Climate Change: Deniers vs Hoaxers

Climate Hoaxers want you to believe the tiny pieces of data they give you are the big picture, when in fact, they are simply cherry picked data.

The Hoaxers wants you to believe that if YOU find a piece of data that debunks theirs, you are the one doing the cherry picking, and this is a standard tactic they do.

The “Deniers” – like me, know the truth. We’re old enough, smart enough and well-educated in the sciences to see the facts aren’t all there at all.

The follow YouTube Video by Tony Heller, explains a lot more than the Left will explain. Not only has he managed to show why they chose the years they chose, but he fills in the blanks. You know, all the years before and after which actually indicate there is NO MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE.

Imagine that.  Please watch the whole video in another window, then drop back in here and finish reading.

I’ve mentioned this before.  As a child I recall seeing Newsweek and Time magazine, as well as some of the news papers like Detroit Free Press and Detroit News giving the dangers of America front page news; pollution, spewing exhaust into the air, and that we’d be an Ice Age before the year 2000.  I remember the later changes in the same papers and magazines talking about how Global Warming would kill us, and cities would be inside of Domes in the year 2000.

None of that came to pass.

If you watched the whole video you can now SEE visually, why Man Kind has had little to NO effect on the rise of water levels, or the warming of the planet.  You can also see that the graphs are only TINY PIECES of a LARGER picture.

The Larger picture is what truly tells the story.

“Settled Science” rarely is “settled”.  No one anywhere , unless they are crazy, believes Gravity isn’t real, so there are exceptions.  But physics is a field upon which the human race has barely scraped the surface.  Stellar physics isn’t “100% settled”.  Hydrodynamics isn’t perfect (they can’t predict the path of a hurricane for more than two days out, even though the Earth’s atmosphere is a “liquid” of sorts).

Anthropomorphic Climate Change – “man-created” climate change may occur on a very tiny scale, around cities where we’ve added massive amounts of concrete, asphalt and, you guessed it, cars and exhaust fumes.  SURE, we’ve all seen cities full of smog.  Sure, we’ve seen the dangers of breathing that stuff.  But, we’ve also seen Mother Nature clean the air in a few hours.  We’ve also seen Mother Nature rebuild woods and forests taken by forest fires.

In time, Mother Nature cleanses the Earth and puts back what man has borrowed.  Trees reduce CO2 to Oxygen.  The ocean’s plankton does the same job, converting CO2 in the ocean back into oxygen and giving it to the creatures who live there.

There are more trees in the North American Continent than there were when people FIRST moved here (and I’m not just talking about White People, either, I’m talking about ANY PEOPLE FROM ANYWHERE).

Climate Change has been on-going for the life of this tiny speck of sand on which we live, and it will continue.

It is driven by an extremely powerful force of nature called “The Sun”, or Sol, our nearest Star.  The sun has it’s ups and downs, it has sun spots, and lack of sun spots – massive magnetic storms on the surface – which cause stellar winds (solar winds) which in turn affect the planet’s magentosphere, which, in turn affects our weather.  There are pockets of dust in space, which we go through from time to time, darkening the sun slightly, and causing cooling.

There are volcanoes, earthquakes, tectonic plate movements, seasons, El Nino, La Nina and other weather events, all of them culminating in effects.  The largest, most pervasive of all weather events causing climate change is the simplest thing imaginable.  Water, in the form of rain.

Rain take mountains and creates hills, sand, breaks of rocks and boulders, blocks roads, causes floods and creates erosion.

Erosion takes islands away.  Erosion creates the sand on the beach.  Erosion make the Appalachian mountains into hills, and some day the Might Rocky Mountains will be like the Appalachians, small, not large, the Appalachian’s will be hills.

This has nothing to do with man kind or CO2 emissions.

The last thing I want to say here is that we’re not “Climate Change Deniers”, but rather “Climate Change Realists”.  We know climate change happens, but it doesn’t happen because of CO2 and other exhaust emissions from our cars and use of fossil fuels.  It occurs naturally, and will continue to occur naturally.

Just as a test of this… ask ANY climate change hoaxer, “How will we stop Yellowstone from erupting?” They will sputter and tell you you’re changing the subject, or deflecting, or even worse, call you a name.  Then ask them, “How are we going to stop a dangerous asteroid from destroying the Earth in moments?”

They will fall apart.  Those two things are extreme dangers and can happen at any second of any day of our lives from here on out.  I don’t hear anyone worried about something that will decimate the Earth or destroy it outright in seconds, but hear how we’re all going to die in a decade.

Anthropomorphic Climate Change is a HOAX, pure and simple.  It’s a device to destroy Capitalism, to force the rich to be poor, and to force the poor to get something for nothing.  It’s a Socialist PLOT, not a scientific study.

Climate Change is a Cult.

Climate Change Realists are those who eschew junk science for facts.

Why there is a problem with gun laws

Why do you need to own an ugly black rifle capable of shooting 2-4 rounds per second with the mere pull of a trigger?

Why do you need to be able to buy a thousand rounds?

Why do you NEED high capacity magazines?

I have a better question.  Why do you ask?

Seriously though, when I am asked these questions, sometimes it is difficult getting through to the people who ask.  They are asking the questions rhetorically and do not require, nor even WISH you give an answer.  In fact, they want you to splutter and hem and haw, and feel threatened and guilty.

Why are there gun control laws to begin with?  Why are there people on a no-fly list who can purchase guns?  Why are there people who should be in mental institutions who can purchase weapons?

These are the better questions.

The BEST question though is. if  criminal commits a crime using a gun, say, murder, why isn’t he adjudicated as a murderer and executed? Why aren’t people who are mentally defective put in mental institutions?

So many questions, so few answers, right?


Let’s look at the last questions first.

Because people believe that folks who are mentally deranged shouldn’t be placed in institutions.  Do-gooders for the past hundred years have fought to remove people from mental institutions and indeed, shut down such places.  The same people fought to have “privacy” added to medical records.

Now they wish to reverse this trend.  They would love to know if everyone out there is considered “sane” or not… but it’s not their business any more.

Then, they would like to ask you questions at the doctors office (and I have experienced this personally, so this isn’t some vacuous statement) about your ownership of guns; or whether you have “recently felt like harming yourself or others”.

Let me address the title; no-fly lists.  How does one even get ON a no-fly list?  And why are they on it?  Because they might blow up a plane with a 4 ounce bottle of shampoo?  Or because you spoke out against the US government because you’re dissatisfied with their work ethic?

Both, actually.  If you are a terrorist, you might wish to blow up a plane and perhaps you’ve made it clear, because, for instance you MIGHT belong to Islam.  Islam has made it abundantly clear they wish to kill Americans (and Jews, and Europeans, and Whites, Blacks, Asians, whomever, and wish to do so with impunity… because you’re an INFIDEL).  And you might have made a statement against the US government for their over-reaching, heavy-handed nonsense and you’re questioning their ability to be useful any more.

And with good reason.  You’re an American Citizen questioning the government, because YOU are a watchdog.  YOU are supposed to question the country’s leaders as a dutiful citizen.  Making sure they are doing their job, and doing it for the benefit of the people, and not themselves.

If you’re a terrorist you should BE on a no-fly list, in particular to prevent further training as a terrorist, and secondarily to that to prevent you from blowing up the damned plane.  You should NOT be able to purchase a gun.

If you’re a citizen questioning your government, you should NOT be a no-fly list, no matter which politician, party or group is running the White House this week.  In fact, you should not be on that list, you should NOT be questioned about your questioning, and you SHOULD be allowed to purchase a gun.

Or ten of them.  Or a hundred.

You should not be considered a threat, mentally defective, you should not be considered a person of interest and should be left the hell alone.

In the United States you have a right to your opinion, to express it, Freedom of Speech, Assembly, and to cross state lines and come and go as you please.  No one should be bothering you.

The second you actually commit a crime of course, that all goes out the window.

Now – I’m not going to answer all the above questions.  But I’m going to explain this, carefully for the slow readers out there….

If you are not a criminal (and that includes people who have committed non-capital offenses in the past and have served their time) should not be denied their rights.  They should not be placed on watch lists.  They should not be denied guns, freedom of speech, travel or assembly.

The Progressives in this country (Read: Liberals/Marxists/Communists/Libtards/Democrats and morons) are using words to push their agenda.  They want to be able to place ANYONE on a no-fly, watch list and thereby prevent them from buying, holding, using, storing or otherwise have rights to guns.

In other words, the idea of background checks is to see if someone doesn’t meet a certain criteria;  that criteria will be decided by whome EVER is in charge of the current government, be it GOP, Democrats, Obama, Leftist, Rightist, Libertarian, Marixist, Commie, Pinko or whatever….

Therein lies the problem.

Everyone wants to TRUST the government and it’s time to distrust them with all your hearts.

Our government is supposed to be by the people and for the people; not for themselves, not for profit, not to control us, not to have power.

Do not trust a politician who says they will “ban guns”.  Or implement regulations to “check backgrounds” because quite honestly, who is going to watch the watchers?????

You see, we already have several thousand gun laws on the books, federal, state, local, wish lists and made up stuff that some local “authority” can invoke at their whim.  Those rules, laws, city regulations, county statutes are all there for one thing.  To prevent you and me from having a normal, healthy, happy life pursuing whatever business we like, go where we wish and drink the beer we like.

You see my friends gun control isn’t about guns.

It’s about control.

No-fly lists are great if you’re preventing terrorists.  Not so good if you’re preventing granny or grandpa from boarding a plane to go home for Christmas.  Or stopping Joe Blow because he happens to have expressed dissatisfaction with a government policy of allowing in random illegal immigrants (who didn’t go through normal regulations and procedures to get into the country).

Our country is under siege.  Siege from illegals, from terrorists, from people who want to “change” our country to something it is not, and was never intended to be.

We are here to prevent the latter, more than anything.  And we will do so.

No more gun laws will be enacted.

No more “refugees” will be let in, or they will be run out.

NO more Obamas in office.  No more Clintons in office.  They had their day. And have ruined our country.

If you don’t like guns, by God move someplace where guns are already illegal.  If you don’t like the idea this is a Capitalist country, move to a Communist country.  I was here first, and my country was the way it was before you tried to screw it up.  If you don’t like the fact you can’t get some rich guys money split up amongst all your homies… then homie, move the fuck out of my country and leave the guys alone that have the money.

Those guys create jobs.  Or maybe you should just get a job?

The greatest problem with gun control is that anyone can be placed on a list, adjudicated as mentally defective and prevented from exercising their rights.

Will a Military Coup fix America?

I personally just don’t see a military coup in the United States as an option.  But is my view of the world the same as others’ beliefs?  Probably not.  When it comes right down to it, with my vast amount of time as a military man, from my point of view, I can’t say that absolutely, definitely a coup could or would take place.  The truth is, in MY time, no such thing could have or would have happened.  But other factors are in play here that I would never have considered myself – but others might.

The Spanish have a long and storied history for coups – in fact, Mexicans and most Previously-ruled-by-Spain Central and South American countries follow suit.  When the people get mad, they start a war.  Someone winds up on top in the end, usually the existing military and a strong leader (regardless of his moral and ethically leanings).  Most south and central American countries are what we consider “banana republics”.

Is America becoming a Banana Republic?

Let us look:

A Banana republic is a pejorative term for a country with a kleptocratic government, often with a primitive economy and sometimes a puppet state of a major power.

The more proper definition being: Banana republic is a political science term for a politically unstable country whose economy is largely dependent on the export of a single limited-resource product, such as bananas. It typically has stratified social classes, including a large, impoverished working class and a ruling plutocracy that comprises the elites of business, politics, and the military. This politico-economic oligarchy controls the primary-sector productions and thereby exploits the country’s economy. (Wikipedia)

kleptocracy: Kleptocracy, alternatively cleptocracy or kleptarchy, (from Greek: κλέπτης – kleptēs, “thief” and κράτος – kratos, “power, rule”, hence “rule by thieves”) is a form of political and government corruption where the government exists to increase the personal wealth and political power of its officials and the ruling class at the expense of the wider population, often without pretense of honest service. This type of government corruption is often achieved by the embezzlement of state funds.

plutocracy: Rule by the wealthy. We’re technically not being ruled by the wealthy, but then again we are. Rich lawyers are elected thus rich lawyers are in charge of most of the government’s various sectors. Companies lobby for power in the government (and I have no trouble with open markets).

So this author’s guess is that  ARE a Banana Republic, or more accurately rapidly degenerating into a Banana Republic. We still have a Constitutional Republic and most of us KNOW this and MOST of us wouldn’t do anything against “the government” in the military. Whether some rogue officer would start something, I just don’t know – but I just can’t SEE it happening.

On the other hand…

1) Morals are in decline.
2) America is in decline.
3) Money is becoming worthless.
4) The economy is tanking.
5) Things are not worth what they once were.
6) People are in “gimme gimme” mode.
7) The President himself is working to divide people of this country.
8) The Left is fighting the Right on guns and every other thing you can imagine.
9) Detroit is the first major city to have fallen.
10) Other cities won’t be far behind.
11) Obamacare will destroy what’s left of the economy.
12) Oil and Coal are verboten.
13) Scandal after scandal has rocked DC and those are being called “phony”.
14) More people are on government help than are working now.
15) Political corruption
16) Government corruption
17) borders are uncontrolled, the “barbarian hordes” are coming through daily, by the thousands
18) the government coffers are being sucked dry by “entitlements” and the government keeps wanting more from the working people, the “rich” and corporations.

Rome fell for the many of the same reasons; moral decline, political corruption, “barbarian knowledge of Roman tactics” (think about that for a moment), a failing economy, unemployment of the working “class”, decline in ethics and values, natural disasters, barbarian invasion (Hmmmm…. border security?), military decay (not being trained right, and reduction in forces), and many other reasons.

So could a military coup take America back?  I can not answer that question but I can certainly suggest that this country is in a condition which will facilitate such a thing happening.  But will some military officer be able to gain enough power to lead enough American men, who are independent thinkers, into such a one way path?  I seriously doubt it will happen.  I don’t doubt the fall of America is upon us.

Time to shut down Columbia University

Shakespeare said in a play, “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers….”

But I think perhaps he got it wrong.  When we have Professors at large universities telling people who can’t or won’t speak correctly, refuse to actually learn the language as it is, and then ignore the fact that they are as racist as they come that they are “ok” there’s a serious problem in this country.
The problem started with, and is going to end with the educational system we have in America, where the US Government dictates what local schools can do, how much money they get and use the massive enforcement system of the government’s arms to remove non-compliant leaders in the field of education.

This comes from “Red Alert Politics”:

Columbia professor: “Cracker may have been an appropriate term” for Trayvon Martin to call George Zimmerman


Trayvon Martin Wearing a Hoodie

It made sense for Trayvon Martin to call George Zimmerman a “cracker,” according to Columbia University professor John McWhorter.

McWhorter, a professor of linguistics and a contributing editor to The New Republic, was a guest on MSNBC‘s ‘All In with Chris Hayes‘ on Thursday night, where he expounded on the Zimmerman murder trial. McWhorter proclaimed it somehow acceptable that Trayvon Martin had supposedly called Zimmerman a “cracker.”

“Of course he might refer to the person as a cracker because he’s a human being,” McWhorter said, explaining that Martin might have felt threatened by Zimmerman following him.