upon the administration’s perceived “enemies” but also to provoke a violent response by fed-up constitutional conservatives. Thus far, none has risen to the bait; so what will the regime do next? I believe that President Obama may be planning to up the ante by orders of magnitude. How might this happen? The “government shutdown” over the continuing resolution bill has turned on the Democrats’ demand for a “clean” CR, but the real battle will come next week when the national debt limit is reached.

What will happen if President Obama and the Democrats in Congress demand a “clean” debt extension, with no upper limits and no attached conditions, just as they have demanded a “clean CR” to fund current government operations? In the battle over the debt limit extension, either the Republicans will fold and accede to Democrat demands for infinite debt, or they will stand their ground just as they have over the CR. If the Republicans refuse to grant Obama an unlimited debt extension, he may play the final card required to send the United States into such violent turmoil that he will be able to declare a state of emergency and rule by decree under the National Emergencies Act.

How would such horrible conditions be created that President Obama might be able to justify seizing emergency power? By cutting off all federal entitlement payments while claiming that he cannot continue them without a debt extension, secure in the knowledge that the mainstream media will continue to dutifully serve as his propaganda arm, blaming recalcitrant Republicans for all of the negative consequences.

While senior citizens on Social Security and other federal pension plan recipients may not immediately take to the streets, going on violent rampages of rioting, looting and burning, there is a segment of our population that will do exactly that: many of the 50 million Americans who today literally put the food on their tables by using an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card. While the states administer their individual EBT programs, most of the money comes from the federal government. Please read my previous essay “When the music stops: how America’s cities may explode in violence” to understand the tremendous risk that will accompany a cutoff—even briefly—of EBT payments.

The fact that thousands of Americans might be injured or killed during the nationwide riots that would follow the looting of supermarkets and delivery trucks will not be a moral impediment to the architects of Operation Fast and Furious. You will recall that this infamous “law enforcement operation” resulted in the murders of hundreds of innocent Mexicans and at least two U.S. federal agents by untracked firearms supplied directly to the Mexican drug cartels by our own federal “law enforcement” agencies. With Operation Fast and Furious (“gun control under the radar” in Obama’s own words), this administration has already crossed the mass-murder-for-political-ends Rubicon—and the mainstream media cooperated in the cover-up.

A lifelong Marxist revolutionary who has caused hundreds to be murdered in an attempt at political gain on gun control is not likely to blanch at the prospect of thousands dying in bloody food riots when the stakes are incalculably higher. If “the music stops” and our cities burn, Obama may grasp the opportunity to declare a state of emergency and seize dictatorial powers from the fire and ashes. Those who resist his rule by emergency decree will be declared to be “Tea Party terrorists” by Democrat leaders and their captive media, and we may finally see why the Department of Homeland Security has been purchasing those billions of hollow-point bullets, UAV drones, and armored vehicles.

If this is their calculation, it is a diabolical plan indeed. But a plan to ride a tiger is not the same as riding the tiger. Permanent rule by emergency decree may not be as simple to accomplish as would-be left-wing tyrants believe. Millions of Americans will not be fooled by the deliberately instigated torching of our cities and will not go quietly into the night of Marxist tyranny.

Matt Bracken is the author of “When The Music Stops” and other essays in The Bracken Anthology, the Enemies Foreign And Domestic trilogy, and his latest novel, Castigo Cay.

‘Gestapo’ tactics meet senior citizens at Yellowstone

Folks, it’s time to put a stop to this crap.  Get on the phone and start letting the White House know you’re not happy, your family isn’t happy, your grand dad and father who fought in wars for this country isn’t happy, and “We’re Not Gonna Take This Any More!”

October 8, 2013

By John Macone Staff writer

NEWBURYPORT — Pat Vaillancourt went on a trip last week that was intended to showcase some of America’s greatest treasures.

Instead, the Salisbury resident said she and others on her tour bus witnessed an ugly spectacle that made her embarrassed, angry and heartbroken for her country.

Vaillancourt was one of thousands of people who found themselves in a national park as the federal government shutdown went into effect on Oct. 1. For many hours her tour group, which included senior citizen visitors from Japan, Australia, Canada and the United States, were locked in a Yellowstone National Park hotel under armed guard.

The tourists were treated harshly by armed park employees, she said, so much so that some of the foreign tourists with limited English skills thought they were under arrest.

When finally allowed to leave, the bus was not allowed to halt at all along the 2.5-hour trip out of the park, not even to stop at private bathrooms that were open along the route.

“We’ve become a country of fear, guns and control,” said Vaillancourt, who grew up in Lawrence. “It was like they brought out the armed forces. Nobody was saying, ‘we’re sorry,’ it was all like — ” as she clenched her fist and banged it against her forearm.

– See more at:

North Korea puts army on alert, warns U.S. of ‘horrible disaster’

These guys haven’t gone anywhere….


By Jack Kim

SEOUL | Tue Oct 8, 2013 8:24am EDT

(Reuters) – North Korea said on Tuesday its military would be put on high alert and be ready to launch operations, stepping up tension after weeks of rhetoric against the United States and South Korea, whom it accuses of instigating hostility.

Reclusive North Korea has often issued threats to attack the South and the United States but has rarely turned them into action. Such hostile rhetoric is widely seen as a way to push its domestic and international political agenda.

A spokesman for the North’s military warned the United States of “disastrous consequences” for moving a group of ships, including an aircraft carrier, into a South Korean port.

“In this connection, the units of all services and army corps level of the KPA received an emergency order from its supreme command to re-examine the operation plans already ratified by it and keep themselves fully ready to promptly launch operations anytime,” the spokesman said, referring to the Korean People’s Army (KPA).

“The U.S. will be wholly accountable for the unexpected horrible disaster to be met by its imperialist aggression forces’ nuclear strike means,” the spokesman said in a statement carried by the official KCNA news agency.

South Korea’s Defense Minister Kim Kwan-jin said later on Tuesday there was no indication of unusual activity by the North’s military.

Washington brushed off the North’s warning.

“We’ve seen this type of rhetoric from North Korea before,” State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said. “Such comments from North Korea will do nothing to end (its) isolation or reduce the costs (it) pays for defying the international community.”

In March, the North declared it was no longer bound by the armistice that ended fighting in the 1950-53 Korean War signed with the United States and China, and threatened to use nuclear weapons to attack U.S. and South Korean territories.

South Korea’s defense ministry said the U.S. ships were taking part in a joint routine maritime search and rescue exercise with the South’s navy and said any criticism by North Korea was “wrong”.


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