Grid Down! Communicate!

by Rick Donaldson, CET, N0NJY

I wrote a book a few years back on Basic Survival and Communications in the Aftermath. I did a three day long give away of the book. Thousands of copies were downloaded. I suspect the Prepper Community always wants to do things on the cheap, and free, and always want more, but seriously, a few more hundreds of the books were sold.  A few reviews were written.  This is a good piece of educational information for the completely uninitiated, and refresher for those who have more background in communications.

I suggest you go get a copy. It’s in digital format only. It’s cheap too. Under 5 dollars. Read it!

No, it’s not in a hard copy. I want people to LEARN, not carry three hundred educational books with them in their bug out bags. Save that space for food, water and ammo.  But, go get it, you’ll thank me later.

Here’s the link to that book:

This blog entry will discuss something near and dear to all our hearts. Today’s communications methods. Sort of. Keep reading.  Let’s look at a typical example.

You get up in the morning, fire up your computer either at work or home, read through Facebook, drop into Twitter and send a few tweets, check your email, pay your bills, message your friends about lunch, your wife about date night, laugh at the grandkids’ recent pictures posted by your daughter 1200 miles away and then you log off, or put your phone away and go off to deal with the day’s business.

Question: Which one of those things did you do in that paragraph that did not require 1) electricity, 2) a radio, 3) the Internet, 4) a computer of some kind?


Every, single communications thing you did (and make no mistake, all of it was ‘communication’) used electricity, used a RADIO, used a computer and used the Internet.

Take away just ONE of those things, say, electricity, and nothing functions. Nothing. Sure, you might have an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). Take away electricity, you’re going to have enough power to back up and/or shut down. Cell towers aren’t going to function though. Neither are the routers over at your local ISP. Your wifi isn’t going to communicate with your computer, even if you’re using a wired network. No power.

Take away the computer and you lost it all.

Take away “radio” from the equation, and you lose the network as well. Cell phones are RADIOS. Wifi is a RADIO. Signals since between ISPs use RADIOS (and fiber and copper. MacDonald’s ain’t gonna have wifi either if the power goes down or radios are disabled.

How are you going to contact that daughter 1200 miles away now? Pony Express probably. Because, if the power is out, you’re not going to be pumping gas either. Your fridge is out, and your frozen meat is melting.

There is currently ONE WAY in disasters, we get messages out. We use Ham Radio Operators. The Amateur Radio Service has been around since the inception of Radio itself. Over one hundred years. Nicola Tesla was using it as remote control in the late 1800s, the device because a remote controlled torpedo. Marconi transmitted the “first radio signals” Trans Atlantic in 1901. Thousands experimented with radio, learning and teaching themselves about radio waves and used Morse Code to send “Continuous Wave” or CW signals around the world even in World War I, and later in World War II.

Radio signals travel at the speed of light, 300 million meters per second. It is the fastest thing we know, and therefore, radio communications is, for all intents and purposes, instant.

Radio can be used for you or against you. It can be harmful, it can be helpful (in many ways). There are frequencies that can be sent around the world, or deep into space. There are even frequencies that can be sent through the Earth to the other side.

Radio, like all other electronics however, requires power. Electrical power. From the grid. Or, a generator. Or a Battery. Or a Solar Panel. Or a hand-cranked generator.

Amateur Radio has been around, as I said, since the beginning of the technology age and industrial age. And Amateur Radio has been there in disasters, war, survival situations, military uses, civilian uses, weather spotting, storm chasing, radio control of remote controlled airplanes and many, many other uses.

This article is about how you communicate in a grid down situation.

It’s easy. You USE Ham Radio. You ask the hams in the area to pass messages (and they will, remember it’s a SERVICE). Amateur Radio Operators are usually there for Wild Fires in Colorado, assisting the Fire Fighters, the Police and medical personnel in communicating everything from personal messages to locations of hot spots, or where to direct an ambulance.

What if there’s no hams in your area? Easy, YOU be the Ham. YOU take the time and study for a simple test (or two) to get the Technician License. This gives you a LOT of privileges on the radio frequencies, and most importantly, helps to train you to be that guy or gal that works with the first responders in your area in emergencies.

The second level up is General Class license, which gives you all the other things you need to communicate world wide through High Frequency (HF) Radio.

So how are you going to communicate during a grid down? You become the Amateur Radio operator. YOU set up a station. YOU get your power requirements (batteries, generator, solar panels) and radio station (radios required on your chosen frequencies) and you learn about antennas. YOU set up the antennas.

Most importantly, you become the “Elmer” to those around you, including young children to bring them into the Amateur Radio life. An Elmer is a teacher, someone who is usually “older” (but, not always) that passes on knowledge to others.

Listen, this isn’t a joke. This isn’t just for “nerds” in the basement. This is for all of us. All the Patriots NEED to understand they are the next level up from the regular civilians around them.

Being a Patriot doesn’t mean you’re a good guy with a gun. It means you’re a good guy who can do a LOT of things, including, when the shit hits the fan, COMMUNICATE with other Good Guys with Guns and Radios.

Seriously. What are you waiting for? Get out and do it.

Don’t believe me? Read this guy’s blog entry too:

Unintended Consequences

The law of unintended consequences illuminates the perverse unanticipated effects of legislation and regulation.

In the social sciences, unintended consequences are outcomes that are not the ones foreseen and intended by a purposeful action. The term was popularized in the twentieth century by American sociologist Robert K. Merton.

UnintendedConsequences is what happens when you attempt to remove the Rights of Free people, because a few loud mouths with zero understanding of history yell louder than the rest of us.

Stand up and be heard.  Shout down the Democrats, Liberals and ignorance of the “Student Protesters” to Congress.


A book for you all to read.  Please understand that you will become Red Pilled even more than you are now if you read this book. Download, save, read and pass on.

Consider this my gift to #III%, #2A#MilitiaGroups#Patriots in the USA.


Doomsday Clock

Doomsday clock inches forward to three minutes from catastrophic Midnight

The end of civilisation is nigh, according to ‘doomsayers’. Picture: Thinkstock. Source: News Limited

DOOMSAYERS, prepare your bunkers. The ‘Doomsday Clock’ is ticking.

The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, a group founded by the creators of the atomic bomb, say the world is now three minutes from a catastrophic midnight and the closest it has been in 30 years.

The clock moved forward two minutes, citing global warming and the proliferation of nuclear weaponry as the world’s greatest threats.

Atomic testing in the 1950s saw the Doomsday Clock move closer to midnight than it has ever been. Picture shows testing in the Australian outback. Source: News Corp Australia

“This is about Doomsday; this is about the end of civilisation as we know it,” Bulletin executive director Kennette Benedict said.

“The probability of global catastrophe is very high, and the actions needed to reduce the risks of disaster must be taken very soon.”

The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists was created in 1945 and the clock first appeared two years later on the Bulletin’s magazine cover. The minute hand has moved as far from midnight as 17 minutes (1991) but was once just two minutes away (1953).

Climate scientist Richard Somerville said a ‘major climatic disruption’ could be imminent. Picture: Cliff Owen / AP Source: AP

The last time the clock was at three minutes to midnight was in 1983 during the Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union.

Richard Somerville, a member of the 20-member board of scientists at the Bulletin, said the burning of fossil fuels will lead to a “major climatic disruption globally”.

‘The urgency has nothing to do with politics or ideology,” Dr Somerville said.

“It arises from the laws of physics and biology and chemistry”.


See the book on “Basic Survival and Communications Skills in the Aftermath”.  Kindle digital format.



Free Book Tomorrow

#survival #teotwawki #aftermath #Hamradio #communications #prepper

Wednesday Only.  Free Kindle Book.

Get your FREE copy on Wednesday.  I highly recommend this book.  Put it on your kindle.  If you do NOT have a kindle you can read it with a kindle app on your computer, but it’s a great addition to your survival books.

The author covers things like ham radio and various other radio services, scanners and even some basic survival skills.  The book is for all ages, all levels of preparedness and whether you’re an expert or novice you should find this book helpful.  The author covers the material in a sometimes humorous manner, but hits the important points.

Mr. Donaldson emphasizes the use of the personal computer in all cases, YOUR BRAIN, which will not be taken out by an EMP, or blizzard.  Survival is not about tools and collections of stuff, but using your mind.  But he does say that a good gun in your bug out bag will probably come in handy. (Personally, I think a good gun on my hip is better than one in my bug out bag, but that’s me).


A Radio Primer

A Radio Primer

© March 1998-2013, America Patriot

(This article is not simply radio theory. It is actually a story about childhood discoveries. However, the article will give some basic radio theory skills and teach you something about how to build a simple, but useful radio from almost nothing. AP-March 1998, changes, updates, modifications and error correction 1998-2013.  This article appears on the blog site under the “Survival Pages” as well.)

I became interested in radio when I was about 5 years old. I used to visit my great grandmother deep in the mountains of Kentucky as a little boy. She had this absolutely magnificent, old (even then) radio. It was huge and sat on a pedestal. She had exactly one electrical socket in the entire cabin in which she lived and into that socket was plugged that old radio. When I visited her one time and spent the night sleeping on the floor of the old log cabin, I asked her before bed time to turn on the radio.

She had this elaborate tuning scheme where she fiddled with several knobs and eventually tuned in a station that was playing “The Grand Ole Opry” show. I listened for a while and then went off to bed, but not before I asked her how the voices got in the box. Back in those days, we didn’t own a television, and the only radio I can recall before that one was in the car in which my father drove us from Detroit, to Kentucky. She smiled at me and said there was a little man in the radio. I laughed and said there wasn’t. She reached up on top and unlatched the lid of the big wooden box and the light went out. The only other light was from the “coal-oil lamp” (kerosene for those of you that don’t speak Kentuckian!) and she reached inside the radio. I was so small I remember it being way over my head. She pulled a little doll of some sort from within. He had huge, coal-black eyes and a big smiley mouth and she held him up for me to see.

“That is the man that makes the music…” and of course I interrupted, telling her it wasn’t either. So, my mother and great grandmother sent me off to sleep before I could protest much more. Anyway, that was the beginning of my reason for wanting to understand radios. I KNEW in my heart my great grandmother wouldn’t fib to me, but, I also knew that little man couldn’t have been doing all those voices and songs by himself inside that little box! I tried several times to look inside that box, but gave up eventually. I couldn’t reach it.

When I was about 8 or 9 years old, another grandmother, my father’s mom, brought me a Christmas present when she visited us in Michigan. The box I opened contained a handful of wire, some plastic parts, and some metal pieces, along with an earphone and a little glass thing with wires coming out of the ends. The box said “Build your own Radio!” I thought, “Yeah… right…”.

I’d already been looking inside of radios and televisions by that time, and knew there was no WAY this thing would work. Where were the tubes! Where were the batteries or the electric plug? How about a speaker!? Anyway, that evening, after things were settled down and I could sneak off to my room with my new toys, I kept being drawn to that box. Finally, I started reading the instructions. I learned it was what was called a “Crystal Radio”, and wasn’t quite like “real crystal radios”, but would be just as good. If you have stuck with me this far you will see that I was interested in radios and communications from a very early age. And if you continue to stay with me for a few more pages, I promise a little entertainment, some actual learning and a skill you will never regret knowing. That is building a simple little radio set that you can use to pick up stations from all over the US, Canada or your region of the planet.

The Radio

About the time I finished reading the instructions on how to put this thing together, I began to realize that the people that had put the kit together were dead serious and were promising me that it would pick up AM radio stations. I still couldn’t believe it, but set to building the thing.

There were instructions for how to wind a coil of wire, and they were very precise. Also, there was a long metal rod, a little longer than the length of the coil, and a brass ball with a hole in it. It was supposed to slide along the brass rod, and after being mounted inside of the plastic “radio box” the coil would mount inside. Some metal clips held things in place. The two ends of the wire had to be cleaned off to make an electrical contact and the length of the coil itself where the brass ball was supposed to touch also had to be cleaned of the enamel insulation on the “magnet wire”. Eventually, I got to the part where I snapped the pieces in place, the wires connected like they showed in the manual and the little glass thing with two wires I discovered was called a “Crystal Diode” (ah… hence the name ‘crystal radio’, I thought). Actually, I learned much later that wasn’t the origin of the name, but for my eight year old mind, I was already seriously stretching electronic theory!

Well, that night, I finished the radio and just before I was going to put the headset to my ears, my mother called in and told me it was time to get to sleep. I reluctantly put the thing away on my dresser and went off to say good night to the adults and my siblings (some of whom had toys with batteries and were already running them down).

The next day, I basically forgot about the radio until later that evening. I remember playing GI Joe with my brothers for several hours that day. When I did remember the radio, I quickly forgot about GI Joe and my brothers and ran into the room where the radio was and set up out onto the desk my brother and I shared. I hooked up the earphones and started listening. I ran that little brass ball (connected to the plastic push-lever that moved it) back and forth a million times and heard… absolutely nothing. Not a sound escaped from the earphones. I thought they might be broken, so I kept messing around with them until I ended up breaking one of the earphones. Mad at myself, I grabbed the instructions once more and started reading. I read them over and over. I was missing something.

The thing I was missing was the back page of the manual. It was only about 8 or 10 pages, but the very last page, the one I needed was missing. After digging through all of the stuff piled in the bedroom floor, I found the page I was missing. It was talking about an “Antenna”. Not only that, it was talking about something called “The Ground”. I couldn’t see how the “Ground” was going to help me get this stupid box working. There were no batteries and I’d broken one of the earphones already. This called for some special work. The antenna was supposed to be a wire, at least forty feet, stretched from my house to a tree. The only tree I had was about fifteen feet outside my window, and it was winter, AND it was wet and cold outside! So, I did the only thing a kid can do with the odds against him… I went and found my Father and asked him to explain this stupid thing to me.

Now, my father was, of course, the smartest man in the whole universe. Even Superman wouldn’t have messed with my dad in those days. He was big, about 6’2″ and weighed in at about 200 pounds. He was a Marine in the Korean War, knew karate and drove a truck when he went to work… a BIG truck. SO he MUST know something about this thing. Well, he didn’t. In fact, he did help me string a wire out the window to the tree, but didn’t know anymore about how a radio would work without batteries than I did. Then he smiled and told me to “read the instructions”. ACK! I was going to have to do this myself!

That evening, I finally got the antenna wired up, connected to the radio and the broken earphone repaired (my father DID know how to use a soldering iron). I sat down in front of the radio and began wiggling that lever back and forth. NOTHING! I was getting mad and I was going to write a letter to these people that got kids hopes up! I had, by some coincidence, attached a piece of wire to “The Ground” clip, still not quite understanding what driving a pipe into the dirt outside was going to accomplish. A some point, after becoming frustrated, I managed to kick the wire over against the heater vent on the baseboard. I remember them in that house, because they were shiny silver and didn’t match the wooden floors, or the color of the walls. I hear a “CRACKLE” in the ear phone.

This time I hooked the wire to the vent, not really caring this time if it worked. I was already thinking of ways that GI Joe could use the thing as a command post. He would appreciate the wires more than I did. I plopped the earphones that were attached to a wire head-thingy over my head and for the last time, started pushing the little level up and down the dial. When I reached one side of the limit I could push the lever, music filled my ears. It was music from a radio play. Some applause and laughter and then the actors began speaking. I listened to the program for the better part of ten minutes before I realized this contraption was working! I ran and got my entire family, who by this time thought I was headed for the loony with wires all over the bedroom, and earphones on my head, and NO BATTERIES. Then my dad listened. He told me, “See, I knew you could get it working” and he wandered out of the room. No one else really appreciated what I learned that day, except me, and perhaps my father.

The station I heard was CKLW, in Windsor, Canada. That station was probably a good 25 or 30 miles from my house in Detroit, Michigan. A couple of weeks later, I went to the library and checked out books on radio, AM radio specifically, because my little “crystal” set actually was an Amplitude Modulated radio receiver. Those books caused me to continue with electronics into High School and on into the military a good many years later. I began to experiment with my little radio receiver after that and after talking someone into letting me shovel snow from their walk (I made 3 dollars!) I convinced my dad to take me to Olson Electronics where I bought a bundle of diodes, some “magnet wire” and some little boards with holes in them so I could build my own radios. While I was there I saw something I had never seen, a Citizens Band Radio. The CB actually would become my second transmitter many years later, but, that is another story. I built several radios from scratch, and mostly, they all worked.

Basically, after I learned all I could about AM radios, I read other books on the theory of how radios and televisions functioned. This little radio, the crystal radio, turned into a hobby I kept all my life. Every so often I will throw together the parts to make one, use it for awhile, and usually give it away to someone who’s never seen one before. It’s been a few years now, and the last one I built went to a student at the technical school at which I was teaching. Those of you that have read thus far are asking, “When is this guy going to shut up and give us some real instructions?” Well… in the next chapter. Go get a cold drink (or a warm one if it is winter time where you live) and take a break for a bit. When you come back, be prepared to read some slightly technical material. I promise not to make it too technical for those of you that don’t know anything at all about radios. See you in a few minutes.

A Simple “Crystal” Radio

Welcome back to radio theory 101. First of all, let’s talk about the ‘theory’ behind radio signals, as it will help you to understand more about why you are going to be winding coils, and stringing wires high in the air above your head.

In physics, a radio signal is considered to be a ‘wave’. A wave is simply an electromagnetic waveform. An example that you could see would be dropping a pebble into a calm pond. The ripples you see are waves. Another example would be to take a rope, about fifteen or twenty feet long and tie it to a doorknob or other stationary object. Now step back to about two-thirds the length of the rope and begin to whip the loose end up and down. The motion will carry over in the rope, and create a wave that moves toward the stationary tie point of the rope. Basically, that is a wave. Sound also travels the same way, as waveforms, but sound waves are much slower than radio waves.

Radio waves travel at the speed of light, which just happens to be approximately 300,000,000 meters per second. That is 300 MILLION METERS in one second. In another measurement, light travels at about 186,000 miles per second. For anyone that doesn’t know, in US measurements, one meter is equal to 39.47 inches, or just over a yard. Incidentally,. Sound waves travel at about 1130 feet per second at sea level and a little slower above sea level (at my altitude, which is 6520 feet above sea level, it travels on a given day at about 1138 feet per second, depending on the temperature).

Radio and light waves travel at about the same speed, no matter if it is in air, or in a vacuum, like space. A quick reality check is to think back, if you remember the moon landings. There was about a 3 second delay from the time you heard Houston Control end a transmission, and the beginning of the transmission from the astronauts on the moon. The reason is, the moon is just far enough away most of the time for light (or radio waves) leaving the surface of the Earth to get to the Moon, 1.5 seconds later. Round trip, it takes a full 3 seconds or more if the Moon is a little further away!

Since a radio wave is really an electromagnetic waveform, it has other properties. For instance, it can be used to induce current into wires. Since that is a whole different class on physics, we won’t delve too deeply here. Suffice it to say that when a radio wave cuts across or passes over a wire, a current is induced into that wire. This current is the essential part of the radio wave we need to “grab” from the air to collect the information or intelligence on the radio signal. Intelligence can be information, music, pictures (like television) or even occasionally, news reports! (Sometimes there isn’t ANY intelligence in news reports!) Our basic “Signal capturing device” is nothing more than an ANTENNA! A simple piece of wire will usually work for this.

Once we have that radio signal captured on the wire, we have to give it some place to go. Something I mentioned in my story was the idea that “The Ground” had something to do with that radio working. Though I didn’t realize it when I connected that wire to the heater vents, I was ‘grounding’ my receiver. I understand it now, but didn’t then.

Electrical signals (like the one we have induced into our antenna) need some place to go. The Earth, that is the planet Earth, and the earth or dirt beneath our feet will actually conduct signals. In fact, if I were to build an antenna 100 feet tall, and leave it standing in the air, and made sure to bury the end closest to the earth, electrical currents from radio signals would be induced all day (and night) long, and travel down the antenna to the earth where they would… simply, for our purposes, dissipate or vanish. What we need to do now, is to put a machine or some kind of tool in the middle, between the antenna and the ground, to do some work for us. It must decipher that electrical signal and change in into something that we can use – in this case sound.

The next few pages, I will describe a simple radio that should work just about anywhere in the world. You should be able to build this simple device for very little cost, unless you want to spend more to make it look pretty or something.

The radio itself will need some things, and then you will need to make an antenna to make this contraption work. Most of these items can be obtained at Radio Shack, or some similar electronics store. There are places to mail order some parts from, but that probably won’t be necessary unless you live so far away from town that it isn’t worth the trip in!

You will need several meters of something called Magnet Wire. Magnet wire is thin copper wire, covered with enamel paint. It is measured in ‘gauge’. What you want is something that is not as thin as human hair, but not too thick either. It will be approximately 22 or 24 gauge. If you buy it, it will probably come on a roll and be a couple of hundred feet and I have no idea what it might cost these days. Barring buying it, you can obtain magnet wire from the inside of a transformer. Just about any kind will do, so the wall warts that you use to power telephones, tape recorders, scanners and such. These are usually called “AC Adaptors”. Problem is you don’t want to tear one up, if it works. A few people have broken things like that at garage sales and so on. Look around.

You will have to CAREFULLY disassemble the plastic case to get the actual transformer out of the inside. I typically use a hammer. :) Just crack the case and pull it apart and remove the heavy metal thing inside. That is the transformer. If you can see reddish colored wire going around and around the inside of the heavy metal part, then you have hit pay dirt! Unwind all the wire and put it around a wooden dowel or something similar, you will need most of it. Once you collect the wire, you will need a coil form upon which to wind the wire.

My favorite tube is easily obtainable from right around most homes. It is just the right length and width to make a coil that will allow you to tune in local AM radio stations. That tube can be found in most bathrooms, just before you toss the trash out… a (ahem…) toilet paper cardboard tube. It is 4.5 inches long and 1.75 inches in diameter. When you begin to wind the wire, you will need to lay it from one end and tape it or some other way secure it to the tube. Carefully laying the wire about ½ inch from one side, begin winding the wire neatly, and not overlapping anything. When you are finished, you should have a nice, neat coil that goes around and around the tube, leaving about œ inch of space on either end of the tube. The coil, if you measure will be 3.5 inches wide along the tube. You will need to make sure the wire is tight around the tube so that it does not move at all. Once it is, tightly secure it at both ends and make sure you leave a few inches of wire at either end. Figure 1 shows you what it should look like.


If you look at the picture above (Fig. 1) you can see a basic idea of the way the coil should be set up. Once you have the coil built, you might want to find a board or something upon which to mount it.

Next we will want to obtain some parts for our earphone. What we require for this to work is something called a “High Impedance” earphone. At the time of this writing, I know of no places to purchase the correct parts, but I know of a source that is tried and true. If you take any standard telephone handset apart (I don’t mean the new-fangled electronic telephones, but the older, 1950-1970 telephone units), you will find that the earphone portion will unscrew. By unscrewing this plastic cover and removing the metal part inside you will have exactly what we need to make an earphone. If you look at figure 2, you will see what the front of the device looks like. Figure 3 is a little larger picture of the backside of the object, showing that there are two screws. This is where your wires connect to the radio. Some of these devices had the wires soldered on. This is ok, if you know how to solder (another handy skill to learn ANYWAY). Set this aside until we are ready to put it together.

The next thing we will need is a part from Radio Shack or some other electronics supply store. Radio Shacks are usually all over the place and I know they have them in many countries besides the US. If I remember correctly, they are called Tandy Stores in Australia. Not sure about the UK and Europe however. The device you are looking for is called a ‘diode’. In the past, before semiconductor devices were invented, the “crystal” of the “crystal radio” was ACTUALLY a rock that contained small crystals of gallium. The “crystal” you are going to use is made of a semiconductor material called Germanium and perhaps some gallium-arsenide. No matter, these devices are so inexpensive; you can probably pick up about a dozen for a buck. Figure 4 shows a representation of what a glass encased germanium diode looks like. The colored bands are not important, but they are there in the picture to show you what you might see. They might be different colors, or only one band. However, one end will be marked in some manner. Incidentally, that end that is marked is called the “cathode” and the other end is called the “anode”.

Note that even though there are some technical aspects of how a diode works, we won’t go too deeply into the theory right now. Suffice it to say that the diode “detects” the audio signal from the radio signal, turning it into something that can be used to power the earphone.

So far, we have three important parts; the earphone, the coil and a diode. We also need a few more things. We will need some hookup wire; any kind will do, as long as it isn’t too thick. You will require a mounting board for this radio as well, an antenna (about 40-60 feet of wire will work), some wire to make a ground connection and, we will need a ‘tuner’ of some sort. Your ground should be a cold water pipe, as close to where you wish to set up the radio. An antenna should be strung outside, if possible and as high away from the ground as possible. A length of wire will suffice, with one end terminating at the point where it will attach to the crystal radio.

The idea of a tuner is to change the size of the coil that you have made. Rather than unwind the wire to make it shorter or longer, we are going to make a mechanical device that will allow us to make the coil think it is longer or shorter. Figure 5 shows the details, but essentially, you will need something that will slide back and forth across the already assembled coil. In figure 5 you will see the assembled device. A metal slider is mounted with a screw to the board and bent so that it will touch the coil. It can be made from any stiff sort of metal, even a tin can cut with tin-snips, or a wire mounted to the underside of a Popsicle stick would be ok. If you slide it back and forth you will see it creates a small arc across the coil. What you will need to do next is tricky, but must be done. Get some fine grit sand paper (00 if you have it should work) and lightly but CAREFULLY sand the insulation from the wire along the arc that the metal strip will eventually contact. What you are making is the actual tuner for the radio.

By adjusting the location of this slider, you will be able to change the frequency of the radio by changing the “inductance” of the coil. If the coil is correctly built, and the diode is the correct type, AND you get the antenna, the ground and the earphone all in place, you will hear AM radio stations in the range of about 500 kHz to 1600 kHz, or the AM Broadcast band!


The Theory of the Crystal Radio

I’ve already given you most of the theory behind this little device. Basically, a radio signal hits the antenna, and looking for a place to “go to rest”, it tries to go to ground. Mother Nature is good about trying to reach equilibrium, so the signal will seek to neutralize itself, hence (a simple explanation, granted but correct for our purposes) it tries to go to the ground connection.

The coil sets the frequency. Technically, there probably would be a tunable capacitor instead, but those are harder to find than the simple tools we have here. By adjusting the coil’s physical size (that is, moving the slider back and forth) you can change the amount of inductance, which in turn determines the operating frequency of the device. The interesting part is, that the larger the coil, the LOWER the operating frequency, and the smaller the coil, the HIGHER the frequency

The diode “detects” the Amplitude Modulated signal that is riding on the Radio Frequency CARRIER wave. That is, the radio wave itself. The audio signal, voice or music, has been superimposed over the radio signal by a method called “modulation”. If you had a way to see the signal, it might look like figure 6.


Once the diode ‘sees’ the AM signal coming in, it will cut in half the top signal, giving you the bottom half of the above picture. What you are seeing (ok, hearing!) is the actual audio signal as it was originally produced at the radio station. An FM signal is quite different and can not be reproduced using this exact method of detection. It is possible to do something called “slope detection” with an AM receiver, but it is not really practical with this sort of radio. An actual “schematic” follows in Figure 7.


Now, one last item of interest, let’s assume you do not have access to diodes, or crystals from rocks. What to do, what to do? Well, if you can find some old, blued razor blades there are tiny crystals of gallium produced on the surface of these blades in the manufacturing process. These crystals are deposited on the surface of the blade when they are turned blue. I realize they are hard to come by in this US these days, but there are places they can still be found. However, by itself, it won’t work. You will need a tiny piece of a wooden pencil, a safety pin and in place of the diode; this little device WILL serve as the detector. Please, see figure 8 for the details.


I hope this gets you started on the road to radio reception without the aid of batteries, electricity and with very little equipment or cost. I must warn you of several things. First of all, this is not that easy to make work and patience will be a necessity. Secondly, when you get it working, it will surprise and amaze you that something like this will actually work! Lastly, you might get hooked on playing with toys like this and wish to experiment. There are many books already published on such things, but this sort of information is very difficult to find in the library these days. Perhaps, someone is trying to keep us from knowing this kind of information, or worse, the skills to do such things have died with the older people who came up with it. In either case, this is my attempt to pass on this incredible and important, as well as useful information. I suggest you do the same with it.

To one and all – 73!

Arming Terrorists and Disarming Americans

Arming Terrorists and Disarming Americans

Arming Terrorists and Disarming Americans

New Jersey –-( As a prospective military strike against the Syrian regime dominates the headlines, we are reminded by administration officials that any military action will not include boots on the ground and will not be focused on regime change.

In a turn of events mimicking an episode from the Twilight Zone, once-hawkish Republicans are advocating non-intervention and their peacenik colleagues across the aisle are actually supporting a military strike in the Middle East.

While Congress debates whether to physically attack the Assad Regime, many lawmakers are reevaluating whether to send military aid to the Syrian rebels. A limited military strike “also fits into a broader strategy that can bring about over time the kind of strengthening of the opposition,” Obama told congressional leaders at a White House Meeting on Sept. 3, 2013. This comes months after the House and Senate Select Committees on Intelligence voted to approve the President’s plan to arm the Syrian opposition.

Reality Check Survival Communications

I just published a handful of pages on the blog in case anyone cares, or is interested, or wants to learn something quickly.


Survival Communications Pages can be found on the top of the page and there is a tab with a lot of links.

Not everything is correctly in order yet, I’ve not checked for grammatical and spelling errors everywhere, and I’ve not verified that all the links are still functional.  So use it and if you find errors, feel free to comment under the proper page.

I’m an expert on radio communications. I’ve posted things in a simple form for you to read, so it’s understandable, kept math and science to a minimum and ask only that you read it for information.

Those that want to argue points with me on this or that is fine, but I sincerely don’t have time – and to be honest with you, I’ll be right on this subject where most will be wrong.

EMP is NOT complete.

FAQ is NOT complete.

There are other pages with links as well, like Nuclear War, Finding Water, etc.  Not all of those are completed either, but they are better than nothing for anyone who might find themselves suddenly thrown into “being a prepper”.

Good luck, God Bless everyone… let’s hope the Russians and Americans can get their acts together before the people of both countries wind up being nuclear particles floating on a westerly breeze.

To go to Syria or Not

Up until today I’ve considered this whole Syria thing total folly.

But my American Military Mind started really thinking this through.

Today several Travel Warnings were issued by State.  It occurs to me that the US Government isn’t telling the Public everything.  So, I’m going to lay this out as if I were standing there listening in to the briefings we can’t usually hear.

Pretend for a moment you’re standing in a Congressional Classified Briefing and they bring up the number of “rebel groups” (There are about 1200 different groups).  They bring up that the most powerful among those Rebels are Hezbollah related.  Hearing more information about this and the fact that there are actually chemical weapons available in that country you realize suddenly that if the Rebels WIN this civil war, they get their hands on those WMD.

Now, who do you think will not OWN those items?


To use that stuff on Americans. On US Embassies.  On Israelis.  On Christians.  On innocents.  On cities.  On subways, trains, airports, malls….

After considering this, perhaps the whole reason the President wants to go in there (other than regime change which I think is his real reason for this) is to stop the terrorists.  Nope.  Obomber doesn’t want to do that, those are his people.  He wants to clear out Assad and allow the Muslim Brotherhood to take over.

The Pentagon, the US military, Congress and most of the American people are smarter than the President gives us credit for being.  The MILITARY will go in there and secure or destroy the WMD to prevent it from falling into the hands of terrorists.

Remember them calling Bush a liar about Iraqi WMD?  Remember most of us saying “It was moved to Syria”?  Remember that Obama doesn’t want Bush to get any credit and is blaming him for everything?

No folks what this is truly about is allowing Obama to appear like a winner, Bush like a loser, hiding the fact that the WMD in Syria belonged to Saddam (and this will vindicate Bush if we can get a-hold of that stuff and prove it) and it will put Obama OUT of Office.

Honestly, this is a lot more complex than just letting Muslims to kill Muslims, or bombing some random camels and tents like Clinton did.  No, no, no, my fellow Patriots.

This is Obama trying to get us nuked.

This is Obama trying to hide the fact the WMD belonged to Saddam.

This is Obama trying to look good.

This is the Pentagon trying to stop terrorists from getting their hands on these weapons.

My final thinking on this is… we probably should go in there.  But do it right.  Everything we’ve got.  Take down BOTH sides of this conflict, destroy the chemical weapons and vindicate Bush, and if we get the chance, kick Russia in the nuts and take them down as well.

America has been made out to be a pansy-assed country by our OWN President.  It’s time to remove this guy from office and do the right thing.  But we have to DO IT RIGHT!


Impeach Obama!

That’s all…  Just impeach the bastard.  Over Benghazi. Over IRS.  Over NSA.  Over all the scandals.  Over all the lies.  Impeach the man.

America needs to be repaired.

Homeland Security loses track of 1 million foreigners; report could hurt immigration deal

I forget… what do we pay these guys to do again? Oh, right, to keep track of visitors, and to know when they come and go….


This is just the ones they KNOW came in and can’t prove they left.  What about those that sneaked in and didn’t leave?  The ones they don’t even KNOW about?

The Homeland Security Department has lost track of more than 1 million people who it knows arrived in the U.S. but who it cannot prove left the country, according to an audit Tuesday that also found the department probably won’t meet its own goals for deploying an entry-exit system.

The findings were revealed as Congress debates an immigration bill, and the Government Accountability Office’s report could throw up another hurdle because lawmakers in the House and Senate have said that any final deal must include a workable system to track entries and exits and cut down on so-called visa overstays.

The government does track arrivals, but is years overdue in setting up a system to track departures — a goal set in a 1996 immigration law and reaffirmed in 2004, but which has eluded Republican and Democratic administrations.

“DHS has not yet fulfilled the 2004 statutory requirement to implement a biometric exit capability, but has planning efforts under way to report to Congress in time for the fiscal year 2016 budget cycle on the costs and benefits of such a capability at airports and seaports,” GAO investigators wrote.

Outside business groups and Republican donors are trying to breathe life into the push for getting an immigration bill through Congress this year.

Nearly 100 top donors and former party officials signed a letter Tuesday pleading with House Republicans to pass a bill legalizing illegal immigrants, saying it could open the door to earning immigrants’ political support.

“Doing nothing is de facto amnesty. We need to take control of whom we let in our country and we need to make sure everybody plays by the same rules,” the donors said in their letter.

They aimed their pitch at House Republicans, who are trying to figure out a way forward and find themselves trapped between rank-and-file Republican voters who say legalizing illegal immigrants is an amnesty, and the party’s elites and donors who say the party cannot survive nationally without embracing legalization as part of a strategy to win over Hispanic voters.

Related articles

Watch: Marine Colonel Warns: “Homeland Security is Pre-Staging Gear and Equipment”

Mac Slavo
August 15th, 2013

We live in a seemingly free country, so we’re told. But that may be because the majority of us have never spent time in a war zone or highly secured police state-like environment.

Few of us understand what it looks like when military and state intelligence assets take over.

Those who do understand, and have themselves implemented such plans in other countries, see exactly what’s going on and they are sounding the alarm (often falling on deaf ears).

In Concord, New Hampshire the local police chief has filed a requisition with the Department of Homeland Security to beef up his police force with a Ballistic Engineered Armored Response Counter Attack Truck to quell any disturbances initiated by activists or other potential domestic terrorists. In response, the residents held a city council meeting, prompting a retired Marine Colonel to weigh in.

He was formerly a coordinator tasked with manning, training and equipping the Iraqi Army throughout the northern provinces, and he candidly shares his insights and compares the nationwide lock-down in Iraq to what’s happening right here at home.

This is coming from someone who knows – someone who has seen exactly how a population is put under control by means of surveillance and force – and he suggests that what they did in Iraq is child’s play compared to what’s happening in the Land of the Free today.

My job was to man, train and equip the Iraqi Army in Al Anbar, Najaf, Karbala and the northern provinces… We did everything we could to make it as strong as possible.

I’ll tell you right now, homeland security would kick their butts in a week.

What’s happening here is we’re building a domestic military, because it’s unlawful…unconstitutional to use American troops on American soil. So, what we’re doing is we’re building a military.

The way we do things in the military is called task organization. You take a command and then you attach units to it in order to accomplish the mission.

What’s happening is Homeland Security is pre-staging gear and equipment… what they’re trying to do is use standardized vehicles, standardized equipment. 

I saw a picture of the Marathon bombing and there were two officers – they both had identical helmets, flack jackets, weapons… everything I wore in Iraq.

Boston-Manhunt-0413-de(Pictured: Domestic Police Force sweeps the streets of Boston after Marathon Bombing)

What we’re doing here – let’s not kid about it – we’re building a domestic army and we’re shrinking the military because the government is afraid of its own citizens.

I don’t know where we’re going to use this many vehicles and this many troops.

I can’t believe people aren’t seeing it. Is everybody blind?

(Video via Activist Post / Daily Sheeple)
(Watch at Youtube)

While Americans go about their daily activities- sipping their $4 morning coffees, sharing their pictures on social media sites, talking about the latest draft prospects at the water cooler, and focusing their efforts on acquiring the latest and greatest mobile devices – a sinister government is hard at work behind the scenes to ensure complete access to every detail of our lives, as well as the heavy-handed means to control us should we step out of line.

America, according to Janet Napolitano’s Department of Homeland Security and the various forms of  ”secret” legislation passed by Congress, is now a domestic war zone, so it only makes sense that local police forces, in an effort to sidestep the restrictions set forth by the U.S. Constitution, are being heavily militarized to fight the new threat.

As noted by one DHS Insider, “it has already begun – you’re seeing it now.”

You are the target and millions of government personnel have been tasked with making sure you don’t step out of line by using any means necessary.
Please Spread The Word And Share This Post

Original at:

Nuclear Terror Attack!

Got your attention, didn’t I?  Well, good, pay attention here.  We haven’t been training people for such an attack in forever… not since I was a little kid.  Remember “Duck and Cover”?

Check this out:


Indiana at center of national terror response training exercise

Thousands of members of the armed forces including members of the Indiana National Guard are participating in mass disaster training in Jennings County.

Exercise Vibrant Response is in full effect at the Muscatatuck training camp and Camp Atterbury in Johnson County.

Read more:

There is a video at the above link and here’s more for you to see.


There is only one way to stop Hillary Clinton

Tuesday, August 13, 2013 3:25

By Lawrence Sellin

If current political trends continue, there are two inescapable outcomes: Hillary Clinton will be elected President in 2016 and, by the end of her eight years in office, the United States will no longer exist.

The Democrat electoral juggernaut cannot be stopped for two reasons.

First, the Democrats seem to have perfected the art of voter fraud and it may now be considered an integral component of their national campaign strategy. The results of the 2012 election suggest that massive voter fraud is not required. Selective alteration of the count in specific precincts of large swing states such as Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida would be enough. That might help explain why Democrats, especially Hillary Clinton are vehemently opposed to voter ID requirements.

In parallel, the mainstream media will censor or manipulate the news in order to promote Hillary’s political ambitions, even at the expense of their own journalistic integrity and the well-being of the country.

Additional factors that will contribute to a permanent Democrat majority and a one-party state are the amnesty and the voting rights that will soon be given to 11 million or more illegal aliens.

The extent of corruption in the federal government and our political system is no longer compatible with liberty. Unless there is a significant reversal soon, it is only a matter of time that a catastrophe will be upon us, which will inexorably lead to national collapse and fragmentation.

The Republican Party can no longer be considered a political vehicle capable of providing effective opposition to the far-left policies of the Democrat Party and the propaganda of the establishment media. It too has become a party of big government, which is unresponsive and unaccountable to its constituency.

As a recent example of the tyrannical approach and abuse of power practiced by the political elite, the Republicans have joined with the Democrats to force Obamacare on the American people while at the same time exempting themselves.

In “The Discources” (1517), Niccoló Machiavelli wrote:



Obama meets with tech execs on surveillance, privacy

by Aamer Madhani, USA TODAY 12:46 p.m. EDT August 9, 2013

WASHINGTON — President Obama hosted top executives from Apple, AT&T, Google and other tech and civil liberties groups at the White House on Thursday to discuss government surveillance, a White House official confirmed.

The meeting, which was first reported by Politico, was not on the president’s public schedule.

“The meeting was part of the ongoing dialogue the president has called for on how to respect privacy while protecting national security in a digital era,” said the official, who was not authorized to comment publicly on the meeting and spoke on condition of anonymity.

Thursday’s meeting, which included Apple CEO Tim Cook and AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson, followed another outreach effort earlier this week by White House counsel Kathy Ruemmler and White House chief of staff Denis McDonough. They met with a group of tech executives and civil liberty activists on Tuesday.

The president may have alluded to the meetings in his interview earlier this week with Jay Leno on the Tonight Show, when he noted that he was “talking to Congress and civil libertarians and others” about the issue.

Silent Circles goes Silent

In what appears to be a rash of attacks on email encryption, another company called Silent Circles has shut down (similar reason as the others today) and they have DESTROYED THEIR SERVERS!

To our Members:

  • Silent Circle has preemptively discontinued Silent Mail service to prevent spying.

    We designed our phone, video, and text services (Silent Phone, Text and Eyes) to be completely end-to-end secure with all cryptography done on the clients and our exposure to your data to be nil. The reasons are obvious — the less of your information we have, the better it is for you and for us.

    Silent Mail has thus always been something of a quandary for us. Email that uses standard Internet protocols cannot have the same security guarantees that real-time communications has. There are far too many leaks of information and metadata intrinsically in the email protocols themselves. Email as we know it with SMTP, POP3, and IMAP cannot be secure.

    And yet, many people wanted it. Silent Mail has similar security guarantees to other secure email systems, and with full disclosure, we thought it would be valuable.

    However, we have reconsidered this position. We’ve been thinking about this for some time, whether it was a good idea at all. Yesterday, another secure email provider, Lavabit, shut down their system less they “be complicit in crimes against the American people.” We see the writing on the wall, and we have decided that it is best for us to shut down Silent Mail. We have not received subpoenas, warrants, security letters, or anything else by any government, and this is why we are acting now.

    We’ve been debating this for weeks, and had changes planned starting next Monday. We’d considered phasing the service out, continuing service for existing customers, and a variety of other things up until today. It is always better to be safe than sorry, and with your safety we decided that in this case the worst decision is no decision.

    Silent Phone and Silent Text, along with their cousin Silent Eyes are end-to-end secure. We don’t have the encrypted data and we don’t collect metadata about your conversations. They’re continuing as they have been. We are still working on innovative ways to improve secure communications. Silent Mail was a good idea at the time, and that time has passed.

    We apologize for any inconvenience, and hope you understand that if we dithered, it could be more inconvenient.

State Department Warning taking attention off of CIA-Benghazi leak?

Yes, I think so.
Absolutely the timing of this was incredible.  All of a sudden a CIA connection on the ground in Benghazi comes to light, and within a few hours there’s a sudden and inexplicable “State Department Warning” and closure of embassies World Wide on Sunday.

Very interesting.



Government unveils secret order to Verizon

By and , Updated: Wednesday, July 31, 9:00 AM

The Obama administration on Wednesday made public a previously classified order that directed a company identified by U.S. officials as Verizon Communications to turn over a vast number of Americans’ phone records.

The formerly secret order was unveiled along with other documents by Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. as top Obama administration officials were preparing to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee in a hearing on oversight of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

Read the documents


Secret FISA court order to Verizon

The Obama administration declassified government documents related to NSA collection of telephone metadata records on Wednesday.


How the secret FISA court works

Click Here to View Full Graphic Story

How the secret FISA court works

A statement issued by Clapper’s office said he “has determined that the release of these documents is in the public interest.”

The primary court order sets forth the government’s privacy safeguards for the National Security Agency’s program to collect the bulk phone call detail records of millions of Americans. The order, signed by a judge from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, does not give a detailed explanation of the legal rationale for the program.

Rather, it is an apparent effort by the administration to allay privacy concerns raised by the leaking of a secondary court order by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden that documented the NSA’s program to collect “all call detail records” of phone calls from U.S. phone companies for counterterrorism purposes.

According to the order released Wednesday, the court found that there were “reasonable grounds to believe that the [records sought] are relevant to authorized investigations being conducted by the FBI . . . to protect against international terrorism.”

Although no company names appear on the heavily redacted court order, senior U.S. officials said it was issued by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to a subsidiary of Verizon in April. Officials described it as the formal order underlying the directive that was disclosed in June by Snowden, who is accused of leaking classified information about surveillance programs.

The officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity before the order was released because they were not authorized to speak publicly, expressed hope that the document would shed light on how the U.S. government obtains communications records under FISA and the restrictions placed on surveillance programs.

The order from April covers the same length of time as the order previously disclosed by Snowden. Officials have said the Justice Department seeks renewal for the bulk-collection orders every 90 days.

The formerly “top secret” 17-page order, redacted to remove any information about the company providing the records or the target of the investigation, was originally scheduled to be declassified in April 2038. It demands “all call detail records or ‘telephony metadata’ created by [redacted].” A footnote specifies that “telephone metadata does not include the substantive content of any communication . . . or the name, address, or financial information of a subscriber or customer.”

The order notes that the NSA must “strictly adhere” to “minimization” procedures to protect the privacy of U.S. persons, for example, by allowing only authorized personnel to have access to the data.


Read the other pages here:

“Phony, Fake Scandals” sound byte

New White House Strategy is aimed at the Washington Press Corps in the hope that the Press will simply declare all the scandals over with and done so Obama can continue tearing down the country.



Selective silencing: Was Michael Hastings murdered?


Image courtesy of Canada Free Press

By Douglas J. Hagmann

18 July 2013: Based on my research as a professionally licensed investigator with nearly 30 years of experience, I wish to be on record that it is my professional opinion that investigative journalist Michael Hastings was murdered. It was exactly one month ago today, on June 18, 2013 that Hastings, 33, was killed in a single vehicle crash in the darkest hours of the night on a deserted Los Angeles city street. According to official reports, Mr. Hastings was the driver and sole occupant of a 2013 model CLK250 Mercedes Benz traveling south on Highland Avenue at a high rate of speed when he reportedly struck a palm tree located in the median on Highland Avenue, near the intersection of Melrose, at 4:20 a.m. Pacific Time. Also according to official reports, Mr. Hastings’ vehicle burst into flames upon impact, incinerating the vehicle and everything inside, including his body.

Michael Hastings was a correspondent for Newsweek and extensively covered the war in Iraq. He was also a reporter for BuzzFeed and a contributing editor to Rolling Stone Magazine. It was in 2010 when he gained widespread attention for his profile of General Stanley McChrystal, then-commander of NATO’s security force in Afghanistan, in a revealing report titled “The Runaway General.” It was this report that led to the general’s resignation for his contemptuous remarks about Barack Hussein Obama and Joseph Biden.

Communists instigating racial Divide

If you THINK for one second this is all about “Justice for Trayvon” you are one of the most naive on the planet…. this isn’t about justice for some kid who was in the wrong place, wrong time and threw the first punch.  This is “Progressive Tyranny” if I ever saw it, and I’ve seen it.  Ladies and Gentlemen, of ALL races… Black, White, Hispanic… America belongs to Americans.

We have been invaded by Communists who style themselves as “Progressives”.  Our Congress is full of these people, all of them with a Marxist bent.  While you were sleeping or watching your favorite television show, you’ve had your country, your TRUE country yanked out from under you.

Around you you see signs like the below picture.  But  look closely.  Go check the site link.  Understand that Communism is NOT something you want to live under.

Anyone bother to check the link on this sign?

America, we are under seige by these people, and Obama is part of this, so is Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.  Those people are claiming to be “Progressive” and yet, what they really want for you and America is to be slaves.  You think that your great grand parents being slaves was bad?  Wait until you’re a slave in the 21st Century to a tyrannical government run by Communists.

It is estimated that between 85 and 140 million people… MILLIONS… have died at the hands of Communism.  Do you REALLY, HONESTLY believe that Socialism, Progressivism and Communism are the right way for this country to go?  Or do you VALUE your personal, individual freedoms?  Do you think you are “free” now?

You’re wrong.  You are a sheep.  You’ve been brainwashed since birth.  80% of the people reading here were born after 1970.  95% are probably born after 1980.  That means you REALLY do NOT understand.

I was born in the 1950s.  I saw the “Iron Curtain”. I saw Red China, the Soviet Empire.  I saw the Cuba Missile Crisis.  I saw all of these things for what they truly were.

Wake UP!  Step back, take a breath and understand you are being duped.

Revolution Newspaper Front Page
The below CLEARLY STATES how they are trying to divide America into Colors.  Friends…. I’m a White man, of Irish, Scotish and American Indian descent.  My people were all once oppressed.  That was a long time ago, they came to America to escape English oppression only to help oppress others in America, the Native Americans.  My veins are full of European and American Indian blood.  But rioting at the behest of Communists?  Come on, wake up.  I don’t see colors in peoples’ skins.  I do however see evil in their eyes, and I see the hatred that some have for others because they have simply been brainwashed to BELIEVE they are being oppressed by whites.
It is time to join civilization and wake up.  You’re being USED.  See the evidence below.

The Stakes of the Trayvon Martin Case… and the Need to SEIZE THE TIME!

July 7, 2013 | Revolution Newspaper |

Trayvon Martin was a 17-year-old African-American, walking home at 7:30 pm with a can of ice tea and a bag of candy. George Zimmerman had never talked to Trayvon Martin, never met Trayvon Martin, knew nothing about Trayvon Martin, never even heard of him. But nevertheless this society—this system—had trained George Zimmerman to “know” and to say that Trayvon Martin was “suspicious” and more—that Trayvon Martin was a “fucking punk…a fucking asshole” who “always gets away with it.”

George Zimmerman had no training, no judgment, no sense of the gravity of human life, nor any shred of respect or feeling for the lives of people like Trayvon Martin. Yet George Zimmerman carried a pistol with hollow-point “man-killer” bullets as he prowled in his car, with the blessings of this system. George Zimmerman stalked Trayvon Martin, with that pistol in his jacket, and George Zimmerman then confronted Trayvon Martin, feeling the whole strength of this system behind him. And then George Zimmerman decided to kill Trayvon Martin.

This was one more horrible, heartbreaking outrage at the end of a 400-year chain of such outrages. That is the heart of the matter.

Sanford FL June 10, mobilizing for justice for TrayvonJune 10 in Sanford, Florida: and Stop Mass Incarceration. Photo: Li Onesto/Revolution

Right now, American society—with the whole world increasingly taking notice—is polarizing. Two sides are lining up—one upholding the right of the Trayvon Martins of this world to live and flourish and, if they are attacked, to have justice… and the other upholding the supposed rights of people like George Zimmerman to kill people like Trayvon with impunity. This should be clear, but every day the powers-that-be work to cloud this, so we must all insist on this basic truth.

And every day the breadth and ferocity of this polarization grow and intensify. Last week the reactionaries vented their hatred and fury on Trayvon’s friend Rachel Jeantel in a vicious, gutter-level attack by a “virtual” mob. Rachel Jeantel is a key witness in the trial, the person Trayvon was talking to on the phone when George Zimmerman confronted him. Once again, these bullies had been trained to act and react by a system, to spew their ignorant venom full of the confidence of someone who feels they have power on their side. This kind of shit must be fought all along the way, and this growing polarization must be repolarized into deeper and broader energy, clarity, and direction for justice for Trayvon Martin… and for revolution and emancipation altogether.

You who read this paper must now step up. You have a chance to change history and you cannot step aside from that. Here is some of what you can do:

  • Get what has to say into social media… inject its leadership into the intensifying societal debate… get to us with ideas on how to do it and take initiative yourself…
  • Take out materials on this trial—our newspaper, or materials from the Stop Mass Incarceration Network, or other positive things—and get them into people’s hands, even if it is just you and a friend at first… grow these into impromptu speak-outs and demonstrations when you do…
  • Spread the “We Say NO MORE” statement and get people to sign it… change the polarization and give strength and expression to the side of justice…
  • Answer the call of the Stop Mass Incarceration Network (SMIN) (check online at and to build public vigils when the jury goes out, so that there is a powerful collective response to the verdict… and join with that network, supporting and participating in it…
  • Donate funds to so that we can create MAXIMUM social impact…

And most of all, this: the most essential and important fact about the world today is that the Trayvon Martins in it DO NOT HAVE TO DIE. The most essential fact is that a society is possible in which the Trayvon Martins and Rachel Jeantels and the millions and billions like them, here and around the world, can not only survive, but can flourish and fully contribute all they have to offer to the world. Such a society is possible through revolution—a revolution based on the theory developed by Bob Avakian and won with the leadership provided by the Party he leads, the Revolutionary Communist Party. In the midst of this massive social upheaval, BA must truly be everywhere—the film of his speech BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS! sold and shown all over… the revolutionary handbook of his talks and writings, BAsics, out everywhere… his image out and around in every struggle, sparking people’s curiosity and thinking and letting them know the revolution is here, there IS a way out.

Do not turn away from this challenge. Don’t let them win this round. This is about the kind of world we want to live in.

For more, see “The Trial of George Zimmerman: The Persecution of Trayvon Martin.”

A lesson here…

There is, indeed, a lesson here.  A few weeks ago I wrote a quick article about this very thing.  Switching to paper, pencil, pen, and postal service stuff.  It appears the Russians have taken the advice at least:


Spooked by NSA, Russia reverts to paper documents

Doug Stanglin, USA TODAY 1:07 p.m. EDT July 11, 2013

One reason for using typewriters is that each creates its own unique “signature” that can be traced.

In the wake of recent NSA spy scandals, Russia’s Federal Guard Service has decided to revert to using more typewriters and paper documents, Izvestia reports.

Toward that end, the FSO, which protects Russia’s top officials and Kremlin communications, recently ordered 20 Triumph Adler typewriters, the newspaperreports.

“After the scandal with the spread of secret documents by WikiLeaks, the revelations of Edward Snowden, reports of listening to Dmitry Medvedev during his visit to the G20 summit in London, the practice of creating paper documents will increase,” an unidentified FSO source tells Izvestia.

One key reason for using typewriters is that each creates its own unique “signature” that can be traced, the newspaper says.

The source notes that many critical groups, including the defense ministry, emergency situations ministry and the security services, have never switched over to electronic documents.

Anonymity… doesn’t exist but….

There’s always this idea:

Read up on things here:

Burner Phones and the Art of Remaining Anonymous

Government control over all communications

This is an Alert to ALL Americans.  You are about to be shut down.  Everything.  Radio, television, Internet, Amateur Radio, CB, cell phones, and all communications available to citizens of this country.  Link and text follows.


The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release
July 06, 2012

Executive Order — Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions


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By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Policy. The Federal Government must have the ability to communicate at all times and under all circumstances to carry out its most critical and time sensitive missions. Survivable, resilient, enduring, and effective communications, both domestic and international, are essential to enable the executive branch to communicate within itself and with: the legislative and judicial branches; State, local, territorial, and tribal governments; private sector entities; and the public, allies, and other nations. Such communications must be possible under all circumstances to ensure national security, effectively manage emergencies, and improve national resilience. The views of all levels of government, the private and nonprofit sectors, and the public must inform the development of national security and emergency preparedness (NS/EP) communications policies, programs, and capabilities.

Sec. 2. Executive Office Responsibilities.

Sec. 2.1. Policy coordination, guidance, dispute resolution, and periodic in-progress reviews for the functions described and assigned herein shall be provided through the interagency process established in Presidential Policy Directive-1 of February 13, 2009 (Organization of the National Security Council System) (PPD-1).

Sec. 2.2. The Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) shall: (a) issue an annual memorandum to the NS/EP Communications Executive Committee (established in section 3 of this order) highlighting national priorities for Executive Committee analyses, studies, research, and development regarding NS/EP communications;

(b) advise the President on the prioritization of radio spectrum and wired communications that support NS/EP functions; and

(c) have access to all appropriate information related to the test, exercise, evaluation, and readiness of the capabilities of all existing and planned NS/EP communications systems, networks, and facilities to meet all executive branch NS/EP requirements.

Sec. 2.3. The Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism and the Director of OSTP shall make recommendations to the President, informed by the interagency policy process established in PPD-1, with respect to the exercise of authorities assigned to the President under section 706 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (47 U.S.C. 606). The Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism and the Director of OSTP shall also jointly monitor the exercise of these authorities, in the event of any delegation, through the process established in PPD-1 or as the President otherwise may direct.

Sec. 3. The NS/EP Communications Executive Committee.

Sec. 3.1. There is established an NS/EP Communications Executive Committee (Executive Committee) to serve as a forum to address NS/EP communications matters.

Sec. 3.2. The Executive Committee shall be composed of Assistant Secretary-level or equivalent representatives designated by the heads of the Departments of State, Defense, Justice, Commerce, and Homeland Security, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), the General Services Administration, and the Federal Communications Commission, as well as such additional agencies as the Executive Committee may designate. The designees of the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Secretary of Defense shall serve as Co-Chairs of the Executive Committee.

Sec. 3.3. The responsibilities of the Executive Committee shall be to: (a) advise and make policy recommendations to the President, through the PPD-1 process, on enhancing the survivability, resilience, and future architecture of NS/EP communications, including what should constitute NS/EP communications requirements;

(b) develop a long-term strategic vision for NS/EP communications and propose funding requirements and plans to the President and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), through the PPD-1 process, for NS/EP communications initiatives that benefit multiple agencies or other Federal entities;

(c) coordinate the planning for, and provision of, NS/EP communications for the Federal Government under all hazards;

(d) promote the incorporation of the optimal combination of hardness, redundancy, mobility, connectivity, interoperability, restorability, and security to obtain, to the maximum extent practicable, the survivability of NS/EP communications under all circumstances;

(e) recommend to the President, through the PPD-1 process, the regimes to test, exercise, and evaluate the capabilities of existing and planned communications systems, networks, or facilities to meet all executive branch NS/EP communications requirements, including any recommended remedial actions;

(f) provide quarterly updates to the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism and the Director of OSTP, through the Co-Chairs, on the status of Executive Committee activities and develop an annual NS/EP communications strategic agenda utilizing the PPD-1 process;

(g) enable industry input with respect to the responsibilities established in this section; and

(h) develop, approve, and maintain a charter for the Executive Committee.

Sec. 4. Executive Committee Joint Program Office.

Sec. 4.1. The Secretary of Homeland Security shall establish an Executive Committee Joint Program Office (JPO) to provide full-time, expert, and administrative support for the Executive Committee’s performance of its responsibilities under section 3.3 of this order. Staff of the JPO shall include detailees, as needed and appropriate, from agencies represented on the Executive Committee. The Department of Homeland Security shall provide resources to support the JPO. The JPO shall be responsive to the guidance of the Executive Committee.

Sec. 4.2. The responsibilities of the JPO shall include: coordination of programs that support NS/EP missions, priorities, goals, and policy; and, when directed by the Executive Committee, the convening of governmental and nongovernmental groups (consistent with the Federal Advisory Committees Act, as amended (5 U.S.C. App.)), coordination of activities, and development of policies for senior official review and approval.

Sec. 5. Specific Department and Agency Responsibilities.

Sec. 5.1. The Secretary of Defense shall: (a) oversee the development, testing, implementation, and sustainment of NS/EP communications that are directly responsive to the national security needs of the President, Vice President, and senior national leadership, including: communications with or among the President, Vice President, White House staff, heads of state and government, and Nuclear Command and Control leadership; Continuity of Government communications; and communications among the executive, judicial, and legislative branches to support Enduring Constitutional Government;

(b) incorporate, integrate, and ensure interoperability and the optimal combination of hardness, redundancy, mobility, connectivity, interoperability, restorability, and security to obtain, to the maximum extent practicable, the survivability of NS/EP communications defined in section 5.1(a) of this order under all circumstances, including conditions of crisis or emergency;

(c) provide to the Executive Committee the technical support necessary to develop and maintain plans adequate to provide for the security and protection of NS/EP communications; and

(d) provide, operate, and maintain communication services and facilities adequate to execute responsibilities consistent with Executive Order 12333 of December 4, 1981, as amended.

Sec. 5.2. The Secretary of Homeland Security shall: (a) oversee the development, testing, implementation, and sustainment of NS/EP communications, including: communications that support Continuity of Government; Federal, State, local, territorial, and tribal emergency preparedness and response communications; non-military executive branch communications systems; critical infrastructure protection networks; and non-military communications networks, particularly with respect to prioritization and restoration;

(b) incorporate, integrate, and ensure interoperability and the necessary combination of hardness, redundancy, mobility, connectivity, interoperability, restorability, and security to obtain, to the maximum extent practicable, the survivability of NS/EP communications defined in section 5.2(a) of this order under all circumstances, including conditions of crisis or emergency;

(c) provide to the Executive Committee the technical support necessary to develop and maintain plans adequate to provide for the security and protection of NS/EP communications;

(d) receive, integrate, and disseminate NS/EP communications information to the Federal Government and State, local, territorial, and tribal governments, as appropriate, to establish situational awareness, priority setting recommendations, and a common operating picture for NS/EP communications information;

(e) satisfy priority communications requirements through the use of commercial, Government, and privately owned communications resources, when appropriate;

(f) maintain a joint industry-Government center that is capable of assisting in the initiation, coordination, restoration, and reconstitution of NS/EP communications services or facilities under all conditions of emerging threats, crisis, or emergency;

(g) serve as the Federal lead for the prioritized restoration of communications infrastructure and coordinate the prioritization and restoration of communications, including resolution of any conflicts in or among priorities, in coordination with the Secretary of Defense when activities referenced in section 5.1(a) of this order are impacted, consistent with the National Response Framework. If conflicts in or among priorities cannot be resolved between the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security, they shall be referred for resolution in accordance with section 2.1 of this order; and

(h) within 60 days of the date of this order, in consultation with the Executive Committee where appropriate, develop and submit to the President, through the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, a detailed plan that describes the Department of Homeland

Security’s organization and management structure for its NS/EP communications functions, including the Government Emergency Telecommunications Service, Wireless Priority Service, Telecommunications Service Priority program, Next Generation Network Priority program, the Executive Committee JPO, and relevant supporting entities.

Sec. 5.3. The Secretary of Commerce shall: (a) provide advice and guidance to the Executive Committee on the use of technical standards and metrics to support execution of NS/EP communications;

(b) identify for the Executive Committee requirements for additional technical standards and metrics to enhance NS/EP communications;

(c) engage with relevant standards development organizations to develop appropriate technical standards and metrics to enhance NS/EP communications;

(d) develop plans and procedures concerning radio spectrum allocations, assignments, and priorities for use by agencies and executive offices;

(e) develop, maintain, and publish policies, plans, and procedures for the management and use of radio frequency assignments, including the authority to amend, modify, or revoke such assignments, in those parts of the electromagnetic spectrum assigned to the Federal Government; and

(f) administer a system of radio spectrum priorities for those spectrum-dependent telecommunications resources belonging to and operated by the Federal Government and certify or approve such radio spectrum priorities, including the resolution of conflicts in or among such radio spectrum priorities during a crisis or emergency.

Sec. 5.4. The Administrator of General Services shall provide and maintain a common Federal acquisition approach that allows for the efficient centralized purchasing of equipment and services that meet NS/EP communications requirements. Nothing in this section shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect the procurement authorities granted by law to an agency or the head thereof.

Sec. 5.5. With respect to the Intelligence Community, the DNI, after consultation with the heads of affected agencies, may issue such policy directives and guidance as the DNI deems necessary to implement this order. Procedures or other guidance issued by the heads of elements of the Intelligence Community shall be in accordance with such policy directives or guidelines issued by the DNI.

Sec. 5.6. The Federal Communications Commission performs such functions as are required by law, including: (a) with respect to all entities licensed or regulated by the Federal Communications Commission: the extension, discontinuance, or reduction of common carrier facilities or services; the control of common carrier rates, charges, practices, and classifications; the construction, authorization, activation, deactivation, or closing of radio stations, services, and facilities; the assignment of radio frequencies to Federal Communications Commission licensees; the investigation of violations of pertinent law; and the assessment of communications service provider emergency needs and resources; and

(b) supporting the continuous operation and restoration of critical communications systems and services by assisting the Secretary of Homeland Security with infrastructure damage assessment and restoration, and by providing the Secretary of Homeland Security with information collected by the Federal Communications Commission on communications infrastructure, service outages, and restoration, as appropriate.

Sec. 6. General Agency Responsibilities. All agencies, to the extent consistent with law, shall: (a) determine the scope of their NS/EP communications requirements, and provide information regarding such requirements to the Executive Committee;

(b) prepare policies, plans, and procedures concerning communications facilities, services, or equipment under their management or operational control to maximize their capability to respond to the NS/EP needs of the Federal Government;

(c) propose initiatives, where possible, that may benefit multiple agencies or other Federal entities;

(d) administer programs that support broad NS/EP communications goals and policies;

(e) submit reports annually, or as otherwise requested, to the Executive Committee, regarding agency NS/EP communications activities;

(f) devise internal acquisition strategies in support of the centralized acquisition approach provided by the General Services Administration pursuant to section 5.4 of this order; and

(g) provide the Secretary of Homeland Security with timely reporting on NS/EP communications status to inform the common operating picture required under 6 U.S.C. 321(d).

Sec. 7. General Provisions. (a) For the purposes of this order, the word “agency” shall have the meaning set forth in section 6.1(b) of Executive Order 13526 of December 29, 2009.

(b) Executive Order 12472 of April 3, 1984, as amended, is hereby revoked.

(c) Executive Order 12382 of September 13, 1982, as amended, is further amended by striking the following language from section 2(e): “in his capacity as Executive Agent for the National Communications System”.

(d) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:

(i) the authority granted by law to an agency, or the head thereof; or

(ii) the functions of the Director of the OMB relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

(e) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.

(f) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.


Geolocate Dangerous Guns Answer to the Application

About the Gun Geo Marker

The Walkingtools Gun Geo Marker
The general guideline is that you should mark any location about which you have a gun related concern, while trying to provide enough extra information for others to make their own determination about safety.
An important secondary warning is that the Walkingtools Gun Geo Marker is not intended as a reporting mechanism for active threats. If you are concerned for anyone’s immediate safety, call 911 immediately.

Now…. far be it for me to make a suggestion as to how to deal with this particular application, or even to suggest that my suggestion might work.  But… I’ll give it a go.

All gun owners should download this App.  Immediately.

You can tag locations in it.

So, why not tag it with the following:

1) Anti-gun Libtards

2) Businesses that hate guns

3) Hollywood Actors and Actresses who speak out against guns.

4) Local politician’s homes who are anti-gun

5) Local Media personalities who are anti-gun.


The point to this is to make THOSE locations as “gun owners” and overwhelm the database with Garbage In, which in turn produces Garbage Out.

So, do your part today and help this Application “fill up some white space”.


The Spirit in which it was done….

Mr. President, it isn’t the “spirit in which you did” something, rather, it’s the spirit in which that thing you did was abused….

July 1st, 2013
08:44 AM ET

George W. Bush: Snowden damaged US; security programs protect civil liberties

CNN Anchor and Correspondent Robyn Curnow sits down with former President George W. Bush and Laura Bush to discuss their humanitarian mission in Zambia, where a clinic that helps diagnose and treat cervical cancer opens today. Curnow asked Bush about his thoughts on Nelson Mandela, Edward Snowden, privacy and his legacy.

On Edward Snowden, former President George W. Bush said, “I know he damaged the country and the Obama administration will deal with it.” He continued, “I think he damaged the security of the country.”

“I put the program in place to protect the country and one of the certainties is civil liberties were guaranteed,” Bush said.

George W. Bush: Snowden damaged US; security programs protect civil liberties

The War against The People by the Government Just started

I know I shouldn’t do this, but I’m going to post the whole article, without permission, or requesting it.  Folks, this is it….. I’m not joking. Please go to the original source and read this and look at the videos.  The people of this country CAN NOT allow this to stand.  The media in all their “First Amendment” cloaks need to stand up and expose this for what it is, absolute tyranny and censorship.

Blackout: Defense Department Blocks All Articles About NSA Leaks From ‘Millions’ of Computers

June 28, 2013 RSS Feed Print

The Defense Department's news blackout affects millions of computers around the world.The Defense Department’s news blackout affects millions of computers around the world.

The Department of Defense is blocking online access to news reports about classified National Security Agency documents made public by Edward Snowden. The blackout affects all of the department’s computers and is part of a department-wide directive.

“Any website that runs information that the Department of Defense still considers classified” is affected, Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Damien Pickart told U.S. News in a phone interview.

According to Pickart, news websites that re-report information first published by The Guardian or other primary sources are also affected.

“If that particular website runs an article that our filters determine has classified information… the particular content on that website will remain inaccessible,” he said.

Pickart said the blackout affects “millions” of computers on “all Department of Defense networks and systems.”

The spokesman told U.S. News that original reports about the leaks may be specifically targeted for the blackout. He admitted that “automated filters are never perfect,” and some reports may slip through the cyber blockade.

Pickart declined to identify the source of the military-wide dictate.

“This is the same as what we did during the WikiLeaks situation,” he said. Personal computers used by military employees aren’t affected, Pickart said. One of the primary rationales for the blackout is money: “it’s costly, it takes a lot of time” to scrub computers of unauthorized, classified material viewed by servicemen while reading online news reports, Pickart said.

“Should any website choose to post information the department deems classified, that particular content on the website will be filtered and remain inaccessible from DoD networks so long as it remains classified,” Pickart reiterated in an emailed statement.

“The department does not determine what sites its personnel can choose to visit while on a DoD system, but instead relies on automated filters that restrict access based on content concerns or malware threats. The DoD is also not going to block websites from the American public in general, and to do so would violate our highest-held principle of upholding and defending the Constitution and respecting civil liberties and privacy.”

The Monterey Herald reported Thursday that the Army was restricting access to The Guardian’s website. A spokesman for the Army Network Enterprise Technology Command confirmed that the policy affected The Guardian, but the scope of the military’s blackout wasn’t immediately clear.

Found here:

Original here:


And Edit:

US army blocks access to Guardian website to preserve ‘network hygiene’

Military admits to filtering reports and content relating to government surveillance programs for thousands of personnel

The Pentagon insisted the Department of Defense was only seeking to restrict access to certain content. Photograph: Rick Wilking/Reuters

The US army has admitted to blocking access to parts of the Guardian website for thousands of defence personnel across the country.

A spokesman said the military was filtering out reports and content relating to government surveillance programs to preserve “network hygiene” and prevent any classified material appearing on unclassified parts of its computer systems.

The confirmation follows reports in the Monterey Herald that staff at the Presidio military base south of San Francisco had complained of not being able to access the Guardian’s UK site at all, and had only partial access to the US site, following publication of leaks from whistleblower Edward Snowden.

The Pentagon insisted the Department of Defense was not seeking to block the whole website, merely taking steps to restrict access to certain content.

But a spokesman for the Army’s Network Enterprise Technology Command (Netcom) in Arizona confirmed that this was a widespread policy, likely to be affecting hundreds of defence facilities.

“In response to your question about access to the website, the army is filtering some access to press coverage and online content about the NSA leaks,” said Gordon Van Vleet, a Netcom public affairs officer.

“The Department of Defense routinely takes preventative ‘network hygiene’ measures to mitigate unauthorized disclosures of classified information onto DoD unclassified networks.”

The army stressed its actions were automatic and would not affect computers outside military facilities.

“The department does not determine what sites its personnel can choose to visit while on a DoD system, but instead relies on automated filters that restrict access based on content concerns or malware threats,” said Van Vleet. “The DoD is also not going to block websites from the American public in general, and to do so would violate our highest-held principle of upholding and defending the constitution and respecting civil liberties and privacy.”

Similar measures were taken by the army after the Guardian and other newspapers published leaked State Department cables obtained via WikiLeaks.

“We make every effort to balance the need to preserve information access with operational security, however there are strict policies and directives in place regarding protecting and handling classified information,” added the Netcom spokesman.

“Until declassified by appropriate officials, classified information – including material released through an unauthorized disclosure – must be treated accordingly by DoD personnel. If a public website displays classified information, then filtering may be used to preserve ‘network hygiene’ for DoD unclassified networks.”

A Defense Department spokesman at the Pentagon added: “The Guardian website is NOT being blocked by DoD. The Department of Defense routinely takes preventative measures to mitigate unauthorized disclosures of classified information onto DoD unclassified networks.”

No Fighter Jets going after Snowden

I actually find this pretty funny.  A Fighter Jet?  After a “might be” leaker/whistleblower/spy/hacker/hero/traitor?  Wow.


Obama: US won’t send fighter jets to intercept Snowden flights

Published time: June 27, 2013 11:55
Edited time: June 27, 2013 14:13
The F-35 Lightning II, also known as the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF).(Reuters / Tom Reynolds)The F-35 Lightning II, also known as the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF).(Reuters / Tom Reynolds)

The US will not try to intercept NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden’s flight, President Barack Obama said during his tour to Africa.

Obama announced that US will not be using military jets to go after Snowden, rejecting reports that America might force down a plane carrying the NSA leaker.

The president specified that the US will not engage in “wheeling, dealing and trading” to extradite Edward Snowden, adding that extradition will be carried out through legal channels.

“We’ve got a whole lot of business that we do with China and Russia, and I’m not going to have one case of a suspect who we’re trying to extradite suddenly being elevated to the point where I’ve got to start doing wheeling and dealing and trading on a whole host of other issues,” Obama said.

Obama said he has not spoken to Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping or Russia’s President Vladimir Putin about whistleblower Edward Snowden’s extradition, adding that he “shouldn’t have to,” Reuters reported.


More over there —–>

No bartering for Snowden

Don’t know if this is good or bad.  I have a few theories on what’s really happening here and have posted a few thoughts already.  But Obama has stated clearly he’s not about to barter for Snowden “just so he can come back here to face American Justice”.

Oh, and Venezuela has also said it would consider an asylum application from him.



27 June 2013 Last updated at 11:04 ET

Obama refuses to barter for Edward Snowden

 President Obama “not going to be scrambling jets to get Snowden”

President Barack Obama has said there will be no “wheeling and dealing” as part of extradition attempts against US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden.

Speaking on a visit to the West African nation of Senegal, Mr Obama said the case would be handled through routine legal channels.

“I am not going to be scrambling jets to get a 29-year-old hacker,” he added.

Mr Snowden, who faces espionage charges, flew to Moscow last weekend and requested asylum in Ecuador.

Mr Obama said on Thursday that he had not called China and Russia’s presidents about the case, adding: “I shouldn’t have to.”

‘Damage done’

He told a news conference in the Senegalese capital Dakar: “I’m not going to have one case of a suspect who we’re trying to extradite suddenly being elevated to the point where I’ve got to start doing wheeling and dealing and trading on a whole host of other issues.”


Transit zones: A legal grey area

  • The Sheremetyevo airport transit area is Russian sovereign territory, but Russia says that in staying there, Edward Snowden has not formally entered the country
  • Legally, an arriving air passenger may be said to “cross the border” only after clearing immigration, which would require an entry visa
  • If Russia allowed Mr Snowden to enter, it could implicate the state in helping a fugitive, analysts say
  • It is thought Mr Snowden may be staying at a complex of 47 basic “capsule” hotel rooms located in the zone

Read the rest of the stuff:

In the past few months – to a year – We’ve had a dozen “scandals” coming out of Washington.  Here’s a list of them that have been compiled by various sources.

 Benghazi (Four Americans killed by Terrorists and the Government pretended it was over a movie)

GSA (remember Hot Tub man? The General Services Administration in 2010 held an $823,000 training conference in Las Vegas, featuring a clown and a mind readers. Resulted in the resignation of the GSA administrator.)

IRS (Targeting Tea Party members and organizations,  the IRS enjoyed outrageous conventions that included “line dancing” video, luxury suites ($3,500))

NSA (Spying on America, snooping on “We the People” instead of terrorists)

FBI (doesn’t know who is investigating the IRS)

EPA (gave names, addresses and email addresses of farmers to liberal groups)

Justice Department (Watching the AP and other news agencies

Justice Department and Rosengate – JD suggested that Fox News reporter James Rosen is a criminal for reporting about classified information and subsequently monitored his phones and emails.

Eric Holder (Perjury)

ATF (Fast and Furious, project Gun Walker, the ATF allowed weapons from the U.S. to “walk” across the border into the hands of Mexican drug dealers. The ATF lost track of hundreds of firearms, many of which were used in crimes, including the December 2010 killing of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.)

EPA (Former EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson used the name “Richard Windsor” when corresponding by email with other government officials, drawing charges she was trying to evade scrutiny.)

Black Panthers (The Justice Department was accused of using a racial double standard in failing to pursue a voter intimidation case against Black Panthers who appeared to be menacing voters at a polling place in 2008 in Philadelphia.)

HHS (HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius solicited donations from companies HHS might regulate. The money would be used to help her sign up uninsured Americans for ObamaCare.)

HHS (Also, Sebelius violated the Hatch Act: A U.S. special counsel has determined that Sebelius violated the Hatch Act when she made “extemporaneous partisan remarks” during a speech in her official capacity last year. During the remarks, Sebelius called for the election of the Democratic candidate for governor of North Carolina.)

Solyndra: Republicans charged the Obama administration funded and promoted its poster boy for green energy despite warning signs the company was headed for bankruptcy. The administration also allegedly pressed Solyndra to delay layoff announcements until after the 2010 midterm elections.

Obama (“I’ll pass my own laws”…making end runs around Congress on everything from Global Warming to Gun Control)

Obama most likely violated the law of the land, the Constitution and the spirit of the War Powers Resolution by attacking Libya without Congressional approval.

Former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel used Bill Clinton as an intermediary to probe whether former Rep. Joe Sestak (D-Pa.) would accept a prominent, unpaid White House advisory position in exchange for dropping out of the 2010 primary against former Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Pa.).

The administration paid millions to the former firm of then-White House adviser David Axelrod, AKPD Message and Media, to promote passage of Obamacare. Some questioned whether the firm was hired to help pay Axelrod $2 million AKPD owed him.

Vice President Biden’s office has repeatedly interfered with coverage, including forcing a reporter to wait in a closet, making a reporter delete photos, and editing pool reports.

The Pigford Scandal — An Agriculture Department effort that started as an attempt to compensate black farmers who had been discriminated against by the agency but evolved into a gravy train delivering several billion dollars in cash to thousands of additional minority and female farmers who probably didn’t face discrimination.

Anti-Gun forces including Congress people all the way up to the President and down to Mayor’s of cities have acted to destroy the Second Amendment. 

Other forces are acting to destroy our First, Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights – among others.  In fact there appears to be a concerted effort on the part of many of these former hippies to completely destroy the Constitution; they try hard to make us believe it is a “Living Document” to be changed at the whim of a loud mouthed minority, or a simple majority.

Throughout all of this it appears many Americans have held their tongues and resisted the urge to “get mad”, worse, many are as clueless today about most of these scandals as they day they were born naked into this world.

In my past “life” I helped run a forum and web site that was concerned with things like UFOs, Bigfoot, Conspiracies and similar things.  In my ten years on that site I was the “Target” of many of the posters because I tended to rip apart their ideas as nonsense and would factually back up my arguments against their “supposed facts”.  It isn’t difficult to take apart Conspiracy Theory when there are indeed facts to back up your own side and the Conspiracy Theory is based solely upon “feels”, “belief”, disconnected and interconnected true facts that are actually unrelated by anything other than “that sounds like [it should go there] in the puzzle”.

So for me to read my own list above and then grasp that this country is headed down a path it is being DIRECTED down is hard for me to say, or even believe myself.  As a Patriot (A real one, one who has fought in battle, one who spent many years in the military, one who has taken his oath of office to the military to protect and defend the Constitution SERIOUSLY, one who has studied American History, lived through and “fought in” the Cold War and was raised by a Father and Mother who were both Democrats to “Do the Right Thing”) it is very difficult for me to come to the conclusions I have finally reached in my 50+ years of life.

As you can see, I am about as anti-conspiracy theory as one can be.  But in this case, given this administration, and reading the rotten and terrible things that are going on in the scandals coming out of DC, I can’t help but SEE some Conspiracies in action here.

The Federal Reserve banking system has been manipulating the market for years. Why? To keep the dollar “strong”? I just don’t know. I’m not an economist and hated stats, economics (micro and macro) and accounting in college. HATED it. I don’t really “grasp” it the way professors wanted me to. I DO “get it” on a personal basis and can see a short term change coming. Dunno why.

But the rest of the crap going on, the NSA, the Justice Department, the refusal of IRS leaders to correct or even admit how wrong things are is a tick mark against the current administration.

In fact, at this point I believe these agencies, directly controlled by “minions” of the current President are actively working to destroy America all at once. One, big, serious crash.

One day, the Markets will plummet, the price of houses goes up, the ability to own one goes down, the family farms are taken by the government, rural people forced to move to the cities by armed agents of the government. Food prices climb, welfare suddenly stops. Riots begin. Guns start getting confiscated by jack booted thugs.

America becomes a totalitarian state, “for your own good”.

Those who refuse to comply are shot, re-educated or “disappeared”.

The truth is, I don’t see anything “good” coming down the pike unless we reverse this trend.

I’m just one, tiny voice out here in the dark. I don’t have all the answers, but I have more questions than can be answered. I can only go with the flow and hope Americans are mostly like me and will stand up and fight if we must.

Is the United States of America doomed now to fall through no fault of the People of this country, but rather through the fault of a corrupted, screwed up, wrong-headed Government full of Progressives, Communists and Socialists?  I think it is.  Of course, true Americans will come together eventually to prevent this from occurring.  We hope.  We the People however are still “In Charge”.  We’d better start acting like it, and soon.

In the mean time, I will do what I must to protect my wife and myself from total and complete destruction.  My children are all adults and can make their own decisions now, but the majority of them stand with me.

Confirmed: Snowden still in Russia

Russia has confirmed that Snowden is the Transit area of the Airport and has NOT processed through immigrations in Moscow.

To my Patriot Friends

Your blogs are monitored.  Your phone records are being gone through.  Data from your computer goes through an ISP and is vacuumed up by “No Such Agency”, collected, collated, stored and kept on ice for at least five years hence.  Anything you write, every site you visit, every blog you read or post you make is subjected to reading – even if it isn’t really “read” by a person it is there “just in case”.

The Fourth Amendment states clearly what your rights are.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

To be clear, your “papers” in the form of “data” or “metadata” have been searched, seized, violated and kept.  No warrants were issued.  No “Oath of Affirmation” by those whom consider you “suspect” was given.  No Judge consulted.  Your home was invaded.  You phone “tapped” – perhaps not in the conventional sense where a human listens in, but your phone calls were logged, collected and linked to those numbers you called, and those who called you.

Trust is sometimes a difficult thing to grasp, and nearly impossible to retrieve once lost.  The NSA, an arm of the US Intelligence community is there for a reason; their job is collect data on our adversaries, not on our own people.  This Agency is being abused by the US Government, plain and simple.  The Justice Department is corrupt.  The Internal Revenue System is corrupt.  Congress is remiss.  The President is culpable in breaking all the laws of our Constitution.

Do YOU trust your information to the US Government?  Do you trust your health to the IRS?  Do you trust your Freedom to this President?  Do you trust your life in the hands of the Justice Department?

Pens, paper, hand-carried messages, whispered conversations, coded communications.

Survivalists out here in the real world KNOW that counting on technology is probably a cool thing to do, but not always is it practical.  When the power goes out (and it will) you can’t count on your electric motors, vehicles, phones, radios and such.  You can’t always depend on technological marvels no matter how small.  Remember this; pen and paper can’t be data mined unless it it taken into custody.  Whispered conversations to those near you are rarely listened in on.  Turning off your cell phone is not a promise of security, but removing the battery is.  Posting something on a computer is kept for years; perhaps forever for all we know.Survivalists do understand this world, they do things in a simpler way for a reason.

Perhaps we should all consider “simple is safer”….


Senators attack surveillance laws authorizing NSA’s warrantless data collection

A bipartisan group of lawmakers led by Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) is attempting to rein in controversial provisions that have given US intelligence agencies broad authority to conduct warrantless surveillance on both foreign and domestic communications. The FISA Accountability and Privacy Protection Act of 2013 is designed to put a shorter expiration date on major expansions to the USA Patriot Act and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which are being secretly interpreted to justify the mass-collection of phone metadata and internet content, respectively. The bill would also shorten the lifespan of the law which allows National Security Letters, which have already been ruled unconstitutional by a federal judge, as well as increase oversight and transparency by adding new reporting requirements.

Read the rest here:

Seems like it is about time, no?

Snowden: Accepted to Ecuador

Snowden receives refugee document of passage from Ecuador

Mon Jun 24, 2013 11:10am EDT

(Reuters) – WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said on Monday that fugitive U.S. spy agency contractor Edward Snowden had received refugee papers from the Ecuador government to secure him safe passage as he fled Hong Kong over the weekend.

More here:



A Safer, Freer America

Do you feel “safe” today?

Do you believe that the government is protecting you by vacuuming up every piece of data on you they can?

Do you honestly believe that stopping a terrorist attack requires we give up all our privacy?


Are you an American, like most of us, who’ve never broken a law unless perhaps it was a traffic ticket, you have no intention of robbing a bank, blowing up a bomb in a crowded marathon, mall or airport, and you’ve never contemplated walking into your world place or movie theater with the “infamous” Bushmaster AR15 with body armor, gas mask and shoot up the place and random people?

When it comes right down to it, the laws of this country simply DO NOT trump the Constitution.  Period.  End of statement.

And yet our Congress, the last few Presidents (Obama, Bush, Clinton) have demonstrated they don’t really care about that old piece of paper.  Of course the Leftists in this country will tell you that it’s a “Living Document”, subject to change.

The 4th Amendment is clear as crystal:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

We are the people.  We have the right to be secure in our persons (and carrying a cellphone on our person), and houses (and our computers in our houses) and papers (and the data which isn’t written down but exists as fleeting bits and bytes in a data stream, hard drive, thumb drive, cloud or zipping along fibers) and unreasonable search and seizure (meaning we have committed no crime, thus it is UNREASONABLE to probe our data, search it, collect it aka seize it).

No warrants have been issues.  And according to the fourth amendment they SHALL NOT issues but upon probable cause.

If you’re not a criminal or suspected to be a criminal you should not be subjected to any of the above without a warrant.

Let me say this again…. IF you are NOT a criminal or SUSPECTED to be a criminal you should not be subjected to any of the above without a warrant.

Americans, essentially ALL of us, have 1) been subjected to the above CRIMES by the Government, 2) without a swore Warrant, 3) Our data searched (examined), seized (collected) and stored without our permission so that JUST IN CASE, you know in the future perhaps-maybe that data can be gone through again later and in more detail, just in case, you know, you think you might want to do something.

The collection of metadata means “Data about data”, that’s the way we network security people, system administrators and security engineers view it.  It means that pointers to other data are collected.  Those pointers of course are phone numbers you are using, calling and times you’re online talking to that other number.  It means a list of links you visit, your geolocation information, your likes and dislikes all associated with you.

A good detective doesn’t need to know WHAT you said on the telephone if he knows to whom you spoke for thirty minutes this morning on the way to work.  A great detective can make inferences with great accuracy about your conversation.  In a court of law this is called “Circumstantial evidence”.

A government agency like the National Security Agency (NSA) has tools and young computer gurus (not unlike myself many years ago) who can examine data, put a few pieces together and determine a lot about a person.

They didn’t stop Sandy Hook, they didn’t stop 9-11, they didn’t stop Boston, they didn’t stop numerous other small terrorists attacks in this country (which they won’t even CALL terrorism).  They’ve stopped only what they wanted to stop.  (Never let a crisis go to waste you know!)

If every person in the United States isn’t upset about this you might fit the first three questions originally asked and might be comfortable with the government literally spying on everything you do online, on the phone or even clicking on the buttons of your microwave.  You might think you’re safe from terrorists.  You might believe that you’re safe and the government is “protecting” you.

What if this is all benign and no one has any intention of using the data collected against you today or tomorrow.  But what about after the next election?  What about next Thursday?  What IF some “government official” somewhere with access to this stuff decides to start using this data to root out enemies of the State?

Once, when I was still a child we all knew that our society existed to raise children to be considerate of others, to know that each thing we did to improve ourselves in turn, improved society.  Today Society seems to exist only to further the goals of a collective hive mind, to think alike, to act alike, to dress alike, to live in a Socialist Utopia.  That indeed seems to be the ultimate goal of not only “Society” as a whole (with a few individual exceptions, usually those reading these blogs) but to force all of us to act alike (including us “individuals”).

Targeting and auditing”Tea Party” and “Conservative” groups into oblivion, if that isn’t tyranny I don’t know what is.  Trying to limit, take and ban our guns, that’s tyranny.  Spying on us, that’s tyranny.  Going after journalists (against the 1st amendment), that’s tyranny.  Lying to us time and again about Benghazi, about everything they can lie about, that, my friends is tyranny.  Forcing religion on us (Islam), that’s TYRANNY.  Forcing Political Correctness on us, that’s tyranny.  Attacking us for having our say, that’s tyranny.  Passing state laws in the face of a majority of people who don’t want the law, that is absolute tyranny.  Telling Americans “its for your own good” – that’s tyranny.

At what cost do we continue this charade?

I’ll tell you the cost.  The cost is  ultimately our Freedoms and the fall of the United States as a Great Republic.

If we continue on the path which wends through Society today and into the future, in less than One Hundred Years the one great America will be nothing more than a memory for our great-great Grand Children.  In less than another decade we will have lost and we will be erased from the face of the world.  Our

We must stop this drive to defeat America from within.

If you want a Safer, Freer America then it is time to wake up, get off your asses and accept personal responsibilty for yourselves, your families and your GOVERNMENT.  We must insist, demand that the current elected Representatives stop the madness and get back to the bottom line of running this country.  That doesn’t mean making NEW laws, it means throwing out the old, bad laws, enforcing the correct laws and stopping snooping on our own people.  It means SHUTTING the border TONIGHT.  We don’t need “immigration reform”, we need “Government Reform”.

There is nothing wrong with immigration laws as they are, they simply need to be enforced.  We need to secure the border.  We need to let people take the normal path to citizenship.  We have no issue with immigration, we have a problem WITH ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.

We can’t let the government continue to grow in size, power and money sucking abilities.

We can’t allow the IRS to continue to abuse us.

We must NOT allow the IRS to become our overlords on medical care.  Government death boards are an absolute (see the young lady with the lung transplant problem).

We can’t allow the Department of Justice to continue to abuse us.  By letting them get away with “Fast and Furious” we’ve allowed the death of a young agent to go without justice.  The murderer might have been caught, but why haven’t those who passed those guns out ILLEGALLY I might add been brought to justice?  Arrest them, all the up to Eric Holder if necessary.

We can no longer allow our Department of State to let ambassadors just “die” in foreign service.  Where were the Marines and why was the military stood down?

If you want a Safer, Freer America then you, yes YOU, need to stand up and do something about it.  Run for office, pester the holy hell out of Congressmen and women.  Call the President.  Make your voice heard.  Organize protests (yes, PROTESTS).  Become visible.  Don’t hide in the shadows any longer.

We are AMERICANS. We do not give up.  We do not tolerate losing.  We do not tolerate losers.  Kick those losers out of office and put yourselves IN.

The time has come.

Don’t let up until we win.

And we will, we’re Americans!

Obama’s Database

(D) Maxine Waters: ‘Obama Has Put In Place’ Secret Database With ‘Everything On Everyone’ (Video)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013 12:55


“The President has put in place an organization with the kind of database that no one has ever seen before in life,” Representative Maxine Waters told Roland Martin on Monday. “That’s going to be very, very powerful,” Waters said. “That database will have information about everything on every individual on ways that it’s never been done before and whoever runs for President on the Democratic ticket has to deal with that. They’re going to go down with that database and the concerns of those people because they can’t get around it. And he’s [President Obama] been very smart. It’s very powerful what he’s leaving in place.”
Maxine Waters is the U.S. Representative for California’s 43rd congressional district, and previously the 35th and 29th districts, serving since 1991. She is a member of the Democratic Party.

Ron Paul fears NSA leaker assassination

As the hunt continues for Edward Snowden, the former CIA employee who outed himself last weekend as the source of top-secret leaks about U.S. surveillance program, some people have concerns about his fate.

“I’m worried about, somebody in our government might kill him with a cruise missile or a drone missile,” said Ron Paul a former Texas congressman who twice ran for the Republican presidential nomination, in an interview Tuesday with Fox News. “I mean, we live in a bad time where American citizens don’t even have rights and that they can be killed, but the gentlemen is trying to tell the truth about what’s going on.”

ACLU files Lawsuit against NSA/Government for Spying

Well… for once I’ll support the ACLU!

Edit: here’s a link:
Edit 2: Full Text of Press Release:

ACLU Files Lawsuit Challenging Constitutionality of NSA Phone Spying Program


The ACLU, a Verizon Customer, Says Government Data Collection Violates Its First and Fourth Amendment Rights

June 11, 2013

CONTACT: 212-549-2666,

NEW YORK – The American Civil Liberties Union and the New York Civil Liberties Union today filed a constitutional challenge to a surveillance program under which the National Security Agency vacuums up information about every phone call placed within, from, or to the United States. The lawsuit argues that the program violates the First Amendment rights of free speech and association as well as the right of privacy protected by the Fourth Amendment. The complaint also charges that the dragnet program exceeds the authority that Congress provided through the Patriot Act.

“This dragnet program is surely one of the largest surveillance efforts ever launched by a democratic government against its own citizens,” said Jameel Jaffer, ACLU deputy legal director. “It is the equivalent of requiring every American to file a daily report with the government of every location they visited, every person they talked to on the phone, the time of each call, and the length of every conversation. The program goes far beyond even the permissive limits set by the Patriot Act and represents a gross infringement of the freedom of association and the right to privacy.”

The ACLU is a customer of Verizon Business Network Services, which was the recipient of a secret FISA Court order published by The Guardian last week. The order required the company to “turn over on ‘an ongoing daily basis’ phone call details” such as who calls are placed to and from, and when those calls are made. The lawsuit argues that the government’s blanket seizure of and ability to search the ACLU’s phone records compromises sensitive information about its work, undermining the organization’s ability to engage in legitimate communications with clients, journalists, advocacy partners, and others.

“The crux of the government’s justification for the program is the chilling logic that it can collect everyone’s data now and ask questions later,” said Alex Abdo, a staff attorney for the ACLU’s National Security Project. “The Constitution does not permit the suspicionless surveillance of every person in the country.”

The ACLU’s 2008 lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the FISA Amendments Act, which authorized the so-called “warrantless wiretapping program,” was dismissed 5–4 by the Supreme Court in February on the grounds that the plaintiffs could not prove that they had been monitored. ACLU attorneys working on today’s complaint said they do not expect the issue of standing to be a problem in this case because of the FISA Court order revealed last week.

Yesterday, the ACLU and Yale Law School’s Media Freedom and Information Access Clinic filed a motion with the FISA Court, requesting that it to publish its opinions on the meaning, scope, and constitutionality of Patriot Act Section 215. The ACLU is also currently litigating a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, filed in October 2011, demanding that the Justice Department release information about the government’s use and interpretation of Section 215.

“There needs to be a bright line on where intelligence gathering stops,” said NYCLU executive director Donna Lieberman. “If we don’t say this is too far, when is too far?”

Attorneys on the case are Jaffer and Abdo along with Brett Max Kaufman and Patrick Toomey of the ACLU, and Arthur N. Eisenberg and Christopher T. Dunn of the NYCLU.

An interactive graphic examining the secret FISA Court order revealed last week is available here.

Snowden fired from Booze-Allen, gets offers from Russia

Saw this coming…..


Snowden apparently has a significant amount more data to “release”.  Also, the authorities have stated they are “looking for others connected to the release of this information”.

Interesting, because he’s the front man.

This really makes me think that the CIA is pissed over Benghazi so they deliberately outted an asset, and are making SURE he isn’t picked up to get even with Obama.

Demonstration of Metadata

And how it is used….

If you do NOTHING else important today, or have to pick and choose what you read carefully, read the link below.  All of it.  Don’t stop until you’re done, then go back and read it a second time.  I think if you are still on the fence about collection and aggregation of our phone, internet and other records, this will enlighten you like very few others things will.


Obfuscation, Hidden Agendas and Lies

The lies, they burn….

First of all let us get this CLEAR.  No one said anything about “listening in” to our telephone calls.  We are talking about the NSA capturing every phone record (the metadata that tells one whom you have called, for how long, what numbers you dialed or dialed in to you, and even what clicks you do on web sites and searches you make on search engines).  Not listening in.

As a long time System Operator for various BBSes, Admin for web sites and forums and as a military communicator, I can tell you without a doubt that I don’t need to “listen in” to know much about a person.  I can collect data from files that shows where you’ve connected, what you’ve looked at on web sites, links from your computer show your searches and interests.  Don’t we ALL understand Google and other providers collect that for targeting you with Ads already?  Yes, we do grasp this.

What can the government do with that data?  Figure out your interests and who you are in contact with.

Why is it a problem?  If you’re a terrorist, all the better.  Great, let them find out all they can about you.  Buy what if you’re some old guy with a lot of grand kids, never broken the law in your life, travel to foreign countries occasionally for a vacation, and are outspoken against “Big Government”.

Agendas my friends determine if your Grandpa Data is going to be used against you later.  Obama is a Progressive.  He has the ability to put out Executive Orders to direct how heads of Agencies (including the NSA) operate and they must operate within his guidelines under penalty of firing or worse.

Normal Americans are being placed under a scrutiny that is well beyond the pale and tyranny in and of itself.  This isn’t about listening to my phone calls telling my wife “I love you honey” or when I’m speaking to friends about going to the gun range, or how many bullets I “don’t have this week”.  It’s simply wrong, it’s against the 4th Amendment and probable cause to wit:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

This is against the 9th Amendment:

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

This is against the 1st Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

I’m quite certain that any so-called checks and balances are no longer valid.  People defending this kind of nonsense are completely clueless, ignorant and uneducated in the facts of American History, the Constitution, and Founder’s Principles.

Obama is supposed to the President of the United States, not apologist for Muslims and Islam, nor is he supposed to have enemies lists, direct the IRS to go after conservatives and Tea Party (and let me be blunt, the LIES in this administration from the IRS are nothing more than covering for the President and his co-President Valerie Jarret);  these people are criminals in my opinion.  While I’m not a lawyer I certainly know my history, and I know what is right and wrong.

This Administration is WRONG, there is evil in there and among us, and those who are defending him are complicit.

Obama said, and did whatever it took to get elected.  He has flat out LIED over and over and over to the American people, about surveillance, about Obama Care, about Benghazi, about the IRS – and all of those in connection with these issues have lied to protect him as well.

This is Big Government, Fascism, and verging on the border of Totalitarianism.  Obama has even issued “decrees” of late, making him sound more like a King than a President.

Where is Congress in all of this?  Why hasn’t the House gone after him?  Why is there not a Special Prosecutor involved in the IRS fiasco?  Why hasn’t the House started impeachment proceedings?  They went after Clinton for lying about Monica…. They went after Nixon for a breaking and entering which wasn’t even done by himself.

Congress is also remiss; no, Congress is NEGLIGENT.

While there might be a “law” in place for “surveillance” and it might be “legal” it is NOT limited if they are collecting the records of pretty much everyone in America.

Lies, hidden truths (Obfuscation) and agendas drive this Administration. It is time to stop taking the word of anyone in leadership positions in this country.  Question everything. Be suspicious of all they say.  Nothing they tell you is true, and if it is true, it’s not what you’re talking about in the first place.




Obama Calls Surveillance Programs Legal and Limited

By , , and
Published: June 7, 2013

WASHINGTON — President Obama on Friday offered a robust defense of the government surveillance programs revealed this week, and sought to reassure the public that his administration has not become a Big Brother with eyes and ears throughout the world of online communications.

“Nobody is listening to your telephone calls,” Mr. Obama said, delivering a 14-minute answer to two questions about the surveillance programs during a four-day trip to the West Coast at an event that was initially supposed to be devoted to the health care law. “That’s not what this program is about.”

Obama on TV “justifying” spying on everyone

Utter BS.

There IS NO Congressional Oversight.  There is not Judicial oversight.  This is all BS, every bit of it.


Here’s why.  Please get terrorists.  Don’t collect ALL of my data or the data of everyone else and MINE it to check to see who the bad guys are.
Find the bad guys and target them.  And we ALL know who the bad guys are, that is all of us but the government.

Anger swells after NSA phone records court order revelations

Anger swells after NSA phone records court order revelations

Senior politicians reveal that US counter-terrorism efforts have swept up personal data from American citizens for years

NSA taps in to internet giants’ systems to mine user data, secret files reveal

Barack Obama crowdfunding charities

A White House spokesman said that laws governing such orders ‘are something that have been in place for a number of years now’. Photograph: Rex Features

The scale of America’s surveillance state was laid bare on Thursday as senior politicians revealed that the US counter-terrorism effort had swept up swaths of personal data from the phone calls of millions of citizens for years.

After the revelation by the Guardian of a sweeping secret court order that authorised the FBI to seize all call records from a subsidiary of Verizon, the Obama administration sought to defuse mounting anger over what critics described as the broadest surveillance ruling ever issued.

A White House spokesman said that laws governing such orders “are something that have been in place for a number of years now” and were vital for protecting national security. Dianne Feinstein, the Democratic chairwoman of the Senate intelligence committee, said the Verizon court order had been in place for seven years. “People want the homeland kept safe,” Feinstein said.

But as the implications of the blanket approval for obtaining phone data reverberated around Washington and beyond, anger grew among other politicians.

Intelligence committee member Mark Udall, who has previously warned in broad terms about the scale of government snooping, said: “This sort of widescale surveillance should concern all of us and is the kind of government overreach I’ve said Americans would find shocking.” Former vice-president Al Gore described the “secret blanket surveillance” as “obscenely outrageous”.


Perhaps enough “anger” will get you ready for what is coming… correction, already HERE in America.  But I somehow doubt it.

NSA surveillance pits liberty against security

NSA surveillance pits liberty against security

 7:15 AM, June 7, 2013   |
A man talks on the phone outside the U.S. Courthouse in Washington, where the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court resides.

A man talks on the phone outside the U.S. Courthouse in Washington, where the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court resides. / Cliff Owen / Associated Press
By David Jackson, Susan Davis and Kevin Johnson


WASHINGTON — Public disclosure of the federal government’s effort to track terrorists through the telephone records of average citizens has reinvigorated a national debate over the balancing act between security and liberty.

A day that began Thursday with an uproar over the government trolling through Americans’ phone records ended with a new report about the government traipsing over their travels on the Internet. Taken together, they seemed sure to refocus Congress and its constituents on a debate that has waned since Sept. 11, 2001 — but never ended.

On one side, the White House, bipartisan leaders in Congress and former George W. Bush administration officials defended such snooping and note it’s been going on for years. The phone tracking dates back to 2006, when USA TODAY first reported that the National Security Agency was secretly collecting phone call records of tens of millions of Americans.

Ben Franklin said it best, “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

The REAL President of the United States

Valerie Jarret.  Don’t believe me?


Valerie Jarrett: Eric Holder’s Going Nowhere



Obama’s Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett told Huff Post Live that Eric Holder will continue in his post as Attorney General, as he has the President’s full confidence even in the midst of multiple scandals.

Putting Some Teeth in the Tribe: What Do We Need To Be Able To Do?

Putting Some Teeth in the Tribe: What Do We Need To Be Able To Do?


Read and think, then do….

Yellow ALERT! US raises nuclear alert to DEFCON 3

I’ll take this with a grain of salt for now until I can verify it myself.  I do know that alerts have been raised though in the last few hours.  Not sure why yet…


EDIT: Ok, the “Watchcon” system is at Level 2 right now.

South Korean and US force have heightened their alert status in the belief that North Korea intends to initiate a missile launch in the very near future. The US-South Korean Combined Forces Command (CFC) raised their Watch Condition, commonly known as “Watchcon,” from Level 3 to Level 2 indicating that a vital threat exists. The lowest alert status used by CFC is Watchcon 4 in effect in normal peacetime situations, Watchcon 3 is ordered when an important threat exists, and Watchcon 1 is reserved for wartime conditions. The Watchcon system deals only with surveillance preparedness and is separate from the Defense Condition (Defcon) alert system.

Latest intelligence indicates that the North Korean People’s Army (KPA) has completed preparations for multiple missile launches that might include short-range Scuds, medium-range Rodong-1s, and the new intermediate-range BM25 Musudan missiles. No evidence has been uncovered to indicate the Taepodong-2 intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) have been readied for launching.

We are “not at war” but in a readiness state indicating that war is imminent.   And I also have this:

South Korean and US forces have raised their alert status to “vital threat” ahead of an expected North Korean missile test.

The North last week told foreign diplomats in Pyongyang they had until April 10 to consider evacuation, fuelling speculation of a launch between Wednesday and April 15 birthday celebrations for late founder Kim Il-Sung.

It could also coincide with high-profile visits by US Secretary of State John Kerry and NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who will both be in Seoul on Friday.

South Korean Foreign Minister Yun Byung-Se told parliament the launch could take place “anytime” and warned Pyongyang it risked triggering a fresh round of UN sanctions.

South Korean intelligence says the North has prepared two mid-range missiles for imminent launch from its east coast, despite warnings from ally China to avoid provocative moves at a time of soaring military tensions.

On Tuesday the North reiterated a warning that the peninsula was headed for “thermonuclear” war and advised foreigners to consider leaving South Korea.

The South Korea-US Combined Forces Command raised its “Watchcon” status from 3 to 2 to reflect indications of a “vital threat”, Yonhap news agency said, citing a senior military official.

US raises nuclear alert to DEFCON 3. China mobilizes, masses troops on North Korean border

DEBKAfile Special Report April 12, 2013, 8:59 AM (GMT+02:00)

US nuclear alert DEFCON 3
US nuclear alert DEFCON 3

Friday, April 12, the US raised its nuclear alert status to DEFCON 3, Condition Yellow (out of 5 levels), stating “There are currently no imminent nuclear threats against the United States at this time, however the situation is considered fluid and can change rapidly.” Many believe that North Korea will launch their test missile on or about April 15. Japan has instructed its armed forces to shoot down any North Korean missile that heads toward its territory.


The five DEFCONs, their exercise terms, and their general descriptions are shown below.[2][3][5]

Defense condition Exercise term Description Readiness Color
DEFCON 1 COCKED PISTOL[3] Nuclear war is imminent Maximum readiness      White
DEFCON 2 FAST PACE[3] Next step to nuclear war Armed Forces ready to deploy and engage in less than 6 hours      Red
DEFCON 3 ROUND HOUSE[3] Increase in force readiness above that required for normal readiness Air Force ready to mobilize in 15 minutes      Yellow
DEFCON 4 DOUBLE TAKE[3] Increased intelligence watch and strengthened security measures Above normal readiness      Green
DEFCON 5 FADE OUT[3] Lowest state of readiness Normal readiness      Blue

Movies and popular culture often misuse the DEFCON system by “going to DEFCON 5” during a state of emergency.[6] In fact, DEFCON 5 is the lowest state of readiness. The highest state, DEFCON 1, has never been called for.

White House Plans Anti-Gun Twitterbomb

The Patriot Perspective

The White House is asking people to support their call for greater government power via a massive anti-gun twitterbomb.

The White House is using a third-party system called “Thunderclap“. Thunderclap is a system by which people log in with a Twitter or FB account, then decide to share a message, and the system holds their message until a threshold is met.

When the threshold is met, all of their messages are sent at once, creating a “thunderclap” twitterbomb that dominates discussion by effectively generating an artificial viral meme.  It’s very collectivist, and quite sinister to see the White House orchestrating and agitating for greater government power by becoming the puppeteers of an engineered outcry.

With the “now is the time” demands, the White House site is somewhat ominous:

now is the time white house antigun twitterbomb

And there’s this, showing their expected “social reach” and the extent to which the White House intends to…

View original post 221 more words

Live tracking North Korean Satellite

EDIT:  Satellite about to pass over central US.  If they haven’t launched the two missiles off their coast yet, then things are going to be normal the rest of today.
The next pass puts the satellite over Alberta Canada and Washington State, then out to the Pacific….

Things about to go hot…..

This is the tracking of the Korean Satellite.

It is coming over Greenland right now and will travel over the DC area, NYC etc shortly

Next pass in about 90 minutes or so will put it over the center of the USA, Minn, then Nebraska and Kansas.

Optimum location for an EMP strike.

By the way, I am told by several news sources that the two missiles DPRK is choosing to launch are now standing in an upright position and ready for launch….

Wiki entry on the satellite:

Web site for live tracking specific to the KWM3-2:

Common Sense Survival

Read and heed….


When it comes to any type of TEOTWAWKI (The end of the world as we know it) survival situations, there are some common sense survival tactics that everyone should be aware of.

  • Survival requires proper planning, a proper mindset and good gear.
  • Food, water, guns, ammo and other necessary survival gear should be already stocked before a survival situation occurs.
  • Avoid dehydration and starvation at all costs.
  • Have a secure, well stocked, defendable location available.
  • Firearms and knives for defensive purposes are essential.
  • Avoid strange, dangerous areas and strange, dangerous people.
  • Crowds can quickly turn violent and can get you killed.
  • Light and noise discipline when appropriate is essential.
  • People will fight over scant resources.
  • Thugs will try and take what you have.
  • Martial law is always bad.
  • People who thought you were nuts for prepping when times were good will start showing up on  your doorstep when times are bad. 
  • Never show weakness.
  • You…

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