Virginia, Rising

Facebook has a new group.

Virginia, Rising.

The group started a week or two back, and is up to 8000 members suddenly.

The tyrannical Governor’s attacks on the Second Amendment have triggered a response he surely didn’t expect.

Several other states’ citizens have banded together with Virginia in support of the “2A sanctuary counties”.

Everyone is talking about this.

The only thing is this guy’s article I don’t wholly agree with his the idea of Urban Preppers hunkering down in their own cities.  I DO agree they will eventually be over run.  I don’t agree that “Bugging in” is a bad idea though.  But, this is not the purpose of the discussion here.

If you’re not following Virginia, you’d better.

If you’re not supporting Virginia, you’d better.

If you are against the private ownership of guns, you’re on the wrong side of history in America.

Government Corruption Runs Deep

Ladies and Gentlemen, I admit, I wasn’t really “keeping up” with the news the last few months as this “memo” thing began, nor did I pay much attention to the “Russian Collusion” story based solely on the fact I have no television and rarely see much news.

I read things on FB or the Internet and get interested and start digging. It’s how I get all my news. By getting interested in a story and then reading all side of the coin, not just one news agency, ALL OF THEM. Right, Left, Middle, Russian, German, French, makes no difference to me. I READ IT ALL.

After poring over that memo release and all the various news sources associated with it, I have come to a rather scary conclusion. Following are my thoughts only:

1) The memo details a lot of corruption. But, it’s only the surface. There is more to come, a LOT more. Names will get named, and connections will be made.

2) The corruption went all the way up the chain of command back to Obama himself, Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, James Comey and many others.

3) This makes Watergate look like a “speeding ticket”.

4) The Democratic Party is in absolute MELTDOWN right now and you can judge that for yourselves by simply reading the screeching going on just on Facebook. They are self-destructing, and the lies keep coming, in droves.

5) I predict – and I rarely do this because I’m usually wrong – that there will be major protests in the next few weeks over this as more details are revealed. They will turn violent, to the point of destruction, turning over cars, “Antifa” will suddenly reappear, as will the “New Black Panthers” and other “Democrat support groups”… and the violence will get very, very large in major cities.

6) The Civil War is ON. This is no joke any more. It has been on-going now since before the elections (See a previous article I posted about How Civil War Happens) and understand that the violence will be directed at the cities at first, then at Right Wingers, Conservatives, White men and women, and children because they wil use Alinsky tactics to “pick a target, freeze it and attack it”. Mark my works on this.

7) The violence will get worse as the Spring and Summer drag on.

Be prepared. Keep your powder dry. Stock up on food and water and be ready for anything – or nothing at all. But always be Prepared for the worst. If you are a conceal carry license hold (and I don’t care if you are) don’t go OUT without your weapons any more and be trained and prepared to defend yourself. No one else is going to do it for you.

Before long, I’m afraid, we’re going to have to remove the Communists from America and take it back from them.  They’ve had a grip for too long.  It’s time to clean house.

A Year of Hate: 9 Times the Radicalized Left Engaged in Violence in the Trump Era



Killers for Bernie

Seriously, why are people on the Left suddenly batcrap-crazy?  Oh, right, it’s not “suddenly”.

They have been stupid since Sanders lost the nomination.

They were already crazy with “Socialism”… because, and I kid you not, I have heard them say things like “Socialism? Yeah, that’s about being Social”.  Yes, some of them believe Socialism is “Being Social” and “Helping people get money” (from the Rich, apparently).

Actually, truth be told, only a very small percentage of Millennials even have a clue what Socialism actually is, and many of them simply like the term.  They don’t understand that it’s a form of Government that requires all business and production to be RUN by the government.  Nope.  Not. At. All.  (

Now… here’s an even deeper conundrum… How many know what Bernie Sanders truly stands for?  A “Democratic Socialist”?


A favorite tactic employed by leftists is to describe the Nazis as “right wing,” with Adolf Hitler, their leader, as the grand leader of this “right wing” movement. Rewriting history is pretty common for leftists, as their history is littered with injustice (the KKK was founded by Democrats, did you know?). Injustices they claim to fight against today. Awkward. (

Truth is, Hitler was a Social Democrat, technically a “Liberal”.  Liberalism in America is a tiny bit different that it was then, but not significantly so.  How does any of this connect to the title, “Killers for Bernie”?

Easy, the man who shot Congressman Steve Scalise was a Bernie operative, a marxist, with a gun, and with a list of targets for assassination.

The REAL Fascists in this country are the AntiFa people, Bernie Sanders Supporters and the unhinged Hilary Clinton supporters.

NAZI stands for National Socialist German Workers‘ Party. Associate it with Leftists, Marxists, Unions, Thugs, BLM, Soros, Clinton and Obama.  While there aren’t really any Germans involved in the US, there are all those others….and remember this, watch your backs.

72 DHS Employees on Terrorist Watch List

Well, I have a question.  Actually, several questions.

Why are they on the watch list?

If they are on the watch list, why?

If they are on the watch list, why are they working for the DHS?

If they are on the watch list, do they have clearances?  If so, why?

If they are terrorists, connected to terrorism, are Muslim then why haven’t they 1) been fired, 2) had clearances revoked, 3) Named, 4) deported?

If they are Americans, what form of due process was used to place them on a no-fly list?

If they are actually adjudicated then why can they buy guns?

You see, it takes a few questions to get to the meat of the matter but apparently no one is asking questions, are they?  Especially not this President.

Jeh Johnson / AP

BY: Adam Kredo
December 6, 2015 4:12 pm

At least 72 employees at the Department of Homeland Security are listed on the U.S. terrorist watch list, according to a Democratic lawmaker.

Rep. Stephen Lynch (D., Mass.) disclosed that a congressional investigation recently found that at least 72 people working at DHS also “were on the terrorist watch list.”

“Back in August, we did an investigation—the inspector general did—of the Department of Homeland Security, and they had 72 individuals that were on the terrorist watch list that were actually working at the Department of Homeland Security,” Lynch told Boston Public Radio.

“The [former DHS] director had to resign because of that,” he said.

DHS continues to fail inspections aimed at determining the efficiency of its internal safety mechanisms, as well as its efforts to protect the nation.

Lynch referred to a recent report that found the Transportation Security Administration, which is overseen by DHS, failed to stop 95 percent of those who attempted to bring restricted items past airport security.

“We had staffers go into eight different airports to test the department of homeland security screening process at major airports. They had a 95 percent failure rate,” Lynch said. “We had folks—this was a testing exercise, so we had folks going in there with guns on their ankles, and other weapons on their persons, and there was a 95 percent failure rate.”

Lynch said he has “very low confidence” in DHS based on its many failures over the years. For this reason, he voted in favor of recent legislation that will tighten the vetting process for any Syrian refugees applying for asylum in the United States.

“I have very low confidence based on empirical data that we’ve got on the Department of Homeland Security. I think we desperately need another set of eyeballs looking at the vetting process,” he said. “That’s vetting that’s being done at major airports where we have a stationary person coming through a facility, and we’re failing 95 percent of the time.”

“I have even lower confidence that they can conduct the vetting process in places like Jordan, or Belize or on the Syrian border, or in Cairo, or Beirut in any better fashion, especially given the huge volume of applicants we’ve had seeking refugee status,” Lynch said.


Why there is a problem with gun laws

Why do you need to own an ugly black rifle capable of shooting 2-4 rounds per second with the mere pull of a trigger?

Why do you need to be able to buy a thousand rounds?

Why do you NEED high capacity magazines?

I have a better question.  Why do you ask?

Seriously though, when I am asked these questions, sometimes it is difficult getting through to the people who ask.  They are asking the questions rhetorically and do not require, nor even WISH you give an answer.  In fact, they want you to splutter and hem and haw, and feel threatened and guilty.

Why are there gun control laws to begin with?  Why are there people on a no-fly list who can purchase guns?  Why are there people who should be in mental institutions who can purchase weapons?

These are the better questions.

The BEST question though is. if  criminal commits a crime using a gun, say, murder, why isn’t he adjudicated as a murderer and executed? Why aren’t people who are mentally defective put in mental institutions?

So many questions, so few answers, right?


Let’s look at the last questions first.

Because people believe that folks who are mentally deranged shouldn’t be placed in institutions.  Do-gooders for the past hundred years have fought to remove people from mental institutions and indeed, shut down such places.  The same people fought to have “privacy” added to medical records.

Now they wish to reverse this trend.  They would love to know if everyone out there is considered “sane” or not… but it’s not their business any more.

Then, they would like to ask you questions at the doctors office (and I have experienced this personally, so this isn’t some vacuous statement) about your ownership of guns; or whether you have “recently felt like harming yourself or others”.

Let me address the title; no-fly lists.  How does one even get ON a no-fly list?  And why are they on it?  Because they might blow up a plane with a 4 ounce bottle of shampoo?  Or because you spoke out against the US government because you’re dissatisfied with their work ethic?

Both, actually.  If you are a terrorist, you might wish to blow up a plane and perhaps you’ve made it clear, because, for instance you MIGHT belong to Islam.  Islam has made it abundantly clear they wish to kill Americans (and Jews, and Europeans, and Whites, Blacks, Asians, whomever, and wish to do so with impunity… because you’re an INFIDEL).  And you might have made a statement against the US government for their over-reaching, heavy-handed nonsense and you’re questioning their ability to be useful any more.

And with good reason.  You’re an American Citizen questioning the government, because YOU are a watchdog.  YOU are supposed to question the country’s leaders as a dutiful citizen.  Making sure they are doing their job, and doing it for the benefit of the people, and not themselves.

If you’re a terrorist you should BE on a no-fly list, in particular to prevent further training as a terrorist, and secondarily to that to prevent you from blowing up the damned plane.  You should NOT be able to purchase a gun.

If you’re a citizen questioning your government, you should NOT be a no-fly list, no matter which politician, party or group is running the White House this week.  In fact, you should not be on that list, you should NOT be questioned about your questioning, and you SHOULD be allowed to purchase a gun.

Or ten of them.  Or a hundred.

You should not be considered a threat, mentally defective, you should not be considered a person of interest and should be left the hell alone.

In the United States you have a right to your opinion, to express it, Freedom of Speech, Assembly, and to cross state lines and come and go as you please.  No one should be bothering you.

The second you actually commit a crime of course, that all goes out the window.

Now – I’m not going to answer all the above questions.  But I’m going to explain this, carefully for the slow readers out there….

If you are not a criminal (and that includes people who have committed non-capital offenses in the past and have served their time) should not be denied their rights.  They should not be placed on watch lists.  They should not be denied guns, freedom of speech, travel or assembly.

The Progressives in this country (Read: Liberals/Marxists/Communists/Libtards/Democrats and morons) are using words to push their agenda.  They want to be able to place ANYONE on a no-fly, watch list and thereby prevent them from buying, holding, using, storing or otherwise have rights to guns.

In other words, the idea of background checks is to see if someone doesn’t meet a certain criteria;  that criteria will be decided by whome EVER is in charge of the current government, be it GOP, Democrats, Obama, Leftist, Rightist, Libertarian, Marixist, Commie, Pinko or whatever….

Therein lies the problem.

Everyone wants to TRUST the government and it’s time to distrust them with all your hearts.

Our government is supposed to be by the people and for the people; not for themselves, not for profit, not to control us, not to have power.

Do not trust a politician who says they will “ban guns”.  Or implement regulations to “check backgrounds” because quite honestly, who is going to watch the watchers?????

You see, we already have several thousand gun laws on the books, federal, state, local, wish lists and made up stuff that some local “authority” can invoke at their whim.  Those rules, laws, city regulations, county statutes are all there for one thing.  To prevent you and me from having a normal, healthy, happy life pursuing whatever business we like, go where we wish and drink the beer we like.

You see my friends gun control isn’t about guns.

It’s about control.

No-fly lists are great if you’re preventing terrorists.  Not so good if you’re preventing granny or grandpa from boarding a plane to go home for Christmas.  Or stopping Joe Blow because he happens to have expressed dissatisfaction with a government policy of allowing in random illegal immigrants (who didn’t go through normal regulations and procedures to get into the country).

Our country is under siege.  Siege from illegals, from terrorists, from people who want to “change” our country to something it is not, and was never intended to be.

We are here to prevent the latter, more than anything.  And we will do so.

No more gun laws will be enacted.

No more “refugees” will be let in, or they will be run out.

NO more Obamas in office.  No more Clintons in office.  They had their day. And have ruined our country.

If you don’t like guns, by God move someplace where guns are already illegal.  If you don’t like the idea this is a Capitalist country, move to a Communist country.  I was here first, and my country was the way it was before you tried to screw it up.  If you don’t like the fact you can’t get some rich guys money split up amongst all your homies… then homie, move the fuck out of my country and leave the guys alone that have the money.

Those guys create jobs.  Or maybe you should just get a job?

The greatest problem with gun control is that anyone can be placed on a list, adjudicated as mentally defective and prevented from exercising their rights.

Obama, Hillary Toying With ‘Civil War’ Over Gun Confiscation


by AWR Hawkins2 Nov 20158,245

On November 2, The Daily Beast pointed to recent statements from President Obama and Hillary Clinton regarding the implementation of Australian-style gun confiscation and suggested “civil war could erupt on American soil” if any administration actually tried to confiscate privately owned firearms.

The Daily Beast theoretically agreed that “confiscation on a massive scale” may be “the only way to solve American gun violence,” but they pointed out that it was not realistic and suggested Hillary risks causing irreparable divisions by talking about confiscation then mocking gun owners as conspiracy theorists waiting for “black helicopters” to come take their guns away.

According to The Daily Beast, confiscation was workable in Australia because there was no Second Amendment and the government only had to take 650,000 guns. That is a far cry from the “350 million” believed to be in Americans’ hands.

Yes, “350 million.”

But even more important than the number of guns is the depth of American “devotion” to them. And The Daily Beast observes that it is this devotion–this dedication to the philosophy and tradition underlying the right to keep and bear arms–that turns the mere mention of confiscation into something that could literally rip the country apart.

The Daily Beast put it thus, “The prospect of confiscation—as much as it might, theoretically, reduce drastically or even eliminate gun crime altogether—is simply impossible in the United States.” They pointed to statements by Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson, who stressed that Jews could have curtailed the Holocaust had they retained their guns. The Daily Beast suggests Carson hit on something “Second Amendment enthusiasts are fond of arguing,” namely, “that gun rights are enshrined in the Constitution not only for the sake of hunters or people who want to protect their homes and businesses from criminals, but also to allow the population to resist an overreaching government.”

Breitbart News previously reported that Founding Father James Madison used Federalist 46 to make that very point–that armed citizens could band together and resist their government, should it tend toward tyranny. And he pointed out that this demonstrated American exceptionalism inasmuch as citizens of other nations, lacking arms, also lacked the ability to resist.

The Daily Beast addressed the way Hillary mentioned confiscation only later to mock gun owners for fearing the government might come after their guns:

Clinton can joke all she likes about Americans fearing “black helicopters” taking their guns away, but it is no exaggeration to suggest that civil war could erupt on American soil were the U.S. government to attempt anything remotely resembling what was done in Australia.

The column in The Daily Beast is aptly titled, “Yes, They Want to Take Your Guns Away.”

Follow AWR Hawkins on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at…-confiscation/

Wake Up Call about Islam

Read this piece by Matt Bracken and wake up.


Bracken: The Islamic Jihad Conquest Formula

Posted on August 20, 2014 | 75 Comments

The Islamic Jihad Conquest Formula

By Matthew Bracken
August, 2014

Mohammed’s unchanging formula for conquest is time-proven; variations were also used in history by the invading Mongol hordes among others. Emissaries ride forward of their advancing armies, offering to spare the lives of the targeted population in return for their unconditional surrender and explicit submission to their new rulers. In the Islamic context this submission is exemplified by the fresh converts repeating the Shahada prayer before Muslim witnesses.

There is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is his messenger.

The Shahada prayer is the first of the Five Pillars of Islam. The Shahada prayer is also what is written on the black battle flags of Islamic jihad. Along with Allahu Akbar—our God is greatest—the Shahada is the battle cry of advancing Islamic armies. In fact, the very word Islam means submission, and not peace, as it is often intentionally mistranslated by duplicitous Muslims practicing taqiya, or sanctified lying for the cause of advancing the spread of Islam.

It’s purposefully made very easy for a town or a city to submit and convert to Islam. But the entire city must surrender without posing any resistance at all. In the event of any violent or even physical resistance, a new formula applies: the Islamic jihad conquest formula. From the time of Mohammed until today—as we are seeing in the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq—the formula has not changed.

1. During the battle and immediately afterward, there is a period of unbelievable savagery and wanton hyperviolence.

Any of the defeated population from infants to grandmothers may be subjected to the most extreme cruelty, including beheading with knives or swords, crucifixion, being burned or buried alive, or thrown down wells or off cliffs or high walls. During this period, women, girls and boys are routinely gang-raped by frenzied jihadists, to the point that survivors almost always suffer lifelong crippling internal and external injuries. Suicide among the survivors of these savage gang rapes is common. The Christian and Zahidi girls and boys in Northern Iraq are only the most recent victims of this traditional Muslim depraved cruelty.

Those who survive until the victorious jihadists have consolidated their hold and sated their blood-lusts are the fortunate ones. They may have caught a potential protector’s eye, or hidden themselves until the jihadists’ most bloodthirsty passions have subsided. No jihadists will ever be called to account by Muslim jihad leaders for their atrocities committed during the battle and victory consolidation phase.

For the first time in history, today we are seeing what the previous millions of victims of Muslim conquests have experienced for 1,400 years. The recent beheadings and crucifixions in Syria and Iraq are not new or novel. What is new and novel is that today these Muslim jihad atrocities are being filmed and transmitted for the purpose of spreading the propaganda of Islamic State terror, to encourage their next intended targets to submit and surrender without resistance.

2. Captured men will be beheaded, shot or enslaved.

Following a fresh conquest, when the defeated men are tied up, imprisoned, or held under the barrels of Muslim guns, they may either be murdered or enslaved. Their fate depends upon the tactical situation and the best advantage as perceived by the victors. If the Muslim victory is thought to be temporary, the jihadists will immediately murder all of the men and boys over the age of twelve, eliminating them as future threats. They may be beheaded if there is sufficient time, otherwise they will be shot in ditches as we have recently seen in Iraq. The heads of the decapitated will be stuck on poles, fences or walls as a gruesome public warning against further resistance by the living.

If the latest jihad victory is thought to be secure and slave labor is desired, the captured men and boys will be fettered in chains and put to work under conditions similar to those experienced by slave laborers under the Nazis during World War Two. They may be fed or starved at the sole discretion of their new overlords. They may be worked fifteen or more hours a day, every day, in all weather and climates with no shoes, gloves, coats or hats. Often they will be both starved and overworked to the extent that a significant percentage of them will perish every month. When these wretched slaves are too weak to haul boulders or dig trenches, they may be executed at the sole discretion of their overlords. No discipline will ever be meted out for starving, beating or killing “infidel” slave laborers.

3. Women and teenage girls will be kidnapped as sex-slaves, to be sold at auction to the highest bidders.

The prettier young women and girls will be fortunate to become the concubine of one powerful man. The plainer women and girls will be sold as house or field slaves, doing fifteen or more hours of hard work every remaining day of their lives: hauling water, cleaning floors, cooking and so on. They may be raped, starved, beaten or killed at the whim of their owners. They may be subjected to forced female genital mutilation—the razor-blade excision of their clitoris and other horrors—depending on the whims of their new masters. No discipline will ever be applied to their masters. They are chattel property with no rights at all.

4. Children younger than twelve will be kidnapped and raised under Sharia law by the very men who murdered or enslaved their parents.

Girls may be assigned to the victors or sold off as future house slaves, beginning their arduous life of toil as soon as they are able to gather firewood or haul water, often by the age of seven or eight. Young girls showing the promise of becoming pretty teenagers may be assigned to harems for sex-slave indoctrination. At the whim of their owners, the luckiest might even be adopted and raised as family members. From starvation, beatings and overwork, to being assigned to a harem as a sex-slave, to being adopted and raised in some comfort, the relative misery of the kidnapped and enslaved girls will be entirely up to their new masters.

The young kidnapped boys will be sent to madrasa schools to memorize the Koran by repetitiously chanting it, in order to become fully brainwashed Islamic killer zombies as adults. Perhaps most perversely cruel, in time they may join with the murderers and enslavers of their very own forgotten parents, while engaged upon new missions of Islamic jihad conquest. Black slave boys from sub-Saharan Africa will routinely be castrated, turning them into placid adult eunuch slaves.

5. Conquered property will be looted as legitimate war booty.

Buildings and homes will be occupied by the victorious jihadists after the murder or enslavement of their former owners. Any moveable property will be stolen by the victors. Concealed money, jewelry or other valuables will be found by serially torturing family members until someone breaks and reveals the hiding place. This looting, like the rape and murder of enemies in battle, is fully sanctioned by Mohammed’s Sharia Law. This is nothing more than the worst kind of piracy codified into practice and called a “religion.”

It is worth noting that before Mohammed descended into the desert cave to hear the messages of Allah, he was an actual desert pirate, falling upon caravans and plundering them—after beheading the men, and raping and enslaving the women. He later applied the same formula to conquer the Arabian deserts in the name of Allah. If it was good enough for Mohammed, Islam’s perfect man, then it is good enough for any believing Muslim, then, now or in the future. Thus the Islamic jihad conquest formula is unchangeable and Islam can never be reformed. Would-be reformers are beheaded as apostates to true Koranic Islam.

6. The promised Islamic reward for dying in jihad is a perpetual orgy in “paradise” with 72 virgins.

For impoverished Muslim men with little hope of finding a women to marry during their earthly lives, this is a strong inducement to engage in violent jihad. If they are victorious in jihad, they might capture, rape and enslave actual living, breathing infidel girls (and boys). If they die while engaging in jihad, they are vaulted to the front of the line into paradise, and immediately obtain their 72 virgins. This is why suicide bombers often rush toward their “infidel” enemies to blow themselves up:
they are convinced that their perpetual orgy will begin the instant after their self-detonation. The Islamic promise of 72 virgins in “paradise” means that jihad is a win-win proposition for a fervent Muslim man. They may well enjoy their jihad rape-fest in this world, but if not, they will enjoy it in the next world immediately following their violent jihad deaths.

7. The Black Flag of Jihad has been the battle flag of Islam from the time of Mohammed until today.

The Saudi Arabian flag also carries the Shahada prayer, but on a green field, indicating that the home of Mecca is part of the Dar al Islam, or House of Submission. Outside of nations living under Sharia Law, in the Dar al Harb, or House of War, Muslims fly the Black Flag of Jihad to indicate their clear intention to violently force that country to submit to Islam.

Islam began with a cruel desert pirate named Mohammed, and it soon took to the seas. In the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Flag of Jihad was simplified to show only a scimitar sword or an arm holding a scimitar, indicating to the crew of the “infidel” ship being attacked their simple choice: surrender and submit to Islam, or face beheading at worst, or enslavement at best.

During the Corsair era, lasting into the 19th Century, many captured Europeans chose to convert to Islam by repeating the Shahada prayer, rather than to be killed or enslaved. Many of these “renegade” Europeans even signed on as crew aboard Muslim pirate vessels, some even rising to the rank of corsair captain. Islam is always welcoming of converts, and under Islam what we call piracy is fully sanctioned as “sea jihad.” Some of these European converts-of-convenience to Islam later escaped and took up piracy on their own accounts. The Black Flag of Jihad was the origin of the familiar non-Muslim black pirate flags, borrowing its fearsome reputation to cow and terrorize targeted ships into surrendering without resistance.

Simply put, the Black Flag of Jihad is the black pirate flag of an evil pirate “religion.”

8. The lure of capturing male and female slaves and obtaining other forms of loot and plunder is the Islamic jihad conquest formula.

Average men in polygamous Muslim societies have little hope of obtaining a wife, not when the wealthy and powerful already have several wives apiece. Jihad offers ordinary Muslims a chance to obtain wives or sex-slave concubines by force in battle, or 72 virgins in the afterlife. Jihad also offers poor Muslims a chance to obtain a home and other forms of wealth by force, as we are seeing today in Iraq.

Unlike Christianity with its Golden Rule, Islam has always appealed to the worst desires of evil men, and the most ruthlessly evil men, like its originator Mohammed, are its greatest beneficiaries. Normal human beings ask the question: what kind of a sick and twisted so-called “religion” promises its highest rewards in exchange for engaging in organized looting, mass murder, mass rape, torture and slavery in the name of its god? Only Islam, which has been an insane rape and murder cult since Mohammed crawled out of the bat cave and barked at the crescent moon.

Moses and Jesus are reported to have climbed to the tops of high mountains to communicate with God. Just who was whispering the gospel of plunder, rape and murder into Mohammed’s ear, deep under the surface of the earth in that dark Saudi Arabian cave?

Who taught Mohammed the Islamic jihad conquest formula?

UPDATE 2245 EDT 20 AUG 2014: Bracken sends this addendum:

This was a good question on the Free Republic thread about my essay,“The Islamic Jihad Conquest Formula.” The question and my answer should be included as an afterword to the essay.

Q: The case has been made, even by some conservatives, that the Moorish period in Spain was a golden period. Jews and Christians were treated with tolerance, but the Spanish people that pushed out the Moors, treated them with contempt and intolerance. I wonder, is this revisionism, or is there some truth to it?

A. Under Islam there have been varying high and low periods, also varying from place to place. For example, under the rule of Sultan Mulay Ismail in 18th Century Morocco, the hard labor was all done by black and white slaves who perished in droves in extreme misery, under conditions like those experienced by Jews under the Nazis. He was a Hitler who survived as absolute ruler for more than 60 years. Great miles-long palaces were built on the bones of slave labor.

Or an absolute ruler might turn out to be a gem, an enlightened gentleman for the age, yes, that happened and the hard edge of Sharia was sometimes blunted. But always and every time, in every century, the end of a ruler meant the high chance of a bloodbath, and the next ruler could be a blood brother of Mohammed, or al Queda, or IS.

It is always a danger that this 7th Century fanaticism will break out, it has happened over and over through history. Islam cannot have a reformation that “sticks” beyond an enlightened ruler or two, because there are always determined mullahs of the Khomeini or Bagdadi stripe ready to grab power as the new Sultan or even Caliph. Bagdadi is merely the latest in a long line. Eruptions of 7th Century fervor are always a risk in Islam.

I’ll give you a real world example. Morocco is presently very politely Westernized, insofar as any Muslim country can be. The hip young king even married a red-headed Berber wife who looks like Maureen O’Sullivan, God help me. She appears with him in Western dresses with flowing tresses. He is making a point. One wife, hair out, shoulders in dress like Paris. It is a signal, one of many.

Surfers from Europe flock to Moroccan wavs, tourists flock along the promenades. European bathing suits and customs are tolerated along the beach strips. You can buy wine and beer at shops run by Christians, near the beaches.

But brother, it could turn on a dime, and the enlightened king can beheaded and replaced by a spiritual brother of Bagdadi, swearing allegiance to the new IS caliphate. Don’t rule it out, ever.

Every century or two there is a new self-proclaimed Mahdi. Bagdadi is calling himself the Caliph, and all must swear loyalty to him. The black flag with the white ball logo is his personal mark, to distinguish it from generic Al Queda or Hamas black flag with the shahada all on one line.

Islam is unreformable. Its blueprint always gives a handle to maniacs who can recruit armies of brainwashed killer zombie mutant humanoids.

US Government “Shut Down” 2013

Good morning all.

I’m sitting at a military installation.  For the record it is being passed on the news that literally several thousand at the various bases in my region have been furloughed.

Now – looking around me, I can tell you this is kind of bullshit.  A whole lot of government people are at work.

This morning NOAA shut down their web sites.  Web sites don’t require a hell of a lot of work – except updating the data on them, so why shut it down?  A large portion of the people working for ALL government agencies are Contractors.

In our case, I’m a contractor, money has been allocated already (for awhile, we could be furloughed soon too though).

In the case of NOAA most of the weather people doing updates are contractors.

So shutting down sites is a childish thing the President has ordered.

Yesterday monuments in DC were closed.  Today a lot of parks are closed… even if they have roads passing through, the ROADS ARE CLOSED.  Childish.

The White House hasn’t been reopened since sequestration… childish.

Do I care if the government “shuts down”?  Not really.

All those “economic problems” because “caused” by this are more bullshit problems.  They aren’t getting their check on payday – but you can bet your ass they will get their back pay.  No one is going to stop spending money because the government has shut down.

Funny…. though, Obamacare hasn’t shut down.  It launches the day the government shuts down and it’s being funded.


There is a (slight) possibility that if this continues for weeks there will be some “crashes”.  EBT cards won’t get funded soon enough and a lot of government agencies will simply stop working.  This means that there will be some ripples, but how bad those ripples becomes is anyone’s guess right now.

I honestly see the GOP caving in shortly because they are getting the majority of the blame, even though it is Harry Reid and the Senate really stopping this.

Yesterday they funded the military, but refused to fund the VA.  Congress will get paid no matter what, because it’s written into the constitution they will get paid.

Basically this is a “Fund my stuff, but not your stuff” kind of fight.  The country as a whole doesn’t want Obamacare.  A few people want it.  Liberals assholes who want others to pay for their problems.

I have a job, I have health care – I’m expecting it to increase drastically to the point I will tell them “I don’t want it”.  And I’ll take the “fine” and I won’t pay that either.  Pretty soon, I will have ZERO INCOME and how cool will that be?  I can’t really be fined if I have no money right?  Whatever.

To hell with the government, Obama, the Democrats, the GOP – all of them.  They are a bunch of lying assholes who want to control every aspect of our lives in America.  They want most of our money we make (so they can waste it), they want to control where we can go, when we can go, how much we can save or not save, they want to control OUR HEALTH, they want to control what we eat, read, drink, own, where we live, how we live and whether we live or die.

Not only is it TIME to shut this government down, it’s time to remove these assholes from office.



Wag the Dog?

Is this entire Syrian issue with Chemical Weapons a cover up?

Seriously, Obama, almost a year ago stated what “the red line” was.

A year later – well in August it turns out that chemical weapons were used.  And they were used BEFORE that apparently and we did nothing.  Now we MUST do something?

What happened to the 27 or 30 scandals?  Oh, yeah, they aren’t in the news suddenly are they?

Benghazi is being ignored by the media. Deaths of Navy Seals, ignored.  The IRS scandal, ignored.  The NSA spying, ignored.  Project Gun walker and Fast and Furious, completely forgotten now… Obama has lied time and again to the American public.  Kerry has lied, over and over.  Hillary Clinton lied.  The IRS Director lied.  Eric Holder lied.

Or is this something worse, a method by which the asshole-in-chief manages to bring us to the brink of a nuclear war with Russia just so he and Putin can make nice-nice on the sidelines and “fix” the whole world, bring “peace in our time” or make himself appear to be larger than life?

What if this is all a giant hoax perpetrated by Obama and his puppet masters?

What if…..

Break time

Needed a break from everything.  Took a few days off.  Went “fishing” for a few days.  Caught a few…. oh… “fish”.

Anyway, been tracking Syria, the Russians, and the rest of the world political climate on the side, but keeping my comments limited.

Contrary to some of my friends who seem to believe the Russians are the good guys here I have to say they are certainly poking and prodding to awaken a sleeping Eagle.  At the same time, Obama is acting like a complete buffoon.  Obama IS a Buffoon.  He’s an asshat and a clown.  Some how he believes he has the right to launch a new war against someone in the Middle East.  We’re tired of this shit and he needs to bring home our boys and girls and let them rest.

Facing off with the Russians is about as stupid a thing as he could do.

Invoking the War Powers Act is about as unconstitutional as he could do.  He is asking Congress to back him.  He hasn’t called Congress home so he is apparently in no hurry to cause a nuclear war.

And, please make no mistake about this, if we launch attacks against Syria, who happens to have Russia as an Ally Russia isn’t going to sit on their asses and do nothing.  Now a lot of military personnel, and non-military personnel alike out there will argue the Russians can’t possibly stand up to the United States Military and ordinarily I’d agree.  But the truth is the Russians and United States alike still have Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICMBs) armed with from 2-20 megaton warheads.  Both countries can drop a warhead with pinpoint accuracy and we all know that.

No, their tanks can’t stand up to ours.  Their military, as well trained and large as it is isn’t a match for ours.

But this isn’t completely about the Russians invading American Soil (or us doing the same to them).  This is about Obama pressing Putin into a corner on Syria over might-be-chemical-weapons (and I’m not expert, but I’m both aware and cognizant of what Sarin nerve agents, or most nerve agents do to victims, and have seen videos of those who were affected by the chemical attack).

Currently, the Russians have around eighty armed vessels off the coast of Syria, including it appears two destroyers and at least one air craft carrier.

The US has sent a number of ships and the USS Nimitz is moving into place with a full carrier group.  I won’t post troop movements here though, ever…. but I’ll point out we’re not on equal terms right now.

What the US and Russia are doing is playing Russian Roulette.  One well placed nuke will take out most of the carrier group.  One accidental shot across the wrong bow, at the wrong building (containing Russian citizens or troops) and its on like Donkey Kong.

I have “high confidence” we can “take” the Russians.  But this, again, isn’t about our military.  This is about the innocent people who will be caught up in the ensuing nuclear strife.  Do I honestly think they will lob nukes at us?  Yes, the Russians are NOT our friends, never have been our friends.  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t dislike the Russia people.  I dislike the Communism they hold so dear, the deaths of millions because of Communism in the 19th and 20th centuries and I hate the fact that Putin is a former KGB bad boy who tries to look like a Russian James Bond on television.  He’s certainly more “manly” than Obama though, and I think that is what makes the girls make puddles in their panties.  And half the American “metrosexual” males, and maybe a good portion of the US military today.

The truth is, I don’t trust our own government to protect our own people against a nuclear war.  In fact, I’m 100% certain the ONLY people protected will be the “Elites” in Congress, the White House and a few special “governors” around the country.  I’m 100% certain that people like me, with a home in striking distant of any of several military installations will die in the first salvo rendering me useless to our own American fighting forces (the people of this country).  Along with me, thousands or millions would die in my area alone.  The whole region would be rendered useless to America, no more farming to the East, no military personnel here, no machines, no assets, no satellite control.  Well, you get the bleakness of the picture and I don’t need to beat a dead horse.

Sure, some of you will severely disagree with me, and say how we won’t get into a nuclear weapon throwing contest.  But, are you really that sure?

Basically, this is a clarion call to American Patriots around the country.  Be ready for the worst.  Be prepared.  When the shit hits the fan, we’re on our own.  There won’t be a government to help anyone, there won’t be a military force in place to protect American Citizens.  Martial Law will be declared and you’ll be told to stay home and pretty much die alone.

The time is at hand…. Congress isn’t even in session and we’re going to see something happen, soon.  I believe it won’t be what we expect at all.

Tom Coburn happy he doesn’t have to impeach Obama

The Republican Senator, Tom Coburn said President Obama is moving “perilously close” to impeachment, Sen. Tom Coburn told a town hall crowd this week, two reports said Thursday.

However, he stated he is a “friend” to the President and further went on to say:

“That’s not something you take lightly, and you have to use a historical precedent of what that means,” he said. “I think there’s some intended violation of the law in this administration, but I also think there’s a ton of incompetence, of people who are making decisions.

“I believe [an impeachment charge] needs to be evaluated and determined, but thank goodness it doesn’t have to happen in the Senate until they’ve brought charges in the House,” Coburn said. “Those are serious things, but we’re in a serious time. I don’t have the legal background to know if that rises to high crimes and misdemeanor, but I think they’re getting perilously close.”


Really, Senator?  Thank “Goodness” you don’t have to “deal” with it?  Let someone ELSE “deal with it”?

Senator, you’re not a man, you’re a coward.  If you had the intestinal fortitude to follow through you’d be working with House members to arrange exactly what you’re talking about, IMPEACHMENT – and the eventual removal of this criminal from the Office of the President.

America has gone over the edge and you are sitting in the People’s building being HAPPY you don’t have to DO anything over Benghazi, over Ft. Hood Massacre (It was a bloody TERRORIST ATTACK).  We are going to let Obama NOT take the blame for NSA, the IRS, the DOJ (I’m not going to name all the scandals here, but suffice it to say they were ALL CRIMES!)

Get off your lazy ass and get going on removing this criminal from office before American burns.

Every, single tag and category attached to this blog post had a crime committed against America – from the President speaking out AGAINST Zimmerman and FOR gun control, to Benghazi, to the IRS (which is being ignored) to the NSA (also being ignored) to the “sequestration” and loss of food for wounded warriors at Walter Reed while Gays are being given free leave to go marry their partners in other states.

Give Americans a break, Senator and kick this bastard out of OUR HOUSE – before we do it.


Impeach Obama!

That’s all…  Just impeach the bastard.  Over Benghazi. Over IRS.  Over NSA.  Over all the scandals.  Over all the lies.  Impeach the man.

America needs to be repaired.

Sovereign Citizens Murder Plot: Devon Campbell and Devin Brutsche charged with plotting to kill Vegas police

Interesting turn of events…..

Devon Campbell Newman (left) Devin Allen Brutsche (right)

/ Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department via CBS affiliate KLAS

(CBS/AP) LAS VEGAS – A couple spent hundreds of hours over four months plotting to abduct, torture and kill Las Vegas police officers as a way to attract attention to their anti-authority “sovereign citizens” movement, police said.David Allen Brutsche and Devon Campbell Newman attended training sessions about sovereign citizen philosophy, shopped for guns, found a vacant house and rigged it to bind captives to cross beams during interrogation, and recorded videos to explain their actions and why officers had to die.

The movement they were intending to promote does not follow U.S. laws.

At every step, police said Thursday, an undercover officer was with them, documenting and recording the alleged plot.


IRS targeting small businesses

With “nanny letters”….


Critics question IRS initiative targeting small businesses

Published August 10, 2013
Small business owners across the country are receiving letters from the IRS questioning if they are reporting all of their cash income, in a new push by the agency some are saying could unnecessarily create fear in the small business community.

The Wall Street Journal reports the initiative is an attempt to respond to what the agency feels is a widespread failure by small businesses to report all their cash sales.

The agency says the letters are not the same as an audit, and it is simply seeking more tax information from the businesses. However, some lawmakers and business owners who received the letters say the initiative is alarming.

“There’s an emotional thing when you get a pretty ominous-looking letter from the IRS, [saying] you might have done some bad things,” small business owner Tom Reese tells the Wall Street Journal. “I really work hard with my accountant to make sure that I not only follow the law, but follow the letter of the law.”

One letter the IRS sent is headlined, “Notification of Possible Income Underreporting.”  It notifies the business owner “your gross receipts may be underreported” and says they must complete a form “to explain why the portion of your gross receipts from non-card payments appears unusually low.”

One lawmaker says the letter’s tone implies wrongdoing from the start.

“The letter implies that this is a serious matter that could lead to assessments of additional tax, penalties and interest,” says a letter sent to the IRS Friday by Rep. Sam Graves, R-Mo., chairman of the House Small Business Committee.

Though the IRS has only sent letters to small percentage of businesses so far, around 20,000 of the estimated millions in the U.S., the agency says they hope to expand the program in the coming months.

Homeland Security loses track of 1 million foreigners; report could hurt immigration deal

I forget… what do we pay these guys to do again? Oh, right, to keep track of visitors, and to know when they come and go….


This is just the ones they KNOW came in and can’t prove they left.  What about those that sneaked in and didn’t leave?  The ones they don’t even KNOW about?

The Homeland Security Department has lost track of more than 1 million people who it knows arrived in the U.S. but who it cannot prove left the country, according to an audit Tuesday that also found the department probably won’t meet its own goals for deploying an entry-exit system.

The findings were revealed as Congress debates an immigration bill, and the Government Accountability Office’s report could throw up another hurdle because lawmakers in the House and Senate have said that any final deal must include a workable system to track entries and exits and cut down on so-called visa overstays.

The government does track arrivals, but is years overdue in setting up a system to track departures — a goal set in a 1996 immigration law and reaffirmed in 2004, but which has eluded Republican and Democratic administrations.

“DHS has not yet fulfilled the 2004 statutory requirement to implement a biometric exit capability, but has planning efforts under way to report to Congress in time for the fiscal year 2016 budget cycle on the costs and benefits of such a capability at airports and seaports,” GAO investigators wrote.

Outside business groups and Republican donors are trying to breathe life into the push for getting an immigration bill through Congress this year.

Nearly 100 top donors and former party officials signed a letter Tuesday pleading with House Republicans to pass a bill legalizing illegal immigrants, saying it could open the door to earning immigrants’ political support.

“Doing nothing is de facto amnesty. We need to take control of whom we let in our country and we need to make sure everybody plays by the same rules,” the donors said in their letter.

They aimed their pitch at House Republicans, who are trying to figure out a way forward and find themselves trapped between rank-and-file Republican voters who say legalizing illegal immigrants is an amnesty, and the party’s elites and donors who say the party cannot survive nationally without embracing legalization as part of a strategy to win over Hispanic voters.

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UN Planning World Wide confiscation of Weapons




Apparently the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs has released a new letter.

If anyone in America THINKS they are going to take our weapons, they have another THINK coming.  In the form of hot lead.  Do NOT let the Leftists in the United States kid you one little bit.  They want your complete and utter subjugation and will stop at nothing to get it.

We ARE at war over this.  The first shots were fired in Sandy Hook, lest anyone forget this.  There are plenty of reasons to believe that was a set up.  To date, no one has proved beyond a shadow of doubt that the shooter was Lanza.  No one. 

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Watch: Marine Colonel Warns: “Homeland Security is Pre-Staging Gear and Equipment”

Mac Slavo
August 15th, 2013

We live in a seemingly free country, so we’re told. But that may be because the majority of us have never spent time in a war zone or highly secured police state-like environment.

Few of us understand what it looks like when military and state intelligence assets take over.

Those who do understand, and have themselves implemented such plans in other countries, see exactly what’s going on and they are sounding the alarm (often falling on deaf ears).

In Concord, New Hampshire the local police chief has filed a requisition with the Department of Homeland Security to beef up his police force with a Ballistic Engineered Armored Response Counter Attack Truck to quell any disturbances initiated by activists or other potential domestic terrorists. In response, the residents held a city council meeting, prompting a retired Marine Colonel to weigh in.

He was formerly a coordinator tasked with manning, training and equipping the Iraqi Army throughout the northern provinces, and he candidly shares his insights and compares the nationwide lock-down in Iraq to what’s happening right here at home.

This is coming from someone who knows – someone who has seen exactly how a population is put under control by means of surveillance and force – and he suggests that what they did in Iraq is child’s play compared to what’s happening in the Land of the Free today.

My job was to man, train and equip the Iraqi Army in Al Anbar, Najaf, Karbala and the northern provinces… We did everything we could to make it as strong as possible.

I’ll tell you right now, homeland security would kick their butts in a week.

What’s happening here is we’re building a domestic military, because it’s unlawful…unconstitutional to use American troops on American soil. So, what we’re doing is we’re building a military.

The way we do things in the military is called task organization. You take a command and then you attach units to it in order to accomplish the mission.

What’s happening is Homeland Security is pre-staging gear and equipment… what they’re trying to do is use standardized vehicles, standardized equipment. 

I saw a picture of the Marathon bombing and there were two officers – they both had identical helmets, flack jackets, weapons… everything I wore in Iraq.

Boston-Manhunt-0413-de(Pictured: Domestic Police Force sweeps the streets of Boston after Marathon Bombing)

What we’re doing here – let’s not kid about it – we’re building a domestic army and we’re shrinking the military because the government is afraid of its own citizens.

I don’t know where we’re going to use this many vehicles and this many troops.

I can’t believe people aren’t seeing it. Is everybody blind?

(Video via Activist Post / Daily Sheeple)
(Watch at Youtube)

While Americans go about their daily activities- sipping their $4 morning coffees, sharing their pictures on social media sites, talking about the latest draft prospects at the water cooler, and focusing their efforts on acquiring the latest and greatest mobile devices – a sinister government is hard at work behind the scenes to ensure complete access to every detail of our lives, as well as the heavy-handed means to control us should we step out of line.

America, according to Janet Napolitano’s Department of Homeland Security and the various forms of  ”secret” legislation passed by Congress, is now a domestic war zone, so it only makes sense that local police forces, in an effort to sidestep the restrictions set forth by the U.S. Constitution, are being heavily militarized to fight the new threat.

As noted by one DHS Insider, “it has already begun – you’re seeing it now.”

You are the target and millions of government personnel have been tasked with making sure you don’t step out of line by using any means necessary.
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NSA broke privacy rules ‘thousands of times each year,’ report says

(CNN) — The National Security Agency broke privacy rules “thousands of times each year” since 2008, The Washington Post reported, citing an internal audit and other documents.

NSA leaker Edward Snowden — whose ongoing leaks have riled the Obama administration and intelligence community — provided material to the newspaper earlier this summer.

The May 2012 audit found 2,776 incidents of “unauthorized collection, storage, access to or distribution of legally protected communications” in the preceding 12 months, the Post reported in its story Thursday.

“Most were unintended. Many involved failures of due diligence or violations of standard operating procedure,” said the Post article by reporter Barton Gellman. “The most serious incidents included a violation of a court order and unauthorized use of data about more than 3,000 Americans and green-card holders.”

The paper said most incidents involved unauthorized surveillance of Americans or foreign intelligence targets in the country.

Impeachment Articles Against Obama filed!

Check out this article:

Black American citizens file “Articles of Impeachment” against Obama

Florida based NBRA initiates effort to impeach

August 13, 2013
by Dr. Richard Swier

The National Black Republican Association (NBRA) based in Sarasota, FL, headed by Chairman Frances Rice, filed Articles of Impeachment against President Barack Obama with the following language:

We, black American citizens, in order to free ourselves and our fellow citizens from governmental tyranny, do herewith submit these Articles of Impeachment to Congress for the removal of President Barack H. Obama, aka, Barry Soetoro, from office for his attack on liberty and commission of egregious acts of despotism that constitute high crimes and misdemeanors.

On July 4, 1776, the founders of our nation declared their independence from governmental tyranny and reaffirmed their faith in independence with the ratification of the Bill of Rights in 1791.  Asserting their right to break free from the tyranny of a nation that denied them the civil liberties that are our birthright, the founders declared:


Read more at the link above.


There is only one way to stop Hillary Clinton

Tuesday, August 13, 2013 3:25

By Lawrence Sellin

If current political trends continue, there are two inescapable outcomes: Hillary Clinton will be elected President in 2016 and, by the end of her eight years in office, the United States will no longer exist.

The Democrat electoral juggernaut cannot be stopped for two reasons.

First, the Democrats seem to have perfected the art of voter fraud and it may now be considered an integral component of their national campaign strategy. The results of the 2012 election suggest that massive voter fraud is not required. Selective alteration of the count in specific precincts of large swing states such as Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida would be enough. That might help explain why Democrats, especially Hillary Clinton are vehemently opposed to voter ID requirements.

In parallel, the mainstream media will censor or manipulate the news in order to promote Hillary’s political ambitions, even at the expense of their own journalistic integrity and the well-being of the country.

Additional factors that will contribute to a permanent Democrat majority and a one-party state are the amnesty and the voting rights that will soon be given to 11 million or more illegal aliens.

The extent of corruption in the federal government and our political system is no longer compatible with liberty. Unless there is a significant reversal soon, it is only a matter of time that a catastrophe will be upon us, which will inexorably lead to national collapse and fragmentation.

The Republican Party can no longer be considered a political vehicle capable of providing effective opposition to the far-left policies of the Democrat Party and the propaganda of the establishment media. It too has become a party of big government, which is unresponsive and unaccountable to its constituency.

As a recent example of the tyrannical approach and abuse of power practiced by the political elite, the Republicans have joined with the Democrats to force Obamacare on the American people while at the same time exempting themselves.

In “The Discources” (1517), Niccoló Machiavelli wrote:



Judge Rules NYPD Stop-and-Frisk Practice Violates Rights

  • Updated August 12, 2013, 3:48 p.m. ET

A federal judge ordered an independent monitor to oversee changes to the New York City Police Department’s stop-and-frisk practice after ruling the polarizing policy violated the U.S. Constitution.

In a ruling released Monday morning, three months after hearing nine weeks of testimony in a class-action lawsuit challenging the policy, U.S. District Judge Shira Scheindlin in Manhattan found that “the city acted with deliberate indifference toward the NYPD’s practice of making unconstitutional stops and conducting unconstitutional frisks.”


Good.  They have NO BUSINESS frisking people for NO REASON.




Will a Military Coup fix America?

I personally just don’t see a military coup in the United States as an option.  But is my view of the world the same as others’ beliefs?  Probably not.  When it comes right down to it, with my vast amount of time as a military man, from my point of view, I can’t say that absolutely, definitely a coup could or would take place.  The truth is, in MY time, no such thing could have or would have happened.  But other factors are in play here that I would never have considered myself – but others might.

The Spanish have a long and storied history for coups – in fact, Mexicans and most Previously-ruled-by-Spain Central and South American countries follow suit.  When the people get mad, they start a war.  Someone winds up on top in the end, usually the existing military and a strong leader (regardless of his moral and ethically leanings).  Most south and central American countries are what we consider “banana republics”.

Is America becoming a Banana Republic?

Let us look:

A Banana republic is a pejorative term for a country with a kleptocratic government, often with a primitive economy and sometimes a puppet state of a major power.

The more proper definition being: Banana republic is a political science term for a politically unstable country whose economy is largely dependent on the export of a single limited-resource product, such as bananas. It typically has stratified social classes, including a large, impoverished working class and a ruling plutocracy that comprises the elites of business, politics, and the military. This politico-economic oligarchy controls the primary-sector productions and thereby exploits the country’s economy. (Wikipedia)

kleptocracy: Kleptocracy, alternatively cleptocracy or kleptarchy, (from Greek: κλέπτης – kleptēs, “thief” and κράτος – kratos, “power, rule”, hence “rule by thieves”) is a form of political and government corruption where the government exists to increase the personal wealth and political power of its officials and the ruling class at the expense of the wider population, often without pretense of honest service. This type of government corruption is often achieved by the embezzlement of state funds.

plutocracy: Rule by the wealthy. We’re technically not being ruled by the wealthy, but then again we are. Rich lawyers are elected thus rich lawyers are in charge of most of the government’s various sectors. Companies lobby for power in the government (and I have no trouble with open markets).

So this author’s guess is that  ARE a Banana Republic, or more accurately rapidly degenerating into a Banana Republic. We still have a Constitutional Republic and most of us KNOW this and MOST of us wouldn’t do anything against “the government” in the military. Whether some rogue officer would start something, I just don’t know – but I just can’t SEE it happening.

On the other hand…

1) Morals are in decline.
2) America is in decline.
3) Money is becoming worthless.
4) The economy is tanking.
5) Things are not worth what they once were.
6) People are in “gimme gimme” mode.
7) The President himself is working to divide people of this country.
8) The Left is fighting the Right on guns and every other thing you can imagine.
9) Detroit is the first major city to have fallen.
10) Other cities won’t be far behind.
11) Obamacare will destroy what’s left of the economy.
12) Oil and Coal are verboten.
13) Scandal after scandal has rocked DC and those are being called “phony”.
14) More people are on government help than are working now.
15) Political corruption
16) Government corruption
17) borders are uncontrolled, the “barbarian hordes” are coming through daily, by the thousands
18) the government coffers are being sucked dry by “entitlements” and the government keeps wanting more from the working people, the “rich” and corporations.

Rome fell for the many of the same reasons; moral decline, political corruption, “barbarian knowledge of Roman tactics” (think about that for a moment), a failing economy, unemployment of the working “class”, decline in ethics and values, natural disasters, barbarian invasion (Hmmmm…. border security?), military decay (not being trained right, and reduction in forces), and many other reasons.

So could a military coup take America back?  I can not answer that question but I can certainly suggest that this country is in a condition which will facilitate such a thing happening.  But will some military officer be able to gain enough power to lead enough American men, who are independent thinkers, into such a one way path?  I seriously doubt it will happen.  I don’t doubt the fall of America is upon us.

Obama meets with tech execs on surveillance, privacy

by Aamer Madhani, USA TODAY 12:46 p.m. EDT August 9, 2013

WASHINGTON — President Obama hosted top executives from Apple, AT&T, Google and other tech and civil liberties groups at the White House on Thursday to discuss government surveillance, a White House official confirmed.

The meeting, which was first reported by Politico, was not on the president’s public schedule.

“The meeting was part of the ongoing dialogue the president has called for on how to respect privacy while protecting national security in a digital era,” said the official, who was not authorized to comment publicly on the meeting and spoke on condition of anonymity.

Thursday’s meeting, which included Apple CEO Tim Cook and AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson, followed another outreach effort earlier this week by White House counsel Kathy Ruemmler and White House chief of staff Denis McDonough. They met with a group of tech executives and civil liberty activists on Tuesday.

The president may have alluded to the meetings in his interview earlier this week with Jay Leno on the Tonight Show, when he noted that he was “talking to Congress and civil libertarians and others” about the issue.

Silent Circles goes Silent

In what appears to be a rash of attacks on email encryption, another company called Silent Circles has shut down (similar reason as the others today) and they have DESTROYED THEIR SERVERS!

To our Members:

  • Silent Circle has preemptively discontinued Silent Mail service to prevent spying.

    We designed our phone, video, and text services (Silent Phone, Text and Eyes) to be completely end-to-end secure with all cryptography done on the clients and our exposure to your data to be nil. The reasons are obvious — the less of your information we have, the better it is for you and for us.

    Silent Mail has thus always been something of a quandary for us. Email that uses standard Internet protocols cannot have the same security guarantees that real-time communications has. There are far too many leaks of information and metadata intrinsically in the email protocols themselves. Email as we know it with SMTP, POP3, and IMAP cannot be secure.

    And yet, many people wanted it. Silent Mail has similar security guarantees to other secure email systems, and with full disclosure, we thought it would be valuable.

    However, we have reconsidered this position. We’ve been thinking about this for some time, whether it was a good idea at all. Yesterday, another secure email provider, Lavabit, shut down their system less they “be complicit in crimes against the American people.” We see the writing on the wall, and we have decided that it is best for us to shut down Silent Mail. We have not received subpoenas, warrants, security letters, or anything else by any government, and this is why we are acting now.

    We’ve been debating this for weeks, and had changes planned starting next Monday. We’d considered phasing the service out, continuing service for existing customers, and a variety of other things up until today. It is always better to be safe than sorry, and with your safety we decided that in this case the worst decision is no decision.

    Silent Phone and Silent Text, along with their cousin Silent Eyes are end-to-end secure. We don’t have the encrypted data and we don’t collect metadata about your conversations. They’re continuing as they have been. We are still working on innovative ways to improve secure communications. Silent Mail was a good idea at the time, and that time has passed.

    We apologize for any inconvenience, and hope you understand that if we dithered, it could be more inconvenient.

A lesson: These are the times that try men’s souls.

“These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value.”  Thomas Paine

America the Beautiful.  United States of America.  Old Glory.  Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.  Freedom.  Liberty.  Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All.  Stars and Stripes.  Play ball! As American as Apple Pie.

All of these words evoke, I hope in each of you, something in your heart of hearts.  The words should bring a vision of what America is supposed to be about, how we should act, and indeed this is how I grew up as a child, either reciting some of the words, singing them in a song or two or hearing the words spoken aloud at some reading or other.

To me, looking out at the Great Pacific Ocean on the left coast, the Atlantic to the East, standing in the Rocky Mountains and seeing the majesty of the vista before me, or riding down the Mississippi in an old Paddle Wheel boat right from the time of Samuel Clemons, fishing in a stream in Kentucky and following the same trek as Daniel Boone himself followed, or standing in the Alamo where Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie and Colonel William Travis died, and listening to the Star Spangled Banner penned by Francis Scott Key standing aboard the HMS Tonnant certainly evokes an emotion that is difficult to explain or to quite be able to put into words.

America was once a great country.  Oh, but how the great have fallen.  As a child we practiced the “Duck and Cover” exercises in kindergarten because America was afraid of the Atomic Bomb and we worked to preserve our children.  We understood the need for “Civil Defense”, and we built our military to stand up to, and defeat if necessary the evil Communists behind the Iron Curtain.  In 1962 we tittered on the verge of world destruction, but thankfully a strong leader in the Presidency, John F. Kennedy stood up to Khrushchev and the USSR finally backed off.

Today we are embroiled in little, petty wars all for the sake of making a President “look good on television”.  (For my friends, sons, brothers-in-arms and fellow military men and women, I realize that war is never petty please forgive my belittling of that thing so heinous to us all).  Really, why are we still spread out over there in the Sand Box taking casualties daily?  Why are we fighting the Muslims there?  Let them kill one another.  Bring the boys back home to rest.

Our country brethren belittle military service, they belittle our flag, they belittle our principles, they treat our Rights as something “offered” to us by the government and freely removed if enough people “just feel they don’t like it”.  Indeed we have men in this country who are so cowardly they will turn you in if they even THINK you are THINKING bad thoughts.  Leftists are rarely right on anything, always emotional about everything, and seek to use emotion, lies, obfuscation and name calling to their advantage.

Patriots in this country, believers in those things I mentioned above, the flag, the country, the strength of character of America are treated as if they are terrorists and ignorant backwoods boys who can’t think for themselves.  We are told “you have blood on your hands” because we believe in the Second Amendment.  We are called “baby killers” because a mentally insane person grabs a gun and attacks innocent people.  We are told we MUST give up our guns because it is for the GOOD of the Children.

The President of the United States speaks on behalf of these cowardly men who think that life must be good to them because the government takes so much from others.  In fact, when a man named George Zimmerman had to defend his own life against a young thug trying to beat him to death, this President, instead of reaching out and asking for calm, carefully, and artfully attempted to racially divide this country into “Black and White”.

This President has used his Executive position to enable the NSA spying on Americans.  He has used the long arm of the IRS to prevent his opponents from seeking and gaining office, or even obtaining donations to his opponents. His buddy in the Department of Justice, Eric Holder has lied outright to the Congress and to the people of this country and essentially murdered people with guns given to the drug cartels.

He is using the very military which our Forefathers feared as a bludgeon on the people of this country by indoctrinating certain officers in the “Social arts” (socialism and humanism) and firing those who do not meet his criteria.

This President, we aren’t even sure was even born in the United States, says one thing, then does another.  There are plenty of other scandals rocking the media today, and yet, nothing sticks to this man and his cronies.  America has become emasculated.  No one has the intestinal fortitude – or big enough balls to stand up and tell it like it is.  No one, no one but us bloggers and Patriots and we’re treated like scum in the bathtub….

The various Agencies and Bureaucratic Leviathans that have been created are given powers over the people, without oversight by our own Congress – because frankly Congress is lazy, they don’t want to work for the people any more – and these agencies use their power of regulation to destroy people’s lives, to shut down businesses, to harm the economy of this country and to destroy the belief in ourselves. Coal and Oil are forbidden to dig up.  Forests can’t be used, or even cleaned up and forest fires become conflagrations that kill people and destroy homes.  And the Global Warming kooks blame men for using oil.

This Leviathan has taken more from the people who work and create jobs it appears now, in an effort to destroy this country from within.  In fact the money taken in taxes from the “wealthy” (as defined by some random bureaucrats)  is redistributed to the “poor” (poor is a misnomer, it’s given to whomever is smart enough to scam the system, because I know poor folks personally that can’t get aid simply because they make a dollar more than poverty level and are white).

The words of Thomas Paine with which I started this piece were meant for men who lived long ago, nearly now forgotten by history.  Men who stood up to tyranny and took away from it a land from which to make a country.  A country that would be a proud and strong place, where immigrants came for over 200 years to make a new life, to work, to escape the poverty of Europe and other places, a county that is now a Banana Republic, run by a Puppet who can’t speak without his puppet masters running his teleprompter.

Perhaps from the words of Thomas Paine those within the sight and sound of this piece will take heart.

If you are to do so, then listen carefully. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.  And we are in a conflict for the hearts, minds and souls of Americans now.

Make no mistake; we are under a soft police state, a soft tyranny.  People aren’t yet being carted to the dungeons, but words are said by those that would disarm us that should make you take stock of your self, your family and your own safety.  There is no safety in this world but that which you give yourselves.  There are no tyrants who can stand against a united and genuine people.  This country is ours.  It doesn’t belong to the Leftists, Socialists, Liberals, Marxists and Communists.  It belongs to a people with Common Sense, it belongs to you and me.

It’s time to take it back.

It’s time to stand up, be heard and not back down.

No more Summer Soldiers and Sunshine Patriots.

This is real, this is Tyranny and it must stop before the trains and carts come to take you away.

Flakes trying to take your guns

So… I got into a discussion with a Liberal dufus,  Mark L. Wilt, who really is the most ignorant human being I’ve ever spoken to.  Here’s an example of something he posted in January:

Gun Control Plan – 1/20/2013

This seems the right time to roll out at least part of my plan for sane gun control. Let’s start with a few basics – the 2nd amendment. Our Founders lived in the era of the single shot musket. It look at least a minute for a trained soldier to load and fire a small lead ball three feet. If our forefathers ganged up to rob a modern convenience store with muskets, but with the same fire power of today’s weapons, at least thirty minutemen would have to squeeze into the small store and form a firing line around the front counter with their weapons pointed at the bewildered clerk. “Stand and deliver,” the lieutenant would cry. The proceeds of the the robbery would be, let’s say, around a $120, that is, 4 dollars per man. They would then retire to the nearest tavern, have a couple drinks and call it a day. Nowadays, it’s different. Enough preamble: let a governmental body institute a lottery. For every a gun you turn in, you get a lottery ticket. The collection period lasts for 60 days and then you have the drawing — one ticket, one winner. The prize: one Billion dollars. Have this lottery once a year, twice a year, however long it takes, until we have a SANE number of guns in this country. Hunters can take up the bow and arrow, the spear, throw rocks at the damn elk.


Following is the post where we “got into it” a bit and the subsequent comments and remarks, of course he “blocked” me because, well, that’s the way Liberals are.  After all, they want THEIR free speech, but by God you’d better not disagree or they will prevent you from having your say.  Fortunately, I have my own blog and I can copy and paste, and I can write what I want.  And if this mother fucker (Oh GOD! I called him a NAME! LOL) wants to take my guns – and he says it will happen (so we know their agenda) then by God come and try it. I dare you.  And fuck that part about you paying “taxes” because I’m sure you’re one of those loonies that doesn’t make enough to even get taxes, you’re living off the lifeblood of the rest of us who work our asses off.  Mark : Wilt, you are a Fascists, JUST as I said before:

Gun Owners – 1/8/2013

Most gun owners can’t hit a target a foot away from them. To own a firearm doesn’t mean one knows how to use it effectively. It takes knowledge, hours of training, discipline, and a clear head. Most gun owners are satisfied to attend gun shows, show buddies their arsenals, shoot off their stupid mouths about the 2nd amendment, which they obviously don’t understand, and, oh, yes, shoot puppies who stray into their backyard. My diagnosis: most gun owners are constipated. Blow your opinions out your lower hole so we don’t have to bear their stink.

29 thoughts on “Gun Owners – 1/8/2013”

  1. “Most gun owners can’t hit a target a foot away from them. …. and, oh, yes, shoot puppies who stray into their backyard”

    I guess the run up and stick the barrel against the puppies head and pull the trigger since they can’t hit anything more than “a foot away from them.”

    “Blow your opinions out your lower hole so we don’t have to bear their stink.”

    Yes, and you have set a perfect example of how to do that.


    • Yes, the usual gun owner must shoot the puppy from less than 12 inches away if he has any hope of hitting it.

      A highly armed but untrained and irresponsible populace is exactly what we have right now and thousands of people are dying every year because of it. Having extremists like you whining for more and more firepower only makes it worse.

      You don’t want guns to ward off “tyranny” anyway. That’s a goddamn lie and you know it. You just want to kill niggers, kikes, spics and six year old children.

      “Blow your opinions out your lower hole so we don’t have to bear their stink.”

      Yes, and you have set a perfect example of how to do that.

      You are very witty.

      When the sane citizens of this country finally regain control over congress, your little tea party will be over. Then your brave rhetoric will be put to the test.

      • “Yes, the usual gun owner must shoot the puppy from less than 12 inches away if he has any hope of hitting it.”

        When I qualified for a concealed carry permit in Texas there was a session at the range to prove some minimal shooting abiity (and demonstrated ability to handle a handgun safely). Since all passed I assure it would not be a good idea to bet your life on the belief they could not hit you at the range most gunfights occur (7 yards or under).

        There was a study a decade or so ago by the FBI where they were looking for a more powerful handgun round. In one place in the study one researcher was concerned about an overly powerful round completely penetrating the crook and going on to hit an innocent person behind him. But then the FBI study conceded they were not very concerned about that because 80% of the time trained FBI agents completely miss their target anyway (in real gunfights, not on the range).

        In Chicago not very long ago several police opened fire on a suspect, missed him, and wounded – if memory serves – something like seven innocent bystanders, some very seriously. Read a story a number of years ago about a policeman and crook opening fire on each other across the hood of a car. Both had semi-auto handguns with “high capacity” magaziness (probably 15+, don’t recollect the story being more specific).

        They both emptied their first magazine at each other, then reloaded and fired their 2nd magazines. No one got hit. Now I would be willing to bet that policeman qualified on the range and was technically capable of hitting the bad guy at that range.

        You want to really understand the problem?

        Read “On Killing” by Dave Grossman. Most people cannot put their front sight on the chest of another person and pull the trigger with the deliberate intent to kill. Apparently there no good tests to figure out beforehand if a person can, or cannot do that. Only way to learn is to have the chance, and to do it.

        In war in the past a lot of soldiers were pretending to fight, but were deliberately missing the enemy, shooting over their heads for example. A number of rifles were found at the battle of Gettysurg with a number of bullets loaded one on top of the other – one had seven (these were muzzleloaders).

        When they counted the total number of rounds fired and compared it to casualties there was a huge disconnect. The NRA was formed after the Civil War to promote civilian rifle practice because of this exact problem. They didn’t have the benefit of Grossman’s research to understand why.

        Beginning in the Korean War a litte, but mostly in the Vietnam War the military learned ways to program people to kill a lot better and overcome this natural in-built psychological resistance to killing. That is why a fair amount of guys from my generation had nightmares for decades.

        Sorry for the longer reply – it is probably wasted in any case. You sound like you have way to much hate to listen.


  2. Looks I missed some of my reply in copying and pasting. Here is the rest of it.

    “A highly armed but untrained and irresponsible populace is exactly what we have right now and thousands of people are dying every year because of it.”

    Years ago we had rifles in high school. Kids were on the shooting team. Gun safety and training for gun safety was a priority. Today we have the “Gun Free School Zone Act” and many kids grow up without any training whatsoever.

    I have suggested many times we ought to put guns back in schools and teach kids about them. Would do a lot I think to improve the situation, but the “soccer mom” crowd wet their pants at the idea of kids knowing anything about guns (including safety, apparently).

    As to all they “untrained and irresponsible populace” I guess you have never been to a High-Power rifle match where people using just “iron” sights (no optical scopes) routinely hit targets out to 600 yards? Or people in the slow fire standing match will put 10 shots in a cirle you can cover with your hand easily at 200 yards? Try that standing up with your front sight slowly revolving over the bullseye (you can’t possibly hold the rifle absolutely still) and coordinating pulling the trigger as the sight crosses the bullseye.

    Never seen a USPSA (United States Practical Shooting Association) either probably? Go see one sometime and you might be amazed at what your civilian neighbors can do.

    “You just want to kill niggers, kikes, spics and six year old children.”

    One of my older black friends attended my wedding nearly 30 years ago and I work with Israelis every day and have some very good friends who are Jewish. Matter of fact I was in Jerusalem last year for a visit. I also have raised three children, hopefully not too badly. My youngest son is a United States Marine currently serving.

    “When the sane citizens of this country finally regain control over congress, your little tea party will be over. Then your brave rhetoric will be put to the test.”

    I can only say this about your comment. If you understand German, then you can find words very much in tone like what you said above from the 1930s in Germany. The speakers were members of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers’ Party), more commonly known to English speakers as NAZIs.

    And yes, for many Jews in Germany, Poland, Russia, and other Baltic states found their lives were over in places like Auschwitz and Treblinka. A lot of those Germans listened to a rhetoric of hate and had to keep themselves mostly drunk on Schnapps as they herded the naked Jews into the gas chambers.

    You really ought to be very careful what rhetoric you listen to, or spout.


    • There are millions and millions of pistols, rifles, shotguns, assault rifles, bazookas, Abrams tanks, God only knows what else, floating around the USA right now that are in the hands of criminals, budding criminals, undetonated psychopaths and other Monsters of the Million Dollar Mile. The NRA has resisited every effort to control the size of this deadly arsenal or to prevent any person no matter how weak, mentally unstable, criminally minded or downright evil from obtaining a weapon.

      If the NRA had any intent of protecting the citizens of the US from themselves, it would demand extensive background checks and firearms training for anyone who purchases a handgun. But no, the NRA responds with “but we do offer training classes to young people on the proper uses of firearms.” Why don’t you organize classes for the Crips and the Bloods and the Street Corner Crack Dealers for a Safer America as well?

      As far as the spectre of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Communism is concerned: there were incredibly brave armed opponents who resisted these movements who were hunted down and slaughtered. A heavily armed populace would have had little effect of the subsequent evils because totalitarian regimes tolerate no dissent whatsoever. You and your little band of “sunshine patriots” would be dead hours after your first rantings against the government, whether on the internet or in a high school English composition.

      Your arguments don’t even rise to the level of speciousness; they are silly. So some of your best friends are Blacks and Jews? There are plenty of guns aimed at Blacks (most of who are also Black), Jews, gays, anyone else on the Whlites Only hit list owned by people less tolerant than you are and you want them to be armed to the teeth. I can’t understand this death wish. I don’t hate anybody. In fact, I want everyone to live out their natural lives without the danger of an untimely death from gunfire. You think the extreme adherence to Second Amendment is worth the sacrifice of thousands of innocent lives. I don’t. I don’t hate you – I just think you’re an idiot.

      > Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 12:16:11 +0000 > To: >

      • Here is one comment about your writing style. It is meant to be constructive. Try using paragraphs. It helps a lot in grouping thoughts and arguments.

        You wrote:

        “There are millions and millions of pistols, rifles, shotguns, assault rifles, bazookas, Abrams tanks, God only knows what else, floating around the USA right now …”

        There are millions of revolvers, pistols, rifles, and shotguns in the U.S. right now. No one seems to know how many. Many of them are obsolete. The vast majority of real assault rifles are owned by the government. Legal assault rifles (which can fire in fully automatic mode) are highly regulated and very, very expensive. Their appearance in crime statistics are almost non-existent. The use of illegal fully automatic firearms is also a very, very rare event (there was a Beverely Hills bank robbery shootout some years ago).

        As to bazookas and on up, that is pure imagination. An Abrams tank takes a very complex and expensive support force to function for more than a couple hours.

        “The NRA has resisited every effort to control the size of this deadly arsenal …”

        It depends on your point of view. I see the NRA working to resist bad legislation more aimed at keeping firearms out of the hands of law abiding citizens than that of crazies or criminals.

        “A heavily armed populace would have had little effect of the subsequent evils because totalitarian regimes tolerate no dissent whatsoever.”

        The whole idea of an armed citizenry is to prevent it getting that far. As to how it would work today I have no idea. In the days of the Founders a civilian militia army opposing a small professional government army and winning was quite feasible.

        Today I think that opponents would probably more likely model themselves after the Viet Cong or the resistance in Afghanistan where it seems a large part of the strategy is to make parts of the country un-governable by the government.

        “You and your little band of “sunshine patriots” would be dead hours after your first rantings against the government…”

        A bunch of guys playing in the woods with their semi-auto AK-47s and dirty camos are not much real threat. That won’t be the most likely scenario. I am not going to discuss possible scenarios because I don’t want to be seen as an advocate of those methods. No one in their right mind would want to see them in their own neighborhood.

        “anyone else on the Whlites Only hit list owned by people less tolerant than you are and you want them to be armed to the teeth.”

        First off, a lot of people like me entitled to wear the Vietnam Campaign Medal are black, and some of them are my friends. Secondly I think I know some of the people you talk about, or imagine you are talking about, and racism is far from their main motivation. A lot of them, like me, are veterans and have served with black men.

        Racism is not the primary motivation of most people are expressing fear of big government. The media and others though have worked overtime trying to paint that picture. It is simply not true, at least in my personal experience.

        ” You think the extreme adherence to Second Amendment is worth the sacrifice of thousands of innocent lives.”

        I don’t know about the “extreme adherence” part of your statement, what it means to you and what it means to me. But yes, I think the 2nd Amendment is worth something. The 20th century is a history of genocide by governments that first disarmed their people. Millions of people died because they didn’t have any real means to defend themselves.

        Have you ever read this from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, a survivor of the Russian gulags?

        “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!”

        Let me say this. If we could drastically reduce the size and power of government so that it was not so much a danger to our freedom, then you might be surprised at what I would support in regards to gun safety. But until that happens the right to keep and bear arms is more important.


  3. “Enough!”

    Ok. Was just trying to have a polite conversation. Hope that at least in the future you will try to see people who disagree with your views as at least not quite the multiple stereotypes you presented. I won’t continue to post on this thread on your blog.



  4. I have dozens of guns. I dare you to try to take them, even at “1 foot away”.

    By the way, I have training, lots of it. I don’t want to hear any more sissy assed whining about gun owners. Almost EVER gun owner who has one or two guns has training, they practice shooting, they know how to use a weapon and most of them aren’t actually afraid to defend themselves or someone else.

    But the way you portray us “gun nuts”, we’re stupid and “shoot off our mouths”. Truth is, it’s you little fella shootin’ off YOUR mouth, without any knowledge and all you’re doing is showing your complete and utter ignorance.

    • Hi

      Any intelligent, objective person who reads the second amendment understands that the right to bear arms extends only to maintining a well-regulated militia. I’ve copied the amendment here: read the whole thing:

      “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

      It’s obvious that Our Founders did not intend for citizens to bear arms unless they were part of “A well regulated Militia”. If the second amendment means something else, then tell me what you think it means.

      Maybe the folks you know know are responsible gun owners, but the friendly street gangs who run most of our country’s cities train their killers on the job. Not that much instruction is needed – the victim kneels, the killer stands behind him and fires a bullet in his skull.

      A sane program for gun control: Ban assault rifes. Toughen registration requiremnets. Make applicants wait until the state thorougly checks their background. ANY indication of previous violence or dangerous mental illness prohibits the applicant from ever owning a gun. Anyone caught with an unregistered weapon does 20 years in prison.

      No more of this concealed carry crap anymore, either. Allow your average guy to strap and he starts to think he’s Dirty Harry and he provokes violence he can answer with his “equalizer”. This lies at the very heart of the Zimmerman case.

      Men who don’t own guns are sisses? That’s pretty weird thinking, buddy.

      The rest of what you say is noise not worthy of comment.

      • /chuckles

        ANY intelligent person reading the Second Amendment will understand that the right to keep and bear arms extends ONLY to the PEOPLE and that right will not be infringed. Specifically, the “well regulated militia” in your own vernacular has nothing whatsoever to do with a military.

        In the vernacular of the founding fathers, “well regulated” mean “well practiced” not “regulated by the government” and in those days it was quite CLEAR that every community had the responsibility to themselves and loved ones to be able to defend themselves on a moments notice.

        This is clear in English Common Law as well as American common law. The right to self defense extends not only to the individual but to the families of those affected and by consequence community itself.

        Where you folks get off parsing the words “the right of the people” OUT of the Second Amendment isn’t beyond me. You do it out of ignorance of the English language.

        There is no such thing as “sane gun control laws”. Gun CONTROL is PEOPLE control. Therefore, by extension you are for controlling people and their actions – which is an affront to Freedom and Liberty.

        We have laws against killing, robbery, rape and the use of weapons in crimes. PROSECUTE CRIMINALS when they commit crimes, do not criminalize me and my family, or the rest of society because you’re scared of “guns”.

        Prosecute the criminals, put them in and keep them in jail. If they kill someone, the death sentence is the only thing that will stop them in future crimes. This has been shown over and over.

        But innocent gun owners who have those “Self Defense Rifles” you folks love to call “assault weapons” who’ve never once committed a crime, never thought about doing a crime and couldn’t do a crime if someone PAID them to do it are to suffer because you want society to change?

        No. YOU change. Get over it.

        By the way, I never said “people that don’t own guns are sissies”. That’s called “putting words in others’ mouths”. Never said it.

        You don’t have a choice to “allow” some guy to “think he’s Dirty Harry” unless you think we should control thoughts too.


      • Read up on subordinate clauses in the English language then re-read the second amendment. Maybe this is too sophisticated for you, but try really hard and eventually you should understand. I believe in you.

        I do not parse out “the right of the people” at all. They have the right to bear arms if they participate in a “well-regulated militia.” In our modern world the government allows people to possess guns for self-defense and sport shooting. This is fine if the prospective owner undergoes a tough background check and if the weapon is authorized. You can have your little pea shooters if you register them. If you don’t, you bought yourself 20 years hard time.

        I bet you called an AK-47 an “assault rife” before you succumed to NRA propaganda, you poor brainwashed soul.

        Who’s scared of guns? Why are you afraid of registering them? You want any damn idiot to walk into a gun store, buy a lethal weapon, walk out the door not knowing whether he has a history of violent behavior. Thousands of innocent people die from gun violence every yeaar. You and your kindred believe that your mis-reading of the second amendment is worth the lives of these victims. You have blood on your hands, mister!

        “Well Regulated” vs “Well Practiced”? This is a distinction without a difference. How do you know what the Founding Fathers meant anyway? Can you read the mind of people who died 200 years ago?

        Give some men a gun and his ego expands ten-fold. Police departments and the military weed out these whackos the best they can. Only sane, responsible people should possess firearms has the duty, in the name of public safety, to regulate the access to firearms.

        Yeah, yeah, call me a fascist. Extremists call their opponents “Fascists”, “Communists”, “Agents of Satan”, and so forth. Who cares? Nothing but noise. Read LWK’s response to name-calling and take it to heart.

        You called gun control advocates “sissies”, now don’t back away, Mister Flip Flop. Obviously I don’t care what you think of me.


      • No, I think that the problem isn’t a subordinate clause, rather your misunderstanding of the phrase “well regulated”. It doesn’t mean what you’re saying it means. It has nothing whatsoever to do with government control of guns.

        Now, where did I call them sissies again? Not in the comments here.

        The cops do NOT weed out “whackos” very well. After all, we have so many whacko cops out there.

        But your left leaning jerks want to even say US military veterans are “dangerous” even though they have massive amounts of training on weapons use (and I’m in that bunch).

        I don’t give a crap about your name calling. I will use what ever words I like, and I’m not going to back down because you call me one… or get all pissy because I called you a fascist. Because, frankly, you’re a fascist and so are ALL gun control “advocates”.

        Oh, and by the way, they ARE sissies too.

        Why should I sit idly by and play the “game” your way, or the way the Left wants me to play it? You know, all Kumbaya and all that crap – why should *I* play nice when the Left doesn’t?

        Shows my IQ? No, not really, it shows my frustration with the fact that since the 1960s you commie bastards (commie, pinko, socialist, progressive, Leftist, fascist – it’s really all the same these days, all interrelated and all working together against what America WAS so don’t bother correcting me) have attempted to discredit the other side with your name calling, and “focus” on your targets.

        Alinsky tactics are well known to both sides now. We know who the enemy is.

        It’s people like you, gun controllers, people who love Obama and faint at the sight of the guy, and people who want to destroy America as it was to make it into some Euro-like-Utopia.

        No. Not happening. Go to hell.

      • “Fascist”, “Sissy”, “Go to hell”. Those are your arguments in a nutshell – all the rest is noise you copy from a crib sheet.

        You risk the lives of innocent people who are dying NOW because you insist people should have absolute, unfettered right to possess firearms when common sense dictates that they should not. Blood is on YOUR hands, but you don’t give a damn about that. You’re a child, a dupe of political opportunists. So spew on! The politicians you support have no respect for you and your ilk. They know you’re idiots. They count on it.

      • :) Really? My “argument” IS pretty lame isn’t it?

        I don’t copy my notes from anywhere else. But let’s examine the Left’s argument.

        What do they say? Oh yeah, “Baby killer”, “Gun Nut”, “Right Wing Radical”, “Murderer”, “Terrorist”.

        So you’re trying to say you don’t like name calling, then your side should stop doing it.

        I HAVE an unfettered RIGHT to own guns. I have fought for this country. Perhaps we ought to limit gun ownership to ONLY those persons who have served in the military?

        I think perhaps we should only allow people to vote who have served in the military.

        I think perhaps the First Amendment needs to be limited. You shouldn’t have access to computers, millions of people, the ability to fax, text and write articles. In fact, when the First Amendment was created, there were muskets and black powder, parchment, quill pens, ink wells and the VERY OCCASIONAL printing press. So by the Left’s Logic, you should be limited to ONLY writing your thoughts down on parchment….

        Blood IS on my hands sonny. Those bastards that tried to kill me so many years ago, who, by the way were communists. But other than them, no, I have never gone out and killed anyone. I’ve never used a weapon in anger. I’ve never shot a civilian.

        The dupe of political opportunists, however, isn’t me. I’m quite aware of political opportunists and they are the people pulling the strings on your own brainwashed commenting.

      • Some damn gun nut slaughtered four people at a town meeting in PA yesterday because the idiot, the brainwashed dupe, didn’t get his way in a land dispute with town officials. More INNOCENT American blood shed because the NRA insanely blocks any sensible gun control. These aren’t little yellow people murdered decades ago thousands of miles away who may or may not have been “enemies”.

        These were innocent Americans who died in our country yesterday. They were exercising their constitution right to peacefully assemble. But the unfettered right for any idiot to possess a gun obviously trumps the right for people to peacefully govern themselves. But those four don’t count, do they? You don’t give a damn about them, and neither do the unscrupulous politicians you blindly follow as they rob suckers like you BLIND!!! “Ha, ha!” they are laughing to themselves as they sip expensive brandy and suck on Cuban cigars. “Maybe we can invite these ‘patriots’ to crawl on their knees and fellate us if we let them join our club.”

      • Some how you think that I believe he should be allowed to have a gun.

        I don’t think so. Was he admitted to a hospital previously? Did he have a criminal record before the shootings? What made him mentally unbalanced? When did he obtain the gun? HOW did he obtain the gun? WHERE did he obtain the gun?

        You leave out all those questions.

        “Sane Gun Control” is hitting your target and not giving up my guns to criminals or to idiots who think *I* should be disarmed because some lunatic went on a rampage.

        Guess what Mark, I don’t CARE that you THINK I should give up my guns for YOUR safety. You will be safer around ME with a gun, than you will be around a CRIMINAL with a gun. I’ll use myself as a typical American – though I’m anything but typical.

        I grew up around guns, hunting, shooting, and fighting in the military. I’m pretty old now. I’ve seen combat and I’ve been shot at more than once when I wasn’t armed myself. By criminals. I grew up for part of my life in Detroit. I got robbed by criminals a dozen times. Almost none of them got anything other than a boot to the ass as they ran.

        One tried to stab me with a knife. I took the knife away. Another did stab me in the leg another time. I used his own knife on him. He was going to kill me. What was I supposed to do? Stand there and TAKE IT?


        99% of all gun owners never use their weapons.

        Criminals steal weapons, and then sell them to other criminals. No amount of guns laws, background checks, mental evaluations, fingerprinting, breathalyzing, retinal scans, rectal scans, or regulation will STOP criminals from being criminals.

        NONE of that will prevent people like me from owning a gun.

        No, you need to realize that what you want is to simply get rid of all guns. Be honest with yourself and others.

        And confiscation and complete banning are out of the question. There’s NOTHING sane about those things.

      • Over an 18 year period the PA whacko displayed signs of untreated paranoid schizophrenia. Under a sane federal gun control statute, anyone could petition a federal court to require Mr. G. Nutt to undergo a psychiatric exam. If deemed mentally ill, the court could authorize the ATF to confiscate Nutt’s weapons, by force if necessary. The weapons could be returned to him when a panel of psychiatrists determined he is no longer a threat to others.

        Government has the obligation to protect its citizens. We have potential killers among us who for their own twisted reasons pick up firearms and mow down innocent people, including the 21 six year olds slaughtered in CT. How LONG, brothers and sisters, how LONG? Governments require drivers licenses, construction permits, barbers licenses. If you need pain medication, you get it from a licensed pharmacist. Hell, if you want to catch catfish from a filthy canal, you need a fishing license. But a schizophrenic, or an extremist who makes treasonous statements against our government, or a lowly little creep who wants to feel like a “man”, they and others like them are allowed unfettered access to deadly firearms. Use your head for a change: it doesn’t make sense.

        BTW: you were not fighting for your country when you served in Viet Nam. You were fighting for the political aspirations and historical legacies of Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon. How many young men were killed or maimed because neither of these men would admit to be the first US president to lose a war? Was this worth a single human life? Was this worth the slightest flesh wound, a scraped knee? In Viet Nam you fought valiantly for your own life and the lives of your buddies. Unfortunately, you were the victims of lies fed to you by two corrupt administrations, one Democratic, one Republican. To paraphrase the Who, don’t be fooled again.

        > Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2013 14:27:57 +0000 > To: >

      • You know, gun owners like me feel as bad about those children dying in Ct. But some how you folks like to lump everyone together. The truth is, “brothers and sisters” you are not going to take our guns, not without a fight, not without bloodshed – probably yours.

        You need to get it through your head that this isn’t about safety. It is about a RIGHT. Just like the first amendment which you so dearly love, and love to abuse, the second amendment protects your right to free speech.

        Criminals commit crimes. They will do so with or without access to guns. A crazy person will find another way, like using explosives or driving a car through a crowded pier like happened a day or so ago.

        Taking MY guns from me won’t stop criminals and nut cases. But taking MY guns from me prevents me from protecting myself and family from home invaders. It prevents me and you from keeping that freedom of speech you so dearly love.

        Taking my guns, a legal gun owner, from helping YOU keep YOUR freedoms.

        In response to your remarks about fishing, construction and barbers…. why do we need so much regulation? Why force people to get certificaions for computer work? Why do WE allow the government into everything we do?

        I dont like it and most people dont. Regulation is killing this country, it is killing our ability to grow and thrive and it is forcing American into a third world country.

        That what you really want? Because I do not.

        One last thing, you and most others have a very wrong conception of access to guns. In EVERY STATE to purchase a weapon you MUST go through a background check.

        You cant walk into a gun shop and buy one without it.

        To get a concealed carry permit, you must undergo training of some sort, or at least prove proficiency. There are laws we all must follow.

        The kid in Ct. killed his mother allegedly, and took her guns, allegedly, and killed those kids, allegedly. There have been zero release of anything to prove any of it. For all we know someone else did it and dumped that kids body there to make it all look like he did it. None of us knows the truth.

        We only know what the authorities told us.

        I for one no longer believe the bullshit the “authorities” feed us. Neither should you.

        Wake up, we wont give up our guns, not volutarily, and certainly not without a fight.

      • Gun buyers do not undergo a rigorous background check and you know it. Who the hell are you kidding?

        If the government comes after your guns, there are three possible outcomes.

          1) You will surrender them peaceably.
    2) The guns will be taken from you and you will be arrested.
    3) If you resist, you will be shot down like the dog you are.

You rant and rave about your rights, and you don’t give a damn who has to die for your kinky fetish. You are an irresponsible thug, no better than a criminal. Don’t make veiled threats against me!! My blood will stay right where it is. I pay taxes for the police to handle losers like you, so fuck off! You wasted enough of my time, asshole. Consider yourself BLOCKED!

> Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 00:20:51 +0000 > To: >

  • Btw to the “gun nut” who said you can be mad or be effective, but you cant be both….

    I will point something out. When someone wants thought control, as Mr. Wilt has more than once implied, that, sir, is fascism. Forcing everyone to undergo psychiatric evaluation is nothing more than thought control. Psychatry is not an exact science, you cant with any real degree of certainty determine the mental state of anyone, or even why or what they are thinking.

    The truth is, this type of thing is an attempt to eventually ban all guns.

    I will point out that doctors offices have begun to require patients to fill out mental health forms…. as far as I can determine this is some Obamacare regulation. I refuse to do such a thing.

    Liberals are mostly Progressives and every progressive I know is a closet Communist. Most wont admit it in company of others but the signs are there.

    I call it like I see it, Mark is a fascist if he thinks he can force me to do something against my will.

  • As usual, you missed the point of my post. Why bother arguing any more, you’re an idiot. You WILL lose your guns sometime soon, and if you die defending your “rights”, so be it.

    > Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 00:31:18 +0000 > To:


  • Why do you need a gun like the AR15?


    Because, Liberal, fuck you, that’s why!

    “It’s a beautiful thing, the destruction of words,” Orwell wrote in ‘1984’.

    Seattle to city workers: ‘Citizen’, ‘brown bag’ not to be used in official docs

    Seattle tells city workers "citizen," "brown bag" offensive.
    Seattle tells city workers “citizen,” “brown bag” offensive.
    Credits: Images

    On Thursday, KOMO reported that the city of Seattle has issued a memo telling city workers the terms “citizen” and “brown bag” are no longer acceptable for city documents and discussions.

    A memo released by the Office for Civil Rights says the terms are potentially offensive and other words should be used.

    “Luckily,” Elliott Bronstein wrote, “we’ve got options.”

    “For ‘citizens,’ how about ‘residents?'” she wrote.

    The office told KOMO the city serves all residents, not just U.S. citizens.

    Bronstein also told KOMO the term “brown bag” has a sordid history with racial undertones.

    “It used to be a way people could judge skin color,” she said.

    “For a lot of particularly African-American community members, the phrase brown bag does bring up associations with the past when a brown bag was actually used, I understand, to determine if people’s skin color was light enough to allow admission to an event or to come into a party that was being held in a private home,” she added.




    Government unveils secret order to Verizon

    By and , Updated: Wednesday, July 31, 9:00 AM

    The Obama administration on Wednesday made public a previously classified order that directed a company identified by U.S. officials as Verizon Communications to turn over a vast number of Americans’ phone records.

    The formerly secret order was unveiled along with other documents by Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. as top Obama administration officials were preparing to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee in a hearing on oversight of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

    Read the documents


    Secret FISA court order to Verizon

    The Obama administration declassified government documents related to NSA collection of telephone metadata records on Wednesday.


    How the secret FISA court works

    Click Here to View Full Graphic Story

    How the secret FISA court works

    A statement issued by Clapper’s office said he “has determined that the release of these documents is in the public interest.”

    The primary court order sets forth the government’s privacy safeguards for the National Security Agency’s program to collect the bulk phone call detail records of millions of Americans. The order, signed by a judge from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, does not give a detailed explanation of the legal rationale for the program.

    Rather, it is an apparent effort by the administration to allay privacy concerns raised by the leaking of a secondary court order by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden that documented the NSA’s program to collect “all call detail records” of phone calls from U.S. phone companies for counterterrorism purposes.

    According to the order released Wednesday, the court found that there were “reasonable grounds to believe that the [records sought] are relevant to authorized investigations being conducted by the FBI . . . to protect against international terrorism.”

    Although no company names appear on the heavily redacted court order, senior U.S. officials said it was issued by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to a subsidiary of Verizon in April. Officials described it as the formal order underlying the directive that was disclosed in June by Snowden, who is accused of leaking classified information about surveillance programs.

    The officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity before the order was released because they were not authorized to speak publicly, expressed hope that the document would shed light on how the U.S. government obtains communications records under FISA and the restrictions placed on surveillance programs.

    The order from April covers the same length of time as the order previously disclosed by Snowden. Officials have said the Justice Department seeks renewal for the bulk-collection orders every 90 days.

    The formerly “top secret” 17-page order, redacted to remove any information about the company providing the records or the target of the investigation, was originally scheduled to be declassified in April 2038. It demands “all call detail records or ‘telephony metadata’ created by [redacted].” A footnote specifies that “telephone metadata does not include the substantive content of any communication . . . or the name, address, or financial information of a subscriber or customer.”

    The order notes that the NSA must “strictly adhere” to “minimization” procedures to protect the privacy of U.S. persons, for example, by allowing only authorized personnel to have access to the data.


    Read the other pages here:

    Understanding the latest leaks is understanding the rise of a new fascism

    20 June 2013

    In his book, ‘Propaganda’, published in 1928, Edward Bernays wrote: “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organised habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.”

    The American nephew of Sigmund Freud, Bernays invented the term “public relations” as a euphemism for state propaganda. He warned that an enduring threat to the invisible government was the truth-teller and an enlightened public.

    In 1971, whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg leaked US government files known as The Pentagon Papers, revealing that the invasion of Vietnam was based on systematic lying. Four years later, Frank Church conducted sensational hearings in the US Senate: one of the last flickers of American democracy. These laid bare the full extent of the invisible government: the domestic spying and subversion and warmongering by intelligence and “security” agencies and the backing they received from big business and the media, both conservative and liberal.

    Speaking about the National Security Agency (NSA), Senator Church said: “I know that the capacity that there is to make tyranny in America, and we must see to it that this agency and all agencies that possess this technology operate within the law… so that we never cross over that abyss. That is the abyss from which there is no return.”


    It is in popular culture that the fraudulent “ideal” of America as morally superior, a “leader of the free world”, has been most effective. Yet, even during Hollywood’s most jingoistic periods there were exceptional films, like those of the exile Stanley Kubrick, and adventurous European films would have US distributors. These days, there is no Kubrick, no Strangelove, and the US market is almost closed to foreign films.

    When I showed my own film, ‘The War on Democracy’, to a major, liberally-minded US distributor, I was handed a laundry list of changes required, to “ensure the movie is acceptable”. His memorable sop to me was: “OK, maybe we could drop in Sean Penn as narrator. Would that satisfy you?” Lately, Katherine Bigelow’s torture-apologising ‘Zero Dark Thirty’ and Alex Gibney’s ‘We Steal Secrets’, a cinematic hatchet job on Julian Assange, were made with generous backing by Universal Studios, whose parent company until recently was General Electric. GE manufactures weapons, components for fighter aircraft and advance surveillance technology. The company also has lucrative interests in “liberated” Iraq.

    The power of truth-tellers like Bradley Manning, Julian Assange, and Edward Snowden is that they dispel a whole mythology carefully constructed by the corporate cinema, the corporate academy and the corporate media. WikiLeaks is especially dangerous because it provides truth-tellers with a means to get the truth out. This was achieved by ‘Collatoral Murder’, the cockpit video of an US Apache helicopter allegedly leaked by Bradley Manning. The impact of this one video marked Manning and Assange for state vengeance. Here were US airmen murdering journalists and maiming children in a Baghdad street, clearly enjoying it, and describing their atrocity as “nice”. Yet, in one vital sense, they did not get away with it; we are witnesses now, and the rest is up to us.

    This article first appeared in the New Statesman

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