Lies about the Second Amendment

On 27 March 2018, John Paul Stevens, a former judge, and served as an “associate justice” on the supreme court, wrote an Op-Ed piece for the New York Times.
In the article, he made a couple of fallacious statements. The first of these statements goes:
“Concern that a national standing army might pose a threat to the security of the separate states led to the adoption of that amendment, which provides that “a well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” Today that concern is a relic of the 18th century.”
First, his OPINION is that this concern is a “relic of the past”. In fact, this concern is precisely why the America people will never be debarred the use or ownership of ARMS. The VERY Government that is attempting to ban guns is doing so because they plan something illegal, immoral or tyrannical.
There was no standing army when the Second was created. The official US Army came into being AFTER the Second Amendment was ratified. There was no “national guard” until 1933. So the argument is specious at best, downright wrong and inconsistent with actual, legal thinking either of “that time period” or now.
His next misstep comes in the form of a fabrication.
For over 200 years after the adoption of the Second Amendment, it was uniformly understood as not placing any limit on either federal or state authority to enact gun control legislation.
In truth, the Second Amendment is not “so understood” by people who actually “understand” the law. In FACT, the Second Amendment DOES PLACE limits – one specifically, on ALL forms of Government in the United States. That limit is places upon the states and the Feds and prevents them from “Infringement”. Period. End of statement.
The Second Amendment is NOT a Rights Granting statement. It is an imperative, ordering the government, the courts, the Executive NOT to interfere with the Rights of the People.
It isn’t the government granting us a Right. It’s not giving men/women the ability to “change as necessary” those Rights. It is an EDICT against the change of those Rights.
That a man show served with the Supreme Court takes this extreme view should be a lesson to one and all that there are people that WISH TO REMOVE YOUR RIGHT to own any sort of arms.
The next place he stepped in his own lies is as follows:
“When organizations like the National Rifle Association disagreed with that position and began their campaign claiming that federal regulation of firearms curtailed Second Amendment rights, Chief Justice Burger publicly characterized the N.R.A. as perpetrating “one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word fraud, on the American public by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime.””
First of all, the NRA is made up of people like you and I. While I am no longer a member of the NRA (they became too Liberal for my tastes). The PEOPLE have the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. The NRA was founded to keep that right in place. The Gun Owners of America was an answer to the Liberalism of the NRA.
The only Fraud here is Justice Stevens. And probably Warren Burger.
In effect, this is more proof they want your guns. And also, in effect, in 2008 they overturned that ruling, and you will note that Stevens was one of the dissenters. In other words, he was wrong. And still is wrong.
“In 2008, the Supreme Court overturned Chief Justice Burger’s and others’ long-settled understanding of the Second Amendment’s limited reach by ruling, in District of Columbia v. Heller, that there was an individual right to bear arms. I was among the four dissenters.”
The Left LOVES to use the phrase “long settled” or “settled science” as if the last word on everything from everyone has made this decision.  The last word will never be spoken on this, because there will always be “dissenters” of course; and that’s part of the greatness of living in America in the first place.  The ability to have your own opinion and voice it.  However, just because you believe something is “settled” the way YOU like it doesn’t mean it is.  I personally believe we’re at a crossroads and we are about to step into the abyss over this.
In reality, in life, both now and 1776, there are people who “feel” as if guns should be outlawed, or the people who own them are “crazy” or “nuts” or “insane”.  Arms are what the Founding Fathers said, and what they meant, and what they wanted for all time.  Not some made up, pretend re-defining of a phrase.
The very images of the Musket next to an AR15 is proof enough that some people are so caught up in their “feelings” they can’t grasp simple English.
The Second Amendment makes NO distinction on technology, no distinction on types of weapons, but clearly and succinctly states “Arms”.
Arms is not a “fire arm” alone. Arms stands for all possible weapons with which to fight, defend and could include bottles, cans, knives, swords, nuclear weapons, tanks and battle cruisers, not to mention AR15s.
The Left, I submit has it wrong on all counts.
It is unconstitutional to take away our Arms. It is illegal. It is wrong and immoral of Federal workers (yes, Judges are still “workers” in the strictest sense of the word) to attempt to Legislate away our Rights. What’s more, it is out right treasonous of ANYONE in an elected or appointed position to demand or press for the removal of our Natural rights to Self Defense. The VERY ACT of doing so is WHY you have the Right in the first place.
In the last paragraph, Stevens makes his clean cut case for banning, although he doesn’t state it in such words.
“…would eliminate the only legal rule that protects sellers of firearms in the United States — unlike every other market in the world. It would make our schoolchildren safer than they have been since 2008 and honor the memories of the many, indeed far too many, victims of recent gun violence.”
By, Golly, it’s for the CHILDREN.
It’s a proven fact that we have less crime where more guns are available to normal, every day citizens. Criminals have a way of finding guns and other weapons all the time, regardless of laws preventing them from purchasing them or using them in crimes. It’s already against the law to commit crimes…..and yet, criminals still commit crimes.
The Media too, is culpable here. They refuse to carry stories about the “Good Guy with a Gun” who stopped a crime or mass shooting.
Folks, this is all-out war now. An UnCivil War. They want your guns.
Act accordingly.

Evidence against Clinton, Soros and Biden


This is prima facie evidence that Clinton, Soros, and Biden conspired in election collusion with the Ukrainian government.

Copy it and upload elsewhere too.



America’s Fall

Today, we older generational people, the “Boomers” as some refer to us in an unkindly manner, are the last of the children of “The Greatest Generation”.  We came after the end of World War II.

Our parents and Grand Parents saw the fall of the 3rd Reich, the Japanese Empire and the rise of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic – the USSR.  My father fought in the Korean War, a marine, who survive a massive battle to take and retake some unknown-today hill against Chinese Communists helping the North Koreans.

My wife’s father stood terrible duty in the Aleutians during World War II.  My own family has had military members through out our time in the United States, ranging from the American Revolution, to the War of 1812, Spanish-American War, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and later events like police incidents in Central America, the Cold War, Afghanistan and Iraq in more recent times.

My family has a storied history in war.  Not because we’re war mongers.  Quite the contrary.  We’re all against war.  But, almost every military man and woman knows and understands something that many today don’t grasp.

We understand the requirement to have a strong military to prevent incursion of Communism into our own environs.  We hold Military Service in a very high regard and do it of our own, free will almost always each of us joining a service before being drafted for some particular fight for Freedom.

As such, we all understood, before stepping into the boots and hefting a rifle the sacrifice we were making, in some cases, the ultimate sacrifice, giving one’s life for the American Way of Life.

We also understand/understood history.  Those stories before us of both war, and how they came into being.  How the Revolutionary War began, why it began, who precipitated it and why America came into being.

Today, we have people unaccustomed to war, and many who have been to war recently who understand that sometimes a war must be fought to keep everyone else safe.

Young people today seem to care little about the past, and are more concerned with protesting to give away their God Given, inalienable, natural rights.

Some see the Second Amendment (and indeed, sometimes the entire Constitution) as a worn, tired, out-of-date piece of parchment not worth the ink with which it was written.  Calls for changing the Constitution abound.  Cries to rescind the Second Amendment are being yelled loudly in the Press and from the Left side of the Political Aisle.

I’m here, not unlike Paul Revere himself, to herald a call to Arms and Warn the Americans that “The Progressives are Coming”.  They are already among us, screaming for things like “Common Sense Gun Laws” and “Gun reform”.

Truthfully, guns don’t require “reforming” as they aren’t evil, didn’t do anything wrong and are simply tools of the trade to the military man, police officer and honest, duty-bound Citizen of the United States to defend himself, his family and his community against transgressions against themselves by either criminals or, God Forbid, the Government itself.

We stand on the very precipice of the fall of the United States today.

The aforementioned Boomers and Millennials are locked in a mortal battle at this point in time. Not a bloody battle (no yet anyway) over Gun Control, the Second Amendment and the “tired, worn out Constitution”.

In less than a generation, roughly twenty-five more years, that youngest generation marching today against guns, against the NRA, against the “evil AR15” and against you my friends, will be the next generation in control of Congress, the White House and the Supreme Court.

We, the Boomers, the Cold Warriors, the Afghan and Iraqi Veterans are all that is left to stand up to those children who want to give away the very heart of America to Socialism, and ultimately, Communism.

The Communists warned us, over and over, they would take us over without firing a shot.  But, shots have been fired, against innocents in schools, and cities all over America using the “Evil Black Assault AR15” – a simple, semi-automatic rifle that is no different from a bolt action deer rifle, other than it has a smaller caliber.

Those children of today know not what they give away, know not how many men and women died protecting those very rights they intend to hand over to a future government, to remove those rights from their very own hands.

One generation, mark my words, if we do not turn this trend around now, if we do not reign in the wild accusations from Children, taught to them by Progressive and Marxist teachers in a public school, paid by OUR tax monies, given to those same Progressives and Marxists the Communist’s prophecy will have come true.

We are doomed to die in less than three hundred years.

Today, we wander down the path the Romans wandered in their last days.  Innocence lost, barbarians at the door and living in our own land, as well as our own apathy and ignorance have wrought what we shall soon reap.

This author implores you all, one last time, step up, be heard, fight the loss of this country and the loss of the Greatest Document written by man.  The US Constitution.

I personally swore and oath to protect it, six times in my career.  That Oath never expires and it doesn’t lessen as the years go by, it only calls in a stronger voice to me.

But, I’m one man.  My children learned their lessons well, and will continue in my stead.

Will yours?

I call upon every would-be, wannabe and existing Militia in the United States to stand up, be heard.  Do not back down.  Do not let the Constitution die when we die.

Unintended Consequences

The law of unintended consequences illuminates the perverse unanticipated effects of legislation and regulation.

In the social sciences, unintended consequences are outcomes that are not the ones foreseen and intended by a purposeful action. The term was popularized in the twentieth century by American sociologist Robert K. Merton.

UnintendedConsequences is what happens when you attempt to remove the Rights of Free people, because a few loud mouths with zero understanding of history yell louder than the rest of us.

Stand up and be heard.  Shout down the Democrats, Liberals and ignorance of the “Student Protesters” to Congress.


A book for you all to read.  Please understand that you will become Red Pilled even more than you are now if you read this book. Download, save, read and pass on.

Consider this my gift to #III%, #2A#MilitiaGroups#Patriots in the USA.


House Bill 5087 – Banning of all Semi Automatics

Here you go ladies and gentlemen.

The time has come to ban guns.

Hope you all can wrap your mind around this once, and for all time.

If they ban your guns, if they make it so that all weapons you own are now supposed to be checked every year, licensed and held accountable, how difficult will it be to force their turn in?

How do you keep them?  How do you not become a new, paper-work criminal?

You fight.  That’s how.

This bill must NOT pass.  And every Congress person that signed on needs to be removed from Office by force if no other means is available.

Now is not the time to sit on your ass and do nothing. Call them, explain that we are NOT giving up our guns under any circumstances.  We will not give them up without a fight.  And if that fight comes to hot lead, so be it.

It’s not about Gun Control.  It’s about Control.

Wake up America, YOU ARE THE MILITIA!



Anti-Gun Rally

So CHILDREN, young, high school children, are traveling by bus to Tallahassee today to meet with Legislators tomorrow, including Right Wingers who are planning to ban “bump stocks” (not used in the school shooting the other day) as well as protest guns.

Who paid for the buses?

Who believes that banning bump stocks will prevent someone intent on committing a crime using one will stop them from committing the crime?

Who believes for one second that banning guns will stop a criminal from using a gun?

Banning guns prevents ONLY law abiding citizens from purchasing or using guns.

Attempting to ban guns only shows the pure ignorance of the Left and those in government who believe in this insanity.

Yes, we hate that someone took a gun and killed 17 innocent people.  But banning the use of guns will not, ever stop a criminals.  Ever.  Never.

Americans will not go into the night without their guns, we will not permit the government to remove them or take them.  We will not go the way Australians, Canadians and Englishmen.  We will not willingly give them up, and we will fight those who try to take them from us.

When it is all said and done, the Left created the environment in which innocent children in a school are sitting ducks, “Gun Free Zones”, not the NRA, not gun owners, and certainly not those “evil AR15s”.  The Left is to blame.

If the Left wishes to fix the problem, then they must realize that 1) We are NOT going to allow our fellow countrymen to take our guns, or remove the Second Amendment and 2) if they try, there will be a war over guns.  They don’t want more deaths, bodies and a bloody war, and it WILL be a bloody war.

The “fix” for these shootings isn’t to limit guns to normal gun owners.  The fix it limit guns to people with a mental issue.

But that brings me to this point.  This last shooter was a 19 year old man who was kicked out of High School for reasons we aren’t sure of at this point.


Here’s what we know about Cruz now:

  • Cruz’s mother died in November. His father had died years earlier.
  • He and his brother were adopted.
  • He went to live with a friend’s family after his mother’s death.
  • A childhood freind of Cruz’s told CNN he would introduce himself as a “school shooter.”
  • Cruz had been expelled from school.
  • He legally purchased an AR-15 rifle about a year ago.
  • He had posted “disturbing” material on social media, according to Israel.
  • Buzzfeed is reporting that the FBI was warned about a YouTube user named Nikolas Cruz after he posted in September that he was “going to be a professional school shooter.
  • The Associated Press reported that the leader of a white nationalist group in Florida confirmed Cruz is a member. Later on social media, the leader said there was a misunderstanding and that Cruz was not a member of the group.
  • The Miami Herald reports that a teacher at the school said Cruz had been identified as a potential threat to fellow students in the past. Math teacher Jim Gard told the Herald, “There were problems with him last year threatening students, and I guess he was asked to leave campus.”
  • The shooting started outside the building, then Cruz went into the school and continued shooting.
  • Authorities said he walked out with other students after the shootings.
  • He had “multiple” ammunition magazines.
  • He had an AR-15 weapon
  • He pulled the fire alarm as he went into the school and then began shooting.
  • After the shooting, he left the campus, went to a Subway located inside of a Walmart where he purchased a drink, then went to a McDonalds where he was arrested without incident.
  • His attorney says Cruz has been placed on a suicide watch.
  • Cruz’s arrest affidavit says he confessed to the shootings.

Was he on drugs?  If so what sort of drugs?  There are reports he had multiple weapons (about ten of them).  If so, how many, and where did he get the money for so many?

Here’s a link that shows much of his instagram history, pictures of multiple weapons and even threats and personal attacks on him.  Not sure when those attacks happened (verbal).

Now… why are there “actors” showing up at this stuff?

Let me show you:

So Called “Student”, But actually a CRISIS ACTOR , David Hogg, was on camera months ago, pretending to be a high school student in California. Now, suddenly, he is a high school student in Florida???



This is amazing.  A guy who was in California is an actor? Now in Florida?  An Actor?  Someone explain this.

No one will though.  But it will get spun out of the media, or not mentioned, or called a “conspiracy theory”.  Whatever.

What this comes to, or is coming down to is that two days prior to this shooting we were listening in the car to Rush Limbaugh talking about the Democrats and the crap going on with Flynn, the Uranium One scandal, and the so-called “Russian interference” in the news.  My wife made the comment that “Nothing will happen, because there will be a gun attack on a school or a mall, or something similar to get our minds off of Clinton and the rest of this”.

Well, her words were prophetic and when I saw the television (sitting in a little Mexican taco place) what was happening, I knew she had hit the nail on the head with her prediction.

So we have a real, honest to goodness Conspiracy here.  The Left is falling apart, they need to force our attention somewhere else, and now they have.  Gun Control.

Be warned America.

No matter HOW you try, or what you do to force us, confuse us, or make us look evil for owning guns, we will not comply.



Before Election Last Year

Over on facebook, a good friend of mine, who is also a Canadian and a staunch “Supporter of the American Constitution” as well as a “Right Winger” started a discussion on his page.  Over the course of several days there were dozens of comments, many of them were Left Wing trolls attacking him.

At one point I was defending various things, and the following is what I wrote there.  When I was finished, the only comment I received was from some guy saying “You need a girl friend”.  I explained that “I have a wife and she wouldn’t like that”.  His response was “Ask, you might be surprised.”

Is that seriously how Liberals think? It’s ok?  I mean if they can’t attack you with name calling, they try to drag you to their lowest level.

Today, the Right “owns” the White House, the House and Senate.  The Left “owns” the disaster of Barack Obama, and the near destruction of the American Economy.  They can’t come to grips with that, but can continue to call Trump a “racist”, “rapist” and all the other things.  Now that the “memo” is out, how many heads will roll?  Probably none.

Anyway, the following is a copy of the comments I made through the discussion.  It’s historical now.


Please allow me to educate some of the people here. This is what ” Progressivism” is about. They HATE that America was founded on it’s guiding principles. They HATE the Founding Fathers. They HATE the Constitution. They will use it only to gain benefit while usurping power from the People of the United States. They will use hate, name calling, mis-characterization, projection, dismissal, and denigration to gain their goal, which is the destruction of American Principles and the burning of the US Constitution. Progressives are the ENEMY of Americans, and America. They are NOT our friends. They walk hand-in-hand with Communists, Marxists and Socialists and hide among these people calling themselves “Social Democrats”. This is FACT. Not some of the BS they bandy about to convince others of their “good” to society.

The Progressives were reformers in the late 19th and early 20th century who believed that in order to address modern problems, America needed to abandon the old ideas of the Founding in favor of a new expansive conception of the role of government. Progressives paved the way for modern liberalism and politics, and their core ideas are still the mainstay of today’s liberalism.

Some Progressives were prominent journalists such as Herbert Croly (co-founder of The New Republic), some were distinguished professors such as John Dewey and Woodrow Wilson (president of Princeton before he was President of the U.S.), and many were political leaders such as Theodore Roosevelt and Robert La Follette. Progressives could be found in both political parties: Wilson was a Democrat, Roosevelt was a Republican.

The Progressives were united in their contempt for what they called the “individualism” of the Founding. Instead of a government that protects natural rights through limited, decentralized powers, they envisioned an expansive government, a “living” and evolving Constitution, and the rule of “experts” in nationally centralized administrative agencies.

Whereas the Founders believed the government had a well-defined and limited role to play in the lives of citizens—essentially leaving people alone to lead their lives—the Progressives favored a much more active role for the government in overseeing civil society, regulating the economy, and redistributing wealth.

These two fundamentally different understandings of the role of government grow out of two different understandings of freedom. For the Progressives, freedom is not secured when government protects natural rights and otherwise leaves citizens to rule themselves. True freedom, by this view, demands an active government that provides equal means to self-fulfillment for all. It is not enough to create the conditions that allow people to pursue their own happiness—equal opportunity—since some citizens start with more advantages than others. Government must set out to level the playing field and determine outcomes.

To ensure that all citizens possess all they need to attain happiness, government must create an environment in which all possess the same advantages, despite the fact that this requires government to interfere with the very natural rights the Founders sought to secure. Government must redistribute wealth and grant benefits in order to ensure that everyone has equal means to pursue happiness, and must provide economic and social resources to develop the social character of citizens.

This is why LIBERALS are also the enemy today: Liberalism can be understood in two very different ways. Liberalism, or what some call “classical liberalism,” is a political philosophy based on individual liberty and limited government. Over the last century, however, liberalism has come to take on a different meaning. The contemporary understanding of liberalism is based not on individual liberty, but on the use of government to grant benefits and advantages in order to give everyone the ability to achieve a certain standard of living and reduce inequalities. Therefore, modern liberalism encourages an extensive network of interest groups that receive benefits from government and organize in order to preserve those benefits.

Modern liberalism grows out of the Progressive rejection of American constitutionalism and an embrace of a new conception of freedom, anchored in big government. There are however certain significant differences between Progressivism and modern liberalism.

Whereas modern liberalism exalts freedom of self-expression, especially sexual liberation, most Progressives embraced traditional morals. Liberals are also obsessed with equality of outcomes in ways that the Progressives were not. Today, liberalism has lost the faith in progress that characterized Progressivism, mostly because of a loss of confidence in the inevitability of progress and the creeping effects of having embraced relativism from the start of the Progressive movement.

The administrative state is the conglomeration of federal administrative agencies—whether executive agencies, executive departments, or independent regulatory commissions—that have become a “fourth branch” of government. Power has in effect been transferred from the representative, constitutional institutions—Congress, the President, and the courts—to administrative agencies and bureaucrats.

The administrative state is the conglomeration of federal administrative agencies—whether executive agencies, executive departments, or independent regulatory commissions—that have become a “fourth branch” of government. Power has in effect been transferred from the representative, constitutional institutions—Congress, the President, and the courts—to administrative agencies and bureaucrats.

Although our civics textbooks still describe a government where Congress makes laws, the President executes laws, and courts adjudicate disputes, this is not the way our government actually works. Today, bureaucrats make law, execute law, and adjudicate. Although the laws made by agencies are called rules, they carry the force of law.

The administrative state is inconsistent with the U.S. Constitution. Article I, section 1 of the Constitution states that all legislative powers shall be vested in Congress, yet Congress has transferred its powers to these agencies.

Furthermore, the Constitution clearly requires the separation of powers, yet powers are combined in administrative agencies. Finally, many agency personnel are un-elected and unaccountable, despite the republican principles on which the Constitution is based.

There are lots of people out there who think Barack Obama was a great president. OK, fine. Whatever. Answer me this though…

We have money for the following:

Syrian and Middle Eastern unvetted ‘refugees’
Illegal Immigrants
Vacations for the President

We do NOT have money for:
Military Pay Raises
Military equipment that is needed just to SUSTAIN the force
Veterans Medical Care
Veterans Retirement

The Marine Corps is the most relied on Military Force outside of US Special Operations Command. They are the most overused forces of the most overused Military in the WORLD.

So, please explain something to me:

How do we have funds for illegals and potentional Terrorists, but not to upgrade the Marine Corps from Vietnam Era helicopters to the SAME MODERN helicopters THE REST OF THE MILITARY IS USING?

How do we have funds for endless Obamas’ vacations, but we cant find enough $$$$$$ for parts to keep more than 1/3 of Marine Corps Fighter Jets DEPLOYED TO WARZONES flying?????

We have money for Social Justice Crap, But we Have VETERANS BEING LEFT TO DIE BY THE VA, and NO ONE at the VA being held accountable?????

It’s time to Make America Great Again.

Your American Identity

Over the past few decades, the Left has worked diligently to steal your identity from you. Not your name, or credit card numbers, but the absolutism of who “You” are.  If you’re white, a male, around 40 or older, working for a living and taking care of your family, or your older now, like myself and “white, retired, and OLD” by their standards, the Left labels you as a danger to society.

If you are Black you’re being oppressed – by “White people”.

If you’re an illegal alien, you’re an – “Undocumented immigrant”.

If you’re Muslim – you’re being racially discriminated against by “white people”.

If you own a gun – you’re evil.

If you support the 2nd Amendment – you MUST be part of the NRA. (No, I’m not.)

If you’re “white” – then you are probably a KKK member, a White Supremacist, or some other such thing. (even if you’re not)

And on and on.

A box. You’ve been placed into a box by the Left.  You are routinely called “Racist” or “Homophobe” or perhaps you’re called “Privileged” or some other names. This is to disconnect you from reality, who you are, and that for which you stand and believe.

The Left has this ability to put a label on someone to disconnect them from reality, and then use it collectively in a disproportionate manner, thereby disconnecting people from their own, true selves.

The Left dehumanize people to attack them, and make the attacks easier by the collective mob mentality they use. A new name (yes, they call you a name), to target you, then the others of their kind glom onto the name and they use it too.  That’s how the left functions.

The Left have sharpened this “weapon” of their’s over the years since the 60s. NOW, they use it to divide Americans.

You can see it in Facebook, Twitter and Gab. The folks who are “Nazi” and KKK types are all over the place… and the rest of us normal people are caught in the middle trying to redefine ourselves as “NOT being THEM”.

Just because you’re white does not make you a racist.  But the Left uses this tactic to make you think you are, and make others assume you are..  The Left is teaching this to your children and attempting to shame them and be ashamed of themselves because, well, you know, “White Privilege”.

Redefining a generation of Children to believe things differently from the way their parents believed is a stock trademark of the Left, and of Communism and Marxism.

Marxist tell you they aren’t Communists.  Communists hate Marxists. Supposedly.

The Left claims not to be Marxist, and yet look at the dumb asses walking about with Che Guverra Tee Shits on their bodies.  He’s a hero to these morons.

This author believes that 90% of everyone, right, left, middle, black, white – doesn’t matter – of Americans (Real Americans who understand what being American means) are none of these things above.  We don’t fit in boxes, pigeon holes, cupboards or waste bins.

We are Individuals.  We want SMALLER Government, less money taken from us, efficiency, Freedom to do as we like as long as what we are doing isn’t hurting others.  We believe in Individual Freedom and do NOT want Socialized medicine, shopping or funding such programs.  We want others to to be happy, and free as well.

We think criminals should be locked up, and dangerous people who’ve committed crimes like Murder locked up for good, or executed.  We do not believe that the Government should be able to deprive you of Life, Liberty and Happiness on a whim, in other words, LaVoy Finicum was murdered and his family deprived of a good man by a corrupt government.  (FBI, DOJ, Clinton Foundation, Uranium)

Chris Stevens was also deprived of his life, by corruption in our government, and no one has been held accountable yet. (Clinton)

The IRS targeted Christians and Right Winger through the use of “taxes” and let other groups go by default.  No one has been held accountable for that either. (Lois Lerner)

Those are a few small things the Obama Administration wrought.

The Left STRIVES to keep your minds off those things and mis-identification of your self is how they do it.  So, the time to stop letting them change your life, your name, your identity is now.  Focus on the real causes of Cancer in our Society.  Focus on the Left and fight back.

While I know most of you want to be “above it all” and “won’t lower yourselves to their tactics” (and this is very noble) we’re in a war here.  A war for our Identity in America.  You must start fighting back using their own tactics and stratagems.  No longer can you sit on your ass and let them win over your children’s minds.  Do not let them have the upper hand any longer.

Trump gave up a life of leisure, and his power to become President, to Represent YOU.

Don’t let him fail, and don’t fail to stop the Left at every turn.

Boomers and Social Media

Boomers and Social Media

Generations of people have come and gone on this planet. A Generation is usually considered to be roughly 25 years or so, as that is the amount of time that parents raise their children up to “child rearing age”. So, 25 years is arbitrarily chosen as a ‘generation’.

There are several generations living at once on Earth, and in particular in the United States (which is where we use these terms most often). Other countries might call their generations something different. The “definitions” below are meant only to give you some familiarity with them and when they were born.

Your author comes from the Baby Boomers. Mid-late 50s, raised in the 60s, and coming of “age” in the 70s (voting age, drinking age, joining-the-military-age).

You can pick your own spot on the list below.

While a Boomer, your author (who “identifies as a” ‘he’ since birth) and has been involved in computers since a very early age, built his first computer himself from components and circuit boards assembled at home in the 1970s. The first one was 4K of ram, programmed with switches and LEDs, in binary. Programs were saved on a cassette tape. So, computers are not unfamiliar to this author. Many others his age are less inclined to be involved with computers and as such our generation (Older Boomers) is frowned upon as “computer illiterate”. This is blatantly untrue and an extremely undeserved reputation.  Without Baby Boomers, computers wouldn’t even exist, let alone have the innovations they have today.

For the rest of us who might be disinclined to mess with them, this article is for you specifically – Baby Boomers, please read this.

  • 2000 to Present: New Silent Generation or Generation Z

  • 1980 to 2000: Millennials or Generation Y

  • 1965 to 1979: Thirteeners or Generation X

  • 1946 to 1964: Baby Boomers ← for whom this article is mainly written

  • 1925 to 1945: Silent Generation

  • 1900 to 1924: G.I. Generation

Above is a list of accepted names for the Generations. The explanation of why they are called such, or why we even name generations is beyond the scope of this article so for now, for now just accept this list, understand where YOU personally are in the list and let’s move on.

It is generally recognized that most of us Baby Boomers are “old”. Our grand children expect us to be ignorant of computers, how Social Media works, and how to even use a smart phone.

Nothing could be further from the truth. You can teach an old dog new tricks, assuming, of course the “Old Dog” wants to learn. Social Media of various sorts out there exist and each has a purpose and place in life. Some join Facebook to keep in contact with their children and grandchildren. Others join Twitter (and now Gab) to make comments on politics or daily life.

There is LinkedIn, useful for posting resumes, job offers, and keeping in contact with others in similar fields (and even unrelated but helpful in obtaining a position, or helping others to get jobs). LinkedIn is the ultimate Networking tool for computers. In the old days, we “Old Folks” just used the telephone (remember that there were phones hanging on walls once?) and paper resumes, letters and knocks on office doors to hand deliver things.

Here’s a quick list of all the types of Social Media sites of which I’m personally aware:

Facebook ( Stay in touch with family and friends, a “party line” if you will. Some censorship.

Twitter ( Make a statement. Have followers. “Pontificate”, so to speak. Lots of censorship depending on who you are, and what you say.

Gab ( Very much like Twitter. No censorship.

Linked In ( Business networking, mentoring, industry.

Sound Cloud ( Music, Listen, create and share with other musicians)

Instagram ( Share art, photos etc with others.

Pintrest ( Literally a “scrap book” with everything from photos to recipes.

Vine ( Six seconds of short videos.

Tumblr ( A chronological media site, pictures, words, a public diary of sorts.

Meetup ( Meet with people, in person for group sports, other social activities.

Yours truly has only specific personal knowledge on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Gab.

I will discuss three of those here, very briefly and try to assist the uninitiated in a few simple hints about using these particular Social Mediums.

Facebook: Facebook has been around a long time now. It is used by many for anything from talking to friends using the built in Messenger to posting public remarks on personal pages (or on friends pages). We use it to keep in contact with friends from all walks of life, from old jobs, High School, our children, our grandchildren, and people we’ve met over the years.

Twitter: As an author we use it to put our name out there, to gain a following, and hope they will purchase my books, provide reviews and tell others to read my books. Many use it as a political platform. We specifically will address this shortly.

Gab: Exactly as above, we use it to get my name out to multiple “fans” and again, hope they will remember the author’s name, purchase our books and forward on reviews and convince others to “read”. Again, Gab, like Twitter is also used as a political platform.

LinkedIn: We have used it in the past to put out my resume. We have had job offers through it, but since we are retired, have accepted none of them, nor even interviewed for anything. You can communicate with others, with companies and with prospective employees as well.

Now, to get to the meat of this article.

Politics. For Baby Boomers. Specifically.

We all have our foibles, and idiosyncrasies. We all believe we know more than everyone else at times. We also do NOT stand on ceremony at times and will spit out what we’re trying to say, even thought we truly do NOT necessarily understand what we think we do. We’re all guilty of this to some degree. And yes, we are generalizing.

When it comes to Twitter and Gab, we step in, we say things and move on. We don’t communicate. We don’t engage people. We do not listen to each other. We “pontificate”. Twitter and Gab are both very one sided if you allow it to be so.

So – as a suggestion, for those Boomers who have found themselves on Twitter and Gab we would implore you to “slow down and read” and then investigate. And also to compare your thinking with others.

Twitter makes you feel as if it’s about Quantity over Quality. Tweets (the messages users type on Twitter) are sent out to your Followers which are then read by followers, or retweeted or liked, or ignored. Sometimes followers respond positively or negatively to something you’ve said. Gab works the same way.

Gab and Twitter have “rooms” which you can’t see in Twitter except as Messages. Gab has a set of “rooms” you can see if you’re placed in one, or create it yourself. You don’t have to remain in a room, you can always leave.

But, here’s the biggest point. If someone places you into a room, they have liked something you’ve said and wish to hear from you more. Privately. Or with friends. There are bad uses for rooms, like spammers that want you buy something, watch a movie, or just pester you. You should leave those rooms.

If someone puts you/invites you to a room, you should engage them. Talk, find out what the room is. If it’s not your thing, leave. If it is something you’re interested in, they are seeking your advice, help, or some other thing from you. If you can help, you should ask them what they seek. If it’s advice and you’re not used to getting paid for your advice (Lawyers? Lol) simply help them out.

Boomers, you’re the elder generation. The YOUNG people in those other generations listed above actually are seeking advice from older people. They just don’t realize it yet. We do not mean that in any sort of derogatory manner.

Quite the contrary.

Young people are all we have left in this world, when we’re gone. They seek knowledge, they seek advice, they seek wisdom of the older people to help carry them through to “their time” when they become the leaders of this world.

Many of us disagree, sometimes vehemently with younger people and what we consider to be their “stupid ideas”, but without our guidance, all they have is elementary school, high school, college.

“Book Education does not a person, make.”

Common Sense isn’t common. Book learning is not the end of a education. And a Boomer CAN use Social Media.

The last thing we want to say about any of them is simple, but complex at the same time.

Most of us want to get onto Facebook and say hi to our kids, or on Twitter and yell about some political thing going on at the moment. What we fail to realize is that sometimes, no one listens to you. They don’t care. They don’t even, we’re afraid, even LOOK at what you said.

Occasionally, a smart, pithy comment will gain notice and will get sent on, liked, forwarded, re-tweeted or re-gabbed (as the case might be).

But – is that your legacy? Do you want to be ignored? Or would you prefer to count somewhere?

Here’s the complexity in the situation.

Most of you reading this will be “Right Wing”, “Moderate” or Middle of the Road on politics because of the site(s) it’s being posted on. So, we’re going to give you the secret.

Join Gab. Do it today. Do it now. Create a profile. Put a picture up (not yours). Give yourself a cool sounding name. Put up a banner picture (something having to do with what you’re passionate about).

Now, once you’re there, introduce yourself. If you’re a Right Winger – you might put something in your profile indicating you support, say President Trump. Go into the “Introduce yourself” section and say “HI, I’m whomever-you-are, and I believe this that and the other thing.”

You will suddenly be noticed. Someone will talk to you, someone will follow you, someone will re-Gab your message.

You will eventually find yourself invited to follow others, and you will follow others, and you will find your words. You will get invited to rooms/groups to communicate.

Don’t stop there. USE YOUR WORDS. Use your groups to find like-minded individuals who are, like you, for Freedom, against Censorship and want to Make America Great Again.

If you do this, we promise you a different perspective on politics, life in general and Social Media.

One last piece of advice for those of you on the other media, like Facebook. Keep politics completely off your personal page if you like your friends and don’t care who they are, or what they believe. Join a group on Facebook who has a political group you enjoy. Stay out of the ones you do NOT like. It’s a survival tool.

Separate your politics from your life, from your family, from your friends and from your hobbies.

You will survive longer. And – check your security settings on every place you visit.

Twitter Revisited:   Twitter is changing their “rules” in a few days (18 December 2017), their terms of service will allow them to suspend any account they feel like, when ever they wish, and they have been particularly set on removing people who are Trump Supporters, Right Wingers and anyone else they deem to be “dangerous”. If you don’t believe that, just read some of the material being bandied about the past few weeks on the Internet about the subject.

In reading the TOS for Twitter, we do NOT find they are specifically going to limit targeted accounts, except for spammers, and “name squatters” and so forth.  The whole “Twitter Purge” still may come about, it might be a non-event.  But, we will discover that on the 18th of December 2017, we are sure.

Gab is absolutely the newest, and safest way to “get your word out” and the network is growing. A few days ago, Andrew Torba (@a) stated they were at 333,333 accounts. No where near as large as Twitter yet, but, Twitter’s been around awhile. Gab is pretty new, measure in a couple of years now.

Twitter means to silence the Right. They mean to silence anyone who does not conform to their unwritten standards of “Left Leaning”, “Progressive” or “Muslim” apparently. At some point, something is going to give, and Twitter is going to crash and burn. Facebook is as creepy as it gets for wanting and collecting information about you, and sending you ads.

The whole “Net Neutrality” thing isn’t neutral at all. It’s an effort by the “information providers” like Google, Twitter, Facebook and the like to OWN the bandwidth and force the “bandwidth providers” (the ISPs) to pay for it all. Raising prices on the public (those of us who use it to collect information) is the point.

Freedom of Speech is being driven into the ground, censored and called Hate Speech. Both sides are somewhat guilty of this too. Not the Right and certainly not just the Left. Both. But, when the Right says something it’s called names like “racist” or something similar, and the same language from the Left is championed as “free speech”.

It’s not. It’s as much hate speech as we have heard in years.

If you are a Baby Boomer, and you want your voice heard, then we URGE you to sit down and learn something of the various Social Media sites, choose your poison and dive in. Don’t hit and run, that is don’t post and move on.

Engage both friend and foe alike. Use your words. Not your curse words either. Don’t name call… unless they do it first. But, it’s always better to keep your message clear and on point without distractions and there will be distractions. There will be people who hate your face, your name, your ancestry, your political stance.

You must stand firm in your convictions and correctness. That is “Be Correct”. Don’t lie, don’t make it up, don’t take the first conspiracy theory you see and espouse it. Don’t even BELIEVE those. Do your own research and if you don’t know how to do research DO NOT TAKE THINGS AT FACE VALUE EVER, not from either side.

Common sense rules, and with it you can determine the veracity of statements from the media.  Do not use “fact checking sites”.  That’s the lazy way out, and the chances of them being correct are very low, especially since most of them are paid for by Left Leaning organizations!

Knowledge is key. Facts are Truth. There’s no such thing as “my truth and your truth”. There is only Truth.

Social Media is the key to communication these days, and it has found more errors in “Main Stream Media” than another other researcher or group, or so-called “Fact Checking Group” (those things are another bane of human existence, how lazy must one be to simply believe what ever is fed to you by Snopes or Politifact?)

Knowledge is not only key. It is power. Power to win arguments and debates. Power to build a bigger, better mousetrap. Or political party.  Or group of like minded individuals.

Knowledge, above all else, is what makes us human. Our intelligence is innate, but still derived from knowledge. Without knowledge, we are simple animals who live, eat, sleep and excrete. We are more than animals.

So Boomers… if you have some hatred for computers (why are you reading this then?) or more likely a hatred for “large government” or “intrusive government” or “intrusive applications” get over it. This is the 21st Century. The Government is NOT coming after you for speaking your mind. Unless that Government becomes a Left Leaning Marxist regime (which it could again).  Using your speech helps the rest of us prevent a Left Leaning Marxist regime.

Stand up (or rather sit down at your computer) and be heard. Think. Learn. Be powerful.

Use your Social Media to work with others.

If the Key to Power is knowledge, then the key to success is Communications through Social Media.

Do it. Today.


  • Slow down and read the messages.  Read the comments and thread of messages below the original message.
  • Engage with others.  Pro and Con.
  • Don’t argue a point until you have your point clear in your head and can BACK UP YOUR STATEMENTS.
  • Don’t call the other side names.  It’s immature.  As much as you want to do it, DON’T.
  • If the other side behaves irrationally (and the Left certainly does) it’s probably time to move on.
  • Engage pro commentators and follow them, help them, and certainly give them other info privately.
  • Grow your OWN group of Followers on Twitter, Facebook and Gab.
  • Keep your followers engaged with pithy, informational, and fact-filled comments.
  • Take care to CHECK YOUR SOURCES of information carefully.
  • Being the first with a piece of information (unless you’re watching it happen) isn’t always best.
  • Quality over Quantity.
  •  Don’t forget to thank others for following occasionally and follow them back.
  • Like their good posts.  Ignore the junk.
  • Use your WORDS.  The Best words.  Not bad words. Not cuss words.

This Author doesn’t always practice what he preaches either.  Sometimes cuss words come out, sometimes bad words come out, and sometimes one can’t help but point out exactly what Evil in this world is without using some of those words.  Don’t be afraid to NOT point out evil!

Written for American Patriot Reality Check by American Patriot.

The Twitter Purge (#TwitterPurge)

It is happening.  Reports of suspensions, daily, weekly and permanent are coming out of Twitland.

The vast majority of those reporting them?  Conservatives.  Usually they make a remark about Islam and are given a suspension, and/or ordered to “remove the offending tweets”.

Many of these people are moving to Gab a relative new comer to Social Media.  Launched on 15 August 2016, the brainchild of Andrew Torba (@a), CEO of Gab.

As of a few days ago, well over 333,000 users have joined the rapidly growing network in direct competition to Twitter.

Twitter is driving people away by the thousands it seems, with it’s threatened “Purge”.  While Twitter doesn’t call it a purge, the TOS has been changed, and will go into effect on 18 December 2017 (interestingly enough, this happens to be Josef Stalin’s Birthday).

Stalin’s quotes certainly say something about Twitter, even though it didn’t exist by the time he died, but it is impossible for Twitter as a company to not grasp these words.

It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.
The only real power comes out of a long rifle.
Education is a weapon, whose effect depends on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.
“The people who count the votes” decide everything.  Twitter is based on “votes” or likes, re-tweets and your ability to gain followers.  If you are denied followers by the Twitter algorithm, you are denied votes.
The rifle is Twitter’s ability to ban, and suspend users, which it has been doing in enormous numbers of late.
Education of the public – or rather – brainwashing is the goal.  If you speak up about Islam, you get banned as “hate speech”.  If you support Trump too outwardly, you will find yourself banned.  If you speak of Hillary Clinton in a negative light, or call for her incarceration, you will be suspended for some period of time known only to Twitter.
This author was banned for speaking out about Clinton.  At least we believe it was about Clinton.
This Twit was banned for something even less explosive:
Calling ICE is promoting “hate speech” in Twitter’s view?  How interesting.
This is a Reality Check Wake Up Call for every American who believes in Free Speech.
Here is why:  Twitter’s Mission statement is clear:
Our mission: To give everyone the power to create and share ideas and information instantly, without barriers.
By banning a particular group of people, ideas or thoughts, they have summarily punished “wrongthink” (Look that up, and George Orwell, and “1984”).
When a private company blatantly states they are going to give everyone the power to create and share ideas and information, and then select certain people whose ideas don’t meet some particular, unknown requirement, there is some internal collusion in the company to denying groups of people that ability.
It is time to FIGHT BACK.  We URGE you, one and all to migrate your account over to Gab before the “purge” comes.
To be fair, when this author was suspended it was for 12 hours.  It was actually for an innocuous comment about Clinton, and the account was reinstated.  However, the account was also “muted” for a few days.  NONE of the normal retweets happened, no one liked anything posted, and it took a few days to get back the hundreds of followers that summarily vanished who had previously been following the account.
So, the tools Twitter is using also appear to include a “mute”, a “shadow ban” of some kind – probably the same thing, preventing your messages from getting out.
People who read this blog are smart folks.  They know they should investigate things like “conspiracy theories” and learn the facts before jumping to conclusions, so we urge you to do your own investigations, and then we urge you to go ahead and create that account on  Don’t wait until “D Day” to do it.
If it doesn’t come off as planned, that’s fine.  You have a secondary place to communicate with the brothers and sisters in arms.  In fact, Gab appears to be mostly a Right Wing hang out, but is also populated with Left wing trolls, some apparent “KKK” types (whom we detest) and others who are perhaps less socially acceptable in polite society.  But, you have a MUTE button for those types and a spam box.
Gab has a brand new feature in effect in the last few days called a “Chat Room”.  Up to 50 people can be in the rooms.  This matches Twitter’s “chat room” which shows up in messages.
There are no limits on following, or being followed as Twitter has.
Hash tags work fine on Gab.
Essentially, Gab is still being built, worked on, changed and modified as designers find time and come up with new ideas.  You can certainly help by making suggestions.
There is a “Pro” version, which is subscription, so you can create paid content, but not necessary for just snooping about.
In addition to all of this, there are some articles we’ve chosen to highlight.  They are suggested reading to bring you up to speed on a few things, like how you can more effectively get your words seen by others.  Below are several links to articles.  You will discover in reading them that there is a “Method in the madness” for some, especially those who are helping President Trump in the background to get the word out.
This is similar to what the Left does as well.  In other words, study these articles for some secrets to communication with others.
Another article will appear soon here for you Baby Boomers.  Baby Boomers are less computer inclined it seems to the younger crowd.  We’d like to help raise everyone’s awareness to Social Media uses, and perhaps educate both the Boomers, as well as the younger crowd that we’re not as old and stupid as we might look to them.
So, read the articles below, and remember this:
Every generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it.  – George Orwell
 Please read:



Killers for Bernie

Seriously, why are people on the Left suddenly batcrap-crazy?  Oh, right, it’s not “suddenly”.

They have been stupid since Sanders lost the nomination.

They were already crazy with “Socialism”… because, and I kid you not, I have heard them say things like “Socialism? Yeah, that’s about being Social”.  Yes, some of them believe Socialism is “Being Social” and “Helping people get money” (from the Rich, apparently).

Actually, truth be told, only a very small percentage of Millennials even have a clue what Socialism actually is, and many of them simply like the term.  They don’t understand that it’s a form of Government that requires all business and production to be RUN by the government.  Nope.  Not. At. All.  (

Now… here’s an even deeper conundrum… How many know what Bernie Sanders truly stands for?  A “Democratic Socialist”?


A favorite tactic employed by leftists is to describe the Nazis as “right wing,” with Adolf Hitler, their leader, as the grand leader of this “right wing” movement. Rewriting history is pretty common for leftists, as their history is littered with injustice (the KKK was founded by Democrats, did you know?). Injustices they claim to fight against today. Awkward. (

Truth is, Hitler was a Social Democrat, technically a “Liberal”.  Liberalism in America is a tiny bit different that it was then, but not significantly so.  How does any of this connect to the title, “Killers for Bernie”?

Easy, the man who shot Congressman Steve Scalise was a Bernie operative, a marxist, with a gun, and with a list of targets for assassination.

The REAL Fascists in this country are the AntiFa people, Bernie Sanders Supporters and the unhinged Hilary Clinton supporters.

NAZI stands for National Socialist German Workers‘ Party. Associate it with Leftists, Marxists, Unions, Thugs, BLM, Soros, Clinton and Obama.  While there aren’t really any Germans involved in the US, there are all those others….and remember this, watch your backs.

72 DHS Employees on Terrorist Watch List

Well, I have a question.  Actually, several questions.

Why are they on the watch list?

If they are on the watch list, why?

If they are on the watch list, why are they working for the DHS?

If they are on the watch list, do they have clearances?  If so, why?

If they are terrorists, connected to terrorism, are Muslim then why haven’t they 1) been fired, 2) had clearances revoked, 3) Named, 4) deported?

If they are Americans, what form of due process was used to place them on a no-fly list?

If they are actually adjudicated then why can they buy guns?

You see, it takes a few questions to get to the meat of the matter but apparently no one is asking questions, are they?  Especially not this President.

Jeh Johnson / AP

BY: Adam Kredo
December 6, 2015 4:12 pm

At least 72 employees at the Department of Homeland Security are listed on the U.S. terrorist watch list, according to a Democratic lawmaker.

Rep. Stephen Lynch (D., Mass.) disclosed that a congressional investigation recently found that at least 72 people working at DHS also “were on the terrorist watch list.”

“Back in August, we did an investigation—the inspector general did—of the Department of Homeland Security, and they had 72 individuals that were on the terrorist watch list that were actually working at the Department of Homeland Security,” Lynch told Boston Public Radio.

“The [former DHS] director had to resign because of that,” he said.

DHS continues to fail inspections aimed at determining the efficiency of its internal safety mechanisms, as well as its efforts to protect the nation.

Lynch referred to a recent report that found the Transportation Security Administration, which is overseen by DHS, failed to stop 95 percent of those who attempted to bring restricted items past airport security.

“We had staffers go into eight different airports to test the department of homeland security screening process at major airports. They had a 95 percent failure rate,” Lynch said. “We had folks—this was a testing exercise, so we had folks going in there with guns on their ankles, and other weapons on their persons, and there was a 95 percent failure rate.”

Lynch said he has “very low confidence” in DHS based on its many failures over the years. For this reason, he voted in favor of recent legislation that will tighten the vetting process for any Syrian refugees applying for asylum in the United States.

“I have very low confidence based on empirical data that we’ve got on the Department of Homeland Security. I think we desperately need another set of eyeballs looking at the vetting process,” he said. “That’s vetting that’s being done at major airports where we have a stationary person coming through a facility, and we’re failing 95 percent of the time.”

“I have even lower confidence that they can conduct the vetting process in places like Jordan, or Belize or on the Syrian border, or in Cairo, or Beirut in any better fashion, especially given the huge volume of applicants we’ve had seeking refugee status,” Lynch said.


Why there is a problem with gun laws

Why do you need to own an ugly black rifle capable of shooting 2-4 rounds per second with the mere pull of a trigger?

Why do you need to be able to buy a thousand rounds?

Why do you NEED high capacity magazines?

I have a better question.  Why do you ask?

Seriously though, when I am asked these questions, sometimes it is difficult getting through to the people who ask.  They are asking the questions rhetorically and do not require, nor even WISH you give an answer.  In fact, they want you to splutter and hem and haw, and feel threatened and guilty.

Why are there gun control laws to begin with?  Why are there people on a no-fly list who can purchase guns?  Why are there people who should be in mental institutions who can purchase weapons?

These are the better questions.

The BEST question though is. if  criminal commits a crime using a gun, say, murder, why isn’t he adjudicated as a murderer and executed? Why aren’t people who are mentally defective put in mental institutions?

So many questions, so few answers, right?


Let’s look at the last questions first.

Because people believe that folks who are mentally deranged shouldn’t be placed in institutions.  Do-gooders for the past hundred years have fought to remove people from mental institutions and indeed, shut down such places.  The same people fought to have “privacy” added to medical records.

Now they wish to reverse this trend.  They would love to know if everyone out there is considered “sane” or not… but it’s not their business any more.

Then, they would like to ask you questions at the doctors office (and I have experienced this personally, so this isn’t some vacuous statement) about your ownership of guns; or whether you have “recently felt like harming yourself or others”.

Let me address the title; no-fly lists.  How does one even get ON a no-fly list?  And why are they on it?  Because they might blow up a plane with a 4 ounce bottle of shampoo?  Or because you spoke out against the US government because you’re dissatisfied with their work ethic?

Both, actually.  If you are a terrorist, you might wish to blow up a plane and perhaps you’ve made it clear, because, for instance you MIGHT belong to Islam.  Islam has made it abundantly clear they wish to kill Americans (and Jews, and Europeans, and Whites, Blacks, Asians, whomever, and wish to do so with impunity… because you’re an INFIDEL).  And you might have made a statement against the US government for their over-reaching, heavy-handed nonsense and you’re questioning their ability to be useful any more.

And with good reason.  You’re an American Citizen questioning the government, because YOU are a watchdog.  YOU are supposed to question the country’s leaders as a dutiful citizen.  Making sure they are doing their job, and doing it for the benefit of the people, and not themselves.

If you’re a terrorist you should BE on a no-fly list, in particular to prevent further training as a terrorist, and secondarily to that to prevent you from blowing up the damned plane.  You should NOT be able to purchase a gun.

If you’re a citizen questioning your government, you should NOT be a no-fly list, no matter which politician, party or group is running the White House this week.  In fact, you should not be on that list, you should NOT be questioned about your questioning, and you SHOULD be allowed to purchase a gun.

Or ten of them.  Or a hundred.

You should not be considered a threat, mentally defective, you should not be considered a person of interest and should be left the hell alone.

In the United States you have a right to your opinion, to express it, Freedom of Speech, Assembly, and to cross state lines and come and go as you please.  No one should be bothering you.

The second you actually commit a crime of course, that all goes out the window.

Now – I’m not going to answer all the above questions.  But I’m going to explain this, carefully for the slow readers out there….

If you are not a criminal (and that includes people who have committed non-capital offenses in the past and have served their time) should not be denied their rights.  They should not be placed on watch lists.  They should not be denied guns, freedom of speech, travel or assembly.

The Progressives in this country (Read: Liberals/Marxists/Communists/Libtards/Democrats and morons) are using words to push their agenda.  They want to be able to place ANYONE on a no-fly, watch list and thereby prevent them from buying, holding, using, storing or otherwise have rights to guns.

In other words, the idea of background checks is to see if someone doesn’t meet a certain criteria;  that criteria will be decided by whome EVER is in charge of the current government, be it GOP, Democrats, Obama, Leftist, Rightist, Libertarian, Marixist, Commie, Pinko or whatever….

Therein lies the problem.

Everyone wants to TRUST the government and it’s time to distrust them with all your hearts.

Our government is supposed to be by the people and for the people; not for themselves, not for profit, not to control us, not to have power.

Do not trust a politician who says they will “ban guns”.  Or implement regulations to “check backgrounds” because quite honestly, who is going to watch the watchers?????

You see, we already have several thousand gun laws on the books, federal, state, local, wish lists and made up stuff that some local “authority” can invoke at their whim.  Those rules, laws, city regulations, county statutes are all there for one thing.  To prevent you and me from having a normal, healthy, happy life pursuing whatever business we like, go where we wish and drink the beer we like.

You see my friends gun control isn’t about guns.

It’s about control.

No-fly lists are great if you’re preventing terrorists.  Not so good if you’re preventing granny or grandpa from boarding a plane to go home for Christmas.  Or stopping Joe Blow because he happens to have expressed dissatisfaction with a government policy of allowing in random illegal immigrants (who didn’t go through normal regulations and procedures to get into the country).

Our country is under siege.  Siege from illegals, from terrorists, from people who want to “change” our country to something it is not, and was never intended to be.

We are here to prevent the latter, more than anything.  And we will do so.

No more gun laws will be enacted.

No more “refugees” will be let in, or they will be run out.

NO more Obamas in office.  No more Clintons in office.  They had their day. And have ruined our country.

If you don’t like guns, by God move someplace where guns are already illegal.  If you don’t like the idea this is a Capitalist country, move to a Communist country.  I was here first, and my country was the way it was before you tried to screw it up.  If you don’t like the fact you can’t get some rich guys money split up amongst all your homies… then homie, move the fuck out of my country and leave the guys alone that have the money.

Those guys create jobs.  Or maybe you should just get a job?

The greatest problem with gun control is that anyone can be placed on a list, adjudicated as mentally defective and prevented from exercising their rights.

‘Anti-Muslim Rhetoric’ to be Prosecuted – US Attorney-General Loretta Lynch

‘Anti-Muslim Rhetoric’ to be Prosecuted – US Attorney-General Loretta Lynch

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch on Thursday defended Muslims after the San Bernardino, California, shooting on Wednesday that killed 14 people and wounded 17 others, adding that federal officials would take action in case of anti muslim rhetoric and activity.

“When we see the potential for someone to lift, lifting that mantle of anti muslim rhetoric or as we saw after 9/11 violence directed at individuals who may not even be Muslims but may be perceived to be Muslims and they will suffer just as well, just as much, and when we see that we will take action,” -US Attorney-General Loretta Lynch.

Many community members said they were concerned about a backlash against the Muslim community in view of the rise of Islamic State and some opposition among politicians and the public in the United States over U.S. plans to accept Syrian war refugees.

The couple suspected of killing 14 people at a holiday party in California amassed thousands of rounds of ammunition and a dozen pipe bombs, authorities said on Thursday as they sought clues to the pair’s motives and whether they had links to Islamist militants.

Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, 27, were killed in a shootout with police five hours after Wednesday’s massacre at the Inland Regional Center social services agency in the city of San Bernardino, about 60 miles (100 km) east of Los Angeles.

Farook, a U.S. citizen born in Illinois, was the son of Pakistani immigrants, according to Hussam Ayloush, who heads the Los Angeles area chapter of the Muslim advocacy group Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

Malik, who had a 6-month-old daughter with Farook, was a Pakistani native living in Saudi Arabia when they married, Ayloush said.

The director of the Islamic Center of Riverside, a mosque Farook attended regularly for two years, described him as a devout Muslim who made the pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia a few years ago and celebrated his wedding reception at the mosque.



Loretta Lynch, a Muslim Lover and an Islamic bitch.

Fuck you Loretta Lynch.

Fuck ISIS.

Fuck Obama.

Fuck Islam.

Fuck the Muslims.

That friends is what is commonly called “Freedom of Speech”.

I DARE anyone to try to take it from me. I will kill you dead before you do. And while I might die in the process, I will die a Free Man, not a Muslim convert or a slave in a prison of this fucking dictator.

The shit is about to get Real…..



Ret US Navy Chief: Militia Mobilization Across The Nation Under Way

January 14, 2014

(Fred Brownbill) Be advised that I am in the process of notifying and contacting all legal and constitutionally created militia groups across the United States to mobilize on Washington DC for “Operation American Spring” currently scheduled for May 16th, 2014 and commanded by my friend Colonel Harry Riley US Army Intelligence (Retired) Silver star.

1.8 million people have already responded in kind and are mobilizing and or supporting this effort. We need 10 million.

The Senate and the Congress feel it is in the best interest of this nation to fund illegal immigrants and keep them sustained with free health care, tax breaks, free education in our schools, EBT cards, public housing and the like.

They wish to keep sending tax payer money to foreign countries that hate us. They wish to fund bogus global warming projects in the billions and they refuse to take a pay cut themselves.

Yet they will now deny the wounded veteran his pension COLA increases which he or she earned and depends on while struggling to survive day to day, some are in wheel chairs and without arms and legs. Mr. Politician you are now going to be held accountable.

This vote, to first deny and then block the able bodied and disabled veterans their earned pension COLA raises is unacceptable and an act of treason against the Republic from the Marxists in the government. They must want a war against 25 million veterans. Mr. Communist, Mr. RINO, Mr.. Democrat, Mr. Republican. So be it. You got it.

I called the Marxist Senator (comrade) Harry Reid this morning at 0430 hours and left him a message notifying him that we are now mobilizing and coming to see him soon in Washington. We are not leaving the grounds surrounding our White House or the Congress until Mr. Barry Soetoro, the Muslim imposter, has been removed from office for treason and/or impeached for crimes against the constitution.

Speaker Boehner you may want to start reconsidering his decision not to investigate the inaction by our government in regards to Benghazi too. We are coming to town. Your on the visitation list too.

We will NEVER forget Benghazi.

If you would like to call Senate Leader Comrade Harry Reid and relay your own message his number is 202-224-3542. Do not threaten, we come in peace, but we are not leaving Washington DC until Mr. Barry Soetoro, the illegal immigrant from Kenya, who studied as an Indonesian foreign student in this nation, who flew to Pakistan in 1981 on a foreign passport, has been removed from office.

We have the resources, the money the training and the Constitutional protections to take this country back. And we will. You have pushed us too far Mr. Marxist, now you will see who runs this country. It is we the people.
We live in a Constitutional Republic not a Marxist dictatorship. It’s time.

33 million Egyptians took back their country from the terrorist group, the Muslim Brotherhood, a terrorist organization supported by and propped up by Barry Soetoro and the former Secretary of State (born again Communist) Hillary Clinton. This is also treason against the United States for aiding and abetting the enemy.

Impeachment charges have been drawn up in the past and presented to the Congress against Mr. Barry Soetoro with NO ACTION, no response. They are spineless gutless cowards with as much intestinal fortitude as a rotting possum run over by a semi.

I want all Tea Party groups – Militia groups and like minded individuals who have the courage (and understand and know) that God and the constitution are on their side, to start to prepare NOW to mobilize for “Operation American Spring” May 16th 2014. location Washington DC.

Pass this around.

Senior Chief Geoff Ross
United States Navy Retired
Surface Warfare / Air warfare / Airborne
Navarre FL
Santa Rosa County Militia

Americans crossing Obama’s parkway barriers

Americans cross Obama’s parkway barriers

11:51 PM 10/06/2013

Many Americans crossed the barriers that were set this weekend by President Barack Obama’s deputies to block public access to the Potomac River from Virginia’s George Washington Memorial Parkway.

In many quiet acts of civil disobedience, Americans removed car barriers and cut police tape, or walked across barriers after parking on grass verges or in adjacent suburbs.

Once past the federal barriers, they were able to enjoy the bike paths, parkland and overlooks — on what singer Woody Guthrie described as “your land” — during the sunny, 80-degree weekend.

Still, the Obama administration blocked easy access to the river for many Americans, except for boat club members or property owners in the 22308 zip code, where riverside homes sell for at least $1.5 million.

The federal barriers were set along 20 miles of the parkway, starting at a government-built parking lot at President George Washington’s Mount Vernon home and continuing northwards to scenic overlooks in McLean, Va.

“I’ll take my chances,” said one man as he unloaded his two children on a grassy verge beside Roosevelt Island, just across from Washington’s Georgetown district.

But their day in the sun was darkened by a locked gate on the narrow bridge from the parkway to the island that celebrates President Teddy Roosevelt, who is widely regarded as the first presidential advocate for national parks.

Motorists who pushed through the barriers were applauded by other Americans.

Cars driving past barricades on the Washington Memorial Parkway (Neil Munro/TheDC)

OCTOBER 6, 2013 — Cars driving past barricades on the Washington Memorial Parkway (Neil Munro/TheDC)

“They’re right to do that,” a cyclist told The Daily Caller as motorists drove through an opened barrier at a private marina near the Belle Haven Country Club, located just south of Alexandria, Va.

Still, many citizens were stopped by the barriers. Some were blocked because they could not get their boat down the blockaded slips, and others because they were not willing to risk a parking ticket from patrolling police cars.

A family, complete with three kids and a speedboat, found themselves at a scenic overlook 300 feet above the northern end of the river because all the normal slips were blocked. They told TheDC that they would turn back south to search for an unguarded boat ramp.

Motorists ignore a government shutdown sign and park on a scenic overlook on the George Washington Memorial Parkway (Neil Munro/TheDC)

OCTOBER 6, 2013 — Motorists ignore a government shutdown sign and park on a scenic overlook on the George Washington Memorial Parkway (Neil Munro/TheDC)

In several places, Americans gathered together to park in large groups around knocked-aside barriers.

But their respect for the law prevented them from puncturing the water-filled plastic barriers — at least during daylight — that are too heavy to be shoved aside.

GOP governors have also pushed back.

In Wisconsin, Gov. Scott Walker defied the federal edict, and cleared away barriers hindering Americans.

The state “has clarified areas where the federal procedures are over-reaching,” said an email from Cathy Stepp, secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.

In contrast, the administration’s progressive officials were unapologetic about their massive resistance to public access of the federal parks and memorials.

“Republicans are willing to vote funding to reopen national parks, museums, memorials, veterans’ payments and the D.C. government.  Why is the White House against it?” one reporter asked White House press secretary Jay Carney on Wednesday.

“Because… It’s a gimmick and it is unsustainable and it’s not serious,” he insisted.

Read more:

Page Two:


Patriots, It’s Time to “Put up or shut up”

Patriots, It’s Time to “Put up or shut up”… Multiple Groups Set to Converge on Washington D.C.

revolution+loading Patriots, Its Time to Put up or shut up... Multiple Groups Set to Converge on Washington D.C.

The United States federal government is so big that it can shut down and somehow no one really notices. That’s the truth. What difference did you notice yesterday? I am sure there are subtle things that we could pick out but when vital services keep running there isn’t a lot to shut down. Because our government sees everything as vital.

Yesterday we ran an article on The D.C. Clothesline written by Tim Brown. It didn’t garner much attention and it’s primarily my fault. I put a bad title on it. It happens.

But the message of the article is something that a lot of people have been waiting to hear. I can’t tell you how many times I have had conversations in which someone interjected the inevitable…

When are we going to stop talking and do something about it?

That’s a hard question to answer because no one really wants to be “that guy.” This goes for the person making the comment as well. No offense but that person isn’t telling me something like, “follow me I have a plan.” Everyone is waiting for someone else to take the lead.

Well, someone has taken the lead and in fact it’s several people that have. We all know about the Trucker’s strike that will be here very soon. It is planned for October 11-13. For those who may have missed it, you can find more information at

They also have a new Facebook page, since the old one was shut down at

As the truckers prepare to do their best to force their own brand of government shut down, Mr. Larry Klayman (founder of Judicial Watch) has upped the ante and is planning his own date with destiny.

Tim Brown reports:

In the wake of bikers roaring through the streets of DC in protest and just ahead of a planned shut down of DC by truckers, founder of Judicial Watch Larry Klayman has set a date of November 19, 2013 on which he is calling for Americans to “descend onWashington, D.C., en masse, and demand that he leave town and resign from office if he does not want to face prison time” for pushing “his Muslim, socialist, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-white, pro-illegal immigrant, pro-radical gay and lesbian agenda.”

Klayman is of course talking about Barack Obama.

Isn’t this what we asked for? Isn’t this what we have been crying for?




We need these traitors gone and we need to start at the very top. After Obama rolls we can go after the rest like a bull in a China shop.

A blind man throwing darts could spear a traitor within this group. Even the good guys aren’t that good. I’m getting sick of patting people on the back simply because they do their jobs. That’s what we pay them to do. They aren’t going the extra mile simply because they are part of the 2% in D.C. who are semi-honest. They are simply doing their job.

What is wrong with this picture? Does your boss come up to you every day and say, “Bob, way to run that drill press. You should be president of this company.”

Probably not. But that’s exactly what we do every day in America. We make heroes out of guys like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul and it’s not because they are extra special, although I am fond of both. It’s because they actually do their job. Since they do their job we want to make them president. Think about that and think about it hard. If only a handful of people did their jobs at your place of work it wouldn’t last long. (hint)

People, things have to change. It is not supposed to be like this.

So what’s it going to be Patriots?






Newtown Activists Again Lobby Congress On Guns

(NEWTOWN, Conn.) — Activists from the Connecticut town where 26 people were gunned down in a mass shooting at an elementary school in December headed to Washington on Tuesday to lobby again for gun control, a trip that took on new urgency in the wake of the massacre in the capital that killed 13, including the gunman.

The trip by about 50 members of the Newtown Action Alliance was planned to mark roughly nine months since the Dec. 14 rampage, in which 20 children and six educators were shot to death, and it now also quickly follows Monday’s killings at the Washington Navy Yard. The group will ask Congress to require background checks for gun buyers.

Members of the group focused their criticism on Congress, where an effort to enact new background checks fell short in the Senate in April.

“This is really what this is all about — our broken political system,” founder David Ackert told the Hearst Connecticut Media Group.

Carlos Soto, the brother of a teacher who was one of six educators killed in Newtown, criticized Congress for failing to impose tougher gun regulations since the shootings.

“It’s been nine months and there’s still no action on the federal level,” he told WFSB-TV. “We’re not gonna go away.”

Arming Terrorists and Disarming Americans

Arming Terrorists and Disarming Americans

Arming Terrorists and Disarming Americans

New Jersey –-( As a prospective military strike against the Syrian regime dominates the headlines, we are reminded by administration officials that any military action will not include boots on the ground and will not be focused on regime change.

In a turn of events mimicking an episode from the Twilight Zone, once-hawkish Republicans are advocating non-intervention and their peacenik colleagues across the aisle are actually supporting a military strike in the Middle East.

While Congress debates whether to physically attack the Assad Regime, many lawmakers are reevaluating whether to send military aid to the Syrian rebels. A limited military strike “also fits into a broader strategy that can bring about over time the kind of strengthening of the opposition,” Obama told congressional leaders at a White House Meeting on Sept. 3, 2013. This comes months after the House and Senate Select Committees on Intelligence voted to approve the President’s plan to arm the Syrian opposition.

Assad: US ‘should expect everything’ if it attacks Syria | JPost | Israel News

Assad: US ‘should expect everything’ if it attacks Syria | JPost | Israel News.

Yes, yes we should.

Some believe he means “Russia”.  Others believe “asymmetrical attacks on America”.

I think we should expect anything, up to and including direct attacks in America by terror cells that are obviously here (they crossed a porous border), and perhaps the unknown like a nuclear bomb in a harbor someplace, a direct attack by Russians on our military in the region or naval vessels in the Med.

We don’t know with any surety that Assad used weapons on the Syrians, or whether the Muslim Brotherhood did it.  We don’t know who provided the weapons (we believe it was Saddam).  We don’t know why the President suddenly wants to do this thing without the approval of the American people and Congress.

There is no strategic plan, there is no politic plan to fuse the military action with fixing the problem and there is no real threat to America – at the moment.  If we attack them and Iran, Hezbollah, Russia and God-Knows-Who-Else jumps in and piles on – well, all bets are off.

SWAT kills 107 year old man

PINE BLUFF, Ark. (AP) — A 107-year-old man was killed after SWAT officers shot back at him during a standoff at a home, police in the southeastern Arkansas city of Pine Bluff said Sunday.

Police were called to the home Saturday afternoon about a disturbance and say officers arrived to find Monroe Isadore had threatened two people by pointing a weapon at them.

Officers had the pair leave the home for their own safety and approached a bedroom looking for Isadore. When the officers announced who they were, Isadore shot through the door at them but missed hitting them, said Pine Bluff Lt. David Price in a news release.

The officers retreated to a safer area, and supervisors and additional help were called, Price said. Supervisors started negotiating with Isadore and continued after SWAT officers arrived at the home about 45 miles southeast of Little Rock.

On the Verge of World War III

The article at the bottom of my comments is a couple of days old, it’s from Debka – so it’s not the best source but is probably accurate. Basically we’re looking at the following states being involved in this as things heat up:

Syria, Iran, Hezbollah, Russia, China

Australia, Canada, France, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States of America

France is “waiting” for more information from the UN.
UK is really “just waiting”.

Russia has moved about 8 ships total toward the Med. The US has moved a few subs, some destroyers into the Med and the Nimitz Carrier group to the Gulf.

Obama is preparing the country for an attack, “limited in scope and duration”, promising “no boots on the ground”. Anyone who has been in the military KNOWS this isn’t true, isn’t going to be true and can’t possibly work. Anyone with even a limited sense of tactics understands you don’t telegraph your moves to the “enemy”. Anyone with even a rudimentary grasp of strategy knows you don’t put all your eggs in one basket when planning any sort of an attack. And anyone with a clue about life understands you don’t go to war for no good reason and you certainly don’t do it if you can’t PROVE you have a good reason. Obama has not proved anything.

The Senate committee just delivered the Resolution to go into Syria to the full Senate. Congress, both houses will debate and vote likely next week on this.

We’re standing on the verge of World War III – without a “draft”, without American support, without support of the majority of Congress – and we’re less than a week away from September 11. Rumors are rampant on the Internet that there’s more than meets the eye here, and the country is “confused” according to our so-called “leader” Obama.

First he sets a “Red Line” then when the bad guys cross it a month ago, it takes time to verify this, and now he’s ready to go into a limited in scope and duration “war” against the Assad regime, to apparently punish the regime, but to give a leg up to verified enemies of America – Hezbollah, Muslim Brotherhood and other Muslim lunatics. Iran is saying how they will “bring it” to the US. Russia is backing Syria. Syria is claiming their own allies now. The Chinese are going to back the Russians. Obama has castrated our military in recent months through the shut down of units, bases, equipment, and firing of men smarter than himself.

The United States is being set up for failure big time by this man. Americans, whom for the most part are opposed to this “action” in Syria are caught in the middle of all of the forces massing on the horizon.

America is, from intelligence, full of leaderless Islamic cells – from Iranian Revolutionary Guard to Hezbollah, to Al Qaeda. Americans are being disarmed in some states including my own, in an attemp(?) to make us more vulnerable to outside forces.

It is time to stand up and be heard. It’s time to remove this asshat from the White House. It’s time for his Impeachment to begin. Get on the phone and start making the case with your members of Congress. We have to stop this guy from bringing the nukes down on our heads for his own ego.

« Breaking News »

Syria’s Muqdad threatens World War III for US strike
DEBKAfile September 4, 2013, 5:22 PM (GMT+02:00)

Syria’s deputy foreign minister Faisal Muqdad said Wednesday his regime would not give in to threats of a US-led military strike, even if a third world war erupts. In an interview with AFP, Faisal Muqdad said his government had taken “every measure” to counter a potential intervention aimed at punishing the regime of Bashar al-Assad over a suspected deadly poison gas strike, was mobilizing its allies and would take every measure “to retaliate against… aggression.”

DEBKAfile: This is the first time a regime official has intimated that Damascus has invoked the mutual defense pacts existing between Syria, Iran and Hizballah.

Wag the Dog?

Is this entire Syrian issue with Chemical Weapons a cover up?

Seriously, Obama, almost a year ago stated what “the red line” was.

A year later – well in August it turns out that chemical weapons were used.  And they were used BEFORE that apparently and we did nothing.  Now we MUST do something?

What happened to the 27 or 30 scandals?  Oh, yeah, they aren’t in the news suddenly are they?

Benghazi is being ignored by the media. Deaths of Navy Seals, ignored.  The IRS scandal, ignored.  The NSA spying, ignored.  Project Gun walker and Fast and Furious, completely forgotten now… Obama has lied time and again to the American public.  Kerry has lied, over and over.  Hillary Clinton lied.  The IRS Director lied.  Eric Holder lied.

Or is this something worse, a method by which the asshole-in-chief manages to bring us to the brink of a nuclear war with Russia just so he and Putin can make nice-nice on the sidelines and “fix” the whole world, bring “peace in our time” or make himself appear to be larger than life?

What if this is all a giant hoax perpetrated by Obama and his puppet masters?

What if…..

US Assets in Place for Strike

No U.S. president has ever been turned down by Congress when asking to use military force. Ever…. this is why Obama took the time to ASK for a vote.  His chances are good he will get a “yes” from Congress thereby preventing himself from being held personally responsible.

Tom Coburn happy he doesn’t have to impeach Obama

The Republican Senator, Tom Coburn said President Obama is moving “perilously close” to impeachment, Sen. Tom Coburn told a town hall crowd this week, two reports said Thursday.

However, he stated he is a “friend” to the President and further went on to say:

“That’s not something you take lightly, and you have to use a historical precedent of what that means,” he said. “I think there’s some intended violation of the law in this administration, but I also think there’s a ton of incompetence, of people who are making decisions.

“I believe [an impeachment charge] needs to be evaluated and determined, but thank goodness it doesn’t have to happen in the Senate until they’ve brought charges in the House,” Coburn said. “Those are serious things, but we’re in a serious time. I don’t have the legal background to know if that rises to high crimes and misdemeanor, but I think they’re getting perilously close.”


Really, Senator?  Thank “Goodness” you don’t have to “deal” with it?  Let someone ELSE “deal with it”?

Senator, you’re not a man, you’re a coward.  If you had the intestinal fortitude to follow through you’d be working with House members to arrange exactly what you’re talking about, IMPEACHMENT – and the eventual removal of this criminal from the Office of the President.

America has gone over the edge and you are sitting in the People’s building being HAPPY you don’t have to DO anything over Benghazi, over Ft. Hood Massacre (It was a bloody TERRORIST ATTACK).  We are going to let Obama NOT take the blame for NSA, the IRS, the DOJ (I’m not going to name all the scandals here, but suffice it to say they were ALL CRIMES!)

Get off your lazy ass and get going on removing this criminal from office before American burns.

Every, single tag and category attached to this blog post had a crime committed against America – from the President speaking out AGAINST Zimmerman and FOR gun control, to Benghazi, to the IRS (which is being ignored) to the NSA (also being ignored) to the “sequestration” and loss of food for wounded warriors at Walter Reed while Gays are being given free leave to go marry their partners in other states.

Give Americans a break, Senator and kick this bastard out of OUR HOUSE – before we do it.


Impeach Obama!

That’s all…  Just impeach the bastard.  Over Benghazi. Over IRS.  Over NSA.  Over all the scandals.  Over all the lies.  Impeach the man.

America needs to be repaired.

UN Planning World Wide confiscation of Weapons




Apparently the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs has released a new letter.

If anyone in America THINKS they are going to take our weapons, they have another THINK coming.  In the form of hot lead.  Do NOT let the Leftists in the United States kid you one little bit.  They want your complete and utter subjugation and will stop at nothing to get it.

We ARE at war over this.  The first shots were fired in Sandy Hook, lest anyone forget this.  There are plenty of reasons to believe that was a set up.  To date, no one has proved beyond a shadow of doubt that the shooter was Lanza.  No one. 

Related articles

Will a Military Coup fix America?

I personally just don’t see a military coup in the United States as an option.  But is my view of the world the same as others’ beliefs?  Probably not.  When it comes right down to it, with my vast amount of time as a military man, from my point of view, I can’t say that absolutely, definitely a coup could or would take place.  The truth is, in MY time, no such thing could have or would have happened.  But other factors are in play here that I would never have considered myself – but others might.

The Spanish have a long and storied history for coups – in fact, Mexicans and most Previously-ruled-by-Spain Central and South American countries follow suit.  When the people get mad, they start a war.  Someone winds up on top in the end, usually the existing military and a strong leader (regardless of his moral and ethically leanings).  Most south and central American countries are what we consider “banana republics”.

Is America becoming a Banana Republic?

Let us look:

A Banana republic is a pejorative term for a country with a kleptocratic government, often with a primitive economy and sometimes a puppet state of a major power.

The more proper definition being: Banana republic is a political science term for a politically unstable country whose economy is largely dependent on the export of a single limited-resource product, such as bananas. It typically has stratified social classes, including a large, impoverished working class and a ruling plutocracy that comprises the elites of business, politics, and the military. This politico-economic oligarchy controls the primary-sector productions and thereby exploits the country’s economy. (Wikipedia)

kleptocracy: Kleptocracy, alternatively cleptocracy or kleptarchy, (from Greek: κλέπτης – kleptēs, “thief” and κράτος – kratos, “power, rule”, hence “rule by thieves”) is a form of political and government corruption where the government exists to increase the personal wealth and political power of its officials and the ruling class at the expense of the wider population, often without pretense of honest service. This type of government corruption is often achieved by the embezzlement of state funds.

plutocracy: Rule by the wealthy. We’re technically not being ruled by the wealthy, but then again we are. Rich lawyers are elected thus rich lawyers are in charge of most of the government’s various sectors. Companies lobby for power in the government (and I have no trouble with open markets).

So this author’s guess is that  ARE a Banana Republic, or more accurately rapidly degenerating into a Banana Republic. We still have a Constitutional Republic and most of us KNOW this and MOST of us wouldn’t do anything against “the government” in the military. Whether some rogue officer would start something, I just don’t know – but I just can’t SEE it happening.

On the other hand…

1) Morals are in decline.
2) America is in decline.
3) Money is becoming worthless.
4) The economy is tanking.
5) Things are not worth what they once were.
6) People are in “gimme gimme” mode.
7) The President himself is working to divide people of this country.
8) The Left is fighting the Right on guns and every other thing you can imagine.
9) Detroit is the first major city to have fallen.
10) Other cities won’t be far behind.
11) Obamacare will destroy what’s left of the economy.
12) Oil and Coal are verboten.
13) Scandal after scandal has rocked DC and those are being called “phony”.
14) More people are on government help than are working now.
15) Political corruption
16) Government corruption
17) borders are uncontrolled, the “barbarian hordes” are coming through daily, by the thousands
18) the government coffers are being sucked dry by “entitlements” and the government keeps wanting more from the working people, the “rich” and corporations.

Rome fell for the many of the same reasons; moral decline, political corruption, “barbarian knowledge of Roman tactics” (think about that for a moment), a failing economy, unemployment of the working “class”, decline in ethics and values, natural disasters, barbarian invasion (Hmmmm…. border security?), military decay (not being trained right, and reduction in forces), and many other reasons.

So could a military coup take America back?  I can not answer that question but I can certainly suggest that this country is in a condition which will facilitate such a thing happening.  But will some military officer be able to gain enough power to lead enough American men, who are independent thinkers, into such a one way path?  I seriously doubt it will happen.  I don’t doubt the fall of America is upon us.

Why do you need a gun like the AR15?


Because, Liberal, fuck you, that’s why!

Americans: Stand up and Resist!

I’m an American.  I was born in the USA.  Before me, my father, grandfather, great-grandfather, great-great-grandfather, great-great-great-grandfather and several generations prior were also born here.

One of them came over on a ship from Ireland, another from Scotland.  Men before me have fought for this country from the Indian Wars to the Revolutionary War to the most recent wars in the Middle East.  My sons are Americans and Patriots.

The lie that “We are all immigrants” has been told so often that it’s now being believed.  Yes, my distant forefather DID come to America as an immigrant. A LEGAL Immigrant, albeit, forced to come here to find freedom from Oppression of the British Empire.

Today – illegal immigrants stream across the border in an effort to abuse our freedoms, to steal our tax monies and to commit crimes (illegal immigration, IS A CRIME).  There is no checks and balances any more.  Congress and the President do not want them.

Congress and the President don’t want us to defend ourselves.

The President has allowed agencies to spy on us, the DOJ to lie to us, to kill our own men by giving away guns to criminals, to kill our own military men, Navy Seals, to allow criminals and terrorists to kill our Ambassador and American heroes without investigation.

The current administration has worked to destroy the America my father, I and my children grew up in.

It is time to put a stop to the abuses of the American system, abuses to the American Taxpayer.  It is TIME to FIRE the current government and replace it non-Marxists, non-Socialists and non-Progressives.

A war has been declared on Patriots in America.  We’re now being labeled as terrorists and troublemakers, being called names like “Teabagger” (look that up) and worse.

Fight back.  Resist “Hope and Change”.  Resist Socialism, and Progressivism or suffer the long term consequences to this Great Nation.

Already the time is nearly past, and this country is nearly done.

Stand up and be heard!

A coming Civil War

It occurred to me a few hours ago when I was writing something that this whole thing, this Zimmerman thing, the “race baiting”, the race card playing, the pressure from above to cause riots and dissension among the people of this country is planned; part and parcel of a larger “conspiracy” (for lack of a better word) to completely terminate what America was and once stood for.

I mean we all suspect it, but seriously, how many times has Obama said of himself that he was like Lincoln, or worse, his people have said it and he’s been quiet about the whole thing?

Here’s one instance:

 “Actually, Mr. Obama has evoked deliberately comparisons with Lincoln ever since he announced his candidacy for president on Feb. 10, 2007, at the Old State Capitol building in Springfield, Ill,” Boyer wrote. “He chose the site because it was the same place where Lincoln gave a famous speech condemning slavery and called for the Northern and Southern states to unite.”

Now…. what BETTER way to put himself in a “good light” with “his people” (I’m talking about the American people now, not his black friends) than to sound and act like Lincoln IF ONLY he had a National Crisis similar to that which once faced Lincoln himself; the breakup of America.  States seceding from the Union would do it.  Better yet a complete and total breakdown of Society to include a Civil War!

After all, could he not then be compared to Mandela AND Lincoln if only he could get a race war started.   What if the word “apartheid” started making the rounds in the media as well?  Could not Obama himself be seen as “Great” as Lincoln himself, and Nelson Mandela if ONLY he could re-unite the country after a bloody civil war, or better a race war.  Why not kill two birds with one stone, so to speak?

So what if “Hispanic” is an ethic title,  George IS white.  And poor little 12-year-old-in-pictures Trayvon was an innocent little boy eating his candy and drinking his tea minding his own business.

Never MIND all the people drinking the Kool-Aid.

Don’t believe me.  Check out the following links.  Tell me, and be honest with yourself, where are the true racists?


The Supreme Court, Zimmerman and American Apartheid (This link is NOW dead…. ACLU likely thought better of it.)

Police in Houston stand down in face of protestors

Houstonians rally against Zimmerman acquittal

Protesters block part of Texas 288
By Mike Glenn | July 15, 2013 | Updated: July 15, 2013 11:28pm


“Our motto today is: We’re fired up and we’re not going to take it anymore,” said community activist Quanell X.

The rally began about 7 p.m. at Byrd Funeral Home, 2517 Wheeler, near the campus of Texas Southern University. Organizers said that location was picked for a reason.

“This is where they wish to send young black men – to the funeral home,” Quanell X said.

It was a dramatic theme that was repeated along the march route with protesters solemnly pushing a casket behind a hearse.

Bianca Fisher said she wasn’t particularly surprised that the jury set Zimmerman free.

“The mission of the judicial system is to enslave black people,” she said.

Benita Gordon brought her son, Devon, to the protest, which lasted about 90 minutes.

“We’re walking tonight for Trayvon,” she said. “We need fair rules all the way around.”

Marchers shut down southbound traffic along Texas 288 at Southmore for about 10-15 minutes. No police were seen. The crowds allowed an ambulance to pass, but other motorists were forced to wait.

“It’s civil disobedience. The people are angry and have a right to be angry,” Quanell X said.

DOJ Sets Up Public Email Address to Take in Tips as It ‘Aggressively’ Pursues Zimmerman Civil Rights Investigation

DOJ Sets Up Public Email Address to Take in Tips as It ‘Aggressively’ Pursues Zimmerman Civil Rights Investigation

July 16, 2013

The U.S Department of Justice is asking civil rights groups and community leaders to “actively refer anyone who [has] any information” that might help bring federal criminal charges against George Zimmerman, who was recently acquitted by a jury in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin.

The DOJ has reportedly set up a public email address to take in tips on its civil rights investigation. The department is hoping to get tips from across the nation as well as locally in Sanford, Fla.

That email address, which is now “in operation,” is

It is unclear why, if officials saw enough reason to open an investigation in the first place, the DOJ now needs tips to help with its probe into Zimmerman.

Barbara Arnwine, president and executive director the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, said the DOJ during a conference called on individuals and groups “to actively refer anyone who had any information” that might build a case against Zimmerman for a civil rights violation or a hate crime, according to the Orlando Sentinel.

“They said they would very aggressively investigate this case,” she added.

Also on the DOJ conference call was, “Sherrilyn Ifill, President and Director-Counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund; Laura Murphy, Washington Chapter head of the ACLU; and several national, Florida and Sanford-based “human relations” groups participated, Arnwine said,” the Sentinel reports.

Attorney General Eric Holder has called Martin’s death unnecessary and has promised the DOJ will work to “alleviate tensions, address community concerns and promote healing.”


Fill it up with information about Benghazi, IRS, DOJ, NSA

Communists instigating racial Divide

If you THINK for one second this is all about “Justice for Trayvon” you are one of the most naive on the planet…. this isn’t about justice for some kid who was in the wrong place, wrong time and threw the first punch.  This is “Progressive Tyranny” if I ever saw it, and I’ve seen it.  Ladies and Gentlemen, of ALL races… Black, White, Hispanic… America belongs to Americans.

We have been invaded by Communists who style themselves as “Progressives”.  Our Congress is full of these people, all of them with a Marxist bent.  While you were sleeping or watching your favorite television show, you’ve had your country, your TRUE country yanked out from under you.

Around you you see signs like the below picture.  But  look closely.  Go check the site link.  Understand that Communism is NOT something you want to live under.

Anyone bother to check the link on this sign?

America, we are under seige by these people, and Obama is part of this, so is Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.  Those people are claiming to be “Progressive” and yet, what they really want for you and America is to be slaves.  You think that your great grand parents being slaves was bad?  Wait until you’re a slave in the 21st Century to a tyrannical government run by Communists.

It is estimated that between 85 and 140 million people… MILLIONS… have died at the hands of Communism.  Do you REALLY, HONESTLY believe that Socialism, Progressivism and Communism are the right way for this country to go?  Or do you VALUE your personal, individual freedoms?  Do you think you are “free” now?

You’re wrong.  You are a sheep.  You’ve been brainwashed since birth.  80% of the people reading here were born after 1970.  95% are probably born after 1980.  That means you REALLY do NOT understand.

I was born in the 1950s.  I saw the “Iron Curtain”. I saw Red China, the Soviet Empire.  I saw the Cuba Missile Crisis.  I saw all of these things for what they truly were.

Wake UP!  Step back, take a breath and understand you are being duped.

Revolution Newspaper Front Page
The below CLEARLY STATES how they are trying to divide America into Colors.  Friends…. I’m a White man, of Irish, Scotish and American Indian descent.  My people were all once oppressed.  That was a long time ago, they came to America to escape English oppression only to help oppress others in America, the Native Americans.  My veins are full of European and American Indian blood.  But rioting at the behest of Communists?  Come on, wake up.  I don’t see colors in peoples’ skins.  I do however see evil in their eyes, and I see the hatred that some have for others because they have simply been brainwashed to BELIEVE they are being oppressed by whites.
It is time to join civilization and wake up.  You’re being USED.  See the evidence below.

The Stakes of the Trayvon Martin Case… and the Need to SEIZE THE TIME!

July 7, 2013 | Revolution Newspaper |

Trayvon Martin was a 17-year-old African-American, walking home at 7:30 pm with a can of ice tea and a bag of candy. George Zimmerman had never talked to Trayvon Martin, never met Trayvon Martin, knew nothing about Trayvon Martin, never even heard of him. But nevertheless this society—this system—had trained George Zimmerman to “know” and to say that Trayvon Martin was “suspicious” and more—that Trayvon Martin was a “fucking punk…a fucking asshole” who “always gets away with it.”

George Zimmerman had no training, no judgment, no sense of the gravity of human life, nor any shred of respect or feeling for the lives of people like Trayvon Martin. Yet George Zimmerman carried a pistol with hollow-point “man-killer” bullets as he prowled in his car, with the blessings of this system. George Zimmerman stalked Trayvon Martin, with that pistol in his jacket, and George Zimmerman then confronted Trayvon Martin, feeling the whole strength of this system behind him. And then George Zimmerman decided to kill Trayvon Martin.

This was one more horrible, heartbreaking outrage at the end of a 400-year chain of such outrages. That is the heart of the matter.

Sanford FL June 10, mobilizing for justice for TrayvonJune 10 in Sanford, Florida: and Stop Mass Incarceration. Photo: Li Onesto/Revolution

Right now, American society—with the whole world increasingly taking notice—is polarizing. Two sides are lining up—one upholding the right of the Trayvon Martins of this world to live and flourish and, if they are attacked, to have justice… and the other upholding the supposed rights of people like George Zimmerman to kill people like Trayvon with impunity. This should be clear, but every day the powers-that-be work to cloud this, so we must all insist on this basic truth.

And every day the breadth and ferocity of this polarization grow and intensify. Last week the reactionaries vented their hatred and fury on Trayvon’s friend Rachel Jeantel in a vicious, gutter-level attack by a “virtual” mob. Rachel Jeantel is a key witness in the trial, the person Trayvon was talking to on the phone when George Zimmerman confronted him. Once again, these bullies had been trained to act and react by a system, to spew their ignorant venom full of the confidence of someone who feels they have power on their side. This kind of shit must be fought all along the way, and this growing polarization must be repolarized into deeper and broader energy, clarity, and direction for justice for Trayvon Martin… and for revolution and emancipation altogether.

You who read this paper must now step up. You have a chance to change history and you cannot step aside from that. Here is some of what you can do:

  • Get what has to say into social media… inject its leadership into the intensifying societal debate… get to us with ideas on how to do it and take initiative yourself…
  • Take out materials on this trial—our newspaper, or materials from the Stop Mass Incarceration Network, or other positive things—and get them into people’s hands, even if it is just you and a friend at first… grow these into impromptu speak-outs and demonstrations when you do…
  • Spread the “We Say NO MORE” statement and get people to sign it… change the polarization and give strength and expression to the side of justice…
  • Answer the call of the Stop Mass Incarceration Network (SMIN) (check online at and to build public vigils when the jury goes out, so that there is a powerful collective response to the verdict… and join with that network, supporting and participating in it…
  • Donate funds to so that we can create MAXIMUM social impact…

And most of all, this: the most essential and important fact about the world today is that the Trayvon Martins in it DO NOT HAVE TO DIE. The most essential fact is that a society is possible in which the Trayvon Martins and Rachel Jeantels and the millions and billions like them, here and around the world, can not only survive, but can flourish and fully contribute all they have to offer to the world. Such a society is possible through revolution—a revolution based on the theory developed by Bob Avakian and won with the leadership provided by the Party he leads, the Revolutionary Communist Party. In the midst of this massive social upheaval, BA must truly be everywhere—the film of his speech BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS! sold and shown all over… the revolutionary handbook of his talks and writings, BAsics, out everywhere… his image out and around in every struggle, sparking people’s curiosity and thinking and letting them know the revolution is here, there IS a way out.

Do not turn away from this challenge. Don’t let them win this round. This is about the kind of world we want to live in.

For more, see “The Trial of George Zimmerman: The Persecution of Trayvon Martin.”

Justice Department faces evidence hurdles in proving Zimmerman bias after verdict

Yup… not much they CAN do.  Nothing they SHOULD do.  Fed, stay out of this.


The Justice Department was running into immediate hurdles Monday in its investigation of possible civil rights violations by George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin — namely, that after examining the case for more than a year, the evidence has not changed.

Though the department announced after Zimmerman’s acquittal that it would consider a possible federal case, previously filed FBI documents show agents have not turned up any accounts that Zimmerman, before the February 2012 shooting, exhibited racial bias. Sanford police detective Chris Serino also told FBI agents last year that he considered Zimmerman as having “a little hero complex, but not as a racist.”

Attorney General Eric Holder, in his first post-verdict comments, confirmed Monday during a speech in Washington, D.C., that his department continues to investigate while signaling concern for the position of the Martin family and those — such as the NAACP — pressuring the DOJ. He said the department is “mindful of the pain felt by our nation” over the “tragic, unnecessary shooting death” of Martin.

Only rebellion can save America

The US federal government has strayed so far from the Constitution and the rule of law that it can now be considered rogue and illegitimate.

Written by Lawrence Sellin

The thoroughly irresponsible rate of government spending projected over the next twenty-five years will drive federal debt to unsustainable levels. The country is heading for a financial meltdown and economic ruin.

The Republican Party is inept and impotent and cannot provide the necessary political opposition to the crimes and unconstitutional policies of the Obama regime or stand against the rampant voter fraud which is now polluting the electoral process. There is a report claiming that the Republican Party signed a legal agreement with the Democrat Party in 1982 not to pursue suspected vote fraud. If there is no guarantee of election integrity, then elections become only window dressing for tyranny.

Barack Obama is an illegal President and unindicted felon. Congress, the American media and the courts are engaged in a criminal conspiracy to conceal their complicity in perpetrating the Obama fraud on the American people. Law enforcement and our elected officials have chosen to risk the survival of the country rather than risk the truth.

According to recent reports, Obama continues to use a Social Security Number (SSN) not issued to him, in the process, committing numerous counts of social security fraud. The SSN Obama uses, issued in Connecticut, a state where he never lived, does not pass a check with E-Verify, the electronic system the U.S. Citizenship and Immigrations Services of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has created to verify whether or not prospective employees have the required authorization to work legally in the United States. It appears that the SSN Obama uses, was actually issued to a Harrison J. Bounel, born in 1890. Once issued, a SSN is never reissued to another individual. Why isn’t any of that evidence investigated? It is because Barack Obama is protected by a dishonest media and criminally complicit federal officials and, unlike ordinary Americans, he is above the law.

read more @

Counter Revolution

I’m sure many of you realize, understand and even “grok” that today in America we’re undergoing “change”.  Change that many of us don’t want.  In fact the Left has embarked on a journey to “fundamentally change” America.  A fundamental change is defined basically as; of or relating to essential structure, function, or facts : radical <fundamental change>; also : of or dealing with general principles rather than practical application <fundamental science>.

America is undergoing this “change” at her very roots.  Most Americans hearing Obama use those words for the first time sincerely had not a clue what he meant.  Many of us did and understood he intended to completely change America’s very basic precepts, fundamental to our heritage in this country, the belief that this country is something better than those that have gone before, that we, as Americans are somehow “not worthy” and religion, freedoms and liberty are Government Granted commodities.

Somehow the notion that Americans are all “equal” has taken a perverted change from what this means.  “Equal” doesn’t mean equal in the sense that “What I have is yours to take”, it means “We each work our asses off to get somewhere in life.  We spend our time learning, competing and gaining ground economically, educationally and we DO IT ON OUR OWN.”

We are in the midst of a Revolution.  The Revolutionaries are the Leftists, Communists, Socialists, Marxists and un-American “leaders” (and I use the word leader here, loosely).

The rest of us, you and I, who stand more to the Right and more conservative than those on the Left, those who believe in America as it was founded, the Patriotic who still salute the flag, say the Pledge of Alligence and believe we are and should remain the strongest country in the world, are considered to be an anachronism, a throw back to civil war times.  The Left sees us as carrying the Rebel Flag and fighting for slavery.

The truth is, my friends, each and every hand gun and rifle owner in America, whether they want to believe this or not, are believers in the Constitution…. that paper which is immutable, may not be thrown out or suspended without a fight, we are the Counter-Revolutionaries.

We are the people from whom the real change will come.

If we all stand up and do something about what is happening.

Otherwise, we simply stand and watch ourselves become history….

Obama, Gone Too Far. Honor a thug. Ban a gun.

Honor Martin – Ban Guns!

Posted on July 15, 2013 by

Our gun grabber in chief spoke this weekend about the Zimmerman acquittal. Just as he used the Sandy Hook tragedy to immediately call for the destruction of our Constitution, he’s now calling for more gun control in the wake of the Zimmerman trial.  As surreal as it may seem, I’m not making this up.  Here’s what Obama said the day after Zimmerman was found not guilty.

We should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence that claims too many lives across this country on a daily basis. We should ask ourselves, as individuals and as a society, how we can prevent future tragedies like this [Zimmerman case]. As citizens, that’s a job for all of us. That’s the way to honor Trayvon Martin.

The ink isn’t even dry on the verdict and Obama is already using a tragedy to once again attempt a power grab by the federal government.  Last time he stood on the still warm bodies of the Sandy Hook victims to push his anti-gun agenda forward.  He is completely shameless and it’s disgusting to witness.

Apparently the President thinks that Zimmerman is guilty of murder and walked free due to some failing of the justice system.  He’s now grouping a legal self defense shooting into the same category as criminal uses of firearms and using it as justification to push his anti-gun agenda forward.  That means those of us who carry firearms for personal protection are part of the problem, according to Obama, and we must be stopped for the greater good of the community. In the President’s eyes I’m just as bad as a gangbanger because I have a CCW.

Geolocate Dangerous Guns Answer to the Application

About the Gun Geo Marker

The Walkingtools Gun Geo Marker
The general guideline is that you should mark any location about which you have a gun related concern, while trying to provide enough extra information for others to make their own determination about safety.
An important secondary warning is that the Walkingtools Gun Geo Marker is not intended as a reporting mechanism for active threats. If you are concerned for anyone’s immediate safety, call 911 immediately.

Now…. far be it for me to make a suggestion as to how to deal with this particular application, or even to suggest that my suggestion might work.  But… I’ll give it a go.

All gun owners should download this App.  Immediately.

You can tag locations in it.

So, why not tag it with the following:

1) Anti-gun Libtards

2) Businesses that hate guns

3) Hollywood Actors and Actresses who speak out against guns.

4) Local politician’s homes who are anti-gun

5) Local Media personalities who are anti-gun.


The point to this is to make THOSE locations as “gun owners” and overwhelm the database with Garbage In, which in turn produces Garbage Out.

So, do your part today and help this Application “fill up some white space”.


Clapper Apologizes

REALLY? he LIED again?  He was “Erroneous”?


James Clapper Apologizes to Congress for ‘Clearly Erroneous’ Testimony

Jul 2, 2013 6:39pm

ap james clapper kb 130702 16x9 608 James Clapper Apologizes to Congress for Clearly Erroneous Testimony(J. Scott Applewhite/AP Photo)

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper apologized to Congress in a letter released today for giving a “clearly erroneous” answer to a question about whether the government collects data on millions of Americans.

“My response was clearly erroneous – for which I apologize,” Clapper wrote in a letter to Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.

The letter came after Clapper was accused of lying in response to a question by Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., about whether the National Security Agency collects “any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans.”

In his March testimony, Clapper answered “no,” later adding, “not wittingly.”

It was later revealed that the NSA does collect “metadata” from telephone and Internet companies on millions of Americans – information that reveals information like the time, date and phone numbers of telephone calls, not the content of those calls.


America on the Abyss

On July 4th, tomorrow, America celebrates it’s Independence from Britain but we stand on the verge of destruction of this very country we all love.  From within.  From our own, overbearing, overreaching government.

There is not a Patriotic American within the sound of my voice, or with in reach of my writing who will not agree that this country is the Greatest Country that has ever existed, and almost every, single one of them, myself included would or have been willing to stand up to keep this country great.  Every one of us will fight to protect our country if it were invaded.  Every one of us has an opinion about how it should be run.  Almost none of us stand together on one, simple act – defiance of what is happening to us right now in this country.  Some shrug their shoulders and move on, some ignore the problem completely, some of us loudly, vocally proclaim the wrongs done but can’t fix it alone.

Unfortunately for Americans we are in the midst of what I called “The Throes of Progressive Tyranny”.  A few years ago I created a forum on our TAA web site to track the progress of Progressiveness and the Progressive Tyranny that is haunting this country, from the most basic precepts of “Political Correctness” to Nationalization of the Health Care system and everything in between.

On 20 January 2009, Barack Hussein Obama was innagurated as the 44th President, running on a platform of “Hope and Change”, talking about “Fundemental Change” in America.  Most of us saw this man then for what we now know he is.

On 14 December 2012, Adam Lanza is believed to have walked into a school (without any assistance) to shoot and kill twenty small children, babies really, and six adults.  Before that he killed his mother in cold blood while she was sleeping, took guys, put on military style armor and went to the school.  Immediately there were calls to ban guns.   Most of us saw this coming the moment we were learning children had died.

Obamacare, the so-called “Affordable Health Care Act” was “passed before we get to see what’s in it”…. Congress created, then opened Pandora’s Box.  (For the uneducated, who don’t know the story of Pandora, I’ll leave it to you to look it up….).  Everyone in the United States, no matter how naive they pretend to be grasped the ramifications of Nationalization of the Medical Care in America.

Then the media started breaking scandal after scandal.  Everything from “Project Gun Walker” to the NSA leaker Snowden letting the world know Americans were being spied upon by their own government.  The Justice Department investigating journalists as “terrorists”, spying on them, and entire news organizations, to lying through their teeth to cover their asses.

There is so much more that has gone against our very way of life, to coin a phrase, truth, justice and the American Way.  So much for Superman, huh?

Americans are just DAMNED sick and tired of being lied to.  They are damned tired of the Government getting into their business.  One could certainly compare 1775 and events leading up the American Revolutionary War with today.  In fact, one COULD sit and start writing down all of the abuses by this government against the people, starting with the very idea the government seems to have forgotten their place; that is that they work for us, we don’t belong to them.  Most of us are simply too lazy though to do ANYTHING about it.

Indeed this country stands on an abyss.  Tomorrow we celebrate, but who knows what happens next Monday?  I don’t.  Perhaps nothing will change, just status quo.  Sheep getting up and going to work, working their lives away to pay our debt to our great grandchildren.

Obama and his administration have certainly accomplished their “fundamental change” haven’t they?  Americas are about to be shepherded by the IRS to ensure they pay for their own health care.  We’ve had states ban our guns.  We’ve had police forces become military-strong.  We’ve been told where to go, when to go, how to go and by the way, don’t use Gas, Oil, Coal or any of that nasty carbon-producing-stuff that kills things.  Oh and if you don’t mind, just die you human because you eat, and excrete and make it bad for “Mother Gaia”.

The Abyss is… step up and stop the crimes against this country, or stand down and be a sheep.  Sheep eventually are sheared, and many are just led to slaughter.

Which will you stand up and be, sheep or Patriot?


Is America in a Pre-Revolutionary State this July 4th?

July 2nd, 2013 – 12:23 am


As we approach July 4, 2013, is America in a pre-revolutionary state? Are we headed for a Tahrir Square of our own with the attendant mammoth social turmoil, possibly even violence.

 Could it happen here?

We are two-thirds of the way into the most incompetent presidency in our history. People everywhere are fed up. Even many of the so-called liberals who propelled Barack Obama into office have stopped defending him in the face of an unprecedented number of scandals coming at us one after the other like hideous monsters in some non-stop computer game.

And now looming is the monster of monsters, ObamaCare, the healthcare reform almost no one wanted and fewer understood.

It will be administered by the Internal Revenue Service, an organization that has been revealed to be a kind of post-modern American Gestapo, asking not just to examine our accounting books but the books we read. What could be more totalitarian than that?

Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal warns the costs of ObamaCare are close to tripling what were promised, and the number of doctors in our country is rapidly diminishing. No more “My son, the doctor!” It doesn’t pay.

And young people most of all will not be able to afford escalating health insurance costs and will end up paying the fine to the IRS, simultaneously bankrupting the health system and enhancing the brutal power of the IRS — all this while unemployment numbers remain near historical highs.

Read the rest:

No Fighter Jets going after Snowden

I actually find this pretty funny.  A Fighter Jet?  After a “might be” leaker/whistleblower/spy/hacker/hero/traitor?  Wow.


Obama: US won’t send fighter jets to intercept Snowden flights

Published time: June 27, 2013 11:55
Edited time: June 27, 2013 14:13
The F-35 Lightning II, also known as the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF).(Reuters / Tom Reynolds)The F-35 Lightning II, also known as the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF).(Reuters / Tom Reynolds)

The US will not try to intercept NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden’s flight, President Barack Obama said during his tour to Africa.

Obama announced that US will not be using military jets to go after Snowden, rejecting reports that America might force down a plane carrying the NSA leaker.

The president specified that the US will not engage in “wheeling, dealing and trading” to extradite Edward Snowden, adding that extradition will be carried out through legal channels.

“We’ve got a whole lot of business that we do with China and Russia, and I’m not going to have one case of a suspect who we’re trying to extradite suddenly being elevated to the point where I’ve got to start doing wheeling and dealing and trading on a whole host of other issues,” Obama said.

Obama said he has not spoken to Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping or Russia’s President Vladimir Putin about whistleblower Edward Snowden’s extradition, adding that he “shouldn’t have to,” Reuters reported.


More over there —–>

No bartering for Snowden

Don’t know if this is good or bad.  I have a few theories on what’s really happening here and have posted a few thoughts already.  But Obama has stated clearly he’s not about to barter for Snowden “just so he can come back here to face American Justice”.

Oh, and Venezuela has also said it would consider an asylum application from him.



27 June 2013 Last updated at 11:04 ET

Obama refuses to barter for Edward Snowden

 President Obama “not going to be scrambling jets to get Snowden”

President Barack Obama has said there will be no “wheeling and dealing” as part of extradition attempts against US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden.

Speaking on a visit to the West African nation of Senegal, Mr Obama said the case would be handled through routine legal channels.

“I am not going to be scrambling jets to get a 29-year-old hacker,” he added.

Mr Snowden, who faces espionage charges, flew to Moscow last weekend and requested asylum in Ecuador.

Mr Obama said on Thursday that he had not called China and Russia’s presidents about the case, adding: “I shouldn’t have to.”

‘Damage done’

He told a news conference in the Senegalese capital Dakar: “I’m not going to have one case of a suspect who we’re trying to extradite suddenly being elevated to the point where I’ve got to start doing wheeling and dealing and trading on a whole host of other issues.”


Transit zones: A legal grey area

  • The Sheremetyevo airport transit area is Russian sovereign territory, but Russia says that in staying there, Edward Snowden has not formally entered the country
  • Legally, an arriving air passenger may be said to “cross the border” only after clearing immigration, which would require an entry visa
  • If Russia allowed Mr Snowden to enter, it could implicate the state in helping a fugitive, analysts say
  • It is thought Mr Snowden may be staying at a complex of 47 basic “capsule” hotel rooms located in the zone

Read the rest of the stuff:

To my Patriot Friends

Your blogs are monitored.  Your phone records are being gone through.  Data from your computer goes through an ISP and is vacuumed up by “No Such Agency”, collected, collated, stored and kept on ice for at least five years hence.  Anything you write, every site you visit, every blog you read or post you make is subjected to reading – even if it isn’t really “read” by a person it is there “just in case”.

The Fourth Amendment states clearly what your rights are.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

To be clear, your “papers” in the form of “data” or “metadata” have been searched, seized, violated and kept.  No warrants were issued.  No “Oath of Affirmation” by those whom consider you “suspect” was given.  No Judge consulted.  Your home was invaded.  You phone “tapped” – perhaps not in the conventional sense where a human listens in, but your phone calls were logged, collected and linked to those numbers you called, and those who called you.

Trust is sometimes a difficult thing to grasp, and nearly impossible to retrieve once lost.  The NSA, an arm of the US Intelligence community is there for a reason; their job is collect data on our adversaries, not on our own people.  This Agency is being abused by the US Government, plain and simple.  The Justice Department is corrupt.  The Internal Revenue System is corrupt.  Congress is remiss.  The President is culpable in breaking all the laws of our Constitution.

Do YOU trust your information to the US Government?  Do you trust your health to the IRS?  Do you trust your Freedom to this President?  Do you trust your life in the hands of the Justice Department?

Pens, paper, hand-carried messages, whispered conversations, coded communications.

Survivalists out here in the real world KNOW that counting on technology is probably a cool thing to do, but not always is it practical.  When the power goes out (and it will) you can’t count on your electric motors, vehicles, phones, radios and such.  You can’t always depend on technological marvels no matter how small.  Remember this; pen and paper can’t be data mined unless it it taken into custody.  Whispered conversations to those near you are rarely listened in on.  Turning off your cell phone is not a promise of security, but removing the battery is.  Posting something on a computer is kept for years; perhaps forever for all we know.Survivalists do understand this world, they do things in a simpler way for a reason.

Perhaps we should all consider “simple is safer”….


Senators attack surveillance laws authorizing NSA’s warrantless data collection

A bipartisan group of lawmakers led by Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) is attempting to rein in controversial provisions that have given US intelligence agencies broad authority to conduct warrantless surveillance on both foreign and domestic communications. The FISA Accountability and Privacy Protection Act of 2013 is designed to put a shorter expiration date on major expansions to the USA Patriot Act and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which are being secretly interpreted to justify the mass-collection of phone metadata and internet content, respectively. The bill would also shorten the lifespan of the law which allows National Security Letters, which have already been ruled unconstitutional by a federal judge, as well as increase oversight and transparency by adding new reporting requirements.

Read the rest here:

Seems like it is about time, no?

Feinstein needs to go!

This woman has NO CLUE.

People talking about limiting classified to “only government employees” or restricting things etc haven’t a CLUE how we defend this country.

This would require, ABSOLUTELY REQUIRE the government to basically fire all contractors and not give them information to complete their work.  Companies that pay workers to do jobs which require access to classified material would no longer be able to accomplish their contracts.

Those jobs would have to be given to… you guessed it, GOVERNMENT WORKERS, thereby increasing the number of government people (and where they gonna get them? FROM THE CIVILIAN CONTRACTOR FORCE).

And what are they going to have to do?  GIVE THEM ACCESS to classified data.

These people seriously have their heads up their asses.  Not one of them understands the real world.

“We will certainly have legislation which will limit or prevent contractors from handling highly classified and technical data, and we will do some other things,” the California Democrat said after a classified Senate briefing Thursday.


A Safer, Freer America

Do you feel “safe” today?

Do you believe that the government is protecting you by vacuuming up every piece of data on you they can?

Do you honestly believe that stopping a terrorist attack requires we give up all our privacy?


Are you an American, like most of us, who’ve never broken a law unless perhaps it was a traffic ticket, you have no intention of robbing a bank, blowing up a bomb in a crowded marathon, mall or airport, and you’ve never contemplated walking into your world place or movie theater with the “infamous” Bushmaster AR15 with body armor, gas mask and shoot up the place and random people?

When it comes right down to it, the laws of this country simply DO NOT trump the Constitution.  Period.  End of statement.

And yet our Congress, the last few Presidents (Obama, Bush, Clinton) have demonstrated they don’t really care about that old piece of paper.  Of course the Leftists in this country will tell you that it’s a “Living Document”, subject to change.

The 4th Amendment is clear as crystal:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

We are the people.  We have the right to be secure in our persons (and carrying a cellphone on our person), and houses (and our computers in our houses) and papers (and the data which isn’t written down but exists as fleeting bits and bytes in a data stream, hard drive, thumb drive, cloud or zipping along fibers) and unreasonable search and seizure (meaning we have committed no crime, thus it is UNREASONABLE to probe our data, search it, collect it aka seize it).

No warrants have been issues.  And according to the fourth amendment they SHALL NOT issues but upon probable cause.

If you’re not a criminal or suspected to be a criminal you should not be subjected to any of the above without a warrant.

Let me say this again…. IF you are NOT a criminal or SUSPECTED to be a criminal you should not be subjected to any of the above without a warrant.

Americans, essentially ALL of us, have 1) been subjected to the above CRIMES by the Government, 2) without a swore Warrant, 3) Our data searched (examined), seized (collected) and stored without our permission so that JUST IN CASE, you know in the future perhaps-maybe that data can be gone through again later and in more detail, just in case, you know, you think you might want to do something.

The collection of metadata means “Data about data”, that’s the way we network security people, system administrators and security engineers view it.  It means that pointers to other data are collected.  Those pointers of course are phone numbers you are using, calling and times you’re online talking to that other number.  It means a list of links you visit, your geolocation information, your likes and dislikes all associated with you.

A good detective doesn’t need to know WHAT you said on the telephone if he knows to whom you spoke for thirty minutes this morning on the way to work.  A great detective can make inferences with great accuracy about your conversation.  In a court of law this is called “Circumstantial evidence”.

A government agency like the National Security Agency (NSA) has tools and young computer gurus (not unlike myself many years ago) who can examine data, put a few pieces together and determine a lot about a person.

They didn’t stop Sandy Hook, they didn’t stop 9-11, they didn’t stop Boston, they didn’t stop numerous other small terrorists attacks in this country (which they won’t even CALL terrorism).  They’ve stopped only what they wanted to stop.  (Never let a crisis go to waste you know!)

If every person in the United States isn’t upset about this you might fit the first three questions originally asked and might be comfortable with the government literally spying on everything you do online, on the phone or even clicking on the buttons of your microwave.  You might think you’re safe from terrorists.  You might believe that you’re safe and the government is “protecting” you.

What if this is all benign and no one has any intention of using the data collected against you today or tomorrow.  But what about after the next election?  What about next Thursday?  What IF some “government official” somewhere with access to this stuff decides to start using this data to root out enemies of the State?

Once, when I was still a child we all knew that our society existed to raise children to be considerate of others, to know that each thing we did to improve ourselves in turn, improved society.  Today Society seems to exist only to further the goals of a collective hive mind, to think alike, to act alike, to dress alike, to live in a Socialist Utopia.  That indeed seems to be the ultimate goal of not only “Society” as a whole (with a few individual exceptions, usually those reading these blogs) but to force all of us to act alike (including us “individuals”).

Targeting and auditing”Tea Party” and “Conservative” groups into oblivion, if that isn’t tyranny I don’t know what is.  Trying to limit, take and ban our guns, that’s tyranny.  Spying on us, that’s tyranny.  Going after journalists (against the 1st amendment), that’s tyranny.  Lying to us time and again about Benghazi, about everything they can lie about, that, my friends is tyranny.  Forcing religion on us (Islam), that’s TYRANNY.  Forcing Political Correctness on us, that’s tyranny.  Attacking us for having our say, that’s tyranny.  Passing state laws in the face of a majority of people who don’t want the law, that is absolute tyranny.  Telling Americans “its for your own good” – that’s tyranny.

At what cost do we continue this charade?

I’ll tell you the cost.  The cost is  ultimately our Freedoms and the fall of the United States as a Great Republic.

If we continue on the path which wends through Society today and into the future, in less than One Hundred Years the one great America will be nothing more than a memory for our great-great Grand Children.  In less than another decade we will have lost and we will be erased from the face of the world.  Our

We must stop this drive to defeat America from within.

If you want a Safer, Freer America then it is time to wake up, get off your asses and accept personal responsibilty for yourselves, your families and your GOVERNMENT.  We must insist, demand that the current elected Representatives stop the madness and get back to the bottom line of running this country.  That doesn’t mean making NEW laws, it means throwing out the old, bad laws, enforcing the correct laws and stopping snooping on our own people.  It means SHUTTING the border TONIGHT.  We don’t need “immigration reform”, we need “Government Reform”.

There is nothing wrong with immigration laws as they are, they simply need to be enforced.  We need to secure the border.  We need to let people take the normal path to citizenship.  We have no issue with immigration, we have a problem WITH ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.

We can’t let the government continue to grow in size, power and money sucking abilities.

We can’t allow the IRS to continue to abuse us.

We must NOT allow the IRS to become our overlords on medical care.  Government death boards are an absolute (see the young lady with the lung transplant problem).

We can’t allow the Department of Justice to continue to abuse us.  By letting them get away with “Fast and Furious” we’ve allowed the death of a young agent to go without justice.  The murderer might have been caught, but why haven’t those who passed those guns out ILLEGALLY I might add been brought to justice?  Arrest them, all the up to Eric Holder if necessary.

We can no longer allow our Department of State to let ambassadors just “die” in foreign service.  Where were the Marines and why was the military stood down?

If you want a Safer, Freer America then you, yes YOU, need to stand up and do something about it.  Run for office, pester the holy hell out of Congressmen and women.  Call the President.  Make your voice heard.  Organize protests (yes, PROTESTS).  Become visible.  Don’t hide in the shadows any longer.

We are AMERICANS. We do not give up.  We do not tolerate losing.  We do not tolerate losers.  Kick those losers out of office and put yourselves IN.

The time has come.

Don’t let up until we win.

And we will, we’re Americans!

America: Upside Down

In all my years on this Earth I never once believed I’d see the day when America was turned upside down, inside out, backward and full of ignorant sheep.

As a child growing up in the hills of Kentucky and then later the streets of Detroit, brought up by two hard working parents I was bolstered with the principles of Liberty, Freedom, the Forefathers and the Constitution.  I read the Bible, I studied the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence and was well versed in American History.  A favorite book of my childhood was called “Our American Heritage”, a collection of stories that was given to me by my dad.  Dad was a former Marine who fought in Korea, was wounded twice.  Mom had a college degree but never went to a job.  She stayed home caring for our family of seven.  Mom and Dad were Democrats.

When I joined the military I eventually found myself fighting commies in Central America and later I wound up as a ground support troop for the folks who died in “Desert One”.  Jimmy Carter was at fault for that fiasco and was never really blamed.  I voted for Reagan and never looked back.

Today I’m watching as my country falls apart.

IRS has stopped Conservatives, Tea Party people, and other groups from being able to participate effectively in politics in any form, all at the behest, I am certain of the President.

NSA is spying not on terrorists, but everyone.

DOJ has looked into phone records on journalists.

CIA can tap into the computer in your dishwasher if they wish.

The fine line between Freedom and Tyranny has been crossed.

When both sides of the political aisle come together to say “This is wrong” looking at the fact the NSA is collecting data on all of us, on every American whether you’ve broken a law or not and clear violations of the 4th Amendment have occurred there is little left to do but accept it, or fight it.

I thought as a child that everyone thought like me, believed in the Constitution and America.  Now I see, as others do that there are politicians, men and women inside the DC Beltway that absolutely do NOT believe in the same things that many of us were brought up to believe.  In fact, their beliefs are diametrically opposed to ours and they lied through their teeth to get in office.

I’m not speaking JUST of Obama and his cabinet of criminals (tax evaders, terrorists) or the Left.  I’m talking about both sides.  Republicans and Democrats are culpable in the demise of the United States of America, of Freedom, Liberty and Principles.  These people have attacked, chipped away and ultimately destroyed the trust We the People had in the United States Government.

I am still working for them.  I do my job to protect this country.  At my level and in my Agency we aren’t involved in things like collecting intelligence on people – although they probably collect it on people like me internally to use later /shrug but the truth is, I still do my job because I STILL believe in America.  I still believe in my oath of office.  I still believe in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence and I still believe that we are the greatest country in the world.

I just don’t trust the politicians to run the Government any more.  It’s time to put the Government back into the hands of The People.


NSA surveillance pits liberty against security

NSA surveillance pits liberty against security

 7:15 AM, June 7, 2013   |
A man talks on the phone outside the U.S. Courthouse in Washington, where the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court resides.

A man talks on the phone outside the U.S. Courthouse in Washington, where the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court resides. / Cliff Owen / Associated Press
By David Jackson, Susan Davis and Kevin Johnson


WASHINGTON — Public disclosure of the federal government’s effort to track terrorists through the telephone records of average citizens has reinvigorated a national debate over the balancing act between security and liberty.

A day that began Thursday with an uproar over the government trolling through Americans’ phone records ended with a new report about the government traipsing over their travels on the Internet. Taken together, they seemed sure to refocus Congress and its constituents on a debate that has waned since Sept. 11, 2001 — but never ended.

On one side, the White House, bipartisan leaders in Congress and former George W. Bush administration officials defended such snooping and note it’s been going on for years. The phone tracking dates back to 2006, when USA TODAY first reported that the National Security Agency was secretly collecting phone call records of tens of millions of Americans.

Ben Franklin said it best, “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”