Right of the People

In 1776 a war broke out between the Colonists and the British monarchy over the subjects’ rights to defend themselves.

On the one hand, it was required that local militias be formed of all men to protect the towns and villages.  On the other hand, the Colonists had begun to take issue with the way they were taxed, among other things.  King George III had decided that the Colonists needed a lesson.

A local Governor in Virginia, Lord Dunmore ordered the removal of the gunpowder from the magazine in Williamsburg, Virginia to a Royal Navy ship.  The incident came to known as “The Gunpowder incident” and happened the day after the Concord and Lexington battles.

This action sparked local unrest, and militia companies began mustering throughout the colony. Patrick Henry led a small militia force toward Williamsburg to force return of the gunpowder to the colony’s control. The matter was resolved without conflict when a payment of £330 was made to Henry. Dunmore, fearing for his personal safety, later retreated to a naval vessel, ending royal control of the colony.

On 20 January 2020, the rally brought tens of thousands of armed men and women to the forefront of history.  There was no bloodshed, no fighting, but there was an underlying indictment of the men and women in office in Virginia, from Governor Ralph Northam, to each and every Legislator in the state congress.  Current estimates say no less than 22,000 people showed up.  But, those estimates take into account only the area surrounding the actual Capitol building and not the other people in the streets leading up to the capitol.

Throughout the day, helicopters hovered, and drones were forbidden, so exact numbers are unknown at this time.

Youtubers videoed much of the activities, and interviewed people through out the morning.

Americans from all over the country came to show that the Second Amendment shall not be infringed.

Reading through the comments in Twitter, Facebook, the Main Stream Media, there are those who state they will continue to go through with the banning of guns.  Others, on the 2A side chide those who went with words of “Nothing happened, you accomplished nothing at all”.

In fact, what happened that day was to affirm our rights.  First Amendment, Second Amendment, were brought to the forefront, and the men and women that made the event happen are the heroes of the day.

They showed:

  1. Our Rights are IMPORTANT TO US ALL
  2. That Patriots, Americans, will stand up and defend what is theirs
  3. That violence isn’t the only way to make a point
  4. Laws aren’t necessarily RIGHT, especially when they are being used to take control of the population
  5. That people of all races can come together
  6. That people of BOTH SIDES of this argument can come together (there were Right and Left wingers there)
  7. A very large number of people came together and gave voice for millions of others.

Remember, we know that those who lived in America at the time of the Revolutionary War were many, but not everyone was on one side or the other.  Some were on the fence over being Royal Subjects of the Crown.  Others, not so much.

In the end, it is estimated that a mere three percent of the colonies population at the time stood up and fought.  The actual number of participation are actually closer to 6% of the total population, but roughly 3% actually fought.  The rest were support people in some way.

On the 20th, an as-yet undetermined number of people showed up, but estimates have ranged from a low ten thousand to as much as one hundred fifty thousand.

Assuming for a moment, that those folks that showed up represented only the III% of this country who would stand up and fight, there should be closer to 9,904,660 people.

In truth – that is a number larger than the entire US Military, plus all of the Federal “officers” in this country.

And, given we have a population of 330 million, and the fact there are 393 million guns in the population there is a definite disparity here.

In the end, those with guns outnumber those without, and also outnumber those who might be used as a tool by a tyrannical government to disarm the population.

In the end, this is why the 20th was important.  To show that those who would wield a law against us, to disarm us, and to usurp our rights will never stand to those of us who support and defend that Constitution.

This author, as  III%er, and an Oath Keep believes his Rights are derived naturally – or from God, as many believe, and NOT from the Government.  We are not subjects of a Monarchy, but rather Free Citizens of the United States first and foremost.

No state, government, governor, or Congress shall infringe on our Bill of Rights and we mean to keep that in place.

Even if they attempt to repeal the Second Amendment, which will precipitate a war.

War is not something the US Government wants with IT’S OWN PEOPLE.

Some in the US Government and some state governments might want to interfere with our rights, but it’s in their best interest to stop meddling, stand down, step back and regain some common sense.


We Patriots ask of everyone else who is not actively involved at this point to take the time to call your OWN state Representatives and tell them to STOP the gun bans.  Stand up and be heard.  Write the Federal Government, Congress, the President and tell them “We will NOT comply” with any gun bans, we will no longer stand down and shut up.  They can’t guilt us into silence.

Those days are done.


Richmond, Virginia and the Gun Ban – 1-20-2020

I once lived in Virginia.  Many of my forefathers are from there in fact (a Great-Great-Great Grandfather named James Thompson Donaldson Sr. was born in Scott County, lived in Wythe Co VA and later Kentucky. My family migrated with Daniel Boone to Kentucky from Virginia.

I have roots there, and deep connection with the state of Virginia, even though I no longer live there and likely never will.

Here’s a little bit of history for perspective:

The first shots of the Civil War were fired in Virginia.

Williamsberg VA was the site of one of the first “gun confiscations” in the place soon to be know as “United States” when Governor Dunmore led the official British forces in Virginia at the start of the American Revolution. Local residents had appointed guards to watch the brick “magazine” in Williamsburg where the coloniy’s muskets and gunpowder were stored, but on the very windy night of April 20, 1775 they abandoned their posts. Dunmore took advantage of the opportunity. He had 20 sailors and marines from the schooner Magdalen land at Burwell’s Ferry, near the modern Kigsmill Resort. They walked four miles to Williamsburg, opened the locked gates of the magazine using keys provided by Lord Dunmore, and started to remove the half-barrels of gunpowder weighing 65 pounds each.

Local residents quickly discovered what was happening, but the sailors and marines had time to load 15 of the 18 half-barrels into a wagon and return safely to the Magdalen.

The governor claimed he was ensuring a slave insurrection could not use the gunpowder, but the colonists recognized he was disarming them. Patrick Henry led militia on an unauthorized march to the capital city; violence was avoided by a face-saving compromise when the royal Receiver General paid for the value of the gunpowder.

( Mary Miley Theobald, “The Monstrous Absurdity,” Colonial Williamsburg Journal, Summer 2006, https://www.history.org/foundation/journal/Summer06/plots.cfm; Norman Fuss, “Prelude To Rebellion: Dunmore’s Raid On The Williamsburg Magazine,” Journal of the American Revolution, April 2, 2015, https://allthingsliberty.com/2015/04/prelude-to-rebellion-dunmores-raid-on-the-williamsburg-magazine-april-21-1775(last checked June 4, 2019))

Yesterday, Monday 20 Jan 2020, a similar event occurred.

As  State Legislator Amanda Chase says, this is not a “Virginia Problem”. This is an “America Problem”.

It’s NOT about guns. It’s about Rights. It’s about the fact the Second Amendment is part of the Bill of Rights. It wasn’t placed there to create an army, or give permission to the “national guard” to carry arms.

It clearly, VERY CLEARLY, states two important things. The people are the militia. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall NOT be infringed.

Virginia and the USA are “Free States” and as such, our citizens are forever, “the Militia”. It’s not a few men and women who decide to put on a uniform and a “patch”, and it’s not “white people”, it’s not “racists”.

It is EVERYONE in this country who has those rights.


The United States of America, her citizens, WILL NOT GIVE UP their rights. We keep those guns as a Symbol of Freedom.

To the rest of the world – we don’t care what you do, think, or say. This is Europe or Australia. This is sure as hell NOT Russia, or China and anyone that wants to emulate THOSE places are welcome to move out of this country to one more suitable for their tastes.

The Left in America is simply WRONG.

Stand down, stop trying to ban our guns.

We’re finished listening to you and your illogical reasoning.


Virginia, Rising

Facebook has a new group.

Virginia, Rising.

The group started a week or two back, and is up to 8000 members suddenly.

The tyrannical Governor’s attacks on the Second Amendment have triggered a response he surely didn’t expect.

Several other states’ citizens have banded together with Virginia in support of the “2A sanctuary counties”.

Everyone is talking about this.


The only thing is this guy’s article I don’t wholly agree with his the idea of Urban Preppers hunkering down in their own cities.  I DO agree they will eventually be over run.  I don’t agree that “Bugging in” is a bad idea though.  But, this is not the purpose of the discussion here.


If you’re not following Virginia, you’d better.

If you’re not supporting Virginia, you’d better.

If you are against the private ownership of guns, you’re on the wrong side of history in America.

Lies about the Second Amendment

On 27 March 2018, John Paul Stevens, a former judge, and served as an “associate justice” on the supreme court, wrote an Op-Ed piece for the New York Times.
In the article, he made a couple of fallacious statements. The first of these statements goes:
“Concern that a national standing army might pose a threat to the security of the separate states led to the adoption of that amendment, which provides that “a well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” Today that concern is a relic of the 18th century.”
First, his OPINION is that this concern is a “relic of the past”. In fact, this concern is precisely why the America people will never be debarred the use or ownership of ARMS. The VERY Government that is attempting to ban guns is doing so because they plan something illegal, immoral or tyrannical.
There was no standing army when the Second was created. The official US Army came into being AFTER the Second Amendment was ratified. There was no “national guard” until 1933. So the argument is specious at best, downright wrong and inconsistent with actual, legal thinking either of “that time period” or now.
His next misstep comes in the form of a fabrication.
For over 200 years after the adoption of the Second Amendment, it was uniformly understood as not placing any limit on either federal or state authority to enact gun control legislation.
In truth, the Second Amendment is not “so understood” by people who actually “understand” the law. In FACT, the Second Amendment DOES PLACE limits – one specifically, on ALL forms of Government in the United States. That limit is places upon the states and the Feds and prevents them from “Infringement”. Period. End of statement.
The Second Amendment is NOT a Rights Granting statement. It is an imperative, ordering the government, the courts, the Executive NOT to interfere with the Rights of the People.
It isn’t the government granting us a Right. It’s not giving men/women the ability to “change as necessary” those Rights. It is an EDICT against the change of those Rights.
That a man show served with the Supreme Court takes this extreme view should be a lesson to one and all that there are people that WISH TO REMOVE YOUR RIGHT to own any sort of arms.
The next place he stepped in his own lies is as follows:
“When organizations like the National Rifle Association disagreed with that position and began their campaign claiming that federal regulation of firearms curtailed Second Amendment rights, Chief Justice Burger publicly characterized the N.R.A. as perpetrating “one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word fraud, on the American public by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime.””
First of all, the NRA is made up of people like you and I. While I am no longer a member of the NRA (they became too Liberal for my tastes). The PEOPLE have the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. The NRA was founded to keep that right in place. The Gun Owners of America was an answer to the Liberalism of the NRA.
The only Fraud here is Justice Stevens. And probably Warren Burger.
In effect, this is more proof they want your guns. And also, in effect, in 2008 they overturned that ruling, and you will note that Stevens was one of the dissenters. In other words, he was wrong. And still is wrong.
“In 2008, the Supreme Court overturned Chief Justice Burger’s and others’ long-settled understanding of the Second Amendment’s limited reach by ruling, in District of Columbia v. Heller, that there was an individual right to bear arms. I was among the four dissenters.”
The Left LOVES to use the phrase “long settled” or “settled science” as if the last word on everything from everyone has made this decision.  The last word will never be spoken on this, because there will always be “dissenters” of course; and that’s part of the greatness of living in America in the first place.  The ability to have your own opinion and voice it.  However, just because you believe something is “settled” the way YOU like it doesn’t mean it is.  I personally believe we’re at a crossroads and we are about to step into the abyss over this.
In reality, in life, both now and 1776, there are people who “feel” as if guns should be outlawed, or the people who own them are “crazy” or “nuts” or “insane”.  Arms are what the Founding Fathers said, and what they meant, and what they wanted for all time.  Not some made up, pretend re-defining of a phrase.
The very images of the Musket next to an AR15 is proof enough that some people are so caught up in their “feelings” they can’t grasp simple English.
The Second Amendment makes NO distinction on technology, no distinction on types of weapons, but clearly and succinctly states “Arms”.
Arms is not a “fire arm” alone. Arms stands for all possible weapons with which to fight, defend and could include bottles, cans, knives, swords, nuclear weapons, tanks and battle cruisers, not to mention AR15s.
The Left, I submit has it wrong on all counts.
It is unconstitutional to take away our Arms. It is illegal. It is wrong and immoral of Federal workers (yes, Judges are still “workers” in the strictest sense of the word) to attempt to Legislate away our Rights. What’s more, it is out right treasonous of ANYONE in an elected or appointed position to demand or press for the removal of our Natural rights to Self Defense. The VERY ACT of doing so is WHY you have the Right in the first place.
In the last paragraph, Stevens makes his clean cut case for banning, although he doesn’t state it in such words.
“…would eliminate the only legal rule that protects sellers of firearms in the United States — unlike every other market in the world. It would make our schoolchildren safer than they have been since 2008 and honor the memories of the many, indeed far too many, victims of recent gun violence.”
By, Golly, it’s for the CHILDREN.
It’s a proven fact that we have less crime where more guns are available to normal, every day citizens. Criminals have a way of finding guns and other weapons all the time, regardless of laws preventing them from purchasing them or using them in crimes. It’s already against the law to commit crimes…..and yet, criminals still commit crimes.
The Media too, is culpable here. They refuse to carry stories about the “Good Guy with a Gun” who stopped a crime or mass shooting.
Folks, this is all-out war now. An UnCivil War. They want your guns.
Act accordingly.

Declaration of War – The Left has stated their true intentions

Beto O’Rourke said, “Hell, yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.”
“We’re not going to allow it to be used against our fellow Americans anymore,” the former Texas congressman said during the third Democratic presidential debate, hosted by ABC News.
“If the high-impact, high-velocity round, when it hits your body, shreds everything inside of your body because it was designed to do that so that you would bleed to death on a battlefield … when we see that being used against children,” O’Rourke said. He recalled talking to a woman in Odessa, Texas, who had watched her 15-year-old daughter bleed to death after she was shot by a man wielding an AR-15 late last month.
This statement is, without a doubt, a declaration of war on Americans’ Rights and Freedoms.  Guns in the hands of the men and women of this country isn’t just a right, it’s a responsibility, one that as Citizens of this great country, we have duty to observe.
With his pandering comments, he has outted the Left as Gun-Grabbers, something they repeatedly talk down to us about, saying “No one is coming for your guns!”
Well, that part is correct.  The government hasn’t the man power to take our guns.  There are not enough trained people in the US Government, armed or not, to come and take the millions of weapons from the hands of law abiding citizens in the USA.  They can’t even stop CRIMINALS who get them illegally on the streets, so they sure as hell aren’t going to take our guns.
However, this actual “Declaration of War” is exactly what the Left has been awaiting, someone to stick his foot in his mouth, and “make it real” for both sides.  Do you, as an American, sit on your collective asses and say and do nothing now?  Do you wait?  What DO you do?  Let’s continue….
Ladies and Gentlemen, I submit that we are already deep into Civil War 2.0. We have been for some time now. Obama brought on the “Great Oppression” – Bill Clinton and Janet Reno began the process. They demonized “militia groups” because they needed to point at someone as “evil”. The Militia is seen as a “Government Hating” entity, and is made up of mostly white people. (US Census puts whites in the US at roughly 76% of the population, Blacks at about 17%) – thus you will see such a disparity in all aspects of life.
For informational purposes, US Code states:
10 U.S. Code § 246. Militia: composition and classes
(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.
(b) The classes of the militia are—
(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and
(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.
The militia then, is made up of all the of people, who are male, 17 years of age up to 45 years of age, and does NOT exclude women, nor those over the age of 45. At 62 years of age, this “old gentleman” has carried his share of various types of weapons, and used them. With the new technology of eye surgery, I now have better vision (especially in my iron sights eye) than I had at the age of 10 years old.
Obama further eroded rights of Americans, if not in deed, certainly in words. “Bible and gun clingers”. What Clinton and Reno started on Ruby Ridge, and Waco have been realized by many as a wake up call about the attack on American’s God Given Rights to defense, not just of oneself, but of the nation.
When the Founding Fathers put together the Constitution, it was meant to create, and subsequently preserve the Republic. “A Republic,” said Franklin, “if you can keep it.” Keep it we will.
Civil Wars do not begin with gun shots. They begin with disagreement. Usually over some political aspect of the country in which they take place. The American Civil War did NOT start over Slavery. While Slavery was certainly one of the main concerns of both side, and has been pushed to the forefront of history, the truth is, each State has rights over it’s own governance, that the Federal Government may not touch. And so too, the People have reserved to themselves ALL RIGHTS not given to the states.
There is a fine balance that is out of kilter now. Some states wish to ban guns. Some don’t. Some in the Federal government want to ban them, while others do not. Above and beyond the State or the Federal governments however, are the Rights of the People.
The Second Amendment is extremely clear.
The Militia, made up of the PEOPLE, the Rights of those People to keep and Bear Arms SHALL NOT be infringed.  The phrase “well-regulated” isn’t “government run”, it means “trained”.  People who train to defend the towns, villages and states are the militia, not “national guard”.  The National Guard didn’t exist until 1933
Let us be clear… the Civil War 2.0 started over political disagreement. It will be argued for centuries in the future how, when, why, where and who started it, but it is as simple as the Bill of Rights. No GOVERNMENT, State or Federal MAY touch the Right of the People to protect and defend their homes, state or homeland.
The Second Amendment is the back up to the First. You have an absolute right to voice your opinion of the government, government officials, follow your own religion, or to be a journalist and tell the truth. The Second Amendment is there to protect that first one, and all the others. It’s not the “First” in the list of rights, but certainly as important as the First is.
When a person running for the highest office in the land states, unequovcably, “Yes, you WILL turn in your guns” – that is an open declaration of war against the People of this country. Not the few that own guns, ALL OF THEM.
There will be those that support such a person, and they will, ultimately, be on the losing side of that war.
Today – 14 September 2019 – marks the true beginning of Civil War 2.0. Shot still have yet to be fired (unless you count the Texas, California and Ohio mass shootings, by Liberals and Bernie supporters, which, *I* DO COUNT as first shots). But the war of words just heated to the point of white hot.
Beto O’Rourke called the FBI against Patriots who “threatened” him – they merely asked if he was going to lead the charge to take the guns or send his minions…. so, truthfully, what is a “threat”?
O’Rourke made the first threat. HE personally declared war. Will he become President? Highly doubtful, but Leftists, Marxists and Gun Haters are flocking to the pandering fool, making themselves targets as well.
The Law of Unintended Consequences stands clear. If you poke a sleeping bear with a stick, you’re liable to be eaten that afternoon.
The choice now, is yours, People of the United States. We are the Government. The Government doesn’t control us. We are not going to sit and let anyone take our guns. We will fight. We are already organizing against such a thing.
If the Country wants an Uprising, it will get one.
My humble opinion is that people like this O’Rourke character should slowly back into the shadows, go back to whatever he was doing before, be quiet, hide, and stop poking the bear.

The Second Amendment

The Second Amendment

by Rick Donaldson

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

A simple, yet profound sentence, one which has meant and still means the most to the United States and Freedom from Tyranny throughout two hundred plus years as a Country.

The Second Amendment was ratified on December 17, 1791, along with the other nine amendments that make up the Bill of Rights. The Second Amendment protects that entire Constitution, and all the other Rights.

The phrasing seems to upset those who hate guns because they can not fathom things in any terms other than the “here and now”, or understand times of old, equating everything they read with current technology. But, “guns” are not what that Amendment was written about anyway. Read on.

There have been debates for at least two decades on the meaning of the word militia. The phrase has been bandied about by Right, Left, Center, Libertarians, Progressives, Democrats, Republicans and many others. All of them have tried to convince others what the word “militia” means, or that the phrasing precludes or includes things it does or doesn’t.

People have made comments about this or that “clause” and how the words work together, or don’t work. Or work differently than we are led to believe.

What ALL have failed to do is understand the time period, the history and the men and women of that time period.

In the 18th Century, England and other countries, while many had standing armies, also all had militias. The United States’ Colonists had “militias”. They did not have a “standing Army”. In fact, there was NO ARMY when the Revolutionary War began. There were militia groups and some more organized groups ended up becoming the Army we know today. The US Army, as we know it today didn’t come into being until 1796. Five YEARS after the Constitution was ratified. There was no “National Guard”. There were only militias. Militias are explained later.

In those times, and today, codified into US Code, a militia is defined as all able-bodied males between the ages of 16 and 45 years of age. And no, we’re not forgetting the ladies either, (US Code states 17 – 45):

10 U.S.C. § 311 – U.S. Code – Unannotated Title 10. Armed Forces § 311. Militia: composition and classes

(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32 , under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.

(b) The classes of the militia are–

(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and

(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.


In 1776, there was no standing Army. The states didn’t want a standing Army. George Washington was against a Standing Army as were many other of the Founding Fathers.

Even so, the MILITIA consisted of well-regulated young and older men.

Each town or jurisdiction, usually counties, had their own militia, made up of able-bodied men and boys who showed up on a regular schedule to the “Town Square” or some other handy location to practice shooting and some limited tactics. These groups were everywhere and they answered to some person, in general a male, who was their “local commander”. He might be a blacksmith, or a tailor, or even the mayor of the town.

The phrase “well-regulated” simply meant “Trained”. It didn’t mean “governed by the government”.

So the phrasing of the Second Amendment is actually quite simple, not complex, and it’s not hard to understand. No “interpretation” is required.

The PEOPLE made up the militia, so, “A well trained militia is necessary and being made up of the PEOPLE, their right to keep and bear arms WILL NEVER be infringed.”

The militia was then, and is now, the people. The people are the militia, and the government is constrained from touching rights to keep and bear arms. Period.

National Guard

The National Guard did not come into being officially until 1933. So, it was NOT the “National Guard” of which they spoke. It was NOT a standing Army, which they did not want.


Fire arms were muskets. But other weapons were not. Swords are weapons, and while there were no AR15s, no technological requirements for or against any sorts of weapons are found in the Amendment.

Instead we find the word ARMS. Not FIREARMS. Not Swords. Not guns. Not cannons. Just the word “Arms”.

Arms are ANY and ALL weapons that are known to mankind able to be picked up and used as offensive or defensive weapons. These are not limited to handguns, or rifles.

The Second Amendment doesn’t mention sports rifles, doesn’t mention hand guns. Thus arms are not LIMITED by this definition. Even if you want it to be. It’s simply not.

Weapons of war, weapons of any sort, including pitch forks, shovels, hammers, knives, swords, ballistas, catapults, bows and arrows, slingshots, firearms and “you name it” are included in this definition.


Infringed – means “changed, removed, taken away, watered down” and you SHALL NOT INFRINGE. Shall and Shall not are special words. Shall is an IMPERATIVE word. Meaning MUST. When placed with NOT, it changes the imperative to the opposite. If you SHALL do something, you MUST do it. It you SHALL NOT do something, you must NEVER do it.

Thus, another way to say this is, “A well trained militia is necessary since militias are made up of the PEOPLE, their right to keep and bear arms WILL NEVER be infringed.”


This is so simple, even a literate child in the 1700s could understand it. Perhaps that is because they were literate and those who wish to limit or ban, or infringe up on the right to keep and bear arms work themselves through many gyrations to do so. Or perhaps they are simply illiterate?

Today, everyone wants to change the meaning, adding in complications to the phrasing, instead of boiling it down completely. English majors, writers and professors have all weighed into the Second Amendment, and nearly all of them trained in Liberal Arts colleges will attempt to change the meaning of the Second Amendment to meet their personal opinions.

It just doesn’t work this way.

Simply put, the Right of the People of the United States SHALL NOT have their Right to Keep and Bear Arms infringed. The US Government, and the STATES may NOT touch that right. Ever.

Read it now, knowing what has been explained, and see for yourself just how simple this phrase is, and know that it’s meaning was to convey to us 243 years later, the exact, same meaning it conveyed in 1776 through 2019.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Men and women of the United States, Citizens, and those who have stated their intent to become citizens make up the militia, organized, unorganized and in some cases, the “disorganized militias” and you have an absolute right to keep and bear any Arm you wish, be it a rifle, a handgun, a musket or a cannon.

This writer will proudly bear both his rifles and swords, in addition to his Pen, of which is sometimes been stated to be “mightier than the sword”.

“Act of Terror”

Pam Geller wrote an article on the 22nd of December 2018 highlighting the murder of two, young Danish hikers in Morocco.  (https://gellerreport.com/2018/12/female-tourists-beheaded-2.html)

The scum that did this are connected to ISIS (as stated by Danish authorities).

But, the problem is, Islam is also connected to them.

Islam IS the problem.

Those Progressives in Europe are cutting their OWN throats with the “hate crime” legislation and rulings.  Far too many countries have opened their borders to these murderers, and people still, somehow believe that Islam is “a religion of peace”.

America is doing the same thing, in a smaller way.  We’ve had at least one woman murdered here by these criminals, beheaded at her place of business in Oklahoma in 2014.  Little was done.  Yes, he was caught, but was it treated as a crime or a terrorist attack?  He had been fired for “proselytizing” (Islam).  He was shot by … a citizen with a gun, one of the executives on duty that day.

What came from the FBIs mouth NEXT was the typical propaganda of the Obama Administration:

A law enforcement official said the F.B.I. had not found any connection between Mr. Nolen and the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, or other groups. “It’s not a typical workplace response, and given the current environment it is very alarming and is something we are closely looking into,” one of the officials said. “So far, there is no nexus to terrorism we are aware of.”

This scumbag, Alton Nolan was found guilty of murder in 2017 but nothing was done for the family.  The woman murdered can’t be brought back. The defense attempted to argue the man was mentally ill (Perhaps in an effort to remove any prison time).

Maybe, people like this SHOULD be viewed as mentally ill and removed from the streets immediately?  I know that the Left will scream about it, then try to say that “All religions are mentally ill”.  Or somehow spin the topic back onto the Right.

This is not a Right vs Left topic.  This is a Western Civilization vs Islam Topic.

The Danes, the Brits, the Norwegians, and most of the other “White European” countries are experiencing this anomaly, all because of “Open Borders”, all because Progressives want the Islamics to come into their countries to PROVE they are good people.

Well, they haven’t proved they were good.  And watching a place like Morocco with murderers still killing in the name of Allah just sets this in concrete for most of us.

Islam is EVIL.  They will stop at nothing to bring down Western Civilization, Whites, Christians, Europeans, Liberals and Conservatives.

It is HIGH time the United States, the people in this USA understand the threat and stop treating these people like “individuals”.

They don’t want to treat gun owners like individuals.  Or Christians.  Or white men with money.  No, they lump everyone into some “scary group” and demonize them.

Well, I say that we need to lump all the Muslims into one group and Demonize them.  Remove them, BAN their religion completely, kick them out of the United States, or incarcerate them if they open their mouths once about white people, killing, jihad, Allah or anything else.

Wait!  What?  Too much?  You think this is too much?

Then, let’s be sane people.  Leave our guns alone, leave them in the hands of the gun owners.  Stop beating up on our own Americans and start looking a lot more closely at WHO YOU’RE letting into this country through these “open borders” and who is living in those so-called “Sanctuary Cities”.  Those are the place to go to find the terrorists.


“Reasonable Restraint” – is a misnomer

I do not know the author of this piece.  But, most of it appears to have been written by one person, with others contributing.  PLEASE READ THIS, understand it, and pass it on.  It is extremely important in the debate about “gun control”.

There will be no compromise on the Second Amendment.  Here’s the article:

“Regarding the governments ability to impose “Reasonable Restraint” which has now become the mantra of our government. Supporters of the Amendment claim they have a constitutional or Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. Opponents counter thateven if that were the case, the federal government was granted the general power to place restraints on the right. Both of these assertions are based on a misconception concerning the intent of the document known as the Bill of Rights.

When the Bill of Rights was submitted to the individual States for ratification, it was prefaced with a preamble. As stated in the preamble, the purpose of the Amendments was to prevent the federal government from “misconstruing or abusing its powers.” To accomplish this, “further declaratory and restrictive clauses” were being recommended. The Amendments, when adopted, did not create any so-called constitutional rights or grant the federal government any power over individual rights; they placed additional restraints and qualifications on the powers of the federal government concerning the rights enumerated in the Amendments.

If the Second Amendment is read through the preamble, we find it was incorporated into the Bill of Rights as a “declaratory and restrictive clause” to prevent the federal government from “misconstruing or abusing its power” to infringe on the people’s right to keep and bear arms.
Another way to understand the original intent of the Second Amendment is re-write it through the preamble:

“Because a well-regulated Militia is necessary to the security of a free State, the federal government is expressly denied the power to infringe on the people’s right to keep and bear Arms.”

The preamble and original intent of the Amendments has been suppressed by the institutions of government because it would expose their usurpation of power and perversion of Amendments contained in the Bill of Rights.

By advancing the myth that the Amendments grant the American people their individual rights, the federal government has been able to convert enumerated restraints and qualifications on its power into legislative, executive, judicial and administrative power over individual rights. The federal government claims it was granted the constitutional authority to determine the extent of the individual rights enumerated in the Amendments and/or impose “reasonable restraints” on those rights. This assertion is absurd. The federal government does not have the constitutional authority to ignore, circumvent, modify, negate or remove constitutional restraints placed on its power by the Amendments or convert them into a power over the individual right enumerated in the particular restraint.

A denial of power or an enumerated restraint on the exercise of power is not subject to interpretation or modification by the entity the restraint is being imposed upon. The restraints imposed by the Amendments, which were adopted 4 years after the Constitution was ratified, override the legislative, executive, judicial or administrative powers of the federal government. If this were not the case, then the restraints would be meaningless because the federal government could simply circumvent, modify or remove them. Why would the States have requested and adopted enumerated restraints on federal power, subsequent to their ratification of the Constitution, if the federal government possessed the authority to nullify them?

When the federal government infringes on one of the rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights it is not violating anyone’s constitutional rights; it is violating the additional restraint or qualification placed on its power by the particular Amendment where the right is enumerated. The distinction between rights and restraints is critical. [The right is not given by the Federal Government. Our rights are given by God and are inalienable. Therefore, they can’t be limited or taken away.]

As stated in the Declaration of Independence, the American people have unalienable rights that come from a higher source than government or a written document. By acknowledging that people have natural rights, which are bestowed by a creator, the Founders laid the foundation for the principle that government does not have the lawful authority to take away or infringe on those rights. This principle was incorporated into the preamble and structure of the Amendments to secure individual rights from government encroachment; that is why they were designed and imposed as restraints on the exercise of power.

If the individual rights of the people had been created by the Constitution or an amendment to the document, then they would cease to be unalienable because the right would depend on the existence of a document. If the document or a provision of the document disappeared, so would the right. The belief that individual rights were created by a written document has opened the door for the federal government to claim the power to define the extent of any right enumerated in an Amendment. This has transformed constitutional restraints placed on federal power into subjective determinations of individual rights by the institutions of government. By failing to understand the difference between amendments that create rights and amendments that impose restraints on government, the American people are watching their individual rights vanish as they are reduced to the status of privileges bestowed by government because the constitutional restraints placed on federal power are being replaced by government decree.

Opponents of the Second Amendment always try to diminish the right enumerated in the Amendment by asserting that rights are not absolute. This is just another straw man argument because the Amendment is about imposing a restraint of the powers of the federal government concerning a right: not granting a right or defining the extent of a right. In addition, a review of the Second Amendment shows that the restraint imposed by the Amendment does not contain any exceptions.”

NRA Statement

Fairfax, Va.— Chris W. Cox, executive director of the National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action, released the following statement on Tuesday after retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens advocated for a repeal of the Second Amendment:

“The 97-year-old retired justice has long held the opinion that American citizens do not have the individual right to own a firearm for self-protection. Emboldened by the mainstream media, the gun-control lobby is no longer distancing themselves from the radical idea of repealing the Second Amendment and banning all firearms. The protestors in last week’s march told us with their words and placards that the current debate is not about fake terms like “commonsense” gun regulation. It’s about banning all guns. The men and women of the National Rifle Association, along with the majority of the American people and the  Supreme Court, believe in the Second Amendment right to self-protection and we will unapologetically continue to fight to protect this fundamental freedom.”

Disinformation about 2A

They keep saying “We’re not coming for your guns”, “No one is talking about the second amendment”, “We just want GUN SAFETY”, along with numerous other “statements” to distract you and provide disinformation.

Horseshit. They lie.

There has not been a BIGGER lie told in awhile… except maybe “You can keep your doctor” and “I did not have sexual relations with that woman”….Until now.

Taking your guns is the A #1 GOAL of Marxists in America.  They are disguised as “Progressives”, “Maxists”, “Children” and Communists.  Most of these Children are the sons and daughters of “Marxist loving” parents who would do ANYTHING to protect children, except prevent abortion.  But, boy, let a gun be around and they shit themselves.

Below is a New York Slimes article calling for the repeal of the Second Amendment.

The world is about to change for some people. Make sure you’re on the correct side of History my friends. Lock and Load, Prepare and stand ready.


14 April 2018, All Capitol Cities, and DC – Pro-2A Rally.  Show up.  Or be prepared to fight if we don’t make enough noise.  Pass the word or Pass the ammo.

US Pro-Gun Rallies in all Capitols

It’s time.

April 14th, 2018

All State Capitols and DC.


Be there.  Widest dissemination requested.


The second amendment isn’t just about guns. It’s about supporting the natural rights of self-defense, resistance to oppression and the civic duty to act in defense of our families and our communities. From the enactment of the Bill of Rights through most of the 20th Century, the Second Amendment seems to have been understood to guarantee to every law-abiding responsible adult the right to possess arms.

The purpose of these events are to express the numerous and protean ways in which the concept of self-protection and expression related to the Constitution in the minds of its authors. For self-defense is indeed at the core of the Second Amendment and an element in the Founders’ political thought generally.

At the same time it is important to realize that the Founding Fathers’ view of self protection was not only more favorable but also more inclusive than the concept as disfavored by many modern thinkers. To the Founders and their intellectual progenitors, being prepared for self-defense was a moral imperative as well as a pragmatic necessity; moreover, its pragmatic value lay less in repelling usurpation than in deterring it before it occurred.

Modern thinkers feel the need to strip away our natural born right to self-protection by limiting the available weapons that are at our disposal. They blame mental illness without documentation. They blame everything except the sole responsible party, the person involved in the action.

With the support of thousands of American Patriots across this great country, we will assemble at every state capitol at 1pm CDT on Saturday April 14, 2018 to show our support for our 2nd Amendment rights and to support our Constitution as a whole. Please help support us to defend and educate about our founding documents and honor our Forefathers who sacrificed and dedicated so much for us to have the freedoms we do today!

America’s Fall

Today, we older generational people, the “Boomers” as some refer to us in an unkindly manner, are the last of the children of “The Greatest Generation”.  We came after the end of World War II.

Our parents and Grand Parents saw the fall of the 3rd Reich, the Japanese Empire and the rise of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic – the USSR.  My father fought in the Korean War, a marine, who survive a massive battle to take and retake some unknown-today hill against Chinese Communists helping the North Koreans.

My wife’s father stood terrible duty in the Aleutians during World War II.  My own family has had military members through out our time in the United States, ranging from the American Revolution, to the War of 1812, Spanish-American War, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and later events like police incidents in Central America, the Cold War, Afghanistan and Iraq in more recent times.

My family has a storied history in war.  Not because we’re war mongers.  Quite the contrary.  We’re all against war.  But, almost every military man and woman knows and understands something that many today don’t grasp.

We understand the requirement to have a strong military to prevent incursion of Communism into our own environs.  We hold Military Service in a very high regard and do it of our own, free will almost always each of us joining a service before being drafted for some particular fight for Freedom.

As such, we all understood, before stepping into the boots and hefting a rifle the sacrifice we were making, in some cases, the ultimate sacrifice, giving one’s life for the American Way of Life.

We also understand/understood history.  Those stories before us of both war, and how they came into being.  How the Revolutionary War began, why it began, who precipitated it and why America came into being.

Today, we have people unaccustomed to war, and many who have been to war recently who understand that sometimes a war must be fought to keep everyone else safe.

Young people today seem to care little about the past, and are more concerned with protesting to give away their God Given, inalienable, natural rights.

Some see the Second Amendment (and indeed, sometimes the entire Constitution) as a worn, tired, out-of-date piece of parchment not worth the ink with which it was written.  Calls for changing the Constitution abound.  Cries to rescind the Second Amendment are being yelled loudly in the Press and from the Left side of the Political Aisle.

I’m here, not unlike Paul Revere himself, to herald a call to Arms and Warn the Americans that “The Progressives are Coming”.  They are already among us, screaming for things like “Common Sense Gun Laws” and “Gun reform”.

Truthfully, guns don’t require “reforming” as they aren’t evil, didn’t do anything wrong and are simply tools of the trade to the military man, police officer and honest, duty-bound Citizen of the United States to defend himself, his family and his community against transgressions against themselves by either criminals or, God Forbid, the Government itself.

We stand on the very precipice of the fall of the United States today.

The aforementioned Boomers and Millennials are locked in a mortal battle at this point in time. Not a bloody battle (no yet anyway) over Gun Control, the Second Amendment and the “tired, worn out Constitution”.

In less than a generation, roughly twenty-five more years, that youngest generation marching today against guns, against the NRA, against the “evil AR15” and against you my friends, will be the next generation in control of Congress, the White House and the Supreme Court.

We, the Boomers, the Cold Warriors, the Afghan and Iraqi Veterans are all that is left to stand up to those children who want to give away the very heart of America to Socialism, and ultimately, Communism.

The Communists warned us, over and over, they would take us over without firing a shot.  But, shots have been fired, against innocents in schools, and cities all over America using the “Evil Black Assault AR15” – a simple, semi-automatic rifle that is no different from a bolt action deer rifle, other than it has a smaller caliber.

Those children of today know not what they give away, know not how many men and women died protecting those very rights they intend to hand over to a future government, to remove those rights from their very own hands.

One generation, mark my words, if we do not turn this trend around now, if we do not reign in the wild accusations from Children, taught to them by Progressive and Marxist teachers in a public school, paid by OUR tax monies, given to those same Progressives and Marxists the Communist’s prophecy will have come true.

We are doomed to die in less than three hundred years.

Today, we wander down the path the Romans wandered in their last days.  Innocence lost, barbarians at the door and living in our own land, as well as our own apathy and ignorance have wrought what we shall soon reap.

This author implores you all, one last time, step up, be heard, fight the loss of this country and the loss of the Greatest Document written by man.  The US Constitution.

I personally swore and oath to protect it, six times in my career.  That Oath never expires and it doesn’t lessen as the years go by, it only calls in a stronger voice to me.

But, I’m one man.  My children learned their lessons well, and will continue in my stead.

Will yours?

I call upon every would-be, wannabe and existing Militia in the United States to stand up, be heard.  Do not back down.  Do not let the Constitution die when we die.

40 Reasons To Ban Guns

40 Reasons To Ban GunsArguments Made By Liberal Lawmakers
1. Banning guns works, which is why New York , DC , Detroit & Chicago cops need guns.

2. Washington DC ‘s low murder rate of 69 per 100,000 is due to strict gun control, and Indianapolis ‘ high murder rate of 9 per 100,000 is due to the lack of gun control.

3. Statistics showing high murder rates justify gun control but statistics showing increasing murder rates after gun control are “just statistics.”

4. The Brady Bill and the Assault Weapons Ban, both of which went into effect in 1994 are responsible for the decrease in violent crime rates, which have been declining since 1991.

5. We must get rid of guns because a deranged lunatic may go on a shooting spree at any time and anyone who would own a gun out of fear of such a lunatic is paranoid.

6. The more helpless you are the safer you are from criminals.

7. An intruder will be incapacitated by tear gas or oven spray, but if shot with a .357 Magnum will get angry and kill you.

8. A woman raped and strangled is morally superior to a woman with a smoking gun and a dead rapist at her feet.

9. When confronted by violent criminals, you should “put up no defense – give them what they want, or run” (Handgun Control Inc. Chairman Pete Shields, Guns Don’t Die – People Do, 1981, p. 125).

10. The New England Journal of Medicine is filled with expert advice about guns; just like Guns & Ammo has some excellent treatises on heart surgery.

11. One should consult an automotive engineer for safer seat belts, a civil engineer for a better bridge, a surgeon for internal medicine, a computer programmer for hard drive problems, and Sarah Brady for firearms expertise.

12. The 2nd Amendment, ratified in 1787, refers to the National Guard, which was created 130 years later, in 1917.

13. The National Guard, federally funded, with bases on federal land, using federally-owned weapons, vehicles, buildings and uniforms, punishing trespassers under federal law, is a “state” militia.

14. These phrases: “right of the people peaceably to assemble,” “right of the people to be secure in their homes,” “enumerations herein of certain rights shall not be construed to disparage others retained by the people,” and “The powers not delegated herein are reserved to the states respectively, and to the people” all refer to individuals, but “the right of the people to keep and bear arms” refers to the state.

15. “The Constitution is strong and will never change.” But we should ban and seize all guns thereby violating the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Amendments to that Constitution.

16. Rifles and handguns aren’t necessary to national defense! Of course, the army has hundreds of thousands of them.

17. Private citizens shouldn’t have handguns, because they aren’t “military weapons”, but private citizens shouldn’t have “assault rifles”, because they are military weapons.

18. In spite of waiting periods, background checks, fingerprinting, government forms, etc., guns today are too readily available, which is responsible for recent school shootings. In the 1940’s, 1950’s and 1960’s, anyone could buy guns at hardware stores, army surplus stores, gas stations, variety stores, Sears mail order, no waiting, no background check, no fingerprints, no government forms and there were no school shootings.

19. The NRA’s attempt to run a “don’t touch” campaign about kids handling guns is propaganda, but the anti-gun lobby’s attempt to run a “don’t touch” campaign is responsible social activity.

20. Guns are so complex that special training is necessary to use them properly, and so simple to use that they make murder easy.

21. A handgun, with up to 4 controls, is far too complex for the typical adult to learn to use, as opposed to an automobile that only has 20.

22. Women are just as intelligent and capable as men but a woman with a gun is “an accident waiting to happen” and gun makers’ advertisements aimed at women are “preying on their fears.”

23. Ordinary people in the presence of guns turn into slaughtering butchers but revert to normal when the weapon is removed.

24. Guns cause violence, which is why there are so many mass killings at gun shows.

25. A majority of the population supports gun control, just like a majority of the population supported owning slaves.

26. Any self-loading small arm can legitimately be considered to be a “weapon of mass destruction” or an “assault weapon.”

27. Most people can’t be trusted, so we should have laws against guns, which most people will abide by because they can be trusted.

28. The right of Internet pornographers to exist cannot be questioned because it is constitutionally protected by the Bill of Rights, but the use of handguns for self defense is not really protected by the Bill of Rights.

29. Free speech entitles one to own newspapers, transmitters, computers, and typewriters, but self- defense only justifies bare hands.

30. The ACLU is good because it uncompromisingly defends certain parts of the Constitution, and the NRA is bad, because it defends other parts of the Constitution.

31. Charlton Heston, a movie actor as president of the NRA is a cheap lunatic who should be ignored, but Michael Douglas, a movie actor as a representative of Handgun Control, Inc. is an ambassador for peace who is entitled to an audience at the UN arms control summit.

32. Police operate with backup within groups, which is why they need larger capacity pistol magazines than do “civilians” who must face criminals alone and therefore need less ammunition.

33. We should ban “Saturday Night Specials” and other inexpensive guns because it’s not fair that poor people have access to guns too.

34. Police officers have some special Jedi-like mastery over handguns that private citizens can never hope to obtain.

35. Private citizens don’t need a gun for self- protection because the police are there to protect them even though the Supreme Court says the police are not responsible for their protection.

36. Citizens don’t need to carry a gun for personal protection but police chiefs, who are desk-bound administrators who work in a building filled with cops, need a gun.

37. “Assault weapons” have no purpose other than to kill large numbers of people. The police need assault weapons. You do not.

38. When Microsoft pressures its distributors to give Microsoft preferential promotion, that’s bad; but when the Federal government pressures cities to buy guns only from Smith & Wesson, that’s good.

39. Trigger locks do not interfere with the ability to use a gun for defensive purposes, which is why you see police officers with one on their duty weapon.

40. Handgun Control, Inc., says they want to “keep guns out of the wrong hands.” Guess what? You have the wrong hands.


Safety Versus Security


“Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” -B. Franklin

Benjamin Franklin talked about the choice being between essential liberty and temporary safety. The truth is that safety cannot be bought. It might be borrowed for a time, but there is no such thing as permanent safety.

On 14 March 2018, thousands of young people, in the High School age range (and many much younger than that) walked out of their schools “in protest”.

This protest was staged by Progressives.  Let me be clear, a “Progressive” is nothing more than a Marxist, and Anti-Capitalist, a wanna-be Che Guevera Fan club member, and an arm of the Communist Party.  Every Liberal in the United States is a Closet Progressive, and out-of-the-closet Progressives are Communists in the making.

No, I don’t misunderstand the difference, I KNOW the differences in the definitions of the various types of political parties, but I also know that over time these groups have melded into one for a main objective; to utterly destroy the very foundation of the United States of America.

Those children of 14 March were Sock Puppets.  Many thought they were memorializing the children and teacher killed last month in Florida.  Outwardly, many were told to go protest, and teachers, school boards and school officials – MOST of whom belong to the NEA – allowed this to happen.  School officials who are not in the Teacher’s Unions (notoriously Left Leaning by the way…. seeing the pattern yet?) stood tacitly by for the most part and ignored the ramifications.

Instead of memorializing the dead children, one ADULT with a bullhorn angrily read the names of the children and teach killed, with a very emotional “MURDERED!” she shouted.

Others chanted “Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho! The NRA has GOT TO GO!”

Some young (Muslim) women – I know this because they were dressed in hijabs, stated they came here looking for “peace and tranquility” and America “is a murdering country”.  Came here for tranquility?  From where?  Why?  Stay in your own country and fight there.

Franklin argued for Liberty, not safety.  He, like so many others of the men of his time pledged his “fortunes” to the cause of making America Free.

History tells us that the Constitution originally did not contain the Bill of Rights.  The First Ten Amendments, which were required before the Colonies would eventually ratify the Constitution.  While those tend Amendments are certainly like all the others, able to be added or removed based on the rules IN the Constitution, those ten Amendments are part and parcel of what enables us, the People of this country, to remain in charge.

Not the government.  Not a set of Judges.  Not even Congress.  Not the President.  We, the People.  The laws in the Constitution govern the GOVERNMENT, not us.

The Second Amendment was not written as a secondary by product of wild imaginings.  It was written because the King of England had tried numerous times to disarm the British Subjects in the Colonies.  In fact, all of the Colonists were “Subjects” to the King.  Now, today, we, their descendants are CITIZENS.

We remain Citizens by Right of Being Born here.  By Right of being able to defend ourselves against those who would disarm us, and reign over us with tyranny.  The Colonists didn’t want a standing Army to be used against them.

Today, we have a “standing Army”; the police, who have been militarized.  The US Military, sworn to protect the Constitution, the National Guard, the Coast Guard, and other, lesser groups who are armed in every Department of the US Government (As “Agents”).

The Second Amendment is NOT about Hunting.  It’s NOT about “self-defense”.  It’s about PREVENTING a large standing army from taking our Freedoms away.

The Second Amendment is there to PREVENT Progressives from taking our guns.

I’m going to say something here, that might sound inappropriate to many of you, and I don’t condone violence, and am, having served in the military for over two decades, very against war.  But, it is high past time to stand up and fight back.  Not with violence.  With phone calls.  With letters.  With Email.  With speeches.  With words. With the Pen for the Pen is mightier than the sword.

It is time to let everyone know, without a doubt, we will NOT give up one more piece of Liberty for Safety.  Giving up our guns gives anyone the ability to come in and rules us all.

In my sixty years on this planet, I would never have believed that we could have gone so far down the path of destruction at the hands of an internal enemy of Progressive Marxism.  All, EVERYTHING I have fought for is being usurped before my very eyes by wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Progressives are the ENEMY.  They are not “Progressive”. They are REGRESSIVE.  They are the Children of Hitler.  They are the “arm band” people.  They are the ones who tell you “It’s for the Children” and then put you in prison later, for who knows what purposes or reasons.

Because, you are a dissenter.


ARISE! and Stand up to these people.

While you still can, be heard.  When they won’t hear you any more and they start coming for your guns, then will be the time to shoot back.

This isn’t a game any more.  This is not a charade.  The Left WANTS YOUR GUNS.

They MUST DISARM YOU to control you.  And Control you, they will.

Confiscation Begins

Vermont has approved, 30-0, a measure allowing police to confiscate weapons.

The proposal, which passed with a 30-0 vote, states a police officer could seize firearms from an individual if they were determined to be a risk to themselves or others, WCAX-TV reported.



Second Amendment is an Individual Right – NOT Militias



Apparently, the Left wants nothing more than to change already existing laws to something they can better digest.

For instance, if you have a law that says “Murder is illegal”, they want it to read “Murder is illegal, except if we do it to babies by aborting them, but you can’t buy a gun to defend yourself”.  Kind of like that.  A non-sequitur of sorts in the law makes them happy.

Above at that link you will find that the US Supreme Court has stated CLEARLY that owning weapons, including “military weapons” is an individual right.  You can’t change this. It is immutable.

And yet, the Left is going batshitzcrazy today over guns, gun rights, AR15s and “military weapons” – which the AR15 isn’t.


The Arrogance of the Left

The arrogance of the these Left wing kooks never ceases to amaze and astound me.

At the bottom of this editorial is a link.  I urge you to read it.  But. pease, do not feed the trolls.  Read it, understand what this fool is saying, and then comment here or on the American Patriot Reality Check Facebook Page.  (https://www.facebook.com/AmericanPatriotRealityCheck/)

Here’s a guy who out and out says exactly what we’ve been saying all along. That the “State” will “come take out guns” through the use of “militarized police”.

He goes on to state how he coolly handles those of us who say “You can have my guns when you pry them from my cold, dead fingers”. He says, “Oh, they will, and you’ll be dead in a pool of your own blood”.

Where his arrogance ends however is that we aren’t in this to play dead, or get dead, or to be the first to fire the “next shot heard ’round the world”.

We are in this for our Rights. Yes, that “Second Amendment” Right, and his blithering idiot “First Amendment” right. And all of the other of the first ten in the Bill of Rights.

The government, and it’s minions have NO rights to come take the guns “For the common good”. This is not a “Commonwealth”. America is neither a Monarchy where we are all “subjects” to a king, nor a Socialist State (Although so many of them like to THINK we are).

America is a Representative Constitutional Republic. We are not ruled by theocrats, autocrats, kings, emperors or the people we send to Washington, to the Capitols or the County Seats. We rule OURSELVES through those we place in office.

If, at this point the Left, Politicians and political appointees wish to test this theory, then Thomas Jefferson, one of America’s first “Bad Asses” said it first and I’ll repeat it for emphasis…. and I quote, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

Please, JIM KARGER, please understand that you too will be one of the masses lying there in a pool of your own blood, shot dead by the other side because you chose the wrong side to stand. And truthfully, you may fall victim to your beloved “State” because the second that most-hated “Second Amendment” goes away, you have nothing left to protect your “First Amendment” from the “State” masters.

Be the American Public so misguided, so ill-informed and so uneducated that they believe only that which is fed them by the media, the so-called Fourth Estate? The Media, the Press, the people who stood toe-to-toe with corrupt politicians in the past now stand behind them and take whatever they are fed, and then in turn feed that to a populous of sheep?

Another thing Mr. Jefferson said was, “I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.”

Right he was. Until the future came upon men and women mindlessly caught up in the Battle of the Stars, Television and all sorts of other distraction.

I leave you with these thoughts my friends… be you a wise man, or poor, rich or idiot, none can do better for their country than to stand by it in tough times. That you stand by your country does NOT mean you follow all the laws, corrupt as they may be, or orders from on high, placed upon you as if you were a subject to a King. None of us are by birth slaves. No one in this country living today is a slave and none of shall be slaves again. But if, like Mr. Karger, one chooses such a path then Sam Adams said it best.

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
― Samuel Adams

When They Come For Your Guns, You Will Turn Them Over

Why there is a problem with gun laws

Why do you need to own an ugly black rifle capable of shooting 2-4 rounds per second with the mere pull of a trigger?

Why do you need to be able to buy a thousand rounds?

Why do you NEED high capacity magazines?

I have a better question.  Why do you ask?

Seriously though, when I am asked these questions, sometimes it is difficult getting through to the people who ask.  They are asking the questions rhetorically and do not require, nor even WISH you give an answer.  In fact, they want you to splutter and hem and haw, and feel threatened and guilty.

Why are there gun control laws to begin with?  Why are there people on a no-fly list who can purchase guns?  Why are there people who should be in mental institutions who can purchase weapons?

These are the better questions.

The BEST question though is. if  criminal commits a crime using a gun, say, murder, why isn’t he adjudicated as a murderer and executed? Why aren’t people who are mentally defective put in mental institutions?

So many questions, so few answers, right?


Let’s look at the last questions first.

Because people believe that folks who are mentally deranged shouldn’t be placed in institutions.  Do-gooders for the past hundred years have fought to remove people from mental institutions and indeed, shut down such places.  The same people fought to have “privacy” added to medical records.

Now they wish to reverse this trend.  They would love to know if everyone out there is considered “sane” or not… but it’s not their business any more.

Then, they would like to ask you questions at the doctors office (and I have experienced this personally, so this isn’t some vacuous statement) about your ownership of guns; or whether you have “recently felt like harming yourself or others”.

Let me address the title; no-fly lists.  How does one even get ON a no-fly list?  And why are they on it?  Because they might blow up a plane with a 4 ounce bottle of shampoo?  Or because you spoke out against the US government because you’re dissatisfied with their work ethic?

Both, actually.  If you are a terrorist, you might wish to blow up a plane and perhaps you’ve made it clear, because, for instance you MIGHT belong to Islam.  Islam has made it abundantly clear they wish to kill Americans (and Jews, and Europeans, and Whites, Blacks, Asians, whomever, and wish to do so with impunity… because you’re an INFIDEL).  And you might have made a statement against the US government for their over-reaching, heavy-handed nonsense and you’re questioning their ability to be useful any more.

And with good reason.  You’re an American Citizen questioning the government, because YOU are a watchdog.  YOU are supposed to question the country’s leaders as a dutiful citizen.  Making sure they are doing their job, and doing it for the benefit of the people, and not themselves.

If you’re a terrorist you should BE on a no-fly list, in particular to prevent further training as a terrorist, and secondarily to that to prevent you from blowing up the damned plane.  You should NOT be able to purchase a gun.

If you’re a citizen questioning your government, you should NOT be a no-fly list, no matter which politician, party or group is running the White House this week.  In fact, you should not be on that list, you should NOT be questioned about your questioning, and you SHOULD be allowed to purchase a gun.

Or ten of them.  Or a hundred.

You should not be considered a threat, mentally defective, you should not be considered a person of interest and should be left the hell alone.

In the United States you have a right to your opinion, to express it, Freedom of Speech, Assembly, and to cross state lines and come and go as you please.  No one should be bothering you.

The second you actually commit a crime of course, that all goes out the window.

Now – I’m not going to answer all the above questions.  But I’m going to explain this, carefully for the slow readers out there….

If you are not a criminal (and that includes people who have committed non-capital offenses in the past and have served their time) should not be denied their rights.  They should not be placed on watch lists.  They should not be denied guns, freedom of speech, travel or assembly.

The Progressives in this country (Read: Liberals/Marxists/Communists/Libtards/Democrats and morons) are using words to push their agenda.  They want to be able to place ANYONE on a no-fly, watch list and thereby prevent them from buying, holding, using, storing or otherwise have rights to guns.

In other words, the idea of background checks is to see if someone doesn’t meet a certain criteria;  that criteria will be decided by whome EVER is in charge of the current government, be it GOP, Democrats, Obama, Leftist, Rightist, Libertarian, Marixist, Commie, Pinko or whatever….

Therein lies the problem.

Everyone wants to TRUST the government and it’s time to distrust them with all your hearts.

Our government is supposed to be by the people and for the people; not for themselves, not for profit, not to control us, not to have power.

Do not trust a politician who says they will “ban guns”.  Or implement regulations to “check backgrounds” because quite honestly, who is going to watch the watchers?????

You see, we already have several thousand gun laws on the books, federal, state, local, wish lists and made up stuff that some local “authority” can invoke at their whim.  Those rules, laws, city regulations, county statutes are all there for one thing.  To prevent you and me from having a normal, healthy, happy life pursuing whatever business we like, go where we wish and drink the beer we like.

You see my friends gun control isn’t about guns.

It’s about control.

No-fly lists are great if you’re preventing terrorists.  Not so good if you’re preventing granny or grandpa from boarding a plane to go home for Christmas.  Or stopping Joe Blow because he happens to have expressed dissatisfaction with a government policy of allowing in random illegal immigrants (who didn’t go through normal regulations and procedures to get into the country).

Our country is under siege.  Siege from illegals, from terrorists, from people who want to “change” our country to something it is not, and was never intended to be.

We are here to prevent the latter, more than anything.  And we will do so.

No more gun laws will be enacted.

No more “refugees” will be let in, or they will be run out.

NO more Obamas in office.  No more Clintons in office.  They had their day. And have ruined our country.

If you don’t like guns, by God move someplace where guns are already illegal.  If you don’t like the idea this is a Capitalist country, move to a Communist country.  I was here first, and my country was the way it was before you tried to screw it up.  If you don’t like the fact you can’t get some rich guys money split up amongst all your homies… then homie, move the fuck out of my country and leave the guys alone that have the money.

Those guys create jobs.  Or maybe you should just get a job?

The greatest problem with gun control is that anyone can be placed on a list, adjudicated as mentally defective and prevented from exercising their rights.

Obama, Hillary Toying With ‘Civil War’ Over Gun Confiscation

Original: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/11/02/daily-beast-obama-hillary-toying-civil-war-gun-confiscation/

by AWR Hawkins2 Nov 20158,245

On November 2, The Daily Beast pointed to recent statements from President Obama and Hillary Clinton regarding the implementation of Australian-style gun confiscation and suggested “civil war could erupt on American soil” if any administration actually tried to confiscate privately owned firearms.

The Daily Beast theoretically agreed that “confiscation on a massive scale” may be “the only way to solve American gun violence,” but they pointed out that it was not realistic and suggested Hillary risks causing irreparable divisions by talking about confiscation then mocking gun owners as conspiracy theorists waiting for “black helicopters” to come take their guns away.

According to The Daily Beast, confiscation was workable in Australia because there was no Second Amendment and the government only had to take 650,000 guns. That is a far cry from the “350 million” believed to be in Americans’ hands.

Yes, “350 million.”

But even more important than the number of guns is the depth of American “devotion” to them. And The Daily Beast observes that it is this devotion–this dedication to the philosophy and tradition underlying the right to keep and bear arms–that turns the mere mention of confiscation into something that could literally rip the country apart.

The Daily Beast put it thus, “The prospect of confiscation—as much as it might, theoretically, reduce drastically or even eliminate gun crime altogether—is simply impossible in the United States.” They pointed to statements by Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson, who stressed that Jews could have curtailed the Holocaust had they retained their guns. The Daily Beast suggests Carson hit on something “Second Amendment enthusiasts are fond of arguing,” namely, “that gun rights are enshrined in the Constitution not only for the sake of hunters or people who want to protect their homes and businesses from criminals, but also to allow the population to resist an overreaching government.”

Breitbart News previously reported that Founding Father James Madison used Federalist 46 to make that very point–that armed citizens could band together and resist their government, should it tend toward tyranny. And he pointed out that this demonstrated American exceptionalism inasmuch as citizens of other nations, lacking arms, also lacked the ability to resist.

The Daily Beast addressed the way Hillary mentioned confiscation only later to mock gun owners for fearing the government might come after their guns:

Clinton can joke all she likes about Americans fearing “black helicopters” taking their guns away, but it is no exaggeration to suggest that civil war could erupt on American soil were the U.S. government to attempt anything remotely resembling what was done in Australia.

The column in The Daily Beast is aptly titled, “Yes, They Want to Take Your Guns Away.”

Follow AWR Hawkins on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at awrhawkins@breitbart.com.


Paris – Friday the 13th Terror attack

Well, my “retirement” lasted a few hours at best.

On Friday the 13th 2015, Paris suffered multiple, coordinated attacks killing one hundred-thirty people, murdered by Islamic kooks. Nearly five hundred were injured as multiple gun shots went off, grenades and vest bombs were detonated. For anyone that has either followed me or folks like me, the warnings have been there for America for several years, since 9-11.

The warnings included exact scenarios such as this one.  The warnings have also stated that they will come to America, Canada, Germany, the UK and any other place they feel they can get in a few good licks.  These people are fanatics, and will bide their time preparing for their one, and ultimate attack because they know they won’t get a second one.

Americans across the United States have had enough of the crap coming from the White House, the lack of ANYTHING coming from Congress and have decided collectively that this is war.  The President won’t declare it.  Congress is impotent to do anything, but Americans have decided they will NOT take what happened in Paris laying down or with their heads in the sand.

At this point in time, thousands and thousands of Americans have armed themselves waiting for that one, stinking Muslim to pull a trigger in a grade school, a mall, a movie theater, the local coffee shop or on some random street.  If it happens woe unto those so-called “moderate Muslims” who sat on their asses, imagining they were helping by pretending to be indignant over ISIS (or radical Islam).

Most of us have given up asking, or telling these people they need to cull out the bad people themselves.  They have not done so, so most of us have come to the conclusion there is no such thing as a Moderate Muslim.  In fact, in my own visitations to some of the ME, I can assure you that in the 1970s there were “moderates”, but if they existed then, they are long gone now.  They were the ones culled from their society long ago.  Now, America faces a new dilemma.

America faces our OWN President bringing these alleged “refugees” from Syria.  Paris’ own attackers included at least one of those “refugees”.  The attackers also included a “French Citizen”, a Muslim.  Interesting, no?

Stand firm America.  Stand and prepare, because our time is coming.

Somewhere in the United States, Britain, Canada or Australia there will come an attack soon on a scale similar if not dwarfing, the one that occurred in Paris a few days ago.

And yes, it will make you sick.  If you think that the murderer who killed little children in Sandy Hook was bad, wait until the agents of Islam step into the arena.

Our children are at risk.

Our malls are at risk.

Movie theaters, sports stadiums, playgrounds, busy cities, intersections and any other location that “looks soft” are at risk.

We’ve listened for too long to the President and members of Congress attempting to disarm us.  We’ve had far too many Left Leaning kooks whining about “gun control” and too many cities that have gone for too long as “gun free zones” having dozens murdered each weekend (can anyone say “Chicago” for instance).  We have had Pelosi, Reid and Feinstein trying to ban our guns.  We’ve had President Obama trying.

And Obama believes that “Climate Change” (another name for “Global Warming”) is more dangerous than terrorism.

And Obama calling gun owners, NRA members and “the rich” dangerous.

And the FBI placing regular people on “watch lists” because they disagree with the President (Wonder how that happens? In a place that declares our ability to disagree with our government sacrosanct?)

I’m not “fear mongering”.  I’m telling the God’s honest truth here.  We are going to be attacked somewhere in this country.  Soon.  Like Paris.

But, know this, this country is so large and so spread out and is larger than all of Europe put together so it will be difficult for a terrorist group like ISIS to do anything other than small, localized attacks.  Unless they spread such attacks across the US and coordinate them all.

That will be difficult at best, but not impossible.  Obviously, it’s not impossible, as Paris proves.

However, expect any attacks in the USA to be focused on one city, probably New York, or some other large metro area worth hitting to kill as many as possible with guns, bombs and fire.

If they terrorists are smart, they will spread what teams they have across the country, coordinate the attacks in several cities at once.  Malls would be good, around Christmas.  39 days until Christmas.  Black Friday at the malls.

Is this GOING to happen?  Probably not tomorrow. But it will.  The second we let our guard down.

Am I suggesting we stay home and hide? No.

I AM suggesting that we prepare.  If you can do so legally, carry a weapon.  On your person, in your car, around you somewhere.  If you can’t legally – I won’t make suggestions for you. You can figure things out for yourselves.

But if ONE school is attacked by these heathens and someone in your community has prevented you from being able to help by denying your basic, human rights to keep and bear arms then you should take immediate steps to stop the attackers, and then remove whomever that was from holding office any longer (or in the future if possible).

I am warning everyone in this country now; in particular Leftists, Marxists, Progressives, the sissy Liberals and whiny Victims, it’s time to put up or shut up.  You are either Americans, or you Ain’t.

By that I mean, this is a Capitalist, Christian-based, Constitution-founded Republic.  Love it, or Leave it.  Stop trying to CHANGE IT.

Muslims:  Be warned.  If you’re brethren try anything here, there will be no stopping pissed off Americans from running you all out of this country once and for all, back to your bombed out, stone-aged countries.  Or outright running you into the ocean.  If you’re truly one of those alleged “Moderates” you’d better stand up, be counted and point out the fanatics before you find yourselves standing next to them in a jail cell or dead because you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time.

France; While you have at times been the brunt of our jokes about being “cowards” we all know that this was not meant for the people of your country, but for your leaders who have shown themselves in the past to be just that.  The people of the United States of America stand with you against the enemies of the West.

Western Civilization is being threatened at its very core right now by Islam.  This has happened in the past.

Each time Muslims have invaded Europe, France, Britain, Italy and Spain, the world has answered with a war.  Each time the war was called “The Crusade” for good reason, to shove the animals back to where they belonged.

This time, in modern times, if it comes to that, there will be no stopping the West this time.  Islam will cease to exist.  Korans will not only be burned, but those preaching them, issuing fatwas and attacking others’ religions will be as well.  This is my prediction.

I do not wish to see the world immersed again in fire, but the fires will be the fires of hell and nuclear damnation this time.  There will not be shiny armor and swords, spears and men on horses.  There will be fire from the sky, lead from the weapons of determined and rough agents of God.  There will be no “Rules of Engagement” other than the timely words of a Knights Marshal overseeing such a battle as between two knights of the Round Table of “LAY ON”.

There will be no prisoners.

The world be warned.

Armageddon approaches.

US Government “Shut Down” 2013

Good morning all.

I’m sitting at a military installation.  For the record it is being passed on the news that literally several thousand at the various bases in my region have been furloughed.

Now – looking around me, I can tell you this is kind of bullshit.  A whole lot of government people are at work.

This morning NOAA shut down their web sites.  Web sites don’t require a hell of a lot of work – except updating the data on them, so why shut it down?  A large portion of the people working for ALL government agencies are Contractors.

In our case, I’m a contractor, money has been allocated already (for awhile, we could be furloughed soon too though).

In the case of NOAA most of the weather people doing updates are contractors.

So shutting down sites is a childish thing the President has ordered.

Yesterday monuments in DC were closed.  Today a lot of parks are closed… even if they have roads passing through, the ROADS ARE CLOSED.  Childish.

The White House hasn’t been reopened since sequestration… childish.

Do I care if the government “shuts down”?  Not really.

All those “economic problems” because “caused” by this are more bullshit problems.  They aren’t getting their check on payday – but you can bet your ass they will get their back pay.  No one is going to stop spending money because the government has shut down.

Funny…. though, Obamacare hasn’t shut down.  It launches the day the government shuts down and it’s being funded.


There is a (slight) possibility that if this continues for weeks there will be some “crashes”.  EBT cards won’t get funded soon enough and a lot of government agencies will simply stop working.  This means that there will be some ripples, but how bad those ripples becomes is anyone’s guess right now.

I honestly see the GOP caving in shortly because they are getting the majority of the blame, even though it is Harry Reid and the Senate really stopping this.

Yesterday they funded the military, but refused to fund the VA.  Congress will get paid no matter what, because it’s written into the constitution they will get paid.

Basically this is a “Fund my stuff, but not your stuff” kind of fight.  The country as a whole doesn’t want Obamacare.  A few people want it.  Liberals assholes who want others to pay for their problems.

I have a job, I have health care – I’m expecting it to increase drastically to the point I will tell them “I don’t want it”.  And I’ll take the “fine” and I won’t pay that either.  Pretty soon, I will have ZERO INCOME and how cool will that be?  I can’t really be fined if I have no money right?  Whatever.

To hell with the government, Obama, the Democrats, the GOP – all of them.  They are a bunch of lying assholes who want to control every aspect of our lives in America.  They want most of our money we make (so they can waste it), they want to control where we can go, when we can go, how much we can save or not save, they want to control OUR HEALTH, they want to control what we eat, read, drink, own, where we live, how we live and whether we live or die.

Not only is it TIME to shut this government down, it’s time to remove these assholes from office.



Strange Bedfellows: ACLU and NRA Sue US Government

NRA backs ACLU spying lawsuit over gun registry fears

Published September 05, 2013


The National Rifle Association on Wednesday filed an amicus brief in federal court supporting an American Civil Liberties Union lawsuit challenging a government phone-tracking program that collects the telephone records of millions of Americans.

The brief argues that the National Security Agency’s phone records collection program could “allow identification of NRA members, supporters, potential members, and other persons with whom the NRA communicates, potentially chilling their willingness to communicate with the NRA.”

The ACLU’s lawsuit — which names as defendants the heads of national intelligence as well as the agencies they lead, including the National Security Agency, the FBI, the Department of Defense and the Department of Justice — argues the phone record collection program disclosed by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden is unconstitutional.

Tom Coburn happy he doesn’t have to impeach Obama

The Republican Senator, Tom Coburn said President Obama is moving “perilously close” to impeachment, Sen. Tom Coburn told a town hall crowd this week, two reports said Thursday.

However, he stated he is a “friend” to the President and further went on to say:

“That’s not something you take lightly, and you have to use a historical precedent of what that means,” he said. “I think there’s some intended violation of the law in this administration, but I also think there’s a ton of incompetence, of people who are making decisions.

“I believe [an impeachment charge] needs to be evaluated and determined, but thank goodness it doesn’t have to happen in the Senate until they’ve brought charges in the House,” Coburn said. “Those are serious things, but we’re in a serious time. I don’t have the legal background to know if that rises to high crimes and misdemeanor, but I think they’re getting perilously close.”


Really, Senator?  Thank “Goodness” you don’t have to “deal” with it?  Let someone ELSE “deal with it”?

Senator, you’re not a man, you’re a coward.  If you had the intestinal fortitude to follow through you’d be working with House members to arrange exactly what you’re talking about, IMPEACHMENT – and the eventual removal of this criminal from the Office of the President.

America has gone over the edge and you are sitting in the People’s building being HAPPY you don’t have to DO anything over Benghazi, over Ft. Hood Massacre (It was a bloody TERRORIST ATTACK).  We are going to let Obama NOT take the blame for NSA, the IRS, the DOJ (I’m not going to name all the scandals here, but suffice it to say they were ALL CRIMES!)

Get off your lazy ass and get going on removing this criminal from office before American burns.

Every, single tag and category attached to this blog post had a crime committed against America – from the President speaking out AGAINST Zimmerman and FOR gun control, to Benghazi, to the IRS (which is being ignored) to the NSA (also being ignored) to the “sequestration” and loss of food for wounded warriors at Walter Reed while Gays are being given free leave to go marry their partners in other states.

Give Americans a break, Senator and kick this bastard out of OUR HOUSE – before we do it.


Impeach Obama!

That’s all…  Just impeach the bastard.  Over Benghazi. Over IRS.  Over NSA.  Over all the scandals.  Over all the lies.  Impeach the man.

America needs to be repaired.

Homeland Security loses track of 1 million foreigners; report could hurt immigration deal

I forget… what do we pay these guys to do again? Oh, right, to keep track of visitors, and to know when they come and go….


This is just the ones they KNOW came in and can’t prove they left.  What about those that sneaked in and didn’t leave?  The ones they don’t even KNOW about?

The Homeland Security Department has lost track of more than 1 million people who it knows arrived in the U.S. but who it cannot prove left the country, according to an audit Tuesday that also found the department probably won’t meet its own goals for deploying an entry-exit system.

The findings were revealed as Congress debates an immigration bill, and the Government Accountability Office’s report could throw up another hurdle because lawmakers in the House and Senate have said that any final deal must include a workable system to track entries and exits and cut down on so-called visa overstays.

The government does track arrivals, but is years overdue in setting up a system to track departures — a goal set in a 1996 immigration law and reaffirmed in 2004, but which has eluded Republican and Democratic administrations.

“DHS has not yet fulfilled the 2004 statutory requirement to implement a biometric exit capability, but has planning efforts under way to report to Congress in time for the fiscal year 2016 budget cycle on the costs and benefits of such a capability at airports and seaports,” GAO investigators wrote.

Outside business groups and Republican donors are trying to breathe life into the push for getting an immigration bill through Congress this year.

Nearly 100 top donors and former party officials signed a letter Tuesday pleading with House Republicans to pass a bill legalizing illegal immigrants, saying it could open the door to earning immigrants’ political support.

“Doing nothing is de facto amnesty. We need to take control of whom we let in our country and we need to make sure everybody plays by the same rules,” the donors said in their letter.

They aimed their pitch at House Republicans, who are trying to figure out a way forward and find themselves trapped between rank-and-file Republican voters who say legalizing illegal immigrants is an amnesty, and the party’s elites and donors who say the party cannot survive nationally without embracing legalization as part of a strategy to win over Hispanic voters.

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UN Planning World Wide confiscation of Weapons




Apparently the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs has released a new letter.

If anyone in America THINKS they are going to take our weapons, they have another THINK coming.  In the form of hot lead.  Do NOT let the Leftists in the United States kid you one little bit.  They want your complete and utter subjugation and will stop at nothing to get it.

We ARE at war over this.  The first shots were fired in Sandy Hook, lest anyone forget this.  There are plenty of reasons to believe that was a set up.  To date, no one has proved beyond a shadow of doubt that the shooter was Lanza.  No one. 

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Watch: Marine Colonel Warns: “Homeland Security is Pre-Staging Gear and Equipment”

Mac Slavo
August 15th, 2013

We live in a seemingly free country, so we’re told. But that may be because the majority of us have never spent time in a war zone or highly secured police state-like environment.

Few of us understand what it looks like when military and state intelligence assets take over.

Those who do understand, and have themselves implemented such plans in other countries, see exactly what’s going on and they are sounding the alarm (often falling on deaf ears).

In Concord, New Hampshire the local police chief has filed a requisition with the Department of Homeland Security to beef up his police force with a Ballistic Engineered Armored Response Counter Attack Truck to quell any disturbances initiated by activists or other potential domestic terrorists. In response, the residents held a city council meeting, prompting a retired Marine Colonel to weigh in.

He was formerly a coordinator tasked with manning, training and equipping the Iraqi Army throughout the northern provinces, and he candidly shares his insights and compares the nationwide lock-down in Iraq to what’s happening right here at home.

This is coming from someone who knows – someone who has seen exactly how a population is put under control by means of surveillance and force – and he suggests that what they did in Iraq is child’s play compared to what’s happening in the Land of the Free today.

My job was to man, train and equip the Iraqi Army in Al Anbar, Najaf, Karbala and the northern provinces… We did everything we could to make it as strong as possible.

I’ll tell you right now, homeland security would kick their butts in a week.

What’s happening here is we’re building a domestic military, because it’s unlawful…unconstitutional to use American troops on American soil. So, what we’re doing is we’re building a military.

The way we do things in the military is called task organization. You take a command and then you attach units to it in order to accomplish the mission.

What’s happening is Homeland Security is pre-staging gear and equipment… what they’re trying to do is use standardized vehicles, standardized equipment. 

I saw a picture of the Marathon bombing and there were two officers – they both had identical helmets, flack jackets, weapons… everything I wore in Iraq.

Boston-Manhunt-0413-de(Pictured: Domestic Police Force sweeps the streets of Boston after Marathon Bombing)

What we’re doing here – let’s not kid about it – we’re building a domestic army and we’re shrinking the military because the government is afraid of its own citizens.

I don’t know where we’re going to use this many vehicles and this many troops.

I can’t believe people aren’t seeing it. Is everybody blind?

(Video via Activist Post / Daily Sheeple)
(Watch at Youtube)

While Americans go about their daily activities- sipping their $4 morning coffees, sharing their pictures on social media sites, talking about the latest draft prospects at the water cooler, and focusing their efforts on acquiring the latest and greatest mobile devices – a sinister government is hard at work behind the scenes to ensure complete access to every detail of our lives, as well as the heavy-handed means to control us should we step out of line.

America, according to Janet Napolitano’s Department of Homeland Security and the various forms of  ”secret” legislation passed by Congress, is now a domestic war zone, so it only makes sense that local police forces, in an effort to sidestep the restrictions set forth by the U.S. Constitution, are being heavily militarized to fight the new threat.

As noted by one DHS Insider, “it has already begun – you’re seeing it now.”

You are the target and millions of government personnel have been tasked with making sure you don’t step out of line by using any means necessary.
Please Spread The Word And Share This Post

Original at: http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/watch-marine-colonel-warns-homeland-security-is-pre-staging-gear-and-equipment_08152013

Visas for Terrorists Program

A Brothers’ Day Card for Obama — Marking Visa for Blind Sheikh’s Terrorist Organization

The Obama administration is the Hallmark Cards of Brothers’ Day, having done so much to bring it about: courting Brotherhood satellites in the Middle East from Day One, doing tireless “outreach” to Brotherhood organizations in the U.S. (including “hundreds” of meetings with CAIR by the count of one administration official), and helping the Brothers spread the Islamist Ascendancy Arab Spring from Egypt to Tunisia, Libya, and — coming soon, at an intervention near you — Syria. So grateful is the Brotherhood’s Egyptian mothership that its future plans include a new capital city, al-Quds (what the Zionist enemy calls “Jerusalem”) . . . which just happens to be the favorite city of John Brennan, Obama’s national-security adviser and assassinations czar.

President Obama rushed in to join the Palestinian Authority and his good friend Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey’s Islamist Prime Minister, in congratulating President-elect Mohammed Morsi. But what better way to mark this momentous occasion than a Brothers’ Day greeting card?

There is, for example, the one Representative Peter King, chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, has just sent to Obama Homeland Security secretary Janet Napolitano. In the spirit of the times, Secretary Napolitano’s crack agency took a time out from not enforcing the federal immigration laws to issue a visa to a member of Gama’at al-Islamia (the Islamic Group), the Egyptian terrorist organization headed by the “Blind Sheikh” — Omar Abdel Rahman. It was the Blind Sheikh who started up the Islamic Group’s jihadist cell branch office of same in the New York metropolitan area in the late Eighties. That IG branch office bombed the World Trade Center in 1993.

Read the rest: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/303871/brothers-day-card-obama-marking-visa-blind-sheikhs-terrorist-organization-andrew-c-mcc



Nuclear Terror Attack!

Got your attention, didn’t I?  Well, good, pay attention here.  We haven’t been training people for such an attack in forever… not since I was a little kid.  Remember “Duck and Cover”?

Check this out:


Indiana at center of national terror response training exercise

Thousands of members of the armed forces including members of the Indiana National Guard are participating in mass disaster training in Jennings County.

Exercise Vibrant Response is in full effect at the Muscatatuck training camp and Camp Atterbury in Johnson County.

Read more: http://fox59.com/2013/07/31/indiana-at-center-of-national-terror-attack-training-exercise/#ixzz2bsZ9z2of

There is a video at the above link and here’s more for you to see.


There is only one way to stop Hillary Clinton

Tuesday, August 13, 2013 3:25

By Lawrence Sellin

If current political trends continue, there are two inescapable outcomes: Hillary Clinton will be elected President in 2016 and, by the end of her eight years in office, the United States will no longer exist.

The Democrat electoral juggernaut cannot be stopped for two reasons.

First, the Democrats seem to have perfected the art of voter fraud and it may now be considered an integral component of their national campaign strategy. The results of the 2012 election suggest that massive voter fraud is not required. Selective alteration of the count in specific precincts of large swing states such as Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida would be enough. That might help explain why Democrats, especially Hillary Clinton are vehemently opposed to voter ID requirements.

In parallel, the mainstream media will censor or manipulate the news in order to promote Hillary’s political ambitions, even at the expense of their own journalistic integrity and the well-being of the country.

Additional factors that will contribute to a permanent Democrat majority and a one-party state are the amnesty and the voting rights that will soon be given to 11 million or more illegal aliens.

The extent of corruption in the federal government and our political system is no longer compatible with liberty. Unless there is a significant reversal soon, it is only a matter of time that a catastrophe will be upon us, which will inexorably lead to national collapse and fragmentation.

The Republican Party can no longer be considered a political vehicle capable of providing effective opposition to the far-left policies of the Democrat Party and the propaganda of the establishment media. It too has become a party of big government, which is unresponsive and unaccountable to its constituency.

As a recent example of the tyrannical approach and abuse of power practiced by the political elite, the Republicans have joined with the Democrats to force Obamacare on the American people while at the same time exempting themselves.

In “The Discources” (1517), Niccoló Machiavelli wrote:




Judge Rules NYPD Stop-and-Frisk Practice Violates Rights

  • Updated August 12, 2013, 3:48 p.m. ET

A federal judge ordered an independent monitor to oversee changes to the New York City Police Department’s stop-and-frisk practice after ruling the polarizing policy violated the U.S. Constitution.

In a ruling released Monday morning, three months after hearing nine weeks of testimony in a class-action lawsuit challenging the policy, U.S. District Judge Shira Scheindlin in Manhattan found that “the city acted with deliberate indifference toward the NYPD’s practice of making unconstitutional stops and conducting unconstitutional frisks.”



Good.  They have NO BUSINESS frisking people for NO REASON.




Will a Military Coup fix America?

I personally just don’t see a military coup in the United States as an option.  But is my view of the world the same as others’ beliefs?  Probably not.  When it comes right down to it, with my vast amount of time as a military man, from my point of view, I can’t say that absolutely, definitely a coup could or would take place.  The truth is, in MY time, no such thing could have or would have happened.  But other factors are in play here that I would never have considered myself – but others might.

The Spanish have a long and storied history for coups – in fact, Mexicans and most Previously-ruled-by-Spain Central and South American countries follow suit.  When the people get mad, they start a war.  Someone winds up on top in the end, usually the existing military and a strong leader (regardless of his moral and ethically leanings).  Most south and central American countries are what we consider “banana republics”.

Is America becoming a Banana Republic?

Let us look:

A Banana republic is a pejorative term for a country with a kleptocratic government, often with a primitive economy and sometimes a puppet state of a major power.

The more proper definition being: Banana republic is a political science term for a politically unstable country whose economy is largely dependent on the export of a single limited-resource product, such as bananas. It typically has stratified social classes, including a large, impoverished working class and a ruling plutocracy that comprises the elites of business, politics, and the military. This politico-economic oligarchy controls the primary-sector productions and thereby exploits the country’s economy. (Wikipedia)

kleptocracy: Kleptocracy, alternatively cleptocracy or kleptarchy, (from Greek: κλέπτης – kleptēs, “thief” and κράτος – kratos, “power, rule”, hence “rule by thieves”) is a form of political and government corruption where the government exists to increase the personal wealth and political power of its officials and the ruling class at the expense of the wider population, often without pretense of honest service. This type of government corruption is often achieved by the embezzlement of state funds.

plutocracy: Rule by the wealthy. We’re technically not being ruled by the wealthy, but then again we are. Rich lawyers are elected thus rich lawyers are in charge of most of the government’s various sectors. Companies lobby for power in the government (and I have no trouble with open markets).

So this author’s guess is that  ARE a Banana Republic, or more accurately rapidly degenerating into a Banana Republic. We still have a Constitutional Republic and most of us KNOW this and MOST of us wouldn’t do anything against “the government” in the military. Whether some rogue officer would start something, I just don’t know – but I just can’t SEE it happening.

On the other hand…

1) Morals are in decline.
2) America is in decline.
3) Money is becoming worthless.
4) The economy is tanking.
5) Things are not worth what they once were.
6) People are in “gimme gimme” mode.
7) The President himself is working to divide people of this country.
8) The Left is fighting the Right on guns and every other thing you can imagine.
9) Detroit is the first major city to have fallen.
10) Other cities won’t be far behind.
11) Obamacare will destroy what’s left of the economy.
12) Oil and Coal are verboten.
13) Scandal after scandal has rocked DC and those are being called “phony”.
14) More people are on government help than are working now.
15) Political corruption
16) Government corruption
17) borders are uncontrolled, the “barbarian hordes” are coming through daily, by the thousands
18) the government coffers are being sucked dry by “entitlements” and the government keeps wanting more from the working people, the “rich” and corporations.

Rome fell for the many of the same reasons; moral decline, political corruption, “barbarian knowledge of Roman tactics” (think about that for a moment), a failing economy, unemployment of the working “class”, decline in ethics and values, natural disasters, barbarian invasion (Hmmmm…. border security?), military decay (not being trained right, and reduction in forces), and many other reasons.

So could a military coup take America back?  I can not answer that question but I can certainly suggest that this country is in a condition which will facilitate such a thing happening.  But will some military officer be able to gain enough power to lead enough American men, who are independent thinkers, into such a one way path?  I seriously doubt it will happen.  I don’t doubt the fall of America is upon us.

Coffee, Guns and Gratitude

Starbucks appreciation day for Gun Owners.  Go armed, go get coffee…


A lesson: These are the times that try men’s souls.

“These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value.”  Thomas Paine

America the Beautiful.  United States of America.  Old Glory.  Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.  Freedom.  Liberty.  Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All.  Stars and Stripes.  Play ball! As American as Apple Pie.

All of these words evoke, I hope in each of you, something in your heart of hearts.  The words should bring a vision of what America is supposed to be about, how we should act, and indeed this is how I grew up as a child, either reciting some of the words, singing them in a song or two or hearing the words spoken aloud at some reading or other.

To me, looking out at the Great Pacific Ocean on the left coast, the Atlantic to the East, standing in the Rocky Mountains and seeing the majesty of the vista before me, or riding down the Mississippi in an old Paddle Wheel boat right from the time of Samuel Clemons, fishing in a stream in Kentucky and following the same trek as Daniel Boone himself followed, or standing in the Alamo where Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie and Colonel William Travis died, and listening to the Star Spangled Banner penned by Francis Scott Key standing aboard the HMS Tonnant certainly evokes an emotion that is difficult to explain or to quite be able to put into words.

America was once a great country.  Oh, but how the great have fallen.  As a child we practiced the “Duck and Cover” exercises in kindergarten because America was afraid of the Atomic Bomb and we worked to preserve our children.  We understood the need for “Civil Defense”, and we built our military to stand up to, and defeat if necessary the evil Communists behind the Iron Curtain.  In 1962 we tittered on the verge of world destruction, but thankfully a strong leader in the Presidency, John F. Kennedy stood up to Khrushchev and the USSR finally backed off.

Today we are embroiled in little, petty wars all for the sake of making a President “look good on television”.  (For my friends, sons, brothers-in-arms and fellow military men and women, I realize that war is never petty please forgive my belittling of that thing so heinous to us all).  Really, why are we still spread out over there in the Sand Box taking casualties daily?  Why are we fighting the Muslims there?  Let them kill one another.  Bring the boys back home to rest.

Our country brethren belittle military service, they belittle our flag, they belittle our principles, they treat our Rights as something “offered” to us by the government and freely removed if enough people “just feel they don’t like it”.  Indeed we have men in this country who are so cowardly they will turn you in if they even THINK you are THINKING bad thoughts.  Leftists are rarely right on anything, always emotional about everything, and seek to use emotion, lies, obfuscation and name calling to their advantage.

Patriots in this country, believers in those things I mentioned above, the flag, the country, the strength of character of America are treated as if they are terrorists and ignorant backwoods boys who can’t think for themselves.  We are told “you have blood on your hands” because we believe in the Second Amendment.  We are called “baby killers” because a mentally insane person grabs a gun and attacks innocent people.  We are told we MUST give up our guns because it is for the GOOD of the Children.

The President of the United States speaks on behalf of these cowardly men who think that life must be good to them because the government takes so much from others.  In fact, when a man named George Zimmerman had to defend his own life against a young thug trying to beat him to death, this President, instead of reaching out and asking for calm, carefully, and artfully attempted to racially divide this country into “Black and White”.

This President has used his Executive position to enable the NSA spying on Americans.  He has used the long arm of the IRS to prevent his opponents from seeking and gaining office, or even obtaining donations to his opponents. His buddy in the Department of Justice, Eric Holder has lied outright to the Congress and to the people of this country and essentially murdered people with guns given to the drug cartels.

He is using the very military which our Forefathers feared as a bludgeon on the people of this country by indoctrinating certain officers in the “Social arts” (socialism and humanism) and firing those who do not meet his criteria.

This President, we aren’t even sure was even born in the United States, says one thing, then does another.  There are plenty of other scandals rocking the media today, and yet, nothing sticks to this man and his cronies.  America has become emasculated.  No one has the intestinal fortitude – or big enough balls to stand up and tell it like it is.  No one, no one but us bloggers and Patriots and we’re treated like scum in the bathtub….

The various Agencies and Bureaucratic Leviathans that have been created are given powers over the people, without oversight by our own Congress – because frankly Congress is lazy, they don’t want to work for the people any more – and these agencies use their power of regulation to destroy people’s lives, to shut down businesses, to harm the economy of this country and to destroy the belief in ourselves. Coal and Oil are forbidden to dig up.  Forests can’t be used, or even cleaned up and forest fires become conflagrations that kill people and destroy homes.  And the Global Warming kooks blame men for using oil.

This Leviathan has taken more from the people who work and create jobs it appears now, in an effort to destroy this country from within.  In fact the money taken in taxes from the “wealthy” (as defined by some random bureaucrats)  is redistributed to the “poor” (poor is a misnomer, it’s given to whomever is smart enough to scam the system, because I know poor folks personally that can’t get aid simply because they make a dollar more than poverty level and are white).

The words of Thomas Paine with which I started this piece were meant for men who lived long ago, nearly now forgotten by history.  Men who stood up to tyranny and took away from it a land from which to make a country.  A country that would be a proud and strong place, where immigrants came for over 200 years to make a new life, to work, to escape the poverty of Europe and other places, a county that is now a Banana Republic, run by a Puppet who can’t speak without his puppet masters running his teleprompter.

Perhaps from the words of Thomas Paine those within the sight and sound of this piece will take heart.

If you are to do so, then listen carefully. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.  And we are in a conflict for the hearts, minds and souls of Americans now.

Make no mistake; we are under a soft police state, a soft tyranny.  People aren’t yet being carted to the dungeons, but words are said by those that would disarm us that should make you take stock of your self, your family and your own safety.  There is no safety in this world but that which you give yourselves.  There are no tyrants who can stand against a united and genuine people.  This country is ours.  It doesn’t belong to the Leftists, Socialists, Liberals, Marxists and Communists.  It belongs to a people with Common Sense, it belongs to you and me.

It’s time to take it back.

It’s time to stand up, be heard and not back down.

No more Summer Soldiers and Sunshine Patriots.

This is real, this is Tyranny and it must stop before the trains and carts come to take you away.

Why do you need a gun like the AR15?


Because, Liberal, fuck you, that’s why!

American Patriot

I have decided to vanish.  My name is changed to protect me, the Innocent.


I’m sick and tired of being accused of untrue things, and I’m damned tired of people screwing MY country up.

The Government thinks that people like me are “terrorists” though people like me are the most loyal to America and the American Way of Life.  We’re the people who gave our time to keep America safe.  Some of us died in battle protecting this country and protecting Liberty.  Yet some of us return from foreign lands, tired, poor and as huddled masses forced to live with the memories of horrors seen in those foreign lands.

What does our government do?  Declares those veterans a danger to themselves, the public or whatever.

It is time this crap stopped.

It is time for Americans to rise up and put a stop to the “Hope and Change” that has been foisted upon us all in the name of “Social Justice” and “Economic Equality”, “Socialism” and outright Marxism.

New elections are coming soon.  Either get up off your lazy asses, and turn OFF the television and start working to remove the criminals in office, and further prevent damage to this country or it will be people like American Patriots who do the job;  and it won’t be pretty, it won’t be nice and likely won’t be something anyone else can stomach.  The time is NOW to throw off your chains, otherwise, you remain prisoner and slave to this NeoMarxism pressed upon us.

Awaken Americans!  Stand up and fight back!

Or you will end up as a historical anomaly, destined to be the dust under the feet of your new masters.

Americans: Stand up and Resist!

I’m an American.  I was born in the USA.  Before me, my father, grandfather, great-grandfather, great-great-grandfather, great-great-great-grandfather and several generations prior were also born here.

One of them came over on a ship from Ireland, another from Scotland.  Men before me have fought for this country from the Indian Wars to the Revolutionary War to the most recent wars in the Middle East.  My sons are Americans and Patriots.

The lie that “We are all immigrants” has been told so often that it’s now being believed.  Yes, my distant forefather DID come to America as an immigrant. A LEGAL Immigrant, albeit, forced to come here to find freedom from Oppression of the British Empire.

Today – illegal immigrants stream across the border in an effort to abuse our freedoms, to steal our tax monies and to commit crimes (illegal immigration, IS A CRIME).  There is no checks and balances any more.  Congress and the President do not want them.

Congress and the President don’t want us to defend ourselves.

The President has allowed agencies to spy on us, the DOJ to lie to us, to kill our own men by giving away guns to criminals, to kill our own military men, Navy Seals, to allow criminals and terrorists to kill our Ambassador and American heroes without investigation.

The current administration has worked to destroy the America my father, I and my children grew up in.

It is time to put a stop to the abuses of the American system, abuses to the American Taxpayer.  It is TIME to FIRE the current government and replace it non-Marxists, non-Socialists and non-Progressives.

A war has been declared on Patriots in America.  We’re now being labeled as terrorists and troublemakers, being called names like “Teabagger” (look that up) and worse.

Fight back.  Resist “Hope and Change”.  Resist Socialism, and Progressivism or suffer the long term consequences to this Great Nation.

Already the time is nearly past, and this country is nearly done.

Stand up and be heard!

“Phony, Fake Scandals” sound byte

New White House Strategy is aimed at the Washington Press Corps in the hope that the Press will simply declare all the scandals over with and done so Obama can continue tearing down the country.



War Declared! On Americans… by the Army.

No, I’m not kidding.  Go to the link, read the entire article.


12 Apr 2013
by News Editor

A combat battalion commander assigned to the 101st Air Borne Division (Air Assault) at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, sent an email out to several dozen subordinate officers and senior noncommissioned officers describing conservatives as members of hate groups.

The senior officer, seen in the YouTube below, apparently decided that his ignorant soldiers needed some political indoctrination regarding the Army’s new values, as decreed by Obama.

So, using the infamous Southern Poverty Law Center as a guide, the lieutenant colonel set out to educate.

Using the subject line of ‘Domestic Hate Groups,’ LTC Jack Rich warned his subordinate leaders that,

Many events have been taking place across the country – just want to ensure everyone is somewhat educated on some of the groups out there that do not share our Army Values.

Before identifying for his troops who the haters in America are, he makes it clear that his email is an action memo:

When we see behaviors that are inconsistent with Army Values – don’t just walk by – do the right thing and address the concern before it becomes a problem.

In other words, this misguided Army ‘leader’ is telling his junior officers that they are to actively intervene with any of their troops that they suspect has ‘hateful’ beliefs.

Once identified, the hater presumably will be forced to recant such beliefs.

Read more: http://joemiller.us/2013/04/declaration-of-war-on-american-values-battalion-commander-tells-troops-that-patriots-christians-belong-to-hate-groups/#ixzz2Zt8oeIiB

A coming Civil War

It occurred to me a few hours ago when I was writing something that this whole thing, this Zimmerman thing, the “race baiting”, the race card playing, the pressure from above to cause riots and dissension among the people of this country is planned; part and parcel of a larger “conspiracy” (for lack of a better word) to completely terminate what America was and once stood for.

I mean we all suspect it, but seriously, how many times has Obama said of himself that he was like Lincoln, or worse, his people have said it and he’s been quiet about the whole thing?

Here’s one instance:

 “Actually, Mr. Obama has evoked deliberately comparisons with Lincoln ever since he announced his candidacy for president on Feb. 10, 2007, at the Old State Capitol building in Springfield, Ill,” Boyer wrote. “He chose the site because it was the same place where Lincoln gave a famous speech condemning slavery and called for the Northern and Southern states to unite.”

Now…. what BETTER way to put himself in a “good light” with “his people” (I’m talking about the American people now, not his black friends) than to sound and act like Lincoln IF ONLY he had a National Crisis similar to that which once faced Lincoln himself; the breakup of America.  States seceding from the Union would do it.  Better yet a complete and total breakdown of Society to include a Civil War!

After all, could he not then be compared to Mandela AND Lincoln if only he could get a race war started.   What if the word “apartheid” started making the rounds in the media as well?  Could not Obama himself be seen as “Great” as Lincoln himself, and Nelson Mandela if ONLY he could re-unite the country after a bloody civil war, or better a race war.  Why not kill two birds with one stone, so to speak?

So what if “Hispanic” is an ethic title,  George IS white.  And poor little 12-year-old-in-pictures Trayvon was an innocent little boy eating his candy and drinking his tea minding his own business.

Never MIND all the people drinking the Kool-Aid.

Don’t believe me.  Check out the following links.  Tell me, and be honest with yourself, where are the true racists?


The Supreme Court, Zimmerman and American Apartheid

http://www.aclu.org/blog/racial-justice/young-black-man-dies-white-man-goes-free (This link is NOW dead…. ACLU likely thought better of it.)



Communists instigating racial Divide

If you THINK for one second this is all about “Justice for Trayvon” you are one of the most naive on the planet…. this isn’t about justice for some kid who was in the wrong place, wrong time and threw the first punch.  This is “Progressive Tyranny” if I ever saw it, and I’ve seen it.  Ladies and Gentlemen, of ALL races… Black, White, Hispanic… America belongs to Americans.

We have been invaded by Communists who style themselves as “Progressives”.  Our Congress is full of these people, all of them with a Marxist bent.  While you were sleeping or watching your favorite television show, you’ve had your country, your TRUE country yanked out from under you.

Around you you see signs like the below picture.  But  look closely.  Go check the site link.  Understand that Communism is NOT something you want to live under.


Anyone bother to check the link on this sign?


America, we are under seige by these people, and Obama is part of this, so is Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.  Those people are claiming to be “Progressive” and yet, what they really want for you and America is to be slaves.  You think that your great grand parents being slaves was bad?  Wait until you’re a slave in the 21st Century to a tyrannical government run by Communists.

It is estimated that between 85 and 140 million people… MILLIONS… have died at the hands of Communism.  Do you REALLY, HONESTLY believe that Socialism, Progressivism and Communism are the right way for this country to go?  Or do you VALUE your personal, individual freedoms?  Do you think you are “free” now?

You’re wrong.  You are a sheep.  You’ve been brainwashed since birth.  80% of the people reading here were born after 1970.  95% are probably born after 1980.  That means you REALLY do NOT understand.

I was born in the 1950s.  I saw the “Iron Curtain”. I saw Red China, the Soviet Empire.  I saw the Cuba Missile Crisis.  I saw all of these things for what they truly were.

Wake UP!  Step back, take a breath and understand you are being duped.


Revolution Newspaper Front Page
The below CLEARLY STATES how they are trying to divide America into Colors.  Friends…. I’m a White man, of Irish, Scotish and American Indian descent.  My people were all once oppressed.  That was a long time ago, they came to America to escape English oppression only to help oppress others in America, the Native Americans.  My veins are full of European and American Indian blood.  But rioting at the behest of Communists?  Come on, wake up.  I don’t see colors in peoples’ skins.  I do however see evil in their eyes, and I see the hatred that some have for others because they have simply been brainwashed to BELIEVE they are being oppressed by whites.
It is time to join civilization and wake up.  You’re being USED.  See the evidence below.

The Stakes of the Trayvon Martin Case… and the Need to SEIZE THE TIME!

July 7, 2013 | Revolution Newspaper | revcom.us

Trayvon Martin was a 17-year-old African-American, walking home at 7:30 pm with a can of ice tea and a bag of candy. George Zimmerman had never talked to Trayvon Martin, never met Trayvon Martin, knew nothing about Trayvon Martin, never even heard of him. But nevertheless this society—this system—had trained George Zimmerman to “know” and to say that Trayvon Martin was “suspicious” and more—that Trayvon Martin was a “fucking punk…a fucking asshole” who “always gets away with it.”

George Zimmerman had no training, no judgment, no sense of the gravity of human life, nor any shred of respect or feeling for the lives of people like Trayvon Martin. Yet George Zimmerman carried a pistol with hollow-point “man-killer” bullets as he prowled in his car, with the blessings of this system. George Zimmerman stalked Trayvon Martin, with that pistol in his jacket, and George Zimmerman then confronted Trayvon Martin, feeling the whole strength of this system behind him. And then George Zimmerman decided to kill Trayvon Martin.

This was one more horrible, heartbreaking outrage at the end of a 400-year chain of such outrages. That is the heart of the matter.

Sanford FL June 10, mobilizing for justice for TrayvonJune 10 in Sanford, Florida: revcom.us and Stop Mass Incarceration. Photo: Li Onesto/Revolution

Right now, American society—with the whole world increasingly taking notice—is polarizing. Two sides are lining up—one upholding the right of the Trayvon Martins of this world to live and flourish and, if they are attacked, to have justice… and the other upholding the supposed rights of people like George Zimmerman to kill people like Trayvon with impunity. This should be clear, but every day the powers-that-be work to cloud this, so we must all insist on this basic truth.

And every day the breadth and ferocity of this polarization grow and intensify. Last week the reactionaries vented their hatred and fury on Trayvon’s friend Rachel Jeantel in a vicious, gutter-level attack by a “virtual” mob. Rachel Jeantel is a key witness in the trial, the person Trayvon was talking to on the phone when George Zimmerman confronted him. Once again, these bullies had been trained to act and react by a system, to spew their ignorant venom full of the confidence of someone who feels they have power on their side. This kind of shit must be fought all along the way, and this growing polarization must be repolarized into deeper and broader energy, clarity, and direction for justice for Trayvon Martin… and for revolution and emancipation altogether.

You who read this paper must now step up. You have a chance to change history and you cannot step aside from that. Here is some of what you can do:

  • Get what revcom.us has to say into social media… inject its leadership into the intensifying societal debate… get to us with ideas on how to do it and take initiative yourself…
  • Take out materials on this trial—our newspaper, or materials from the Stop Mass Incarceration Network, or other positive things—and get them into people’s hands, even if it is just you and a friend at first… grow these into impromptu speak-outs and demonstrations when you do…
  • Spread the “We Say NO MORE” statement and get people to sign it… change the polarization and give strength and expression to the side of justice…
  • Answer the call of the Stop Mass Incarceration Network (SMIN) (check online at stopmassincarceration.net and revcom.us) to build public vigils when the jury goes out, so that there is a powerful collective response to the verdict… and join with that network, supporting and participating in it…
  • Donate funds to revcom.us so that we can create MAXIMUM social impact…

And most of all, this: the most essential and important fact about the world today is that the Trayvon Martins in it DO NOT HAVE TO DIE. The most essential fact is that a society is possible in which the Trayvon Martins and Rachel Jeantels and the millions and billions like them, here and around the world, can not only survive, but can flourish and fully contribute all they have to offer to the world. Such a society is possible through revolution—a revolution based on the theory developed by Bob Avakian and won with the leadership provided by the Party he leads, the Revolutionary Communist Party. In the midst of this massive social upheaval, BA must truly be everywhere—the film of his speech BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS! sold and shown all over… the revolutionary handbook of his talks and writings, BAsics, out everywhere… his image out and around in every struggle, sparking people’s curiosity and thinking and letting them know the revolution is here, there IS a way out.

Do not turn away from this challenge. Don’t let them win this round. This is about the kind of world we want to live in.

For more, see “The Trial of George Zimmerman: The Persecution of Trayvon Martin.”

Only rebellion can save America

The US federal government has strayed so far from the Constitution and the rule of law that it can now be considered rogue and illegitimate.

Written by Lawrence Sellin

The thoroughly irresponsible rate of government spending projected over the next twenty-five years will drive federal debt to unsustainable levels. The country is heading for a financial meltdown and economic ruin.

The Republican Party is inept and impotent and cannot provide the necessary political opposition to the crimes and unconstitutional policies of the Obama regime or stand against the rampant voter fraud which is now polluting the electoral process. There is a report claiming that the Republican Party signed a legal agreement with the Democrat Party in 1982 not to pursue suspected vote fraud. If there is no guarantee of election integrity, then elections become only window dressing for tyranny.

Barack Obama is an illegal President and unindicted felon. Congress, the American media and the courts are engaged in a criminal conspiracy to conceal their complicity in perpetrating the Obama fraud on the American people. Law enforcement and our elected officials have chosen to risk the survival of the country rather than risk the truth.

According to recent reports, Obama continues to use a Social Security Number (SSN) not issued to him, in the process, committing numerous counts of social security fraud. The SSN Obama uses, issued in Connecticut, a state where he never lived, does not pass a check with E-Verify, the electronic system the U.S. Citizenship and Immigrations Services of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has created to verify whether or not prospective employees have the required authorization to work legally in the United States. It appears that the SSN Obama uses, was actually issued to a Harrison J. Bounel, born in 1890. Once issued, a SSN is never reissued to another individual. Why isn’t any of that evidence investigated? It is because Barack Obama is protected by a dishonest media and criminally complicit federal officials and, unlike ordinary Americans, he is above the law.

read more @ http://www.newyorkdailysun.com/only-rebellion-can-save-america/1490/

Obama, Gone Too Far. Honor a thug. Ban a gun.

Honor Martin – Ban Guns!

Posted on July 15, 2013 by

Our gun grabber in chief spoke this weekend about the Zimmerman acquittal. Just as he used the Sandy Hook tragedy to immediately call for the destruction of our Constitution, he’s now calling for more gun control in the wake of the Zimmerman trial.  As surreal as it may seem, I’m not making this up.  Here’s what Obama said the day after Zimmerman was found not guilty.

We should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence that claims too many lives across this country on a daily basis. We should ask ourselves, as individuals and as a society, how we can prevent future tragedies like this [Zimmerman case]. As citizens, that’s a job for all of us. That’s the way to honor Trayvon Martin.

The ink isn’t even dry on the verdict and Obama is already using a tragedy to once again attempt a power grab by the federal government.  Last time he stood on the still warm bodies of the Sandy Hook victims to push his anti-gun agenda forward.  He is completely shameless and it’s disgusting to witness.

Apparently the President thinks that Zimmerman is guilty of murder and walked free due to some failing of the justice system.  He’s now grouping a legal self defense shooting into the same category as criminal uses of firearms and using it as justification to push his anti-gun agenda forward.  That means those of us who carry firearms for personal protection are part of the problem, according to Obama, and we must be stopped for the greater good of the community. In the President’s eyes I’m just as bad as a gangbanger because I have a CCW.

Yes we CAN

Heads up folks…..


To me, this sounds like a threat.  You can bet your ASS the police will NOT show up in force if this happens. They will beg off, be hidden, stay out of sight, go home to protect their own loved ones.  Be prepared, you will be on your own…


You should read: https://westernrifleshooters.wordpress.com/2012/09/03/bracken-when-the-music-stops-how-americas-cities-may-explode-in-violence/#comments

Geolocate Dangerous Guns Answer to the Application


About the Gun Geo Marker

The Walkingtools Gun Geo Marker
The general guideline is that you should mark any location about which you have a gun related concern, while trying to provide enough extra information for others to make their own determination about safety.
An important secondary warning is that the Walkingtools Gun Geo Marker is not intended as a reporting mechanism for active threats. If you are concerned for anyone’s immediate safety, call 911 immediately.

Now…. far be it for me to make a suggestion as to how to deal with this particular application, or even to suggest that my suggestion might work.  But… I’ll give it a go.

All gun owners should download this App.  Immediately.

You can tag locations in it.

So, why not tag it with the following:

1) Anti-gun Libtards

2) Businesses that hate guns

3) Hollywood Actors and Actresses who speak out against guns.

4) Local politician’s homes who are anti-gun

5) Local Media personalities who are anti-gun.


The point to this is to make THOSE locations as “gun owners” and overwhelm the database with Garbage In, which in turn produces Garbage Out.

So, do your part today and help this Application “fill up some white space”.


America on the Abyss

On July 4th, tomorrow, America celebrates it’s Independence from Britain but we stand on the verge of destruction of this very country we all love.  From within.  From our own, overbearing, overreaching government.

There is not a Patriotic American within the sound of my voice, or with in reach of my writing who will not agree that this country is the Greatest Country that has ever existed, and almost every, single one of them, myself included would or have been willing to stand up to keep this country great.  Every one of us will fight to protect our country if it were invaded.  Every one of us has an opinion about how it should be run.  Almost none of us stand together on one, simple act – defiance of what is happening to us right now in this country.  Some shrug their shoulders and move on, some ignore the problem completely, some of us loudly, vocally proclaim the wrongs done but can’t fix it alone.

Unfortunately for Americans we are in the midst of what I called “The Throes of Progressive Tyranny”.  A few years ago I created a forum on our TAA web site to track the progress of Progressiveness and the Progressive Tyranny that is haunting this country, from the most basic precepts of “Political Correctness” to Nationalization of the Health Care system and everything in between.

On 20 January 2009, Barack Hussein Obama was innagurated as the 44th President, running on a platform of “Hope and Change”, talking about “Fundemental Change” in America.  Most of us saw this man then for what we now know he is.

On 14 December 2012, Adam Lanza is believed to have walked into a school (without any assistance) to shoot and kill twenty small children, babies really, and six adults.  Before that he killed his mother in cold blood while she was sleeping, took guys, put on military style armor and went to the school.  Immediately there were calls to ban guns.   Most of us saw this coming the moment we were learning children had died.

Obamacare, the so-called “Affordable Health Care Act” was “passed before we get to see what’s in it”…. Congress created, then opened Pandora’s Box.  (For the uneducated, who don’t know the story of Pandora, I’ll leave it to you to look it up….).  Everyone in the United States, no matter how naive they pretend to be grasped the ramifications of Nationalization of the Medical Care in America.

Then the media started breaking scandal after scandal.  Everything from “Project Gun Walker” to the NSA leaker Snowden letting the world know Americans were being spied upon by their own government.  The Justice Department investigating journalists as “terrorists”, spying on them, and entire news organizations, to lying through their teeth to cover their asses.

There is so much more that has gone against our very way of life, to coin a phrase, truth, justice and the American Way.  So much for Superman, huh?

Americans are just DAMNED sick and tired of being lied to.  They are damned tired of the Government getting into their business.  One could certainly compare 1775 and events leading up the American Revolutionary War with today.  In fact, one COULD sit and start writing down all of the abuses by this government against the people, starting with the very idea the government seems to have forgotten their place; that is that they work for us, we don’t belong to them.  Most of us are simply too lazy though to do ANYTHING about it.

Indeed this country stands on an abyss.  Tomorrow we celebrate, but who knows what happens next Monday?  I don’t.  Perhaps nothing will change, just status quo.  Sheep getting up and going to work, working their lives away to pay our debt to our great grandchildren.

Obama and his administration have certainly accomplished their “fundamental change” haven’t they?  Americas are about to be shepherded by the IRS to ensure they pay for their own health care.  We’ve had states ban our guns.  We’ve had police forces become military-strong.  We’ve been told where to go, when to go, how to go and by the way, don’t use Gas, Oil, Coal or any of that nasty carbon-producing-stuff that kills things.  Oh and if you don’t mind, just die you human because you eat, and excrete and make it bad for “Mother Gaia”.

The Abyss is… step up and stop the crimes against this country, or stand down and be a sheep.  Sheep eventually are sheared, and many are just led to slaughter.

Which will you stand up and be, sheep or Patriot?


Is America in a Pre-Revolutionary State this July 4th?

July 2nd, 2013 – 12:23 am


As we approach July 4, 2013, is America in a pre-revolutionary state? Are we headed for a Tahrir Square of our own with the attendant mammoth social turmoil, possibly even violence.

 Could it happen here?

We are two-thirds of the way into the most incompetent presidency in our history. People everywhere are fed up. Even many of the so-called liberals who propelled Barack Obama into office have stopped defending him in the face of an unprecedented number of scandals coming at us one after the other like hideous monsters in some non-stop computer game.

And now looming is the monster of monsters, ObamaCare, the healthcare reform almost no one wanted and fewer understood.

It will be administered by the Internal Revenue Service, an organization that has been revealed to be a kind of post-modern American Gestapo, asking not just to examine our accounting books but the books we read. What could be more totalitarian than that?

Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal warns the costs of ObamaCare are close to tripling what were promised, and the number of doctors in our country is rapidly diminishing. No more “My son, the doctor!” It doesn’t pay.

And young people most of all will not be able to afford escalating health insurance costs and will end up paying the fine to the IRS, simultaneously bankrupting the health system and enhancing the brutal power of the IRS — all this while unemployment numbers remain near historical highs.

Read the rest:  http://pjmedia.com/rogerlsimon/2013/07/02/is-america-in-a-pre-revolutionary-state/?singlepage=true