Oath Keepers Founder Calling All Members to Bunkerville

I just found this folks, just giving the heads up!


Oath Keepers Founder Calling All Members to Bunkerville

Stewart Rhodes: “Oath Keepers, this is your time…”
Oath Keepers founder, Stewart Rhodes, contacted me late Tuesday evening with a message for ALL Oath Keepers. Stewart, along with a contingent of patriots from as far away as New Hampshire, are still standing vigil over the Bundy family ranch in Bunkerville, Nevada.  Scores of patriots have already made the trip, including legislators from neighboring western states, but more are needed to relieve those already in place.  I have linked to the audio update below.




Glenn Beck and Tucker Carlson warn conservatives about Bundy ranch dispute

A note here…. I found this lurking around the Internet, trying to put another face on the Bundy situation.
I personally don’t care about the cows.  I care about the fact that the US Government has agencies and bureaucracies that are over reaching, over arming themselves and setting rules that shouldn’t be set in the first place.  Whether Bundy or the Government is wrong here isn’t the point – the point is the government has been duking it out with this rancher now for years and years.
Even in a Home Owners Association with HOA rules that don’t get enforced “in a reasonable period of time” in all fifty states (fifty-seven if you’re Obama of course) can NOT be enforced.
Basically a reasonable period of time might be a year or two, not decades.  The situation is untenable as far as I am personally concerned.  The government is wrong (in my opinion) regardless of the background of this case.   They need to stand down and get out of this fight, and in fact, the RIGHT things to do would be to disarm agencies that shouldn’t be armed.  The Department of Education needs guns and ammo WHY again?  The BLM?  The EPA?  Come on people.  This isn’t about Bundy and some “illegal activities” – this is like gun control.  It’s not about the guns, it’s about the CONTROL the government can hold over each and every individual in America.
Read on:
George Frey/Getty Images
George Frey/Getty Images
Glenn Beck is warning conservatives not to get too caught up in the controversy over Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, who has been illegally grazing his cattle on federal land for more than 15 years. (Read more about the case here.) Yes, the federal government controls too much land out west — and yes, federal rangers went too far with their heavy-handed tactics — but Beck cautions that extremists are using this incident as an excuse to fan the flames of violence.

“We did some research online with PsyID today,” Beck said on his show, “and found that there’s about 10 or 15 percent of the people who are talking about this online that are truly frightening.”

There are many “decent, small-government proponents from groups like the Tea Party” supporting Bundy, Beck continued, and they should be aware this controversy has drawn “violent, anti-government groups” who constitute “the right’s version of Occupy Wall Street.”

Tucker Carlson (my boss at the Daily Caller) made a related point on Fox News’ Special Report Monday night:

I have a lot of sympathy for the Bundys. I think they were completely mistreated by the federal government. But I still think it’s important to point out that this land does not belong to them and that’s not a minor distinction, it’s the essence of private property.

It’s good to see conservatives are finally learning to eschew the knee-jerk impulse that assumes the enemy of my enemy is always my friend.


CIA: The mysterious Area 51 exists!

Like we can’t look at satellite photos ourselves… Pffftttt!


New document shows the CIA is becoming less secretive about Area 51’s existence.

After years of government denials, the CIA is acknowledging in newly declassified documents the existence of Area 51, the mysterious site in central Nevada that has spawned top-secret tools, weapons and not a few UFO conspiracies.

George Washington University’s National Security Archive obtained a CIA history of the U-2 spy plane program through a public records request and released it Thursday.

National Security Archive senior fellow Jeffrey Richelson reviewed the history in 2002, but all mentions of Area 51 had been redacted.

READ: The newly declassified CIA documents

Richelson says he requested the history again in 2005 and received a version a few weeks ago with mentions of Area 51 restored.

Officials have already acknowledged in passing the existence of the facility in central Nevada where the government is believed to test intelligence tools and weapons.

Richelson believes the new document shows the CIA is becoming less secretive about Area 51’s existence, if not about what goes at the location 90 miles north of Las Vegas.

The references are found in a CIA history of the U-2 reconnaissance program written in 1992.

The history even recalls the first time CIA project director Richard Bissell and Air Force officer Col. Osmund Ritlandt spotted the site, which was then an old airstrip by the salt flat named Groom Lake.

They viewed it from aboard a small Beechcraft plane piloted by Tony LeVier, Lockheed’s chief test pilot.


They spotted what appeared to be an airstrip by a salt flat known as Groom Lake, near the northeast corner of the Atomic Energy Commission’s (AEC) Nevada Proving Ground.

After debating about landing on the old airstrip, LeVier set the plane down on the lakebed, and all four walked over to examine the strip. The facility had been used during World War II as an aerial gunnery range for Army Air Corps pilots. From the air the strip appeared to be paved, but on closer inspection it turned out to have originally been fashioned from compacted earth that had turned into ankle-deep dust after more than a decade of disuse.

If LeVier had attempted to land on the airstrip, the plane would probably have nosed over when the wheels sank into the loose soil, killing or injuring all of the key figures in the U-2 project.

The document says the group agreed that the location “would make an ideal site for testing the U-2 and training its pilots,” according to the history.
