Obama Planning Executive Order for Gun Control

You’ve been warned time and time again.

Americans on both sides of this particular strategic fence.

Americans with guns have been warned the Left is going to go all out to ban guns before Obama leaves office.

Americans on the Left, the gun-banners have been warned NOT to go for broke.

Now it is coming down to the wire, Obama is on his way out (because he IS leaving office whether he wants to or not, and regardless of Leftist conspiracy theories about G W Bush trying to remain in office, it’s NOT going to happen with Obama).

Another shooting happened yesterday, implemented by a Muslim extremist.  Which is to say “A Muslim, or man of Islam”.  Interesting how they keep saying it was “Domestic Terrorism” because he’s an American Citizen.

Interesting how they keep going after the guns, isn’t it?

Interesting how they want to go after cops and disarm them as well, isn’t it?

Isn’t it interesting how the Second Amendment is now “stupid” to some of the media darlings like Whorealdo Rivera….

Friends;  Americans, Arm yourselves.  ISIS had their hands in the middle of this attack, and I wouldn’t be surprised now if Obama himself didn’t have his hands in it somehow.

It is, however coming.  Obama is planning an executive order to control who can get a gun.  And we ALL know it will be applied impartially and fairly don’t we?  Right…. and chickenshit won’t make you sick if you eat it.

I personally believe that government is a requirement for civilization.  I DO NOT believe a BIG Government is necessary.  I DO believe that the Constitution is the highest law of our country and the President is there to support and defend that Constitution and the current idiot in the White House is neither defending it, nor supporting it and is in fact negating it, usurping power for himself and for the government and is culpable in the deaths of those people yesterday.

Obama is a Traitor to America and it’s high time the Congress took him out of the position he is in before he causes even more danger for this country.

His “Change” has become undeniably evil, Marxist and he has placed this country in danger of an internal civil war over guns, race, illegal immigration and has enabled foreign powers to undercut us in military strength, has over-reached spending and government to a point never before seen in the history of the world.

The danger to this country comes at a time when Russia is threatening the US on a daily basis as well as NATO in general.  Islam is NOT what it is touted to be, and Obama is as responsible for this as any other Muslim.

He is no longer President in my view.  He is a Liar, a thief, Traitor and a Muslim — all on a grand scale.

He must go.  If Congress does not remove him forthwith, there will be a severe danger to this country, the infrastructure and we will become vulnerable to war from the outside.  China, North Korea, Cuba, Russia and the entire Muslim population of the planet awaits the weakening of this country to the point that will allow them all to attack us with impunity.

At some point there will be an “incident” which will be precipitated by Islam’s fanatics, which in turn will put thousands in danger of even going outside.  Martial law may be declared at that point making it difficult to travel or move around across state lines.

When that happens…. expect the absolute worst.  On the bright side of all of this will be police, firemen, military and civilian leaders who will do all they can to put a stop to it.  There are too many people still in the government who will NOT stand for allowing it to happen.  Someone in there will do something, and they will all be purged.

Watch and see.


President Obama Planning Executive Order to Expand Background Checks for Gun Purchases

December 3, 2015 4:55 pm

Rather than tackle the root of the issue causing the overwhelming majority of terrorist attacks in America — radical Islam — Obama continues to be a good little prog and push forward the agenda to shred our Second Amendment rights to bits.

In light of the San Bernardino mass shooting — which by the way, was composed of a freshly married Muslim couple — is looking to create yet another executive order to make it more difficult to buy firearms at a gun show.

Because background checks have done such a stellar job of stopping crazy people from doing bad things so far, right?

From LA Times:

White House officials are seeking a way to use executive authority to close the so-called gun show loophole that allows thousands of people to buy guns each year without a background check, but complicated legal issues have slowed the process.

Almost three years ago, President Obama asked Congress to change the law to require background checks for weapons sold at gun shows, but a bill to do so died in the Senate – dashing administration hopes for legislative action to address the loophole.

Efforts to use Obama’s executive powers to address the issue took on added urgency in October, when a shooter at a community college in Oregon killed nine people, then shot himself.

Requiring background checks for weapons sold at gun shows might not have had any effect on Wednesday’s shooting in San Bernardino, in which 14 people were killed. So far, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms has determined that two of the weapons used in the assault were legally purchased at a gun shop in Corona.

But White House officials and their allies continue to see expanding the background check system as the most promising avenue to reduce at least some of the deaths caused by guns.

“We all have a part to play,” Obama said, including “legislators” in the list of those who must work to make it more difficult for violent people to get access to weapons.

“Right now, it’s just too easy.”

Notice how this said background checks likely wouldn’t have prevented the shooting — or any of the others — yet the utter lack of success with said method of “gun control” isn’t going to deter them from implementing more.

They’re essentially trying the same solution to the problem, despite knowing this particular solution will fail, but because it helps push their agenda, they’ll do it anyway.

That, my friends, is the definition of insanity.

I’ve said it before, but what the heck, I’ll say it again:

We don’t need gun control. We need terrorist control.

And we just so happen to have millions of certified terrorist control experts at our disposal if only we’d send them out and let them do their jobs.

Unfortunately for us, that goes against the liberal playbook so it won’t likely happen with this president in office.

6 thoughts on “Obama Planning Executive Order for Gun Control

  1. Reblogged this on Rifleman III Journal and commented:
    It’s going to get worse, only because Obama will inflame things. When it does get worse, expect shots fired, all over the nation. Perfect cover for ISIS to take out Obama, and then my only question will be, where do I send the case of hooch?


    • In perusing the NRA FB page and comments about Obama blaming the NRA (again) it’s getting heated. Obama has accomplished one thing in his career, and that is to add literally thousands of new gun owners to the American Landscape. Millions of guns have been sold and likely billions of bullets. This country has built an arsenal of weapons that any dictator would be happy to have supporting him, but loathe having against him.

      Obama accomplished one other thing. He has both divided the country in to racial boxes, and pulled us together as Americans. There are people who are beginning to FINALLY see the division as something bad and not good and are trying to mend things. I personally don’t see the mend happening before the big “Break” comes.

      Obama has pushed us to the brink of an internal civil war with words alone, words from his mouth, his pen and on alleged “laws” like Obamacare, and EOs bent on the destruction of America one piece at a time.

      Well, he is getting his wish, a divided America. I sincerely hope for his sake he takes his family and flees to Argentina or some place soon, so we can forget this part of American History sooner, rather than later.


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