Conspiracies, Gun Control and You

I find it disconcerting that people continually bring up conspiracies, and call those of us who, by the way are very well read on some of the subjects, “sheep” and “brainwashed”.

This is a Leftist tactic. Call people names. Make them feel bad. Make them think they are stupid. Look, I’ve been following and in many cases, disproving (even, shall we say ‘disemboweling’), conspiracy theories) for a very long time. Perhaps longer than some folks visiting here have been alive.

I even ran a site called “Anomalies Network”. I was the forums administrator and one of my jobs was to take apart conspiracy theories and show the holes. I don’t have as much time these days to do that – but suffice it to say that almost every stupid theory out there, from 9-11 to Illuminati has been pretty much disproven.

People, however persist on these things because it gives an air of mystery.

Let me explain what is wrong with this…. it is distracting. It keeps people in an uproar over the wrong things. It takes the focus off the most important things in life, including but not limited to taking care of your own, your family, yourself, your friends and your future.

Right now, there are things that are SIGNIFICANTLY more important than “George Bush caused 9-11”.

  1. Pedophilia… of EPIC proportions.
  3. Socialists, Communists and Muslims in Government
  4. Fighting the good Fight

Choose your battles wisely and carefully. Of all of those things above, Gun Control is the NUMBER ONE MOST IMPORTANT point of the four.

The US Government is onto the pedo rings, and they are taking them down. But, it answers what has happened to so many children who simply vanished over the years.

Socialists and Communists and Muslims in Government will work itself out, or it won’t.

Fighting the Good Fight – the thing that is most near and dear to your heart, whatever that might be, is nothing if you don’t have the freedom to fight. I fight against censorship constantly, to the point I’ve been banned from Social Media in some areas. But, I’m STILL HERE, aren’t I?

Gun Control – isn’t about guns, it’s about CONTROL.

The NRA, GOA and a couple other organizations have more or less folded under pressure from the Left. And from internal pressure of those who think it easier to “get along to go along”.

Gun Control affects us all. Cops, Military, Fire Fighters, and Civilians. A weapon in the hand of a trained individual is worth all the cops in the world if they are 6 minutes away.

Controlling the guns – a plank of the platform of the Leftists in Congress (Beto O’Rourke for example) is absolutely his highest and most important point of order. Bernie Sanders is right there with him.

These two men have one thing in Common. Socialism.

Which, eventually, leads to Communism.

American can NOT become Communist, while the men and women of this country stand up and firmly say “NO”. And to do this we MUST in unison, stand say, “You Shall NOT infringe our Right to keep and bear Arms”.

Stand up. Call your Congressional Reps and tell them in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS, attempting to remove our weapons, or access to them, absolutely, unequivocally means WAR.

“Act of Terror”

Pam Geller wrote an article on the 22nd of December 2018 highlighting the murder of two, young Danish hikers in Morocco.  (

The scum that did this are connected to ISIS (as stated by Danish authorities).

But, the problem is, Islam is also connected to them.

Islam IS the problem.

Those Progressives in Europe are cutting their OWN throats with the “hate crime” legislation and rulings.  Far too many countries have opened their borders to these murderers, and people still, somehow believe that Islam is “a religion of peace”.

America is doing the same thing, in a smaller way.  We’ve had at least one woman murdered here by these criminals, beheaded at her place of business in Oklahoma in 2014.  Little was done.  Yes, he was caught, but was it treated as a crime or a terrorist attack?  He had been fired for “proselytizing” (Islam).  He was shot by … a citizen with a gun, one of the executives on duty that day.

What came from the FBIs mouth NEXT was the typical propaganda of the Obama Administration:

A law enforcement official said the F.B.I. had not found any connection between Mr. Nolen and the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, or other groups. “It’s not a typical workplace response, and given the current environment it is very alarming and is something we are closely looking into,” one of the officials said. “So far, there is no nexus to terrorism we are aware of.”

This scumbag, Alton Nolan was found guilty of murder in 2017 but nothing was done for the family.  The woman murdered can’t be brought back. The defense attempted to argue the man was mentally ill (Perhaps in an effort to remove any prison time).

Maybe, people like this SHOULD be viewed as mentally ill and removed from the streets immediately?  I know that the Left will scream about it, then try to say that “All religions are mentally ill”.  Or somehow spin the topic back onto the Right.

This is not a Right vs Left topic.  This is a Western Civilization vs Islam Topic.

The Danes, the Brits, the Norwegians, and most of the other “White European” countries are experiencing this anomaly, all because of “Open Borders”, all because Progressives want the Islamics to come into their countries to PROVE they are good people.

Well, they haven’t proved they were good.  And watching a place like Morocco with murderers still killing in the name of Allah just sets this in concrete for most of us.

Islam is EVIL.  They will stop at nothing to bring down Western Civilization, Whites, Christians, Europeans, Liberals and Conservatives.

It is HIGH time the United States, the people in this USA understand the threat and stop treating these people like “individuals”.

They don’t want to treat gun owners like individuals.  Or Christians.  Or white men with money.  No, they lump everyone into some “scary group” and demonize them.

Well, I say that we need to lump all the Muslims into one group and Demonize them.  Remove them, BAN their religion completely, kick them out of the United States, or incarcerate them if they open their mouths once about white people, killing, jihad, Allah or anything else.

Wait!  What?  Too much?  You think this is too much?

Then, let’s be sane people.  Leave our guns alone, leave them in the hands of the gun owners.  Stop beating up on our own Americans and start looking a lot more closely at WHO YOU’RE letting into this country through these “open borders” and who is living in those so-called “Sanctuary Cities”.  Those are the place to go to find the terrorists.


Confiscation Begins

Vermont has approved, 30-0, a measure allowing police to confiscate weapons.

The proposal, which passed with a 30-0 vote, states a police officer could seize firearms from an individual if they were determined to be a risk to themselves or others, WCAX-TV reported.

Your American Identity

Over the past few decades, the Left has worked diligently to steal your identity from you. Not your name, or credit card numbers, but the absolutism of who “You” are.  If you’re white, a male, around 40 or older, working for a living and taking care of your family, or your older now, like myself and “white, retired, and OLD” by their standards, the Left labels you as a danger to society.

If you are Black you’re being oppressed – by “White people”.

If you’re an illegal alien, you’re an – “Undocumented immigrant”.

If you’re Muslim – you’re being racially discriminated against by “white people”.

If you own a gun – you’re evil.

If you support the 2nd Amendment – you MUST be part of the NRA. (No, I’m not.)

If you’re “white” – then you are probably a KKK member, a White Supremacist, or some other such thing. (even if you’re not)

And on and on.

A box. You’ve been placed into a box by the Left.  You are routinely called “Racist” or “Homophobe” or perhaps you’re called “Privileged” or some other names. This is to disconnect you from reality, who you are, and that for which you stand and believe.

The Left has this ability to put a label on someone to disconnect them from reality, and then use it collectively in a disproportionate manner, thereby disconnecting people from their own, true selves.

The Left dehumanize people to attack them, and make the attacks easier by the collective mob mentality they use. A new name (yes, they call you a name), to target you, then the others of their kind glom onto the name and they use it too.  That’s how the left functions.

The Left have sharpened this “weapon” of their’s over the years since the 60s. NOW, they use it to divide Americans.

You can see it in Facebook, Twitter and Gab. The folks who are “Nazi” and KKK types are all over the place… and the rest of us normal people are caught in the middle trying to redefine ourselves as “NOT being THEM”.

Just because you’re white does not make you a racist.  But the Left uses this tactic to make you think you are, and make others assume you are..  The Left is teaching this to your children and attempting to shame them and be ashamed of themselves because, well, you know, “White Privilege”.

Redefining a generation of Children to believe things differently from the way their parents believed is a stock trademark of the Left, and of Communism and Marxism.

Marxist tell you they aren’t Communists.  Communists hate Marxists. Supposedly.

The Left claims not to be Marxist, and yet look at the dumb asses walking about with Che Guverra Tee Shits on their bodies.  He’s a hero to these morons.

This author believes that 90% of everyone, right, left, middle, black, white – doesn’t matter – of Americans (Real Americans who understand what being American means) are none of these things above.  We don’t fit in boxes, pigeon holes, cupboards or waste bins.

We are Individuals.  We want SMALLER Government, less money taken from us, efficiency, Freedom to do as we like as long as what we are doing isn’t hurting others.  We believe in Individual Freedom and do NOT want Socialized medicine, shopping or funding such programs.  We want others to to be happy, and free as well.

We think criminals should be locked up, and dangerous people who’ve committed crimes like Murder locked up for good, or executed.  We do not believe that the Government should be able to deprive you of Life, Liberty and Happiness on a whim, in other words, LaVoy Finicum was murdered and his family deprived of a good man by a corrupt government.  (FBI, DOJ, Clinton Foundation, Uranium)

Chris Stevens was also deprived of his life, by corruption in our government, and no one has been held accountable yet. (Clinton)

The IRS targeted Christians and Right Winger through the use of “taxes” and let other groups go by default.  No one has been held accountable for that either. (Lois Lerner)

Those are a few small things the Obama Administration wrought.

The Left STRIVES to keep your minds off those things and mis-identification of your self is how they do it.  So, the time to stop letting them change your life, your name, your identity is now.  Focus on the real causes of Cancer in our Society.  Focus on the Left and fight back.

While I know most of you want to be “above it all” and “won’t lower yourselves to their tactics” (and this is very noble) we’re in a war here.  A war for our Identity in America.  You must start fighting back using their own tactics and stratagems.  No longer can you sit on your ass and let them win over your children’s minds.  Do not let them have the upper hand any longer.

Trump gave up a life of leisure, and his power to become President, to Represent YOU.

Don’t let him fail, and don’t fail to stop the Left at every turn.

San Bernardino California Shootings – 2 December 2015

Edit: Just reported: One of the San Bernardino shooters is Farooq Saeed per police radio chatter.

I have been warning in this forum and others for Americans to ARM themselves.

We now have a mass casualty event in California, the number one anti-gun, gun-free zone in the United States.

Details are very sketchy, but we know this:

At 11:00 AM California time, at least three men, possibly dressed in black clothing and carrying “long guns” and “tactical stuff” walked into a building in San Bernardino, CA and began shooting people.  The even lasted approximately three minutes and these apparently well-trained terrorists vacated the premises, jumped into a dark SUV of some sort.

The faces of the men were covered by masks.

Fourteen people are dead, dozens more are injured.

Phones were shut down for some reason. (This was just reported as I am listening to the news, information coming from witnesses).

A week ago, or just less I warned people to carry weapons.  Apparently Americans aren’t listening.  Why are you not listening?

This event was a planned event.  It was either:


B) Al Qaeda

C) Obama planned or Hillary Clinton Planned to bring out the big guns against Guns.

These were military trained people.  This was a barbaric act.  These men are most LIKELY ISIS.

They walked in and murdered a lot of people and left without being seen by authorities.  They planned this well, and they got away with it.

If this is an Obama-Thing, it is an evil thing.  The men, I promise you were not 40-something-White-Christian, Right-Wing, Gun-Owning Males.  I PROMISE you they were not.

These were hired men who did this mission to call out the Congress to attack guns in America, or they were ISIS terrorists.

My money is on the latter, and my hopes and prayers is that these were NOT people working for the current political establishment.

If, however, tomorrow suddenly Congress is meeting to address this issue and putting out various bills to ban guns, then you can bet your ASS Obama and the Presidency is involved.  (He did say he was planning to take care of the “gun problem” in America before he left office…).

If that’s the case, my friends, America is in very, very deep shit and we’re about to go to war internally.  There will be a Civil War over disarming American Citizens.  Hillary wants it. Obama wants it.  Various others want it. Some in Congress, and every Liberal and Progressive out there wants guns banned.

Americans… ARM YOURSELVES.  Liberals, either you’re with the Constitution or against it.  Progressives… don’t go there.  Military personnel, watch your orders.  Cops, watch your orders.  Constitutional Means Constitutional.  Oath Keepers, keep them straight.

Christmas is coming and so is ISIS.

Now, for those who do NOT believe this country was based on Christianity…. look around you, look at Islam and what they want to do to this country.  Look at terrorism as a whole, not breaking it down or comparing it to the very, very few “White Christians” who’ve done insane things.  Look at the MILLIONS killed by Islam.

Look at yourself and know… Civilization is going to fall if we Americans do NOT stop this.


Basic Survival and Communications Skills in the Aftermath

As a ham radio operator, I highly recommend this book!
Check out this book in the Amazon store. If you’re any sort of Prepper, whether you’re new at it or an old hand, you might want to read this and keep a copy of it on your kindle or eReader.  This is only available right now in the Kindle Store and in digital format.  The author tells me he is planning to come out in other reader formats later (after his contract with Kindle expires).
The book covers radio systems and communications, and discusses various “End of the World” scenarios.  Even the author doesn’t believe most of them will occur (Alien invasion was one he mentions) but certainly it gets you thinking about what might be!

Dear Target Stores… we will no longer buy from you. Good bye

Target Addresses Firearms in Stores

Every day at Target, in everything we do, we ask ourselves what is right for our guests? We make all of our decisions with that question in mind. Questions have circulated in recent weeks around Target’s policy on the “open carry” of firearms in its stores. Today, interim CEO, John Mulligan, shared the following note with our Target team members. We wanted you to hear this update from us, too.

The leadership team has been weighing a complex issue, and I want to be sure everyone understands our thoughts and ultimate decision.

As you’ve likely seen in the media, there has been a debate about whether guests in communities that permit “open carry” should be allowed to bring firearms into Target stores. Our approach has always been to follow local laws, and of course, we will continue to do so. But starting today we will also respectfully request that guests not bring firearms to Target – even in communities where it is permitted by law.

We’ve listened carefully to the nuances of this debate and respect the protected rights of everyone involved. In return, we are asking for help in fulfilling our goal to create an atmosphere that is safe and inviting for our guests and team members.

This is a complicated issue, but it boils down to a simple belief: Bringing firearms to Target creates an environment that is at odds with the family-friendly shopping and work experience we strive to create.


Since I am a gun owner, and carry regularly – and also often stop in to Target to purchase things, I will be changing my own thinking about this.

By the way, Target, most of my Family owns and/or carries weapons.  So much for your “family-friendly shopping” and environment, eh?

You just lost millions of gun owners as patrons.

We hope you flounder and go under, like K-Mart is doing.

Harry Reid Labels Supporters of Rancher Cliven Bundy ‘Domestic Terrorists’

Speaking at a Las Vegas Review-Journal event, Harry Reid was clear: “They’re nothing more than domestic terrorists. I repeat: what happened there was domestic terrorism.”


As Harry Reid stated last week – “This isn’t over”.  It appears now that those of you who went there, those of us who blog about it and support Cliven Bundy, those of us against Government Overreach – well, the fear mongering about all of us being labeled as “terrorists” was not “fear mongering”, it was fact.

You’re all terrorists now.

Harry Reid Labels Supporters of Rancher Cliven Bundy ‘Domestic Terrorists’, Reveals Federal Task Force Being Assembled

Apr. 17, 2014 6:38pm Jason Howerton

Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) claimed on Thursday that armed supporters of rancher Cliven Bundy are “domestic terrorists” and reckless individuals who put their families in danger.
Speaking at a Las Vegas Review-Journal event, Reid was clear: “They’re nothing more than domestic terrorists. I repeat: what happened there was domestic terrorism.”

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nev. talks about the gender pay gap as the Senate begins debate on wage equity, Tuesday, April 8, 2014, during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

The rhetoric certainly will do nothing to ease already-high tensions after the Bureau of Land Management prematurely shut down its operation to round up Bundy’s “trespass cattle” on Saturday. The federal agency cited fears of public safety after having run-ins with armed militia members who traveled to Bunkerville, Nev., to support the rancher.
Bundy reportedly owes the federal government roughly $1 million in grazing fees, an amount he accumulated after he “fired” the Bureau of Land Management in 1993 over its decision to turn public land into a protective habitat for the state’s desert tortoise.
There are two court orders that permit BLM to execute a roundup of 500 to 900 of Bundy’s “trespass cattle,” Reid reportedly said.
Reid, who recently said the situation is “not over,” revealed on Thursday there is a federal task force being assembled to handle to the tense situation.

Click here to view the original image of 620x362px.
Cliven Bundy, right, sits in the back of a vehicle near Bunkerville, Nev., Friday, April 11, 2014. The area has become the center of a protest against the Bureau of Land Management’s roundup of cattle owned by Bundy. Bundy claims ancestral rights to graze his cattle on lands his Mormon family settled in the 19th century. (AP Photo/Las Vegas Review-Journal, John Locher)

“Clive Bundy does not recognize the United States,” Reid said. “The United States, he says, is a foreign government. He doesn’t pay his taxes. He doesn’t pay his fees. And he doesn’t follow the law. He continues to thumb his nose at authority.”

“It is an issue we cannot let go, just walk away from,” he added.

Ron Paul warns that Bundy ranch standoff isn’t over just yet

Published time: April 15, 2014 15:48

Ron Paul (AFP Photo / Brendan Smialowski)

Ron Paul (AFP Photo / Brendan Smialowski)

A heated land dispute between the federal government and a Nevada cattle rancher subsided over the weekend, but longtime lawmaker and former presidential hopeful Ron Paul says tensions might soon worsen once again.

An armed standoff between Cliven Bundy and the United States Bureau of Land Management ended on Saturday with the federal agency agreeing to release around 400 head of cattle it had seized from the Clark County, Nevada rancher. The bureau said Bundy owed roughly $1 million to the government because for the last two decades he failed to pay a fee for letting his cattle graze on federal land, but the rancher insisted that he owed the agency nothing. Supporters soon took up arms and flocked to the Bunch ranch to stand by in support as feds began to seize nearly 1,000 head of cattle, but over the weekend the BLM aborted their attempt to confiscate the animals in order avoid any violent showdown that might have emerged.

People mill around the outside of rancher Cliven Bundy ranch house (George Frey / Getty Images / AFP Photo)

People mill around the outside of rancher Cliven Bundy ranch house (George Frey / Getty Images / AFP Photo)

Paul — the former Republican congressman for Texas and a three-time contender for the office of US president — said on Monday that things aren’t necessarily over on the Bundy ranch, even though the feds have for now relinquished their war with the rancher.

“They may come back with a lot more force like they did at Waco with the Davidians,” Paul told Fox News host Neil Cavuto on Friday, adding that he wished for a non-violent resolution.

Only days earlier, the rancher’s wife told the Huffington Post that the mobilization of heavily armed federal agents around her land was all too similar to the 1993 raid on the Branch Davidians’ Waco, Texas compound that ended with the deaths of 87 civilians.

“If you saw the artillery and their presence — the intimidation they are trying to put on us — it could turn into that,” Carol Bundy said she feared.

Speaking to Paul, Cavuto claimed that the potential for violence to erupt at the Bundy ranch on par with what occurred 20 years ago in Texas was on a “very slight trigger,” to which the former congressman responded, “That’s the great fear….especially if the financial crisis gets much worse which I anticipate.”

According to Paul, the entire incident in Clark County could have emerged differently if the government reconsidered the way it claimed land rights. Bundy said that the disputed property had been in his family for nearly 150 years, but the BLM insisted that his animals were trespassing on federal land since he stopped paying the government a grazing fee back in the early 1990s.

“I don’t believe I owe one penny to the United States government,” Bundy told Nevada’s Desert News last week. “I don’t have a contract with the United States government.”

On Friday, Paul told Cavuto that the Bundy family “had virtual ownership of that land because they had been using it,” yet the law is “not clean enough.

“I think land should be in the states and I think the states should sell it to the people,” he continued, adding that “it’s worked out quite well in big states.”


Rancher Cliven Bundy (George Frey / Getty Images / AFP Photo)

Rancher Cliven Bundy (George Frey / Getty Images / AFP Photo)

“You need the government out of it and I think that’s the important point, if you don’t look at that you can expect more of these problems, especially when our economy gets into more trouble,” the former congressman said.

In the meantime, tensions have lessened to a degree in Clark County, where hundreds of seized cattle were handed back to the Bundy family on Saturday, as RT reported earlier. Nevertheless, BLM spokesman Craig Leff told the AP that his agency will work to resolve the matter “administratively and judicially.” Neither the BLM nor the US Department of Justice responded on Monday to requests for comment made by the newswire, but Cliven Bundy himself said he was going to have to inspect his returned cattle to assess their post-confiscation condition.

“It’s going to take a lot to revive the calves that were nearly dead when they were returned to the Bundy Ranch because they had been separated from their mothers during the roundup, and a few most likely won’t make it,” Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore (R-Las Vegas) told the AP. “It’s time for Nevada to stand up to the federal government and demand the return of the BLM lands to the people of Nevada.”

For his part, Bundy said at a news conference on Monday that “Every sheriff across the United States of America, take away the guns from the United States bureaucrats,” according to the AP.

“Understand it is because of each and every one of you standing here and each and every one of our Americans watching us and protecting us with our firearms why this did not turn into Waco massacre or a Ruby Ridge,” added Fiore.

Ret US Navy Chief: Militia Mobilization Across The Nation Under Way

January 14, 2014

(Fred Brownbill) Be advised that I am in the process of notifying and contacting all legal and constitutionally created militia groups across the United States to mobilize on Washington DC for “Operation American Spring” currently scheduled for May 16th, 2014 and commanded by my friend Colonel Harry Riley US Army Intelligence (Retired) Silver star.

1.8 million people have already responded in kind and are mobilizing and or supporting this effort. We need 10 million.

The Senate and the Congress feel it is in the best interest of this nation to fund illegal immigrants and keep them sustained with free health care, tax breaks, free education in our schools, EBT cards, public housing and the like.

They wish to keep sending tax payer money to foreign countries that hate us. They wish to fund bogus global warming projects in the billions and they refuse to take a pay cut themselves.

Yet they will now deny the wounded veteran his pension COLA increases which he or she earned and depends on while struggling to survive day to day, some are in wheel chairs and without arms and legs. Mr. Politician you are now going to be held accountable.

This vote, to first deny and then block the able bodied and disabled veterans their earned pension COLA raises is unacceptable and an act of treason against the Republic from the Marxists in the government. They must want a war against 25 million veterans. Mr. Communist, Mr. RINO, Mr.. Democrat, Mr. Republican. So be it. You got it.

I called the Marxist Senator (comrade) Harry Reid this morning at 0430 hours and left him a message notifying him that we are now mobilizing and coming to see him soon in Washington. We are not leaving the grounds surrounding our White House or the Congress until Mr. Barry Soetoro, the Muslim imposter, has been removed from office for treason and/or impeached for crimes against the constitution.

Speaker Boehner you may want to start reconsidering his decision not to investigate the inaction by our government in regards to Benghazi too. We are coming to town. Your on the visitation list too.

We will NEVER forget Benghazi.

If you would like to call Senate Leader Comrade Harry Reid and relay your own message his number is 202-224-3542. Do not threaten, we come in peace, but we are not leaving Washington DC until Mr. Barry Soetoro, the illegal immigrant from Kenya, who studied as an Indonesian foreign student in this nation, who flew to Pakistan in 1981 on a foreign passport, has been removed from office.

We have the resources, the money the training and the Constitutional protections to take this country back. And we will. You have pushed us too far Mr. Marxist, now you will see who runs this country. It is we the people.
We live in a Constitutional Republic not a Marxist dictatorship. It’s time.

33 million Egyptians took back their country from the terrorist group, the Muslim Brotherhood, a terrorist organization supported by and propped up by Barry Soetoro and the former Secretary of State (born again Communist) Hillary Clinton. This is also treason against the United States for aiding and abetting the enemy.

Impeachment charges have been drawn up in the past and presented to the Congress against Mr. Barry Soetoro with NO ACTION, no response. They are spineless gutless cowards with as much intestinal fortitude as a rotting possum run over by a semi.

I want all Tea Party groups – Militia groups and like minded individuals who have the courage (and understand and know) that God and the constitution are on their side, to start to prepare NOW to mobilize for “Operation American Spring” May 16th 2014. location Washington DC.

Pass this around.

Senior Chief Geoff Ross
United States Navy Retired
Surface Warfare / Air warfare / Airborne
Navarre FL
Santa Rosa County Militia

AKs Not Protected By 2nd Amendment Says CA Court

Not that this really matters, because it appears to me that the “4th District Court” of California is a California court.  They have no say over Constitutional laws…. so there.

Go here for the full article:

By on October 22, 2013

On Monday the California 4th District Court Of Appeals ruled that 2nd Amendment does not apply to semi-automatic “AK” type rifles. They opined, “that the right secured by the Second Amendment is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose, but is instead the right to possess and carry weapons typically possessed by law-abiding citizens for lawful purposes such as hunting or self-defense.”

The court based its decision largely on the precedent set in the case of US v. Miller which allowed the banning of sawed-off shotguns on the grounds they had no military or civilian purpose. The court stated, “the ban on AK series rifles does not impinge on rights protected by the Second Amendment because assault weapons are at least as dangerous and unusual as the short-barreled shotgun.”

The case stems from the ultra-confusing Assault Weapons Control Act of 1989, which banned “AR” and “AK” series weapons. Subsequent court rulings said that the state couldn’t ban a type of weapon and must name the forbidden guns specifically by make and model. CA then adopted a list of weapons that were unwelcomed, but the manufactures simply renamed their rifles to get around the list. Finally in 2000 the state banned features like detachable magazines and pistol grips to keep these “assault weapons” illegal.

The defendant, William Zondorak, was busted with an AK-type weapon that appeared on the list of banned guns. Even though his rifle is identical to ones that are sold legally in California, because it was on the list, he’s in deep dog-doo. Any AK or AR receiver that is on the list, even if the gun has been reconfigured to meet CA standards, is still banned.

As if the California Assault Weapons Ban wasn’t stupid enough, this court ruling brings the state’s level of intelligence to an all-time low. First, they are saying that an AK has no lawful purpose such as hunting or self-defense. I don’t remember the part of the 2nd Amendment that restricts firearms ownership to these two usages. In any case an AK variant would be a great varmint gun and adequate for medium-sized game. It would have no problem ventilating someone stupid enough to enter a house without a back-stage pass. It has legitimate purposes.

Bracken: Will Obama Stop the Music This November?

From Matt Bracken:


Bracken sends; spread it far and wide:

Will Obama Stop the Music This November?

The current “shutdown” of 17% of the federal government has primed America for chaos with constant left-wing rhetoric and news media reports couched in apocalyptic terms such as crisis, brink, catastrophe, hostage, arsonist and terrorist. But a catastrophe is useful to a would-be tyrant only as long as it can be blamed on a hated enemy. In 1933 Hitler’s agents burned the Reichstag, not just to sow fear and confusion, but primarily in order to charge his Communist enemies with treason as an excuse to obliterate them. The German “mainstream media” dutifully parroted the Nazi Party line, without investigating the true source of the arson.

A similar pattern of scapegoating has been followed in the United States throughout the term of President Obama. For example, leading Democrats and their shills in the mainstream media have long been salivating at the prospect of a “Tea Party” conservative going on a violent rampage. We saw this in Tucson immediately after the Gabby Giffords shooting, after the Aurora, Colorado, theater attack, and after the recent Washington Navy Yard shooting, when Democrats and their media allies rushed to blame “Tea Party terrorists” in early reports based upon zero evidence. As far as we know, all of these attacks were carried out by deranged individuals following the orders of inner demons, but still the left hopes for a violent response by right-wing “bitter clingers,” so named by President Obama himself during a private fund raiser.

The current “government shutdown” seems to be designed to provoke a violent right-wing reaction. War memorials have been barricaded, even iconic national parks such as those at Valley Forge, Yellowstone, and Mount Rushmore have been closed to the American public that purportedly owns them and undoubtedly funds them. At Yellowstone, senior citizens and foreign tourists have been rousted from paid private hotel rooms by armed federal agents and forcibly bused out of the park. Around the closed Mount Rushmore National Park, cones have been set along public highways to prevent tourists even from stopping to take photographs. Meanwhile, a demonstration on the otherwise “closed” National Mall by illegal aliens demanding amnesty was welcomed by the Obama administration with open arms.

In my opinion, the intention of these selected park closures is not only to inflict psychological pain upon the administration’s perceived “enemies” but also to provoke a violent response by fed-up constitutional conservatives. Thus far, none has risen to the bait; so what will the regime do next? I believe that President Obama may be planning to up the ante by orders of magnitude. How might this happen? The “government shutdown” over the continuing resolution bill has turned on the Democrats’ demand for a “clean” CR, but the real battle will come next week when the national debt limit is reached.

What will happen if President Obama and the Democrats in Congress demand a “clean” debt extension, with no upper limits and no attached conditions, just as they have demanded a “clean CR” to fund current government operations? In the battle over the debt limit extension, either the Republicans will fold and accede to Democrat demands for infinite debt, or they will stand their ground just as they have over the CR. If the Republicans refuse to grant Obama an unlimited debt extension, he may play the final card required to send the United States into such violent turmoil that he will be able to declare a state of emergency and rule by decree under the National Emergencies Act.

How would such horrible conditions be created that President Obama might be able to justify seizing emergency power? By cutting off all federal entitlement payments while claiming that he cannot continue them without a debt extension, secure in the knowledge that the mainstream media will continue to dutifully serve as his propaganda arm, blaming recalcitrant Republicans for all of the negative consequences.

While senior citizens on Social Security and other federal pension plan recipients may not immediately take to the streets, going on violent rampages of rioting, looting and burning, there is a segment of our population that will do exactly that: many of the 50 million Americans who today literally put the food on their tables by using an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card. While the states administer their individual EBT programs, most of the money comes from the federal government. Please read my previous essay “When the music stops: how America’s cities may explode in violence” to understand the tremendous risk that will accompany a cutoff—even briefly—of EBT payments.

The fact that thousands of Americans might be injured or killed during the nationwide riots that would follow the looting of supermarkets and delivery trucks will not be a moral impediment to the architects of Operation Fast and Furious. You will recall that this infamous “law enforcement operation” resulted in the murders of hundreds of innocent Mexicans and at least two U.S. federal agents by untracked firearms supplied directly to the Mexican drug cartels by our own federal “law enforcement” agencies. With Operation Fast and Furious (“gun control under the radar” in Obama’s own words), this administration has already crossed the mass-murder-for-political-ends Rubicon—and the mainstream media cooperated in the cover-up.

A lifelong Marxist revolutionary who has caused hundreds to be murdered in an attempt at political gain on gun control is not likely to blanch at the prospect of thousands dying in bloody food riots when the stakes are incalculably higher. If “the music stops” and our cities burn, Obama may grasp the opportunity to declare a state of emergency and seize dictatorial powers from the fire and ashes. Those who resist his rule by emergency decree will be declared to be “Tea Party terrorists” by Democrat leaders and their captive media, and we may finally see why the Department of Homeland Security has been purchasing those billions of hollow-point bullets, UAV drones, and armored vehicles.

If this is their calculation, it is a diabolical plan indeed. But a plan to ride a tiger is not the same as riding the tiger. Permanent rule by emergency decree may not be as simple to accomplish as would-be left-wing tyrants believe. Millions of Americans will not be fooled by the deliberately instigated torching of our cities and will not go quietly into the night of Marxist tyranny.

Matt Bracken is the author of “When The Music Stops” and other essays in The Bracken Anthology, the Enemies Foreign And Domestic trilogy, and his latest novel, Castigo Cay.

Guess who is stealing Second Amendment Signs?

By Perry Chiaramonte

Published September 24, 2013
  • GunSign1.JPG

    Jon Gibson (not pictured) claims that his pro-gun signs have been stolen numerous times and set up a hunter field cam to catch the culprit. He was shocked to find out that it was an officer from the Somers, N.Y. Police Department. (Courtesy of Jon Gibson)

  • GunSign2.JPG

    In this frame, the officer is clearly seen kicking the sign causing it’s wooden post to snap in half. Officials for the town of Somers claim that he was merely trying to loosen the sign from the ground. (Courtesy of Jon Gibson)

  • GunSign3.JPG

    Somer town officials tell that the sign was removed because it was on public property and therefore a code violation. Gibson maintains that the sign was on his property and is currently obtaining a new land survey to be certain. (Courtesy of Joe Gibson)

A New York man, frustrated when his pro-Second Amendment sign kept disappearing, was surprised when the hidden camera he set up revealed the culprit to be a local cop.

Jon Gibson, of rural Lake Lincolndale, about 50 miles north of New York City, told he set up a hunting field camera near the sign, which reads “Protect the Second Amendment,” and features the silhouette of an assault rifle, after two mysteriously vanished. A third sign disappeared before the camera finally captured the sign stealer — a police officer from the nearby Somers Police Department.

“It was pure shock to see,” Gibson said to about first seeing the video recorded on Monday. “He had a huge smile on his face as he’s kicking down the sign.


Patriots, It’s Time to “Put up or shut up”

Patriots, It’s Time to “Put up or shut up”… Multiple Groups Set to Converge on Washington D.C.

revolution+loading Patriots, Its Time to Put up or shut up... Multiple Groups Set to Converge on Washington D.C.

The United States federal government is so big that it can shut down and somehow no one really notices. That’s the truth. What difference did you notice yesterday? I am sure there are subtle things that we could pick out but when vital services keep running there isn’t a lot to shut down. Because our government sees everything as vital.

Yesterday we ran an article on The D.C. Clothesline written by Tim Brown. It didn’t garner much attention and it’s primarily my fault. I put a bad title on it. It happens.

But the message of the article is something that a lot of people have been waiting to hear. I can’t tell you how many times I have had conversations in which someone interjected the inevitable…

When are we going to stop talking and do something about it?

That’s a hard question to answer because no one really wants to be “that guy.” This goes for the person making the comment as well. No offense but that person isn’t telling me something like, “follow me I have a plan.” Everyone is waiting for someone else to take the lead.

Well, someone has taken the lead and in fact it’s several people that have. We all know about the Trucker’s strike that will be here very soon. It is planned for October 11-13. For those who may have missed it, you can find more information at

They also have a new Facebook page, since the old one was shut down at

As the truckers prepare to do their best to force their own brand of government shut down, Mr. Larry Klayman (founder of Judicial Watch) has upped the ante and is planning his own date with destiny.

Tim Brown reports:

In the wake of bikers roaring through the streets of DC in protest and just ahead of a planned shut down of DC by truckers, founder of Judicial Watch Larry Klayman has set a date of November 19, 2013 on which he is calling for Americans to “descend onWashington, D.C., en masse, and demand that he leave town and resign from office if he does not want to face prison time” for pushing “his Muslim, socialist, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-white, pro-illegal immigrant, pro-radical gay and lesbian agenda.”

Klayman is of course talking about Barack Obama.

Isn’t this what we asked for? Isn’t this what we have been crying for?




We need these traitors gone and we need to start at the very top. After Obama rolls we can go after the rest like a bull in a China shop.

A blind man throwing darts could spear a traitor within this group. Even the good guys aren’t that good. I’m getting sick of patting people on the back simply because they do their jobs. That’s what we pay them to do. They aren’t going the extra mile simply because they are part of the 2% in D.C. who are semi-honest. They are simply doing their job.

What is wrong with this picture? Does your boss come up to you every day and say, “Bob, way to run that drill press. You should be president of this company.”

Probably not. But that’s exactly what we do every day in America. We make heroes out of guys like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul and it’s not because they are extra special, although I am fond of both. It’s because they actually do their job. Since they do their job we want to make them president. Think about that and think about it hard. If only a handful of people did their jobs at your place of work it wouldn’t last long. (hint)

People, things have to change. It is not supposed to be like this.

So what’s it going to be Patriots?






Newtown Activists Again Lobby Congress On Guns

(NEWTOWN, Conn.) — Activists from the Connecticut town where 26 people were gunned down in a mass shooting at an elementary school in December headed to Washington on Tuesday to lobby again for gun control, a trip that took on new urgency in the wake of the massacre in the capital that killed 13, including the gunman.

The trip by about 50 members of the Newtown Action Alliance was planned to mark roughly nine months since the Dec. 14 rampage, in which 20 children and six educators were shot to death, and it now also quickly follows Monday’s killings at the Washington Navy Yard. The group will ask Congress to require background checks for gun buyers.

Members of the group focused their criticism on Congress, where an effort to enact new background checks fell short in the Senate in April.

“This is really what this is all about — our broken political system,” founder David Ackert told the Hearst Connecticut Media Group.

Carlos Soto, the brother of a teacher who was one of six educators killed in Newtown, criticized Congress for failing to impose tougher gun regulations since the shootings.

“It’s been nine months and there’s still no action on the federal level,” he told WFSB-TV. “We’re not gonna go away.”

Arming Terrorists and Disarming Americans

Arming Terrorists and Disarming Americans

Arming Terrorists and Disarming Americans

New Jersey –-( As a prospective military strike against the Syrian regime dominates the headlines, we are reminded by administration officials that any military action will not include boots on the ground and will not be focused on regime change.

In a turn of events mimicking an episode from the Twilight Zone, once-hawkish Republicans are advocating non-intervention and their peacenik colleagues across the aisle are actually supporting a military strike in the Middle East.

While Congress debates whether to physically attack the Assad Regime, many lawmakers are reevaluating whether to send military aid to the Syrian rebels. A limited military strike “also fits into a broader strategy that can bring about over time the kind of strengthening of the opposition,” Obama told congressional leaders at a White House Meeting on Sept. 3, 2013. This comes months after the House and Senate Select Committees on Intelligence voted to approve the President’s plan to arm the Syrian opposition.

Quote of the Day:

These 2 sentences sum up government views and ideology:

  • 1)     The government tells us NOT TO JUDGE ALL MUSLIMS because of a FEW lunatics.
  • 2)     Then government tells us to JUDGE ALL GUN OWNERS because of a FEW lunatics.

Fraudulent votes will count in recall election

“Gypsy voting” causes concerns in Colorado


COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO. — A different form of voter fraud is causing concern for the El Paso County Clerk and Recorder.

It’s called Transient voting, or “Gypsy voting.”

The newly enacted “Voter Access and Modernized Election Act” removes the waiting period between a person moving to a new district, and being able to vote in that district. Residents can now register a new address and vote in their new district in the same day.

The process is simple. According to the text of the bill, they only need to provide the new permanent address, promise “it is their sole place of legal residence” and “swear the information provided on the form is true” under penalty of perjury. Then by law, they must be given a ballot.

“It comes down to their honor and willingness to risk possible criminal prosecution,” El Paso County Clerk Wayne Williams said.

Williams said he fears people can state their “intent” to move to District 11 prior to the recall vote, citing a fake or temporary address and then move their legal address again afterward.

“This bill only allows prosecution afterwards instead of prevention beforehand. So, this last presidential election for example, we had an individual who submitted 5 different voter registrations. But, we caught that before the ballots went out so that individual didn’t get the chance to vote 5 times. The problem with the new law is that check went away,” Williams said.

Monday saw the second highest voter turnout of State Senator John Morse’s recall election with a total of 12,985 residents turning in ballots. 122 of those who’ve voted so far are new registrants, or have just changed their registration to El Paso County.

The law now requires suspicious registrations to be passed along to the District Attorney to investigate. Alerts could be raised if the person doesn’t eventually claim the move in other areas. For example, registering their vehicle to the new address, switching utilities bills at the address to their name or changing the address on their driver’s license.

But, Williams said that’s not enough to quell his concerns about tomorrow’s recall results. His biggest concern is once a ballot is cast, it can’t be taken back. That’s a protection in place for any voter’s anonymity.

“Despite who they voted for, they might be cheering for them from the criminal justice center, but the individual will still have recieved that vote,” Williams said.

If you haven’t voted in the recall election and still would like to cast a ballot or register, voting is open Tuesday, September 10 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Any voter in line at a Voter Service and Polling Center before 7:00 PM will be allowed to vote as long as they stay in line.

Colorado Recall Voter Fraud

Reports are coming in that several people have walked in and taken ballots and then walked out to perhaps cause a “challenge” to the recall of John Morris and Angela Girhon here in Colorado.

For the record this is to recall two of the states congress-critters for their rabid support of anti-gun measures here in the State of Colorado, a once-free state where guns were a normal way of life, but things like AR-15s and 30 round magazines have been suddenly banned for us.


SWAT kills 107 year old man

PINE BLUFF, Ark. (AP) — A 107-year-old man was killed after SWAT officers shot back at him during a standoff at a home, police in the southeastern Arkansas city of Pine Bluff said Sunday.

Police were called to the home Saturday afternoon about a disturbance and say officers arrived to find Monroe Isadore had threatened two people by pointing a weapon at them.

Officers had the pair leave the home for their own safety and approached a bedroom looking for Isadore. When the officers announced who they were, Isadore shot through the door at them but missed hitting them, said Pine Bluff Lt. David Price in a news release.

The officers retreated to a safer area, and supervisors and additional help were called, Price said. Supervisors started negotiating with Isadore and continued after SWAT officers arrived at the home about 45 miles southeast of Little Rock.

Things to know today about Syria

Looks like the “No Boots on the Ground” was bullshit from the get-go…  Below is some stuff we collected.  Read through it all and think carefully about what you’ve done today to prepare for nuclear war, or major terrorism in the United States, because frankly, it’s leading to an all out war with Islam, possibly Russia, China and who knows who else…

B’Claw Unfettered ‏@2009superglide 25s
Over 1500 US Troops have died in Afghanistan since Obama took office. He wants us dragged into Syria
@RealJamesWoods @KenWahl1 #Syria

Wil Herman ‏@wilherman 1m
Footage of Chemical Attack in #Syria is a Fraud, says Mother Agnes, a catholic nun working in Syria…IbwxEw.twitter

Art Vandelay ‏@therealArtV 39s
@DanaPerino what do you make of the Gazprom/pipeline theory? And why is no one asking why #qatar and #saud want to fund a US strike? #syria

De’Vohn Roman ‏@DeVohnR 1m
Don’t let #Syria distract you from government surveillance! #NSA

AFP: #Germany signs statement urging ‘strong response’ on #Syria

EU calls for “clear and strong” response to use of CW in #syria, but wants to wait for UN inspectors’ report before military action

BREAKING: Germany to join US-drawn #G20 declaration on #Syria – FM

11:20 GMT: President Obama said that a small military force may be needed in Syria after all, to deter future chemical weapons attacks – according to Reuters. Although he said on his weekly radio and internet address that a protracted conflict like “Iraq or Afghanistan” is not something he wants.

beforeitsnews ‏@beforeitsnews 1m
100000 Iranian Volunteers Now In Syria To Fight US If Obama Strikes

Breitbart News ‏@BreitbartNews 35s
Kerry: Obama Can Bomb Syria With or Without Congressional Go Ahead: Even as he lobbies former Congressional co…

Jim Watts ‏@wattsjim 2m
MSM in full Obama Mode, repeatedly showing #Syria Casualty Videos and Obama lapdogs pounding war drums #StayOutOfSyria

Padraig Cæl ‏@Peetweefish 4m
Emotions, people. Not reason. MT @WhiteHouse: “We cannot turn a blind eye to images like the ones we’ve seen out of #Syria” —President Obama

Rami al-Lolah‏@RamiAlLolah25m
#BreakingNews Massive explosion in Bab al-Hawa in #Syria #Turkey borders!

Rami al-Lolah‏@RamiAlLolah20m
#BreakingNews The explosion occurred near #Syria #Turkey borders was caused by a car loaded with huge mass of explosives!

Jenan Moussa‏@jenanmoussa1m
Important to remember that FSA Ahfad AlRasul (where car bomb exploded) are big enemies of AlQaeda linked ISIS. @akhbar #Syria

Jenan Moussa‏@jenanmoussa4m
#Breaking: Head of Ahfad Al Rasul (moderate FSA) Major Mohammad Al Ali seriously injured in car bomb at #Syria Turkey border.

Jenan Moussa‏@jenanmoussa13m
Car bomb exploded close to Supreme Military Council (SMC) HQ. Significant especially now cz SMC supports Western strikes against #Assad.

Jenan Moussa‏@jenanmoussa17m
Bab El Hawa where car bomb exploded is at #Turkey #Syria border, 6 kms from where I was short time ago. No info yet about the damage. #pt

Jenan Moussa‏@jenanmoussa19m
Source tells me: car bomb went off next 2 FSA Ahfad AlRasul HQ in Bab ElHawa, 500m from HQ of Western backed Supreme Military Council #Syria

Blogs of War‏@BlogsofWar2h
Al Furqan Brigades claim 2 attacks on ships in Suez Canal, threaten more

Blogs of War‏@BlogsofWar2h
Pryor deals blow to Obama, opposes military action in Syria

Barbara Starr‏@barbarastarrcnn7m
Petraeus just issued publIc statement in support of POTUS on Syria

Retweeted by Nathan J Hunt



Jonah Mandelþ@mandeljonah12m
#Israel deploys its Iron Dome missile defense system by Jerusalem, an @AFP photographer reports, as the #US lobbies for a #Syria strike

On the Verge of World War III

The article at the bottom of my comments is a couple of days old, it’s from Debka – so it’s not the best source but is probably accurate. Basically we’re looking at the following states being involved in this as things heat up:

Syria, Iran, Hezbollah, Russia, China

Australia, Canada, France, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States of America

France is “waiting” for more information from the UN.
UK is really “just waiting”.

Russia has moved about 8 ships total toward the Med. The US has moved a few subs, some destroyers into the Med and the Nimitz Carrier group to the Gulf.

Obama is preparing the country for an attack, “limited in scope and duration”, promising “no boots on the ground”. Anyone who has been in the military KNOWS this isn’t true, isn’t going to be true and can’t possibly work. Anyone with even a limited sense of tactics understands you don’t telegraph your moves to the “enemy”. Anyone with even a rudimentary grasp of strategy knows you don’t put all your eggs in one basket when planning any sort of an attack. And anyone with a clue about life understands you don’t go to war for no good reason and you certainly don’t do it if you can’t PROVE you have a good reason. Obama has not proved anything.

The Senate committee just delivered the Resolution to go into Syria to the full Senate. Congress, both houses will debate and vote likely next week on this.

We’re standing on the verge of World War III – without a “draft”, without American support, without support of the majority of Congress – and we’re less than a week away from September 11. Rumors are rampant on the Internet that there’s more than meets the eye here, and the country is “confused” according to our so-called “leader” Obama.

First he sets a “Red Line” then when the bad guys cross it a month ago, it takes time to verify this, and now he’s ready to go into a limited in scope and duration “war” against the Assad regime, to apparently punish the regime, but to give a leg up to verified enemies of America – Hezbollah, Muslim Brotherhood and other Muslim lunatics. Iran is saying how they will “bring it” to the US. Russia is backing Syria. Syria is claiming their own allies now. The Chinese are going to back the Russians. Obama has castrated our military in recent months through the shut down of units, bases, equipment, and firing of men smarter than himself.

The United States is being set up for failure big time by this man. Americans, whom for the most part are opposed to this “action” in Syria are caught in the middle of all of the forces massing on the horizon.

America is, from intelligence, full of leaderless Islamic cells – from Iranian Revolutionary Guard to Hezbollah, to Al Qaeda. Americans are being disarmed in some states including my own, in an attemp(?) to make us more vulnerable to outside forces.

It is time to stand up and be heard. It’s time to remove this asshat from the White House. It’s time for his Impeachment to begin. Get on the phone and start making the case with your members of Congress. We have to stop this guy from bringing the nukes down on our heads for his own ego.

« Breaking News »

Syria’s Muqdad threatens World War III for US strike
DEBKAfile September 4, 2013, 5:22 PM (GMT+02:00)

Syria’s deputy foreign minister Faisal Muqdad said Wednesday his regime would not give in to threats of a US-led military strike, even if a third world war erupts. In an interview with AFP, Faisal Muqdad said his government had taken “every measure” to counter a potential intervention aimed at punishing the regime of Bashar al-Assad over a suspected deadly poison gas strike, was mobilizing its allies and would take every measure “to retaliate against… aggression.”

DEBKAfile: This is the first time a regime official has intimated that Damascus has invoked the mutual defense pacts existing between Syria, Iran and Hizballah.

Tom Coburn happy he doesn’t have to impeach Obama

The Republican Senator, Tom Coburn said President Obama is moving “perilously close” to impeachment, Sen. Tom Coburn told a town hall crowd this week, two reports said Thursday.

However, he stated he is a “friend” to the President and further went on to say:

“That’s not something you take lightly, and you have to use a historical precedent of what that means,” he said. “I think there’s some intended violation of the law in this administration, but I also think there’s a ton of incompetence, of people who are making decisions.

“I believe [an impeachment charge] needs to be evaluated and determined, but thank goodness it doesn’t have to happen in the Senate until they’ve brought charges in the House,” Coburn said. “Those are serious things, but we’re in a serious time. I don’t have the legal background to know if that rises to high crimes and misdemeanor, but I think they’re getting perilously close.”


Really, Senator?  Thank “Goodness” you don’t have to “deal” with it?  Let someone ELSE “deal with it”?

Senator, you’re not a man, you’re a coward.  If you had the intestinal fortitude to follow through you’d be working with House members to arrange exactly what you’re talking about, IMPEACHMENT – and the eventual removal of this criminal from the Office of the President.

America has gone over the edge and you are sitting in the People’s building being HAPPY you don’t have to DO anything over Benghazi, over Ft. Hood Massacre (It was a bloody TERRORIST ATTACK).  We are going to let Obama NOT take the blame for NSA, the IRS, the DOJ (I’m not going to name all the scandals here, but suffice it to say they were ALL CRIMES!)

Get off your lazy ass and get going on removing this criminal from office before American burns.

Every, single tag and category attached to this blog post had a crime committed against America – from the President speaking out AGAINST Zimmerman and FOR gun control, to Benghazi, to the IRS (which is being ignored) to the NSA (also being ignored) to the “sequestration” and loss of food for wounded warriors at Walter Reed while Gays are being given free leave to go marry their partners in other states.

Give Americans a break, Senator and kick this bastard out of OUR HOUSE – before we do it.


Impeach Obama!

That’s all…  Just impeach the bastard.  Over Benghazi. Over IRS.  Over NSA.  Over all the scandals.  Over all the lies.  Impeach the man.

America needs to be repaired.

UN Planning World Wide confiscation of Weapons




Apparently the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs has released a new letter.

If anyone in America THINKS they are going to take our weapons, they have another THINK coming.  In the form of hot lead.  Do NOT let the Leftists in the United States kid you one little bit.  They want your complete and utter subjugation and will stop at nothing to get it.

We ARE at war over this.  The first shots were fired in Sandy Hook, lest anyone forget this.  There are plenty of reasons to believe that was a set up.  To date, no one has proved beyond a shadow of doubt that the shooter was Lanza.  No one. 

Related articles

Nuclear Terror Attack!

Got your attention, didn’t I?  Well, good, pay attention here.  We haven’t been training people for such an attack in forever… not since I was a little kid.  Remember “Duck and Cover”?

Check this out:


Indiana at center of national terror response training exercise

Thousands of members of the armed forces including members of the Indiana National Guard are participating in mass disaster training in Jennings County.

Exercise Vibrant Response is in full effect at the Muscatatuck training camp and Camp Atterbury in Johnson County.

Read more:

There is a video at the above link and here’s more for you to see.


Will a Military Coup fix America?

I personally just don’t see a military coup in the United States as an option.  But is my view of the world the same as others’ beliefs?  Probably not.  When it comes right down to it, with my vast amount of time as a military man, from my point of view, I can’t say that absolutely, definitely a coup could or would take place.  The truth is, in MY time, no such thing could have or would have happened.  But other factors are in play here that I would never have considered myself – but others might.

The Spanish have a long and storied history for coups – in fact, Mexicans and most Previously-ruled-by-Spain Central and South American countries follow suit.  When the people get mad, they start a war.  Someone winds up on top in the end, usually the existing military and a strong leader (regardless of his moral and ethically leanings).  Most south and central American countries are what we consider “banana republics”.

Is America becoming a Banana Republic?

Let us look:

A Banana republic is a pejorative term for a country with a kleptocratic government, often with a primitive economy and sometimes a puppet state of a major power.

The more proper definition being: Banana republic is a political science term for a politically unstable country whose economy is largely dependent on the export of a single limited-resource product, such as bananas. It typically has stratified social classes, including a large, impoverished working class and a ruling plutocracy that comprises the elites of business, politics, and the military. This politico-economic oligarchy controls the primary-sector productions and thereby exploits the country’s economy. (Wikipedia)

kleptocracy: Kleptocracy, alternatively cleptocracy or kleptarchy, (from Greek: κλέπτης – kleptēs, “thief” and κράτος – kratos, “power, rule”, hence “rule by thieves”) is a form of political and government corruption where the government exists to increase the personal wealth and political power of its officials and the ruling class at the expense of the wider population, often without pretense of honest service. This type of government corruption is often achieved by the embezzlement of state funds.

plutocracy: Rule by the wealthy. We’re technically not being ruled by the wealthy, but then again we are. Rich lawyers are elected thus rich lawyers are in charge of most of the government’s various sectors. Companies lobby for power in the government (and I have no trouble with open markets).

So this author’s guess is that  ARE a Banana Republic, or more accurately rapidly degenerating into a Banana Republic. We still have a Constitutional Republic and most of us KNOW this and MOST of us wouldn’t do anything against “the government” in the military. Whether some rogue officer would start something, I just don’t know – but I just can’t SEE it happening.

On the other hand…

1) Morals are in decline.
2) America is in decline.
3) Money is becoming worthless.
4) The economy is tanking.
5) Things are not worth what they once were.
6) People are in “gimme gimme” mode.
7) The President himself is working to divide people of this country.
8) The Left is fighting the Right on guns and every other thing you can imagine.
9) Detroit is the first major city to have fallen.
10) Other cities won’t be far behind.
11) Obamacare will destroy what’s left of the economy.
12) Oil and Coal are verboten.
13) Scandal after scandal has rocked DC and those are being called “phony”.
14) More people are on government help than are working now.
15) Political corruption
16) Government corruption
17) borders are uncontrolled, the “barbarian hordes” are coming through daily, by the thousands
18) the government coffers are being sucked dry by “entitlements” and the government keeps wanting more from the working people, the “rich” and corporations.

Rome fell for the many of the same reasons; moral decline, political corruption, “barbarian knowledge of Roman tactics” (think about that for a moment), a failing economy, unemployment of the working “class”, decline in ethics and values, natural disasters, barbarian invasion (Hmmmm…. border security?), military decay (not being trained right, and reduction in forces), and many other reasons.

So could a military coup take America back?  I can not answer that question but I can certainly suggest that this country is in a condition which will facilitate such a thing happening.  But will some military officer be able to gain enough power to lead enough American men, who are independent thinkers, into such a one way path?  I seriously doubt it will happen.  I don’t doubt the fall of America is upon us.

Why do you need a gun like the AR15?


Because, Liberal, fuck you, that’s why!

Bombshell Obama Vetting: 1979 Newspaper Article By Valerie Jarrett Father-In-Law Reveals Start Of Muslim Purchase Of U.S. Presidency

Time to jump over to Pat Dollard and read your daily information folks.  This is… well, scary, but apparently what we’re up against in the world today.  Below is the link, and some of the text you will find there.


Sep 28, 2012 153 Comments Pat Dollard

Why would Muslim oil billionaires finance and develop controlling relationships with black college students? Well, like anyone else, they would do it for self-interest. And what would their self-interest be? We all know the top two answers to that question: 1. a Palestinian state and 2. the advancement of Islam in America. The idea then was to advance blacks who would facilitate these two goals to positions of power in the Federal government, preferably, of course, the Presidency. And why would the Arabs target blacks in particular for this job? Well, for the same reason the early communists chose them as their vanguard for revolution (which literally means “change”) in America. Allow me to quote Trotsky, in 1939: “The American Negroes, for centuries the most oppressed section of American society and the most discriminated against, are potentially the most revolutionary element of the population. They are designated by their historical past to be, under adequate leadership, the very vanguard of the proletarian revolution.” Substitute the word “Islam” for the words “the proletarian revolution,” and you most clearly get the picture, as Islam is a revolutionary movement just like communism is. (Trivia: it is from this very quote that communist Van Jones takes his name. Van is short for vanguard. He was born “Anthony”). In addition, long before 1979, blacks had become the vanguard of the spread of Islam in America, especially in prisons.

Interestingly, in context with the fact that this article was written by her father-in-law, Valerie Jarrett has an unusual amount of influence over Obama (along with personal security that may be even better than his, another unusual and intriguing bit of business here). And equally interesting is that Obama, who may have been a beneficiary of this Muslim money, and may now be in this Muslim debt, has aggressively pursued both of the Muslim agendas I cited above. And, also equally interesting, is that Obama has paid a king’s ransom for court ordered seals of any such records of this potential financing of his college education, and perhaps, of other of his expenses.

Lastly, it’s very important to note that the main source for the article is Khalid Mansour, “the same lawyer who allegedly helped arrange for the entrance of Barack Obama into Harvard Law School in 1988.” (Valerie Jarrett, by the way, was born in Iran. The one country protected by Obama from the sweep of the Arab Spring.) Now all of this may seem sensational, but let’s face facts. What makes it most disturbing is that not only is it all logical, but it suddenly makes a lot of previously confusing things make perfect sense.Pat Dollard


More links:


Americans: Stand up and Resist!

I’m an American.  I was born in the USA.  Before me, my father, grandfather, great-grandfather, great-great-grandfather, great-great-great-grandfather and several generations prior were also born here.

One of them came over on a ship from Ireland, another from Scotland.  Men before me have fought for this country from the Indian Wars to the Revolutionary War to the most recent wars in the Middle East.  My sons are Americans and Patriots.

The lie that “We are all immigrants” has been told so often that it’s now being believed.  Yes, my distant forefather DID come to America as an immigrant. A LEGAL Immigrant, albeit, forced to come here to find freedom from Oppression of the British Empire.

Today – illegal immigrants stream across the border in an effort to abuse our freedoms, to steal our tax monies and to commit crimes (illegal immigration, IS A CRIME).  There is no checks and balances any more.  Congress and the President do not want them.

Congress and the President don’t want us to defend ourselves.

The President has allowed agencies to spy on us, the DOJ to lie to us, to kill our own men by giving away guns to criminals, to kill our own military men, Navy Seals, to allow criminals and terrorists to kill our Ambassador and American heroes without investigation.

The current administration has worked to destroy the America my father, I and my children grew up in.

It is time to put a stop to the abuses of the American system, abuses to the American Taxpayer.  It is TIME to FIRE the current government and replace it non-Marxists, non-Socialists and non-Progressives.

A war has been declared on Patriots in America.  We’re now being labeled as terrorists and troublemakers, being called names like “Teabagger” (look that up) and worse.

Fight back.  Resist “Hope and Change”.  Resist Socialism, and Progressivism or suffer the long term consequences to this Great Nation.

Already the time is nearly past, and this country is nearly done.

Stand up and be heard!

A coming Civil War

It occurred to me a few hours ago when I was writing something that this whole thing, this Zimmerman thing, the “race baiting”, the race card playing, the pressure from above to cause riots and dissension among the people of this country is planned; part and parcel of a larger “conspiracy” (for lack of a better word) to completely terminate what America was and once stood for.

I mean we all suspect it, but seriously, how many times has Obama said of himself that he was like Lincoln, or worse, his people have said it and he’s been quiet about the whole thing?

Here’s one instance:

 “Actually, Mr. Obama has evoked deliberately comparisons with Lincoln ever since he announced his candidacy for president on Feb. 10, 2007, at the Old State Capitol building in Springfield, Ill,” Boyer wrote. “He chose the site because it was the same place where Lincoln gave a famous speech condemning slavery and called for the Northern and Southern states to unite.”

Now…. what BETTER way to put himself in a “good light” with “his people” (I’m talking about the American people now, not his black friends) than to sound and act like Lincoln IF ONLY he had a National Crisis similar to that which once faced Lincoln himself; the breakup of America.  States seceding from the Union would do it.  Better yet a complete and total breakdown of Society to include a Civil War!

After all, could he not then be compared to Mandela AND Lincoln if only he could get a race war started.   What if the word “apartheid” started making the rounds in the media as well?  Could not Obama himself be seen as “Great” as Lincoln himself, and Nelson Mandela if ONLY he could re-unite the country after a bloody civil war, or better a race war.  Why not kill two birds with one stone, so to speak?

So what if “Hispanic” is an ethic title,  George IS white.  And poor little 12-year-old-in-pictures Trayvon was an innocent little boy eating his candy and drinking his tea minding his own business.

Never MIND all the people drinking the Kool-Aid.

Don’t believe me.  Check out the following links.  Tell me, and be honest with yourself, where are the true racists?


The Supreme Court, Zimmerman and American Apartheid (This link is NOW dead…. ACLU likely thought better of it.)

Police in Houston stand down in face of protestors

Houstonians rally against Zimmerman acquittal

Protesters block part of Texas 288
By Mike Glenn | July 15, 2013 | Updated: July 15, 2013 11:28pm


“Our motto today is: We’re fired up and we’re not going to take it anymore,” said community activist Quanell X.

The rally began about 7 p.m. at Byrd Funeral Home, 2517 Wheeler, near the campus of Texas Southern University. Organizers said that location was picked for a reason.

“This is where they wish to send young black men – to the funeral home,” Quanell X said.

It was a dramatic theme that was repeated along the march route with protesters solemnly pushing a casket behind a hearse.

Bianca Fisher said she wasn’t particularly surprised that the jury set Zimmerman free.

“The mission of the judicial system is to enslave black people,” she said.

Benita Gordon brought her son, Devon, to the protest, which lasted about 90 minutes.

“We’re walking tonight for Trayvon,” she said. “We need fair rules all the way around.”

Marchers shut down southbound traffic along Texas 288 at Southmore for about 10-15 minutes. No police were seen. The crowds allowed an ambulance to pass, but other motorists were forced to wait.

“It’s civil disobedience. The people are angry and have a right to be angry,” Quanell X said.

Communists instigating racial Divide

If you THINK for one second this is all about “Justice for Trayvon” you are one of the most naive on the planet…. this isn’t about justice for some kid who was in the wrong place, wrong time and threw the first punch.  This is “Progressive Tyranny” if I ever saw it, and I’ve seen it.  Ladies and Gentlemen, of ALL races… Black, White, Hispanic… America belongs to Americans.

We have been invaded by Communists who style themselves as “Progressives”.  Our Congress is full of these people, all of them with a Marxist bent.  While you were sleeping or watching your favorite television show, you’ve had your country, your TRUE country yanked out from under you.

Around you you see signs like the below picture.  But  look closely.  Go check the site link.  Understand that Communism is NOT something you want to live under.

Anyone bother to check the link on this sign?

America, we are under seige by these people, and Obama is part of this, so is Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.  Those people are claiming to be “Progressive” and yet, what they really want for you and America is to be slaves.  You think that your great grand parents being slaves was bad?  Wait until you’re a slave in the 21st Century to a tyrannical government run by Communists.

It is estimated that between 85 and 140 million people… MILLIONS… have died at the hands of Communism.  Do you REALLY, HONESTLY believe that Socialism, Progressivism and Communism are the right way for this country to go?  Or do you VALUE your personal, individual freedoms?  Do you think you are “free” now?

You’re wrong.  You are a sheep.  You’ve been brainwashed since birth.  80% of the people reading here were born after 1970.  95% are probably born after 1980.  That means you REALLY do NOT understand.

I was born in the 1950s.  I saw the “Iron Curtain”. I saw Red China, the Soviet Empire.  I saw the Cuba Missile Crisis.  I saw all of these things for what they truly were.

Wake UP!  Step back, take a breath and understand you are being duped.

Revolution Newspaper Front Page
The below CLEARLY STATES how they are trying to divide America into Colors.  Friends…. I’m a White man, of Irish, Scotish and American Indian descent.  My people were all once oppressed.  That was a long time ago, they came to America to escape English oppression only to help oppress others in America, the Native Americans.  My veins are full of European and American Indian blood.  But rioting at the behest of Communists?  Come on, wake up.  I don’t see colors in peoples’ skins.  I do however see evil in their eyes, and I see the hatred that some have for others because they have simply been brainwashed to BELIEVE they are being oppressed by whites.
It is time to join civilization and wake up.  You’re being USED.  See the evidence below.

The Stakes of the Trayvon Martin Case… and the Need to SEIZE THE TIME!

July 7, 2013 | Revolution Newspaper |

Trayvon Martin was a 17-year-old African-American, walking home at 7:30 pm with a can of ice tea and a bag of candy. George Zimmerman had never talked to Trayvon Martin, never met Trayvon Martin, knew nothing about Trayvon Martin, never even heard of him. But nevertheless this society—this system—had trained George Zimmerman to “know” and to say that Trayvon Martin was “suspicious” and more—that Trayvon Martin was a “fucking punk…a fucking asshole” who “always gets away with it.”

George Zimmerman had no training, no judgment, no sense of the gravity of human life, nor any shred of respect or feeling for the lives of people like Trayvon Martin. Yet George Zimmerman carried a pistol with hollow-point “man-killer” bullets as he prowled in his car, with the blessings of this system. George Zimmerman stalked Trayvon Martin, with that pistol in his jacket, and George Zimmerman then confronted Trayvon Martin, feeling the whole strength of this system behind him. And then George Zimmerman decided to kill Trayvon Martin.

This was one more horrible, heartbreaking outrage at the end of a 400-year chain of such outrages. That is the heart of the matter.

Sanford FL June 10, mobilizing for justice for TrayvonJune 10 in Sanford, Florida: and Stop Mass Incarceration. Photo: Li Onesto/Revolution

Right now, American society—with the whole world increasingly taking notice—is polarizing. Two sides are lining up—one upholding the right of the Trayvon Martins of this world to live and flourish and, if they are attacked, to have justice… and the other upholding the supposed rights of people like George Zimmerman to kill people like Trayvon with impunity. This should be clear, but every day the powers-that-be work to cloud this, so we must all insist on this basic truth.

And every day the breadth and ferocity of this polarization grow and intensify. Last week the reactionaries vented their hatred and fury on Trayvon’s friend Rachel Jeantel in a vicious, gutter-level attack by a “virtual” mob. Rachel Jeantel is a key witness in the trial, the person Trayvon was talking to on the phone when George Zimmerman confronted him. Once again, these bullies had been trained to act and react by a system, to spew their ignorant venom full of the confidence of someone who feels they have power on their side. This kind of shit must be fought all along the way, and this growing polarization must be repolarized into deeper and broader energy, clarity, and direction for justice for Trayvon Martin… and for revolution and emancipation altogether.

You who read this paper must now step up. You have a chance to change history and you cannot step aside from that. Here is some of what you can do:

  • Get what has to say into social media… inject its leadership into the intensifying societal debate… get to us with ideas on how to do it and take initiative yourself…
  • Take out materials on this trial—our newspaper, or materials from the Stop Mass Incarceration Network, or other positive things—and get them into people’s hands, even if it is just you and a friend at first… grow these into impromptu speak-outs and demonstrations when you do…
  • Spread the “We Say NO MORE” statement and get people to sign it… change the polarization and give strength and expression to the side of justice…
  • Answer the call of the Stop Mass Incarceration Network (SMIN) (check online at and to build public vigils when the jury goes out, so that there is a powerful collective response to the verdict… and join with that network, supporting and participating in it…
  • Donate funds to so that we can create MAXIMUM social impact…

And most of all, this: the most essential and important fact about the world today is that the Trayvon Martins in it DO NOT HAVE TO DIE. The most essential fact is that a society is possible in which the Trayvon Martins and Rachel Jeantels and the millions and billions like them, here and around the world, can not only survive, but can flourish and fully contribute all they have to offer to the world. Such a society is possible through revolution—a revolution based on the theory developed by Bob Avakian and won with the leadership provided by the Party he leads, the Revolutionary Communist Party. In the midst of this massive social upheaval, BA must truly be everywhere—the film of his speech BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS! sold and shown all over… the revolutionary handbook of his talks and writings, BAsics, out everywhere… his image out and around in every struggle, sparking people’s curiosity and thinking and letting them know the revolution is here, there IS a way out.

Do not turn away from this challenge. Don’t let them win this round. This is about the kind of world we want to live in.

For more, see “The Trial of George Zimmerman: The Persecution of Trayvon Martin.”

Counter Revolution

I’m sure many of you realize, understand and even “grok” that today in America we’re undergoing “change”.  Change that many of us don’t want.  In fact the Left has embarked on a journey to “fundamentally change” America.  A fundamental change is defined basically as; of or relating to essential structure, function, or facts : radical <fundamental change>; also : of or dealing with general principles rather than practical application <fundamental science>.

America is undergoing this “change” at her very roots.  Most Americans hearing Obama use those words for the first time sincerely had not a clue what he meant.  Many of us did and understood he intended to completely change America’s very basic precepts, fundamental to our heritage in this country, the belief that this country is something better than those that have gone before, that we, as Americans are somehow “not worthy” and religion, freedoms and liberty are Government Granted commodities.

Somehow the notion that Americans are all “equal” has taken a perverted change from what this means.  “Equal” doesn’t mean equal in the sense that “What I have is yours to take”, it means “We each work our asses off to get somewhere in life.  We spend our time learning, competing and gaining ground economically, educationally and we DO IT ON OUR OWN.”

We are in the midst of a Revolution.  The Revolutionaries are the Leftists, Communists, Socialists, Marxists and un-American “leaders” (and I use the word leader here, loosely).

The rest of us, you and I, who stand more to the Right and more conservative than those on the Left, those who believe in America as it was founded, the Patriotic who still salute the flag, say the Pledge of Alligence and believe we are and should remain the strongest country in the world, are considered to be an anachronism, a throw back to civil war times.  The Left sees us as carrying the Rebel Flag and fighting for slavery.

The truth is, my friends, each and every hand gun and rifle owner in America, whether they want to believe this or not, are believers in the Constitution…. that paper which is immutable, may not be thrown out or suspended without a fight, we are the Counter-Revolutionaries.

We are the people from whom the real change will come.

If we all stand up and do something about what is happening.

Otherwise, we simply stand and watch ourselves become history….

Obama, Gone Too Far. Honor a thug. Ban a gun.

Honor Martin – Ban Guns!

Posted on July 15, 2013 by

Our gun grabber in chief spoke this weekend about the Zimmerman acquittal. Just as he used the Sandy Hook tragedy to immediately call for the destruction of our Constitution, he’s now calling for more gun control in the wake of the Zimmerman trial.  As surreal as it may seem, I’m not making this up.  Here’s what Obama said the day after Zimmerman was found not guilty.

We should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence that claims too many lives across this country on a daily basis. We should ask ourselves, as individuals and as a society, how we can prevent future tragedies like this [Zimmerman case]. As citizens, that’s a job for all of us. That’s the way to honor Trayvon Martin.

The ink isn’t even dry on the verdict and Obama is already using a tragedy to once again attempt a power grab by the federal government.  Last time he stood on the still warm bodies of the Sandy Hook victims to push his anti-gun agenda forward.  He is completely shameless and it’s disgusting to witness.

Apparently the President thinks that Zimmerman is guilty of murder and walked free due to some failing of the justice system.  He’s now grouping a legal self defense shooting into the same category as criminal uses of firearms and using it as justification to push his anti-gun agenda forward.  That means those of us who carry firearms for personal protection are part of the problem, according to Obama, and we must be stopped for the greater good of the community. In the President’s eyes I’m just as bad as a gangbanger because I have a CCW.

Geolocate Dangerous Guns Answer to the Application

About the Gun Geo Marker

The Walkingtools Gun Geo Marker
The general guideline is that you should mark any location about which you have a gun related concern, while trying to provide enough extra information for others to make their own determination about safety.
An important secondary warning is that the Walkingtools Gun Geo Marker is not intended as a reporting mechanism for active threats. If you are concerned for anyone’s immediate safety, call 911 immediately.

Now…. far be it for me to make a suggestion as to how to deal with this particular application, or even to suggest that my suggestion might work.  But… I’ll give it a go.

All gun owners should download this App.  Immediately.

You can tag locations in it.

So, why not tag it with the following:

1) Anti-gun Libtards

2) Businesses that hate guns

3) Hollywood Actors and Actresses who speak out against guns.

4) Local politician’s homes who are anti-gun

5) Local Media personalities who are anti-gun.


The point to this is to make THOSE locations as “gun owners” and overwhelm the database with Garbage In, which in turn produces Garbage Out.

So, do your part today and help this Application “fill up some white space”.


FOIAed again: ‘Gun map’ newspaper seeks more info on firearms owners

By Michael Roppolo

Published July 03, 2013
The suburban New York newspaper that created a firestorm earlier this year when it published the names and addresses of gun permit holders has requested more data regarding legal owners of firearms, apparently to determine if handgun ownership patterns have changed in the last six months.

The Journal News, a Gannett-owned paper that covers suburban counties just north of New York City, requested more personal information in May. This time, it included statistical data, as well as names and addresses of gun permit holders from Rockland, Putnam and Westchester counties. Out of the paper’s reach are the names of those that opted out of the public records under the NY SAFE law, passed after the Journal News published an interactive map showing the address of every registered handgun owner in two counties it covers.

“The request indicated that it was in relation to a ‘news event,’” Westchester County spokeswoman Rosia Blackwell Lawrence told

The latest document request, made on May 15, sought the names and addresses of all permit holders in the Westchester database, along with other data that pertained to some 9,996 opt-out requests, including reasons for the requests, total number of requests received, and the total number of requests approved.

Lawrence said that the request was ultimately approved, except for the breakdown of approved opt-out requests by reason, as that information was not captured electronically.

Last December, following the Sandy Hook school shootings in Connecticut, the Journal News filed Freedom of Information Law requests for gun permits and then compiled names and addresses of registered gun owners in Westchester and Rockland counties into an interactive map. Putnam County Clerk Dennis Sant refused to release the names and addresses of handgun permit holders, saying it was a matter of public safety.

Sant told that he also denied the newspaper’s recent request. The Journal News then appealed to Putnam County Executive MaryEllen Odell, who ultimately denied the request.
Read more:

America on the Abyss

On July 4th, tomorrow, America celebrates it’s Independence from Britain but we stand on the verge of destruction of this very country we all love.  From within.  From our own, overbearing, overreaching government.

There is not a Patriotic American within the sound of my voice, or with in reach of my writing who will not agree that this country is the Greatest Country that has ever existed, and almost every, single one of them, myself included would or have been willing to stand up to keep this country great.  Every one of us will fight to protect our country if it were invaded.  Every one of us has an opinion about how it should be run.  Almost none of us stand together on one, simple act – defiance of what is happening to us right now in this country.  Some shrug their shoulders and move on, some ignore the problem completely, some of us loudly, vocally proclaim the wrongs done but can’t fix it alone.

Unfortunately for Americans we are in the midst of what I called “The Throes of Progressive Tyranny”.  A few years ago I created a forum on our TAA web site to track the progress of Progressiveness and the Progressive Tyranny that is haunting this country, from the most basic precepts of “Political Correctness” to Nationalization of the Health Care system and everything in between.

On 20 January 2009, Barack Hussein Obama was innagurated as the 44th President, running on a platform of “Hope and Change”, talking about “Fundemental Change” in America.  Most of us saw this man then for what we now know he is.

On 14 December 2012, Adam Lanza is believed to have walked into a school (without any assistance) to shoot and kill twenty small children, babies really, and six adults.  Before that he killed his mother in cold blood while she was sleeping, took guys, put on military style armor and went to the school.  Immediately there were calls to ban guns.   Most of us saw this coming the moment we were learning children had died.

Obamacare, the so-called “Affordable Health Care Act” was “passed before we get to see what’s in it”…. Congress created, then opened Pandora’s Box.  (For the uneducated, who don’t know the story of Pandora, I’ll leave it to you to look it up….).  Everyone in the United States, no matter how naive they pretend to be grasped the ramifications of Nationalization of the Medical Care in America.

Then the media started breaking scandal after scandal.  Everything from “Project Gun Walker” to the NSA leaker Snowden letting the world know Americans were being spied upon by their own government.  The Justice Department investigating journalists as “terrorists”, spying on them, and entire news organizations, to lying through their teeth to cover their asses.

There is so much more that has gone against our very way of life, to coin a phrase, truth, justice and the American Way.  So much for Superman, huh?

Americans are just DAMNED sick and tired of being lied to.  They are damned tired of the Government getting into their business.  One could certainly compare 1775 and events leading up the American Revolutionary War with today.  In fact, one COULD sit and start writing down all of the abuses by this government against the people, starting with the very idea the government seems to have forgotten their place; that is that they work for us, we don’t belong to them.  Most of us are simply too lazy though to do ANYTHING about it.

Indeed this country stands on an abyss.  Tomorrow we celebrate, but who knows what happens next Monday?  I don’t.  Perhaps nothing will change, just status quo.  Sheep getting up and going to work, working their lives away to pay our debt to our great grandchildren.

Obama and his administration have certainly accomplished their “fundamental change” haven’t they?  Americas are about to be shepherded by the IRS to ensure they pay for their own health care.  We’ve had states ban our guns.  We’ve had police forces become military-strong.  We’ve been told where to go, when to go, how to go and by the way, don’t use Gas, Oil, Coal or any of that nasty carbon-producing-stuff that kills things.  Oh and if you don’t mind, just die you human because you eat, and excrete and make it bad for “Mother Gaia”.

The Abyss is… step up and stop the crimes against this country, or stand down and be a sheep.  Sheep eventually are sheared, and many are just led to slaughter.

Which will you stand up and be, sheep or Patriot?


Is America in a Pre-Revolutionary State this July 4th?

July 2nd, 2013 – 12:23 am


As we approach July 4, 2013, is America in a pre-revolutionary state? Are we headed for a Tahrir Square of our own with the attendant mammoth social turmoil, possibly even violence.

 Could it happen here?

We are two-thirds of the way into the most incompetent presidency in our history. People everywhere are fed up. Even many of the so-called liberals who propelled Barack Obama into office have stopped defending him in the face of an unprecedented number of scandals coming at us one after the other like hideous monsters in some non-stop computer game.

And now looming is the monster of monsters, ObamaCare, the healthcare reform almost no one wanted and fewer understood.

It will be administered by the Internal Revenue Service, an organization that has been revealed to be a kind of post-modern American Gestapo, asking not just to examine our accounting books but the books we read. What could be more totalitarian than that?

Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal warns the costs of ObamaCare are close to tripling what were promised, and the number of doctors in our country is rapidly diminishing. No more “My son, the doctor!” It doesn’t pay.

And young people most of all will not be able to afford escalating health insurance costs and will end up paying the fine to the IRS, simultaneously bankrupting the health system and enhancing the brutal power of the IRS — all this while unemployment numbers remain near historical highs.

Read the rest:

Obama’s Gun Report Backfires–Guns Save Lives

Obama wanted a report on gun violence, and he got one, just not the one he may have been wanting.

A recent study supervised by the CDC and carried out by the Institute of Medicine and National Research Council found that individuals involved in violent crimes who defended themselves with a gun were far less likely to be injured than those who were not carrying a firearm.

The report ended up finding more benefits in regards to open or concealed firearm carrying than negative side effects.  It is estimated that guns are used in defense up to 3 million times per year.  Compare that with the number of violent crimes involving firearms in 2008–300,000.

The study cites that since 1983, there have been approximately 547 victims and 476 injuries of mass shootings.  While a problem, mass shootings are not an epidemic as gun control advocates would have you believe.  To put those numbers into perspective, thousands of people are killed each year by bats and human hands as Anthony Gucciardi has detailed in ‘A Brief and Bloody History of Gun Control.’

Lawmakers trying to ban 3-d printed gun parts now

Lawmaker Seeks To Extend 3D-Printed Gun Ban Bill To Ammo Magazines And Other Components

One of Defense Distributed’s AR-15 with a 3D-printed lower receiver and magazine.

New York congressman Steve Israel has become the government’s most outspoken critic of a science fictional idea quickly approaching reality: 3D-printed guns. Since late last year, he’s pushed for the renewal of the soon-to-expire Undetectable Firearms Act as a measure to prevent a future where plastic guns are created as easily as ink is printed on a page. Now he’s going further, suggesting an expansion of that decades-old bill that would ban not only the 3D printing of firearms, but also of gun components that weren’t covered in the law previously.

Last week, Israel introduced a new version of the Undetectable Firearms Act that includes additions to the bill seeking to outlaw not only any firearm that can’t be detected with a walk-through metal detector, but also specific pieces like undetectable ammunition magazines–a part not included in the current version of the act–and lower receivers, two components that have been demonstrated in recent months to work reliably when printed on common 3D printers.

Read the rest over there:


Apparently they just can’t legislate FAST enough.

Early reports link twin blasts to right-wing extremists or al-Qa’ida

Boston Marathon bombing: The initial theories

Early reports of the Boston Marathon bombing sought to link the blasts to domestic right-wing extremists.

The main thinking behind a link to the far-right was that the relative small size of the bomb and the fact it took place on Patriot’s Day – a hugely symbolic event.

Patriot’s Day is a civic holiday commemorating the anniversary of the Battles of Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775. The battles marked the beginning of military action American Revolution and have been seen as a symbol of American independence and freedom ever since.

The devastating Oklahoma City bombing of April 19, 1995, which killed 168 people, took place the day after Patriot’s Day. Perpetrator Timothy McVeigh reportedly considered the date significant to his anti-government terrorist attack.

Patriot’s Day also marks the anniversary of the end of the Waco siege on April 19, 1993. Right-wing groups have long linked Waco’s bloody conclusion – in which 86 people died after the FBI stormed the Branch Davidian cult’s compound following a 51-day siege – as an example of the US government abusing its power.

Edit:  Looks like this has gone world wide as far as “blaming Right Wing Radicals” :

Maryland’s Second Amendment Nightmare: Coming Soon to a State Near You?

April 15, 2013

By Jonathan F. Keiler

 If you want to see how firearm sales can be effectively banned, look no farther than the so-called “free state” of Maryland.  Although Maryland’s newly promulgated “assault gun” ban and licensing requirements will not go into effect until October, it is already nearly impossible to reasonably purchase a pistol or other “regulated” weapon in the state, and those who do face waiting periods of 50-60 days and increasing daily.  After October 1, with additional training requirements (including range time), fingerprinting, and licensing, it’s likely that waiting times will increase exponentially, and that would-be legal gun owners will face periods of additional months, or conceivably years, before they can receive a pistol or other regulated weapon (though nevermore a so-called “assault weapon.”)  Under this scenario, it’s hard to see how many gun dealers will remain in business, or why online outfits would bother to sell here (some already don’t).

 Going into a Maryland gun shop today is like going into an East German department store in the 1970s or ’80s.  You’ll find little but empty shelves, or shelves filled with weapons already labeled “sold” but whose owners can’t yet pick their guns up.  Even without Maryland’s draconian new gun law, weapons sales in the state are already heavily regulated.  Maryland’s ambitious leftist Democratic governor, Martin O’Malley, and a pliant Democratic-dominated legislature passed the harsh new measures despite the fact that Beretta operates its U.S. plant in Maryland and threatened to move and take hundreds of jobs with it if Maryland passed the new legislation.  That made no difference to the Democrats.

Under already existing law, purchases of pistols or “assault weapons” are limited to one per month and require a background check by the Maryland State Police (MSP) and a seven-day waiting period.  This system has already stymied gun sales in the state.  With unprecedented purchases due to fear over potential (and now actual) heightened restrictions, the MSP is swamped with paperwork.  Many gun enthusiasts suspect, like workers attempting to divine the will of the politburo, that the MSP is under secret orders from O’Malley to drag its feet processing new applications.  I doubt that any such a conspiracy exists, or that the MSP is deliberately slowing the process.  Rather, it is just choosing not to make heroic efforts to clear the backlog, while letting the law and natural bureaucratic inertia do the rest.

Beginning October 1, things promise to get immeasurably worse.  The new Maryland law, like other recently promulgated efforts at firearms regulation, purports to respect the rights of gun owners, but its provisions quite insidiously eat away at the very heart of the 2nd Amendment.  Most obviously is the “assault gun” ban, which makes most currently regulated long guns illegal.

Like other limiting state statutes, the Maryland law is filled with nonsense and misunderstandings.  The statue obsesses over meaningless cosmetics, like pistol grips and flash suppressors, and thoroughly misunderstands firearm history.  Some weapons, such as the M-1 carbine, are designated as “assault rifles” even though they were introduced many years before such a concept even existed.  And while the M-1 carbine is currently regulated (and banned under the new law), its bigger, much more powerful cousin, the M-1 Garand, is specifically excluded from regulation.  Yet it was the Garand, not the carbine, that was the principle battle rifle of American combat troops in World War II, famously described by General George Patton as “the greatest battle implement ever devised.”  The carbine, which fires a relatively weak pistol cartridge, was issued to rear area troops, while the Garand, which shoots the devastating .30-.06 round, equipped the infantry.

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Big Sis (DHS) Coordinating Gun Confiscations

Department of Homeland Security is collaborating with New York State government officials to confiscate guns belonging to people who are deemed, often erroneously, to have a mental condition, according to radio host Tom Bauerle.

via Big Sis (DHS) Coordinating Gun Confiscations.


She’s not MY big Sis.

I don’t get where these people think they can just start assuming they can tell us what to do, when to do it, how to do it… oh wait, they are Government Workers…. so they are better than the peasants.

Janet… go pound sand will ya?

Supreme court rejects challenge to NY gun law

Well, appears the Supreme Court is going to IGNORE the problem at the lower levels. Tough, huh? In truth, they are going to find out about doing the right thing when this country erupts in fighting over guns.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court is staying out of the gun debate for now.

The justices on Monday declined to hear a challenge to a strict New York law that makes it difficult for residents to get a license to carry a concealed handgun in public.

The court did not comment in turning away an appeal from five state residents and the Second Amendment Foundation. Their lawsuit also drew support from the National Rifle Association and 20 states.

White House Plans Anti-Gun Twitterbomb

The Patriot Perspective

The White House is asking people to support their call for greater government power via a massive anti-gun twitterbomb.

The White House is using a third-party system called “Thunderclap“. Thunderclap is a system by which people log in with a Twitter or FB account, then decide to share a message, and the system holds their message until a threshold is met.

When the threshold is met, all of their messages are sent at once, creating a “thunderclap” twitterbomb that dominates discussion by effectively generating an artificial viral meme.  It’s very collectivist, and quite sinister to see the White House orchestrating and agitating for greater government power by becoming the puppeteers of an engineered outcry.

With the “now is the time” demands, the White House site is somewhat ominous:

now is the time white house antigun twitterbomb

And there’s this, showing their expected “social reach” and the extent to which the White House intends to…

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Go To Hell Harry Reid and Dianne Feinswine

I’ve been saying “This man needs to be removed from office” for a LONG time, I guess others are finally getting it too….
Go To Hell Harry Reid and Dianne Feinswine

This man needs to be removed from office for the direct and intentional offense of attempting to define the victim of a crime as a federal felon.


(a) In General- Section 922 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end–
‘(aa) It shall be unlawful for any person who lawfully possesses or owns a firearm that has been shipped or transported in, or has been possessed in or affecting, interstate or foreign commerce, to fail to report the theft or loss of the firearm, within 24 hours after the person discovers the theft or loss, to the Attorney General and to the appropriate local authorities.’.
(b) Penalty- Section 924(a)(1) of title 18, United States Code, is amended by striking subparagraph (B) and inserting the following:
‘(B) knowingly violates subsection (a)(4), (f), (k), (q), or (aa) of section 922;’.

And if you follow the reference:

shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

A person who has their firearms stolen is the victim of a crime.  To impose upon them the affirmative duty to report same to the Attorney General is an outrage.  These people are not criminals, they are victims in that their property has been taken unlawfully.

This will lead to thousands of annual prosecutions of people who are claimed not have not reported “within 24 hours” their “alleged knowledge” of the theft.  While there are certainly times that knowledge is obvious, such as when someone tears your gun safe off the concrete floor and rips a hole in the room in which it was formerly present to do so, a huge number of firearms are stolen without the person who has them taken being immediately aware of it.

This law explicitly authorizes and promotes political prosecutions where the exact time of the offense cannot be ascertained but the person has “allegedly” failed to so-report.

The traitorous jackasses in the Senate who support this crap need to be removed from office and imprisoned for attempting to define victims of criminal acts as felons.

But the assault does not stop there.