Conspiracies, Gun Control and You

I find it disconcerting that people continually bring up conspiracies, and call those of us who, by the way are very well read on some of the subjects, “sheep” and “brainwashed”.

This is a Leftist tactic. Call people names. Make them feel bad. Make them think they are stupid. Look, I’ve been following and in many cases, disproving (even, shall we say ‘disemboweling’), conspiracy theories) for a very long time. Perhaps longer than some folks visiting here have been alive.

I even ran a site called “Anomalies Network”. I was the forums administrator and one of my jobs was to take apart conspiracy theories and show the holes. I don’t have as much time these days to do that – but suffice it to say that almost every stupid theory out there, from 9-11 to Illuminati has been pretty much disproven.

People, however persist on these things because it gives an air of mystery.

Let me explain what is wrong with this…. it is distracting. It keeps people in an uproar over the wrong things. It takes the focus off the most important things in life, including but not limited to taking care of your own, your family, yourself, your friends and your future.

Right now, there are things that are SIGNIFICANTLY more important than “George Bush caused 9-11”.

  1. Pedophilia… of EPIC proportions.
  3. Socialists, Communists and Muslims in Government
  4. Fighting the good Fight

Choose your battles wisely and carefully. Of all of those things above, Gun Control is the NUMBER ONE MOST IMPORTANT point of the four.

The US Government is onto the pedo rings, and they are taking them down. But, it answers what has happened to so many children who simply vanished over the years.

Socialists and Communists and Muslims in Government will work itself out, or it won’t.

Fighting the Good Fight – the thing that is most near and dear to your heart, whatever that might be, is nothing if you don’t have the freedom to fight. I fight against censorship constantly, to the point I’ve been banned from Social Media in some areas. But, I’m STILL HERE, aren’t I?

Gun Control – isn’t about guns, it’s about CONTROL.

The NRA, GOA and a couple other organizations have more or less folded under pressure from the Left. And from internal pressure of those who think it easier to “get along to go along”.

Gun Control affects us all. Cops, Military, Fire Fighters, and Civilians. A weapon in the hand of a trained individual is worth all the cops in the world if they are 6 minutes away.

Controlling the guns – a plank of the platform of the Leftists in Congress (Beto O’Rourke for example) is absolutely his highest and most important point of order. Bernie Sanders is right there with him.

These two men have one thing in Common. Socialism.

Which, eventually, leads to Communism.

American can NOT become Communist, while the men and women of this country stand up and firmly say “NO”. And to do this we MUST in unison, stand say, “You Shall NOT infringe our Right to keep and bear Arms”.

Stand up. Call your Congressional Reps and tell them in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS, attempting to remove our weapons, or access to them, absolutely, unequivocally means WAR.

America’s Fall

Today, we older generational people, the “Boomers” as some refer to us in an unkindly manner, are the last of the children of “The Greatest Generation”.  We came after the end of World War II.

Our parents and Grand Parents saw the fall of the 3rd Reich, the Japanese Empire and the rise of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic – the USSR.  My father fought in the Korean War, a marine, who survive a massive battle to take and retake some unknown-today hill against Chinese Communists helping the North Koreans.

My wife’s father stood terrible duty in the Aleutians during World War II.  My own family has had military members through out our time in the United States, ranging from the American Revolution, to the War of 1812, Spanish-American War, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and later events like police incidents in Central America, the Cold War, Afghanistan and Iraq in more recent times.

My family has a storied history in war.  Not because we’re war mongers.  Quite the contrary.  We’re all against war.  But, almost every military man and woman knows and understands something that many today don’t grasp.

We understand the requirement to have a strong military to prevent incursion of Communism into our own environs.  We hold Military Service in a very high regard and do it of our own, free will almost always each of us joining a service before being drafted for some particular fight for Freedom.

As such, we all understood, before stepping into the boots and hefting a rifle the sacrifice we were making, in some cases, the ultimate sacrifice, giving one’s life for the American Way of Life.

We also understand/understood history.  Those stories before us of both war, and how they came into being.  How the Revolutionary War began, why it began, who precipitated it and why America came into being.

Today, we have people unaccustomed to war, and many who have been to war recently who understand that sometimes a war must be fought to keep everyone else safe.

Young people today seem to care little about the past, and are more concerned with protesting to give away their God Given, inalienable, natural rights.

Some see the Second Amendment (and indeed, sometimes the entire Constitution) as a worn, tired, out-of-date piece of parchment not worth the ink with which it was written.  Calls for changing the Constitution abound.  Cries to rescind the Second Amendment are being yelled loudly in the Press and from the Left side of the Political Aisle.

I’m here, not unlike Paul Revere himself, to herald a call to Arms and Warn the Americans that “The Progressives are Coming”.  They are already among us, screaming for things like “Common Sense Gun Laws” and “Gun reform”.

Truthfully, guns don’t require “reforming” as they aren’t evil, didn’t do anything wrong and are simply tools of the trade to the military man, police officer and honest, duty-bound Citizen of the United States to defend himself, his family and his community against transgressions against themselves by either criminals or, God Forbid, the Government itself.

We stand on the very precipice of the fall of the United States today.

The aforementioned Boomers and Millennials are locked in a mortal battle at this point in time. Not a bloody battle (no yet anyway) over Gun Control, the Second Amendment and the “tired, worn out Constitution”.

In less than a generation, roughly twenty-five more years, that youngest generation marching today against guns, against the NRA, against the “evil AR15” and against you my friends, will be the next generation in control of Congress, the White House and the Supreme Court.

We, the Boomers, the Cold Warriors, the Afghan and Iraqi Veterans are all that is left to stand up to those children who want to give away the very heart of America to Socialism, and ultimately, Communism.

The Communists warned us, over and over, they would take us over without firing a shot.  But, shots have been fired, against innocents in schools, and cities all over America using the “Evil Black Assault AR15” – a simple, semi-automatic rifle that is no different from a bolt action deer rifle, other than it has a smaller caliber.

Those children of today know not what they give away, know not how many men and women died protecting those very rights they intend to hand over to a future government, to remove those rights from their very own hands.

One generation, mark my words, if we do not turn this trend around now, if we do not reign in the wild accusations from Children, taught to them by Progressive and Marxist teachers in a public school, paid by OUR tax monies, given to those same Progressives and Marxists the Communist’s prophecy will have come true.

We are doomed to die in less than three hundred years.

Today, we wander down the path the Romans wandered in their last days.  Innocence lost, barbarians at the door and living in our own land, as well as our own apathy and ignorance have wrought what we shall soon reap.

This author implores you all, one last time, step up, be heard, fight the loss of this country and the loss of the Greatest Document written by man.  The US Constitution.

I personally swore and oath to protect it, six times in my career.  That Oath never expires and it doesn’t lessen as the years go by, it only calls in a stronger voice to me.

But, I’m one man.  My children learned their lessons well, and will continue in my stead.

Will yours?

I call upon every would-be, wannabe and existing Militia in the United States to stand up, be heard.  Do not back down.  Do not let the Constitution die when we die.

Unintended Consequences

The law of unintended consequences illuminates the perverse unanticipated effects of legislation and regulation.

In the social sciences, unintended consequences are outcomes that are not the ones foreseen and intended by a purposeful action. The term was popularized in the twentieth century by American sociologist Robert K. Merton.

UnintendedConsequences is what happens when you attempt to remove the Rights of Free people, because a few loud mouths with zero understanding of history yell louder than the rest of us.

Stand up and be heard.  Shout down the Democrats, Liberals and ignorance of the “Student Protesters” to Congress.


A book for you all to read.  Please understand that you will become Red Pilled even more than you are now if you read this book. Download, save, read and pass on.

Consider this my gift to #III%, #2A#MilitiaGroups#Patriots in the USA.


Second Amendment is an Individual Right – NOT Militias


Apparently, the Left wants nothing more than to change already existing laws to something they can better digest.

For instance, if you have a law that says “Murder is illegal”, they want it to read “Murder is illegal, except if we do it to babies by aborting them, but you can’t buy a gun to defend yourself”.  Kind of like that.  A non-sequitur of sorts in the law makes them happy.

Above at that link you will find that the US Supreme Court has stated CLEARLY that owning weapons, including “military weapons” is an individual right.  You can’t change this. It is immutable.

And yet, the Left is going batshitzcrazy today over guns, gun rights, AR15s and “military weapons” – which the AR15 isn’t.


Thoughts for Today

What did Obama know and when did he know it?

Conservatives seek to limit the power of government in order to maximize the freedom of the individual. Liberals seek to maximize the power of government in order to control the life of the individual.

Remember when Obama said “Donald Trump will not be President”? Many of us thought when he made that statement that he knew something only a very small group of people knew. Obama and Clinton are the masterminds behind all of this and deserve to be tried for treason.

We now have overwhelming proof the & tried to sway the election. After won, they still tried everything they could to impeach him. This is treason & they know it. said it herself- “If that bastard wins, we will all hang!”

People who still have government jobs despite being central figures in the most significant political spying scandal in US history:

-Rod Rosenstein

-Peter Strzok

-Lisa Page

-Bill Priestep



1. Nancy Pelosi

2. Kamala Harris

3. Andrew Cuomo

4. Ted Lieu

5. Kirsten Gillibrand

6. Adam Schiff

7. Elizabeth Warren

8. Maxine Waters

9. Bill Da Blasio

10. Chuck Schumer